MOA - Physician

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This MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT is entered between The

MUNICIPALITY OF BINDOY, a local government unit with office address at
Bindoy, Negros Oriental, Philippines, represented by Hon. ENIEGO C.
JABAGAT, hereinafter referred to as the “FIRST PARTY.”


Dr. ESTELA B. TUSE, of legal age, married, Filipino, and a resident of

Poblacion, Bindoy, Negros Oriental, hereinafter referred to as “SECOND

WHEREAS, DOH Administrative Order No. 2012-0012 known as “Rules

and Regulations Governing the new Classification of Hospitals and Other Health
Facilities”, Section B.3a., states that every health facility shall have a duly
licensed physician to oversee the clinical/medical operations of the health facility;

WHEREAS, based on Annex-C of the above administrative order, the

minimum requirement licensing requirements of a birthing home facility, a
physician should have valid certificate of training on Basic Emergency Obstetric
and Newborn Care (BEmonC);

WHEREAS, PhilHealth Circular 31, s-2013 Section VI B. that professional

services must be provided by accredited health care professionals.

WHEREAS, the Rural Health Unit of Bindoy has physician but not yet
trained on Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmonC), ongoing
processing on his PhilHealth accreditation, and has operational PhilHealth
Accredited 24/7 Maternity Lying-in Clinic and TB DOTS serving 22 Barangays of

WHEREAS, the First Party is in need of the services of the Second Party
who shall perform work not performed by any regular personnel of the First Party;

WHEREAS, the Second Party is a registered Physician, duly licensed by

the Professional Regulation Commission, a General Practitioner (GP), with a
good standing from the accredited professional organization of physicians of
PRC, has training on Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC),
and Accredited Professional Health Care Provider in PhilHealth;
WHEREAS, the Second Party possesses the education, experience,
skills, and expertise required to perform the job as described herein;

WHEREAS, the Second Party has manifested her intention, to which the
First Party has accepted, to provide services needed by the latter;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereunto enter into this Memorandum of

Agreement with the following stipulation/s:

1. The Second Party is shall be obligated to compensate the partner

physician on the amount of Php 40,000.00 monthly as retainer fee,
charge against Health Care Institution (HCI) PhilHealth share;

2. The Second Party shall perform the functions enumerated herein in the
Rural Health Unit Maternity Lying in Clinic and TB DOTS facility of the
Municipality of Bindoy at the time and schedule to agree upon by the

3. Said functions to be performed by the second party under this MOA

are in line with the services offered/ needed in Bindoy Rural Health
Unit of the First Party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereunto affix their signatures this

______ day of ________in Bindoy, Negros Oriental, Philippines.

First Party

Represented by Hon. ENIEGO C. JABAGAT

Municipal Mayor


Second Party Signed in the presence of:

_______________________ __________________________

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