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Design methodologies for

smoke and heat exhaust


H P Morgan
B K Ghosh
G Garrad
BRE FRS R Pamlitschka
J-C De Smedt
L R Schoonbaert
Photo acknowledgements
Front cover photo courtesy of:
Brussels International Airport
Company (BIAC)

Plates courtesy of:

Colt: Plates 1, 3, 5 and 6
Cooper Group: Plate 4
IFSET: Plates 2, J1, J2, J3 and J4
Garston, Watford

Design methodologies
for smoke and heat
exhaust ventilation

H P Morgan BSc, PhD, C Phys, M lnst P, F IFire E

B K Ghosh MSc, BA, C Phys, M lnst P, Dip Math

G Garrad BSC, MSc

DipI Ing R Pamlitschka (Colonel)

J-C De Smedt A I Fire E

Ing L R Schoonbaert DipI CFPA, A I Fire E

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BRE publications can
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BR 368
ISBN 1 86081 289 9

© Copyright BRE 1999

First published 1999

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Front cover photo:

Hot-smoke test at Brussels
Airport, Belgium

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Use by fire engineers of smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems (SHEVS as they have become
known) has grown in recent years. It is therefore welcome that this guide has been produced
which provides the fire engineer with assessment design methodologies for the use of these
systems. SHEVS require the most careful design prior to introduction. It is important however to
ensure, as with all fire-engineering designs, that due regard is taken over issues such as escape time
and fire growth since these features provide the base upon which the design parameters can be
It is also important that due regard be ultimately made regarding the maintenance of any
systems installed and current guidance, primarily within the British Standards Institution’s DD240
Fire safety engineering in buildings. DD240 has introduced the overall design process which the fire
engineer should consider. DD240 also makes it clear that caution is necessary and that all options
have to be considered before entering into a particular design process. SHEVS is one of those
options and this book therefore provides comprehensive identification of the issues which need
consideration. It is particularly important to pay attention, as the document outlines, to the
restrictions of computer software modelling programs, as it is also for the fire engineer to
recognize there are limitations as to what any systems (and that includes SHEVS) can achieve.
With these thoughts in mind, this book provides a most useful and comprehensive review of
current thinking regarding SHEVS design methodologies for utilization by the fire engineer.


HM Chief Inspector of Fire Services for Scotland
1 June 1999


This guide summarizes the advice available from the Fire Research Station, to designers of Smoke
and Heat Exhaust Ventilation Systems (SHEVS) for atria and other buildings. It builds upon
currently available published advice (especially BRE Report Design approaches for smoke control in
atrium buildings , but also BRE Report Design principles for smoke ventilation in enclosed shopping
centres ), by including more guidance on the use of the methods given, and by including the
results of research carried out since the publication of ref. [13] in 1994. In particular, the use of a
design fire size is considered in more detail, including:
• a discussion of growing fires,
• formulae and calculation methods to determine the deflection of smoke curtains in fire
situations so that the specification of smoke curtains can become part of the SHEVS design,
• the effects due to airflow on the efficiency of natural smoke exhaust ventilators and on the
stability of smoke layers.

This guide does not consider the scenario where a fire in a room connecting to an atrium causes a
flame plume to rise into the atrium. In this context, any large space adjoining the fire room may be
considered to be an atrium, eg malls in shopping complexes.
A discussion is included of the factors which need to be considered when specifying the
hardware (ventilators, smoke curtains, etc.) required to implement the design in a building.
Some advice is also included on:
• factors to be considered in installing the system in buildings,
• how to test the functioning of the equipment separately and as a complete system once it has
been installed, and
• ‘good practice’ measures involving the management and maintenance of the system when the
building is in everyday use.

The purpose of this book therefore is to provide practical guidance on the design of smoke-control
systems. It reflects current knowledge and is based on the results of research where available,
including as yet unpublished results of experiments. In addition, it draws on the authors’
cumulative experience of design features required for regulatory purposes in many individual
smoke-control applications. Many of these design features have evolved over several years by
consensus between regulatory authorities, developers and fire scientists, rather than by specific
The methodology underpinning the book is explicitly empirical in approach and can easily be
extended to most buildings. Where guidance is necessary to address practical design issues but
there are gaps in the established knowledge-base, the authors have exercised their professional
judgement in offering conservative, pragmatic advice. When guidance is offered in these
circumstances any potential weaknesses are made explicit. Related to this is the continuance of the
philosophy used in the book’s predecessor BRE Reports that even where a document is
difficult to obtain, or even verbal private communication is the source of advice, it is listed as a


June 1999

About the authors

Howard P Morgan
Principal Consultant, Fire Protection Systems Centre,
Fire Research Station (FRS), BRE
Head, FRS (Asia) Centre
Technical Director, FRS/lFSET (Asia) Ltd, Hong Kong

Fire Research Station, BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Garston,

Watford, WD2 7JR, UK


Bijoy Ghosh
Senior Fire Consultant, Fire Research Station (FRS),

Fire Research Station, BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Garston,

Watford WD2 7JR, UK


Gordon Garrad
Fire Scientist, Fire Research Station (FRS), BRE

Fire Research Station, BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Garston,

Watford, WD2 7JR, UK

vi About the authors
Colonel R Pamlitschka
Head of Fire Prevention Department, Professional Fire
Service, Vienna, Austria
Head of Smoke-Control Department, Prüfstelle für
Brandschutztechnik des Österreichischen
Bundesfeuerwehrverbandes, Austria

CO Ma. 68, Hauptfeuerwache Mariahilf,

Gumpendorfer Gurtel 2, A-1060 Wien, Austria

Jean-Claude De Smedt
Managing Director/Principal Consultant, International
Fire Safety Engineering Technology (IFSET), Belgium
Managing Director, FRS/IFSET (Asia) Ltd, Hong Kong

NV IFSET SA, Stationsstraat 35, B-1730 ASSE,



Lieven R Schoonbaert
Senior Consultant, International Fire Safety Engineering
Technology (IFSET), Belgium
Director, FRS/lFSET (Asia) Ltd, Hong Kong

NV IFSET SA, Stationsstraat 35, B-1730 ASSE,




Foreword iii
Preface iv
About the authors v
Contents vii
Abbreviations xii
Nomenclature xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The hazards of smoke 1
1.2 The regulatory background 1
1.3 The role of smoke and heat exhaust ventilation 2
1.4 Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation as a part of fire safety engineering 2
1.5 A brief history of smoke ventilation 4
1.6 The atrium: description and behaviour in fire 5
1.7 Active control of the fire 6
1.8 Implementation of a smoke and heat exhaust system in a building 7
1.9 The purpose of this book and its relationship to earlier guidance 8
Chapter 2 General principles of smoke production, 10
movement and control
2.1 Fire growth and smoke production 10
2.2 Pressurization and depressurization 12
2.3 Throughflow ventilation (or smoke exhaust ventilation) 12
2.4 Smoke and heat exhaust design philosophies 13
Chapter 3 Design-fire size 14
3.1 General 14
3.2 Growing design fires 15
3.3 Steady-state design fires 16
3.4 Acceptable failure rates 19
Chapter 4 Escape times 20
Chapter 5 Smoke control on the storey of fire origin 22
5.1 Within the fire room 22
5.1.1 Plumes above large fires 22
5.1.2 Plume above small fires 24
viii Contents

5.1.3 Effects of adjacent walls on entrainment into the plume 25

5.1.4 Effects of sprinkler 25
5.2 The flow of hot gases out of the room of origin into 25
a taller adjacent space (eg an atrium or mall)
5.3 Ventilation of single-storey smoke reservoirs 27
(including the balcony space where smoke is contained
and exhausted from beneath a balcony)
5.4 Smoke layer temperature 28
5.5 Effects of sprinkler systems in smoke reservoirs 30
5.6 Flowing layer depth 30
5.7 Local deepening 31
5.8 Automatic smoke curtains 31
5.9 Inlet air 32
5.10 Minimum number of exhaust points 34
5.11 Throughflow ventilation: area of natural ventilation required 35
5.12 Natural ventilators and wind effects 35
5.13 Required ventilation rate (powered exhaust) 37
5.14 Slit extract 37
5.15 False ceilings 37
5.16 The use of a plenum chamber above a false ceiling 38
5.17 Maximum dimensions for smoke reservoirs 38
Chapter 6 Smoke ventilation within multistorey spaces (eg the atrium) 39
6.1 Smoke movement in the atrium 39
6.2 Channelling screens 40
6.3 Entrainment into ‘spill plumes’ rising through the atrium 42
6.3.1 The effective height of rise from the spill edge 42
to the smoke layer base
6.3.2 Entrainment calculation methods 44
6.3.3 Recommendations for selecting a spill plume formula 49
6.4 High temperature plume 49
6.5 Fires on the atrium floor 50
6.6 Throughflow ventilation: remaining design procedures 50
6.7 Limitations to the use of throughflow ventilation 50
Chapter 7 Alternative forms of smoke control for atria 53
(including multistorey malls but excluding throughflow ventilation)
7.1 Void filling 53
7.2 Compartment separation 53
7.3 Depressurization ventilation 53
7.3.1 Principles 53
7.3.2 Natural depressurization 54
7.3.3 Natural depressurization and wind effects 57
7.3.4 Powered depressurization 58
Chapter 8 Depressurization/smoke ventilation hybrid designs 59
Chapter 9 Atrium smoke layer temperature 61
Chapter 10 Additional design factors 64
10.1 Atrium roof-mounted sprinkler systems 64
10.2 Controlled fire load on the atrium base 64
Contents ix

10.3 Air-conditioned atria 64

10.4 Channelling screens and hybrid systems 65
10.5 Wind-sensing devices 65
10.6 Crossdraught within the atrium 65
10.7 Crossflow within the gas layer 65
10.8 Wind effects on horizontal ventilators 66
Chapter 11 Interactions with other systems in the building 67
11.1 Sprinklers 67
11.1.1 Automatic sprinklers 67
11.1.2 Automatic smoke exhaust ventilation 67
11.1.3 Sprinklers combined with smoke ventilation 67
11.2 Fire-detection systems 69
11.3 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)/ 69
Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV)
11.4 Pressurization of stairwells and lobbies 70
11.5 Lighting and signage 70
11.6 Public address and voice alarm systems 70
11.7 Security 70
11.8 Computerized building control systems 71
Chapter 12 SHEVS and the fire services 72
12.1 General 72
12.2 Design objectives for SHEVS and implications for the design-fire 72
as a basis for design
12.2.1 Fundamental fire-fighting objectives 72
12.2.2 Design objectives for SHEVS in connection 73
with fire-fighting objectives
12.3 Circumstances which reduce or impede the ability of a SHEVS 76
to assist fire-fighting operations
12.3.1 Factors adversely affecting successful intervention 77
by the fire services
12.3.2 Additional provisions for optimizing the effective use 77
of a smoke-free layer created by a SHEVS
for fire-fighting operations
12.4 Circumstances where a SHEVS is of minor benefit 77
for fire-fighting operations
12.5 Circumstances where SHEVS are not applicable 78
12.5.1 Premises with risk of fast-growing fires 78
12.5.2 Premises which must not be entered in case of fire 78
because of other prevailing hazards
13 Selection of equipment 79
13.1 General 79
13.2 Natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators 80
13.2.1 Time taken to come into full operation 80
13.2.2 Coefficient of performance 80
13.2.3 Resistance to heat 81
13.2.4 Opening under load: snow 81
13.2.5 Opening under load: side-wind 81
x Contents

13.2.6 Low ambient temperature 82

13.2.7 Reliability 82
13.2.8 Ability to resist wind suction 82
13.2.9 Ability to resist rain penetration 82
13.3 Powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators 82
13.3.1 Time to come into full operation 82
13.3.2 Resistance to heat 83
13.3.3 Opening under load: snow 83
13.3.4 Opening under load: wind 83
13.3.5 Low ambient temperature 83
13.3.6 Reliability 83
13.4 Automatic smoke curtains 83
13.4.1 Time to deploy to the fire-operational position 83
13.4.2 Speed of fall of bottom bar 83
13.4.3 Resistance to high temperature 83
13.4.4 Reliability 84
13.4.5 Fail-safe 84
13.5 Air inlets and doors 84
13.6 Smoke dampers 84
13.7 Smoke ducts 84
Chapter 14 Installation 86
Chapter 15 Acceptance testing (commissioning) 89
15.1 General 89
15.2 Testing and commissioning 89
15.3 Hot-smoke tests 91
Chapter 16 Maintenance, management and re-testing 92
Chapter 17 Some common mistakes in the design of smoke ventilation systems 94
17.1 Mis-location of the point source of a ‘point-source’ smoke plume 94
17.2 Inadequate specification of smoke curtains 94
17.3 Installation does not follow design 94
17.4 Mis-use of computer models 94
17.5 Mistaken perceptions of conflict between 95
active and passive fire precautions
Chapter 18 Smoke ventilation design and enforcement of regulations 96
Chapter 19 Acknowledgements 97
Chapter 20 References 98
Annex A: Design procedure with a growing design fire 101
Annex B: Design procedure with a steady-state design fire 103
Annex C: Deflection of smoke curtains 106
Annex D: A comparison of different spill-plume calculation methods 109
Annex E: User’s guide to BRE spill-plume calculations 112
Annex F: 1977 fire at IMF building, Washington DC (based on reference [18]) 117
Annex G: Design procedure for hybrid systems 119
Contents xi

Annex H: Effect of a buoyant layer on the minimum pressure 120

recommended for a pressure differential system
Annex I: Aspects of hot-smoke tests to confirm the performance of SHEVS 121
Annex J: Case history – smoke-control design in ‘D3 Espace Leopold 123
Building’, European Parliament, Brussels


ACMV Air conditioning and mechanical ventilation

BRE Building Research Establishment Limited
BS British Standard
BSI British Standards Institution
CEA Comité Européen des Assurances
CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation
CFD Computational fluid dynamics
Eqn Equation
FRG Fire-resisting glazing
FRS Fire Research Station
HST Hot-smoke test
HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
IFSET International Fire Safety Engineering Technology
NIST National Institute for Standards and Technology (USA)
NPP Neutral pressure plane
RTI Response time index
SHEVS Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system


Note: An additional Nomenclature list can be found in Annex E

A Function defined by Eqn (7.3)

Af Area of the fire (m2)
Ag Area of the gaps between smoke curtains, or between curtain and structure (m2)
Ai Area of inlet (measured) (m2)
Ares Plan area of smoke reservoir (m2)
Av Area of exhaust ventilator (measured) (m2)
Aw Area of opening (window), eg between a side-room and an atrium (m2)
c Specific heat of air (kJkg-1K-1)
C A constant (kgms-1kW-1/3)
Cd Coefficient of discharge for a vertical opening
Cdo Cd for flows out of an opening where a balcony or canopy projects beyond the opening
Cds Cd for flows at a spill edge.
Ce Entrainment coefficient in ‘Large-fire plume model’
Ci Coefficient of discharge (ie the performance coefficient) for an inlet
Cm Dimensionless entrainment coefficient, found experimentally to be 0.44 for a free plume,
and 0.21 for an adhered plume
Cn A constant in Zukoski’s small-fire plume model[43]
Cp Wind pressure coefficient
Cpi Wind pressure coefficient acting on an inlet
CpL Wind pressure coefficient acting on the leeward side of building
Cpv Wind pressure coefficient acting on an exhaust ventilator
Cv Coefficient of discharge (ie the performance coefficient) for an exhaust ventilator
dc Horizontal deflection of a smoke curtain, measured at its bottom bar (m)
dl Visible depth of smoke layer in the smoke reservoir (m)
d0 Depth of an opening between an atrium and a side-room,
measured from top to bottom of that opening (m)
d2 Effective depth of smoke layer – only used as part of spill plume entrainment calculation (m)
D Depth of smoke beneath an exhaust point (m)
DB Depth of a smoke layer under a balcony (m)
Dd Depth of a downstand fascia (m)
Df Diameter of fire (m)
Dl Design depth of a smoke layer in a reservoir (m)
Dw Depth of a flowing smoke layer in a vertical opening (m)
Dmax Maximum depth of smoke in an atrium (m)
(Note: This can either be to the floor, or the maximum allowable in a
hybrid SHEVS/depressurization design)
Dmin Minimum allowable smoke layer depth in a hybrid SHEVS/depressurization design (m)
g Acceleration due to gravity (ms-2)
h Height of the top of a vertical opening/window above the base of the fire inside the room (m)
hb Height of rise of a thermal line plume from an opening or balcony edge to the smoke layer (m)
hp Height of rise of leakage gases from the base of the hot gas layer in the smoke reservoir to the ceiling
in the adjacent protected area (m)
H Height of a vertical opening (m)
Ha Height of the atrium (m)
Hc Height to the ceiling (m)
L Channelling screen separation; also length of a spill edge (m)
(Note: L = W for a spill plume rising directly above an opening)
xiv Nomenclature
Lc Length of the smoke curtain from top to bottom bar, measured along the fabric (m)
M Mass flow rate (kgs-1)
Mb Mass per metre length of the curtain’s bottom bar (kgm-1)
Mc Mass per m2 of the curtain fabric (kgm-2)
MCRIT Critical exhaust rate at an exhaust point prior to the onset of ‘plugholing’ (kgs-1)
Me Mass flow rate of smoky gases exhausted from the smoke reservoir (kgs-1)
(Note: Usually Me = MI)
Mf Mass flow rate in the plume above the fire (kgs-1)
Mg Mass of gas flowing through the gap between smoke curtains, or between curtain and structure (kgs-1)
MB Mass flow rate under a balcony (kgs-1)
Ml Mass flow rate entering a smoke layer in a reservoir (kgs-1)
Mp Mass of gas flowing into gas layer in protected area, having leaked through gaps in smoke curtains (kgs-1)
Mw Mass flow rate flowing through a vertical opening (kgs-1)
n An integer used to identify one stage in an iterative process
N Number of exhaust points
P Perimeter of fire (m)
q Heat release rate (kW)
qf Heat release rate per unit fire area (kWm-2)
Q Heat flux (kW)
Qf Convective heat flux in the gases after the initial flame plume (kW)
Qw Convective heat flux passing through a vertical opening (or under a balcony) (kW)
r A function defined by Eqn (H.1)
t time after ignition (s)
T Absolute temperature of gases (K)
TB Mass-weighted average absolute temperature of gas layer under a balcony (K)
Tc Maximum value of absolute temperature in a layer beneath a ceiling or soffit (K)
Tl Mass-weighted average absolute temperature of gas layer in a reservoir (K)
Tc Absolute ambient temperature (K)
Vwind Wind velocity at the same height as the top of the building (m s-1)
V Volumetric flow rate of gases (m3s-1)
VI Volumetric flow rate of gases exhausted from a reservoir (m3s-1)
W Width of vertical opening (m)
WB Width of balcony (distance from vertical opening to front edge of balcony) (m)
Wv Characteristic width of the ventilator/exhaust point (m)
x Height from the base of the smoke layer to the NPP (m)
Xp Effective height of rise of a spill plume (m)
y Height above the top of the fuel to the smoke layer immediately above (m)
y0 Height of the virtual origin of the plume measured above the top of the burning fuel (m)
(Note: This usually takes a negative value)
yNPP Height above the NPP in a smoke layer (m)
Y Height from the base of the fire to the smoke layer immediately above (m)
Y0 Height above the base of the fire to the virtual origin of the smoke plume (m)
(Note: This usually takes a negative value)
ß Coefficient in critical exhaust rate eqn (kgm-3)
γ A constant defining the steepness of a time-squared fire growth curve (kWs-2)
δM Entrainment rate into both free ends of a spill plume (kgs-1)
∆ Empirical height of virtual source below a spill edge (m)
∆ DB Additional smoke depth due to local deepening (m)
∆ Py Buoyant pressure rise above ambient at a height y NPP above the NPP (Pa)
θ Temperature rise above ambient of smoky gases (°C)
θB Temperature rise above ambient of smoky gases under a balcony (°C)
θl Temperature rise above ambient of smoky gases in a reservoir (°C)
θw Temperature rise above ambient of smoky gases in a vertical opening (°C)
ρ Density of gases (kgm-3)
ρo Density of ambient air (kgm-3)

1 Introduction

Smoke is potentially lethal. It is a well established fact

1.1 The hazards of smoke
that in the UK most deaths from fires are due to smoke
In the context of fire the term smoke is used to describe inhalation rather than to the victim having been burned.
liquid and/or solid particulates produced by combustion However, the majority of these deaths occur in dwellings.
of fuel materials, suspended in a mixture of air and Deaths from fires in other premises are relatively
gaseous products of combustion, including steam. It is infrequent. This implies that the life-safety measures
thus convenient to use the word ‘smoke’ to include both required by legislation for most public and commercial
the particulate and the gaseous products, including any buildings have been effective on the whole.
air which is entrained into the fire plume and into
subsequent smoke flows.
1.2 The regulatory background
The gaseous combustion products usually include
toxic gases, the most common in building fires being Each country in the world has its own approach to the
carbon monoxide, although hydrogen cyanide and other creation and enforcement of regulations covering the
toxic gases might be present to some extent; irritants such topic of safety in fire. Each has its own history by which it
as Acrolein; and relatively harmless products such as developed that approach. In this section we focus on the
water and carbon dioxide. Smoke particles themselves UK, in view of its early and continuing development of
can be irritants, and can be particularly dangerous to fire regulations.
people who are subject to asthma or other respiratory Fire safety in buildings must, in the UK, conform to the
problems. The reduction in oxygen due to combustion relevant regulations (eg guidance for England and Wales
can itself be dangerous in some situations, and can result is given in Approved Document B [1]). The principal
in the suffocation of victims trapped in smoke. The heat objective of these regulations is to safeguard life by:
in the gases due to combustion is also potentially • reducing the potential for fire initiation,
hazardous, either to people who might be immersed in • controlling fire propagation and spread,
the hot gases or by heat radiation from the hot smoky
gases if the gas temperature is high enough.
• the provision of adequate means of escape for the
building’s occupants.
The reduction in visibility in smoke also represents a
severe hazard. It hampers evacuation and the rescuing of Means of escape in case of fire was first introduced to the
disabled or injured occupants of buildings as well as Building Regulations for England and Wales in 1973. Prior
affecting fire-fighting operations which can result in large to that date the powers of control in England and Wales
fires involving serious threat to lives and the over means of escape had been contained in other
environment. legislation[2-4].
In general, if the visibility through the smoke is Historically, the prevention of fire growth within (or
sufficient or the emergency exits are visible to the between) buildings has been achieved by the
escapees, the toxic products will not stop those people containment of the fire and its products, by means of
from escaping to safety. In practice this means that either compartmentation and/or separation. The design of
the smoky gas must be diluted with sufficient clean air to structural compartmentation and separation has been
achieve a safe visibility (typically of 10 m which has come largely empirical and the concepts gradually refined and
into widespread use internationally, although it has a very enhanced in such a way that the Building Regulations
weak scientific basis, and should only be regarded as now cover primarily life-safety and the protection of
approximate), or there should be a physical separation means of escape. It is necessary to consider four major
between the smoky gases and the people at risk. Note aspects of buildings – purpose, size, separation and
that the direct products of combustion may need to be resistance to fire – to promote safe design.
diluted by more than one thousand times by volume to Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation does not appear
achieve a safe visibility. directly in the UK’s regulations, except in some Local
2 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Acts. It has formed part of the recognized package of distances for escape, and measures for detecting the fire
measures needed to merit a Relaxation from the Building in an early stage and alerting the occupants of the
Regulations for shopping malls since 1972[5]; and at the building. It should be noted, however, that
time of writing has become an indirect requirement of compartmentation may not be sufficient by itself to assist
Approved Document B [1], which requires that new malls fire fighting. Facilities to remove smoke and heat may be
in England and Wales comply with British Standard of benefit for fire fighting operations, and in some cases a
BS 5588: Part 10[6] which in turn requires that malls reduction of compartmentation may be inevitable as a
should have smoke ventilation as an essential part of their result of fire fighting practice (eg smoke may spread out
safety provisions. It is expected that a similar link will be of a small room into a number of other rooms through
established between future editions of Approved door openings held open by fire hoses). The assessment
Document B and British Standard BS 5588: Part 7 for of suitable facilities to remove smoke and heat from such
atria [7] . small rooms and their neighbouring spaces during and
Several other countries have legislation concerning the after extinguishing procedures will be a case-by-case
protection of property in case of fire – especially that decision in accordance with the experience and training
property neighbouring an object on fire – and the of fire fighters, and not as a result of calculation. These
protection of the environment (eg air pollution and/or precautions for removing smoke and heat are not within
contamination of water and soil) which will be the scope of this book.
endangered if a fire is likely to reach an unmanageably A SHEVS is more likely to be advantageous in a larger
large size. room, such as an exhibition hall, shopping mall, or a
factory, where there is no internal compartmentation and
where the travel distances are appreciable.
1.3 The role of smoke and heat exhaust
A SHEVS is no different in principle whether designed
ventilation for a large single-storey space which is essentially a large
This book focuses on the use of smoke and heat exhaust box (eg many factories, or exhibition halls), or for a
ventilation, rather than other forms of smoke control complicated (but undivided) space containing many
such as smoke control using pressure differentials storeys of balconies or mezzanine levels with potential
(although it does also discuss the need to allow for the fire locations in rooms to the side of but open to the main
interactions between such systems when designing). space. As can be seen below, the former can be regarded
As mentioned in section 1.1, the combustion products as a special case of the latter.
from building content fires may require a very large
dilution to achieve a safe visibility. With typically smoky
1.4 Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation as
fuels such as many polymers this dilution can reach one
thousand times the initial volume of combustion gases.
a part of fire safety engineering
This is difficult to achieve for the size of fire we typically Every fire is a chemical and physical process producing
have to consider in designing fire safety measures, and is energy (mainly heat) and smoky gases as well as other
rarely a feasible option – but it may be possible where the less hazardous products. Therefore, every fire prevention
design fire is small, and the building volume is large. concept must have the same main objectives:
Physical separation of smoke and people is • to avoid ignition and thus the outbreak of a fire at all,
conventionally achieved using walls and doors, and is
specified in the regulations of most countries, differing
• to protect human beings, goods, the building and the
environment from the hazardous effects of the
only in details. This approach cannot, by definition, be products of the fire (eg heat and smoke) as long as they
used where the people (or property, or escape routes) are still being produced by the fire,
being protected from smoke are in the same undivided
space as the fire; and in many modern buildings, large
• to hamper and finally stop the production of heat and
smoke (ie to extinguish the fire).
undivided spaces are used to improve the appearance and
environmental ventilation. It is this scenario where Any fire prevention concept therefore should be a
smoke and heat exhaust ventilation is of value. The composite of well-selected measures being in tune with
principles are very simple. Hot, buoyant gases from a fire each other, and which hamper or stop the production of
rise to form a stable layer in a reservoir below the ceiling heat and smoke, and/or which protect the objects which
such that a cooler clear layer of sufficient height may be are intended to be protected (people, property, etc.) by
present for long enough to achieve safe evacuation of separating them from smoke and heat. Where this last
occupants. Often it is necessary to vent the smoke from cannot be fully achieved, the purpose must be to diminish
the reservoir using a natural or mechanical exhaust. In the effects on the protected people and/or objects.
this book such a Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation These relationships are illustrated in Figure 1. The
System will be referred to using the acronym SHEVS. thick arrows represent those influences which diminish
It is rare to find circumstances where a SHEVS is the production of smoke and heat; or which reduce their
required within a small room. It is usually sufficient in effects; or which keep the hazardous products of
such circumstances to ensure safety by a combination of combustion away from the endangered people or objects
fire-resisting compartmentation, sufficiently short travel to be protected. The thin arrows show the interactions
1 Introduction 3

Fire resistant structures for PRECAUTIONS
compartments, means of escape, fire detection systems,
access routes, combustibility of structure extinguishing and fire suppression
and equipment systems,
fix installed fire fighting equipment
(eg risers, hydrants)

Limitation of fuel,
preventing the spread Reduction of fire
of products of duration, limitation
combustion of volume on fire
and amount of
products of

chemical / physical FIRE FIGHTING


fire spread heat transfer
thermal stress to toxic affects
structure corrosion

Reduction of fire duration Reduction of effect of

smoke and heat by
removing them

trained staff for first fire fighting operations VENTILATION SYSTEM
and/or evacuation intervening plans, (SHEVS)
provision of extinguishing agents

Figure 1 The role of SHEVS in Fire Safety Engineering

between the different activities which produce those combustion, smoke and heat, from the compartment and
influences. can separate the objects and/or people to be protected
Figure 1 demonstrates that any SHEVS exists within a from smoke and heat already inside the compartment, at
much more comprehensive fire prevention concept. least until the fire has reached a certain size (design-fire
Structural (passive) fire precautions separate what is size) wherever the SHEVS has been designed to create a
protected (eg people, goods) from the products of smoke-free layer beneath a buoyant smoky layer.
combustion (eg smoke and heat) by structural means. In Because of this smoke-free layer, fire-fighting operations
most cases this means that the relevant structure will be can be performed more easily by the fire services, which
fire resisting. This form of protection implies that will control and stop production of smoke and heat more
everything inside a fire compartment may be lost if no quickly and lessen their effect on any people and goods
further active measures to extinguish the fire take place or remaining in the building. It follows from this, that there
cannot be performed; these active measures can include is a close correlation between the effect of a SHEVS and
an attack by the fire services. People have to be able to possible fire-fighting measures, including the effect of the
leave the compartment which is on fire and reach either a latter on the likely design-fire size (see Note 1, next page),
structurally protected safe place, or the exterior of the which in turn influences the design of a SHEVS.
building, in a sufficiently short time if they are to be safe. Technical fire precautions mainly affect the reduction of
A SHEVS can remove the hazardous products of the time between ignition and the fire being attacked
4 Design methodologies for SHEVS
successfully, thus preventing further growth. • the
organizational precautions for assisting evacuation of
• Automatic fire suppression or extinguishing systems,
eg sprinklers, attack the fire directly.
building which may include:
– acoustic guidance systems or
• Automatic fire detection systems (especially smoke – trained evacuation staff.
detection systems) shorten the time until successful
fire fighting operations can be performed. This is All these organizational fire precautions will assist fire-
especially true where the fire services are called fighting operations because they allow more of the fire
automatically on the operation of the detection brigade resources to concentrate on extinguishing
system. Note that where the automatic smoke operations with fewer or no crews having to be employed
detection system triggers the SHEVS, the fire-fighting in searching or rescuing people.
approach and attack are supported by the smoke-free All the precautions listed above, technical and
layer created by the SHEVS by calling the fire services organizational, enhance an early successful attack on the
at a very early stage of fire development. Such fire. Thus, the hazard caused by the products of
detection systems also alert occupants of a building combustion (smoke and heat) to people, the building and
who in turn may be able (supported by a smoke-free its environment is diminished.
layer due to an effective SHEVS) to attack an It has to be born in mind, however, that the
automatically detected, and usually therefore still effectiveness of all the precautions listed above benefit
small, fire themselves with technical fire precautions considerably from the creation of a smoke-free layer
such as the portable extinguishers or hosereels produced by a well-designed SHEVS. In other words, a
provided in the building, even before the fire brigade is SHEVS should be an integral component of an overall
on site. fire prevention concept and of the fire-fighting strategy,
which becomes considerably less effective in the absence
In this way, SHEVS interact with technical fire of a SHEVS to create a smoke-free layer at an early stage
precautions and fire-fighting operations, which together in the fire.
have the potential to influence the design-fire size. It has
to be admitted, however, that the effectiveness of first-aid
1.5 A brief history of smoke ventilation
fire fighting by the occupants of a building is questionable
in many cases, and should not be considered when Smoke ventilation is not new. Our distant ancestors knew
assessing the design fire. Nevertheless, the effectiveness that if they wanted to light a fire inside a hut they needed
of a fire-fighting approach can be improved if trained staff to make a hole in the roof, otherwise the occupants of the
familiar with fire-fighting techniques and the technical hut would be choked by smoke. Modern smoke
fire precautions are present and are supported by an ventilation merely applies the same principle to large fires
effective SHEVS. in modern buildings.
This leads to organizational fire precautions, which are a Smoke ventilation as a dedicated fire precaution
part of the Fire Safety Management arrangements for a became popular for industrial buildings following some
building. These include: large fires (eg General Motors plant in Michigan, USA, in
• trained staff to:
– start fire fighting (eg ‘Works Fire Brigades’), and/or
1953, see Plate 1; the Jaguar plant in Coventry, UK, in
1957, and Vauxhall Motors at Luton, UK, in 1963). Only
– manage evacuation, and/or the last of these three plants had automatic ventilators[8].
– assist fire-fighting activities performed by the fire During the 1960s the Fire Research Station (FRS) in the
brigade (eg by delivering all information needed UK developed design algorithms suitable for
about usage and population of the building, critical circumstances where the fire would be directly below the
items inside the building, technical building thermally buoyant smoke layer formed beneath the
equipment including technical fire precautions and ceiling[9,10]. The technique was mostly used as a way of
their intended function); reducing property damage by allowing fire fighting to
• intervention plans, including such provisions for
emergency management as:
become much more effective.
A fire in the linked Wulfrun and Mander Shopping
– fire prevention plans of the building, or Centres in Wolverhampton, UK in 1968[11], alerted people
– fixed installed communication devices, or to the tremendous potential for the spread of smoky
– extinguishing agents in store ready for use by the fire gases in covered malls. It was realized that such a fire
services (especially if distinctive agents are to be could cause a large loss of life if it occurred when the mall
used for certain fuels present, which must not be was being used by the public.
attacked by plain water); Researchers realized that the smoke ventilation
approach already developed for large spaces could be
adapted to keep smoke entering a mall safely above
peoples’ heads; thus protecting the means of escape in
The concept of the design fire is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3. For the present purpose,
where a SHEVS is designed to assist operational fire-fighting, the design-fire size is the most the mall. Research into the way in which smoke moves
pessimistic but still realistic assumption of an area, or more precisely of a volume, involved in the within malls continued through the 1970s, leading to the
fire and producing a certain amount of heat, when the extinguishing measures (the attack on the
fire by the fire services) become successful so that the fire does not grow any larger. development of design formulae for calculating the
1 Introduction 5
measures will serve to improve the property-protection
aspects of the fire-protection package, although where
the smoke ventilation system is solely intended to assist
in fire-fighting operations (ie to assist the fire service in
protecting the property and/or contents) the design
criteria required for safety can be different from those
required to protect the general public in view of the
special equipment and clothing used by fire-fighters.

1.6 The atrium: description and behaviour

in fire
Social and technical changes have led to changes in
building environments which incorporate new (or
Plate 1 Fire at General Motors plant, Livonia, Michigan, USA, 1953 revived) building forms and the use of innovative
construction techniques and new synthetic materials.
The buildings adopting these changes often have
movement of the smoke, the mixing of air into the smoke, included within their design large spaces or voids, often
and hence the sizes of the vents or fans needed to exhaust integrated with many of the storeys. These large spaces
the smoky gases in order to maintain the smoke layer in have been described as malls, atria, arcades and light
the malls at a safe height. A summary of the design advice wells. The generic term for the building type tends to be
available from FRS was published in 1979[12]. This advice ‘atrium’ and by their very nature, they can often run
has been expanded and updated in the light of further contrary to the traditional Building Regulations’
research and experience, and has been incorporated in approach in terms of horizontal compartmentation and
the most recent design guidance available from FRS[13]. vertical separation.
In the late 1970s, research began on the related The original atrium was an entrance hall in a Roman
problems of atrium buildings. The main feature of an house and was one of the most important rooms in the
atrium building is that a central void rises through two or building. The concept of this space has evolved
more storeys, allowing any smoke entering the void to architecturally over the past few hundred years and now
affect more storeys than the original fire storey. Unless, of applies to structures much larger than the typical Roman
course, these floors are separated from the atrium by fire- house. Modern atria are designed such that the visual and
resisting construction, in which case the atrium is merely spacial ‘outdoor’ environments are created indoors[16].
a room with an unusually high ceiling! It follows that In Roman times the control of any smoke and hot
design calculation methods which apply to atria in gases that may have issued from a fire in a room adjacent
general, including the case where the fire is on the base of to the atrium was likely to have been a simple matter,
the atrium directly beneath the ceiling, also cover provided there were no adverse wind conditions (due to
virtually all other building geometries of interest. Note local topography of adjacent structures) then the smoke
however that the design-fire sizes depend very strongly and heat would undoubtedly vent itself via the open
on the use and contents of the building. portion of the atrium roof known as the ‘compluvium’
It should be readily obvious that a shopping mall of (generally used for lighting purposes).
two or more storeys represents a special case of an Modern atrium buildings tend to contain large
atrium. It is an atrium with a single class of occupancy. quantities of combustible material and often have open-
The smoke movement will be similar, the smoke hazards plan layouts increasing the risk of the spread of fire. The
will be similar, and the smoke control solutions can be populations within such buildings have also increased,
expected to be similar. The pivotal problem for both hence there has been a substantial increase in the number
malls and atria is that smoke entering the void must not of people to be protected and evacuated in an emergency.
be allowed to endanger the safe escape for people in the Modern atrium buildings are usually designed with the
mall or the atrium itself, or for people in any adjacent atrium as a feature which can be appreciated from within
space open to the mall or atrium on any storey. the adjacent rooms. The room/atrium boundary is
In atria or multistorey malls, every storey open to the usually either glazed or completely open. Thus when
void is potentially rapidly affected by smoke from a fire compared with ‘conventional’ buildings, this
on any other storey. Two fires that illustrate this were the architectural/aesthetic requirement imposes additional
fire in the Regency Hyatt hotel at O’Hare in Chicago in problems of life safety during a fire, as smoke, hot gases
1972[14] and the fire in the St John’s Centre in Liverpool in and even flames may travel from one (or more) rooms
1977[15]. It follows that to protect the safe escape of the into the atrium and thence affect areas which, but for the
building’s occupants, special measures are needed for presence of the atrium, would not be affected.
atria as for malls. In conventional multistorey structures there is always
Any measures to protect egress from a building will the possibility of fire spread up the outside of the building
also assist easier entry for fire fighters. Hence, the same with flames issuing from one room and affecting the
6 Design methodologies for SHEVS
floors above. Examples of this mode of fire spread are an away in whole or in large part). This is because the
office block in Sao Paulo[17] and the Villiers Building fire in airspeed needed from the atrium into the room in order
London on 19 January, 1979. If the escape facilities from to prevent the movement of smoky gases the other way
the various rooms are of a suitable standard and are through the same opening, can vary between about
segregated from other compartments (as required in the 0.5 ms-1 and approximately 4 ms-1 depending on gas
UK), there should not (in theory) be any serious hazard temperature, etc. All of this air must be continuously
to life safety in this fire condition. It is only when the removed from within the fire room in order to maintain
means of escape are inadequate or the parameters the flow. The quantities of air-handling plant required
dictating their design are violated, that the loss of life may will often exceed the size of smoke ventilation systems for
occur. many typical atrium room openings. Note, however, that
If a building has an atrium then this fire and smoke pressurizing the atrium may be a viable option where the
spread can also occur internally since there is generally a atrium facade has only relatively small leakage paths.
maximization of the window area and/or open boundary Where smoke from a fire in a room can spread into the
between the rooms and the atrium. Hence, there is an atrium, with the possibility of rapid further spread
increased risk to other levels of the entry of smoke and affecting other parts of the building, there will be an
toxic gases and even flames from a fire. extreme threat to safe evacuation of occupants from the
A number of methods can be used to ensure safety in affected parts of the building. Similar threats will occur if
an atrium building. BS 5588: Part 7[7] gives the relevant there is a serious fire in the atrium space itself. In either
Code of Practice describing which combinations of case, the threat to means of escape which are either
measures are currently recommended and in which within the atrium, or are in spaces open to the atrium, can
circumstances. One of those methods is smoke and heat develop rapidly unless some form of smoke control is
exhaust ventilation. used in the atrium, in order to protect those means of
Experience of fires in atrium buildings in the USA[14,18] escape. In other words, a smoke control system in the
has shown the problem of flame travel internally through atrium is essential to ensure that escape is unhindered, by
the atrium to be minor in comparison with the problem ensuring that any large quantities of thermally buoyant
of hot and toxic gases accumulating and filling the atrium; smoky gases can be kept separate from people who may
spreading throughout the building; and affecting escape still be using escape routes, or awaiting their turn for
routes. Thus, there appears to be a need for a properly evacuation. Therefore, the role of a smoke control system
designed smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system in is principally one of life safety.
atrium buildings. In order for a design to be achieved, it is necessary to
The ideal option would be to prevent any smoke from identify the various ‘types’ of atrium that are built. These
a room fire entering the atrium at all. An easily can be simply defined as follows.
understood way of achieving this is to ensure that the
boundary between the room and the atrium is both
• The ‘sterile tube’ atrium: the atrium is separated from
the remainder of the building by fire-resisting glazing
imperforate and fire resisting, and that the atrium base (FRG). The atrium space generally has no functional
has only a very restricted use. This option has frequently use other than as a circulation area (Figure 2).
been used, but is architecturally restrictive. Consequently
it is not favoured by designers. The concept has been
• The closed atrium: the atrium is separated from the
remainder of the building by ordinary (non fire-
labelled the ‘sterile tube’ [16]. resisting) glass. The atrium space may well be
Where the boundary between the room and the atrium functional (cafeterias, restaurants, recreation, etc)
is open, it is sometimes feasible to provide a smoke (Figure 3).
ventilation system within the room, to maintain smoky
fire gases above the opening to the atrium. Unfortunately,
• The partially open atrium: here some lower levels are
open to the atrium and the remaining levels closed off
it is often very difficult, impractical, or extremely by glazing (Figure 4).
expensive to fit a separate smoke exhaust system to each
and every room, however small. Occasionally,
• The fully open atrium: some of the upper levels or all of
the building levels are open to the atrium (Figure 5).
circumstances dictate that smoke control dedicated to
each room in this way is the most viable option for
1.7 Active control of the fire
protecting the atrium (this can occur, for example, when
the room layout is of a large area, is predominantly open- A more detailed discussion of active fire fighting is
plan and open-fronted). There have been several presented in Chapter 12.
examples of this. Nevertheless, it remains generally true It should be remembered that fire fighting becomes
that this option is rarely found to be appropriate for most both difficult and dangerous in a smoke-logged building.
atrium buildings. It follows that to assist the fire services, the smoke control
Another possibility is that the atrium should be system should be capable of performing its design
pressurized to prevent smoke moving from a room into function for a period of time longer than that required for
the atrium. This is not usually a viable option where the the public to escape (see also, thus allowing a
opening between the room and the atrium is large (eg an speedier attack on the fire to be made after the arrival of
open-fronted room or room whose glazing has fallen the fire service. Any measures to protect egress from a
1 Introduction 7

