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The Orientalist Views on The

Identity of Saracen in Walter

Scott’s The Talisman

Muhamad Alief Rahman

Focus of The Research

01 Structuralism 02 Orientalism
Identity: Idea of Europe,
Structure of the Novel
Point of View Hegemony, doctrines, and

The Talisman
Walter Scott

The Talisman is one of the historical fiction novels

that is important to study because this novel has
one thing related to the identity of the Saracens,
who are an Arab tribe that is told as the mortal
enemy of the crusaders in the crusades. The
Saracen identity described by Scott's has many
receptions regarding the Saracen identity. One
Edinburgh magazine praised the characterization,
diction and costumes. However, he criticized the
excessive use of oriental themes. The Talisman is
also the first novel in English that describes
Muslims in a positive way..
1. What is narrator’s view toward the identity of
Saracen in Scott’s The Talisman?

2. How are the Orientalist views on the identity

of Saracen portrayed in Scott’s The Talisman?

Qualitative Descriptive
Findings and Discussion

“The Saracen looked at him with as much surprise

as his manners permitted him to testify, which was
only expressed by a slight approach to a disdainful
smile, that hardly curled perceptibly the broad,
thick moustache which enveloped his upper lip.”

—Scott, 1825: 21
Narrator’s Views

Stereotypes Humiliate

Discreet Glorify

Idea of Europe Hegemony


Saracen identity according to the narrator's view

is divided into several views, including
stereotypes, humiliate, glorify, and discreet.
Also the identity of the Saracens in the
Orientalist view includes several things
regarding the idea of Europe, hegemony, and

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