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ENGLISH WEEK- English as a global language: bridging cultures, connecting the


Proposed Activities

Lower Primary (G1-G2)

 Quiz Bee
 Poem Recitation
 Book character parade (5-10 representative per class)
 Impromptu Speech

Primary (G3-G5)

 Quiz Bee
 Spelling Bee
 Debate competition (2 groups per class with 3 members)
 Chamber’s Theatre (Write their own script)
 Book character parade (5-10 representative per class)
 Impromptu Speech

Lower Secondary (G6-8)

 Quiz Bee
 Spelling Bee
 Debate competition (G7-10)
 Oratorical Speech “The two standards”
 Short Film Competition
 Impromptu Speech

IGCSE (G9-10)

 Quiz Bee
 Spelling Bee
 Debate competition (G7-10)
 Oratorical Speech “The two standards”
 Short Film Competition
 Impromptu Speech

Mr. and Ms. KVIS 2024 – (G5-G10)

English Week Activities Timetable

Fri, Jan 19 Mon, Jan 22 Tues, Jan 23 Wed, Jan 24 Thurs, Jan 25 Fri, Jan 26
Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Elimination Opening Debate Short Film Short Film Mr. and Ms. KVIS
Ceremony competition Competition Competition Final
Spelling Bee (G6-8) (G9-10)  Opening
Book Oratorical number
Quiz Bee character Speech Chamber’s Mr. and Ms.  Casual Wear
parade Theatre KVIS  Formal Wear
Impromptu Preliminary
Final round Speech  Talent Awarding Ceremony
Spelling Bee  Cosplay
Final dress)
Quiz Bee
Primary and
Quiz Bee
English Group Quiz Bee


Team Formation: Participants form teams, three Members each team, three groups
per class. Teams can be organized by participants themselves or assigned by their

Question Categories: Questions are divided into different categories, such as

literature, grammar, vocabulary, famous quotes, and perhaps even English-related
pop culture.

Round Structure: The quiz is structured into rounds, each focusing on specific
categories. This could include multiple-choice questions, true or false, fill in the blanks,
or short answer questions. Three different rounds (Easy round: 10 multiple choice
questions- 1 mark each, Average round: 10 identification questions- 2 marks each
and Difficult round: true or false, fill in the blanks, or short answer questions -3
marks each)

Time Limits: Each question is assigned a time limit for teams to provide their answers.
This adds an element of urgency and prevents prolonged deliberation.

Scoring System: Points are awarded for each correct answer. The scoring system
may vary based on the difficulty of the question or the round.

Team Discussions: Depending on the format, teams might have a brief discussion
period before submitting their final answer. This allows for collaboration and the
pooling of collective knowledge.

Elimination Rounds: If there are multiple rounds, teams could be eliminated based on
their performance. This adds a competitive edge and keeps the quiz dynamic.

Final Round: The top-performing teams advance to the final round, which could
feature challenging questions or a unique format to determine the ultimate winner.

Tiebreaker Rules: In the case of a tie, there should be predetermined tiebreaker

questions or activities to determine the winning team.

Audience Interaction: Depending on the setting, there might be opportunities for the
audience to participate, adding an interactive element to the quiz.
Short Film Competition (Lower Secondary/IGCSE)


Short Films

Storytelling 30%

 How do you rate the filmmaker/s storytelling?

 Consider in your rating:
 Does the story have a clear structure and plot?
 Are the characters adequately developed and relevant?
 Is the story original and engaging?
 Are the images arranged logically and effectively in a way that fits the purpose
of the film?
 Does the film have pace and continuity?

Creativity and Originality 30%

 How do you rate the filmmakers’ creativity and originality?

 Consider in your rating:
 Does the writing and direction use imaginative and creative ways to convey the
 Does the film exhibit originality?
 Does the film display innovative ideas or story telling techniques?

Audience Engagement 20%

 How do you rate the audience engagement of the film?

 Consider in your rating:
 How strongly does this entry stimulate thoughts and ideas?
 Does the film provoke an emotional response?