Figure 2 Sterile tube: fire-resisting glazing between atrium and Figure 3 Closed atrium: standard (non fire-resisting) glazing
compartments between atrium and compartments

Figure 4 Partially open atrium

Figure 5 Fully open atrium

building will also assist easier entry for fire fighters. argument is that opening the smoke ventilators on smoke
Hence, the same measures will serve to improve the detection, ie before sprinkler operation, may delay the
property protection aspects of the fire-protection activation of sprinklers and thus have detrimental effect
package (see also Where the smoke ventilation on sprinkler performance. On the other hand, if the
system is solely intended to assist in fire-fighting opening of smoke ventilators is delayed until sprinkler
operations, the design criteria required for safety might operation, there may be considerable smoke logging and
be different from those required to protect the general the effectiveness of the SHEVS may be seriously
public in view of the special equipment and clothing used compromised. This debate is discussed in more detail
by fire fighters (see also elsewhere in this book.
Any smoke control measures need to specify a
maximum fire size for its design and sprinklers are often 1.8 Implementation of a smoke and heat
needed to limit the size to this maximum. It is also likely
exhaust system in a building
that some kind of smoke ventilation will be required to
maintain a clear escape route. Thus both sprinklers and When the ‘concept design’ of the SHEVS has been
smoke ventilators are needed to achieve a proper life completed satisfactorily (eg by following the methods
safety design. At present there is considerable debate described in this book), there still remains a great deal to
over the effects of interaction between the two. One be done before the system is successfully installed in a
8 Design methodologies for SHEVS
fully functioning state in the finished building. The ideas Protection Association of the USA has developed a
must be turned into physical reality, in a way that ensures Code[22] which sets out a fire engineering approach to the
that the resulting arrangement will function as desired design of smoke control for atria (termed ‘Smoke
when the fire actually occurs: regardless of the conditions Management’ in the USA). While this code is in many
applying at the time. ways very comprehensive and broader in purpose than
It follows that there are many necessary considerations this book, some of the approaches used differ from
when selecting the equipment needed to make the design alternatives with which UK designers are more familiar,
a reality. The equipment (hardware) must be able to and can be more approximate than methods currently
function in the fire condition expected under the design recommended by FRS. This particularly applies to smoke
conditions, and ought to have been tested by the entering the atrium from adjacent rooms.
manufacturers and/or the suppliers to confirm this. The Some other countries have recognized existing
equipment should also be appropriate to the publications within their own guidelines. For example,
circumstances of the building in which it is to be fitted. Singapore has referred in its 1997 Code of practice for fire
These circumstances include the geographical and precautions in buildings[23] to BRE guidance on the design
meteorological conditions expected, both at the time of of SHEVS[24,13] .
the fire and in normal use. It is not the purpose of the It can be noted that there is a major difference between
present document to try to provide detailed guidance on any application of this book to smoke and heat exhaust
the selection of systems in all circumstances. ventilation of shopping malls of more than one storey,
Nevertheless, some pointers towards the parameters and the earlier guidance for such malls published by
which should be considered are described in Chapter 13. BRE [24]. The difference is not so much in the formulae
Even the best equipment can be installed wrongly. and the resulting design solutions, as in the underlying
There have been many instances where what was philosophy of design. The earlier guidance adopted the
installed did not exactly correspond to what was view that it was possible to specify a generically typical
intended, or where the installation procedures have not smoke flow rate leaving from the front opening of a retail
been worked out in sufficient detail. It is not the purpose unit, when specifying the flow parameters in the smoky
of this book to provide detailed guidance similar to the gases approaching the spill edge. It further assumed that
equipment specification. Nevertheless, some guidance these typical flow rates could be taken to be those
concerning procedures is included in Chapter 14. measured experimentally in a scale model of a shop
Human nature being as fallible as it is, it is desirable unit [25]. The result was to give a relatively simple
that when a system is fully installed, it should be tested calculation, which allowed for different widths of the
for functionality. This can either involve tests to confirm unit’s front opening, without the designer or the regulator
that the equipment still performs to specification having to worry about changes of contents in the units, or
(perhaps most important where ducts are used to move of detail differences between neighbouring units. The
the gases) without actually simulating the buoyancy of disadvantage of this earlier approach is that it becomes
fire gases, or it can involve special tests (hot smoke tests) unreliable for real malls which depart too far from the
to confirm that both the equipment and the design dimensions modelled in the experiment[25] . In practice,
concept itself are performing to expectation. Once again, this means that the earlier guidance strictly only applies
the discussion and advice in this book is limited to outline for storey heights close to 5 m, and for a 5 MW, 3 m x 3 m
guidance, and can be found in Chapter 15. design fire.
As the fire may not occur until many years after the The advantage of this current book is that it allows the
system is installed, it is also necessary to ensure that the circumstances of the fire in the unit to be included
hardware is capable of surviving many years of explicitly in calculation, including the actual dimensions
installation and is still ready to serve its purpose if a fire of the building. This implies that separate calculations
occurs. This implies that there ought to be regular must be done for fires located in each and every unit
maintenance and re-testing procedures as part of a larger suspected of being a potentially ‘worst case’ for the mall
fire safety management strategy for the building in in question. In practice, the current book is the more
question. Some discussion can be found in Chapter 16. powerful technique for design, but this advantage is
gained at the expense of some loss of relative simplicity
compared with earlier guidance. Note, however, that
1.9 The purpose of this book and its
where the real mall’s shape and dimensions are close to
relationship to earlier guidance those on which the earlier guidance was based, that
Previous guidance to designers of atrium smoke control earlier guidance can still be used with confidence.
systems within the UK has been provided by the British It is hoped that the current book will support the
Standard BS 5588: Part 7 Code of practice for the Regulatory and Standard Codes being developed by BSI
incorporation of atria in buildings [7], and the BRE Report and CEN. This book cannot cover all the infinite
Design approaches for smoke control in atrium buildings [13]. variations of atrium design. Instead, it gives general
There have been a number of qualitative papers, and principles for the design of efficient systems, with
other papers using relatively simple models of smoke simplified design procedures for an ideal model of an
movement within atria [19-21] . The National Fire atrium and then further guidance on frequently
1 Introduction 9
encountered practical problems. As the design computer is necessary since the technique involves the
procedures are of necessity simplified, the book also gives solution of tens of thousands of mathematical equations
their limitations so that, when necessary, a more detailed for every step forward the simulation makes, and
design by specialists can be carried out. consequently involves relatively long computational
The above-mentioned design procedures and times compared with the use of zone models. This makes
guidance documents are based on the use of zone models: CFD simulations relatively expensive, particularly when
in which the problem is divided into separate zones used for buildings with complicated geometry. As the
(which may or may not interact); and relatively simple computers become faster and more powerful and the
formulae (often empirical in origin) are used to describe algorithms evolve and improve, CFD is likely to become
the smoke and heat movement in each one. While this is cheaper and to gain more widespread use in Fire Safety
a very powerful technique which can be applied with Engineering including the smoke control design process.
confidence to a majority of smoke ventilation design Users of CFD models should be aware of the
circumstances, it must be recognized that a building importance of:
geometry which deviates too far from the idealized
geometry used in deriving the design formulae cannot be
• correctly identifying the boundary conditions
appropriate to the precise circumstances of the design,
designed using those formulae.
Since the mid-1970s, field modelling has been
• correctly identifying the appropriateness of the sub-
models used, for example the heat transfer and
developed which exploits the new techniques of radiation model, turbulence model, etc.
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to deduce how, and
at what rate, smoke would fill an enclosure. It does this by
• using a small enough grid size so that the converged
solution is independent of the grid size.
avoiding resort to experimental correlation, as far as is
currently possible, and by returning to first principles to The CFD methodology is beyond the scope of this book,
solve the basic laws of fluid flow and thermodynamics. As but a full description together with a discussion of current
a consequence, with adequate validation, this type of limitations is given, for example in reference [26].
modelling should have wide application. The use of a

2 General principles of smoke

production, movement and control

for the plume of smoke to rise before it reaches the

2.1 Fire growth and smoke production
smoke layer, hence less air is being entrained, with the
In most instances, a room (compartment) fire may be result that the temperature of the smoke layer
assumed to burn in either of two ways. increases with layer depth, even for a steady fire. Most
• Fuel Bed Control is when the rate of combustion, heat fires will continue to grow larger as the layer deepens,
output and fire growth depends on the fuel being reinforcing this effect.
burned and there is more than sufficient oxygen 3 6 mm plate glass may shatter when exposed to gases as
present to support the combustion. This is the ‘normal’ little as 100 K warmer than ambient. One of the main
fire condition found in most single-storey buildings reasons for glass breakage is the different thermal
whilst the fire is still small enough for successful smoke expansion values of the glass and its mountings;
control. breakage at relatively low temperature may result
• Ventilation Control is where the rate of combustion etc. when there is no provision for differential expansion.
is dependent upon the quantity of air available to the Thus, once this temperature is passed, there is an
fire compartment, assuming that any mechanical increasing likelihood that the glass will fracture. If the
ventilation systems have been made inactive. compartment is sprinklered and the water spray hits
the glass, the localized heating of the glass by radiation
The quantity of smoky gases produced, ie the mass flow from the fire and by the gas layer, combined with
rate of fire gases in and from the compartment, and the sudden cooling due to the water spray may increase
energy (heat flux) contained therein, may be very the likelihood of the glass breaking ( note:there are
different for both regimes. It is therefore important to ‘deluge’ sprinkler systems designed to keep the glass
identify the regime which applies and to determine the cool and prevent it from breaking). Plate or ‘float’ glass
mass flow and the heat flux within the smoky gases. breaks in an unpredictable way. A crack may not result
It is important to understand the basic mechanisms in glass falling out; but the assumption that glass will
which control the fire condition. A step-by-step history fall away once broken is a safe assumption for design in
of a growing fire may be as follows. the circumstances covered in this book. The smoke
1 The fire starts for whatever reason, its rate of growth and hot gases will then flow externally to the
depending upon the materials involved, their atmosphere, or enter the atrium (where one is
orientation and positions relative to each other. In present), or both, depending upon the nature of the
most practical compartments there is sufficient oxygen compartment and its relative position in the building,
to support combustion in the first few minutes, and the the size and position of the fire in the compartment,
fire growth and smoke production are controlled by and the strength of differing glazing systems.
the fuel, ie fuel bed control. In atrium buildings, if the fire can be accidentally or
2 Smoke from the fire rises in a plume to the ceiling. As deliberately vented to the atmosphere then the threat
the plume rises, air is entrained into it, increasing the to other levels via the atrium is greatly reduced. There
volume of smoke and reducing its temperature. The will, however, be instances when a fire will vent all its
entrainment increases with increasing height of rise of effluent gas into the atrium, and this is generally the
the plume. The smoke spreads out radially underneath worst design scenario (Figure 6).
the ceiling and forms a layer which deepens as the There is so much mixing of ambient air into the
compartment begins to fill. If the compartment is open plume that, except close to the fire itself, the hot smoky
to the atrium (or a mall), then the gases flow out gases can be regarded as consisting of warmed air,
immediately they reach the opening. when calculating the quantity (mass flow rate) being
If the compartment is glazed or the opening is produced in the compartment.
below a deep downstand then the smoke steadily 4 Initially, this mass flow rate of smoke will be controlled
deepens. As the layer gets deeper there is less height by the fuel bed, as mentioned above. However, the
2 Smoke production, movement and control 11

T > 873K
Mw Dw

Air Inflow

Area A f
Perimeter P

Figure 6 Smoke entering an atrium from a fuel bed controlled fire Figure 7 The onset of flashover
in an adjacent room

geometry of the opening onto the atrium has a crucial

effect. As the fire grows large in comparison to the area
of the opening, the air supply to the fire is ‘throttled’,
causing the fire to burn inefficiently.
5 This leads to the situation where the inability of the
compartment to vent the gases effectively due to the
restricted area available causes the layer to deepen
further, which combined with the increasing fire area, T > 1273K
causes the layer temperature to rise. Once the layer
temperature reaches approximately 600 °C, then in Air Inflow
most compartments the downward radiation from the
gas layer is sufficient to cause ignition of the remaining
combustible materials in the compartment (Figure 7).
Where there is sufficient fuel within the compartment
for the entire compartment to become involved, the
layer temperature will rapidly rise to flame Figure 8 A fully involved ventilation-controlled fire
temperature, very approximately 1200 K (930 °C). The
rate of burning, heat output and mass flow leaving the
compartment are now strongly dependent upon the reduced to two principal parameters for most
geometry of the opening, ie ventilation control compartments:
(Figure 8).
6 The transition from the fuel bed controlled fire with a AwH 0.5, (where Aw is the area of the opening into the
layer at 600 °C to the ventilation-controlled condition atrium and H is the height of the opening); and
is very rapid, and may take only seconds. This Aƒ (the area of the fire).
condition is often known as ‘flash-over’.
7 There may be an intermediate situation where the For a further discussion, see eg references [27-29].
compartment has flashed over or the fire has simply
grown to encompass the entire width of the Note: Both the fully-involved large-opening fire and
compartment, but where the quantity of air now ventilation-controlled fire conditions will almost
required to maintain combustion is adequate, even certainly produce flames from the opening into the
though the only surface available for air entrainment is atrium.
the width of the opening (as opposed to the fire 9 The presence of sprinklers will usually serve to prevent
perimeter for a fuel-bed controlled fire). This fire growth proceeding to full involvement; if the
condition is known as the ‘fully-involved, large- burning material is not shielded from the water spray
opening fire’ (Morgan & Hansell[27]). then the fire is likely to be extinguished (or almost
8 There are many factors which determine the prevailing extinguished); with shielding, the fire will continue to
condition including the type and disposition of the fuel, burn, although it is likely to be maintained in a fuel-
the dimensions of the enclosure and the dimensions of bed-controlled state and the fire size will be limited.
the ventilation opening. They can, however, be
12 Design methodologies for SHEVS
general approach needed for successfull design.
2.2 Pressurization and depressurization
Air mixes into the fire plume as it rises giving a larger
In pressurization, air is introduced into an escape route volume of smoky gases. These gases flow outwards below
(usually a stairway) at a rate sufficient to hold back any the ceiling until they reach a barrier (eg the walls, or a
smoke trying to pass onto that route. The pressure downstand, see Plates 2 and 3). The gases then form a
difference across any small opening onto the route must deepening layer, whose buoyancy can drive smoky gases
be large enough to offset adverse pressures caused by through natural ventilators (or alternatively smoky gases
wind, building stack effect and fire buoyancy. It must also can be removed using fans). For any given size of fire, an
be low enough to allow the escape doors to be opened equilibrium can be reached where the quantity of gases
with relative ease. The air supply must also be large being removed equals the quantity entering the layer in
enough to produce a velocity sufficient to hold back the fire plume – no significant mixing of air occurs
smoke at any large opening onto the pressurized space. upwards into the base of the buoyant smoke layer. It is
The requirements are somewhat contradictory. essential that sufficient air enters the space below the
Pressurization systems are designed to have adequate air layer to replace the gases being removed from the layer,
flow across any large openings (eg doors). Excessive otherwise the smoke ventilation system will not work.
pressure difference across a small opening (when the The design procedures are described in detail in the
doors are closed) can be prevented by the use of dampers remainder of this book, and the calculation procedures
(eg barometric dampers). Experience of pressurization are summarized in Annex A (for time-based calculations
designs suggest that it is well-suited to the protection of involving a growing design fire) and in Annex B (for
stairways used as escape routes in tall buildings, although steady-state calculations).
the technique can be useful in other circumstances.
Codes for pressurization can be found in BS 5588:
Part 4[30].
Depressurization is a special case of pressurization,
where gases are removed from the smoke-affected space
in a way that maintains the desired pressure differences
and/or air speeds across leakage openings between that
space and adjacent spaces . Note that depressurization
does not protect the smoke-affected space in any way.
Instead it protects the adjacent spaces. In the
circumstances of an atrium, it is sometimes possible to use
the buoyancy of the smoky gases themselves to create the
desired depressurization effects. This is explained in
more detail in section 6.3.

2.3 Throughflow ventilation (or smoke

exhaust ventilation)
Smoke exhaust ventilation (throughflow ventilation) is
used when the fire is in the same space as the people,
contents, or escape routes being protected, without it Plate 2 Example of a fixed glazed smoke curtain in a shopping mall
filling that space. The intention is to keep the smoke in
the upper regions of the building leaving clean air near
the floor to allow people to move freely. This
stratification or layering of the smoke is made possible by
the buoyancy of the hot smoky gases produced by the
fire, and it follows that to be most successful the high-
level smoke layer must remain warm. Smoke ventilation
is therefore only suitable for atria where fires can cause
smoke to enter the atrium space and for large single-
storey spaces which are high enough for an appropriate
layering. Such fires can either be fuel-bed-controlled fires
at the base of the atrium, or fires in adjacent spaces
(rooms) which allow smoky gases to enter the atrium.
Much of the current book is concerned with the
calculation of design parameters for smoke ventilation
systems tailored to the circumstances found in various
types of atria. First, though, it is worth reviewing the Plate 3 Example of a fixed smoke curtain being used as a reservoir
underlying principles of smoke ventilation and the boundary
2 Smoke production, movement and control 13
In extensive and multi-storey complex buildings this
2.4 Smoke and heat exhaust design
may involve travel to upper and lower levels, and may
philosophies take some time. This travel, as well as the fire-fighters’
The smoke ventilation system can be designed to fulfil efforts to effect rescues and to carry out fire-fighting
one or more separate requirements within a building. operations, may be seriously hampered if the building is
full of hot smoky gases. The provision of heat and smoke
Protection of means of escape ventilation systems required to assist means of escape or
The objective is to achieve a desired smoke-free clear for the protection of property, may also aid fire fighting.
layer beneath a smoke layer. This is a commonly used There is often the desire to design a smoke exhaust
approach where the purpose of the smoke exhaust ventilation system specifically for fire-fighting operations,
ventilation system is to allow the continued use of escape where the design philosophies are similar to that used for
routes which are in the same space as the fire (examples a SHEVS design for life safety but the functional
include enclosed shopping malls and many atria or large requirements may be less stringent (ie more severe
single-storey spaces, eg for public assembly). The conditions may be acceptable) because of the specialist
thermally buoyant smoke forms a layer beneath the equipment and clothing available. If the SHEVS is
ceiling. The smoke exhaust (using either natural smoke designed solely to assist fire fighting and has no other life
exhaust ventilators or powered smoke exhaust safety implications, and certain other appropriate
ventilators) is calculated to be large enough to keep the circumstances apply (eg when the primary design
smoke at a safe height above the heads of people using objective is property protection and automatic
the escape routes for a given design fire size, even while extinguishing systems are present), it can be appropriate
the fire is still burning. It is essential that the system to leave the ventilators closed (this may reduce fire
comes into operation as early as possible during the fire, growth) until the fire brigade arrives and then to open
and it is usual to initiate the operation automatically on them manually. Functional requirements should be
receipt of a signal from a smoke detection system. agreed by the fire service responsible for the building in
Temperature control The applicability of SHEVS to operational fire fighting,
Where the height of clear air beneath the thermally and the close relationship between the two, is discussed
buoyant smoke layer is not a critical design parameter, it in much greater detail in Chapter 12.
is possible to use the same calculation procedures as for
protection of means of escape, but in a different way. The Property protection
smoke exhaust can be designed to achieve a particular Smoke exhaust ventilation by itself cannot prevent a fire
temperature of the gases in the buoyant layer. This allows from growing large. It will guarantee that a fire in the
the use of materials which would otherwise be damaged ventilated space has a continuing supply of oxygen to
by hotter gases. A typical example is where an atrium keep growing.
facade has glazing which is not fire resisting, but which is It follows that smoke exhaust ventilation can only
known to be able to survive gas temperatures up to some protect property by allowing active intervention of the
specified value. The use of a ‘temperature control’ smoke fire services to be quicker and more effective. Depending
exhaust ventilation system in such a case could, for on the materials present, a property protection
example, allow the adoption of a phased evacuation philosophy may be based on the need to maintain the hot
strategy from higher storeys separated from the atrium buoyant smoke layer above sensitive materials, or may be
only by such glazing. based on the need to maintain the smoke layer below a
critical temperature. In either case, the functional
Assisting fire-fighting operations requirement for key parameters on which the design
In order for fire fighters to deal successfully with a fire in a must be based, need not be the same as where the
building, it is first necessary for them to drive their fire primary purpose is life safety. They will depend on the
appliances to entrances giving them access to the interior circumstances applying in each case. These key
of the building. They then need to transport themselves functional requirements must be agreed with all relevant
and their equipment from this point to the scene of the interested parties.

3 Design-fire size

3.1 General
Many areas of fire safety engineering require the
• the availability of oxygen (in sealed rooms a fire can
become oxygen-starved),
identification of an appropriate fire size upon which the
design can be based. Design fires can take many forms,
• the presence and effectiveness of fire suppression
for example, when considering fire resistance of doors
and walls a fully developed post-flashover fire on one side
• changing of burning behaviour due to ageing of
of the door or wall is assumed: the design fire in this case
will be a fully-involved fire compartment. Consequently, there is no method available to calculate
Smoke exhaust ventilation is only of value when the the development of a fire in any but the simplest fuel
people, contents or structure being protected are in the arrays. The likely size of a fire can only be deduced from
same space as the fire, and it is therefore conventional to the analysis of the statistics of fires in the type of
consider only pre-flashover fires. That scenario is also occupancy of interest, or from experiments on
commonly found where the ‘time to danger’ for the appropriately similar fuel arrays. The values for fire
building’s occupants is being calculated, either as part of a growth and fire size contained in this book are based on
smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system design or as a both statistical analyses and experimental work. It is
separate calculation. The calculation of the quantity of worth noting here that design fires based on statistical
smoke and heat produced by a fire requires a knowledge analysis are always based on an implied acceptable risk
of the size of the fire, in terms of area, perimeter and heat which can differ for various applications, and which is
flux developed per unit area or from the fire as a whole. always ultimately related to public opinion.
When designing smoke ventilation or depressurization A design fire can either be a steady-state fire with
systems, the mass flow rate and heat flux developed in the constant heat output or a time-dependent growing fire to
room are major parameters in the calculation of the which the means of escape and evacuation time for the
system requirements, changes in which can substantially particular building occupancy could be related (see also
affect all of the subsequent smoke flow conditions. section Steady-state fires for design calculation
Ideally, the design fire would be based on the materials in various occupancies are given in the relevant standards
within an occupancy, suggesting that the choice of a and these have usually been used historically. Although it
design fire should be straightforward. Unfortunately, this is acknowledged that a real fire is not usually ‘steady
is not the case. While the heat release rates for many state’, it is relatively simple to assess the maximum size a
materials are known, it is rarely possible to say that a fire fire can reasonably be expected to reach during the
will consist of a known quantity of material. Within an escape period in a particular scenario, and to design a
occupancy a fire will involve a combination of different smoke control system able to cope with that.
materials, so that the heat release rate for that occupancy The assumption of a steady-state fire allows the smoke
will be a function of all the materials present. Hence the control system to cater for all fires up to design fire size,
development of a fire is dependent on a number of and by not considering the growth phase of the fire, often
factors, including: introduces a significant margin of safety to the system
• the precise location of the ignition with respect to the
design. A fire will produce smaller quantities of cooler
smoke in its early ‘small’ stage, depending on the nature
• the type of materials present, and arrangement of fuels. The reduction in effectiveness
• the quantity of materials present, of a natural SHEVS due to the lower temperature will be
• the position of the materials relative to each other, compensated by the reduction in the quantity of smoky
• possible chemical reactions between materials present
if their containment is destroyed by fire,
gas needing to be exhausted.
On the other hand, use of a growing fire could result in
• the position of materials relative to walls, ceilings and a less onerous design criterion which may result in
3 Design-fire size 15

considerable savings in the implementation of a SHEVS Table 3.1 Various t2 fire growth rates
design in a large or complex building. Historically, one Time to reach
reason for not using growing fires for design has been the Fire 1000 kW γ
lack of available data about fire growth rate in various growth (s) (kWs )
occupancies and scenarios. Research has been carried out
in the last few years, at FRS and elsewhere, to determine Ultra-fast 73 0.18760
the likely fire growth rate in some occupancies. Data are Fast 146 0.04689
still not available for many scenarios. It is hoped that a Medium 292 0.01172
database of fire growths will be built up which will enable Slow 584 0.00293
widespread use of growing fires for SHEVS designs. Any
fire safety strategy must inevitably compare the time to
the onset of dangerous conditions, which in turn depends
strongly on the assumed fire growth rate, to the estimated distribution of growth curves depending on such factors
evacuation time for occupants as well as to the as variations in fuel layout and variations in the location
attendance time of fire-fighting services. Such strategies of the initial ignition. This distribution means in principle
are very sensitive to influences on these parameters, that the designer should choose an appropriately
which can include the inappropriate behaviour of pessimistic curve: put perhaps too simply, any design
escaping people, minor changes in the building’s based on an average curve implies a failure rate of one in
geometry, traffic jams or roadworks on the access routes two. This is usually unacceptable where life safety is
of the fire-fighting services, temporary absence of fire involved. It is nevertheless unreasonable for the designer
crews at the nearest fire stations for whatever reasons, to base the design on the worst curve possible – this
etc. would be an explosion. The designer (or more usually in
Either method of assessment of the design fire size can practice the enforcer of regulations) must decide where
sometimes be based upon available statistics on fire- the limits of reasonableness lie. Ideally this could be
damaged areas but may have to depend upon specifiable in terms of the constant γ in Eqn 3.1 being a
experienced judgement, based on the anticipated fire specified number of standard deviations away from the
load where a more rigorous approach is not feasible. mean value appropriate to the class of occupancy. Also,
It follows from the foregoing that there is a strongly for some scenarios, the growth rate may vary with time,
subjective element in assessing what fire size is eg a fire may grow at a ‘medium’ rate for the first five
acceptably infrequent for safe design purposes. Clearly, minutes and then change into a ‘fast’ fire.
an ‘average’ fire for safety design is unacceptable, since by Ramachandran [31] has pioneered the analysis of the
definition, nearly half of all fires would grow larger. Also, UK Fire Statistics database to deduce not only fire growth
it is unreasonable to expect a SHEVS to be designed for curves (expressed in exponential form) but also to derive
the largest possible fire. the probability distributions for those curves.
Unfortunately the available data do not cover many
occupancy types of major interest to the smoke control
3.2 Growing design fires
The time-dependent growing design fire has the Exponentially growing fires have also been used in
attraction of trying to model the reality of growing time- some other documents[22]. The fire growth is given as:
varying fires. For horizontal fire spread a time squared (or
‘t2’) curve may be considered: q = α (exp ( β t) –1) (3.2)

q = γ t2 (3.1) where α and β are constants (note: these constants are not
the same parameters represented by α and β elsewhere in
where: the present work). Exponential growth can be very rapid
q = heat release rate (kW), and principally applies to fire spread in vertical surfaces.
γ = a constant defining the steepness of the curve (kWs –2), They are not normally used for SHEVS designs.
t = time after ignition (s). There is a remaining sub-group of growing fires for
This approach is followed in several design guidance design use. These are where the fuel load corresponding
documents for smoke control [22,28,29] including NFPA to a specific occupancy has been recreated under a
92B[22], which classifies the fires as slow, medium, fast and calorimeter (eg the ‘sprinklered calorimeter’ at FRS[32,33])
ultra-fast. Values for γ for those fire growth rates are given and has been burned so that the heat release rate and
in Table 3.1. Where this approach is used it is desirable to other important parameters are known as a function of
carry out other calculations (eg the fire size at the onset of time. These data can then be used by designers to predict
flashover) to set an upper limit to what would otherwise the consequences of what would have happened if that
be an infinite fire growth. same fire had been burned in the building geometry of
In reality, of course, any actual sample of fires interest to the design. This technique is useful in that it
occurring in the same nominal occupancy will never be can allow a confident departure from the more usual
describable by a single growth curve. There will be a design fires for a specific application where the fuel load
16 Design methodologies for SHEVS
is not likely to vary much from the arrangement studied A design procedure with a growing design fire is
in the experiment. summarized in Annex A.
Some designers of fire safety systems assume that a
growing design fire in the presence of sprinklers will grow
3.3 Steady-state design fires
until it has become large enough to trigger the first
sprinkler head, after which it will probably decline or be There is a common misconception that a steady-state fire
extinguished. It is often cited as a pessimistic assumption is meant to be one which grows to a particular size, and
that it is sufficient for designers to take as the largest size then continues at a constant burning rate limited by some
fire that which triggers the first sprinkler and thereafter factor such as limited availability of fuel or limited
remains constant[22,28,29] –but note that BS DD 240 (the ventilation. In practice, this definition has not featured in
last of the three references) also allows the designer to the ‘steady-state’ approach to specifying design fires.
select other options including that the fire should The actual approach followed in the UK and many
continue to grow. other countries over the past 30 to 35 years has been to
There is a considerable body of knowledge concerning assess the largest size the fire is likely to reach during its
the effect of sprinklers on specific fuel arrays used in development (including the effect of the fire services in
experiments. It is clear from these experiments that the controlling the size of fire as well as the effectiveness of
effectiveness of sprinklers depends strongly on the degree sprinklers or other extinguishing media), and to design
to which the fuel is shielded from the water spray the system as if the fire was always of this size. This
(eg reference [32]). It is also clear from these and many approach requires the assumption that any system able to
other experiments that there is a wide range of possible achieve safe design conditions for this large fire will also
fire growth behaviour, and that while sprinklers will achieve safety for all smaller stages of the same fire (see
usually control a fire and will often extinguish it, there can section 3.1 above). It also follows from this concept that
be circumstances where the fire can indeed grow after the the steady-state design fire is inherently a statistical
first sprinkler operates. Unfortunately there appear to be concept.
no experimentally derived statistics available to quantify As for the growing fire described above, assuming an
the probabilities of these possibilities. ‘average’ maximum fire size will imply an unacceptable
Thus, the commonly held assumption that the upper failure rate of 50%, whereas the largest possible fire is
limit to a growing design fire can be taken to be the size at always unreasonable. The designer and regulator has to
which the first sprinkler operates, remains unconfirmed. adopt the concept of a subjectively acceptable largest
As mentioned earlier, results from experimental work design size (see also section 3.1). Unfortunately, steady-
in which fires with the fuel load typical of a specific state design fires contain no information about the actual
scenario have been studied under a calorimeter can times involved in the fire.
provide information for use in SHEVS design. The The UK Fire Statistics are much easier to analyse in
experiments provide heat release rates and other relevant terms of the largest tire-damaged area recorded after an
parameters in the rig as a function of time. The results can incident than in terms of the actual growth rate
then be extrapolated to build up a realistic fire growth (eg Morgan & Hansell[34] and Ghosh [35]). Another
scenario for the building of interest. Results from some approach to the maximum area has been discussed by
recent experimental work are given in Table 3.2. Ramachandran [36] using mainly information for fires in

Table 3.2 Results of experiments simulating different types of occupancy

Fire Heat release HRR at operation of HRR at operation of
Type of growth rate (HRR) 1st quick-response 1st normal-response
occupancy rate per m2 fuel sprinkler sprinkler Notes

Retail premises Fast to ultra-fast 280–650 kWm –2 Between 100 kW Between 500 kW This occupancy type can contain
(videos) and 700 kW and 1000 kW a wide range of fire hazards,
(packets of crisps) leading to a wide range of
growth rates and heat release
rates. The arrangement of
materials can also have a
significant effect on fire growth,
eg fire growth may be more
rapid in goods displayed on
Cellular offices Medium 270 kWm The fire load mainly comprised
furniture, papers and computers.
Libraries Slow to medium 150–650 kWm The fuel comprised hardback and
paperback books.

Note: Heat release rate values are prior to sprinkler operation.

3 Design-fire size 17

(a) (b) 100

200 50
100 Day and night
10 Day and night
50 Day and night
40 unsprinklered
5 Day and night
30 unsprinklered



0 5 10 15 20 25 50 1
% of sample > A ƒ
0 20 40 60 80
% of fires > A ƒ

Figure 9 Percentage of fires exceeding a specified fire-damaged area: (a) offices, (b) retail areas

the textile industry. References [34,35] followed the class of occupancy must be expected to have its own
earlier Morgan & Chandler[37] paper defining a ‘relative characteristic design fire.
frequency’, such that it represents the percentage of fire It is also impossible in most cases to arrive at a heat
incidents out of a defined population of incidents which release rate from the UK Fire Statistics database, and so it
exceed a specified fire-damaged area. For example, in has always been necessary to assume or derive from some
Figure 9a (from reference [34]), 10% of incidents from a other source a value of heat release rate per square metre
population defined as fires starting in offices where appropriate to the occupancy in question. It has been
sprinklers are present, exceed a fire-damaged area of usual to assume a pessimistic value from a frequency
16 m 2. In this case, which has become the commonly distribution of heat release rates per square metre, where
adopted design fire for sprinkler-equipped offices, we can this can be deduced[27]. This approach necessarily means
say that the design fire has a relative frequency of 10%. that a pessimistic view has been introduced in two
Another example is the more recent study by Ghosh [35] of separate stages of the argument in arriving at a design fire.
fires starting in retail areas of retail premises (Figure 9b), It can also be noted that where there is a lack of reliable
although the decision as to the design fire size for evidence to support the choice of either a growing or a
sprinkler-equipped public areas of retail premises was steady-state fire, it is usually more practicable to assess
taken on the basis of much weaker evidence[5,24]. the largest size that a fire might reasonably achieve rather
Figures 9a and 9b show that sprinklers have the effect than the time it might take to reach such a size. This
of reducing the frequency with which fires exceed any means, for example, that when there is no clear evidence
given area, for all except the smaller fires. It is also well available to support a choice of either a particular
established that sprinklers, when in operation, make it constant in the ‘t2’ growth formula, or a statistically
much less likely that a fire in a room will achieve reliable steady-state maximum fire, it is usually safer to
flashover. It is common in the UK to specify that ask an experienced fire officer to assess the size of fire his
sprinklers be fitted, as part of the smoke ventilation first-attending crew would begin to extinguish than to ask
concept, in order to keep the fire within limits which him to assess how long the fire would take to grow to that
allow more practical smoke ventilation. Indeed, in the size.
UK the fitting of sprinklers in shops open to enclosed Work on design guidance for smoke ventilation
shopping malls, combined with smoke exhaust systems in shopping centres[5,24] used the principle of
ventilation in those malls, is mandatory. selecting a fixed size of fire that would cater for almost all
It can also be seen from Figures 9a and 9b that different of the fire sizes likely to be found in that class of
occupancies (in this case offices and retail areas) do not occupancy and then deducing a pessimistic heat output
follow the same curve. It immediately follows that there is from that fire[34,24]. This procedure has been adopted for
no such thing as a universal design fire. Each different occupancies other than retail, which are also commonly
18 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Table 3.3 Steady-state design-fire sizes
Fire Fire Heat release Total convective
Occupancy area, Af perimeter, P rate density, q f heat flux
type (m ) 2
(m) (kWm ) (kW)

Retail areas
Standard response sprinklers 10 12 625 5000
Quick response sprinklers 5 9 625 2500
No sprinklers Entire room Width of opening 1200 ?
Open-plan offices
Standard response sprinklers 16 14 255 2700 (close to the fire flume)
1000 (at the window)
No sprinklers: fuel-bed 47 24 255 8000 (close to the fire plume)
controlled 6000 (at the window)
No sprinklers: full involvement Entire room Width of opening 255 ?
of compartment
Hotel bedroom
Standard response sprinklers 2 6 250 400 (close to the plume)
300 (at the window)
No sprinklers Entire room Width of opening 100 1000 (at the window)
(typically c. 20 m 2 )
Car park
(a burning car) 10 12 400 3000 (close to the plume)


Experiments in a sprinklered calorimeter indicate that the fire sizes in some occupancies may be smaller than given in the table, but as yet there iS not enough information to give reliable values.

Design fire sizes for offices and hotel rooms are not officially ‘approved’ choices, although they are widely used.

Recent information on burning cars suggests that modern cars use materials which may sometimes give higher burning rates than in the Table. The position is not yet clear for cars on fire in car parks, and
this recommendation may change when better data become available.

associated with atrium buildings, ie offices and hotel above. The mass flow rate of gases entering the final
bedrooms[34,38] . reservoir will be less than would be calculated using the
Table 3.3 summarizes several of the more commonly value given above. Even for this scenario, therefore, the
adopted steady-state design fire sizes in current use. The above value should err on the side of safety. Designers
heat release rate (q fAf) is the total heat generated by wishing to take sprinkler cooling in the fire compartment
combustion per second, and is the parameter measured in more rigorously into account should adopt a fully fire-
most calorimetry experiments. Some of this heat is engineered approach appropriate to their specific
radiated from the flames, and warms the surrounding circumstances, for example by using the methods
walls, floor, etc. The heat remaining in the gases is the described in section 5.5 to assess the effect of sprinkler
convective heat flux, and is the heat flow parameter cooling on the outflowing gases.
required for calculations of subsequent smoke The use of the bedroom floor area for the hotel
movement. bedroom design fire reflects the situation where there are
When considering an unsprinklered office occupancy no sprinklers present. Unpublished research on
there exists the potential for flashover to occur, and for sprinklered bed fires[39], where the low heat output per
the entire floor becoming involved in fire. Even if the unit area was comparable to values for hotel bedrooms,
building geometry can accommodate this fire condition, suggest that the much lower fuel load (compared with an
the destructive power of a fully involved office room fire office) expected in a hotel bedroom utilizing
is such that smoke control systems cannot usually be conventional sprinklers should make it possible for the
designed to protect satisfactorily means of escape in this smoky gases to be cooled sufficiently to be retained
situation, except for fires in small rooms. An assessment within the room of origin (assuming the window is not
of the mass flow rate and heat flux from a room fire will open). The operation of sprinklers is likely to cool any
allow the potential for flashover to be estimated, and smoke from a fire and suppress that fire to such an extent
thence whether additional precautionary measures are that the glazing to the bedroom will probably remain
required, eg sprinklers. This book will only provide intact. This is particularly true for double-glazed
guidance for the design of smoke control systems for a windows.
fuel-bed-controlled fire in an office, and a fully involved The same research [39] indicates that the use of
fire in a hotel bedroom. conventional sprinklers in a residential environment may
Gases flowing into the atrium from a fire deep within a not, however, allow conditions within the room to
large-area office with operating sprinklers may be cooler remain tenable, and it may be inferred that the presence
than is assumed in the ‘sprinklered office’ design fire of an open window to the room could produce hazardous
3 Design-fire size 19
conditions in the atrium, at least above the floor of fire possible fire, or the fastest possible fire growth rate. In
origin. There are no statistical data available on fires in practice, it is always necessary to design for the largest
sprinklered hotel bedrooms in the UK; consequently, any reasonable size of fire; or in other words for a fire which
choice of design fire size will be subjective. Should a will be exceeded in an acceptably small proportion of fire
designer wish to examine the effect of a plume emanating incidents likely to occur in the occupancy type of interest
from an open window in a sprinklered hotel bedroom, it to the designer. Where the data exists in the correct form,
would not seem unreasonable to use a value of 6 m this essentially means choosing an appropriate value of
perimeter (equivalent to a single bed) with a convective relative frequency and finding the corresponding area for
heat output of around 500 kW as the design fire. the design fire. Similarly for growing fires, it is always
Research into the use of fast-response sprinklers in a necessary to choose a design fire whose growth rate will
residential environment[40,41] has clearly shown that at the be exceeded in an acceptably small proportion of
time of operation of these sprinklers the conditions inside incidents in the type of occupancy of interest. As has
the rooms were still tenable, ie there was no life-safety already been noted above, the paucity of available
risk from the smoke, even with excessive ceiling level probability distributions of growth curves makes the
temperatures. This clearly indicates that for any gases choice of design fire difficult. For both steady-state and
flowing into the atrium (eg through an open window) the growing design fires, these decisions are necessarily
further entrainment induced by the rising smoke plume subjective (more so where decisions have to be based on
will ensure that conditions within the atrium must be an experienced judgement in the absence of a known
tenable, regardless of the smoke temperature or smoke probability distribution).
production rate in the room. While it is possible that this One expects differences of perception. It is common to
may also be true for cellular offices employing fast- find that individuals responsible for a single building will
response sprinklers, there is no evidence (experimental or see as low those values of probability which the regulator
empirical) to validate this, and so to err on the side of will see as unacceptably large when applied to a large
safety, this book will regard sprinklered offices employing number of similar buildings for which he has
fast-response sprinklers in the same way as offices using responsibility.
conventional sprinklers. Further research and statistical What constitutes an acceptable point in a probability
data are desirable in this area. distribution also depends on the likely public reaction in
The design procedure for a steady-state design fire is potentially multi-fatality fires. Anecdotal evidence, eg the
summarized in Annex B. strength of the public reaction following a major
multiple-death fire such as the Kings Cross Underground
Station fire in London in 1987 after many decades
3.4 Acceptable failure rates
without any fire deaths in similar circumstances, suggests
It has already been noted that it is never feasible to design that for some types of public building the acceptable
a fire safety engineered system to cope with the largest failure rate can be very low indeed.

