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SOC101 (The Contemporary World)  Globalization is a

The Structures of phenomenon, creating
Globalization economic, political, cultural,
and even technological
 Four Structures of forms of connectivity. This
Globalization section focuses on the
1) The Global Economy economic dimension.
focuses on the process of making
the world economy an integral The Global Economy
element of a whole. Also, it  Economic globalization refers
elaborates on the important to the expanding
players of economic globalization. interdependence of world
2) Market Integration covers economies.
the position of international  Global economy or World
financial institutions in global economy refers to the
market integration. international exchange of
3) The Global Interstate goods and services through the
System, tackles the use of monetary units of
consequences of globalization on money
governments and institutions that  Global economy refers to
govern nation-state relations. world economy. It may also
4) Contemporary Global mean as the free movement of
Governance presents the goods, capital, services,
United Nations’ role, function, and technology and information.
the challenges of global  Global economy or economic
governance. globalization is concerned on
the globalization of production,
 What is Globalization? finance, markets, technology,
 Globalization is the process organizational regimes,
of interaction and institutions, corporations, and
integration among the labor.
people, companies, and  In the Philippines, cross-
governments of different border trading can be best
nations, a process driven by illustrated by the country’s
international trade and trading partnerships with
investment and aided by China, the United States,
information technology. and Australia. Moreover,
the flow of international there was economic movement
capital can be observed in in Asia, Africa, and Europe
foreign direct investments through the Silk Road, a
(FDD), a type of investment network of trade routes that
in which a company connected the Fast, particularly
establishes a business in China, and the West.
another country for  Historically, these routes also
production of goods or led to the discovery of the
services and still takes part Philippine islands when
in the management of that Portuguese and Spanish
business. envoys were In search of spices,
 A good example of this is which then spawned
Toyota Motor Philippines colonization.
Corporation which is a  In the contemporary period,
subsidiary of Toyota Motor foreign expatriates come to the
Corporation based in country to manage their
Toyota, Japan. This flow of company’s foreign subsidiaries.
international capital can  Likewise, the Philippines sends
also be observed in foreign thousands of skilled workers to
portfolio investments, trade the Middle East as construction
flows, external assistance workers, seafarers, and nurses.
and external commercial
borrowings, and private  Four Interconnected
loan flows. Dimensions of Economy
 In 2008, the International Bencrzes (2014) identifies four
Monetary Fund (IMF) defined interconnected dimensions of
economic globalization as a economy, namely:
historical process, the result of (1) globalization of trade of goods
human innovation and and services;
technological progress. “It
refers to the increasing (2) globalization of financial and
integration of economies capital markets;
around the world, particularly
through the movement of (3) globalization of technology and
goods, services, and capital communication; and
across borders” (IMF, 2008).
 Economic globalization can be (4) globalization of production.
traced from the time when
Economic  The third dimension
emphasizes various
transactions and Inter-activities
 The first dimension of
that transpire instantly due to
economic interconnectedness
the internet and
is demonstrated in the
communication technology.
establishment of the World
 Moreover, the fourth
Trade Organization (WTO) that
dimension is best illustrated by
eases trade among countries.
the existence of multinational
 WTO, established in 1995,
corporations (MNCs) and
“ensures that trade flows as
transnational corporations
smoothly, predictably, and
freely as possible” (WTO, 2012).
 An MNC is a big company
 Another indicator is the
that does business in
emergence of China as a major
several countries, but it still
supplier and exporter of
follows a central plan from
manufactured goods that has
its home country. It's like a
affected the world economy.
big tree with many
China-made products or parts
branches, and the roots are
are sent to the United States.
in one place.
 To meet this demand, China
 Example: McDonald's is
creates more jobs for its
a multinational
citizens. Another good example
corporation because it
of economic globalization of
has restaurants in many
trade and services is the
countries, but its
increasing number of business
headquarters and main
process outsourcing (BPO)
decisions are in the
companies in the Philippines.
United States.
