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Resume Screening:

For any resume screening we need to capture below details must before proceeding

1. Full name of the Candidate

2. Contact details of the candidate (contact number and E-mail address)
3. Complete Educational details with completed years
4. Total years of Experience (calculate by yourself for the clarification)
5. Experience in United states of America (mention)
6. Experience in other countries (Mention)
7. Find out any experience gaps in his carrier (if gap is there talk to the candidate and get those
8. Do not consider any profiles if they start their carriers with banking industries from other
countries except USA
Job Description Analysis:

Job analysis is the process of studying a job to determine which activities and responsibilities it
includes, its relative importance to other jobs, the qualifications necessary for performance of the
job and the conditions under which the work is performed.

1. Once you get the job description from the manager you need to understand the requirement
clearly. (Go through the job description multiple times)
2. After understanding the job description, you need to separate it into 3 different parts like
(General information, primary skills, secondary skills)
3. General Information contains (Job Title job location, duration of the project, client name,
contract type, years of experience required and pay rate)
4. Primary Skills are the skills which are mandatory required by the client and those skills
should be there in the resumes which you are submitting to the client.
5. Secondary skills are the skills which are also required but not required sometimes.

Primary skills identification:

In the resume you can see like must required needed strongly preferred and must have these are the
words you can see before the skills mentioned on the job description.

Secondary skills Identification:

You see on the resume like plus optional these words before the skills consider those as secondary
Tools and Technologies:

1. Java Tools
2. .Net Tools
3. Databases
4. Python Tools
5. Devops Tools
6. Hadoop Tools
7. Testing tools
8. Salesforce tools
9. Mobile Applications

Java Tools and Technologies:

Java will have 3 different types of roles basically.

1. Java front end developer

2. Java backend developer
3. Java full stack developer

Java front end developer: java front end developers are the developers they will focusing on the
designing parts for this they will using the skills like


Java Backed developer: java backend developers are the developers they will be focusing on the
backend coding part for this they will be using the skills like


Java full stack developer: java full stack developers are the developers these developers will have
both the knowledge on front end and back end.

Java will also have frameworks like

(Angular JS React Js Node Js , Spring, spring boot, Bootstrap, Servlets, JSP , Jboss , Jquery.)

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