4 Escape times

SHEVS are often designed such that a clear layer will Evacuation time
remain for an indefinite period, provided the design fire Evacuation time will depend on the travel distance, the
size is not exceeded. If the purpose of the smoke control number and width of exits, and the population. It also
system is purely for life safety then a clear layer only need depends on the presence of stragglers, disabled or injured
be maintained for such a period that safe evacuation of all people and the unpredictable behaviour of human beings
the occupants can take place. In these cases, it is in an emergency: people who have already reached a safe
important to determine both the available escape time environment will often go back into an endangered zone
and the required escape time to ensure that the available for subjective reasons (eg a mother looking for her child
escape time is at least as long as the required escape time. from whom she became separated during evacuation).
Available escape time is defined as the time from the Also, the population of a building cannot be estimated
detection of a fire to the ‘time to danger’ where escape accurately for all circumstances, eg in the time before
becomes impossible or very difficult. The time to danger Christmas there can be far more people than normal
is the time until: inside a shopping mall. In this case, the required escape
• the clear layer height is less than 3 m (may be lower in
some cases), or
time can be longer than assumed in the design. This could
lead to deaths if the safety margin included in the design
• the hot gas layer temperature is 200 °C or more. is insufficient.
It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss escape
If the clear layer (ie visibility of at least 10 m) was too times in detail. In general, specialist help should be
shallow then escape would be through smoke and will be sought for egress calculations. In some scenarios, it is not
difficult. Radiation from a layer whose temperature is possible to consider smoke control without an estimate of
more than 200 °C may cause severe pain and discomfort. escape times.
It is relatively straightforward to calculate the available The sensitivity of the ‘time to danger’ to the assumed
escape time from procedures given in this book. fire growth rate has been discussed in Chapter 3. This
It is much more difficult to assess what the required introduces a probabilistic aspect to the concept of the
escape times will be. In general, they will have two available escape time. Similarly, the time needed for safe
components: evacuation of occupants should ideally be described in
• alerting time and terms of probabilities, although the dependence on
• evacuation time. human behaviour makes this difficult. Ideally, it should be
possible to calculate the combined probability of a design
Alerting time being successful taking into account all the separate
Alerting time is the time needed for the people to realize probabilities of the different assumptions, both in the
that there is a life threat and to start to move. Evacuation available time for escape and in the time required for
time is the time needed to reach a place of safety. Alerting escape. Unfortunately this will be impossible to do with
time will depend on many factors, some of the most accuracy in most cases because of the inadequacy of
important being the type of alarm given and the available supporting data, and it will be necessary to
availability of trained staff. Proulx & Sime[42] have shown approximate to a greater or lesser extent. This in turn
that when using only a fire bell, as an alarm the alerting suggests the need for adequate safety margins to be
time can be nearly 10 minutes, whereas with voice-alarm applied to the results and conclusions of such
and staff intervention this can be reduced to 60–90 s. calculations.
Note that alerting times can change due to too many false It should not be forgotten that the time required for
alarms or to failure of the alarm system. Experience has safe escape of the occupants from a building may not be
shown that people tend to ignore alerts if they occur the only time limit which has to be considered when
frequently. carrying out a time-based SHEVS design. It is useful to
regard fire-fighters as building occupants while they are
4 Escape times 21
inside fighting a fire; the design of the SHEVS should not parameters which leads, for example, to the prediction
allow them to be put at risk simply because the original that fire crews may be caught in a flashover cannot be
occupants have escaped. Any choice of design regarded as good practice in SHEVS design (see also

5 Smoke control on the storey

of fire origin

of the opening (Figure 11). Where no downstand exists,

5.1 Within the fire room
and an exhaust slot is used instead, the exhaust capacity
In any situation involving the potential movement of provided will need to be compatible with the layer depth
smoke into escape routes it is always preferable, although (Figure 12). See section 5.12 on exhaust slots (slit extract).
not always practicable (as in most shopping malls), to More generally, the minimum height to the base of the
control the smoke in the fire room and hence prevent its smoke layer formed in the smoke reservoir should be
passage to otherwise unaffected areas. Ventilation of the chosen on the grounds of safety. Some minimum values
fire room may be achieved either by a dedicated SHEVS are listed in Annex B for different types of occupancy of
or by adapting and boosting an air-conditioning or the building.
ventilating system. The latter systems are usually This type of plume is defined as an axi-symmetric
designed to distribute air uniformly through a space and plume as the smoke flow should be approximately
not to establish thermal stratification as in a SHEVS. It symmetrical about an axis; in the absence of wind the axis
follows that control dampers will usually be needed be will be vertical. Having established the clear layer height
needed to modify the mode of operation, eg to keep in the room, the mass flow rate of smoke can then be
exhaust points near the ceiling open and to shut down air calculated.
supply from the ceiling downwards, as well as other
related changes in operation. If the compartment is open 5.1.1 Plumes above large fires
to an adjacent atrium, then the compartment must have Plumes above large fires can be considered to be those
either a downstand barrier to create a reservoir within the where:
compartment, or a high-powered exhaust slot at the
boundary edge to achieve a similar effect (Figures 10a Y ≤ 10(Af)0.5 (m) (5.1)
and 10b).
The minimum height of the smoke layer base in the where Y is the height of rise of the plume and Af(m2) is
room must be compatible with the openings onto the the area of the fire.
atrium, with the layer depth being no lower than the soffit Work by Hansell[43] drawing on work by Zukoski et

(a) (b)
Exhaust from Exhaust from Boundary edge
compartment compartment exhaust slot

Downstand No downstand

Figure 10 Smoke ventilation within a compartment: (a) use of a downstand to create a smoke reservoir, (b) use of a ‘slot exhaust’ to
prevent smoke from entering the reservoir
5 Smoke control on storey of fire origin 23
C e = 0.34 (kgs-1m -5/2) for small rooms such as unit shops,
Exhaust from
compartment * cellular offices, hotel bedrooms (prior to flashover
or full involvement), etc. with ventilation openings
predominantly to one side of the fire (eg from an
office window in one wall only). Thus most small
rooms will take this value.
P = perimeter of the fire (m).

The earliest form of Eqn (5.2) was by Thomas et al[9], and

was developed from theoretical considerations for the
flame region above extensive areas of fire: where the fire
is not close to any wall, the ceiling is much higher than
the flame region of the plume, and air is free to approach
the fire from all sides.
* Volumetric flow rate sufficiently great The basic equation was simplified by merging
to prevent smoke spillage beneath
constants, and by giving certain parameters values
downstand for height of rise Y.
appropriate to flame conditions, reducing to Eqn (5.2)
Figure 11 Plume height and layer depth with a downstand with Ce = 0.188. It follows that the justification for using
Eqn (5.2) for the thermal plume region above the flames
is essentially empirical, and has been summarized by
Exhaust from Boundary edge Hinkley [46], showing that the equation has been validated
compartment * exhaust slot * experimentally for values of Y up to 10 times (Af)0.5 (from
0.1 m to 20 m)[46] for fires in large spaces, using square
fires of side lengths between 0.2 m and 4.5 m. The
equation has been validated for fire sizes between 8 kW
and 30 MW, with values of the heat release rate density
No downstand
between 200 kWm -2 and 1800 kWm -2. Its extension
beyond those ranges is untested, but it is likely that any
fire extending above that range will rapidly lead to
flashover, and the full involvement of any room, and that
any fire smaller than that range would be subject to the
thermal plume breaking up into a larger number of
smaller plumes.
Poreh & Morgan have shown that Eqn (5.2) is
* Volumetric flow rate sufficiently great equivalent to the equation derived by Zukoski et al[44]
to prevent smoke spillage beyond the (see section 5.1.2 below) for entrainment into a buoyant
exhaust slot for height of rise Y.
plume, within the limits of the available experimental
Figure 12 Plume height and layer depth with a slot exhaust uncertainties.
Note here that Eqn (5.2) (and all other axi-symmetric
plumes) will be further modified if the fire is very close to
al[44] and Quintiere et al[45] to modify earlier studies by one or more walls. This effect is discussed in section 5.1.3
Thomas et al[9] and Hinkley[46] has shown that the rate of below.
air entrainment into a plume of smoke rising above a fire, The quantity of smoke entering a ceiling reservoir or
Mf, may be obtained using the equation: flowing layer given by Eqn (5.2) is shown graphically in
Figures 13a and 13b for both (small) cellular and open-
Mf = Ce P Y3/2 (kgs-1) (5.2) plan rooms (Ce = 0.34 and Ce = 0.19) and for sprinklered
and unsprinklered offices (P = 14 m and P = 24 m).
where: Similar curves are shown graphically in Figure 14 for
C e = 0.19 (kgs-1m -5/2) for large-area rooms such as sprinklered large retail areas of shops.
auditoria, stadia, large open-plan offices, atrium The demarcation between a cellular room and an
floors, etc. where the ceiling is well above the fire. open-plan layout is determined by the ability of the
C e = 0.21 (kgs-1m -5/2) for large-area rooms, such as open- incoming airflow to flow into the rising plume from all
plan offices, where the ceiling is close to the fire. sides. The narrower the room becomes, the less easily the
(Note: it is not known how and under what air can flow behind the plume. In this regard, cellular
conditions one should regard a ceiling as being rooms are considered herein to be those in which the
close to the fire. Until better evidence appears, it is maximum room dimension is less than or equal to 5 times
hereby suggested that C e should take the value 0.21 the effective width of the design fire size (eg its diameter
whenever Y is < three times √ Af. It is hoped that if circular), and the incoming air can only enter from one
research will allow a better basis for choice). direction (Figure 15). This demarcation dimension was
24 Design methodologies for SHEVS

(a) Ce = 0.188 Ce = 0.337


Ce = 0.188 Ce = 0.337


0 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100

Mass flow (kgs -1) Mass flow (kgs -1)

Figure 13 Rate of production of hot gases for (a) sprinklered, (b) unsprinklered offices

chosen arbitrarily when first proposed for inclusion in
reference [13], based on the experienced judgement of
the authors, and still has no theoretical derivation.
Research in this area is highly desirable.
4 Whilst Figures 13a and 13b show the mass flow
production curves for cellular offices, many such
configurations will not in practice have a fixed wall
construction with a good enough fire resistance, or have a
large enough opening to sustain the replacement air
supply (see section 5.8) needed for such large fires.
Figure 13b also has a ‘cut-off' below which the
temperature of the gas layer will exceed 600 °C and
flashover of the room will almost certainly have occurred.
2 The mechanism of flashover may well start to occur prior
to this critical point, and gas temperatures in excess of
500 °C may be considered a conservative lower limit for
flashover potential[47] . The ‘danger-zone’ is shown as a
shaded area on Figure 13b.
Mass flow rates should be above this shaded zone for
the smoke control systems to operate safely.

5.1.2 Plumes above small fires

0 Plumes above small fires are those where the
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 characteristic dimension of the fire (eg the diameter of a
Mass flow (kgs-‘)
round fire) is sufficiently smaller than the plume height
above the fire that the plume can be regarded as being
Figure 14 Rate of production of hot gases for large essentially circular in horizontal cross-section and at
sprinklered shops these plume heights appears to behave as if it were
5 Smoke control on storey of fire origin 25
conical in shape rising from a point source. Because of entrainment into the buoyant plume.
this behaviour mathematical models based on this When using the Large Fire Eqn (5.2), it is sometimes
approximation are often known as ‘point-source’ models. assumed that the reduction in mass flow is the same as
Note that in these models the actual fire is taken to the reduction in the effective fire perimeter. Thus, a liquid
correspond to a horizontal plane in the conical plume, pool fire in a 1 x 1 m tray will have a perimeter of 4 m
some distance above the point of the inverted cone. It when the tray is away from any wall; 3 m when one side
follows that the location of the point is virtual (ie of the tray is close to a wall; and 2 m when the tray is
imaginary, having no real existence), and this location located in a corner, ie two of the sides are located close to
can often be lower than the floor beneath the actual fire. walls. For the same height of rise of a plume, the
The distance from the actual fire to the virtual point corresponding mass flux should then be M f, 0.75M f and
source can be defined from different heights in the fuel 0.5Mf when the fire is in the middle of the room, near one
array, and can take different values in different models. wall, and in a corner respectively.
In view of the greater convenience of Eqn (5.2), this When using Eqn (5.4) it is often assumed, from
current book will only consider these ‘small-fire’ models theoretical analysis, that the walls will reduce the mass
as being appropriate for: flow from the fire such that the entrainment will be
0.63 times that of the same fire in the middle of the room
Y > 10(Af)0.5 (5.3) when the fire is close to one wall, and is 0.4 times that of
the same fire in the middle of the room when the fire is in
Poreh & Morgan [48] have shown that Eqn (5.2) is a corner.
equivalent to the equation derived by Zukoski et al[44] for Recent unpublished experimental evidence obtained
entrainment into a buoyant plume, within the limits of at the Fire Research Station suggests that when the fire is
the available experimental uncertainties. Following near one or more walls the true mass flow may be greater
Zukoski et al, we can write: than those values. For a fire close to one wall the mass
flow was ˜0.7 times that of the same fire in the middle of
Mf = C nQ f1/3(Y-Y 0)5/3 (kgs-1) (5.4) the room, and for a fire in a corner the mass flow was
˜0.65 times that of the same fire in the middle of the
where: room. Data are only available from a very limited number
C n = 0.071 (kgs-1 kW-1/3 m -5/3), of experiments.
Q f = convective heat flux (kW), Therefore, design assumptions will err on the side of
Y0 = height above the base of the fire to the virtual origin safety if the smaller values of M are used to predict
of the smoke plume (m). flashover conditions and the larger values of M (typically
The use of Eqn (5.4) r equires that the value of Y0 must be for fires not close to walls in most cases) used for
determined for each fire size. calculating the capacity of the SHEVS.
Y 0 can be calculated from reference [44]:
5.1.4 Effects of sprinkler
Y 0 = -l.02D f + 0.083Q f 2/5 (m) (5.5) There is no information available to show how the
equations for entrainment into a plume should be
Eqn (5.5) has only been validated for pool-type fires, and modified to allow for the effects of sprinkler spray
it is assumed that for most solid fuels found in buildings interactions. Consequently, they are used here
the value of Y0 is likely to be similar. The value of the unmodified.
convective heat flux (Q f) can be assumed as ˜70% of the
total heat released per second by the fire for most
5.2 The flow of hot gases out of the room of
practical fuel materials.
If the height of the fuel is known then a more accurate
origin into a taller adjacent space (eg an
calculation of entrainment may be done by using the atrium or mall)
formula derived by Heskestad [49] : Many buildings have rooms opening into a common
space with a much higher ceiling. Examples include
M = 0.071Qf0.33(y-yo)1.67[1+0.026Qf0.67(y-y0)-1.67] (kg s-1) (5.6a) multistorey shopping malls, single-storey shopping malls
where the mall has a much higher ceiling than the shop’s
where y0 is the height of the virtual origin of the plume opening height, atria and buildings with mezzanine
measured above the top of the burning fuel, and: floors. In such buildings any fire on the floor of the larger
space can be described as if it were a simple single-storey
y0 = -l.02Df + 0.083Q f2/5 (5.6b) space with a high ceiling.
Additional processes must be considered when the fire
occurs in one of the rooms adjacent to the tall space. In
5.1.3 Effects of adjacent walls on entrainment such a room the selection process for the design fire
into the plume remains unchanged. The plume immediately above the
Where a fire is expected to be directly bounded by walls, fire is as described in Eqn (5.2), but the smoke layer
it is commonly assumed that the walls act to reduce the formed under the ceiling of the room will flow
26 Design methodologies for SHEVS
horizontally through the opening(s) to the larger space
unless special measures are taken to prevent it. Cellular room
A SHEVS design requires calculation of the mass flow
rate of smoke at each stage en route. This requires a
calculation of the mass flow rate at the room’s opening. It Restricted air flow to
is also necessary to identify whether the selected design fire and plume
fire is realistic for the circumstances. This can be checked
by calculating the temperature of the gases beneath the
ceiling of the fireroom – or at its opening. If the

temperature is too high heat radiation in the room will W opening
rapidly cause full involvement of all available fuel in the Df
room (ie flashover). In such a case, the only reasonable
design fire is a fully involved room, requiring a
reassessment of the heat release rate, and also requiring a
change in the calculation procedures. It can be assumed
that sprinklers in the fire room will prevent flashover.
The mass flow rate of smoky gases passing through a
Cellular room
vertical opening (Mw) may be found from references
C e PWh
Mw =
2/3 3/2 (kgs - 1 ) (5.7)
2/3 1 CeP
W +
Cd 2 Figure 15 Limiting size of cellular room

where: spill edge itself (discussed in the previous paragraph).

W = width of opening (m), An empirical correlation involving an iterative method
h = height of the top of opening above the floor (m), of calculating C do was developed by Hansell[43] and was
C d = effective coefficient of discharge for the opening. included in earlier guidance from BRE[13]. Unfortunately,
Note: The number ‘2’ in Eqn (5.7) is the result of it had not been possible for his work to study a wide
combining various parameters, and has dimension. variety of opening widths, opening heights, or mass flow
rates of hot gases. It has been found in practice that
It is worth repeating at this point the earlier comment although the correlation gave a good result over the
that the demarcation between a cellular room and an experimental range, the predicted value of C do can
open-plan layout, ie the basis for choosing C e , is become unbelievably large when it is used for
determined by the ability of the incoming airflow to flow circumstances too different from the original
into the rising plume from all sides. The narrower the experimental geometries which gave rise to Hansell’s
room becomes, the less easily the air can flow behind the correlation. It is noteworthy that where the design
plume. In this regard, as stated in section 5.1.1, cellular condition is close to the experimental geometry, most of
rooms are considered herein to be those in which the the calculated values of C do for ‘intermediate-depth
maximum room dimension is less than or equal to 5 times downstand’ using Hansell’s full method are reasonably
the diameter of the design fire size, and the incoming air close to 0.8.
can only enter from one direction (Figure 15). As a result of the above, a simpler alternative is here
Where the smoke flow directly approaches a ‘spill recommended for calculating the appropriate value of
edge’ with no downstand (eg where the ceiling is flush C do :
with the top of the opening), Cd = Cds = 1.0. Where
smoke spills past a deep downstand at the spill edge, the
• Make an initial assessment of the mass flow rate using
Eqn 5.7 and a trial value of Cdo (Cdo = 0.65) and thus an
discharge coefficient for smoke flows directly beneath the initial assessment of the flowing layer depth D w can be
downstand can be taken to be 0.65. made from:
Where the smoke flows beyond a downstand or lower
ceiling level at an opening set back from the actual spill 1 Mw
Dw = (m) (5.8)
edge, rising in the form of a plume of height Dd (Figures Cd o 2W
16a and b) it has been shown that the height of rise of the
plume has an effect on the rate of flow of smoke leaving using the same initial trial value of Cdo. (Note that
the opening[43]. This effect can be expressed as a Eqn 5.8 is a simplified and approximated version of the
modification to the coefficient of discharge at the more detailed equation discussed in section 5.6. While
opening (which we can write as C do in order to maintain a it is sufficiently accurate for the purposes of the
distinction between the two scenarios). Note: This should iterative procedure described herein, it is better to
not be confused with the coefficient of discharge at the follow section 5.6 where the actual layer depth has to
5 Smoke control on storey of fire origin 27
(a) (b)

Figure 16 Flow out of an opening with (a) downstand and projecting balcony, (b) a high balcony

be calculated.) Note that for the specific case of single-storey

• Where Dd = 0 (ie no downstand), do not separately
calculate for the window opening if it is not also the
shopping malls whose ceilings are not too much taller
than the shop units opening into those malls, there has
spill edge. In practice, it should be possible to ignore been an alternative empirical correlation [24,51]. In this
very small downstands. It is here suggested without approach, all the calculations of outflow from the fire-
evidence that we can treat all values of Dd less than compartment detailed in section 5.2, as well as Eqn (5.9),
0.25 Dw as being able to be ignored. are simply replaced by Eqn (5.1) with Y being the height
• Where Dd >> Dw (it is here suggested without
evidence that one can assume D d > 2D w), we can
measured from the base of the fire to the base of the
buoyant smoke layer in the mall and with C e taking the
assume that Cdo = 0.65. value 0.38. It is believed that this correlation will break
• For all intermediate cases, assume that Cdo = 0.8. down for malls where the smoke reservoir layer’s base is
too high above the top of the fire-compartment’s opening
Note: the number ‘2’ in Eqn (5.8) is the result of (ie the window between shop unit and mall), and it is
combining various parameters, and has dimension. suggested that this simple correlation should not be used
where the layer base is more than 2 m above the top of
It is clear that this represents an unsatisfactory position, the opening . Instead, the designer should employ the
and this approach can be expected to be superseded as calculation methods detailed in Chapter 6.
soon as a more comprehensive experimental study can
lead to a better, more widely validated, correlation.
5.3 Ventilation of single-storey smoke
Early experiments in smoke flow in shopping malls [50]
and unpublished further analysis of the data at FRS have
reservoirs (including the balcony space
shown that the smoke flowing from a room with a deep where smoke is contained and exhausted
downstand and then under a balcony beyond the from beneath a balcony)
opening becomes more turbulent with increasing mixing This section applies both where an axisymmetric plume
of air. This analysis was based on the differences in rises directly into a smoke reservoir, and where a smoke
temperature measured beneath the downstand at the reservoir is formed on the same storey as the fire but
opening, and beneath the balcony. In the continuing outside the room of fire origin. This latter case occurs
absence of better evidence, we suggest that for the when the smoke cannot be contained within the room of
purpose of engineering design the mass flow rate of origin because the rooms have demountable partitions;
smoke entering the balcony reservoir M B can be taken to and/or insufficient replacement air can be provided;
be approximately double the amount given by Eqn (5.7) and/or the engineering implications are too costly or
ie: difficult to apply, then the smoke and hot gases will be
able to travel from the room of origin into the space
MB = 2M w (kgs-1) (5.9) beyond. This space can be a single-storey mall, or part of
the same storey as the fire-room. This section therefore
This assumption is taken in the spirit of the philosophy of applies to any smoke reservoir formed on the same storey
this book declared in the Preface, and is known to be as the fire-room, but adjacent to that fire-room.
crude. Further research is highly desirable. Some atria are designed with balconies around the
28 Design methodologies for SHEVS


Room Common

Smoke curtains

Figure 17 Schematic section of an atrium with balconies

Figure 19 Under-balcony smoke reservoir venting into an atrium
smoke reservoir

of the reservoir to ensure that the smoke retains its

buoyancy. Each reservoir should be limited to an area not
Exhaust from exceeding 1300 m2 in area, with an upper limit to the area
balcony reservoir of the fire-room of 1300 m 2 where powered smoke
exhaust is used; or 1000 m 2 for each parameter where
Atrium natural smoke ventilation is used (by analogy with
Balcony edge shopping malls [24]). Note that it is logically equivalent to
screen specify that the total area of fire-room plus adjacent
smoke reservoir should not exceed 2000 m 2 for natural
smoke ventilation, or 2600 m 2 if powered smoke
ventilation is used. Also by analogy with shopping
malls [24], the smoke reservoir should have a maximum
length of 60 m. See section 5.17 below for a fuller
discussion of the limits to smoke reservoir size.
Where the smoke reservoir is formed beneath a
balcony in a multistorey space (eg an atrium or mall), the
Figure 18 An under balcony smoke reservoir screens around the balconies will, in general, be fairly
close to potential fire compartments (eg offices). Being
close, smoke issuing from such a compartment will
perimeter of the void, serving all the rooms at that level. deepen locally on meeting a transverse barrier. The depth
Figure 17 illustrates in schematic form an atrium with of these screens should take into account local deepening
floors (two levels only are shown in the Figures) which (see section 5.7). Smoke removed from these lower-level
have balconies which leave a considerable area for reservoirs should usually be ducted to outside the
pedestrians. On each level there is a large area situated building but can be ducted into the ceiling reservoir of the
below each balcony. If screens (activated by smoke atrium (Figure 19). The mass flow rate of smoke to be
detectors or as permanent features) are hung down from exhausted from the atrium roof will then be that
the balcony edges, the region below each balcony can be calculated for the under-balcony condition [50] .
turned into a ceiling reservoir (Figure 18). In this case, the
clear air height beneath the smoke reservoir must also be 5.4 Smoke layer temperature
selected on the grounds of safety; see Annex B for a
listing of typical minimum values. This is similar to the The mean temperature rise of the smoke layer above
procedure used in multistorey shopping complexes [24] . ambient, θ, can be calculated from:
This reservoir, however it has been formed, can then Qw
be provided with its own exhaust system. Smoke curtains θ = (K) (5.10)
can be positioned (eg across the balcony) to limit the size
5 Smoke control on storey of fire origin 29
where: may cause difficulties for people escaping along a balcony
Q w = convective heat flux in the gases (kW), beneath the smoke layer, especially if the balconies form
M = mass flow of smoke (eg Mw or MB) (kgs-1), a major escape route. The maximum smoke layer
c = specific heat capacity of the gases (kJ (kg)-1K-1). temperature which will allow safe evacuation without
Tables 5.1a to 5.1d give the temperature rise θ for undue stress is of the order of 200 °C. If this gas
1 MW, 2.5 MW, 5 MW and 6 MW convective heat fluxes temperature (or lower) cannot be achieved under the
respectively. Note that an ambient temperature of balcony then consideration should be given to:
15 °Celsius has been assumed when preparing these • alternative escape routes,
Tables. • shorter escape paths along the balcony,
In unsprinklered fire situations a high smoke layer
temperature will result in intense heat radiation which
• the installation of sprinklers, above the balcony to cool
the gases further.

Table 5.1a Volume flow rate and temperature of gases for a Table 5.1b Volume flow rate and temperature of gases for a
1 MW convective heat flux 2.5 MW convective heat flux
Mass Temperature Volume rate Mass Temperature Volume rate
flow rate of gases of exhaust flow rate of gases of exhaust
(mass rate above (at maximum (mass rate above (at maximum
of exhaust) ambient temperature) of exhaust) ambient temperature)
(kgs )-1
(°C) (m3s-1) (kgs )-1
(°C) (m3s-1)

4 258 6.2 10 248 15.2

6 165 7.7 12 206 16.8
8 124 9.4 15 165 19.3
10 99 11.0 20 124 23.4
12 83 12.6 25 99 27.5
15 66 15.1 30 83 31.6
20 50 19.2 35 71 35.7
25 40 23.3 40 62 40.0
30 33 27.4 50 50 48.0
35 28 31.4 60 41 56.1
40 25 35.6 75 33 68.4
50 20 43.8 90 28 80.8
110 23 97.2

Table 5.1c Volume flow rate and temperature of gases for a Table 5.1d Volume flow rate and temperature of gases for a
5 MW convective heat flux 6 MW convective heat flux
Mass Temperature Volume rate Mass Temperature Volume rate
flow rate of gases of exhaust flow rate of gases of exhaust
(mass rate above (at maximum (mass rate above (at maximum
of exhaust) ambient temperature) of exhaust) ambient temperature)
3 -1
(kgs -1) (°C) (m s ) (kgs )-1
(°C) (m3s-1)

10 495 22.2 12 495 26.7

12 413 23.9 15 396 29.1
15 330 26.3 20 297 33.2
20 248 30.5 25 238 37.4
25 198 34.5 30 198 41.1
30 165 38.6 35 170 45.5
35 141 42.7 40 149 50
40 124 46.8 50 119 58
50 99 55.0 60 99 66
60 83 63.2 75 79 78
75 66 75.4 90 66 91
90 55 87.7 110 54 107
110 45 104 130 46 123
130 38 120 150 40 140
150 33 137 200 30 181
200 25 178
30 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Nevertheless, an approximate estimate can be obtained
5.5 Effects of sprinkler systems in smoke
as follows.
reservoirs If the smoke passing a sprinkler is hotter than the
Offices, shops, assembly, industrial and storage or other sprinkler operating temperature that sprinkler will
non-residential purpose groups in England and Wales are eventually be set off. The sprinkler spray will then cool
now expected to have sprinklers if they have a floor more the smoke. If the smoke is still hot enough, the next
than 30 m above ground level. Multistorey buildings in sprinkler will operate cooling the smoke further. A stage
the assembly, shop, industrial or storage purpose groups will be reached when the smoke temperature is
will also be fitted with sprinklers if individual insufficient to set off further sprinklers. The smoke layer
uncompartmented floors exceed a given size. Sprinklers temperature can thereafter be assumed to be
may also be required in other circumstances for insurance approximately equal to the sprinkler operating
purposes. temperature beyond the radius of operation of the
The action of a sprinkler system in an office on the sprinklers. This radius is generally not known.
cooling of gases flowing from the office to the atrium is In the absence of better information, it may be
accounted for in the derivation of the 1 MW heat flux at acceptable to assume that no more sprinklers will operate
the window [27]. It is, however, the usual practice in the than are assumed when calculating the design of sprinkler
UK to assume that the heat flux leaving a shop unit systems and their water supply (eg 18 heads for Ordinary
through its window has the same value as for the initial Hazard Group 3).
convective heat flux close to the fire plume. This For powered exhaust systems the cooling effect of
difference in approach can only be explained historically, sprinklers can be ignored in determining the volume
and rationalization of the different approaches awaits exhaust rate required. This will err on the side of safety.
further research. Alternatively, this further cooling and the consequent
Where the smoke layer is contained wholly within the contraction of smoky gases can be approximately
room of origin by a smoke control system and has a large estimated on the basis of an average value between the
area, the sprinklers will cool the smoke layer further. sprinkler operating temperature and the calculated initial
Similarly, where smoke is collected within a balcony smoke temperature. Where the fan exhaust openings are
reservoir adjacent to sprinklered rooms, operation of sufficiently well separated it can be assumed that one
sprinklers under balconies will lead to increased heat loss opening may be close to the fire, and will extract gases at
reducing the buoyancy of smoke, which in turn can the full initial temperature given by Eqn (5.10). The other
contribute to a progressive loss of visibility under the openings in these circumstances can be assumed to be
smoky layer. outside the zone of operating sprinklers, and will extract
When the fire occurs in an adjacent room, the gases at the sprinklers’ effective operating temperature.
operation of sprinklers in an adjacent smoke reservoir The number of potential ‘hot’ and ‘cool’ intakes must
outside that room will not assist in controlling the fire. If be assessed when calculating the average temperature of
too many sprinklers operate outside the fire room, extracted gases.
sprinklers in the room could become less effective as the If the sprinkler operating temperature is above about
available water supply approaches its limits. 140 °C, or if it is above the calculated smoke layer
It follows therefore that sprinklers need only be temperature, then sprinkler cooling can be ignored for
installed in a smoke reservoir: natural ventilators.
• if the smoke layer temperature is likely to exceed
200 °C, and thus produce sufficient radiation to be a
Note that the effect of sprinkler cooling is to reduce the
heat flux Qw without significantly changing the mass flux.
danger to lightly clad people below the smoke, and It follows that once a new value of θ has been estimated,
thus to impede escape, or the new heat flux can be found using Eqn (5.10).
• if there is the likelihood of sufficient combustibles
being present to pose a significant threat of excessive
5.6 Flowing layer depth
fire spread.
Smoke entering a ceiling reservoir will flow from the
A powered exhaust system, to a reasonable point of entry towards the exhaust points. This flow is
approximation, removes a fixed volume of smoke driven by the buoyancy of the smoke. Even if there is a
irrespective of temperature. Therefore, if the extent of very large ventilation area downstream (eg if the ceiling
sprinkler cooling is overestimated the system could be downstream were to be removed) this flowing layer
under-designed. would still have a depth related to the width available
A system using natural ventilators depends on the under the remaining ceiling (which can now be
buoyancy of the hot gases to expel smoke through the considered a balcony), the temperature of the smoke and
ventilators. In this case, the system would be under- the mass flow rate of smoke. Work by Morgan [52] has
designed if the sprinkler cooling were underestimated. shown that this depth can be calculated for unidirectional
The heat loss from fire gases due to the water spray flow as follows:
from sprinklers is currently the subject of research and
data suitable for design application are not yet available.
5 Smoke control on storey of fire origin 31

2/3 The extent of local deepening can be found from

0.36 M B Tl (5.11) Figure 20. The depth of the established laer (D B in
DB =
Cd θ1 0.5 WB T 0.5
Figure 20) under the balcony immediately downstream of
the local deepening must first be found using the design
where: procedure given in the preceding sections. Usually this
D B = flowing smoke layer depth under the ceiling or means in the channel formed between the void edge
balcony (m), screen and the room facade. The additional depth D B can
MB = mass flow rate under the ceiling or balcony (kgs-1), then be found by inspection of Figure 20, allowing the
WB = ceiling or balcony channel width (m), necessary minimum overall depth (D B + ∆ D B) of the void
C d = 1 if no downstand is present at right angles to the edge screen to be found[53].
flow; 0.6 if a deep downstand is present at right The following scale-independent formula can be used
angles to the flow. to approximate to Figure 20[54,13]:
Note: the subscript ‘B’ can simply be replaced with ‘l’ in
Eqn (5.11) for it to apply to the minimum depth of flow in 5DB
1 – Loge
any smoke reservoir or flowing buoyant smoke layer, Hc
∆DB = 0.4 Hc (5.12)
instead of simply to an under-balcony flow. 5WB
Values of C d for an intermediate depth downstand cannot
be stated with confidence for the wide range of geometry where:
to be found in practice. It is suggested that either of the ∆D B = the additional deepening at the transverse
extreme values should be adopted in seeking a barrier (m),
conservative design approach. H c = the floor to ceiling height (m),
The resulting values of layer depth for different D B = the established flowing layer depth (m),
balcony reservoir widths and mass flow rates of smoke WB = the distance between the opening and the
are the minimum possible assuming an excess of smoke transverse barrier (ie balcony breadth) (m).
exhaust employed downstream: consequently it
represents the minimum depth for that reservoir. The
5.8 Automatic smoke curtains
depth must be measured below the lowest transverse
downstand obstacle to the flow (eg structural beams or It is commonplace to use automatic smoke curtains to
ductwork) rather than the true ceiling. Representative form part of the reservoir boundary. Smoke curtains can
values are shown in Tables 5.2a–d for 1 MW, 2.5 MW, also be used to achieve separation between the main
5 MW and 6 MW convective heat fluxes respectively, smoke reservoir and adjacent spaces higher than the
and for flows beneath a smooth ceiling. design smoke layer base in the smoke reservoir, by
In order to use Tables 5.2 to find the minimum depth of deploying from ceiling to floor in the opening between
flow beneath a deep downstand (eg a structural beam) such adjacent spaces and the smoke reservoir. These
across the direction of flow, find the value in Tables 5.2 devices are usually made of an appropriate fabric, able to
corresponding to the same mass flow rate and channel withstand the temperature predicted for the smoky gases
width, and then multiply that value by 1.67. they are in contact with. The curtains are usually
contained in a box fastened to the ceiling, and deploy to
the design position on receiving a signal from the SHEVS
5.7 Local deepening
control system. When deployed the fabric is kept under
Where a buoyant layer of hot smoke flows along beneath tension by a weighted bottom bar, which also serves to
a ceiling and meets a transverse barrier, it deepens locally keep the curtain straight.
against that barrier because the energy of the Automatic smoke curtains are usually designed such
approaching layer is converted to buoyant potential that when they are in their deployed position they hang
energy against the barrier as the gases’ downward freely, being fastened to the building structure only at
velocity is brought to a halt [53]. their top edge, and depending on the weight of the
When designing a smoke ventilation system for atria or integral bottom bar to hold them vertical. The buoyancy
for shopping malls, in which the balconies are acting as of the hot smoke layer exerts a pressure on the surfaces
reservoirs, it is often necessary to control the path of containing the layer. The pressure of the smoke layer acts
smoke flow using downstand smoke curtains. These are on the curtain as if it were a sail, pushing it sideways. If
typically installed around the edge of the voids to prevent the pressure is too great then the sideways deflection
smoke flowing up through the voids. If the void edge is becomes significant, the bottom edge of the curtain lifts,
close to the fire room this local deepening could cause and the curtain might not contain the smoke layer, thus
smoke to spill beneath the smoke curtain and flow up causing the SHEVS to fail to achieve its design purpose.
through the void, possibly affecting escape from other See Plate 4 for an example of a lightweight curtain being
storeys. Clearly, the void edge screens must be deep deflected by an airstream from a fan intended to simulate
enough to contain not only the established layer, but also smoke buoyancy.
the additional local deepening outside the room on fire. It is crucially important that all smoke curtains forming
32 Design methodologies for SHEVS

Table 5.2a Minimum reservoir depths or minimum Table 5.2b Minimum reservoir depths or minimum
channelling screen depths for 1 MW convective heat flux. channelling screen depths for 2.5 MW convective heat flux.
Unimpeded flow: smooth soffit Unimpeded flow: smooth soffit
Mass flow rate Mass flow rate
entering the entering the
smoke layer Channel widths (m) smoke layer Channel widths (m)
(kg s-1) 4 6 8 10 12 15 (kg s-1) 4 6 8 10 12 15

4 0.57 0.51 0.36 0.31 0.27 0.24 10 1.058 0.81 0.67 0.57 0.51 0.44
6 0.77 0.59 0.49 0.42 0.37 0.32 12 1.204 0.92 0.76 0.65 0.48 0.50
8 0.96 0.74 0.61 0.52 0.46 0.40 15 1.420 1.08 0.89 0.77 0.68 0.59
10 1.157 0.88 0.73 0.63 0.56 0.48 20 1.776 1.36 1.12 0.96 0.85 0.74
12 1.347 1.03 0.85 0.73 0.65 0.56 25 2.13 1.63 1.90 1.16 1.02 0.88
15 1.635 1.25 1.03 0.89 0.79 0.68 30 2.481 1.89 1.56 1.35 1.19 1.03
20 2.107 1.61 1.33 1.14 1.01 0.87 35 2.833 2.16 1.78 1.54 1.36 1.17
25 2.581 1.97 1.63 1.40 1.24 1.07 40 3.186 2.43 2.0 1.73 1.53 1.32
30 3.044 2.32 1.92 1.65 1.46 1.26 50 3.88 2.96 2.44 2.11 1.87 1.61
35 3.549 3.55 2.24 1.93 1.71 1.47 60 4.60 3.51 2.90 2.50 2.21 1.91
40 4.00 3.05 2.52 2.17 1.92 1.66 75 5.64 4.31 3.55 3.06 2.71 2.34
50 4.95 3.78 3.12 2.69 2.38 2.05 90 6.66 5.08 4.20 3.62 3.20 2.76
Note 1: The minimum depths for bi-directional smoke flow can be found by looking at the column
110 8.04 6.14 5.1 4.37 3.87 3.33
corresponding to twice the actual width of the channel or reservoir.
See Notes to Table 5.2a.
Note 2: To find the minimum depth of flow beneath a deep downstand (eg a structural beam)
across the direction of flow, find the value in Tables 5.2 corresponding to the same mass flow rate
and channel width, and then multiply that value by 1.67.