 The second dimension is
 A TNC is also a big company
evident in the liberalization of
that operates in many
financial and capital markets.
countries, but it doesn't
This is seen in cross-listing of
have a strong connection to
shares on one or more foreign
any particular home
stock exchange, cross-hedging
country. It's like a company
and diversification of portfolio,
with offices all over the
and round-the-clock trading
world, and they work
worldwide (National Research
together like one big team
Council, 1995).
without a single central
 Example: Nestlé is often services in the Philippines, offering
considered a banking and financial solutions.
transnational Accenture: Accenture is a
corporation because it transnational consulting and
has operations and professional services firm that
decision-making operates in the Philippines,
processes distributed providing a wide range of business
globally, without being and technology services to clients
strongly tied to a worldwide.
specific home country.
Some examples of multinational Effect of Globalization
and transnational corporations
on Labor Conditions
that operate in the Philippines:
Multinational Corporations  Increase job opportunities
(MNCs):  Upgrade education system
Procter & Gamble (P&G): and leads to more training
P&G is a multinational consumer  Increase labor standard
goods company with a presence in  Increase labor productivity
the Philippines, manufacturing and  Pressure firms to correct
selling products like Tide, Pampers, labor abuses
and Pantene.
Coca-Cola: The Coca-Cola  Globalization of Corporation
Company is a well-known refers to a company or group of
multinational beverage company people authorized to act as a
that manufactures and sells Coca single entity and recognized as
Cola products in the Philippines. such law that operates globally
or internationally.
Transnational Corporations (TNCs):  Global corporation refers to a
International Business company or corporation that
Machines (IBM) is a technology operates in more than one
company that operates globally, country which has significant
providing IT services and solutions. investments and facilities in
It has a presence in the Philippines multiple countries but lack
with offices and operations. dominant headquarters.
The Hongkong and Shanghai  Global business (as mentioned
Banking Corporation (HSBC) is a by Michael Porter) refers to
global financial services business that maintains a
organization with branches and strong headquarters in one
country, but has investments in MARKET INTEGRATION
multiple foreign location.  Market integration delves into
 International company is one the role of international
that has headquarters likewise financial institutions, such as
it does business overseas and the International Monetary
might have a large presence in Fund (IMF) and the World
multiple areas. Bank, in the process of global
 The establishment of an market integration. These
international monetary system institutions play a significant
(IMS) is one of the actors that role in shaping economic
facilitate economic policies, providing financial
globalization. support, and influencing the
 IMs refers to internationally economic stability of countries
agreed rules, conventions, and on a global scale.
institutions for facilitating
international trade,
The Global Interstate
investments, and flow of
capital among nation-states. System
 Historically, there are three STATE
global IMS—the gold standard,  Body of people politically
the Bretton Woods System, organized under a government
and the European Monetary within a definite territory.
System (EMS).  A nation or territory considered
 In conclusion, economic as an organized political
globalization affects all nations community under one
and citizens through the government.
increasing integration of NATION
economies around the  The concept of nation
borderless world. Its important emphasizes the organic ties
players are the nation-states, that hold groups of people
global corporations, and the together ang inspire a sense of
international monetary loyalty and belonging—i.e.,
systems. Though some people ethnicity, language, religion,
believe that economic and others (Schattle, 2014).
globalization brings unity of all  Combining these two, a nation
economic movements, others state can then be defined as a
believe that globalization political community that
furthers the separation among emanates from civic society to
nation-states wound the world. legitimately execute peace.
Thus, the civic society is the specialized agency of the
basis of the people's oneness. United Nations.
