Yr 8 GIS

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Geographical Information Systems

The Birth of Geographical Information
Systems 1.1
Learning Objectives
All: Identify why Dr. John Snow was so important
to GIS
Most: Discuss the cause of the cholera outbreak
Some: Explain how Dr. John Snow found the source
of the cholera outbreak by using maps
Extension: write 2 paragraphs discussing which
type of maps are better Paper maps or Digital
How did the Water get infected?
• Most people got their water from
pumps (no indoor plumbing)
• No proper sewage system; they used
• The cesspool was full of cholera
bacteria which leaked into the water
system at the broad street pump.
Video Clip
Activity-manual map making
• Photo based activity
• Make a list of different themes in the photo and make a key
for the photo e.g. Pond is a theme, trees are another
• Use transparent papers to draw each theme separately
• Make a layer for each theme
• Combine all the layers together
• Make final layered map
Aerial photo for task
1.2 Meet GIS
Learning Objectives
All: can say what the acronym ‘GIS’ stands for?
Most: List different ways we can use GIS
Some: Explain how you would use GIS for a Flood
Extension : Do you think GIS is important in the Army?
Write a paragraph explaining your answer.
GIS Definition
GIS has a map as a base
and layers of other
information on top of
each other layer, using a
computer programme.
Key words
• GIS (Geographical information System)
• GPS (Global Positioning System)
• Data- Database= all the information you
have for a layer e.g. size of the pond or
length of the river
• Manual maps= Made by hand
• Digital maps= Made by computer
Lets look at the book (pg 8 and 9) to see how we can
use GIS to warn people about flooding
Group Chat Timed Group Work!

What is a digital map?

Discuss in your group and Write into your book
about the characteristics of digital maps

5 min starts ... NOW!

From paper to paperless
• They are based on computer
• We can update them anytime
• Depends on data collection and data
• Click on map and collect your
• Different uses from business to
1.3 Using GIS to fight Crime
Learning Objectives
All: Recall Map skills of 4 & 6 figure grid
Most: list different ways that GIS can be used to
fight crime
Some: explain how GIS can create a safer society
to live in
Extension: GIS is a form of digital surveillance,
write a paragraph about digital surveillance and
its pros and cons.
GIS to fight Crime
The Police use GIS,
They store
information on all
different types of
crimes so they can
look for patterns and
highlight areas that
need more police
Video Clip
1.4 More About the Data
Learning Objectives
All: Recall the meaning of Data and Database
Most: List the different types of data that are
stored on GIS
Some: explain how data is transferred around
the world on GIS
Extension: list 4 different types of jobs that
can benefit from GIS data explain your
answer for each type of job.
Using the picture flow chart below explain how
we receive data to our GIS devices?
GIS Depends on Data!
• Without data GIS is no good to us, the
system needs to be constantly updated so
that all the information given is accurate
• It depends on Longitude and latitude
• Post Codes
• Global Positioning Systems (GPS) a inbuilt
into your mobiles that can give your exact
latitude and longitude – some cars also
have them!
Video Clip
1.5 Where and How do we use GIS?
Learning Objectives
All: list the different ways we use GIS
Most: discuss how GIS affects our every day
Some: Explain the hidden ways we use GIS
Extension: Have you ever wrote or received a
letter? No you say! What would life be like without
GIS, phones, computers, internet etc. write a letter
to yourself on how to survive without these things.
How do we use GIS?
Everyday GIS!
The world at your finger tips!

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