Table 5.2c Minimum reservoir depths of minimum Table 5.2d Minimum reservoir depths or minimum
channelling screen depths for 5 MW convective heat flux. channelling screen depths for 6 MW convective heat flux.
Unimpeded flow: smooth soffit Unimpeded flow: smooth soffit
Mass flow rate Mass flow rate
entering the entering the
smoke layer Channel widths (m) smoke layer Channel widths (m)
(kg s-1) 4 6 8 10 12 15 (kg s-1) 4 6 8 10 12 15

10 1.082 0.83 0.68 0.59 0.52 0.45 12 1.22 0.93 0.77 0.66 0.59 0.51
12 1.206 0.92 0.76 0.65 0.58 0.50 15 1.40 1.07 0.88 0.76 0.67 0.58
15 1.386 1.06 0.87 0.75 0.67 0.57 20 1.68 1.28 1.06 0.91 0.81 0.69
20 1.68 1.28 1.06 0.91 0.81 0.70 25 1.95 1.49 1.23 1.06 0.94 0.81
25 1.97 1.50 1.24 1.07 0.95 0.82 30 2.22 1.69 1.40 1.21 1.07 0.92
30 2.25 1.72 1.42 1.22 1.08 0.93 35 2.49 1.90 1.57 1.35 1.20 1.03
35 2.54 1.94 1.60 1.38 1.22 1.05 40 2.76 2.10 1.74 1.50 1.33 1.14
40 2.82 2.15 1.78 1.53 1.36 1.17 50 3.29 2.51 2.07 1.79 1.58 1.36
50 3.38 2.58 2.13 1.84 1.63 1.40 60 3.82 2.92 2.41 2.07 1.84 1.58
60 3.94 3.01 2.48 2.14 1.89 1.63 75 4.61 3.52 2.90 2.50 2.22 1.91
75 4.78 3.65 3.01 2.59 2.30 1.98 90 5.40 4.12 3.4 2.93 2.60 2.24
90 5.62 4.29 3.54 3.05 2.70 2.33 110 4.92 4.06 3.50 3.10 2.67
110 5.14 4.24 3.65 3.24 2.79 136 5.71 4.71 4.06 3.60 3.1
130 4.94 4.26 3.77 3.25 150 5.37 4.63 4.10 3.53
150 5.64 4.86 4.31 3.71 200 7.0 6.04 5.35 4.61
200 6.35 5.62 4.85 See Notes to Table 5.2a.

See Notes to Table 5.2a.

part of a SHEVS are ‘fit for purpose’. This means that

5.9 Inlet air
whatever the intended purpose of each curtain in the
SHEVS design, it must be able to fulfil that purpose in its There must be adequate replacement air for the efficient
deflected position. It is therefore necessary to calculate the operation of a smoke ventilation system. When
expected deflection of each curtain in the design, and to ventilating compartments directly, if the facade is
use these calculations to specify the properties required normally sealed then facilities should be provided for the
of the curtains. Some calculation procedures are set out in necessary quantity of replacement air to be supplied to
Annex C. the fire room automatically. This requirement often
5 Smoke control on storey of fire origin 33
W B=6m W B=4m
W B=8m
8 m wide channel

6 m wide channel

0.5 4 m wide channel

NB: Flow away from barrier is

bi-directional in all cases

NB: Error bars are one

standard deviation




0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5


Figure 20 Local deepening at a transverse barrier

Naturally ventilated systems having more than one

smoke reservoir, and where there may not be sufficient
inlet area available at low level, may be able to use open
ventilators in reservoirs which are not affected by smoke
as inlets for replacement air. This is because the ambient
temperature air entering the building has no intrinsic
buoyancy, and so can move up or down as easily as
moving sideways. It is important that whatever the height
of the inlet openings, the replacement air must be below
the smoke layer in the affected reservoir when it first
comes into contact with that smoke layer. It is also
important that ventilators functioning as inlets should not
be too close to ventilators emitting smoke, or there is a
Plate 4 Experimental smoke curtain deflecting under test danger that some smoke will be drawn back into the
building. There has been no research into the minimum
separation between ventilators acting as inlets and those
makes the provision of smoke ventilation to the room of emitting smoke, but it is suggested here that this
origin prohibitive or undesirable. The provision of minimum separation should be 6 m.
replacement air to a system employing balcony reservoirs A replacement airflow beneath a buoyant smoke layer
is far easier, provided the balconies are open to the can disturb the interface and cause the smoke to mix
atrium, as is also the provision of replacement air to downwards if the relative velocity is too large. It is good
systems employing a smoke reservoir in an atrium or practice to ensure that the airspeed of the replacement
mall. air, where it first comes into contact with a buoyant
In naturally ventilated SHEVS designs having natural smoke layer, is less than 1 ms-1.
inlets, the effect of the flow resistance of the inlet If the area available for inlet becomes too restricted,
openings is explicitly included in the design equations incoming airflow through escape doors may be at too
used to calculate the vent area needed. See for example high a velocity for easy escape. Such air inflows through
Eqns (5.15a and b). doors in public buildings could hinder escapees.
34 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Research [55] on the ability of people to move through an
2 . 0 5 ρ 0 ( g Τ 0 θ1 ) D 2 WV
exit against an opposing airflow has shown that M CRIT = (5.13)
movement is not impeded for airspeeds below 5 ms-1, T1
although people acting as test subjects reported that they where:
believed that they were being slowed by the air moving MC R I T = critical exhaust rate at an exhaust point prior to
against them at this airspeed. Measurements of the the onset of ‘plugholing’ (kgs-1),
subjects’ actual walking speeds showed that it was not ρο = density of air at ambient temperature (kgm -3),
seriously impeded below 10 ms-1 (although some g = acceleration due to gravity (ms-2),
discomfort was reported at these higher airspeeds). This D = depth of smoke layer below the exhaust point
suggests that inflow airspeeds should not usually exceed (m),
5 ms-1 for psychological reasons. Consequently a 5 ms-1 T0 = absolute ambient temperature (K),
maximum limit is currently adopted in the UK and is θ1, = excess temperature of smoke layer (°C),
recommended in this current book. T1 = T0 + θ1 (K)
Other values may be appropriate for other Wv = characteristic width of the ventilator (m) (eg the
circumstances. For example, in buildings where the diameter, or the diameter of the circle of the
population is largely familiar with the escape routes; same area).
where the incoming air is entering the fire room directly, The equation implies that the available exhaust rate
or where in the instance of the inlet air being supplied via increases rapidly with increasing layer depth. It also
the atrium and the major escape routes are away from the implies that a number of small ventilators may be used
atrium, then a less onerous parameter can be applied. instead of a single large ventilator to optimize the exhaust
A fan-driven inlet air supply may be used, but can give efficiency.
problems when mechanical exhaust is used (the building Proximity to a wall will reduce the available smoke
will usually be fairly well sealed in such circumstances). discharge capacity, although only limited data are
This is because the air warmed by the fire before being available for this particular scenario. If the ventilators are
taken out will have a greater volume than the cooler inlet small compared with the layer depth then the critical
air. As the fire grows and declines, the mismatch in exhaust rate can be found from reference [57], with the
volume between the inlet air and the exhausted fire- constant subsequently re-analysed by Heselden [58] .
warmed air will also change. This can result in significant Heselden’s method of analysis is strictly only applicable
pressure differences appearing across any doors on the where the characteristic width of the ventilator orifice is
escape routes, making them difficult to open and much smaller than the depth of smoke layer beneath the
potentially impeding the easy use of escape routes. For ventilator. It is much more common for the characteristic
this reason simple ‘push–pull’ systems, ie powered inlet width of the orifice to be comparable to the depth
and powered exhaust systems, should be avoided. beneath at the onset of ‘plug-holing’. Nevertheless,
Heselden’s analysis gives more pessimistic results (ie a
larger minimum number of exhaust points required) than
5.10 Minimum number of exhaust points
the alternatives for ventilators not close to side-walls, and
The number of exhaust points within the reservoir is consequently can be regarded as a worst-case method for
important since, for any specified layer depth, there is a ventilators which are close to walls.
maximum rate (M C R I T ) at which smoky gases can enter 1/2
any individual exhaust point. Any further attempt to gD5 T0 θ1
M CRIT = 1.3 (kg s -1 ) (5.14)
increase the rate of exhaust through that exhaust point T1
merely serves to draw air into the orifice from below the
smoke layer. This is sometimes known as 'plug-holing'. The required number of extract vents (N) is then given
Where ‘plug-holing’ is present part of the installed by:
exhaust capacity is being ‘wasted’ by drawing clean air M e
into the orifices of the ventilators instead of smoky gases. Ν≥
This is not necessarily a problem if the fire is smaller than
the maximum assumed for design; but represents a waste where M e = mass flow rate entering the layer
of capacity for the design fire size itself. If the effect has (ie M f or MB) (kgs-1).
been ignored when calculating the necessary fan capacity Where sprinklers are installed and additional cooling
(or the necessary total area of natural ventilators), then it of the smoke layer needs to be accounted for, the number
follows that ‘plug-holing’ at the design fire condition will of exhaust points required can be determined by
represent a failure of the system as the ventilators will not calculating the critical exhaust rate for an opening using
be exhausting the full amount of smoky gases required. Eqns (5.13) or (5.14), whichever is appropriate, taking into
It follows that, for efficient exhaust, the number of consideration the lower gas temperature due to sprinkler
exhaust points must be chosen to ensure that no air is cooling.
drawn up in this way. Where very large or physically extensive ventilators
The critical exhaust rate M CRIT for a ventilator away are used (eg a long intake grille in the side of a horizontal
from a wall is given by[56]: duct) an alternative method is possible. For this case,
5 Smoke control on storey of fire origin 35
Eqn 5.11 can be used with WB re-defined to be the total ignores cooling of the smoky gases after they leave the
horizontal accessible perimeter of all the ventilators fire plume).
within the reservoir (eg the total length of intake grilles in
the example above) and the ‘minimum reservoir depth’
5.12 Natural ventilators and wind effects
corresponds to the depth of the smoke layer beneath the
top edge of the intake orifice. When natural ventilators are used for smoke exhaust, it is
Intermediate size intakes (ie where the ventilator important that they are positioned where they will not be
width is comparable to the layer depth) cannot be treated adversely affected by external wind conditions. A positive
so simply and it is recommended that Eqn (5.13) be used. wind pressure can be much greater than the pressure
head developed by a smoke layer. Should this occur the
ventilator may act as an inlet rather than as an exhaust.
5.11 Throughflow ventilation: area of
However, if sited in an area of negative wind pressure, the
natural ventilation required resultant suction force on a natural ventilator would assist
A natural ventilation system uses the buoyancy of the smoke exhaust (Figure 21).
smoke to provide the driving force for exhaust. The rate Tall buildings or taller areas of the same building (such
of exhaust is largely dependent upon the depth and as rooftop plant rooms, etc.) can create a positive wind
temperature of the smoke. The advantage of a natural pressure on lower nearby roofs. Steeply pitched roofs ie,
ventilation system is that it is very simple and reliable, roofs over 30° pitch, may also have a positive wind
and can cope with a wide range of fire conditions. Should pressure on the windward slope.
the fire grow larger than the design fire size for any A suggestion sometimes advanced for offsetting wind
reason, a greater depth and temperature of smoke leads over-pressure, is to increase the total area of natural
to an increased exhaust rate, so to an extent a natural ventilation per reservoir. Since the over-pressure is, by
ventilation system has a self-compensating mechanism. definition, force per unit area, this will usually not work
The precise relationship between the mass flow rate and indeed could exacerbate the problem by allowing
extracted, the ventilator area, the inlet area and the even greater quantities of air to be driven through the
smoke layer is given by Thomas et al[9]: ventilator to mix into the smoke.
In some cases it may be possible to retain natural
ρ0 AV CV (2gD θ1Τ0)1/2 ventilation openings in a vertical plane by arranging them
M1 = (5.15a)
1/2 to face inwards to either a region sheltered from wind
AvCv action, or where the wind will always produce a suction.
T 12 + T0T1
AiCi In other cases the erection of suitably designed screens or
wind baffles (outside the vertical wall or window holding
and can be re-arranged algebraically into the more the ventilators) can overcome wind interference and may
convenient form: even be able to convert an over-pressure into a suction.
There is also the possibility of selectively opening
M1 T 1 ventilators in response to signals from a wind direction
Av Cv = 0.5 (5.15b) sensor. Expert advice should be sought for such designs.
T 1 T 0 M 12
2 g ρ20 D θ1 T0 - Due to the complexity of wind-induced air flow over
Ai Ci2 some atrium buildings and the surrounding buildings, it

A v = measured throat area of ventilators (m2),
A i = total area of all inlets ( m2),
C v = coeficient of discharge (usually between 0.5
Wind direction
and 0.7), Ventilator, subject to
C i = entry coefficient for inlets (typically about 0.6), negative wind pressure
M1 = mass flow rate of smoke to be extracted (kgs -1 ),
ρ 0 = ambient air density (kgm-3),
g = acceleration due to gravity (ms -2 ),
D = depth of smoke beneath ventilator (m),
θ 1 = temperature rise of smoke layer above ambient (°C),
T 1 = absolute temperature of smoke layer (K),
T 0 = absolute temperature of ambient air (K).

Tables 5.3 a–d give the minimum free area of ventilation

required based on Eqns (5.15), ignoring the effect of any
inlet restriction (ie assuming an infinite area of inlet
ventilation), and for a convective heat flux through the Figure 21 Positioning natural ventilators to be sheltered from
ventilators (note that this heat flux is the same as Q f if one wind action
36 Design methodologies for SHEVS

Table 5.3a Minimum total ventilation area A v (m 2 ) needed for Table 5.3b Minimum total ventilation area Av (m2) needed for
a smoke reservoir (from Eqn 5.15 with Cv = 0.6); Q = 1 MW a smoke reservoir (from Eqn 5.15 with Cv = 0.6); Q = 2.5 MW
Mass Mass
flow rate flow rate
(exhaust (exhaust
rate) Smoke depth beneath ventilators (m) rate) Smoke depth beneath ventilators (m)
-1 -1
(kgs ) 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10 (kgs ) 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10

4 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8 10 5.13 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.8 2.4 2.0
6 3.2 2.8 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.2 12 6.23 5.4 4.4 3.8 3.4 2.9 2.4
8 4.5 3.9 3.2 2.7 2.4 2.1 1.7 15 8.0 6.9 5.6 4.9 4.4 3.7 3.1
10 5.9 5.1 4.1 3.6 3.2 2.7 2.3 20 11 .2 9.7 7.9 6.8 6.1 5.2 4.3
12 7.4 6.4 5.2 4.5 4.0 3.4 2.9 25 13.5 11.7 9.6 8.3 7.4 6.3 5.2
15 9.9 8.5 7.0 6.0 5.4 4.6 3.8 30 18.4 16.0 13.0 11.3 10.1 8.5 7.1
20 14.5 12.5 10.2 8.9 7.9 6.7 5.6 35 22.5 19.5 15.9 13.8 12.3 10.4 8.7
25 19.6 17.0 13.9 12.0 10.8 9.1 7.6 40 26.8 23.2 19.0 16.4 14.7 12.4 10.4
30 25.3 21.9 17.9 15.5 13.9 11.7 9.8 50 36.0 31.2 25.5 22.1 19.7 16.7 14.0
35 31.4 27.2 22.2 19.2 17.2 14.5 12.2 60 46.5 40.3 32.9 28.5 25.5 21.5 18.0
40 37.9 32.9 26.8 23.2 20.8 17.6 14.7 75 63.2 54.7 44.7 38.7 34.6 29.3 24.5
50 52.2 45.2 36.9 32.0 28.6 24.2 20.2 90 81 70 57.3 50.0 44.4 37.5 31.4
60 67.9 58.8 48.0 41.5 37.2 31.4 26.3 110 108 93 76 66 59 50.0 41.7
Notes to Table 5.3: To allow for the effect of limited fresh air inlets the following guide can be used Note: See Notes to Table 5.3a.
as an alternative to Eqn 15.15):

If the Inlet area to the atrium is twice the exhaust ventilation area given by Table 5.3 the indicated
ventilation area and the inlet area should both be increased by approximately 10%.

If the inlet area is equal to the exhaust ventilation area, the indicated ventilation area and the inlet
area should both be increased by approximately 35%.

If the inlet area is half the exhaust ventilation area, the indicated ventilation area and the inlet area
should both be increased by approximately 125%.

Table 5.3c Minimum total ventilation area Av (m2) needed for Table 5.3b Minimum total ventilation area Av (m2) needed for
a smoke reservoir (from Eqn 5.15 with Cv = 0.6); Q = 5 MW a smoke reservoir (from Eqn 5.15 with Cv = 0.6); Q = 2.5 MW
Mass Mass
flow rate flow rate
(exhaust (exhaust
rate) Smoke depth beneath ventilators (m) rate) rate) Smoke depth beneath ventilators (m)
-1 -1
(kg ) 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10 (kgs ) 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10

10 5.3 4.6 3.8 3.3 2.9 2.5 2.1 10 5.5 4.7 3.9 3.3 3.0 2.5 2.1
12 6.24 5.4 4.4 3.8 3.4 2.9 2.4 12 6.4 5.5 4.5 3.9 3.5 2.9 2.5
15 7.7 6.7 5.4 4.7 4.2 3.6 3.0 15 7.8 6.7 5.5 4.8 4.3 3.6 3.0
20 10.3 8.9 7.3 6.3 5.6 4.8 4.0 20 10.2 8.9 7.2 6 .3 5.6 4.7 4.0
25 13.0 11.3 9.2 8.0 7.1 6.0 5.0 25 12.9 11.1 9.2 7.9 7.0 6.0 5.0
30 16.0 13.8 11.3 9.8 8.7 7.4 6.2 30 15.6 13.5 11.1 9.6 8.6 7.2 6.1
35 19.1 16.5 13.5 11.7 10.4 8.8 7.4 35 18.6 16.1 13.1 11.4 10.2 8.6 7.2
40 22.3 19.3 15.8 13.7 12.2 10.3 8.6 40 21.6 18.7 15.3 13.2 11.8 10.0 8.4
50 29.3 25.4 20.7 18.0 16.1 13.6 11.4 50 28.2 24.4 19.9 17.2 15.4 13.0 10.9
60 36.9 31.9 26.1 22.6 20.2 17.1 14.3 60 35.2 30.5 24.9 21.6 19.3 16.3 13.6
75 49.3 42.7 34.9 30.2 27.0 22.8 19.1 75 46.7 40.4 33.0 28.6 25.6 21.6 18.1
90 63 54 44.4 38.4 34.4 29.1 24.3 90 59.2 51.2 41.8 36.2 32.4 27.4 22. 9
110 82 71 58 50 45.1 38.1 31.9 110 77.2 66.9 54.6 47.3 42.3 35.8 29.9
130 104 90 73 63 57 48.0 40.2 130 96.8 83.8 68.5 59.3 53.0 44.8 37.5
150 126 109 89 77 69 59 49.0 150 117.8 102.0 83.3 72.1 64.5 54.5 45.6
200 189 164 134 116 103 87 73 200 175.9 152.3 124.4 107.7 96.3 81.4 68.1
Note: See Notes to Table 5.3a. Note: See Notes to Table 5.3a
5 Smoke control on storey of fire origin 37

may sometimes be desirable to carry out boundary layer

wind tunnel studies to establish the wind pressure over
the building’s envelope. Once areas of over-pressure and
suction have been identified for all possible wind
directions, design of ventilators or fans can proceed as
before. Drop screen
The interaction between the wind and horizontal Balcony
natural ventilators is discussed further in section 10.8. Reservoir
A powered exhaust system should be used where
positive wind pressures are likely to be a problem, or Air inlet
where it is necessary to extract smoke via an extensive
ductwork system. Atrium void

5.13 Required ventilation rate (powered

exhaust) Figure 22 Slit exhaust
A powered smoke exhaust system consists of fans and
associated ductwork designed to remove the mass flow
rate of smoke entering the smoke reservoir, and to be smoke passing the slit (eg entering the atrium void), it will
capable of withstanding the anticipated smoke not necessarily maintain a clear layer within the room
temperatures. itself, and the space below the smoke layer may become
The controls and wiring should of course be protected, ‘fogged’. The exhaust should be provided very close to
to maintain the electrical supply to the fans during a fire. the opening from a continuous slit which may be situated
The mass flow rate of smoke determined from the in the plane of the false ceiling.
previous sections can be converted to the corresponding Wraightr[59] showed that powered exhaust from a slit at
volumetric flow rate and temperature, using Tables right angles to a layer flow could completely prevent
to 5.ld or the following equation for selection of the smoke passing that slit, provided that the exhaust rate at
appropriate fans: the slit was at least 5/3 times the flow in the horizontal
layer flowing towards the slit. This allows a useful general
M 1T 1 method for sizing such an extract:
V1 =
ρ 0T0 • first calculate the flow rate of gases approaching the
opening (or gap in the balcony edge screens) using
where: sections 5.2–5.4 above as appropriate,
V 1 = volumetric exhaust rate required in the reservoir • multiply this mass flow rate by 5/3.
(m 3s-1),
M1 = M f or MB determined from the previous section
• using the known layer convective heat flux (and
allowing for sprinkler cooling using section 5.5 above if
(kgs-1), appropriate) calculate the volumetric exhaust rate
T0 = ambient air temperature (K), required from the slit, using Eqn (5.10) to calculate the
T1 = T 0 + θ1 (K), mean gas temperature drawn through the fan, and
ρ0 = density ofambient air (kgm-3). Eqn (5.16) to calculate the required fan capacity.

5.14 Slit extract 5.15 False ceilings

When removing the smoke from a common balcony Where there is an unbroken false ceiling in the fire room
reservoir and there is no possibility of using downstand or balcony, it must be treated as the top of the smoke
screens to prevent the passage of smoke or wherever a layer. If the false ceiling is porous to smoke, ie if it has an
physical barrier may not be used, a slit extract system appreciable free area, any smoke curtains forming the
may be employed over the length of the flow path to smoke reservoir must be continued above the ceiling. If
supplement the main reservoir exhaust system and the proportion of free area is large enough, the reservoir
replace the screens (Figure 22). A slit extract system can and its screens may even be totally above the false ceiling.
be used across a room's openings to prevent any outflow The permeable ceiling ought not to interfere appreciably
of smoke, or at a balcony edge to protect an atrium. with the flow of smoke from the fire to the smoke
Such a system is likely to work best with further ventilation openings above the false ceiling.
exhaust distributed within the fire room, which for a It has been shown experimentally[60] that a minimum
sprinklered room may possibly be provided by the free area of 25% can be used as a ‘rule of thumb’ value
normal ventilation exhaust system, the normal ventilation which will allow smoke to flow through almost
input and recirculation of air being stopped, or for an unhindered. For single-storey and balcony reservoirs
unsprinklered room, be provided by a partial smoke cool smoke can be expected to affect some nearby rooms
exhaust system. Whilst this system is designed to prevent under some circumstances, but would not significantly
38 Design methodologies for SHEVS
hinder safe escape. Free areas of less than 25% are
5.17 Maximum dimensions for smoke
possible in some circumstances while still allowing safe
conditions; it is possible to calculate approximately
smoke flow through the ceiling from first principles – Most throughflow smoke control systems are designed
expert advice should be sought where this possibility is with an arbitrary limitation to the ceiling reservoir of
thought to be desirable. between 1000-3000 m 2[24,9,25], one reason being to
prevent excessive energy loss from the buoyant smoke
layer. Many atria cannot physically or architecturally
5.16 The use of a plenum chamber above a
adopt such reservoir formations, and if larger than the
false ceiling areas mentioned above will cause additional energy to be
Some designs have been seen in which the space above lost from the layer. It has become the common practice to
the mainly solid false ceiling in a roof or above a balcony specify that the maximum area acceptable for a smoke
is used for the exhaust of air for normal ventilation reservoir should be 2000 m 2 where there are natural
purposes. A fan extracting air from this space (effectively ventilators and the objective is to protect escape routes;
a plenum chamber) reduces its pressure and so draws air rising to 2600 m 2 for powered ventilators and the same
from the space below through a number of openings in objective; rising to 3000 m 2 where the objective is to
the false ceiling. In the event of a fire a fan of suitably protect property with no significant life-safety objective.
larger capacity starts up and draws smoky gases into the Note, however, that in the UK, these same principles
chamber in a similar way. are expressed differently when the building is a shopping
A potentially valuable bonus of such a system in a mall: with natural ventilators, smoke from shop units of
sprinklered building is that the sprinklers which are up to 1000 m2 plan area can enter a mall smoke reservoir
normally required in the space above the false ceiling will which can itself be up to 1000 m2 in plan area; with
cool the smoky gases before they reach the fan. powered ventilators each value increases to 1300 m 2.
Furthermore, it can be desirable to leave the false ceiling There is no scientific reason for this different way of
below the exhaust points ‘solid’ (ie not able to pass expressing the principles. Instead, the difference is based
smoke) to prevent air being drawn up through the smoke on decisions made by UK Regulatory Authorities as to
layer. A sufficiently extensive area of ‘solid’ false ceiling the ease of enforcement in the circumstances applying to
will ensure that the smoke passes through at least one shopping malls.
sprinkler spray en route to the extract. It is likely that this maximum area will be revised when
The plenum chamber should not be larger in area than mathematical modelling of heat transfer processes from
its associated smoke reservoir. Larger chambers should smoke layers becomes sufficiently reliable for confidence
be subdivided by smoke screens extending the full height in the results. Currently, however, the best available
of the chamber, and below the false ceiling to form a argument for the present limit is that there is no clear
complete smoke reservoir below. The minimum number evidence that it has proved excessively large an area in
of openings through the false ceiling required within a real fires.
single subdivision can be found from section 5.10. The Another commonly adopted limit, applied
total area of such openings per reservoir should be simultaneously with the area limit, is to apply a maximum
decided by consideration of the design pressure length to each smoke reservoir of 60 m, measured along
differences between chamber and smoke layer, and of the the mid-line of the reservoir. The origin of this limit has
flow impedance of the openings concerned. A system of never been formally published, but anecdotally first
reasonably wide (perhaps 1 m or 2 m) slots surrounding a appeared in 1972[5] based on a UK committee belief that
region of false ceiling could perhaps be used instead of people escaping below a buoyant smoke layer should be
screens below the false ceiling. able to move out from below that layer in less than 30 m
from any point. This was expressed as a maximum length
of reservoir in the interests of simplicity of enforcement.
The committee’s opinion was based on an assessment of
the probable psychological reactions of members of the
general public in such circumstances.

6 Smoke ventilation within

multistorey spaces
(eg an atrium)

level fire, the height above the top of the opening (or
6.1 Smoke movement in the atrium
above the edge of the projecting canopy or balcony above
When the smoke and heat cannot, for various reasons, be the opening where relevant) must be established where
confined and removed from the room of origin or the fire is in an adjacent room.
associated balcony space, the use of ‘throughflow’ or Note that when the fire is on the floor of the atrium and
steady-state ventilation from the atrium itself is usually is directly below the smoke layer that forms under the
considered. atrium ceiling, entrainment into the rising axi-symmetric
This form of smoke control is commonly called ‘smoke plume is similar to that given in section 5.2 above. This
ventilation’ or SHEVS and is based upon a defined special case is discussed in section 6.4 below.
buoyant smoke layer being established at some point In general, however, the worst condition to be catered
within the structure, with a ‘clean’ layer of air beneath. for is a fire in an adjacent room on the lowest level, as this
The mass flow of gases entering this layer being results in the most entrainment in the rising smoke plume
equivalent to that flowing out through the exhaust and hence the largest quantity of smoky gas entering the
system (Figure 23). buoyant layer.
The base of such a layer is usually at a height chosen The fire condition in the compartment (the design fire)
for safety reasons (See Annex B, where it is noted that the should be specified, and the mass flux leaving through the
clear height above the highest exposed escape route compartment opening and any entrainment under the
should be 0.5 m more than for the single-storey case projecting balcony or canopy can be calculated as
described in Chapter 5), or to avoid breaching the described in sections 5.1–5.3.
practical ‘cut off’ limits outlined in section 6.7 below. As the smoke flows through the room opening into the
Once the height of this layer base is chosen for a lowest- atrium space it will either:

Open ventilators


Figure 23 Throughflow ventilation of an atrium

40 Design methodologies for SHEVS

• pass
rotate upward around the top edge of the opening and
directly into the atrium space as a plume, or
Reductions in the mass flow rate of smoke entering the
smoke layer can usually be effected by changes to

• beyond the opening, pass to the edge of the projection

flow under a horizontal projection such as a balcony parameters 3 and 4. In practice, the height of rise of the
plume is usually chosen to permit safe evacuation, leaving
and rise upwards into the atrium space as a plume. only a dependency on the length of the line plume.

Such plumes are often referred to as ‘spill’ plumes, or as

6.2 Channelling screens
‘thermal’ line plumes. The term ‘line’ denotes that the
base of the plume immediately following rotation is long When the atrium has a plane facade with no horizontal
and relatively narrow. projections, the length of the plume is determined by the
Line plumes may take one of two forms: adhered width of the opening through which the smoke is passing.
plumes or free plumes. When, however, smoke is able to flow unrestricted under
Adhered plumes are where the smoky gases project a horizontal projection, eg a balcony, it will flow forwards
directly from a compartment opening, and the plume towards the balcony edge, and laterally sideways. It will
attaches to the vertical surface above the opening whilst continue to flow sideways until it meets an obstruction or
rising upwards. This will also occur when there is a loses sufficient energy to become stagnant and will then
vertical surface immediately above any rotation point rise into the atrium space as a very long line plume
into the void. The surface of the plume in contact with (Figure 25a and Plate 5). This results in large quantities of
the ambient atmosphere in the atrium will cause air being entrained and hence a very large mass flow rate
additional air to be entrained into it (Figure 24a). This of smoke entering the layer in the atrium roof.
type of plume is also known variously as a single-sided, This excessive entrainment can be reduced by
attached or wall plume. restricting the sideways travel of the smoke under the
Free plumes are where the smoky gases project into a balcony and hence reducing the length of the line plume.
space beyond a horizontal projection (eg a balcony), thus The devices used to achieve this are commonly known as
allowing the forming plume to rise upwards unhindered. channelling screens, and literally ‘channel’ the smoke
This creates a large surface area for entrainment on both from the exit from the room to the balcony edge
sides of the plume along its spill width (Figure 24b), for (Figure 25b and Plate 6). This concept is used in smoke
which reason they are also known as double-sided control systems in multistorey shopping centres [24] .
plumes. The minimum depth required for a pair of these
The degree of entrainment into the rising plume, and screens to channel all the smoke is dependent on their
hence the total quantity of gases entering the smoke layer separation at the void edge (L). Some values for lMW,
forming under the ceiling of the atrium space, is governed 2.5 MW, 5 MW, and 6MW convective heat fluxes are
basically by four initial parameters[25]: given in Tables 5.2.
1 the mass flow rate or temperature of the gases at the Alternatively, the minimum channelling screen depth
edge of the rotation point into the atrium, may be calculated using Eqn (5.11), modified to:
2 the heat flux of the gases, 2/3
3 the length of the line plume entering the atrium, 0.36 MB TB
DB = (m)
measured along the edge past which the smoke spills, Cd θB L T00.5
4 the height through which the plume must rise.

(a) (b)

Figure 24 (a) adhered plume, (b) free plume

6 Smoke ventilation within multistorey spaces 41
(a) (b)

Figure 25 (a) Smoke spreading sideways beneath a projecting canopy or balcony; (b) smoke confined to a compact ‘spill’ plume by
channeling screens

Plate 5 Smoke spreading beneath a balcony Plate 6 Use of channeling screens

42 Design methodologies for SHEVS
6.3 Entrainment into spill plumes rising
QW through the atrium
θΒ =
MB c ’ 6.3.1 The effective height of rise from the spill edge to
the smoke layer base
C d = the discharge coefficient appropriate to the All existing theories of line plumes apply to plumes rising
horizontal flow approaching the spill edge, and is through free space, where the air outside the plume is
therefore the same as C ds introduced in section 5.2, uniformly at ambient temperature, although some
L = the channelling screen separation width. theories can be modified to approximate to plumes
adhered to a vertical surface as they rise.
The resulting depth is the maximum flowing smoke layer Where the width (which can be defined as the square
depth and hence minimum screen depth. Good practice root of the plan area) of the smoke reservoir is small
suggests that a safety margin should be considered. An compared with the layer depth, the air beneath the layer
additional depth of at least 0.1 m would be reasonable. usually appears to have a uniform temperature. Where
Screens may be fixed or may descend upon smoke the converse is true, the air beneath the visible base of the
detection. As described above, the final mass flow buoyant layer has a temperature excess relative to the
entering the layer is a function of four initial parameters, true ambient temperature (Figure 27). Experiments have
one of which is the plume length at the balcony edge. The shown that there is a difference in the entrainment into
narrower the plume is at its base, the less the mass flow the spill plume in these two cases. For a given height of
entering the layer. rise, the entrainment into the plume where the smoke
Thus, the closer the screens may be installed to each reservoir area is large compared to the plume dimensions
other, the more the smoke base may be allowed to rise for is smaller than when the smoke reservoir is comparable
the same mass flow entering the smoke layer. in size to the smoke plumes horizontal dimensions at the
These screens must, of course, meet the wall of a height of the smoke layer’s base. See for example Morgan
compartment where it meets the balcony. Any screen & Marshall[62] for a large area reservoir, and Hansell et
fixed midway across a compartment opening will serve al[61] for a small area reservoir.
no purpose since smoke will flow on both sides This difference was discussed in Poreh et al[63], who
simultaneously. noted that the existing data supported two alternative
If channelling screens are created using free hanging ways of expressing this difference in entrainment
smoke curtains then their deflections and consequent rise (without being able to differentiate significantly between
of their bottom bars must be taken into consideration. them). One method is to assign different values to the
Deflection of smoke curtains is given in Annex C. plume entrainment coefficient for the two cases, while
Research suggests that channelling screens are taking the height of rise of the plume to be to the visible
unnecessary if the balcony projects no more than 1.5m base of the smoke layer. The alternative method is to
beyond the fire room [61].. This research has also shown adjust the height of rise of the plume for the large-area
that balconies which are shallow (<2m) will cause the reservoir case to a lower value, without altering the
rising plume to curl inwards towards the structure plume entrainment constant. The authors suspect,
(Figures 26a and 26b). If there are higher balconies a though without tangible proof, that the true physical
vortex will be created between the balconies, smoke process is neither of the above, but is an interface
logging the balcony levels above the fire floor. phenomenon where the plume enters the smoke layer. A

(a) (b)

Figure 26 Effect of balcony depth on plume trajectory: (a) deep balcony projection, (b) shallow balcony projection

Height above split

edge (m)

Temperature above ambient (oC)

Figure 27 A typical temperature profile for a broad reservoir layer

6 Smoke ventilation within multistorey spaces
44 Design methodologies for SHEVS
CFD study by Miles et al[64] came to broadly similar subsequent rising plume may be carried out using a
conclusions. It is sufficient for design, however, to note number of alternative procedures. Some of them are
that the phenomenon is experimentally observable, and given below. It has been shown[63,65] that all four methods
that either of the two methods of including this give reasonably close agreement when compared with
phenomenon in design calculations should be empirically the available experimental data. This is not surprising in
acceptable. view of the fact that all derive their empirical terms from
The current book will only present the method for the same experimental sources of data.
adjusting the height of rise of the plume in order to
achieve greater simplicity of calculation. This method is (a) The ‘BRE method’
as follows. This is the procedure which was given in BRE Report
Design approaches for smoke control in atrium buildings [13].
0.5 Smoke reservoirs where visible depth < 0.67 A res Follow the procedures of Morgan & Marshall[25,62] for free
For reservoirs where the visible depth is less than plumes, using the modifications introduced by Morgan &
0.67 A 0.5
res, (and noting that this is based on an analysis of Hansell[27]. Entrainment into smoke flows rotating into a
empirical data [61] with no underpinning theory) proceed rising adhered plume can be calculated using a similar
as follows. method given by Morgan & Hansell[27], although it
To calculate the mass flow rates of smoke entering the should be noted that the entrainment constant
reservoir, introduce a correction factor for the smoke appropriate to an adhered line plume is about half that for
layer depth in the reservoir. Experiments with flat-roofed a free plume . A value of 0.077 may be used for the
models [62] have shown that for calculating plume [61]
calculation .
entrainment, the effective layer depth (d 2) is 1.26 times This calculation method is outlined in detail in
the visible layer depth d 1 (see Figure 27). Annex E. The algorithm described can be used either
The effective height of rise of the spill plume above the directly, or as the basis for a computer program.
spill edge is then given by: Once the desired height of the layer base (hb) has been
chosen, the opening width has been established, or the
Xp = H - 1.26 d1 (m) (6.1) channelling screens separation L [and hence also
channelling screen depth using Tables 5.2 a or 5.2 b, or
A negative or very small value of X p resulting from this Eqn (5.11)] has been chosen on the basis of practicality
procedure means that one has gone beyond the limits of (eg such that the screens contact the walls separating the
validation of Eqn (6.1). It follows that if, after applying rooms) then the mass flow rate of smoke entering the
Eqn (6.1), X p < 0.75 m is obtained then Xp should instead layer forming the ceiling space of the atrium can be
be defined as: calculated.
Results of example calculations of smoke production
X p= H - d1 (m) (6.2) due to entrainment into the rising plume are shown
graphically in Figures 28–39. These Figures may be used
Note that these procedures only apply when calculating for design purposes but it is preferable to do a more
entrainment into the spill plume d 2 has no validity for precise calculation, using the procedures of Annex E.
any other application.
(b) Method using equations derived by Poreh et al[63] Smoke reservoirs where visible depth > 0.67 A 0.5
res Recent work by Poreh et al [65], based on data reported by
For smoke reservoirs where the visible depth is greater Marshal1 and Harrison [67], has shown that the
than 0.67 A0.5res, no correction applies, and complicated calculation methods given in the BRE
method above to determine the entrainment into spill
Xp = H - d1 (m) plumes can be simplified as follows: Matching X p to the spill-plume model MW

M1 = QW1/3 C hb + Db + (6.3)
Use the value of X p resulting from either section or C QW1/3
section as the height of rise of the spill plume
above the spill edge when calculating entrainment for the where:
BRE method outlined in section 6.3.2(a), but only use M1 = mass flow of smoky gases entering the smoke layer
Eqn (6.2) for determining X p, for sections 6.3.2(b), (c) or at height h b (kgs –1),
(d) and then only in the context of large area reservoirs. Q w = convective heat flux in gases (kW),
This seeming contradiction is a consequence of the C = a constant (kgms-1 kW -1/3 ),
methods used to derive the entrainment in the source hb = height of rise of thermal plume from balcony to the
papers. atrium smoke layer,
DB = depth of smoke layer beneath a balcony (m),
6.3.2 Entrainment calculation methods MW = mass flow of gases beneath a balcony (kgs-1).
Calculations of entrainment into the smoke flows rotating
around the opening/balcony edge and into the C is a constant for a given atrium and a given ambient
6 Smoke ventilation within multistorey spaces 45

temperature and is defined as: (see sections 5.3 and 5.4 for a more detailed discussion of
the dependence of this flow on conditions in the source
C = 0.3Cm ρ 0L2/3 (6.4) compartment), the Eqn (6.5) and calculation method
given in Annex E should give broadly similar results since
where: although both methods use different empirical
C m = dimensionless entrainment coefficient, found approaches, these constants were obtained by fitting to
experimentally to be 0.44 for a free plume, and 0.21 the same data. It should also be realized that Eqn (6.5)
for an adhered plume, only describes a free or double-sided plume and cannot
ρ 0 = density of ambient air (kgm-3), be adopted for an adhered or single-sided plume.
L = length of spill edge (m). This formula has the advantage of explicitly including
entrainment into the exposed ends of the spill plume,
This calculation procedure gives the entrainment along unlike the formula of Poreh et al in method (b) above.
the length of the plume, but does not allow for Unfortunately the value of ∆ is not a constant, but varies
entrainment into the ends of a plume where the plume is with such parameters as perimeter of the source fire, heat
not bounded by walls. It is possible to combine this output per unit area of the source fire, opening geometry
calculation procedure with that of Thomas (1987) [68] to between the fire-room and atrium, presence of a
give a single procedure which is simple and which downstand at that opening, etc.
includes entrainment into the free ends. This is discussed In view of the essential similarity between Eqns (6.3)
in Method (c) below. and (6.5), however, and because we do not expect
proportionately much entrainment into the idealized
Note 1: This combined method only applies to free ‘wedge-shaped’ plume at and below the spill edge, we can
plumes, and cannot be used for adhered plumes. use Poreh et al’s method to identify a method of
calculating ∆ for use in Thomas’ formula (Eqn (6.5))
Note 2: The empirical constants in this method were appropriate to the design scenarios of interest. First
essentially derived for large-area reservoirs, and so the calculate ∆:
method should not be used for small-area reservoirs. It is
suggested that for the present work the criterion for MB
∆ = Db + (m) (6.6)
differentiating between large and small area reservoirs CQW1/3
can be the same as in section 6.3.1 above.
Then use the result in Eqn (6.5) as if it was a constant
(c) Method to calculate the entrainment into the line (which it will be for a given smoke flow out of the
plume derived by Thomas (1987) [68] specified source compartment).
This treats the plume in a ‘far plume’ approximation Eqn 6.5 has a minor practical dificulty in that it
apparently rising from a line source of zero thickness contains a gas density term (ρ) which can only be found
some distance below the void edge. The relevant formula accurately if the result of the calculation is known before
is: the start. In practice, it is usually sufficient to assume a
value a little smaller than ambient air density [eg using a
1/3 2/3
g Qw L2 0.22( hb + 2∆ ) value of 1.1 kg/m 3 instead of the more usual 1.2 kg/m 3
M1 = 0.58ρ ( hb + ∆ ) 1+ (6.5)
ρ cT0 L (for temperate climates at sea-level)] and treat it as if it
were constant. For greater precision it is possible to use
where: repeated iteration, with each calculation leading to a
M1 = mass flow of smoky gases entering the smoke layer revised gas density for use in the next iteration.
at height h b (kgs-1), The source data available at the time of the derivation
ρ = density of warm gases at height hb (kgm -3), of this method only covered large smoke reservoirs. It is
Qw = convective heat flux in gases (kW), not clear how it will apply to small smoke reservoirs, and
L = length of void edge past which gases spill (m), it should be used with great caution in such
c = specific heat of air (kJkg-1K-l), circumstances.
T 0 = absolute ambient temperature (K),
∆ = empirical height of virtual source below void edge (d) Method to calculate the entrainment into the line
(m), plume derived by Thomas et al (1998) [65]
h b = height of rise of thermal plume above void edge This treats the spill plume in a rigorous dimensional
(= Xp from section 6.3.1) (m). analysis, leading to expressions a little more complicated
than Poreh et al’s method described in (b) above. It
It should be realized that the derivation of Eqn (6.5) limits requires the prior calculation of M w and Q w at the spill
its application to scenarios where smoky gases issue edge but does not require prior calculation of the depth of
directly from the compartment on fire, with a balcony the approaching smoke flow at the spill edge. In principle
projecting beyond. With appropriate changes to the it should also give more reliable results close to the
value of ∆ to cater for changes in room/opening turning region at the spill edge than any of the other
geometry, and hence the mass flow under the balcony methods. It does, however, only apply to free plumes and
46 Design methodologies for SHEVS
28 20 29 20