 Members: 194 member
 Aside from United Nations (UN), states
there are some of the key  Functions: WHO is
international institutions responsible for global
governing various aspects of public health. It sets
international relations, international health
including peace and security, standards, conducts
health, education, economics, research, monitors health
and regional cooperation in the trends, provides technical
world. assistance to countries, and
responds to health
Institutions Governing emergencies, including
International Relations
 United Nations (UN)  United Nations Educational,
 Established: Founded on Scientific and Cultural
October 24, 1945. Organization (UNESCO)
 Members: 194 member  Established: Founded on
states. November 16, 1945, as a
specialized agency of the
 Functions: The UN serves as United Nations.
a forum for international
 Members: 193 member
cooperation, diplomacy,
and problem-solving. Its
 Functions: UNESCO
functions include
promotes international
maintaining international
collaboration in education,
peace and security,
science, culture, and
promoting economic and
communication. Its
social development,
activities include protecting
upholding human rights,
cultural heritage, advancing
and providing humanitarian
education, supporting
media freedom, and
fostering cross-cultural
 World Health Organization
 Established: Founded on
April 7, 1948, as a
 United Nations Children's Fund  World Trade Organization
 Established: Founded on  Established: Officially
December 11, 1946, as a established on January 1,
subsidiary of the United 1995, succeeding the
Nations. General Agreement on
 Members: 194 member Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
states.  Members: 164 member
 Functions: UNICEF works to countries.
improve the well-being of  Functions: The WTO
children worldwide. It administers global trade
provides humanitarian aid, rules, facilitates
supports access to negotiations on trade
education, healthcare, and agreements, and provides a
nutrition, advocates for forum for dispute
children's rights, and resolution in international
responds to emergencies trade disputes. It aims to
affecting children. promote free and fair trade
among its members.
 International Monetary Fund
(IMF)  Association of Southeast Asian
 Established: Founded on Nations (ASEAN)
July 22, 1944, with  Established: Founded on
operations commencing in August 8, 1967.
1947.  Members: ASEAN consists
 Members: 190 member of 10 member states:
countries Brunei, Cambodia,
 Functions: The IMF Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
promotes international Myanmar, the Philippines,
monetary cooperation and Singapore, Thailand, and
exchange rate stability. It Vietnam.
provides financial  Functions: ASEAN promotes
assistance to member regional stability, economic
countries facing balance of cooperation, and
payments problems and integration among
offers policy advice on Southeast Asian nations. Its
economic and financial functions include political
matters. and security cooperation,
economic development,  World Bank Group
and cultural exchange.  Established: The World
Bank was established in
 Group of Eight (G8) 1944, and the World Bank
 Established: Informally Group as a whole consists
founded in the 1970s, with of five institutions,
meetings beginning in the including the International
1990s. Note that it became Bank for Reconstruction
the Group of Seven (G7) in and Development (IBRD)
2014 when Russia was and the International
suspended. Development Association
 Members: The G8 originally (IDA).
included Canada, France,  Members: The World Bank
Germany, Italy, Japan, has 189 member countries
Russia, the United Kingdom, (as of my last knowledge
and the United States. update).
 Functions: The G8 (now G7)  Functions: The World Bank
is an informal forum of Group provides financial
major industrialized and technical assistance to
democracies. It discusses developing countries for
global economic issues, infrastructure development,
security, and international poverty reduction, and
relations. economic development.

 North Atlantic Treaty  African Union (AU)

Organization (NATO)  Established: Founded on
 Established: Founded on July 26, 2001, as a
April 4, 1949. successor to the
 Members: NATO has 30 Organization of African
member countries Unity (OAU).
 Functions: NATO is a  Members: The African
military alliance focused on Union has 55 member
collective defense and states (as of my last
security. It aims to ensure knowledge update).
the security and stability of  Functions: The AU
its member states through promotes political and
mutual defense and economic integration in
cooperation. Africa, peace and security,
and sustainable
development on the  These have limited or
continent. It also works to demarcated power to
address regional conflicts enforce compliance.
and crises.  Institution of Global
 Organization of American  United Nations
States (OAS)  International Criminal
 Established: Founded on Court
April 30, 1948.  World Bank
 Members: The OAS has 35
member countries in the Global Governance
Americas (as of my last  It describe global governance
knowledge update). as the totality of norms, laws,
 Functions: The OAS policies, and bodies that define,
promotes democracy, comprise, and facilitate
human rights, and regional transnational relations
security in the Americas. It between citizens, states,
also provides a forum for cultures, and
diplomatic dialogue and intergovernmental, and non
conflict resolution. governmental organizations.