Technical Quality 20%

 How do you rate the technical quality of the film?

There are three technical components to rate the technical skills and methods

Cinematography 10%

 Is the camera steady and are the shots framed and focused?
 Are close-ups and camera angles used to add meaning to the story?
 Is the lighting and camera positioning visually effective?

Editing 5%

 Does the editing help to clarify the story and enhance the pacing and flow of the
 Are transitions smooth and well-paced or distracting?
 Are the opening titles and closing credits appealing and easy to read?

Audio, Music, Sound Effects 5%

 Does the audio and soundtrack complement the story?

 Is the dialogue and/or narration clear and easy to understand?
 If there are sound effects, are they appropriate to the story or do they
 detract from the film?


awards will be given in this category, to wit:

 Best Musical Score  2nd Place Short Film

 Best Script Writer  1st Place Short Film

 Best cinematography  Best Short Film

 Best Supporting Actress

 Best Supporting Actor GENRES

 Best Actress  Drama

 Comedy
 Best Actor
 Horror/ Thriller
 People’s Choice Award  Family
 Documentary Film
 Best Director
 Fantasy

Place one of these numbers in each box below, then total carefully.

5 — Outstanding in nearly every detail. 4 — Minor defects.

3 — Lacking finesse and/or interpretation. 2 — Basic weaknesses. 1 — Unsatisfactory


Poise and Appearance
Consider: Posture, balance and
control of the body, platform
presence, appropriate attire
Consider: Tone quality, projection
Diction and Grammar Consider:
Proper word usage and
Consider: Audience eye contact and
Consider: Appropriate hand motions,
facial expressions,
Quality of Idea
Consider: Maturity of thought

Consider: Logical organization of
Standard: Must provide bibliography
or source
Introduction and Conclusion
Consider: Theme clearly stated,
Memorization Consider: Speech
must follow outline or manuscript and
may not use notes
Christian Message Content
Consider: Christian


Debate Competition (G7-10)

 One group representative each class with three students in one group.
 Students will receive the topic and position in advance and will have the chance
to prepare.
 Each category's winning group will compete and have a discussion on a
suggested topic; however, they will also draw lots that day to determine
whether or not they support the suggested topic.
 Opening Statements: Teams present their opening statements, outlining their
main arguments and positions on the topic. The order of speakers is often
 Rebuttals: Teams then engage in a series of rebuttals, where they respond to
the arguments presented by the opposing team. This is a crucial phase for
refuting and weakening the opponent's case.
 Cross-Examination: In some formats, there's a cross-examination period where
members of one team can question members of the opposing team to
challenge their arguments.
 Closing Statements: The debate concludes with closing statements,
summarizing the main points and reinforcing the team's position.
 Judging: A panel of judges evaluates the debate based on specific criteria.

Salary rate of Urban

Learning additional
employees and Rural
Topic language aside from
Employees should be
Criteria Group 1 Group 3 Group 2 Group 4
Organization & Clarity: (40%)
Main arguments and responses are outlined in
a clear and orderly way.
25 35
Use of Argument: (25%)
Reasons are given to support the resolution.
Very strong and persuasive arguments given
throughout 15 20
Use of cross-examination and rebuttal: (20%)
Identification of weakness in Negative team’s
arguments and ability to defend itself against
attack. 10 10
Presentation Style: (15%)
Tone of voice, clarity of expression, precision
of arguments all contributes to keeping
audience’s attention and persuading them of
the team’s case. 5 5
TOTAL (100%) 55 70 0 0
SCORED BY: Winner Winner
Impromptu Speech


 Topic Selection: Participants are given a limited time (usually a few minutes) to choose
a topic randomly or from a set of options.
 Preparation Time: After selecting a topic, participants are given a brief preparation time
(typically 1-2 minutes) to organize their thoughts and structure their speech.
 Time Limit: There is usually a predetermined time limit for the speech, commonly
ranging from 5 to 7 minutes. There may be penalties for exceeding this limit.
 Delivery: Participants are then expected to deliver their impromptu speech within the
allocated time frame. Points are often deducted for going under or over the time limit.
 Judging: A panel of judges assesses each participant's performance based on specific