15 15

Height above floor(m)

Height above floor(m)

10 10

W= 5m W= 5m
W= 10m W= 10m

W= 15m W= 15m

W= 20m W= 20m

5 5

Top of opening
Top of opening

0 0
0 20 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Mass flow (kgs –1
) Mass flow (kgs )

Figures 28,29 Free Free plume from open-plan sprinklered office: 28 no downstand, 29 1.0 m downstand

30 20 31 20

15 15
Height above floor(m)
Height above floor(m)

10 10

W= 5m W= 5m

W= 10m W= 10m

W= 15m W= 15m

W= 20m W= 20m

5 5

Top of opening Top of opening

0 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

–1 –1
Mass flow (kgs ) Mass flow (kgs )

Figures 30, 31 Adhered plume from open-plan sprinklered office: 30 no downstand, 31 1.0 m downstand
6 Smoke ventilation within multistorey spaces 47
30 30
32 33

24 24

18 18

Height above floor (m)

Height above floor (m)

W= 5m W= 5m

12 W= 10m 12 W= 10m
W= 15m W= 15m
W= 20m W= 20m
W= 30m W= 30m

W= 40m W= 40m
W= 50m W= 50m

6 6

Top of opening Top of opening

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
–1 –1
Mass flow (kgs ) Mass flow (kgs )

Figures 32, 33 Free plume from large shop fitted with quick-response sprinklers: 32 no downstand, 33 1.0 m downstand

30 30
34 35

24 24

18 18
Height above floor (m)

Height above floor (m)

W= 5m W= 5m

12 W= 10m W= 10m
W= 15m W= 15m
W= 20m W= 20m
W= 30m W= 30m
W= 40m W= 40m
W= 50m W= 50m

6 6

Top of opening Top of opening

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Mass flow (kgs ) Mass flow (kgs –1

Figures 34,35 Adhered plume from large shop fitted with quick-response sprinklers: 34 no downstand, 35 1.0 m downstand
48 Design methodologies for SHEVS
30 30
36 37

24 24

18 18
Height above floor (m)

Height above floor (m)

W= 5m W= 5m
W= 10m W= 10m
12 12
W= 15m W= 15m
W= 20m W= 20m
W= 30m W= 30m
W= 40m W= 40m
W= 50m W= 50m

6 6

Top of opening Top of opening

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
–1 –1
Mass flow kgs ) Mass flow (kgs )

Figures 36,37 Free plume from large shop fitted with standard-response sprinklers: 36 no downstand, 37 1.0 m downstand

30 30
38 39

24 24

18 18
Height above floor (m)
Height above floor (m)

W= 5m W= 5m
W= 10m W= 10m
12 12
W= 15m W= 15m
W= 20m W= 20m
W= 30m W= 30m
W= 40m W= 40m
W= 50m W= 50m

6 6

Top of opening Top of opening

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Mass flow (kgs ) Mass flow (kgs –1

Figures 38,39 Adhered plume from large shop fitted with standard-response sprinklers: 38 no downstand, 39 1.0 m downstand
6 Smoke ventilation within multistorey spaces 49
not to adhered plumes. The Thomas et al (1998) method can be expected to
Thomas et al[65] expressed some uncertainty about the apply to free plumes only, and to large smoke reservoirs
effects of large and small reservoirs on the entrainment only. While it includes terms for entrainment into the
predicted by their method, and identified the need for ends of the spill plume, these were stated with a
further research into this aspect. They developed the cautionary note in the source paper [65].
entrainment equations primarily in terms of data for large We should note that any and all empirically based
area reservoirs so consequently their method should not models can be expected to have some dependence on the
be applied to small area smoke reservoirs. In the absence source experiments used in deriving the empirical aspects
of better data, we can assume that the same criterion as in of those models. It is noteworthy that all the models cited
section 6.3.1 can be used to differentiate between large in section 6.3.2 draw on the same experimental sources,
and small area smoke reservoirs. although not all use all of the available data.
The entrainment into the spill plume (ignoring The methods have been compared in Annex D for a
entrainment into the free ends) is then: design scenario which applies to all four, but extending
into a range of parameter values differing from the
QW original experimental source data. It can be seen from
M1 = 1.2 M W + 0.16X p L + 0.0027QW (kg s–1) (6.7)
L Annex D that, for the example chosen therein, there is a
reasonable if not close agreement for up to 5 m above the
while the entrainment into both the free ends ( δ M) is (for spill edge for all methods. This is within the most
X p/L ‘not too large’, and where this limiting criterion is common range of design heights of rise for spill plumes.
unknown) [65] : Note here that only the Thomas et al (1998) method is
expected to give accurate results at heights of rise less
QW than about 3 m above the spill edge. The methods diverge
δ M = 0.09 X p (kg s–1) (6.8)
L for greater heights, although it is noteworthy that there is
a much closer agreement between the BRE method and
6.3.3 Recommendations for selecting a spill plume the Thomas (1987) method using Eqn (6.6) to calculate ∆
formula for all relevant heights.
The different methods outlined in section 6.3.2 above do The larger values of mass flow represent the more
not all cover the same circumstances and scenarios. Some conservative design option in terms of safety, particularly
of these limitations derive from the ways in which the in view of the fact that at these greater heights of rise, and
methods were derived. It is not the purpose of the current hence at the correspondingly very large mass flow rates,
book to review the details of the research papers the smoky gas temperatures tend to be low. It should also
concerned (which are anyway cited as references above). be noted that there was a good match between the BRE
It is useful to summarize where each can in principle be method and experimental observation in a full-scale hot
expected to be applicable, based on the assumptions and smoke test[69] with the very different circumstances of an
selected data employed in those source papers. adhered plume with entrainment into the free ends, again
The BRE method (see 6.3.2 (a) above), while being with a large-area smoke reservoir. This tends to give
complicated to use, covers free and adhered plumes. It greater confidence in the range of validation of the BRE
can be used for large or small area smoke reservoirs. It method, and by implication of the Thomas (1987)/Poreh
can be used either with or without mixing of air into the method for free plumes.
free ends of the spill plume. This makes it the most Consequently, the authors of this book recommend
versatile of the four methods. the following.
The Poreh et al method (see 6.3.2 (b) above) is much
simpler. It can be expected to apply to free and adhered
• For free plumes rising less than 3 m above the spill
edge, into a large smoke reservoir, use the Thomas et al
plumes, but only to those rising between side walls which (1998) method of 6.3.2 (d).
prevent any entrainment into the ends of the spill plume.
This greatly limits the range of scenarios likely to be
• For free plumes rising more than 3 m above the spill
edge use either the BRE method of 6.3.2 (a) for large or
found in practice. It applies to large smoke reservoirs and small reservoirs, or the Thomas (1987) method of
not to small ones. 6.3.2 (c) using Eqn (6.6), for large smoke reservoirs
The Thomas (1987) method (see 6.3.2 (c) above) only only.
applies to free plumes, and cannot be used for adhered
plumes. Entrainment into the ends of the spill plume is
• For all other spill plume scenarios, use the BRE
explicitly calculated. The method can only be used with
confidence with large smoke reservoirs, and not with
6.4 High temperature plume
small reservoirs. The difficulty of knowing the
appropriate value of ∆ , the height from the virtual line Hansell et al[65] has suggested that the entrainment into a
source to the spill edge, without calculating it each time high-temperature spill plume might be lower than into a
for the circumstances of the specific design scenario, thermal plume. The effect is not sufficiently well studied
implies that this method should only be used when ∆ can to allow quantitative advice to be given, beyond the
be calculated. statement that the effect becomes apparent for values of
50 Design methodologies for SHEVS
θB (or of θ W where the compartment opening has no
projecting canopy) greater than approximately 300°C.
Where the entrained mass is the critical design parameter
(eg for estimating the capacity of powered smoke exhaust
ventilators) it is recommended that the same calculation
procedures be followed as for lower temperature thermal 20

plumes, since this will result in an over-estimate of the

exhaust capacity and an under-estimate of the smoke-
reservoir’s layer temperature; giving an extra margin of
safety. It is expected that all the calculation procedures
for spill plumes described in the current book will give

Height above atrium base (m)


sufficiently erroneous results for flame plumes

[eg typically for θ B (or θ W ) greater than about 550°C]
that they should not be employed. It is not clear what
calculation procedures can be adopted for flame spill

6.5 Fires on the atrium floor

This relatively simple case can be treated in the same way
P = 9m
as a fire in a single-storey space, where the plume can rise P = 12m

unhindered from the fire directly into the base of the 5 P = 14m
P = 24m
layer. The design fire can be specified in terms of area Af
and perimeter P, based on expert assessment of the fire
load at the atrium floor (which can vary from trees to
cars, from furniture to exhibitions). If known, the calorific
value of the likely fuel can be used to estimate the heat 0
0 50 100 150 200
flux in the rising gases Q f. Examples of known heat fluxes -1
Mass flow into the layer (kgs )
may be:
• a group of four easy chairs, clustered together, forming
a perimeter of around 6 m, with a convective heat flux
Figure 40 Rate of production of hot gases from a fire on an
atrium floor
of 2 MW,
• a sprinklered office environment, providing the
sprinklers can operate over the fire area, with a total calculations are essentially the same for all subsequent
convective heat flux (qf) of about 115 kWm –2 of fire*, stages of smoke movement in the smoke reservoir as for
• an unsprinklered office environment with a total
convective heat flux Q f of about 250 kWm –2 of fire,
an axi-symmetric plume. The designer can simply
employ the methods described in section 5.4 and
• a vehicle (car) with a fire perimeter of 12 m and a total
convective heat flux of 3.0 MW.
onwards to complete the basic design of the SHEVS.
Note however that the designer will still have many other
factors to take into account, as discussed elsewhere in the
*Note: if the atrium ceiling is high, special provisions may current book.
have to be made to ensure effective sprinkler operation.
6.7 Limitations to the use of throughflow
If the heat flux is not known for the predicted fuel load,
a convective heat flux Q f of 0.5 MWm –2 of fire area is a
usefully pessimistic ‘rule of thumb’ covering many cases. The mass flow rate generated by the entrainment into the
The mass flow rate in the plume as it enters the smoke rising plume increases rapidly with increasing height of
layer may be established from Figure 40 or Eqn (5.2). This rise of a plume, and hence the plume cools quickly with
procedure can be used for Y ≤ 10.0 (Af)0.5. For larger height. This large increase in mass flow with increases in
values of Y, it would be better to use the ‘small fire’ plume height tends to suggest that there may be some cut-off
theories (see section 5.1.2 above). point in the rise of the plume above which it might
become economically impractical in terms of a smoke
control system. Experience suggests that this is often true
6.6 Throughflow ventilation: remaining
for flows larger than 150–200 kgs–1.
design procedures Another effective limit may occur if the temperature of
Once the smoky gases have reached the base of the the smoky gas layer forming in the roof void is too low. If
smoke layer in the final smoke reservoir, there will be no internal day-to-day heat gains (solar, plant, etc.) are
significant further entrainment. Once the mass flow rate allowed to accumulate within the atrium roofspace
of smoky gases entering this layer is known, the design (eg passive solar atria) then high-level air temperatures
6 Smoke ventilation within multistorey spaces 51

Figure 41 Early (or premature) stratification

within the atrium may be very high. Roof space This energy loss will increase with the distance the
temperatures have been recorded at or above 50°C. smoke has to travel from the fire source, and will manifest
Smoke spreading into an atrium during the incipient itself as a loss of buoyancy within the flowing layer. This
stages of a fire will naturally be very cool, and the in turn can cause the layer to deepen beyond the desired
entrainment processes will draw in the surrounding design depth, perhaps considerably so.
ambient air as the plume rises. In most instances this Cool smoke will also be sensitive to airflow
ambient air will be at or near 20°C (either due to movements, such as air currents (draughts) due to
ventilation or air-conditioning) producing a plume ventilation, air conditioning or weather conditions.
temperature which may be considerably lower than the Excessive air movement in contact with a cool but
air within the roofspace. otherwise stable smoke layer can cause it to become
Unless this hot air can be removed sufficiently quickly, unstable, spreading further throughout the building. The
this will result in the initial smoke layer forming at a point formation of a smoke layer depends upon buoyancy for
lower down in the building than may be desirable. This the maintenance of stability. Smoke layers which have
process is known as early (or premature) stratification temperatures (and hence densities) approaching that of
(Figure 41). As the fire is probably growing, the plume the incoming replacement air supply will have a tendency
temperature will rise progressively with time. This may to ‘mix’ with this air, rather than ‘float’ above it. This
result in hotter smoke ‘punching’ its way through the process is known as dilution ventilation and is frequently
cooler smoke layer and forming another warmer layer used in industry to reduce contamination levels in
above. This process may continue until the smoke ‘strata’ buildings (eg welding shops). The mechanisms involved
have become sufficiently mixed to rise up as a single bulk in dilution ventilation can easily induce downward
of smoke. This problem of early stratification can to some mixing of a smoke layer to the extent that, with sufficient
extent be overcome by providing smoke detectors at air movement, complete smoke logging of an atrium can
many heights within the atrium or located to ensure occur. It follows therefore that the atrium smoke layer
detection of smoke close to the fire. Once a forming should be at a temperature compatible with stable
smoke stratum is detected and the smoke ventilation stratification.
system set off, the hottest (and therefore highest) gases There is little information available on the
will be removed first, allowing any cooler strata to rise to destabilization of cool buoyant layers, so a precise
take their place. Hence smoky gases will reach the limiting temperature beyond which the above effects will
ventilators and the smoke ventilation system should lessen cannot be given. Further research is desirable in
settle into its ‘design’ state. The timescale for this process this area. Experience and experimental observation
is uncertain and hence ‘early’ detection of smoke in these however indicate that these effects may be severe in
circumstances is essential. terms of smoke control, perhaps leading to smoke
A further problem which may be encountered may be spreading to otherwise unaffected escape routes.
more problematical during cooler weather. Atria with In the absence of the necessary experimental data, and
large areas of external glazing will present a large surface as a result of practical experience this book will adopt a
area to the smoke layer, which can lead to large heat lower limit to the layer under ‘design’ conditions of 20°C
losses from the layer. above ambient as the critical layer temperature below
52 Design methodologies for SHEVS
which undesirable effects may occur. This temperature considered, the construction of the compartment, the
rise should be regarded as that which the layer will have geometry of the atrium, etc.
after suffering heat losses to the structure in which it is Experience (and Figures 28–39) suggests that one or
contained. other limit is usually reached when the height of rise
Thus, the practical limitations to the use of above the fire room opening exceeds 8–12 m. It follows
throughflow ventilation are a maximum mass flow rate of that it does not usually appear to be practicable to design
150–200 kgs –1 and/or a minimum smoke layer a throughflow ventilation system requiring more than
temperature of 20°C above ambient. three to six storeys (sometimes less) to be kept free of
Which limit is reached first will depend upon the smoke, regardless of whether it is powered or natural
situation being considered, ie on the type of fire smoke ventilation.

7 Alternative forms of
smoke control for atria
(including multistorey malls
but excluding throughflow ventilation)

precautions revert to those found in the absence of an

7.1 Void filling
Some atria provide large available volumes in which any The obvious advantage of this technique is simplicity.
smoke from a fire could be contained, such that smoke However, it has several disadvantages. It is rather
ventilation may be unnecessary. restrictive for building designers, as the atrium cannot be
This approach is usually based upon the assumption utilized as a functional space, and generally there must
that a fire will grow at a predictable rate, and that the only be limited quantities of combustible material
quantity of smoke generated can be contained safely in contained on the atrium floor. There can be no areas of
the roof void during the evacuation period, without public movement within the atrium space other than at
prejudicing the evacuation of occupants of the space. ground floor level.
This relies upon quantitative predictions of both fire Since there is the potential for the atrium to be wholly
growth and personnel escape times. Fire growth is full of smoke, the facade should be well sealed. If the
difficult to predict during the very early stages of fire gases in the atrium become hot, as they often may local to
development and can therefore, at best, be only a rough the fire, the facade materials and construction (and the
estimate. Similarly, actual times needed for evacuation sealing techniques used) must be able to withstand these
are also extremely difficult to determine. Pauls [70] has higher temperatures.
shown that escape periods in multistorey buildings can Such atria may be fitted with means of removing
vary from 10 minutes for a 15-storey building, where smoke for Fire Service use. These systems are often
escapees were ‘caught’ on the 13th floor for 5 minutes provided on an arbitrary design basis, usually comprising
before being able to descend, to 31 minutes for a 21- an air-change rate criterion if powered ventilation is used,
storey structure where escapees were ‘caught’ on the 12th or a percentage of the atrium floor area if natural
floor for 20 minutes. Anecdotal reports of similar exercise ventilation is used. These systems are for Fire Service use
in a shopping mall in the UK have shown a total only, for clearing of residual smoke (usually post-
evacuation time in excess of 30 minutes. Similarly, we extinction) and must not be regarded as life-safety
must also remember that it is customary for the fire systems. Air-change rates of between 6 and 12 per hour
service to search buildings for trapped or lost escapees. are often employed.
There will be some designs where the evacuation times
will be shorter than the time for smoke to endanger the
7.3 Depressurization ventilation
escape routes. It follows that the smoke control option of
‘doing nothing’ should not be ruled out completely, but 7.3.1 Principles
should only be accepted when supported by ‘Fire Greater architectural freedom becomes possible if the
Engineering’ calculations embodying appropriate safety atrium facade need not be sealed, but can be allowed to
margins. be leaky, even if the upper atrium is filled with smoke.
Examples of such ‘leaky facade’ designs might include:
7.2 Compartment separation • hotel bedrooms having doors onto ‘decorative’
balconies overlooking the atrium (ie not access or
One approach that may be considered for the protection escape routes), small enough to be evacuated through
of the atrium from fires in adjacent rooms (or vice-versa) the doors in a few seconds,
is the concept of the ‘sterile tube’ (discussed in Chapter 1
in outline).
• facades where unsealed windows are used for
simplicity and cheapness, or
In this instance, the atrium is glazed throughout with
fire-resisting glass, or its engineered equivalent. Thus,
• facades where small ventilation openings allow air to
circulate between the accommodation spaces and the
there is no opportunity for hot smoky gases to enter atrium.
rooms adjacent to the atrium, and the building fire safety
54 Design methodologies for SHEVS

Clearly, there must be no escape routes open to the upper installed, where the inlet area is equal to the exhaust vent
atrium. area, then the neutral pressure plane will exist
If such doors and other such leakage paths do not have approximately midway within the smoke layer
tight seals, smoke from the atrium may enter many (Figure 43). If the inlet vent area is smaller than the
adjacent rooms on many levels, causing a loss of visibility exhaust vent area, then the neutral pressure plane will
in those rooms and possibly affecting escape routes away move upwards (Figure 44).
from the atrium (Figure 42). Any openings above the neutral pressure plane will be
This might happen simultaneously on many floors, under a positive pressure (defined positive outwards from
requiring the simultaneous evacuation of all affected the atrium). Thus, there will be a flow of smoke from the
floors, thus adding to the pressure of use on escape routes atrium into rooms above the neutral pressure plane
elsewhere in the building. This is likely to be a particular through any leakage path which might exist.
problem where there is a ‘sleeping risk’, eg atrium hotels. However, careful manipulation of the neutral pressure
It will also be a problem for fire fighters, since they may plane can raise it to a ‘safe’ height above sensitive levels,
feel the need to search all accommodation on all affected where there is little or no threat from the positive
floors to ensure that no-one remains at risk. Such a search pressure above (Figure 45). The pressure in the atrium
would be much quicker if all accommodation were kept below the neutral pressure plane will be at a pressure
clear of smoke. lower than ambient, thus any airflow will be from the
Hence smoke must be prevented from passing in room into the atrium. Hence the levels below the neutral
appreciable quantities through these small leakage pressure plane are protected from heat and smoke
openings. One way of achieving this may be by contamination.
depressurizing the atrium[71,72]. Annex F gives a description of a fire that occurred in
the IMF building in Washington [18]. The fire occurred on
7.3.2 Natural depressurization the 10th floor of a 13-storey atrium, and by the time the
In any structure with natural ventilation openings at high fire service arrived (16 minutes later) the smoke level had
and low level, and with a quantity of heat trapped inside, descended below the 10th floor.
a ventilation rate will be created due to the ‘stack effect’. An interesting aspect of this fire was that despite the
In order for air to move out through the high-level presence of a natural ventilation system in the roof, the
opening, the pressure at high level inside must be greater atrium became completely smoke-logged at one point.
than the external pressure otherwise there would be no This apparent failure of the venting system was attributed
air movement. Similarly, for air to flow inwards at low to the use of natural ventilation in a ‘tall’ building, where
level the pressure at low level inside must be less than the smoke had insufficient buoyancy to reach the vents.
that outside. Thus there must be a position within the However, the fire occurred on the 10th floor, and for all
structure where the pressure inside is equal to that practical purposes, when the fire broke out it was
outside. This is known as the ‘neutral pressure plane’. Any effectively in a three-storey building with a deep
openings situated at the neutral pressure plane will have basement. Natural ventilation works extremely well in
no airflow through them, as there will be no pressure ‘shallow’ buildings, and therefore there must have been
differential at that height. some other mechanism in action, affecting the operation
In buildings where a throughflow ventilation system is of the ventilation system.

Figure 42 Smoke logging in a ‘leaky’ closed atrium

7 Alternative forms of smoke control for atria 55

Open ventilators

Neutral pressure plane


Inlet: equals
vent area

Figure 43 Neutral pressure plane (NPP): throughflow ventilation

Open ventilators
Larger vent area

Neutral pressure plane


Inlet: smaller
vent area

Figure 44 NPP: exhaust is larger than inlet

The atrium had no apparent inlet facility and depending upon factors such as: inlet/vent area ratio, gas
accordingly instead of the ventilators providing a temperatures, wind pressures, etc. It is not, and should
throughflow ventilation effect, the atrium became not be confused with, the actual base of the smoke layer.
depressurized in the manner described above. This, in The equation describing the above relationship, in the
turn, prevented smoke from spreading beyond the absence of wind effects is [71,72 ] :
atrium, despite being smoke-logged to ground-floor level 2
AvCv T1
at one stage. = (7.1)
The neutral pressure plane (NPP) will lie somewhere AiCi D max
T0 –1
within the depth of the smoke layer in the atrium X
56 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Open ventilators

Neutral pressure plane

Figure 45 NPP is above highest leaky storey

X = the height from the base of the smoke layer to the
desired position of the NPP (m),
D max = maximum depth of smoke layer from the
centreline of the exhaust ventilator (m).

This equation is represented graphically in Figure 46.

Eqn (7.1) represents the condition where the atrium
has a single, dominant inlet leakage path from the 15

exterior (eg access doors) but smaller leakage paths

between the atrium and accommodation and the exterior
(Figure 47). AvCv

With the technique as described above it is quite AiCi

possible for the atrium to be entirely filled with smoke
(see Annex F: IMF building), in which case D max will 10

approach the height of the atrium (Ha ), eg D max Ha.

It is a straightforward task to calculate the ventilation
requirements for a ‘pure’ depressurization system using
Eqn (7.1) or Figure 46, and Chapter 8 to determine the
smoke layer temperature from the appropriate heat
output for the occupancy concerned (see section 5.4 for
the heat output).
If the NPP was to descend below the desired design
depth then some of the higher storeys may become
endangered. This can arise from an increase in the actual
inlet leakage area available, eg where the fire brigade has
opened access doors to the atrium to investigate the 1.0 1.5 2.0
severity of the fire. A successful depressurization design Dmax
should be able to prevent smoke infiltration into adjacent X

spaces on the higher floors even in this condition.

Additionally, it is possible that the fire may cause Figure 46 Solution to NPP Eqn (7.1)
windows to break on both the external facade and the
atrium facade of the fire room. In this case, the broken
areas can act as a ‘dominant’ leakage path from the
7 Alternative forms of smoke control for atria 57

Neutral pressure plane

Open ventilators

Figure 47 NPP: dominant inlet

Thus, all potential inlet leakage paths must be assessed Wind pressure coefficients (C p’s) have often been
when using Eqn (7.1) or Figure 46. measured so that structural wind loading can be
It should be noted that the simple approach set out calculated. There is a considerable body of data in
here will be invalid where the leakage paths across the existence.
atrium boundary have appreciable areas on several Where complete certainty is required for a novel or
storeys [although all leakage areas below the smoke complicated building, wind-tunnel observations using
layer’s base can be aggregated and regarded as being at scale models will yield usable results. In general,
the layer’s base for calculation purposes when using however, it should often be possible to obtain reasonable
Eqn (7.1) or Figure 46]. Where there are appreciable values for the Cp’s needed for smoke control calculations
significant leakage paths on several storeys above the from available literature (see eg reference [73]).
layer's base, the same depressurization principle can be Figure 48(a) shows the typical 3-dimensional
employed but a more complicated ‘flow network’ complicated pattern of wind pressure coefficients over a
calculation must be used. This is best left to specialists in tall tower block[74]. In practice, it would be necessary to
the field. identify the most pessimistic values for each storey, in
It is difficult to give a simple general rule to identify which case the problem can be simplified to
when a building can be regarded as having a single 2-dimensional as shown in Figure 48(b).
dominant inlet. Nevertheless, it may be sufficient to adopt With these data established for any specific building
a guideline from the related field of ‘air infiltration’, so the design procedure for checking on the performance of
that one can assume a ‘dominant inlet’ if the total area of a natural depressurization system is fairly simple where
all openings below the layer base is more than twice the there is a single dominant opening.
total area of all openings above the layer base (excluding To prevent smoke leakage into the top leeward storey
the area of the ventilators themselves) [73]. for all wind speeds[71]:

7.3.3 Natural depressurization and wind effects (A – 1) C pv – A C pL + C pi ≤ 0 (7.2)

The NPP is sensitive to the effects of wind, and ‘adverse’
wind pressures might cause the NPP to fall to a lower where:
position on the leeward side of the building, possibly Cpv = wind pressure coefficient at the vent,
contaminating the topmost leeward storeys of the CpL = wind pressure coefficient at the topmost leeward
building. It follows that the depressurization design storey of the building,
procedure must take wind-force into account. Cpi = wind pressure coefficient at the inlet, and
To assess the efficiency of operation of a 2
depressurization system a knowledge of the wind T0 AvCv
A= +1 (7.3)
pressure coefficients acting upon a building will be T1 AiCi
necessary. These are a well-established way of relating
the wind pressure anywhere on a building to the wind Provided the requirements of Eqn (7.2) are satisfied, then
velocity at roof level. natural ventilation will work at all wind speeds. This
58 Design methodologies for SHEVS

(a) (b)


Windward Leeward
0.75 -0.55
0.95 -0.45
0.95 -0.45
0.90 -0.45
-0.8 0.80 -0.45
0.70 -0.45
0.65 -0.45
0.65 -0.45
0.60 -0.45
0.55 -0.45
0.50 -0.45
-0.7 0.45 -0.45
0.35 -0.45
0.30 -0.45
0.25 -0.45
- 0.6

0.5 -0.5
0.9 Figure 48 Wind pressure coefficients (C p‘s) around a typical tower
0.95 block: (a) 3-dimensional, (b) 2-dimensional distribution

implies that the roof ventilation system should be A natural smoke control system will be affected by the
subjected to suction wind pressures at all times. wind pressures operating against all the openings in the
However, if it is impossible to use a natural ventilator on a structure, thus pressure differentials vary with wind
particular building, fans can be used instead. direction and opening position and the throughflow of air
will vary with wind velocity.
7.3.4 Powered depressurization However, when the hole in the roof is replaced by a
The necessary capacity is a little harder to calculate, and Fan, the pressure differentials within the building now
the best fan is one which is not affected by wind pressures have to be changed by mechanically altering the
on its exhaust. With a fan, however, one must always throughflow of air. Therefore, the system must be
assume a maximum wind speed for design purposes. The designed with a maximum design wind velocity to cater
required volumetric flow rate may be calculated from [71]: for all conditions.
Further sophistication may be achieved by the use of
T1 Ai Ci 2 g θ1 X an anemometer and having ‘groups’ of fans, each group
V1 = ( C pi – C pL ) v 2 wind + (7.4)
T0 T1 operating at a different wind velocity. So if the wind was
light, one group could operate, and if the wind speed
where: increased, further groups might be activated as necessary.
3 -1
V 1 = fan capacity required (m s ),
v wind = design wind velocity (ms ).

8 Depressurization/smoke ventilation
hybrid designs

Chapters 3 to 6 have indicated how smoke ventilation such a hybrid design the smoke layer temperature in the
can only keep a limited number of lower storeys clear of atrium required for the depressurization calculations is a
smoke below the buoyant smoke layer formed in the natural outcome of the plume entrainment calculations
atrium. The technique does in principle, however, allow needed for the smoke exhaust calculation. Note that
those lower storeys to have adjacent spaces, and their hybrid designs are similarly possible where powered
escape routes, open to the atrium. Sections 7.3 and 7.4 ventilators are used for atrium smoke exhaust.
above show that it is often possible to design a Hybrid designs usually follow one of two approaches:
depressurization system where clean air is drawn through mass-flow-based approach and temperature-based
all significant leakage openings on the atrium facade approach.
immersed in the smoke layer. Depressurization does not,
however, protect any large leakage openings on any Mass-flow-based approach
storey above the layer base in the atrium. Nor will it This approach is where the atrium is designed with a
protect any escape routes on that storey open to the number of open levels above the atrium floor and
atrium. In this context a large opening is one where the requires a plume of a specific height. The maximum
opening in the atrium facade is larger than the sum of number of levels will be determined by either the
openings further along the same leakage path away from magnitude of the mass flow rate entering the layer, or the
the atrium (eg if the atrium facade opening is larger than smoke layer temperature falling below the minimum
openings in the external wall). value of 20 °C. The principles of a mass-flow-based
It will often be the case however, that architects will hybrid smoke ventilation system are shown in Figure 49
want to maximize use of the atrium space, and an obvious (see next page).
way is to combine the smoke ventilation approach of
Chapters 3 to 6, allowing greater freedom of design on Temperature-based approach
the lowest storeys, with the lesser freedom of ‘leaky This approach is to cool a potentially hot smoke layer by
facades’ allowed by the depressurization technique set the deliberate entrainment of ambient air into the rising
out in sections 7.3 and 7.4 above. In this ‘hybrid’ design plume. This may enable the use of facade materials which
the ratio of vent area to fresh-air inlet area will be cannot withstand high temperatures (eg float glass). The
determined by Eqn (7.2) or Figure 46, whereas the actual principles of a temperature-based hybrid smoke
values of these areas must be consistent with the ventilation system are shown in Figure 50 (see next page).
necessary smoke exhaust requirement as defined in A design procedure for hybrid systems is given in
sections 5.12 and 5.13. It should be appreciated that in Annex G.
60 Design methodologies for SHEVS

Open ventilators
Centre line of ventilators AvCv

Neutral pressure plane

Inlet A i C i

Figure 49 Principles of ‘hybrid’ smoke ventilation system: mass-flow-based approach

Open ventilators

Neutral pressure plane

Centre line of ventilators AvCv

Inlet Aid

Situation A Situation B

Figure 50 Principles of ‘hybrid’ smoke ventilation system: temperature-based approach


9 Atrium smoke layer


In most smoke control system designs no account is predominantly glazed in most cases, thus providing a
taken of the heat losses to the structure. It is assumed that good heat sink. There will be a passage of heat energy
there is conservation of heat and that all of the heat flux from the smoke layer into the structure, and accordingly
entering a smoke reservoir is contained in, and remains the smoke layer will suffer a reduction in temperature.
in, the smoke. Experimental work in the past has shown Figure 51 shows the heat balance in an atrium. A
that this assumption holds good for relatively small simple computer model based on these principles was
smoke reservoirs, with medium to high thermal used to determine the loss of energy from the smoke
resistance in the containing structure, or for high mass layer, based upon ‘worst case’ assumptions for the
flow rates of smoke. facade[72]. The facade fabric is assumed to be thin glazing
When considering atria, however, this assumption can with no apparent delay in the transfer of the energy from
no longer be considered entirely valid. An atrium smoke the layer. The results of using this model are shown
reservoir generally has a large surface area, which is graphically in Figures 52, 53 and 54 for 1 MW, 5 MW and

Heat carried by
exhaust gases

Heat loss through roof.

open ventilators or
powered exhaust units
Heat loss
Heat loss through external
through walls walls.
into rooms

Radiation downwards.

Figure 51 Heat balance in an atrium

62 Design methodologies for SHEVS

6 MW fires, respectively. The model showed, despite the At high values of mass flow rate there is little change in
fact that many differing atrium geometries were the atrium smoke layer temperature for wide variations in
considered with different values of external exposure, the smoke layer surface area. This is due to the gas flow being
resultant calculation points could be plotted comfortably the prime mover of energy, and tends to justify the
as single curves for each value of mass flow rate. assumption that loss of heat to the structure of a building
may be ignored for relatively small contact areas.






Q = 1MW
100 –1
M = 0 kgs
M = 10 kgs
Smoke layer temperature rise θ £ (°C)

M = 25 kgs
(Outside ambient = 0°C)

80 M = 50 kgs
M = 100 kgs







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Total surface area (including base)

(m2 x 1000)

Figure 52 Atrium layer temperature for fire of 1 MW

9 Atrium smoke layer temperature 63






Q = 1MW
M = 0 kgs
Smoke layer temperature rise θ£ (°C)

M = 10 kgs
M = 25 kgs
(Outside ambient = 0°C)

160 M = 50 kgs
M = 100 kgs







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Total surface area (including base)

( m 2 x 1000)

Figure 53 Atrium layer temperature for fire of 5 MW







Q = 1MW
M = 0 kgs
Smoke layer temperature rise θ£ ( ° C )

180 M = 10 kgs
M = 25 kgs
(Outside ambient = 0°C)

160 M = 50 kgs –1

M = 100 kgs







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Total surface area (including base)

(m x 1000)

Figure 54 Atrium layer temperature for fire of 6 MW


10 Additional design factors

limit criteria for a controlled fire load for an atrium base as

10.1 Atrium roof-mounted sprinkler
Conventional sprinklers mounted in the roof of an atrium
• If the total weight of combustibles on the atrium base
exceeds 160 kg, the materials should be confined to
will only be of potential benefit if there is a fire on the isolated islands.
atrium floor itself. However, due to the height that these
sprinklers will generally be mounted above the floor, the
• Each island should:
– contain a maximum of 160 kg of combustible
fire will be of considerable proportions before the material,
sprinklers activate and they will therefore be of limited – cover a maximum floor area of 10 m2,
benefit. More importantly perhaps, if a smoke layer is just – be separated from other areas of combustibles by at
above the operating temperature of the sprinklers, it will least 4 m (except where those areas are protected
be reasonably stable (θ1≥ 50 °C). The action of all the roof by a sprinkler system).
sprinklers operating almost simultaneously (as can be
inferred from work by Hinkley[75]) may rapidly cool the
• All wall and ceiling linings should have at least a
Class 1 surface spread of flame when tested in
layer and cause it to become unstable. This can occur if a accordance with BS 476: Part 7.
fire is above the atrium floor, and is highly undesirable.
One method of overcoming this problem is to use wall-
• When tested in accordance with BS 5852, all
upholstered furniture should resist ignition by the
mounted, long-throw sprinklers around the sides of the smouldering source (ignition source 0) and the flaming
tall space. It is unlikely in such circumstances that the hot source (ignition source 5)*.
gases from a fire which is not actually against one of the
walls will contact the sprinkler heads, and so
• All textiles (drapes and curtains) should meet the
requirements of BS 5867: Part 2.
conventional sprinkler triggering devices cannot be used.
Instead, if the sprinklers are able to operate in *Note: Attention is drawn to the provisions of the
predetermined zones on receipt of an electrical signal; Upholstered Furniture (Fire Safety) Regulations in
and if there is a fire-detection system able to identify the respect of filling materials, in the UK.
position of the fire sufficiently closely, then a signal can be
sent automatically to operate the appropriate sprinkler 10.3 Air-conditioned atria
zone. This approach has been pioneered by Ove Arup
Limited. In some hot countries it is common practice for an atrium
to be fully air-conditioned, making the internal ambient
temperature in the atrium lower than the external
10.2 Controlled fire load on the atrium base
ambient temperature. In such cases, especially for the
If there is a likelihood that a fire load will be present on relatively small heat outputs in the early stages of a fire,
the atrium floor, the smoke control system designed for a the temperature of the smoke layer which initially forms
fire in an adjacent room will generally be able to cope in the atrium can be cooler than the external ambient
with the products of a much larger fire directly beneath temperature, while still being warmer than the initial
the roof. Thus, with proper management to restrict the internal atrium air temperature. In which case, use of a
use of fuel assemblies and good housekeeping, such a fire natural ventilation system would cause a reverse stack
could feasibly exist and burn itself out before becoming a effect, ie with the roof vents acting as inlets and the inlets
problem to other areas outside the atrium. This does, of (including any doors being used as escape routes from the
course, assume that the methods detailed elsewhere in atrium to the exterior) acting as vents. This could cause
this book will have been used to demonstrate that such a problems of cool smoke spreading downwards towards
fire does not represent a threat. (and through) the escape doors. Once the cool atrium air
BS 5588: Part 7[7] includes a definition of the upper has been flushed out by the warmer ambient air entering
10 Additional design factors 65

through the vents, the system will reverse its direction of ventilation system should be controlled by a wind
flow, with the further potential for drawing back into the direction indicator, and the required amount of
building the cool smoke which has just been vented to ventilation should operate in a leeward zone only.
the street outside. It is possible to use a wind direction sensor to open
This problem of an initial downward movement of natural ventilators in zones of wind-induced suction for
smoke may be alleviated by the use of smoke detectors in more conventional ‘throughflow’ systems as well as for
the rooms, rather than in the atrium, causing the depressurization systems, while leaving closed any
ventilation system to operate and creating a balance ventilators which might experience a wind overpressure.
between the internal and external temperatures prior to In either case, it is necessary to map out the zones of
the smoke entering the atrium in quantity; or by using suction and overpressure for all possible wind directions.
powered ventilators. This can most easily be done using a model of the
building and its surroundings in a boundary-layer wind
tunnel. It is also implied that the ventilators must be
10.4 Channelling screens and hybrid
controlled by an automatic, probably computer-based,
systems control system.
It has been shown in section 6.2 that when smoke passes It should be noted that, although systems based on
under a balcony to rise into the roof void above, the wind-direction sensors have been installed in buildings,
quantity of smoke entering the smoke layer in the rising the technique is relatively uncommon.
smoke plume can be reduced by restricting the width of
the plume as it passes the balcony edge, by the use of
10.6 Crossdraught within the atrium
channelling screens.
The need for plume width restriction is necessary for This describes the action of a horizontal air flow beneath
any smoke control design where a clear layer of air is a hot gas layer, such as through the entrance of a building
required above a balcony projection beyond the fire room into an atrium or mall. There can be a high relative
(eg for escape purposes), and so will apply to a hybrid velocity between the smoke layer and incoming air when
smoke control system when the height of rise of the air is drawn in through an inlet of limited area and passes
smoke plume is fixed by escape requirements (mass-flow- directly below the smoke layer. Smoke will be drawn
based systems). down into the air stream by the Venturi effect, and also by
As described in Chapter 8, an alternative use of a turbulent entrainment of smoke from the gas layer into
hybrid system is to cool the smoke layer for some the flow. That will lead to loss of visibility in the clear
purpose (eg to prevent glazing from cracking) by layer[76].
deliberate entrainment of air into the smoke plume The effect of the flow depends on the width of the
(temperature-based systems). When designing a natural entrance through which air enters the building, and on
ventilation system for this purpose a knowledge of the the relative position of the base of the gas layer and the
depth of the smoke layer in the atrium is necessary to top of the air inlet. For flow through narrow inlets, such as
calculate the vent area required. This in turn implies a single or double doors, there can be serious loss of
knowledge of the height of rise of the smoke plume. visibility in the clear layer when the flow has a velocity of
Therefore, an estimate of the plume width leaving the 0.3 ms-1 or greater, and the layer is less than 2 m above the
room is desirable to determine the height of rise required top of the inlet.
for cooling purposes, and the plume width should be Where flow is across a wider opening, such as across
reasonably narrow (usually not more than 10-20 m). the width of a mall, flows of greater than 1.0 ms-1 can
However, variations between the mass flow entering, and cause serious loss of visibility in the clear layer when the
that being vented from, the atrium smoke layer with this base of the hot gas layer is close to the top of the inlet.
type of hybrid system will be immediately compensated When the base of the hot gas layer is more than 1 m
for by a change in the depth of the smoke layer. Thus, the above the top of the inlet but less than 2 m above it, then
actual width of plume achieved is irrelevant to the flows of greater than 1.9 ms-1 can cause serious loss of,
satisfactory operation of the system. Hence there is no visibility in the clear layer.
practical advantage in physically reducing the width of It is very difficult to protect against the mixing caused
the rising plume for this form of hybrid system. Therefore by the flow of air under a hot gas layer, but ensuring that a
in the design of temperature-based hybrid systems, screen defining the end of the reservoir is placed at least
channelling screens are unnecessary. 3 m back from the air inlet will minimize the effect.