Rules and norms put
CONCLUSION everything in order. Though
4 Overall, the global interstate global governance is rule-based,
system is a facet of contemporary it has no central authority,
political globalization that seeks to However, there are systems for
form collaboration among nation- international relationships that
states through the establishment bind the states, people, and
of intergovernmental organizations. society together.
It is rooted on the idea of  Since the United Nations (UN)
internationalism. has the most number of
members among the
World Governance established global systems, this
 Movement towards political section discusses its organs,
cooperation among roles, and functions.
transnational actors, aimed at  UN is composed of six
negotiating responses to organs.
problems that affect more than  The General Assembly is
one state or region. the central deliberative and
the only organ where all  The UN does not have its own
member-states have equal military but it has
representation in peacekeeping force which are
discussion and supplied by the member states.
consideration, and policy  The UN aims to protect human
making. rights and provide
 The Security Council is the humanitarian assistance when
organ which has the needed.
commitment to preserve  The UN plays an Integral part in
peace and security. social and economic
 The Economic and Social development through its UN
Council is the main organ Development Program.
for cooperation, policy  The UN likewise annually
review, policy dialogue, and publishes the Human
advice on social, economic, Development Index to rank
and environmental issues. countries in terms of poverty,
 The Trusteeship Council is literacy, education, and life
the organ tasked to expectancy.
administer international  UN General Assembly –
oversight for 11 trust occupies the central position as
territories and to make sure the chief deliberative,
that adequate procedures policymaking, and
are taken for independence representative organs of the
and self-government. United Nations.
 The International Court of
Justice is UN’s prime
Challenges of Global
judicial organ.
 The Secretariat is the organ Government in the 21st
tasked to execute the daily Century
activities as assigned by the  Climate Change, Poverty,
five other organs. Violent Conflict, Intolerance,
and Extremism present direct
Functions of United threats to the unity and well-
being of the International or
Nations Global Community
 The main function of UN is to
 Attacks on cultural rights and
maintain peace and security for
cultural heritage, particularly in
all of its member-states.
Syria, Iraq, and Mali threaten
the Inter-Cultural Tolerance.
3 Points to Address the Globalization vs
Challenges of Global Internationalization
Government in the 21st GLOBALIZATION
 Globalization refers to global
Century (Irina Bokova,
economic integration of many
Director General of and formerly national
UNESCO, 2016) economies into one global
 First, openness of mind and economy – mainly by free trade
out-of-box thinking is crucial. and free capital mobility.
New ideas must be  Globalization refers to the
transformed into norms interconnectedness of people
(Efforts to teach people about and business across the world
the history of the Holocaust/ that eventually lead to global,
program promoting internet cultural, political, and
literacy/ help to instill common economic integration
values to the youth/ create  Global means worldwide
environments that are
conducive to respectful INTERNATIONALIZATION
dialogue)  Internationalization refers to
 Second, the international the increasing importance of
community must build resilient international trade,
societies (Fighting exclusion international relations, treaties,
and fostering inclusion/ alliances and others.
Participation of women in all  International means between
sectors) or among nation.
 Third, new thinking about internationalism is basically
peace building. (The world anchored on the opinion that
urgently needs legitimate and nationalism should be outrun
effective peace efforts, before, because links that bind people
during, and after conflicts. of different countries are more
Preventive measures are key powerful than those that
and must involve the soft disconnect them.
power embodied by UNESCO’s  Globalism refers to the
educational and inter-cultural operation or planning of
program) economic and foreign policy on
a global basis. It emerged as an
attitude that seeks to
understand all the
interconnections of the
modern world and to highlight
patterns that underlie them. It
pursues to describe and explain
a world that is characterized by
a network of connections that
span multi-continental

To conclude, contemporary
global governance defines the
political scope of globalization.
Cooperation among nation-states
is the only way to reform and
advance the roles and functions of
interstate relationships despite
real challenges being faced by
United Nations.

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