Criterion Excellent Very Good Good Fair Score

8-10 6-7 4-5 1-3

Subject Full subject In-depth Adequate Not enough

Knowledge and knowledge (more knowledge of the knowledge of the information is
Coverage than required). subject is subject is presented to judge
demonstrated. demonstrated. the speaker’s

Organization The speech The speech The speech Speech is

shows a strong shows skill and follows a logical unorganized.
structure and creativity in the progression.
structure organization.
enhances the
effect of the

Voice Volume, tone, Voice and Voice and Volume,

timing, inflection, language are language are pronunciation, or
and language are skillful and adequate for the vocal variation
used to enhance effective. delivery of the needs
speech. speech. improvement.

Manner and Appearance and Appearance and Appearance and Appearance,

Appearance mannerisms are mannerisms are mannerisms are mannerisms, or
presented with a presented with appropriate. body gestures
professional business-like need
demeanor and conduct and style. improvement.
personal style.

Closing Closing is creative Closing is well The closing is Closing is missing

and contributes to organized and clear and or unclear.
a unified and effective. organized.

Effectiveness Multiple Efforts are shown Audience interest More practice is

techniques are to enhance is maintained. needed to
used to artfully interest and maintain audience
and successfully involvement. interest.
create audience
Book Character Costumer Parade


 Theme and Rules: The competition may have a specific theme or set of rules.
Participants could be asked to choose characters from a particular genre, author, or
time period.
 Participant Registration: Interested individuals register for the competition, indicating
the character they will be portraying. This allows organizers to plan and ensure a
diverse array of characters.
 Costume Creation: Participants are responsible for creating their costumes. This could
involve crafting, sewing, or sourcing costume elements to accurately represent their
chosen characters.
 Presentation: Participants showcase their costumes to a panel of judges and possibly
the audience. This could include a brief description of the character, the book they're
from, and why the participant chose them.
 Judging: A panel of judges assesses each costume based on predetermined criteria.
This can be a combination of creativity, accuracy, and presentation.
 Audience Involvement: In some competitions, there might be a component where the
audience gets to vote for their favorite costumes. This adds an interactive element to
the event.
 Prizes: Winners may be awarded prizes, which could range from certificates and book
vouchers to themed merchandise or even recognition in a school or community setting.


(10-8 points) (7-5 points) (4-2 points) (1-0 points) Scores

Costume The costume The costume The costume The costume is

wholly represents relatively inadequately found to be out of
the literary/ represents the compliance with
literary/ Represents the the dress code and
historical literary/ poorly represents
historical the character
character historical

Resourcefulness Recycled Recycled Recycled Recycled

materials/ props materials/props materials/props materials/props
have been have been have been have not been
innovatively used/created sparingly used/created
used/created used/created

Originality The costume is The costume is The costume is The costume lacks
unique and quite original and conventional and in originality and
imaginative. presentable. similar to others. imagination.

Presentation The student is The student The student The student does
able to represent somewhat poorly represents not represent the
the character and represents the the character and character and fails
convinces the character and tries struggles to to convince the
audience. to convince the convince the audience.
audience. audience.
Chamber’s Theatre


 Play Selection: Participants choose or are assigned a play to perform. The

plays could range from classical dramas to contemporary pieces, adding variety
to the competition.
 Rehearsal Period: Teams or individuals are given a designated time to prepare
and rehearse their chosen play. This could involve blocking, character
development, and understanding the nuances of the chosen script.
 Script: Students must write their own script and story with full guidance of their
English teachers.
 Performance: Each team or participant performs their play on the Chamber's
Theatre stage. The performances may be scheduled over a series of days or in
a single event, depending on the number of participants.
 Audience Engagement: Audience members, whether fellow participants or
general attendees, may have the opportunity to provide feedback or ask
questions after each performance. This adds an interactive element to the
 Judging: A panel of judges evaluates each performance based on specific

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