10.5 Wind-sensing devices 10.7 Crossflow within the gas layer

Sections 5.12 and 7.3.3 concluded that roof vents should Experiments have shown that where there is horizontal
operate in areas of high suction pressure for all wind flow within the hot gas layer across the opening into a
directions. In certain instances it may be likely that centrally mounted natural smoke exhaust ventilator,
natural vents may experience an adverse pressure effect there will be no significant reduction in the efficiency for
(eg vertically mounted vents). In which instance the velocities of up to 4 ms-1[77]. It is reasonable to assume that
66 Design methodologies for SHEVS
the results will be similar where mechanical smoke chimney around or beneath the ventilator) at least 0.2 m
exhaust is used. Hence such crossflows can be ignored high, are not adversely affected by external winds. This
when designing ventilation systems. appears to be due to the kerb deflecting the air flow
upwards far enough for the flow to re-attach to the roof
downwind of the ventilator itself. Ventilators which are
10.8 Wind effects on horizontal ventilators
flush with the roof can be adversely affected for wind
Wind flowing over horizontal ventilators can influence speeds as low as 4.5 ms-1[78]. However, even with a kerb
the exhaust rate through the ventilator, especially for gas layers shallower than 2 m, and at a temperature of less
natural ventilators. The wind can increase the mass flow than 25 °C above the ambient can be adversely affected
through the ventilator due to the Venturi effect, or reduce by winds flowing tangentially across them. There is also
the effective vent area by reducing the effective discharge some anecdotal evidence that the aspect ratio of natural
coefficient. This latter phenomenon appears to be due to ventilators, even for those fitted with kerbs, should not
the creation of a wind-induced vortex inside and closely exceed 5:1 in order to avoid these problems when the
below the leeward edge of the ventilator’s opening. wind blows in a direction close to the long axis of the
Experiments have shown that natural ventilators ventilator.
mounted on a flat roof, and having a kerb (to form a

11 Interactions with other systems

in the buiding

It is also true that direct fire-fighting intervention is

11.1 Sprinklers
faster and more effective if the fire-fighters can see what
11.1.1 Automatic sprinklers they are doing. Part of the training of fire services
Automatic sprinklers have a major impact on the everywhere is concerned with the use of ventilation to try
protection of property against fire. The statistical effect of to control the movement of smoke in order to improve
sprinklers is to reduce the frequency of large fires. visibility. Hence SHEVS can also assist in fire-fighting
Sprinklers can control fire growth, provided the sprinkler operations.
installation is chosen to match the nature and Ever since the 1960s, it has been recognized that a
arrangement of the fuels expected to be present. Even so, smoke ventilation system cannot, on its own, control the
there will always be a small proportion of fires which will size of a fire. Either it allows the fire service to control the
become large. Nevertheless, all studies show that fire more easily, or it requires additional measures to
sprinklers have a good effectiveness in controlling fires. control fire growth. In the UK, for example, it has been
Sprinkler design rules tend to be very prescriptive, and routine since 1972 for sprinklers to be required in
have been described in many documents over the years, enclosed shopping complexes to limit the fire size to a
eg by the CEA[79], or by many national standards magnitude which the smoke ventilation system can cope
(eg BS 5306: Part 2[80]). with [5]. That is, by making the smoke ventilation possible,
Over the past 10–15 years in particular, it has been the sprinklers have been seen as sharing in the same life-
recognized increasingly widely that sprinklers which can safety role.
operate early in a fire can have a life-safety role as well as
protecting property; although it is still generally true that 11.1.3 Sprinklers combined with smoke ventilation
sprinklers are not universally accepted for this role. It follows that sprinklers and smoke ventilators are both
Where life-safety is seen as important, many modern important for life safety and for property protection,
Standards specify additional features for the sprinkler although smoke ventilation should only be seen as being
installation compared with installations solely intended useful for property protection by making fire fighting
for property protection. easier and faster. It is therefore reasonable to expect both
Where sprinklers operate in a building and where the sprinklers and smoke ventilators to be used together,
fire service also intervenes, it can be very difficult to say both for life safety and for property protection.
which had the greater effect. In practice sprinklers and It would be ideal if the operations of one system
fire services, acting together, usually achieve better (sprinklers or smoke ventilators) had no adverse effect on
results than either acting separately. the operation of the other. Unfortunately that is not the
11.1.2 Automatic smoke exhaust ventilation Factory Mutual Research Corporation carried out
Smoke exhaust ventilation systems were first proposed to some excellent experiments in the early 1970s[81]. Their
achieve the benefits of venting through the roof, while main conclusions were that vents allowed more fire
the fire was still small. damage (ie more fuel was consumed) and caused delays
From 1972, in the UK and many other countries, it has in the operation of sprinklers. Thus, sprinklers would
become commonplace to require smoke ventilation perform more effectively without vents, especially if the
systems for certain types of building in order to protect building was allowed to fill with smoke to create low-
the escape routes during the early stages of a fire. oxygen conditions which would further limit
Examples include enclosed shopping malls and many combustion. This led to their advice, publicized most
atrium buildings. This places a very clear life-safety role clearly after 1980, to ‘button-up’ the building and to allow
on smoke ventilation, and demands operation of the sprinklers to achieve extinction of the fire.
smoke ventilation system earlier than the arrival of the No account was taken of the potential for active fire
fire services – usually on the first detection of smoke. service intervention in their analysis, and indeed their
68 Design methodologies for SHEVS
‘button-up’ approach effectively recommended that the
fire services should wait outside the building until the fire 50

had been extinguished by the sprinklers. This approach 45

was contrary to the operational doctrine of the Fire 40

Experiment 26
No vents
Brigades in the UK and elsewhere. They wanted smoke Experiment 31

Sprinklers open
ventilation to make their job easier, and to reduce the risk Experiment 32

of a backdraft threatening their fire fighters when they
enter what could otherwise be a smoke-filled building. 25

The result has been a polarization of views. One side 20

supports the ‘button-up’ idea, and thinks that smoke

ventilation reduces the effectiveness of sprinklers. The
other side favours using smoke ventilation simultaneously 20 vents

with sprinklers in order to increase the effectiveness of 5

10 vents

fire fighting. There were many papers published during 0

0 6 120 180 240 300 360 420

the 1980s discussing and reinforcing these viewpoints.
Time (secs)
Since then, much research has been carried out on
interactions between sprinklers, ventilators and the
thermally buoyant layers. A number of computer models Figure 55 The effect of smoke ventilators on sprinkler operation
have been developed, some of which are listed in Table
11.1. Typical results from some of the models predict a
small increase in the time to operation of sprinklers escape routes used by occupants of the compartment,
coupled with a considerable extension of the time to this must take priority. Sprinklers will usually be
develop smoke-logging in the compartment. needed to control the fire to a size with which the
There have also been some experiments, most notably smoke ventilation system can cope. The smoke
the large experiments in Ghent in Belgium[88], and at ventilation system and all its associated features
SP Boras . Figure 55 is a typical example of the results (except the sprinklers) must be activated on first
from the Ghent experiments, showing a small increase in detection of smoke, which almost always means earlier
the time to operate the first sprinklers, and an unexpected than any sprinklers will operate.
reduction in the total numbers of sprinklers operating
during the fire. Note that the fire growth and control was
• Where the property is likely to experience a high-
challenge fire, there should be a different approach.
arbitrarily selected for the purposes of the experiment. Pending research into this aspect, we can assume that
Results from the Ghent experiments have been used to ‘extra-high-hazard’ occupancies identified for
test the predictions of RADISM and results from the sprinkler installation purposes correspond to this
SP Boras experiment have been used to test the category. Means of escape should not depend on
predictions of SPLASH and JASMINE. smoke exhaust ventilation, but should instead depend
Unfortunately the same evidence has been interpreted on compartmentation and adequately short travel
differently by the two sides and progress since 1980 has distances for escape of the occupants. If a smoke
not removed the controversy, although it has cleared up ventilation system is needed to assist fire fighting, it
many details. It has tended to confirm the two opposite should be operated by a switch easily accessible for fire
poles of the argument in their respective views. fighters without them having to enter the fire
A compromise was suggested by Morgan [90] as follows. compartment. This will allow the risk of a backdraft to
• Where the primary purpose of the smoke ventilation
system is the protection of life, eg by protecting the
dissipate before any of the fire-fighters have to be put
at risk.
• For properties below the extra-high-hazard category,
Table 11.1 Computer models developed to determine and where the primary purpose of the smoke
interactions between sprinklers, ventilators and thermally ventilation system is to protect property by assisting
bouyant layers fire-fighting intervention, we can identify two
Computer Developer alternative strategies:
model – where the attendance time of the fire services is
likely to be long, adopt the same strategy as for
RADISM Developed by Hinkley from a joint FRS–Colt extra-high-hazard occupancies as above.
International project, UK[82] – where the attendance time of the fire services is
LAVENTS Developed by Cooper at NIST, USA[83,84] likely to be short, operate the smoke ventilation
SPLASH Developed by Gardiner (1988) and Jackman (1992) system on first detection of smoke in order to obtain
from a joint collaboration between Brandforsk, the maximum advantage of a smoke-free region for
Sweden, FRS and South Bank University, UK fire-fighters to work in. Sprinklers can be allowed to
JASMINE A two-phase version developed by Kumar et al at operate with their usual triggering devices.
It has since been suggested that in the last point above, a
11 Interactions with other building systems 69
smoke ventilation system may be initiated by a flow
11.3 Heating, Ventilation and Air
switch in the sprinkler supply, but only if quick response
sprinklers are used. There is also a strong and clear
Conditioning (HVAC)/Air Conditioning and
recommendation that the issue of whether the Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV)
attendance time will be long or short should be decided HVAC and ACMV systems are intended to do essentially
by discussion with Fire Officers who know the local the same task: they provide a comfortable environment
circumstances affecting any individual building design within the building. The term HVAC is used mainly in
(for a more detailed discussion see Chapter 12). cooler climates, and ACMV in warmer climates where it
The compromise proposals outlined above must be is rarely necessary to heat the building. These ventilation
regarded as an interim solution to the problem, allowing systems serve an essentially different purpose to a
standards-writers and regulators to cope with real SHEVS. They are typically designed to minimize energy
building designs, and allowing Fire Services to develop losses from (or into) the building–unlike a SHEVS
their operational and training procedures accordingly. which is designed to let energy (heat from the fire) out of
However, where a SHEVS design is primarily for life the building. Other important differences include the fact
safety, it must be operated at the earliest possible that HVAC is usually designed to bring warm air which
opportunity, which in practice will usually mean has risen to the ceiling back down to lower heights where
triggering on smoke detection. the occupants are to be found. This is the exact opposite
of what a SHEVS is trying to achieve. When these
systems are in ‘air-conditioning’ mode, it is common to
11.2 Fire-detection systems
introduce air into the spaces at high level, near the
The operation of any smoke control system is generally ceiling, and to remove ‘used’ air from low level – once
dependent upon a smoke detector operating and there again, the opposite of what a SHEVS is trying to achieve.
are scenarios where particular detection strategies may It follows that it is rare that a HVAC or ACMV can
need to be considered. It is essential that where operation simply fulfil a double role as a SHEVS, although this can
of the SHEVS is dependent on the prior operation of be possible with a sufficiently ‘intelligent’ control system.
smoke or other fire detection, the detection system must It is the most common practice for the HVAC/ACMV
link into the SHEVS control system in a way which system to shut down on receipt of a signal from the same
allows the latter to operate the appropriate zones, and to detection system that starts the SHEVS operating. The
initiate other appropriate actions (eg to start alerting result of this is that any ducts with openings exposed to
occupants, to call the fire service, etc.). the smoke layers associated with the SHEVS, regardless
In a particularly tall atrium, stratification of the smoke of whether they function as supply or exhaust in non-fire
layer before reaching the ceiling is probable, especially in conditions, are able to act as pathways for that smoke –
atria which are air-conditioned in the lower portion only, often in undesired ways and to undesired parts of the
or have a high proportion of roof glazing. Thus, if the building. This process is often referred to as ‘siphoning’.
only detection system present is roof-mounted it may not The designer of the SHEVS should try to foresee all of
operate, or at least be considerably delayed in operation. these potential unwanted smoke paths, and should
This problem may be overcome by the installation of specify that smoke dampers be installed in those ducts in
smoke detection to the various rooms where fire might positions which will prevent any smoke spreading
start and/or by intermediate detection zones at different beyond the boundaries of the smoke zone.
heights in the atrium, possibly using beam detectors. These dampers must be motorized, and should be
If the environment is particularly ‘dirty’ then point triggered into operation by receipt of a signal from the
smoke detectors will be prone to false alarms, and it may SHEVS control system – subject of course to any delays
be necessary to reduce the operating sensitivity. With required by the control system in order to ensure the
intelligent analogue addressable detectors it will also be correct sequencing of operation of different components
possible to use a ‘progressive’ system where different and thus to prevent any damage. In general, all SHEVS
actions may be taken depending on the signals given by a should be tested regularly for operation as a part of
number of detectors. In some environments the use of a management responsibilities. This will require that the
sampling system will be of greater benefit. smoke dampers must be capable of being motorized back
Although smoke detectors will be used in the majority open after the test. This is because, if re-setting the
of applications, other forms of detection may be equipment after such a test is too demanding of staff time,
considered. For example, there may be scenarios where the test will only ever be done once!
an infra-red flame detector may have superior The authors have found, while checking other
performance characteristics. Sensitive infra-red heat designers’ work, that it is regrettably true that the need
detectors may perform adequately in some situations, for smoke dampers to prevent siphoning is often
and can be essential to identify the location of the fire and overlooked in many designs. In practice, the absence of
to trigger wall-mounted, long-throw sprinklers where such dampers will usually only be noticed by an in-situ
they are used because the ceiling is too high for ‘hot smoke test’, when smoke starts to appear in parts of
conventional sprinklers to be ceiling-mounted. the building where it should not be. As such tests are still
very infrequent, it seems likely that a significant but
70 Design methodologies for SHEVS
unknown proportion of SHEVS installations will have hence the larger smoke exhaust capacity will usually
this failing. outweigh any savings on the lighting and signage.
There can often be advantages if the HVAC/ACMV
system is designed in a coordinated way with the
11.6 Public address and voice alarm
SHEVS. This can allow, as far as is possible, the
HVAC/ACMV to be zoned with the same boundaries as
the SHEVS, and so reduce the need for (and the cost of) It is the purpose of an alarm (ie an alerting) system to
smoke dampers. persuade the occupants of a building to start to evacuate
the building. There is considerable experience [42]
(including many Fire Service anecdotes) that a simple
11.4 Pressurization of stairwells and
bell or sounder is essentially ineffective in persuading
lobbies untrained occupants to start to escape. There is a
In some atrium buildings there may be a requirement or developing consensus that a voice alarm will be far better
desire to pressurize the escape stairs and associated at persuading people to start[42]. That is, that a simple,
lobbies. If the atrium employs a depressurization or clear, and informative message in plain language is much
hybrid smoke control system and the glazing between better at motivating people to stop their other activities
the fire room and the atrium has cracked or shattered, the and start to escape. A public address system can very
pressure within the fire room will, of necessity, be lower easily be adapted to meet this function.
than the outside ambient pressure. This reduction in It is an unfortunate consequence of human nature that
pressure will act as though an extract fan was fitted to the such voice messages should not be delivered ‘live’. The
fire room, increasing the pressure differential developed designated person may not be present at the critical
across the escape lobby doors. This increased pressure moment, or may not realize the importance of giving the
differential will increase the air flow through the leakage warning rather than carrying out other emergency
paths of the lobby, thus enhancing the efficiency of the actions. It follows that it is better to use a pre-recorded
pressurization system in preventing the passage of smoke message, automatically triggered by the same controls
into the escape route. that start the SHEVS. In a large and complicated
The situation will be different where the pressurized building, it may even be reasonable to use different
stairwell or lobby connects through to the atrium space automatically generated messages in different areas
itself, especially where the atrium has a ‘throughflow’ depending on the detected location of the fire. This
SHEVS without any special ‘atrium depressurization’ would, for example, allow people to be automatically
features. In this case all parts of the atrium above the NPP directed on the safest route away from the fire, or to take
will be at a higher pressure than ambient, requiring a part in a phased evacuation where those closest to the fire
higher value of the minimum design pressure difference are evacuated first.
for the pressurized shaft and/or lobby. A procedure for It should be noted that powered ventilators (fans) can
the calculation of this changed value is outlined in be very noisy in operation, and can drown out the voice
Annex H. message unless this has been allowed for in design. It
follows that any voice alarm system must be loud enough
to be heard clearly and audibly above the noise of the
11.5 Lighting and signage
In general, the presence of a SHEVS will make little
difference to the usual requirements for the provision of
11.7 Security
emergency lighting and of emergency exit/wayfinding
signs. It is possible, however, to make some observations Most buildings large enough and complex enough to
of good practice based on common sense. warrant a SHEVS will also need security arrangements to
It is expected that a SHEVS will result in a buoyant protect against theft, vandalism, etc. At its simplest this
layer of smoky gases beneath the ceiling, either in a can mean that all doors into the building, and all other
smoke reservoir or in channelled flows en route to the large openings, will be locked (eg at night, or outside
smoke reservoir. This smoke is likely to be optically dense normal working hours). This can conflict with the
and black in any real, severe fire. It follows that any lights requirements that all designated air inlets for the SHEVS,
and any signs positioned higher than the design smoke which can often include doors, must be able to open
layer base in these circumstances are unlikely to be of any automatically when the SHEVS comes into operation.
actual value to people trying to escape. If the design of the Note that there will usually also be a regulatory
SHEVS is taken into account when decisions are made requirement that security measures must never block
about the locations of the lights and of the signs, then escape routes for people inside the building. It is also
these can be located below the design layer base, and undesirable in most cases for the security measures to
they can serve their intended function. In some cases, it hinder fire fighters’ access into the building in the event of
may be easier to design the SHEVS so that the smoke fire.
layer base is higher than the emergency lights and signs, Possible compromises to resolve the conflict might
although the costs incurred by the extra entrainment and include, for example, the use of automatically unlocking
11 Interactions with other building systems 71

and opening doors on receipt of a signal from the SHEVS The designer of the SHEVS’ control software should
control panel where those doors are intended to serve as ensure that there is a full description in the system
air inlets for the SHEVS. Another possibility might be to documentation, including a fully detailed and annotated
use open-mesh security shutters, with keys being in the listing of the program code. This should also be the case
possession of the fire service. for other fire-protection measures controlled by the same
computer. Unfortunately this will not prevent problems
of the sort envisaged in the previous paragraph, although
11.8 Computerized building control
it should make problem-solving easier once they occur.
systems A small measure of extra protection might be gained
A constantly increasing number of buildings have their by using a separate dedicated computer for the fire
internal services controlled by a central computer. It is software, but this still faces the difficulty that many of the
particularly tempting to link the SHEVS and other fire- necessary actions will require the building control
protection measures into the same computer system, software to respond in the appropriate manner.
both for convenience and because of the large number of The only way to be sure that changes do not degrade
required automatic actions affecting the normal building performance is to ensure that whenever any changes are
services in the event of fire. made to the building control hardware or software, or to
Unfortunately, it is the common experience that the the fire protection hardware or software, it would be
‘environmental’ controlling software often requires good practice to test the fire-protection measures,
amendment, and that the computer itself will be including the SHEVS, by triggering the fire-detection
upgraded. Whenever these occur, there is a danger that system (eg by blowing a small amount of smoke into a
the fire-protection system software will be inadvertently smoke detector) and confirming that all the actions
affected, or that it may be less compatible with the latest which ought to take place do in fact still take place,
upgrade to the operating system, or any one of several according to the design specifications.
other problems.

12 SHEVS and the fire services

protected. It should also never be forgotten that water

12.1 General
sprays cannot extinguish fuel which is shielded from that
As discussed in section 1.4 both SHEVS and operational water. Therefore, accompanying and follow-up
fire-fighting have their place within an integrated extinguishing operations by fire services will be
approach to fire-safety engineering. Chapter 2 inevitable.
mentioned that the assistance of operational fire-fighting This implies the necessity of fire-fighting operations
can be one of the design objectives for a SHEVS, and that (including rescuing people) and suggests the benefit or
perhaps the most important way in which a SHEVS can even necessity of SHEVS supporting fire services even
serve to protect property is by making fire-fighting though extinguishing systems are present. To understand
intervention easier and quicker. the various design objectives for a SHEVS and the
The purpose of this chapter is to examine more closely resulting requirements, it is useful first to consider what is
the factors which influence the effectiveness of a SHEVS meant by a ‘successful’ fire-fighting operation.
in assisting fire-service operations. It is not the purpose of A common doctrine defining what fire-fighting
the current book to provide complete operational operations ought to achieve sets out the fundamental fire-
guidance for the fire services. While much of what fighting objectives (see Box, below).
follows takes the form of actions to be taken by the fire
services, the authors’ intention is to alert readers to the I Rescuing lives
problems and needs of the fire-fighter. This objective comprises all activities to help occupants
trapped in an endangered zone to escape from it, if
necessary by means of ladders and/or by supporting
12.2 Design objectives for SHEVS and
them with breathing apparatus and guiding them out to
implications for the design-fire as a basis places of safety. It also includes the search for missing or
for design trapped people, and the transport of disabled or injured
12.2.1 Fundamental fire-fighting objectives people out of spaces threatened by fire and smoke.
Fire-fighting by human beings has been a self-evident
necessity through the ages, although not always fully II Extinguishing fires
successful in all cases. Even nowadays, though many This objective includes all activities which hamper and
approved and reliable extinguishing or suppression interrupt the chemical process ‘burning’ and therefore is
systems are available, fire-fighting by human beings is still dedicated to controlling the fire growth and achieving
inevitable and therefore established in the legislation of extinction of the fire. In this way, goods and contents not
many countries as a duty. That is partly because no set on fire can be protected from ignition, but without
technical device can achieve 100% reliability. Apart from being protected from the adverse effects of smoke if they
fire suppression systems which prevent the ignition of a are not separated from it. Actions intended to extinguish
fire in very specific and confined spaces (eg inside the fire will also reduce the heat output and therefore
machinery for processes having explosion risks) and gas diminish the thermal stress on the building’s structure.
extinguishing systems for single apparatus or small rooms
or spaces (eg underneath false floors used for electric
installations), extinguishing systems cannot avoid every Fundamental fire-fighting objectives
adverse effect of the products of combustion (especially I Rescuing lives
II Extinguishing fires
smoke) before the fire is extinguished in all cases.
III Saving the structure, valuable goods, contents and equipment in
From experience it is known that extinguishing
systems applying water sprays cannot extinguish all fires IV Saving the surroundings and the environment
in every case. They will usually achieve control,
depending on the nature and distribution of the fuel to be
12 SHEVS and the fire services 73
III Saving the structure, valuable goods, contents and
equipment in premises
• levels,
temperature rise of gases near the floor to harmful
and finally
This objective comprises all activities besides
‘extinguishing’ to separate valuable items and/or
• flashover of the compartment into full involvement.
When this has happened the SHEVS is not of any value
equipment from the adverse effects of fire (smoke and for fire-fighting (or for escape or rescue as anyone left in
heat) before they become damaged or destroyed. This the compartment will be dead or dying).
will be particularly of importance if it can be foreseen that Therefore, design approaches which only equate the
the fire cannot be stopped in time (eg due to lack of presumed ‘escape time to the ‘time to danger’ based on a
extinguishing agents, of enough fire-fighting equipment, growing fire, and take the fire size and heat output at this
and/or of enough personnel) but there is still the time as the basis of design for a SHEVS, can only support
possibility to carry those valuable things out of the all four fire-fighting objectives (ie I-IV above) if there is a
endangered zone before they are affected by fire or considerable degree of confidence in the calculated basic
smoke. parameter escape time’, and also if this period is longer
than the time which has passed to the point when fire-
IV Saving the surroundings and environment extinguishing operations become successful in
This objective includes all activities to protect the preventing further fire growth.
surroundings of a compartment or building from being Note: The time between fire alert and extinguishing
ignited, and to prevent excessive harm to the operations becoming successful is often described as ‘fire-
environment, eg by air pollution or by contamination of fighters’ intervention time’ and consists of the attendance
soil or groundwater. This objective is usually achieved by time of fire services plus the time needed to develop a
extinguishing a fire at an early stage of burning. successful attack on the fire, ie to put enough water on the
fire to prevent it from growing further. It should also not
Following the priority and urgency of the fire-fighting be forgotten that some time will have elapsed between
objectives listed above, adequate operations have to be ignition and detection of the fire, and sometimes even
carried out in this sequence (or all together if it is possible more time between detection and the alert being given to
with the man power and equipment available). the fire service. All these periods of time should be
Naturally, a fire-fighting operation is totally successful considered in SHEVS design calculations of the type
if all four fire-fighting objectives can be achieved. If, for being discussed.
whatever reasons (regulatory or by the choice of the If the fire-fighters’ intervention time is less than the
occupant of a premises – if he is free to do so) the fire ‘time to danger’, fire-fighting operations will start while
services are only supposed to achieve one or a choice of evacuation is still in progress. This will allow the fire-
the fire-fighting objectives outlined above (eg just fighters to begin to control the fire growth and thus delay
objectives I and IV), then a fire-fighting operation which the onset of danger to people escaping. In addition,
achieves these objectives has to be considered to be people will behave in a more disciplined way and are
‘successful’ (even if, following the example given in more likely to follow evacuation instructions in the
brackets above, the whole occupancy affected by fire is presence of fire-fighting personnel.
lost but there are no casualties or damage to the Otherwise, if the fire-fighters’ intervention time is
environment). Note that the concept of the ‘throw-away greater than the presumed ‘time to danger’ and to
building’ is not new! evacuation time (however well assessed!) the
From the foregoing it follows immediately that the effectiveness of the SHEVS can break down before
design objectives for a SHEVS and the resulting successful fire-fighting operations can start. Thus, in
requirements for it should be closely correlated with the these circumstances a SHEVS cannot contribute to
fire-fighting objectives I-IV above. achieving fire-fighting objectives I-IV above. In a very
large and complex building this will result in greater
12.2.2 Design objectives for SHEVS in connection withproperty losses, with these being mainly restricted just by
fire-fighting objectives I-IV compartmentation. In the absence of fixed extinguishing SHEVS design objective ‘life safety only’ systems (which can be expected to prevent uncontrolled
supporting fire-fighting objective I fire growth even if they do not extinguish the fire) total
The design objective for such a SHEVS must be to losses of whole fire compartments can be expected.
remove smoke and heat from the accommodation on fire Total losses of large fire compartments usually also
and to protect any means of escape within that space by threaten the environment by heat radiation, flying sparks
creating a smoke-free layer from the beginning of smoke and often by toxic smoke. Larger fires can also present a
production until the last occupant of the building has threat to the environment in the form of the run-off of
escaped from it or has reached a safe place (ie protected by contaminated fire-fighting water.
a fire-resisting structure which is well vented). In this respect, a design concept for life safety which
If the fire can develop without being controlled the uses the assumed or calculated evacuation time to define
SHEVS will become unable to cope with the larger the upper limit of the growing design fire is potentially
quantities of smoke and heat. This will result in: very dangerous and vulnerable to abuse.
• smoke logging of the whole fire compartment, Even where legislation only concerns the safety of the
74 Design methodologies for SHEVS
building’s occupants and saving the environment around assumption of the design fire being the most ‘plausibly
the building from the fire threat, it is not clear that there is pessimistic’ fire size will depend on the limits of the
public acceptance for fire ‘prevention’ concepts which relevant statistics.
allow for the total loss of a building as long as occupants’ For growing fires where either there is no fixed fire-
safety and protection of the environment are achieved. extinguishing medium, or where its effect on the growing
The issue of the consequential costs to society in terms of fire cannot be reliably identified, the intervening time for
job losses, rebuilding costs, etc. is a frequent subject for the fire services (ie attendance time plus time for
debate. developing a successful attack on the fire as defined in
An even more threatening aspect of using the section above) has to be the suitable parameter
evacuation time as the determining design parameter for for assessing the fire size, although there might be some
the fire size of a growing fire, which in turn is a key severe uncertainties in these assumptions. These
parameter for designing a SHEVS, is the possibility of uncertainties include difficulties in assessing the
underestimating the evacuation time. attendance time of the fire services due to traffic jams or
Computer models simulating evacuation, or casual deviations due to road works on the access route,
evacuation exercises performed by test persons, will be or simply the possibility that the fire-fighting forces
very helpful in assessing escape times. But it has to be closest to the building concerned and dedicated to
borne in mind that these simulations should allow for the intervene there first are already employed elsewhere on
possible existence of stragglers, disabled and/or injured another emergency.
people. In addition, the fact that firemen often have to Whatever method was used, once having assessed a
search for missing people after a completed ‘evacuation’ suitable design-fire size on the pessimistic assumption
should not be forgotten. It is well known that people that it is the ‘most likely largest fire size’ when
often enter a burning building again for subjective extinguishing operations (performed manually and/or
reasons. The existence of these problems implies the automatically) become successful, a SHEVS designed on
need for safety margins in the estimated evacuation time. this basic parameter will serve for life safety and property
The main uncertainty in assessing an evacuation time protection because all four fire-fighting objectives
is the unpredictable period between alerting the (SHEVS design objectives ‘life safety and property
occupants and their subjective decision to start escaping. protection’ supporting the fire-fighting objectives I-IV)
After 24 years’ experience as an officer of a professional can be achieved.
fire brigade the author of this chapter has found that
people usually do not start to try to escape until they SHEVS design objective ‘property protection
perceive themselves to be endangered which is often too only’ supporting fire-fighting objectives II and IV, and,
late for safely escaping without support from the fire if also designed to do so, III
services. For some occupancies, there is no, or just a very low, risk
A definite start of evacuation can therefore only be to lives due to threat from smoke. This will be true for all
assumed if the occupants are subject to some form of circumstances where there are very few or usually no
directed organization. This can be either inside an persons inside a fire-affected compartment (eg as in most
existing hierarchy amongst themselves, as will be the case warehouses, especially if they are automatically loaded
for employees of a company or civil servants in large and unloaded by robots (see also section 12.3 below).
office accommodation, or where the occupants are Another example concerns premises where the means of
controlled by an organization established for the purpose escape are provided by compartmentation: ie where
of evacuation such as trained staff in hotels or premises corridors and staircases are enclosed by a fire-resistant
for public assemblies. structure and protected from ingress of smoke (eg by
vented lobbies with fire doors or by pressurization SHEVS design objective ‘life safety and systems). Under these circumstances, SHEVS need not
property protection’ supporting fire-fighting provide a smoke-free layer from the very beginning of the
objectives I–IV outbreak of a fire to ensure that people are able to escape.
It follows from the discussion in section above Where the concern is limited to property protection
that the design of a SHEVS merely for life safety based on there are two main approaches possible, although the
a design fire size dependent on the evacuation time is distinction between them can be blurred:
dangerous and inappropriate from fire-fighting aspects.
Each assessment for a suitable design fire size should rely
• property protection mainly relying on fire-fighting
on the effectiveness of extinguishing systems or on the
most likely assumption that the fire is controlled by fire-
• property protection mainly relying on effectiveness of
extinguishing systems.
fighting operations and cannot grow further.
For steady-state fires, which are derived from statistics Property protection relying on fire-fighting operations
(eg > 90% of fires have not been larger than a specified In this case a SHEVS is supposed to support fire-fighting
area when the fire brigade started a successful attack on operations by removing smoke and heat in sufficient
them) or from experiments which provide evidence for amounts for fire-fighters to be able to:
the effectiveness of extinguishing systems, the • enter the compartment on fire,
12 SHEVS and the fire services 75

• extinguish
identify the location of the still relatively small fire, and But the temperature rise due to the fact that heat is not
• compartmentit quickly so that the rest of the
remains undamaged.
exhausted from a closed space also enhances fire spread
and, in the absence of sprinklers, can lead to early
This means that a SHEVS has to be designed to create a Therefore, if the intervening time of well-equipped fire
smoke-free layer in the fire compartment. This smoke- services can be expected to be reasonably short (eg 10
free layer need not be provided from the very beginning minutes after being alerted by a smoke-detection
of smoke production (as mentioned above) but must be system), the maximum benefit of a SHEVS creating a
available for fire-fighting operations. This consideration smoke-free layer can be obtained if it is actuated on
only has an influence on the time for actuating the smoke detection before the fire-fighters arrive (as long as
SHEVS, but not on the design fire size and the results of the design fire size remains manageable for the fire-
consequent calculations for designing the SHEVS (see fighters).
also section 11.1.3). This is likely to apply for properties below ‘High
Therefore, a SHEVS intended to protect property only Hazard’ risks (‘Extra-High Hazard’ in older terminology)
by supporting fire-fighting operations by creating a which are protected by sprinklers or for very low risks
smoke-free layer, will not need less technical effort put (due to the nature of the contents) even if not protected
into the design than will systems for life safety plus by sprinklers.
property protection. Nevertheless, it has to be borne in mind that in the
A delay in actuating the SHEVS is only tolerable if the absence of sprinkler protection the design fire sizes can
temperature rise due to smoke logging of the be larger, often getting beyond manageable sizes for the
compartment is not so severe that it may ignite other fire brigade. Where this happens, a SHEVS is not a useful
goods away from the fire’s origin, or may seriously component of the fire-prevention concept and limitation
endanger the building’s structure. This is unlikely to of property losses can only be achieved by
happen if the SHEVS is actuated by a flow switch in the compartmentation.
sprinkler supply, particularly where quick-response If the intervening time for fire services is assessed to be
sprinklers are used to ensure that the sprinkler system longer than 10 minutes (for risks below High Hazard, for
starts operating as early as possible, and where that which 10 minutes may be too long), fire sizes will be more
operation has the minimum delay due to heat extraction likely to grow beyond manageable sizes if no
by the SHEVS. Despite this temperature criterion, extinguishing system is used. In this case installation of an
caution has to be applied when considering the adverse extinguishing system to control the fire until fire-fighting
effects where smoke is not removed from the very early operations become successful, has to be ensured.
stages of the fire. There is a widespread belief amongst people in the
If goods, contents, linings or structure may be sprinkler world, that this can only be achieved by
destroyed or become unusable because of the corrosive activating a SHEVS after sprinklers have come into
and contaminating effects of smoke, any design concept operation. It has to be kept in mind, however, that
involving delayed response of a SHEVS is of minor contents susceptible to smoke might not be protected by
benefit to protect such goods or property. Where this is a this approach as the compartment could be totally smoke
significant consideration, actuating the SHEVS on a logged by the time fire-fighters arrive. A compromise
signal from smoke detection can be recommended. It is solution (as explained in section 11.1) could be to activate
also a well-experienced fact that it takes a significant time the SHEVS on a flow-switch in the sprinkler supply
to create a smoke-free layer in an already smoke-logged provided that quick-response sprinklers are used as
space, especially if natural throughflow ventilation is mentioned above. This makes it much more likely that
used. For this reason, the actuation of a SHEVS on sprinklers will be able to control the fire until
detection of smoke is also preferable for assisting fire- extinguishing is completed by fire-fighters. This will only
fighting operations in these circumstances. SHEVS apply for risks below the (Extra-) High Hazard category.
designed to open on a signal from smoke detection Another frequently heard argument for actuating a
support fire-fighting objective III, which is to separate SHEVS manually is the belief that false actuating by the
valuable items (eg works of art, documents, data, etc.) smoke-detection system causes opening of natural vents
before being affected by the fire and/or its products and leads to property damage due to rain, snow or
(smoke and heat). freezing. This problem must not be solved by relying on
The reasons why the actuation of a SHEVS should be manual actuation of the SHEVS, but instead by making
delayed until the actuation of sprinklers, or should be the detection system more sophisticated and reliable.
deferred until the arrival of fire-fighters often can be
considered to be as follows. Property protection relying on effectiveness of
A SHEVS encourages the development of a fire by extinguishing systems
ensuring that the fire has a supply of air. Therefore, it Where there are adverse effects for fire-fighting as
should only be actuated if extinguishing or controlling outlined in sections 12.3 and 12.4 below, or long
operations either by fire-fighters or by extinguishing intervention times for fire services so that successful fire-
systems are already in progress. This is true in principle. fighting is only possible with the support of extinguishing
76 Design methodologies for SHEVS
systems, there must be sufficient confidence that these complete the task of extinguishing the fire.
systems will achieve their designed purpose and will not Although any devices (eg windows, simple light
be influenced adversely by other systems including domes, etc.) allowing smoke and heat release out of a
SHEVS. This is true for storage risks belonging to the compartment on fire can in principle assist fire-fighting
High Hazard category and for other storage risks if the operations, these cannot be regarded as a SHEVS, which
intervention time of the fire services can become has to be designed and calculated following the
considerably long (eg more than 15 minutes, or even less methodologies outlined in this book.
for fast or ultra-fast fire-growth rates).
In these circumstances, and to give the best chance for SHEVS design objective supporting fire-
complete extinguishing by the extinguishing system, it fighting objective IV
would be wise to activate a SHEVS only manually from a The fire-fighting objective IV can usually be achieved
safe place outside a fire compartment at the discretion of without support of a SHEVS especially if fire-resistant
the fire services. This is discussed further in sections 12.3 structures and compartmentation are applied to prevent
and 12.4. spreading of fire and smoke. In this case, any opening in
This kind of SHEVS cannot provide a smoke-free layer the structure will have an adverse effect on preventing
when fire-fighting services arrive at the place of the fire smoke from affecting the surroundings of the building. It
because it is activated only when the fire-fighters operate is usually sufficient to have a large enough water supply
it. Such a SHEVS can only clear a compartment from and extinguishing capacity for the fire services on site to
smoke and heat after arrival of fire-fighters. Nevertheless, prevent fire spread. It is worth mentioning, however, that
it can still provide access for them to extinguish any large amounts of smoke and toxic gaseous or dusty
remaining burning fuel which had not been extinguished materials spreading from their containers which have
by the extinguishing system. Prior to activation in these been destroyed by the fire will endanger the environment
circumstances, it is quite likely that the compartment will even where fire spread is prevented.
have become filled with smoke, even down to the floor. Therefore, SHEVS can contribute to achieve fire-
This allows the smoke to become hotter, faster, than with fighting objective IV by creating a smoke-free layer and
the SHEVS in operation, and gives the sprinklers (or thus supporting the fire-fighting objectives II and III so
other extinguishing medium) the best conditions for that the fire is less likely to become large enough to
early operation and therefore the best chance of threaten the environment by its consequences. It follows
successful suppression of the fire. When the SHEVS is that any SHEVS serving property protection will also
activated, the buoyant smoky layer should lift, allowing contribute to protection of environment.
fire-fighters to see and move around beneath the hot
smoky gases.
12.3 Circumstances which reduce or
The design of such a system requires that a design fire
size should be assessed, and that the system should be
impede the ability of a SHEVS to assist fire-
calculated as it is desired to be after it has been activated. fighting operations
Additional information is given in section A SHEVS on its own cannot prevent or slow fire growth.
Even where it serves to protect the means of escape there SHEVS design objective ‘assisting fire-fighting is often a need for the fire service to search the building to
operations only’, mainly supporting fire-fighting confirm that no-one remains, or to rescue people who
objective II have failed to evacuate the building. It follows that even
There is no special design dedicated only to assisting fire- with a SHEVS, there is often still a role for the
fighting operations. Each fire-fighting operation pursues intervention of fire services to save lives. It is also the case
at least one of the four fire-fighting principles discussed that the fire services will have a major role in
above. Using extinguishing measures without extinguishing the fire and thus protecting property.
simultaneously aiming at protection of life or property, or A SHEVS, if well designed, can create a smoke-free
of protecting the environment is a senseless exercise. layer which assists fire-fighting. For certain risks and/or
Therefore, each SHEVS designed for one of the design under adverse circumstances a successful intervention of
objectives ‘life safety’ and/or ‘property protection’ the fire services can become impossible without the
automatically assists fire-fighting by creating a smoke- presence of technical precautions such as fire detection or
free layer (except under adverse design assumptions for automatic fire-extinguishing systems in spite of the
design objective ‘life safety only’ as outlined in section presence of a smoke-free layer when the fire is first attacked.
No smoke-free layer is initially provided for fire- It is fundamental that successful fire-fighting activities
fighters at their arrival by SHEVS following the design can only be performed if the fire brigade is called and can
objective ‘property protection’ relying on effectiveness of arrive on site before the fire compartment is fully involved
extinguishing systems as discussed in section in fire, and when the fire is still small enough to be
above, although a reasonably clear layer will become controlled and finally extinguished by the available
established quickly once the SHEVS has been manually means for fire-fighting. The latter requires that there is a
initiated which will enable the fire-fighting services to large enough water supply (or supply of other
12 SHEVS and the fire services 77
extinguishing agents if needed) and sufficient fire-fighting service finds on arrival at the scene, and which has to
equipment on site. Note that the reference here to a fire be considered in 2 and 3 above. The presence of a
compartment applies primarily where the fire properly designed automatic extinguishing system will
compartment is large (which will almost always be the usually remove the need for an on-site, specially
case where a SHEVS is employed). trained group of employees acting as a ‘works fire
brigade’. Note, however, that there may still be a need
12.3.1 Factors adversely affecting successful for such groups where there are special circumstances.
intervention by the fire services
• No automatic fire-detection system to alert the fire
services automatically
Having taken these precautions, the fire services can take
full advantage of a smoke-free layer created early by an
• Inadequate water supply (or supply of other
extinguishing agents if needed) on site for a successful
automatically activated SHEVS (preferably on smoke
detection), with a good chance of being able to extinguish
suppression of the fire by fire-fighting activities a still relatively small fire immediately after arrival on site.
• Inadequate fire-fighting equipment on site available in
time: this can be due to the location of the building
Thus, the objectives for life safety, property protection
and also environment protection can be achieved.
relative to the number and locations of the fire stations,
and to the number and type of appliances which are
12.4 Circumstances where a SHEVS is of
allocated to intervene in a building in case of fire. The
presence of obstacles affecting the access for fire-
minor benefit for fire-fighting operations
fighters and their appliances have to be taken into For some buildings and fuels it is not possible for the fire
account as well. brigade to apply water by using hoses directly and
immediately on all the burning fuel, because of the
12.3.2 Additional provisions for optimizing the effective arrangement of that fuel. In such circumstances, the fire
use of a smoke-free layer created by a SHEVS for fire- will still become larger even though it is being attacked.
fighting operations This is mainly true for high risks such as high-rack-
In order to gain full benefit for fire-fighting operations storage with narrow aisles between the racks, or storage
from the smoke-free layer created by a SHEVS, and to in racks without clear aisles allowing free movement (eg
avoid adverse effects outlined in section 12.3.1 above, the where racks are loaded and unloaded automatically by
following precautions have to be observed. robots). In case of fire inside such racks, there is no safe
1 The building designer should provide automatic fire access leading near enough to the burning fuel to apply
detection and automatic alarm transmission to the fire the water properly, whether there is a smoke-free layer or
services. not. On their way through such burning racks fire-
2 There should be an adequate water supply, or a fighters would be endangered by burning goods falling
sufficient reserve of extinguishing water if the normally down on them or by collapse of the racks. A SHEVS will
available water supply from a fixed pipe network is be of very limited value in such cases, since it is incapable
insufficient. Where appropriate, ensure that sufficient of affecting the primary problem of rapid fire growth and
stocks of special extinguishing agents (if needed for spread. In these circumstances, only fixed automatic
certain fuels, eg foaming agents) are present. extinguishing systems can be applied successfully to
3 There should be direct unhindered access to the control the fire.
building for the number of appliance crews dedicated The benefit of a smoke-free layer in this case is not
to intervene in case of fire in the building concerned. important in the first stage of fire-fighting, because
The fire service should ensure that after receipt of the firemen will not enter the fire compartment immediately
alarm, they can deliver within 10 minutes the for safety reasons, as outlined above, but will instead rely
extinguishing capacity needed (manpower and on the automatic extinguishing systems to control the
equipment) to extinguish the design fire. In view of the fire. These extinguishing systems will be more effective in
many practical uncertainties (eg having to drive relatively small and sealed spaces if the fire is not
through heavy traffic, or the possibility of appliances ventilated.
from the nearest fire stations being at a different fire In very large poorly sealed spaces there will be enough
when the call arrives) it is wise to allow a safety margin oxygen for combustion. A SHEVS can be used to remove
of 100%. If this is not possible, or is difficult to achieve, heat from the fire-affected space, and to reduce the
fire-fighting precautions have to be made inside the temperature of the smoke layer under the ceiling
building comprising trained fire-fighting staff with compared with an unventilated space, and thus reduce
corresponding fire-fighting equipment to deliver the the number of sprinklers opening far away from the fire.
extinguishing capacity. Thus, unnecessary water and pressure losses on the
4 Alternatively, a fixed automatic extinguishing system extinguishing system are reduced and the effectiveness of
(eg sprinklers) can be provided in the building. While it the extinguishing system is enhanced. It should be noted,
cannot be guaranteed that sprinklers will extinguish a however, that this benefit only occurs if the SHEVS
fire, they are known to be very good at controlling fire comes into operation either before the sprinklers operate
growth and thus reducing the size of fire which the fire or immediately after the first sprinkler operates.
78 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Where the SHEVS has not operated very early, and fire completely and not just to control it. This is different
the building is possibly full of smoke when the fire service to the usual design basis for sprinklers, which aims at
arrives, fire-fighters should release the SHEVS manually control although in most cases sprinklers also extinguish
from outside the fire compartment and thus avoid a fire.
backdraft when the access doors are opened. When the Therefore, for such risks it will be sufficient to take
fire is controlled or almost extinguished by the sprinklers precautions to remove the smoke from the affected space
the SHEVS will gradually establish a smoke-free zone. after the fire has been extinguished. In most cases the
Then fire-fighters can even climb inside the racks or existing openings for natural light and access to the space
remove goods to get access to still glowing fuel and fire will be sufficient, especially if portable fans are applied by
pockets for final extinguishing. the fire brigade. Sometimes it will be necessary to provide
The removal of heat will also have reduced the thermal additional openings of a few square metres for this
stress on the building structure and racks, which makes purpose which are normally closed and can be opened
these follow-up extinguishing activities safer for the fire- manually.
12.5.2 Premises which must not be entered in case of
12.5 Circumstances where SHEVS are not fire because of other prevailing hazards
Examples for such risks are premises in universities,
applicable hospitals, research or industrial plants where hazardous
12.5.1 Premises with risk of fast-growing fires infectious, viral or bacterial, substances or radioactive
Where there is a high probability of fast development of a liquids or dusts are handled which must not be released
fire which makes fire suppression or extinguishing into the open atmosphere, eg with the smoke of a fire.
systems necessary, installation of a SHEVS would serve Therefore, such premises have to be totally separated
no useful purpose. Examples for such fire risks are where from other spaces by completely leaktight and fire-
flammable liquids can cause large liquid pool or jet fires, resisting construction. Smoke spread in this case is not a
or where the spread of combustible gases or dusts can matter for discussion. The enclosing structure must be
cause explosions. fire resistant and all openings for ventilation must be shut
These risks can only be overcome by installed foam or by fire-resistant and gastight dampers.
gas-extinguishing systems, or suppression systems which The problem will be to remove the cold, contaminated
prevent the outbreak of a fire. In most cases these systems smoke from the compartment after the fire has been
will only be effective in a relatively sealed space. extinguished by automatic extinguishing systems. For
Therefore, SHEVS designed to create a smoke-free layer this purpose, special equipment with appropriate
based on balancing air inflow against smoke exhaust are cleaning devices has to be provided – this is beyond the
not applicable. The extinguishing or suppression systems scope of this book.
in these cases have to be designed to extinguish a possible

13 Selection of equipment

Scandinavia or the Alps will have to operate even when

13.1 General
the building’s roof is covered with deep snow; whereas in
No design is of any value unless it results in the tropical countries there is no such need. The test
installation of a system which is fit for its intended methods will have to reflect these differing requirements,
purpose. and will often pass an item of equipment as being in a
This concept of ‘fitness for purpose’ is of critical particular ‘Class’, ie performing better than one value of
importance for all fire protection measures, and not just the tested parameter, but not achieving the value defining
for a SHEVS. All fire protection measures share the the next Class.
common feature that they must work as intended when a Similarly, the design methodology described
fire occurs even if that fire is a rare event in the lifetime of elsewhere in this report will describe the conditions to
the building. This carries implications for how the which the item of equipment will be exposed. For
equipment to implement a design must be specified, as example, the design calculations will predict the highest
well as for how that equipment must be installed, smoke layer temperature to which smoke curtains, fans,
serviced, and maintained during its time in the building. or natural ventilators will be exposed; another example is
This carries the further implication that the equipment that the deflection calculations for a hanging smoke
ought to be capable of being serviced and maintained in curtain will lead to the specification of the minimum
as easy a manner as possible. weight of bottom bar and fabric for a particular
A known bad example concerns smoke ventilators application. The test methods carried out on the product
which have to be manually closed by someone climbing (the item of equipment) by its manufacturer or supplier
onto the building’s roof, especially when a test of the should allow the specifier to select the appropriate Class
functioning of the system results in many ventilators or Classes for the conditions predicted by the design.
being opened. It is unlikely that many managers will carry It is regrettably true that at the time of writing, many of
out such a test more than once, in view of the time, these tests either do not exist as Standards, or are still in
trouble, and possible wind and rain damage which might Draft. The developing European Standards in the
occur while the ventilators are being reset. And yet PrEN 12101 series once published should fill the need
without regular functional tests there can be no within Europe, but it has to be recognized that the
confidence that the system will operate when a fire does specifier of equipment for a SHEVS in many parts of the
occur. The answer to this paradox is, of course, to specify world will continue to have to rely on the results of ad-
equipment which can be closed easily by operation of a hoc tests carried out by the manufacturer (or by the
simple switch in the central control panel, but to make supplier).
that switch inaccessible to everyone except an authorized It must also be recognized that the enforcer of fire
person so that a real operation of the system is not regulations faces the same difficulties. This reinforces the
terminated prematurely. Regular and frequent functional desirability of early and continuing consultation between
testing is especially important where the SHEVS is the regulator and the equipment specifier (who may not
designed to reduce the threat to life. always be the same as the system designer) in order to
These simple principles apply to all the specialist ensure that the equipment being installed into the
equipment needed for a SHEVS. ‘Fitness for purpose’ can building is appropriate to the needs both of the building
be met in many cases by ensuring that the equipment has and of the environment to which the system will be
been tested in an appropriate way. exposed. The authors suggest, for example, that where an
Note the word ‘appropriate’. This hides a considerable item of equipment can be obtained satisfying any one of a
degree of necessary complexity. In general, an item of range of classes, then it should be the ultimate
equipment will have to function when exposed to a responsibility of the regulator to specify which Class is
variety of different environmental conditions. These will appropriate to the circumstances of the building.
themselves vary from place to place: eg equipment in Economies can sometimes be obtained if an item of
80 Design methodologies for SHEVS
equipment serves a dual role. That is, where it fulfils a of the SHEVS is to protect life safety (eg by protecting
non-fire role in everyday use, and changes to a fire-role as escape routes), and that it should be the responsibility of
an integral part of the SHEVS following detection of the an enlightened building management to carry out such
fire. Examples would include doors which also serve as tests. It has already been noted in section 13.1 that such
inlets for replacement air; and ducts which serve the tests are unlikely to be done if each time there is a
HVAC/ACMV role until they are needed as part of the significant cost (in time, effort, or inconvenience).
SHEVS. These dual-role items face the challenge of Consequently it is felt that all ventilators specified for
having to meet all the requirements of normal use, as well use in a SHEVS having a life-safety role should be
as all the appropriate requirements for the fire protection capable of being closed automatically, on receipt of a
application. In other words, the specifier (and the signal from the control panel. The time taken to close is
regulator) must be satisfied that those items are ‘fit for less critical, and could well be longer than one minute.
purpose’ in both roles. An additional feature essential to all ventilators except
It is not the purpose of this chapter to be a those intended for use in manually initiated systems, is
comprehensively detailed guide to all of the requirements that the ventilator should open (ie should ‘fail-safe’)
of every last nut, bolt, and wire used in a SHEVS. Neither whenever there is a loss of power to the usual opening
is it an attempt to describe each test method. What mechanisms.
follows is instead intended to be an indication, for some
of the major components of a SHEVS, of some of the 13.2.2 Coefficient of performance
factors which need to be considered if the installed The purpose of a natural ventilator is to allow smoky
system is to be ‘fit for purpose’. gases to flow through it from inside the building to the
outside. Its ability to do this obviously depends on the
size of the opening (known as the geometric free area)
13.2 Natural smoke and heat exhaust
and on the resistance to flow of that opening including
ventilators any turbulence-generating features within it (eg springs,
13.2.1 Time taken to come into full operation rods, louver blades, etc.). The geometric free area is easily
When a SHEVS is required to come into operation, it will determined by simple measurement of the size of the
usually be an urgent need. Part of the design and opening in the plane where the ventilator is fastened onto
specification process should be to decide which sequence the building. An older but less useful definition took the
of operation of the different items of equipment will be narrowest part of the flow-path through the ventilator.
needed so as to avoid one interfering with another. At the This can be difficult to measure, and when combined
same time, we can recognize that very few real fires are with the measured coefficient of performance (see
likely to grow explosively, and if they do then a SHEVS is below) leads to the same practical result. The only
not appropriate to cope with an explosion! It seems a significance of the older definition should be that
reasonable compromise to suggest that the entire SHEVS everyone concerned should be aware of the possibility of
should come into its fully operating state in a time of not confusion! The resistance to flow is less easy, and requires
more than one minute from the initiating signal being a test of the entire ventilator (except where there is a
generated (whether by human or automatic means). sufficient collection of existing measurement data on
Natural smoke and heat ventilators only operate to similar ventilators for an assessment to be made –
pass smoky gases when those gases build up beneath possible on only a few ventilator shapes).
them. There will be no clear adverse effects on the rest of Such tests can be done by driving air at ambient
the system if they take as long to open fully as the rest of temperature through the ventilator by a measured
the system takes to deploy into its fire-operational state. pressure difference, or by using a thermally buoyant hot
It follows that it is reasonable to allow a maximum time of gas layer to simulate the fire condition. Current tests use
one minute for the ventilator to open fully to its fire-open the former method, while the latter has been
position. demonstrated experimentally as being feasible. We then
This maximum time should apply, however, regardless have the following relationship:
of the forces or temperatures to which the ventilator
might be exposed, and so this maximum time must be ρ V2
∆p =
satisfied as a ‘pass’ criterion in all those test methods for 2(C v A v ) 2 (13.1)
other parameters where the ventilator is required to open
as part of the test. Most ventilators available on the where:
market open in much shorter times than one minute, so ∆p = pressure difference between the front of the
this is not an onerous criterion. ventilator (ie inside the building) and the back
It is not a direct life-safety issue if the ventilator cannot (ie outside the building) (Pa),
close as quickly. One should, however, consider whether ρ = density of the gases passing through the ventilator
the ventilator will be faced with a requirement for (kg m-3),
repeated functional testing during its installed lifetime. It V = volume flow rate through the ventilator (m 3 s-1),
is the opinion of the authors that such regular and Av = geometric free area of the ventilator (m 2),
frequent testing is highly desirable wherever the purpose Cv = coefficient of performance.
13 Selection of equipment 81
Note: The product AvC v is know as the Aerodynamic Free The ventilator must not cause the hot gases emitted
Area. from it to play on the roof surface outside the building
The coefficient of performance is also known as the since this could cause secondary fires. Similarly, the
discharge coefficient. It is a measure of the efficiency of outside of the ventilator body should not become
the ventilator’s design, higher values indicating a higher sufficiently hot to threaten the roof to which it is fixed.
efficiency. A useful benchmark is the well-known value
for a simple hole in an infinite plane baffle, for which 13.2.4 Opening under load: snow
Cv = 0.6. Careful shaping of the flowpath through the Snow comes in many different forms, depending on the
ventilator will lead to higher values, while turbulence- proportions of ice, air, and liquid water in the mixture. In
generating devices in the gas-stream will reduce the general, older, more compacted snow will be denser,
value. although partially thawed snow can also be very dense as
It is known (see eg section 10.8) that a side-wind water displaces the originally trapped air.
blowing across the outlet from the ventilator can increase With the possible exception of ventilators designed for
the flow resistance and lead to a reduction in the C v value. manual triggering, we expect that a SHEVS will come
The better test methods include a way of measuring this into operation very early in the fire. It follows that it is not
effect by rotating the ventilator in a selectable airstream reasonable to depend on the heat of the fire gases inside
(simulating the side-wind) while the aerodynamic free the building melting enough snow above the ventilator
area is being measured. Such tests usually require that the for it to open despite a relatively weak opening
worst (ie the lowest) value of C v corresponding to the mechanism.
worst combination of side-wind speed and direction must The requirement for a natural ventilator is that it
be cited by the manufacturer and/or supplier as being the should be able to open successfully, even when it is
appropriate value for use in design calculations such as in covered on the outside by a layer of snow. The depth and
section 5.11. density of that snow will vary with the location and the
It is commonly found that ventilators having kerbs (see season, as well as being subject to the usual random
section 10.8) and no parts projecting above the plane of chance of weather. In practice this is not such a problem
the outlet opening (ie above the top of the kerb) do not as it might seem because those countries and localities
suffer adverse problems from side-winds. Ventilators where snow loads might be a problem will already have
having a single flap which rises above the opening in the their own Codes for structural loading with design limits
fire-operational position can cause catastrophic problems for the expected snow loads. These limits can simply be
to the coefficient of performance, with or without a kerb adopted for specifying the appropriate load Class for
present. ventilator operation, as proved by an appropriate test.
Note that if a ventilator is designed to be mounted on
13.2.3 Resistance to heat sloping surfaces steep enough that snow cannot build up,
A natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilator can be there is no need to test for this parameter. A minimum
expected to experience exposure to the hot gases passing slope of 45° should ensure that no snow will build up on
through it. In general, however, one does not expect the the slope.
operating mechanisms to be able to survive exposure to On the other hand, there may be obstacles on a roof
heat – the ventilator will be expected to open while the (eg structures for lift machinery, chimneys) which can
fire has only just been detected and is still small. The cause considerably high and dense packages of snow due
exception to this concerns ventilators designed to be used to snow transport by wind. In these locations ventilators
in applications where the SHEVS will be triggered must not be installed.
manually relatively late in the fire. These latter ventilators
must be able to withstand considerable exposure to heat 13.2.5 Opening under load: side-wind
while remaining closed, and yet still be able to open It has been stated in section 13.2.2 that parts of a
satisfactorily when called upon to do so. Relatively few ventilator which project into a side-wind blowing across
existing designs are suited to this combination of the ventilator can affect the measured coefficient of
circumstances. performance. If such a part (eg a flap, or the dome of a
With this exception noted, we can state that the domelight) has to open against the wind direction, it may
important heat-resisting properties of a ventilator should be possible for the force of that wind to prevent it from
all apply when the ventilator is already open. opening fully (even if there is a locking mechanism to
The ventilator must not reduce its aerodynamic free hold the part in place once it has been fully opened). It
area when subjected to a throughflow of hot gases. This follows that the ventilator should have been tested with a
must be demonstrated by the test method. real or simulated side-wind to ensure that its opening
The ventilator must not allow hot or burning parts or mechanism is strong enough to function properly. One
flaming droplets to fall onto people or objects below the can expect that this is not a problem for any ventilator
smoke layer since this could result in injury or in without any moving parts projecting into the external
secondary fires. This requirement also concerns the wind.
safety of fire-fighters, who should not be endangered by,
for example, hot plastic parts falling on them.
82 Design methodologies for SHEVS
13.2.6 Low ambient temperature 13.2.8 Ability to resist wind suction
When any piece of machinery is cooled, parts made of Natural ventilators should never be expected to operate
different materials contract at different rates, and in positions where they may be exposed to wind-induced
lubricating oils and greases tend to become more viscous. overpressures. It follows that they will only normally
This is obviously also true for natural ventilators. There is experience wind-induced suctions. If a ventilator can be
a chance that a badly designed ventilator, if cooled forced open by these wind forces when it is supposed to
sufficiently, may require a much larger force than usual to remain closed (ie when there is no fire), it will become an
open to the fully fire-operational position. There is even a embarrassment to the building’s management and there
chance that moving parts of the opening mechanism is a strong likelihood that it will be fastened shut
might fail to clear other parts of the ventilator, which permanently.
might then jam. Of more specific concern to those Natural ventilators should be able to withstand the
ventilators powered by high-pressure gas cartridges is the largest suction force expected for the location on the
fact that the pressure in the cartridge will fall at lower building, and for that building’s own location. Wind
temperatures. forces have been well researched over the years in view
It will usually need a considerable drop in temperature of their importance for structural wind loading in the
before these factors become important. Low values of design of buildings[91,92], and appropriate values of wind
ambient temperature occur in many northern countries, force can be adopted from these sources to identify the
and even in northern Scandinavia there are some appropriate Class of ventilator. It is important that any
unheated buildings used for storage. ventilator specified has been tested for its ability to
Consequently, depending on the climatic conditions remain closed under the application of the appropriate
expected for the locality of the building, the specifier and simulated wind force.
regulator should satisfy themselves that the selected
ventilators are capable of opening satisfactorily at the 13.2.9 Ability to resist rain penetration
lowest temperature likely to be experienced. Many applications of SHEVS will be in circumstances
where the ventilators must not allow any rain penetration
13.2.7 Reliability in normal everyday use. This does not matter during the
Any ventilator must be made of materials expected to emergency circumstances of a real fire, but one does not
keep their properties for the expected lifetime of the want the ventilators to be covered over by some sort of
SHEVS. This is primarily a matter for design by the fabric to stop rain penetration (as has happened). It
manufacturer. follows that the ability of a ventilator to resist rain
Perhaps more important is the need to be sure that the penetration can have safety implications, as well as being
SHEVS will work when needed, however many years practical and cost-related.
might have passed since installation. This implies a need An additional feature which can be considered for
for regular maintenance by appropriately skilled ventilators intended to be used for day-to-day comfort
personnel, perhaps most often satisfied by some form of ventilation is a rain sensor, which automatically closes the
regular service contract. Where there is a high ventilators when a sensitive surface detects water. It is, of
dependence on successful operation, such as where the course, necessary for the rain sensor to be excluded from
purpose of the SHEVS is to protect life safety, it will the control algorithm when a fire is detected.
usually be desirable to have a regular programme of
functional testing as part of the responsibility of the
13.3 Powered smoke and heat exhaust
building’s management, in order to identify failures as
they occur and to replace faulty components.
Wherever such a programme is envisaged, it will be 13.3.1 Time taken to come into full operation
necessary to specify ventilators (and other equipment) As for natural ventilators, powered smoke and heat
which are designed to survive the number of open/close exhaust ventilators (almost always this means fans,
cycles expected over the lifetime of the installation. This although other devices are possible) must fit into a
reliability should have been confirmed by a repeated- SHEVS design which allows the entire system to come
operation test, where the ventilator’s own opening and into full operation quickly once the system has been
closing devices have been used (perhaps with a separate initiated.
external source of power) for that number of cycles. For The only complicating feature with fans is that they
example, if the expected programme is for weekly usually have a much larger starting current than when
operation over a 20-year lifespan, the minimum number running at full speed, and this often requires that the fans
of cycles becomes more than 1000. If the ventilator is be started in sequence, rather than all at the same time. In
intended to be used for day-to-day comfort ventilation, order for the entire system to be operating within one
closing whenever it rains (as is one application in minute, this means that individual fans have to be quicker
practice) the minimum number of cycles can be much in running up to full speed. A maximum time of 30
greater still. seconds has been suggested as being appropriate, and
should represent the ‘pass’ criterion in all tests of
individual fans which involve starting the fan.
13 Selection of equipment 83
13.3.2 Resistance to heat 13.3.5 Low ambient temperature
In the same way as the natural ventilator, the fan must be The problem facing a fan in low ambient temperatures is
able to continue working for long enough for the SHEVS essentially the same as for natural ventilators. The
to achieve its design purposes, when exposed to the solution is also similar, in that the ventilator should be
expected gas temperatures passing through it. The design shown by a suitable test to be able to operate fully in less
conditions for the exhausted gases can vary from below than 30 seconds in ambient temperature conditions
100 °C to flame temperatures, depending on the purpose appropriate to the location of the building.
of the design. Consequently most test methods will
identify classes, each of which is a combination of gas 13.3.6 Reliability
temperature and exposure time. Examples include The same arguments in favour of regular functional
‘200 °C for 2 hours’, ‘300 °C for 1 hour’, ‘600 °C for testing apply to fans as to natural ventilators when used in
1 hour’, and many more. In practice, different a SHEVS. It follows that the fan should have been tested
combinations have been required by different regulatory for an equivalent number of start/stop cycles compared
authorities in different countries. There is no a priori with the natural ventilator, for a similar use.
universally correct combination, but the choice should be
dictated by the design calculations with of course a good
13.4 Automatic smoke curtains
safety margin for the time in view of the usual
uncertainties in time-dependent aspects of the design 13.4.1 Time to deploy to the fire-operational position
calculations. Automatic smoke curtains serve two main roles. They
Other secondary aspects can be important, eg the can provide part of the smoke reservoir’s containing
external casing of the fan should not become hot enough boundary, or they can channel the smoke flow while the
to ignite anything in contact, and where a separate smoke is en route to the reservoir. If the SHEVS is to
cooling air supply is used for the motor it should not be reach its full operating condition in one minute, then the
hot enough to ignite (or discharged in a place where curtains can take up to that one minute to deploy.
ignition of any) nearby materials might be possible.
13.4.2 Speed of fall of bottom bar
13.3.3 Opening under load: snow If a curtain deploys too quickly, its bottom bar can reach a
Many smoke exhaust fans are mounted with their relatively high velocity and represent a danger either to
exhausts pointing upwards. Sometimes there can be someone whose head is in the way, or to the fixings
other devices to close the exit from the fan. Some of these holding the curtain to the building’s structure if the
may simply be flaps which are held open by the force of curtain reaches its full extension and stops with a jerk.
the exhausted gases. Others may be similar to the The curtain needs to be designed in such a way that it will
automatically opening natural ventilator mechanisms. not damage itself, even if the design calculations of
For all of these there is the possibility that snow may section 5.8 lead to the specification of a very heavy
accumulate on the exhaust of the fan, or even fill the bottom bar. In many designs this is achieved with a
throat of an unprotected fan. As stated in section 13.2.4, friction brake, and with the curtain falling under its own
one cannot depend on the heat of the fire gases to melt weight. It is important that the test on the curtain allowed
the snow–the SHEVS must operate early in the fire for the heaviest weights which might occur in the design
when the gases being exhausted will be barely above of the building’s SHEVS. One cannot simply expect a
ambient temperature. curtain mechanism that worked with a light bottom bar
The snow load which the fan must overcome can be to be equally successful with a heavy bar.
selected in the same way as for natural ventilators (see The maximum allowable speed to avoid injury to
13.2.4 above), and must be appropriate for the location of people is more difficult to assess. Many curtains will be so
the building. The selected fan for any application should designed that they never reach head height, and so this
have been tested and passed in a Class suitable for that criterion is not relevant to them. Other curtains, such as
location. those intended to close off a higher storey from an
atrium, carry a greater risk. There is no clear guidance on
13.3.4 Opening under load: wind how to tackle this problem. Being struck by a heavy bar
Fans are commonly specified where wind overpressures travelling at even 1 m s-1 could be dangerous. Perhaps the
are expected on the roof of buildings. Sometimes these best compromise is to allow the curtain to fall at up to
pressures can be large. Fans fitted with devices to close 1 m s-l, but to design the positions of these curtains in
the exhaust opening when the fan is not in use will need order to minimize the exposure of people to this risk.
to be able to overcome the dynamic pressures of the
wind. Where this is relevant to a SHEVS design, the fans 13.4.3 Resistance to high temperature
must be specified as being able to open to the fully It is generally true that smoke curtains should be able to
operating position in less than 30 seconds against a load survive the temperatures to which they will be exposed,
simulating the wind pressure. as predicted by the design of the SHEVS. That is, the
curtain should be able to continue to fulfil its function as a
barrier to the movement of smoke. It does not matter
84 Design methodologies for SHEVS
from a safety point of view if the mechanisms which 13.4.5 Fail-safe
deploy the curtain are destroyed, as long as the curtain It is important that all smoke curtains specified for the
remains functional and in place. SHEVS should be designed to deploy into their fire-
Typical temperatures of gases in contact with the operational position when the source of power is cut off
curtains will rarely exceed 200 °C in most reservoir for any reason. This is perhaps the main reason why
applications. Typical temperatures experienced by many designs use gravity to deploy, slowed and
channelling screens could be higher, perhaps controlled by a friction device.
approaching flame temperatures, which can be
pessimistically taken (ie a high value) to be about 600 °C
13.5 Air inlets and doors
and above.
A different argument can be put forward, that if the Inlets for replacement air have the advantage that they
gases in a smoke layer in a reservoir reach temperatures ought never to be exposed to high-temperature gases.
which will cause radiative ignition of materials away from There is also the disadvantage that at the time of writing
the original seat of the fire, the entire compartment is there is no specific test for air inlets required for SHEVS.
about to flash over. Once this has happened the fire will The functional requirements for doors and inlets can
be much larger than can be controlled by the SHEVS, be identified as being the following.
and so the subsequent failure of the SHEVS is effectively
irrelevant: it will already have failed to meet its design
• There is a need to open fully within the same 1 minute
as the entire SHEVS.
purpose. This pessimistic argument suggests that the
highest temperature gases that a smoke curtain can
• Where the SHEVS uses a powered exhaust, the
doors/inlets need to be able to open before any of the
usefully be expected to contain in most cases will be fans have developed an appreciable exhaust flow,
about 600 °C. Consequently this is a common upper otherwise the fans could develop a significant drop in
temperature limit in tests on smoke curtains. pressure inside the building which might prevent the
There will always be some applications where curtains inlets from opening. In practice, this may mean that
may be exposed to higher temperatures (eg if a curtain is the doors and/or inlet devices must be able to open
used to close off an otherwise open shop front) and the within 2 or 3 seconds of receipt of the signal to open.
fire could be located very close to that curtain.
Fortunately some new curtain materials appearing on the
13.6 Smoke dampers
market are able to withstand the full fire-resistance
heating curve used in furnace tests (although not meeting A smoke damper is a device usually fitted into a duct, but
the insulation requirement for fire resistance), and can be possibly mounted onto the duct opening into a room, or
regarded as blurring the distinction between smoke serving to redirect air flows from one duct path (eg for
curtains and lightweight fire shutters. HVAC/ACMV purposes) into another (eg for smoke
13.4.4 Reliability At the time of writing, there are no clearly developed
The same arguments apply to the advantages of a published Standards for smoke dampers, although there
programme of regular functional testing, as applied to the is an Underwriters’ Laboratory Standard [93] . Some
natural ventilators. For the same reasons, wherever such a performance requirements can, however, be identified.
programme is envisaged, the curtains must be tested for The damper must be able to move into its fire-
their ability to remain functional after the appropriate operational position fast enough to allow the SHEVS to
number of deploy/closure cycles, which should in meet its l-minute target. Note that some dampers will
principle be the same number as for the ventilators, have to move from open to closed positions, whereas
although the additional number of test cycles for others will have to move from closed to open.
ventilators intended to provide everyday ventilation need The damper must be able to withstand the anticipated
not be taken into account for the numbers of test cycles gas temperature to which it is exposed, and
for smoke curtains. simultaneously the pressure differences to which it will be
As with the ventilators, it is of great importance that exposed, without moving from the fire-operational
curtains intended to meet the needs of such a programme position. When open in the fire-operational position, the
can be motored back into their ‘concealed’ positions damper must not fail by increasing the flow resistance.
easily on receipt of a ‘reset’ signal from the control panel. When closed, it must not allow increased leakage; the
Hence the curtains used in the reliability test should use leakage past a closed smoke damper must be minimal.
their own on-board mechanisms, to close as well as to In many designs, the fire-operational position of an
open. individual damper will depend on the detected location
It is also important for the heavier curtains that the of the fire. In such designs there can be no fail-safe
reliability test should have been done on equivalently position for the damper. Consequently, the dampers for
heavy curtains. such designs will need an unusually high level of
reliability. This places even greater stress on the
importance of testing the damper through a large number
of operating cycles.
13 Selection of equipment 85

boundary and should be built to the same requirements as

13.7 Smoke ducts
that boundary. Note that the duct must be able to survive
A smoke duct is a duct intended to carry smoke as part of hot temperatures inside the duct and cold outside, and
a SHEVS. There are no specific test Standards for such also cold inside and hot outside (where the duct is
ducts at the time of writing, although a duct which meets exposed to a fire in the next compartment).
the requirements of fire resistance can be expected to be A lesser Standard is reasonable for ducts which are
satisfactory for smoke ventilation. This level of designed to be wholly immersed in a smoke reservoir
specification is necessary for those ducts which pass since their failure if the gas temperature passes 600 °C will
through fire-compartment boundaries since the duct be no more significant than for the case of the smoke
must now serve effectively as an extension of that curtain mentioned above.

14 Installation

When the SHEVS has been designed, the equipment the building and of the location of the building.
needed to implement that design has been specified, and
that design has been deemed acceptable in principle by The parameters identified in Chapter 13, and the results
the Regulatory Authorities, there remains the task of of testing on the different products, are especially
installing the equipment into the building for which it is important. It is particularly important here that the
intended. This step has provided many examples of error proposed maintenance and re-testing regime should be
in practice. It is not the role of the current book to provide established prior to specification of the equipment. This
a detailed description of all the procedures necessary for will allow the correct specification of equipment in terms
successful installation. Nevertheless, a discussion is of the ‘reliability’ test (see Chapter 13) and in terms of the
presented in outline form to alert the reader to some of ability to deploy/return equipment easily using a remote
the more important aspects. manual signal in order to ensure that routine functional
While a system may be installed by a single contractor, testing is easy, and will not cause excessive wear in the
it is more commonly the case that many of the individual system. Ease of replacement and/or maintenance of
pieces of equipment will be fitted by specialist faulty components must also be borne in mind; eg it
contractors. For example, the smoke curtains may be would be unwise to locate a smoke detector in the middle
installed by a different contractor to the ventilators; or of a large area of fragile glazed ceiling at the top of a
where use is made of the HVAC/ACMV system as part of multistorey atrium.
the SHEVS there will also be a division of responsibility It is the co-ordinating contractor’s responsibility to
for different equipment. The possibilities for confusion ensure that the control sequence allows the different
are many. It is important that there should be a single parts of the system to come into operation without
contractor responsible for co-ordinating the activities of impeding or overloading other parts. It is his/her
every participant in the installation of the SHEVS. It is responsibility to ensure that all interconnections with the
important that this co-ordinating contractor should be non-fire building systems (eg with the HVAC/ACMV
experienced in the field of SHEVS design and system), and with the other essential fire safety systems
installation, and that its personnel involved should fully (eg the smoke detection system) have been considered
understand the concept design in all its aspects. This can and properly specified. In short, it is his/her
be expected to be the case where the co-ordinating responsibility to ensure that the design concept is
contractor is also the designer of the system; but where implemented correctly.
this is not the case it is important that the co-ordinating If the installers of the SHEVS are to be sure of success,
contractor should liaise closely and frequently with the they need full and sufficient information on all the
designers of the SHEVS concepts. There have been equipment used in the system. Therefore, all suppliers
many examples where late architectural changes have must give the necessary information on recommended
adversely affected the effectiveness of the SHEVS methods for fixing components, for electrical wiring, for
without the installers having realized that this was the operating instructions, and for recommended
case. commissioning procedures for their particular product.
It is, as has been noted, often the case that the people The suppliers should also give full information on the
who developed the ‘concept design’ do not continue with important parameters for linking their product to others,
the responsibility to turn their concept into physical eg by giving recommended maximum and minimum
reality. It is the responsibility of the co-ordinator of the pressures in pneumatic lines needed to provide operating
installation process to ensure that: energy for a ventilator. Not only the technical details of
• all the separate components are compatible, the product and the recommended methods of
• all the connections are correctly specified, and installation, but also the limits thereof need to be defined.
• the specifications of the equipment are appropriate to
the design concept and to the circumstances both of
It can be seen from the above that there needs to be a
continuing liaison between the installer and the creator of
14 Installation 87
the concept. It is usually a mistake to assume that a design and to the provision of protection from damage
can be bought from one consultant and installed by (mechanical or by fire) both for the power supply and for
another without any continuing involvement of the first. all of its connections to the SHEVS. The objective must
It is even worse to assume that having bought the be to ensure that the back-up supply cannot be prevented
concept, the developer only needs to employ specialist from operating when needed. Switching between main
contractors with no co-ordination at all for installation. power supply and emergency power must be automatic,
Many examples exist of all these faults, which usually and sufficiently fast to ensure that the SHEVS continues
derive from a belief on the part of the developer or to fulfil its function with no risk to the building’s
his/her agents that fire is a simple thing which does not occupants or to the SHEVS design objectives.
require the continued application of specialist The worst case for back-up power supply is when the
engineering expertise. Mains supply fails at the start of the fire. Consequently,
Some aspects of installation have a direct bearing on the emergency supply power must be designed to fulfil its
safety, as well as on the successful operation of the duty during the required operation time of the SHEVS.
complete system. The positioning of ventilators and The same level of protection and labelling must be
ducts present special problems, and special attention given to the electrical cabling as well as to the control
needs to be given to the following details. panels. The manual controls must be located outside the
• Ventilator exhausts (natural or powered) need to be
positioned so that the hot gases emitted from them will
smoke reservoir and must be reached easily, in sight of a
safe access door or route. Where the SHEVS is designed
not be deflected onto the roof or wall surfaces close to to be triggered by a manual fireman’s switch rather than
the ventilator. All gases emitted should be directed by an automatic method, the manual controls must be
away from the building’s structure. located outside the fire compartment served by the
• Combustible parts of the roof structure adjacent to
smoke ventilators need to be protected as flames can
SHEVS, and must be on the primary access route
planned for use by fire-fighters entering the building. This
ignite the vulnerable zone around the ventilator. It is is to allow the SHEVS to remove any threat of backdraft
suggested that protection should extend at least 0.5 m before any fire-fighters have to enter the affected fire-
around the ventilator. compartment.
• Combustible materials, whether structure, linings, or
surface finishes, should similarly be protected where
Ductwork forming part of the SHEVS must be labelled
clearly as such and the hangers must be constructed in
they are adjacent to ducts which are intended to carry such a way that the duct system will stay in place for the
hot smoky gases through a compartment or outside required operation time. It should not be forgotten that in
wall. some circumstances the hangers as well as the duct may
• The free area of a natural ventilator needs to be free of
obstruction above and below the ventilator for at least
be exposed to hot gases, and so they should be capable of
surviving the expected smoke temperatures. Another
2 m in order to avoid increasing the flow resistance of occasional mistake involving ducts is to fail to make
that ventilator, except where such an obstruction has allowance for the thermal expansion of the duct when it is
been explicitly included in the design calculations. exposed to hot gases. The expansion of a duct
This can represent a significant constraint on structural constrained at both ends will usually lead to a split in the
features near ventilators. duct.
• The outlet of a powered ventilator and/or its ductwork
must be free of any obstructions over a distance of 1.5
When smoke dampers are installed, a removable panel
or grid should provide easy access to the activator and
times the diameter of that exhaust outlet. This is also damper blade. No element attached to the smoke damper
intended to avoid the creation of flow resistances should obstruct the proper functioning of the damper
which might increase the back-pressure on the fan and blade. It is good practice to select dampers which make it
hence reduce the volume flow rate of the exhaust. easy to see the position of the damper, directly, by an
• Where wind deflectors are fitted to avoid wind
overpressure problems on natural smoke exhaust
electrical indication, or by a mechanical pointer external
to the casing. It has been a common mistake to fit
ventilators, but those deflectors do not form part of the dampers in inaccessible locations, often obscured by
ventilator itself, care should be taken to ensure that other equipment or structure, in such a way that it is
snow (where climatically relevant) cannot collect and impossible to assess whether the damper has operated
create a greater snow load for the ventilator to satisfactorily or not. This can make both testing and
overcome when opening. Care should also be taken to maintenance checks extremely difficult to do, and
ensure that any such deflectors will not experience therefore less likely to be done.
wind-driven resonant vibration which can accelerate Air inlets are needed for a good smoke control
fatigue and early failure of the deflectors. installation. These are normally located at low level in
order not to disturb the smoke layer in the reservoir.
Where emergency power supplies must be installed to There is a realistic chance that blocking the air inlet will
back-up the power supply for the SHEVS in case of occur if positioning (eg in the sidewall) is not designed
failure of the Mains power supply, special attention must carefully. Controllable inlets, including automatically
be given to correct labelling of equipment and switches, opening doors where these form part of the air inlet
88 Design methodologies for SHEVS
provision, must be connected to the emergency back-up is suggested herein that the pragmatic approach can be
power supply. adopted of assuming that the total area of all such gaps
When installing smoke curtains and particularly may not exceed 1% of the total curtain surface.
automatic retractable curtains, special attention needs to These gap sizes are sufficiently small that they are very
be given to the maximum gap between fabric and sensitive to the detail and quality of the work of the
structure, and between adjacent curtains where separate installers, indicating the essential task of the co-ordinator
curtains are combined to form a long run of curtain, when in checking that installation has been done satisfactorily.
in the deployed position. Ideally there should be no gaps Other important decisions required of the installer
at all. This is not practicable, although where adjacent concerns the specification, design, location, and
curtains form a straight run it is possible to overlap the ergonomic layout of control panels, bearing in mind the
curtains, and to clip together the bottom bars, in a way requirements of the Fire Service as well as of the
which minimizes the leakage gap between the sheets of building’s management. Some further details are included
fabric. It is more difficult to reduce the size of the gaps in Chapter 15.
between the edge of a curtain and the adjacent structure. Lastly, and very importantly, there must be a set of
It is more difficult still to reduce the gap size where there detailed engineering drawings (the Detailed Engineering
is a junction between two curtains which are not aligned, Plan) showing the complete SHEVS installation as well
although in this case the effects of buoyant deflection of as of the related systems. These latter can be expected to
the curtains in opening up the gap can be reduced by include the sprinkler and smoke-detection systems in
using a heavier bottom bar. most cases, and should also indicate all the control
The larger the gap the more smoke will leak through, dampers in the HVAC/ACMV system which have a role
and the worse the effect will be on the nominally smoke- to play during a fire. This Plan should be prepared in
free side. It is possible, though difficult and beyond the advance of any actual installation of equipment, and
scope of the current book, to estimate the movement and should be revised during installation so that it is at the
rate of build-up of smoke on the side supposedly clear of end an accurate representation of what has been fitted
smoke. The problem is complex, and depends on the air into the building. These drawings ought to be made
movements and on the volume of the space the leakage of available to the Fire Service as well as to the building’s
smoke is entering, as both factors influence the dilution of management, together with the SHEVS Design
the smoke. What is safe in one circumstance can be documentation. It is crucially important that these
dangerous in another. At the time of writing there is no drawings should be updated whenever any changes are
consensus on the safe limits to such gaps, although it made to the system during the building’s lifetime.

15 Acceptance testing

15.1 General Testing and commissioning checks

• Design check
Before handing over the installation to the final user, a file
• Control andcheck
should be prepared by the installer containing all relevant • Electrical checkactuation check
technical documents, test reports of the individual • Running check
components, as-built plans, set points and an acceptance • – Initial start
report. The system cannot be commissioned without
– Functional test in control
these documents.
– Balancing and regulating of airflow
The as-built plan should represent the whole system,
indicating quantity, size and location of the ventilators, air
inlets and other SHEVS elements, fixing of the main The following instruments and tools will very often be
elements (eg ductwork), location of the control panels, required:
smoke dampers and their access, labelling of the whole • clamp-on ammeter,
and eventually indicating the protective measures to • volt meter,
mechanical damage. An electrical wire plan should be • anem om et er,
provided if an emergency power supply unit is installed.
The whole constitutes the Detailed Engineering Plan
• smoke tracer.

referred to in Chapter 14. Except for simple devices such as pitot-static tubes,
It is an everyday experience that what is built is not inclined manometers, U-gauges and similar, all
always exactly what was intended, and it will be instruments, meters, etc. used for testing purposes
necessary to carry out commissioning tests on the system should:
once it has been installed. These tests should include the • be provided in duplicate,
following items (not an exhaustive list). • have a manufacturer-claimed accuracy of not more
• Reaction time of the SHEVS to open than plus or minus 2% of range,
• Airflow measurements for powered ventilators • be manufactured to an appropriate standard or
• Simultaneous opening of ventilators and air inlet
recognized equal international or national standards
where appropriate and available.
• Eventual pneumatic leakages where such power
supplies are used
• have been calibrated by a recognized testing or
calibration laboratory not more than three months
• Reaction of automatic and manual controls prior to the date of test. The calibration certificate
• Start-up time of the emergency power supply provided by the laboratory should be available during
• Behaviour of the automatic smoke curtains the test.

Design check
15.2 Testing and commissioning
The as-built layout should be checked against the system
It is recognized that requirements may vary from country designer’s approved plans.
to country, and that occasionally circumstances might
require ad-hoc departures from the procedures. Hence Mechanical check
the procedures in this section are intended to be a guide
rather than a set of rigid requirements. In general, the
• Check the results of the pressure test on the smoke-
exhaust-system ductwork which should have been
checks and tests given in the box opposite are carried out during construction.
recommended. • Perform the mechanical check as per test procedure for
fans and motorized dampers.
• Check smoke zone boundary and automatic smoke
90 Design methodologies for SHEVS
curtain location according to approved smoke control indicate a fault detected on:
design layout. – the signalling wire connecting the control panel
• Check motorized fire smoke dampers are correctly
connected, and that the smoke and fire damper blade
to the smoke extraction system control panel, or
– the wiring of the detectors.
and bearing rotate smoothly. • All equipment serving the smoke exhaust and
• Check that smoke curtains drop down smoothly and
the bottom bars stop at the correct position.
complementary replacement air systems shall be
provided with an appropriate emergency power
Control and actuation check • Perform the electrical check as per test procedures for
• Check that all systems automatically actuate and
remain in operation until reset by the testers, either
fan and motorized damper.

manually or by activation of a central reset control. Running check

• Check that when in ‘fire’ mode, all other building
systems connected with the SHEVS are put into the
All systems must be completed and tested to ensure that
they are functioning correctly before the final full test and
appropriate fire-operational state. demonstration takes place. A full set of test and functional
• Check that multiplexer or similar devices do not affect
transmission of actuating signals from the automatic
operation check records should be prepared, and may be
required to be submitted to the authorities. It is also
fire-alarm panel for the operation of the smoke exhaust recommended herein that the system designer should
systems unless such devices have the approval or observe the full test and attach to the Report a signed
certification of one of the testing authorities. comment confirming or otherwise that he is satisfied that
• Check that each system is provided with a manual
on/off control switch and indicator light at the master
the installation(s) are operating in accordance with his
fire control panel. Full and complete records must be kept of all tests and
– Check that switches for all smoke exhaust/removal the results thereof, typically including the items listed in
systems are grouped in one area of the panel the Box below).
together with those for staircase pressurization
systems or similar. Initial start
– Check that all switches have the same
method/direction of operation.
• Perform the test run as per test procedure for fan and
motorized damper.
– Check that a device that senses effective operation
of the relevant smoke/air handling system (eg a Functional test in control check
centrifugal switch or an air pressure switch) actuates
the indicator lights.
• Check that interlock of fans and dampers function
– Check that all switches and indicators are clearly
labelled to show operating positions and systems
• Check the proper function of remote ON/OFF
served and stating that the controls shall be operated
only by authorized personnel. Balancing and regulating of airflow should be checked.
Any adjustments needed to achieve the design airflows
Electrical check should be made, and their effectiveness confirmed by
Prior to the initial running of any electrically driven fan, appropriate re-testing.
the following procedures will be adopted.
• In a normal situation, all smoke and fire dampers must
be installed as per the design layout.
This, however, does not guarantee that the control
mechanisms, or the computer software, will correctly
• For each simulated position of the fire recognized in
the design scenario, the smoke and fire dampers in the
operate everything in the correct sequences, or following
the appropriate logic where devices may have more than
extract and supply systems must either move into, or one fire-operational state depending, eg on the location
remain in (as appropriate), their design fire- of the fire. It is desirable as part of the acceptance test
operational positions.
• Should there be a failure of the supply make-up fans Items to include in a running check record
(where included in the design) then only the supply • Make,
Records of pressure testing during construction
system must shut down and all smoke and fire dampers • with a serial no. type and owner of all instruments used, together
copy of the calibration certificates
on the supply duct must return to the design position.
• Resulting
Actual measurements taken
• Make, serialairflows,
The exhaust system shall continue to operate.
current, belt tensions, shaft speeds, etc.
• Should there be a failure of the power supply to the
smoke and fire dampers, these must move into their • rotational speeds, pressure
no. type and use of every device checked, including
drops/generation, etc.
fire-operational positions where these have been
• Signature of operator/tester or supervisor and any witness for
Date and time of tests
identified in the design scenario. Note that in some
designs there can be no fail-safe position.
• each test
• Both audio and visual warnings must be provided to • Signature of designer confirming his/her acceptance
15 Acceptance testing (commissioning) 91
procedure to trigger operation of the SHEVS by initiating methods use alcohol fires in view of their clean and
a realistic signal (for example by blowing a small quantity predictable burning. The Australian method is restricted
of smoke into a smoke detector) and then confirming that to fires directly beneath the final smoke reservoir,
all of the desired actions have in fact occurred. Where whereas the BRE technique has also been used for fires in
different patterns of actions are required for fires in side rooms where smoke can spill into a larger mall or
different locations, all of these ought to be checked by atrium. Both use artificial smokes to mark the fire gases
simulating detection of a fire in different locations or in and to make them visible: the Australian method uses
different ways (the latter might include break-glass fire pyrotechnic smoke generators; the BRE method uses oil-
alarm points, or simulated operation of sprinklers, instead mist generators of the type widely used in theatres and
of a smoke detector). for fire-service training.
Hot-smoke tests are not needed where there is
confidence in the design scenario, and in the design
15.3 Hot-smoke tests
calculations. They are desirable wherever it is not
There is a more complicated option: the Hot-Smoke possible to feel such levels of confidence. A summary of
Test. This uses real fires in controlled conditions, in the points to be considered by anyone contemplating the use
building as close to completion as possible, in order to of hot-smoke tests is presented in Annex I.
provide a flow of buoyant smoky gases which can test not Where the commissioning of the installation is
only the operation of separate components, but also to checked by an independent body, details of the testing
test in a quantitative manner the proper functioning of body, the names of its representatives, the test methods
the design concept itself. In other words, to test that the employed and the results of those tests, as well as the
proper functioning of the total system has been achieved. engineering plan available to that body, should all be
Variations on this technique have been developed in mentioned in the acceptance report.
Australia [94,95] and in the UK and Belgium[69,96]. Both

16 Maintenance, management
and re-testing

Whatever the basic objective of the SHEVS, it will be more appropriate to test it once a month. It may be more
intended to function properly when the fire happens. appropriate for systems intended for property protection
Fires are essentially infrequent events, which can occur in to be tested once a year in some cases. It can be expected
a random way. It is very unlikely that the fire will happen that the Regulatory Authorities having responsibility for
immediately after the system has been installed and a building will have a strong interest in the frequency of
successfully demonstrated to work. Years might pass functional re-testing, especially if the SHEVS is intended
before the system is called upon to work, and then it is to protect the lives of the public.
critically important that the system does indeed work as The building’s management will find their task much
designed. easier if they have been provided with full documentation
Buildings will not remain static in the intervening summarizing the design concepts, in all the different
years, and the usual forces of corrosion and decay can be scenarios considered, as well as the ‘Detailed engineering
expected to operate. It follows then, that as with any plans’ and documentation recommended to be provided
other active system involving machinery, there is a need by the installer in Chapter 15. It is also important that the
for the system to be maintained and serviced during these key individual in the building’s management should be
years. This places a major responsibility on the building’s familiar with this documentation, and should understand
management. the ideas involved. These documents, taken together,
A regular check on the system is essential to ensure form the basis of a ‘log book’ for the SHEVS, and could
that it will operate as designed, if needed. Also, usefully be widened to include all other aspects of fire
intervention of trained staff is sometimes beneficial or safety, although that goes beyond the scope of the
even necessary to achieve satisfactory evacuation of the current report.
occupants in the event of a fire. For example, calculations The manager’s task will also be eased if the installer has
done at FRS[100] have indicated that the presence of provided a ‘maintenance file’ as part of the log book in
trained staff to help with evacuation is of great benefit in which the management can record all maintenance,
large single-storey buildings. It is difficult to ensure that modifications, tests and their results, etc., during the
there is a continual training programme, particularly building’s lifetime.
when the ‘ownership’ of a building changes. The maintenance programme can be subdivided in
The best way to confirm that the SHEVS is working as different sections, in direct relation to the frequency of
intended is to generate a fire-detection signal (eg by checking. Note that the frequencies suggested here are
blowing a small amount of smoke into a smoke detector) intended to be illustrative, and are certainly not intended
and confirming that all the devices supposed to operate to be universal for all applications!
actually have operated satisfactorily. If this is done
regularly it is more likely that any mechanical or Basic functional check (once a month)
electrical failures will be identified in time for the fault to
be corrected. It is also more likely that any poor
• The component parts of the SHEVS are operated and
people can see, hear or smell malfunctioning parts:
maintenance will be identified in time to be corrected. pressured air leakages are quite common, a rusty spring
The optimum extent and frequency of regular re- can prevent natural ventilators from closing again.
testing of the system will inevitably depend on
circumstances. Systems having a crucial role in protecting
• All defective parts must be repaired or replaced
life safety ought to be tested much more frequently than
those which have no such role. Even where life safety is Maintenance programme (one per 6 months)
concerned, the frequency of functional re-testing may
vary. For example, it would be desirable to check the
• On the basis of a maintenance checklist, all moving
parts of the installation will be looked at and replaced
operation of a SHEVS in a large shopping complex at where necessary.
least once a week, whereas in an office building it may be • Special attention is given to corrosion, mechanical
16 Maintenance, management, re-testing 93
damage, penetrations, blocked activators, overheated that the user must verify through the years whether the
electrical parts. installed system is still capable of dealing with a real-fire
• All parts are cleaned and relabelled where necessary. situation.
It is usually easy to recognize when a major structural
Full functional test (once per year) modification to a building will influence the functioning
After the maintenance tour, a functional check must be of a SHEVS. For example, changing a workshop into a
worked out, possibly attended by a representative of the high-rack warehouse will have big implications for the
Regulatory Authorities, to see whether the instillation design parameters of the SHEVS. It is less often realized
still complies with the acceptance report. that a succession of small modifications, each one
• This test starts with the triggering of one or more
detectors in the tested zone and all subsequent
seemingly too trivial to matter, can cumulatively affect
the functioning of a SHEVS. It should also be recognized
automatisms (ie the actions which follow that many buildings specialists with no knowledge of fire
automatically without human intervention) are can easily fail to distinguish between what is major and
checked out (reaction time, emergency power supply what is minor. Where as-built plans, test reports and
unit coming up, opening or closing of dampers, maintenance programs have been kept fully up-to-date, it
lowering of smoke curtains, …). is more likely that changes will be correctly identified,
and that mistakes will be more readily noticed and
This test shall be activated and the equipment reset for corrected. Note in this context that the building’s
every smoke control zone. Results should be recorded in managers share with the Regulatory Authorities (in most
the log book. countries) the responsibility for commissioning a new
SHEVS analysis and re-design if the building’s
modifications change the assumptions and conditions
Apart from the maintenance programme, a SHEVS which were appropriate to the original design.
management program needs to be set up. This means

17 Some common mistakes

in the design of smoke ventilation

the line between columns. This position has the apparent

17.1 Mis-location of the point source of a
advantage of economizing on the necessary length of
point-source smoke plume curtain, and hence on cost. Unfortunately, where the
Some of the formulae available for the calculation of the columns are rounded or otherwise lacking in parallel
mass of air entrained into a smoke plume rising directly surfaces, any small deflection leads to a rapidly increasing
above a fire are derived for small fires. When applied to gap between the curtain’s edge and the column’s surface,
fires which are not small (such as those in real fire with consequent smoke leakage past the curtain.
scenarios), they require a correction which treats the
smoke as though it was rising from a point (zero width)
17.3 Installation does not follow design
source at a distance below the real fire which depends on
the actual physical size of the fire. Several guidance It is common for detail design changes to occur during
documents state that it is acceptable to ignore this the construction of buildings. A possible consequence is
correction and to take the plume height as being the that an initially correct design becomes unsuitable. An
height of the layer above the floor (or the base of the real example known to the authors is of smoke curtains being
fire if different). However, such an assumption can lead to 1.5 m too short when fitted. It is desirable that the fire
an underestimate of the mass of smoky gases entering the safety system designers be retained by the building design
smoke layer. For example, when the fire diameter team to comment on all design changes and to confirm
approaches the height of rise of the smoke plume the that the final installed system fulfils the design concept.
mass of air entrained into the smoke can be
underestimated by more than a factor of two.
17.4 Mis-use of computer models
Every computer model of any aspect of smoke
17.2 Inadequate specification of smoke
movement is based on mathematical representations of
curtains the underlying physics. In zone models these are often
Research by FRS has shown that the existing deflection empirically derived formulae. In CFD models these are
tests for smoke curtains are virtually meaningless in terms more fundamentally based, solving conservation
of actual behaviour, and that it is necessary to bring equations typically for mass, momentum, enthalpy, etc. It
smoke curtains into the design process[97], using the is often forgotten that the equations expressing
procedures given in Annex C. It is necessary to specify turbulence in current commercial CFD models are also
the correct combination of curtain material weight and partly empirical.
bottom bar weight to ensure that the curtain deflection Empirical relationships of whatever sort all share the
remains within acceptable design limits for the particular common feature that they have been developed to fit a
application. In general, the hotter and deeper the smoke specific range of experimental circumstances. They may
layer becomes, then the heavier the curtain and/or not be as accurate for other circumstances outside that
bottom bar must be. This in turn can require major range. This affects the reliability of validation of the
differences in the components, eg the curtain might need model: within the appropriate ranges a model can be
stronger motors, stronger brakes and stronger correctly shown to match reality – but outside the
attachments to the building. appropriate ranges of parameter values the same model
Specification of a smoke curtain which is too light for can give grossly incorrect answers. It is never simply
the application can result in excessive deflection, with enough to note that a model ‘has been validated’.
accompanying rise of the bottom bar and leakage of One example of this type of problem concerns the
smoke past the curtain. expression for the fire size at the onset of flashover in a
Another common mistake is to position smoke compartment. One of the most common correlations for
curtains which are light enough to deflect appreciably, on this relationship is based on work by McCaffrey et al[98],
17 Common design mistakes 95
and variations on this are used in design guidance, eg
17.5 Mistaken perceptions of conflict
refs[28,29]. McCaffrey et al’s correlation was derived for a
test room of less than 30 m3 in volume, with window
between active and passive fire precautions
openings which were predominantly tall compared with There often appears to be a widespread misconception
their width. It can be shown that very different that in some way active fire precautions such as a SHEVS
relationships can be expected for the fire size at the onset and passive fire precautions such as fire-resisting
of flashover in very large rooms having large openings[99]. partitions are competing one against the other. Such
Another common example concerns the common views can be seen to be the result of too narrow a focus on
practice in Zone Models based on small-fire plume one part of the wide range of measures available. Similar
formulae to default the location of the virtual point source problems exist in misconceptions of the perceived
to the base of the fire regardless of the size of the fire (see conflict between different active measures (see section
section 17.1 for a more detailed discussion of this error). 11.1, for example, concerning the interactions between
CFD models depend for accurate modelling of reality smoke ventilation and sprinklers).
on the correctness of the initial and of the boundary It can be misleading to contrast one form of fire
conditions used to define the problem mathematically. protection with another as if they were completely
These ‘input conditions’ are essential to state correctly independent of each other. In practice, each system
the physical and chemical nature of the problem being influences the others. It is better to regard the building
studied, and if they are inappropriate, the CFD model itself as the system, with different forms of fire protection
will give an inappropriate result. Another essentially sharing contributions towards overall safety. The
mathematical constraint is that the computational mesh importance of this cannot be overstated.
size (ie the selected dimensions of each elementary In fact virtually all forms of smoke control depend on
‘calculation volume’) must be appropriate to the problem aspects of ‘passive’ fire protection. Pressure differential
being studied. In practice, this means that the ‘solution’ to systems are designed to protect against smoke leakage
the calculation must be independent of the mesh size, through small gaps in what is otherwise passive
which cannot be automatically assumed for all protection enclosing the escape route. The market for
circumstances. fire-resisting materials is essentially unaffected by the
The validity of a CFD model for a given application presence of such methods of smoke control. Smoke and
would depend on the fact that it incorporates proper heat exhaust ventilation allows the use of spaces much
descriptions, through submodels, of the dominant larger than a conventional fire compartment. Usually this
physical and chemical processes (such as combustion, is the result of using sprinklers as well. But even for this
radiation, turbulence, etc.) for that application. Because case there are still many requirements for ‘passive’ fire
of the often partially empirical nature of the built-in protection, eg all shop unit walls except the front, of shop
submodels, validation of the CFD model is crucial to units opening onto a mall where a SHEVS is fitted into
ensure the validity of its submodels for a particular the mall, or where smoke exhaust ducts pass through
application. It follows that a successful validation for one neighbouring fire compartments. Other examples
application will apply to other scenarios in the same include:
category of application, but not necessarily to other • partition walls,
categories. For example, care must be taken when a CFD • ceiling membranes,
model validated for smoke movement is applied to • downstands for smoke reservoirs or smoke barriers.
problems involving flame spread. In general, one can say
that in view of the complex nature of CFD models, Related ‘passive’ fire-protection measures important for
knowledge of fire science and of CFD is essential for smoke control can also include intumescent seals for fire
‘correct’ use for a practical fire application. doors and fire-resisting glazing.
The foregoing paragraphs should not be seen as an As for all applications, there are the same requirements
argument against using computer models. Many designs for fire-resisting materials to be able to withstand thermal
would be impossible without their use. They should shocks, to be impermeable to smoke, and to be stable
instead be read as a warning that computer models under different environmental conditions including the
should not be used by inexperienced people as ‘black ability to resist humidity, fungal attack, the freeze-thaw
boxes’ always assumed by them to give the correct cycle, and ageing of the materials. If the material cracks, it
answer. It is always necessary for the designer of a could render the smoke control system unable to prevent
SHEVS to ensure that he/she has identified which model the passage of smoke. All larger openings, such as holes
(or models – a design may require the use of more than made for pipes, cables, ducting, etc., must be properly
one) is appropriate to the circumstances being sealed. This has to be a proper fire and smoke seal, not a
considered. It is always necessary for the designer of a patchwork using whatever material is left on site
SHEVS to satisfy him/her self that the model is being (examples exist of the failure of fire-resisting walls
used within its prudent limits. And of course it is because of such inadequate materials as cardboard and
necessary for the Regulator assessing a design proposal to polystyrene having been used to seal holes made for
become satisfied that the designer of the system has cables, pipes, etc.–this kind of fault is seen all too often
considered these factors. during post-fire investigations).

18 Smoke ventilation and

enforcement of regulations

The final decision as to what is acceptable rests with As the buildings become more complicated, both in
those who are responsible for enforcing the relevant fire size and geometry and also with the introduction of new
safety regulations. In large or complex buildings it is innovative materials and construction techniques,
usually impractical to follow the prescriptive guidelines formulae normally used for design of smoke control
given in the relevant standards and a fire safety systems become less reliable and particular care is needed
engineering approach is needed to achieve a successful in the design process. In those scenarios it may be
smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system so that the desirable for the enforcer of regulations to seek a second
same level of safety is accomplished as for a more opinion from an independent source of expertise. If the
conventional building without the same amount of building is so complex that confidence in the design
compartmentation. process is low then it may be desirable to do an ‘in-situ’
The success or failure of the design will often depend commissioning fire test to check the SHEVS design and
on the details. The assumptions and calculation to fine tune the system. A further advantage of such a test
procedures which are correct for one scenario may not be is that it may clearly show some implementation faults, eg
correct for another. It should also be clearly understood whether a damper in a duct has been installed such that it
that the various published formulae were derived from opens in the ‘wrong’ direction in the event of a fire. The
experiments and may not be appropriate when the design test involves the use of one or more alcohol fires to
scenario is very different. For example, a formula produce sufficient heat such that the hot buoyant gas
experimentally derived from a tall and narrow atrium layer flows can be monitored and the effectiveness of the
may not be suitable for SHEVS design of a wide atrium SHEVS can be assessed. Obviously the temperature must
with a relatively low ceiling. Unfortunately there is often also be kept low enough so as not to cause any damage to
confusion about the validity of various assumptions and the building. Non-toxic and non-corrosive oil-mist
calculation formulae used in the design process theatrical smoke may be injected into the fire plume if
It should be emphasized further that any SHEVS visualization of the hot gas layer is desired. Such methods
design procedure has ‘assumptions’ built into it. It is have been developed and used successfully in the last few
impossible to do a smoke-control design from first years.
principles without any assumptions. Thus, it follows that One other problem with a smoke-control system is
the enforcer of regulations, and the building’s owner or maintenance and training of staff where needed. A
developer, should insist that the designer of a system regular check on the system is essential to ensure that it
should make all the assumptions explicit, and should state will operate as designed, if needed. Also, intervention by
the sources for methodology and/or data. It is often the trained staff is sometimes beneficial or even necessary to
case that the most worrying problems with a design arise achieve satisfactory evacuation of the occupants in the
from unreasonable assumptions. Although it may event of a fire. For example, calculations done at FRS[100]
sometimes be difficult to follow the calculation indicated that the presence of trained staff to help with
methodology it is usually possible to make a evacuation is of great benefit in large single-storey
commonsense judgement about the validity of the buildings. It is difficult to ensure that there is a continual
assumptions. training programme, particularly when the ‘ownership’ of
a building changes.

19 Acknowledgements

The authors of this book would like to record their They would also like to state their appreciation of the
indebtedness to Dr G O Hansell, co-author of Design work of CEN/TC191/SC1 and of the related ‘Mirror
approaches for smoke control in atrium buildings[13] , an earlier Groups’ in the national Standards Institutes in preparing
BRE publication, some of whose text has been carried the draft Parts of PrEN 12101. Many ideas have developed
forward into this present book; and to Mr Joris Verbeek of and have been clarified as a result of their discussions.
IFSET for his work on the Figures and Plates.

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fires for commissioning tests — a preliminary report. Proceedings heat control systems. Part 3: Specification for smoke curtains. British
International Fire Safety Engineering Conference: the concept and the Standard BS 7346: Part 3. London, BSI, 1990.
tools. Sydney, Australia, CSIRO, 1992

Annex A: Design procedure

with a growing design fire

Note: The principles described in Annex B are applicable Set = 0 for the first iteration.
here as well. • Identify the location of the buoyant smoke layer’s base
in the smoke reservoir at the end of the previous
iteration. Set = ceiling height for the first iteration.
A.1 Choose a design fire curve
Hence, identify the height of rise to the layer base at
This has been discussed in more detail in section 3.1. It the start of the current iteration.
will also be necessary to identify the average heat release
rate per square metre for the selected scenario.
• Using the appropriate growth curve identified earlier,
and the heat-release rate identified earlier, calculate
the average fire perimeter during the time interval for
the current iteration.
A.2 Establish the required escape time
This must be done using methods from sources outside
• Calculate the average convective heat flux in the
smoky gases during the time interval for the current
the field of smoke ventilation. iteration.
• Using the height of rise, the heat flux, and the fire
perimeter calculate the average mass flow rate of
A.3 Calculate times to danger, ie available
smoky gases entering the layer during the current
escape time iteration, using the same methods as for a steady-state
Use an iterative procedure based on the principle of a design fire. Note that this will cover both single-storey
‘quasi-steady-state’ calculation, where the growing fire is geometries and the more complicated atrium-like
treated as if it is a succession of steady fires, each in its geometries.
own defined time interval, with the whole approximating
to the actual curve. This lends itself well to converting
• Using results calculated for the layer from all previous
iterations and steady-state formulae for the ventilators,
into a computer program, and can be much more general calculate the exhaust mass flow during the current time
in application than a fully analytical solution, since the interval.
latter will yield very complicated formulae for all but the
simplest of building geometries.
• From the difference between the mass entering the
layer and the mass being exhausted, calculate the net
mass of smoky gases adding to the layer during the
(a) Select a time increment for calculation current increment. If the exhaust is greater than the
Too large an increment will give poor accuracy and could flow rate entering the layer, default the layer depth to
result in the calculation being mathematically unstable, ie the depth of a ceiling-jet.
inherently unable to give the correct answers. The
smaller the increment the more accurate the results of
• From the difference between the heat carried into the
gases and the heat being exhausted from the layer,
this method of calculation, but too small an increment calculate the net heat adding to the layer during the
can lead to arithmetical errors arising in computers which current increment.
specify numbers by using too few digits. A one-second
increment seems to work well with computer programs
• By adding the net addition of mass to the mass resident
at the start of the increment, calculate the mass of
in the present authors’ experience. smoky gases resident in the layer at the end of the
current increment.
(b) Iterative procedure • By adding the net addition of heat to the heat resident
• Identify mass of smoky gases resident in the smoke
reservoir at the end of the previous iteration.
at the start of the increment, calculate the heat resident
in the layer at the end of the current increment. Note
Set = 0 for the first iteration. that it is conventional to ignore heat losses from the
• Identify total heat resident in the smoky gases in the
smoke reservoir at the end of the previous iteration.
layer other than by the exhaust gases, but one could
include the effect of sprinkler cooling if necessary.
102 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Inclusion of heat losses to the building structure is
A.4 Acceptability criteria for calculated
• inCalculate the excess temperature of the gases residing
the layer at the end of the current increment. Apply
the same ‘maximum layer temperature above ambient’
• Where the layer temperature is higher than the
‘steady-state’ criteria before the ‘time required for
criteria as for the steady-state design: if the layer is too safety’, the design is not acceptable.
hot, end the iteration and branch out to section A.4. • Where the layer depth exceeds our ‘steady-state’
• Using the mass of smoky gases and the layer
temperature, resident in the layer at the end of the
criteria earlier than the ‘time required for safety’, the
design is not acceptable.
current increment, and the known horizontal area of
the smoke reservoir, calculate the layer depth at the
• When neither criterion is exceeded earlier than the
‘time required for safety’, the design is acceptable in
end of the current increment. Note that one can principle, but still has to be subjected to other criteria
introduce non-rectangular-section smoke reservoirs by specified in the ‘steady-state’ design methodology.
making the area a function of height.
• Using minimum clear heights specified as for the
steady-state design method, check whether the
A.5 Further acceptability criteria
calculated layer depth has reached the deepest The designer should use the layer depth and
acceptable limit. If it has, stop the iterative calculation temperature, and the exhaust mass flow rate, calculated
and branch out to section A.4. for the final time increment to carry out the same ‘steady-
• Check whether the total time to the end of the current
iteration has reached the ‘time required for safety’. If it
state’ calculations such as minimum possible layer depth
for flow to the exhaust ventilators, wind effects on
has, stop the iterative calculation and branch out to ventilators, air speed at escape doors being used as inlets,
section A.4. etc.
• Loop back to the start of the iterative process and start
the calculations for the next time interval.

Annex B: Design procedure

with a steady-state design fire

B.1 General introduction Table B1 Minimum clear height above escape routes
Type of building Minimum height
The flow of thermally buoyant gases away from a fire,
through a building, into a smoke reservoir, and their Public buildings (eg single-storey malls, 3.0 m
exhaust from the building into the surrounding exhibition halls)

atmosphere, is influenced by many factors. These include Non-public building (eg offices, 2.5 m
the shape of the building at each part of the flow, and apartments, prisons)
external factors such as wind pressures, snow loads, etc. Car parks Smaller of 2.5 m or
To be successful a smoke exhaust ventilation system must 0.8 times ceiling height
be designed in a way which includes consideration of all Note. These heights apply to single-storey situations. Where smoke must rise through another
storey before reaching the final smoke reservoir, it is usual to add another 0.5 m to each value.
such influences.

B.2 Identification of ‘design regions’ needed

(c) The smoke reservoir and ventilators
in calculation The smoke reservoir must be of sufficient depth; this
The design procedure must consider a succession of requires calculation of the minimum depth of layer
zones (also called herein ‘design regions’), which necessary for gases to flow from the plume’s point of
correspond to successive stages in the path followed by entry to the layer towards the ventilators.
the smoky gases. The gases in the layer shall be between acceptable high
and low temperature limits: the high limit being 200 °C to
avoid painful heat radiation on lightly clad people
B.3 Zone-by-zone deterministic calculation
beneath the smoke layer, the low limit being more
procedure: single-storey spaces arbitrary but typically being a minimum design layer
For large single-volume spaces (ie where smoke rises temperature of 20 °C to avoid loss of buoyant stability of
directly from the burning fuel to the thermally buoyant the layer.
layer in the smoke reservoir) the following design regions The area of natural ventilators (ie where the gases are
are necessary. propelled through the ventilators by the buoyant
pressure of the layer beneath the ventilator), or the
(a) The fire capacity of powered ventilators (usually fans), must be
The design should be based on a steady-state fire of a size calculated to exhaust the same mass flow rate as enters
appropriate to the building concerned, as discussed in the layer in the plume rising from the fire.
Chapter 3.
Note: Natural and powered smoke exhaust ventilators
(b) The plume above the fire, rising into the smoke should never be used simultaneously in the same smoke
reservoir reservoir.
The height to the smoke base must be specified for life-
safety applications. Some possible requirements are listed (d) Effect of external influences (eg wind and snow)
in Table B1. The mass flow rate of smoky gases entering The effect of external influences must be allowed for in
the reservoir is then calculated. the design. This is particularly important in deciding the
For temperature control designs the temperature of the location of natural ventilators and in choosing between
buoyant smoke layer must be specified; and the mass flow natural and powered smoke ventilators. In essence, no
rate entering the layer and the height of rise of the plume natural ventilator should be located where it might
are then calculated. experience an overpressure from a wind. Wind-induced
overpressures occur on the upwind sides of buildings, and
104 Design methodologies for SHEVS
for a considerable distance on any lower surfaces upwind (b) Entrainment in, and flow out of, a side room
of a higher structure. The possibility of snow or ice The plume above the fire is as above, but can be
affecting the operation of the ventilators must also be combined with the flow of smoky gases leaving the
taken into account when specifying equipment. fireroom into a single calculation.

(e) Air inlets (including any doors serving as air inlets) (c) Smoke flows beneath a canopy or balcony,
These must allow sufficient replacement air to enter the approaching a spill edge
building to replace the gases being exhausted as smoke. If Where a canopy (or the underside of a balcony) projects
they are usually closed, they must open on receipt of the beyond the fireroom’s opening, the effect on the smoke
same signal that operates the rest of the smoke flow at the spill edge can be calculated to find the mass
ventilation system. The airspeed through any inlets also flow rate flowing towards that edge. If the smoke exhaust
serving as escape doors (a common design feature) must ventilation design requires that smoke be contained
be less than 5 m/s to avoid adverse effects on people beneath the canopy or balcony, and be prevented from
escaping through those doors. All inlet air must be below spilling into the adjacent space, the remainder of the
the smoke layer and preferably moving at less than 1 m/s design calculation is essentially as for section B.3.
when it enters the affected zone. Powered inlet fans
should never be used with powered smoke exhaust fans, (d) The spill plume
in order to avoid changing pressure forces on escape The mixing of air into the spill plume as it rises to meet
doors as the fire size changes. the buoyant smoke layer under the ceiling must be
calculated, to give the total mass flow rate of gas entering
Note: If the provision of inlet air is inadequate, the entire the smoke layer. For life-safety applications the height of
smoke ventilation system will be ineffective. the base of the buoyant layer of smoky gases above the
highest escape route open to the same space as the fire,
(f) Free-hanging smoke curtains must be specified. It is usual to add 0.5 m to the minimum
Where present, these shall allow for the effects of values listed in Table B1.
buoyancy-induced deflection away from the vertical, and For temperature control systems the temperature of
must meet the criteria for minimum leakage when in the the gases in the smoke reservoir (ie in the layer) shall be
deflected position. Note that this aspect of design and specified and the mass flow entering the layer calculated.
specification of smoke curtains has been largely The calculation procedures for the spill plume can be
overlooked until recently, and does not feature in any used to find the height to the smoke layer base.
earlier design guides. Nevertheless, it is clear from Where there are higher balconies above the spill edge,
experiments at FRS[97] that deflection can be a serious the design must take into account the breadth of the
problem capable of jeopardizing the success of the entire balconies, ie the distance between the edge of the balcony
smoke ventilation design, especially for lighter and and the wall (or glazed facade). This affects the ability of
deeper curtains, unless the problem is properly addressed air to move between the plume and the facade, and
by calculation during the design of the system and by determines whether the plume will throw itself clear of
specifying the equipment to compensate and thus reduce the wall or be pulled back against it to smokelog the
the problem to harmless proportions. higher balconies.

(g) Suspended ceilings (e) The smoke reservoir

Where present, these can complicate the flow of smoky All calculations and requirements from sections
gases, and must be allowed for in the design. B.3 (c)–(f) shall also apply to the present case.

(f) Atrium depressurization

B.4 Zone-by-zone deterministic calculation
Where the pressures in the smoke layer in an atrium are
procedure: complex flow path involving spill to be reduced below ambient to prevent smoke moving
plumes into rooms adjacent to that atrium, the effects of wind
Buildings where the initial plume above the fire is pressures on the outside of the building must be included
intercepted by a ceiling and the smoke travels laterally in the design calculations.
before spilling into a higher adjacent space (eg see
Figure 5), require additional steps in the calculation of
B.5 Integrating the SHEVS into the building
smoke movement and of the entrainment of air into
smoky gases. Examples include multistorey shopping Compatibility with other safety and building systems in
malls, atria and buildings with mezzanine floors. the same building is essential. It is also a common
experience that any safety measures which interfere with
(a) The fire the building’s everyday use will be ‘deactivated’ for the
The selection of a design fire is as for the single-volume sake of convenience. This practical and psychological
space above. problem can be greatly reduced if the fire-safety
measures are properly integrated into the building design
Annex B: Design procedure — steady-state fire 105
at an early stage. It is still common practice in all mathematical formulae used in those models,
countries, unfortunately, to design the fire-safety assumptions made, and values of input parameters should
measures into the building almost as an afterthought. be explicitly included in the documentation made
This reduces the chances of those measures remaining available to the owner of the building, and to the enforcer
effective over the building’s life, and is also likely to of regulations if they require it.
increase the initial cost of the fire-safety measures. In addition, information concerning validation of the
computer-based zone models used in design should be
included in the documentation. Where such validation
B.6 Computer-based design calculations
information exists in the publicly available literature it
Where computer-based zone models are used to carry ought to be sufficient to cite appropriate references.
out calculations as part of the design process, all

Annex C: Deflection of
smoke curtains

C.1 Principle
In SHEVS smoke curtains are used to create reservoirs
which will contain smoke and hot gases. To fulfil that role
they must resist the sideways deflection caused by the
buoyancy-driven forces due to hot gases, or the fan-
induced forces in mechanical exhaust systems.
If they do not resist those forces, gaps might occur
beneath the curtain or between the curtain and the
building structure, leading to the flow of hot gases from
the reservoir into adjacent areas.
Theoretical and experimental work has shown that the
deflection of a smoke curtain and the flow of hot gases
through gaps in it can be related to the hot gas layer
contained by the curtain.
This Annex considers the deflection of free-hanging
curtains only, as those which are fixed at both ceiling and
floor and/or sides are effectively locked in place and will
not be subject to deflection. The method of calculation of
the leakage through gaps in the curtains is valid for all
types of curtains. Figure C1 Deflection of a smoke curtain which does not reach
Free-hanging smoke curtains can be divided into two the floor
• those which act to contain a gas layer which does not
extend below the bottom of the curtain (Figure C1) (eg C.2 Curtains not reaching the floor
reservoir screens and channelling screens),
• those which fall to floor level and act completely to
seal areas from a smoke compartment in which the gas
The deflection of the curtain is calculated following
reference [97] (Figure C1):
layer extends below the bottom of the curtain (Figure
C2) (such as might be installed along balconies to form ρ 0 θ 1 D13
dc = 1.2 (C.1)
a closed atrium). 3T1 (2 Mb + M c Lc )
The types will be referred to as those which do not reach
the floor and those which close an opening, respectively. where:
d c = deflection of the curtain (m),
The pressure of gases acting on the smoke curtain will ρ o = density of ambient air (kgm -3),
cause it to deflect from the normal vertically hanging θ 1 = temperature rise above ambient of the gases in the
position. That horizontal deflection of the curtain causes smoke layer (°C),
the bottom of the curtain to rise, which could lead to D1 = depth of the gas layer (m),
leakage of gas underneath the curtain if the rise takes the T = absolute temperature of the gas (K),
bottom of the curtain above the base of the gas layer. Mb = mass per metre length of the curtain’s bottom bar
Because the curtains are not rigid, they are also likely to (kgm -1 ),
bow in use, like a sail in the wind. Such bowing will lead Mc = mass per m 2 of the curtain fabric (kgm-2),
to a further rise of the bottom of the curtain. L c = length of the smoke curtain from top to bottom
bar, measured along the fabric (m).
Annex C: Deflection of smoke curtains 107

Lc = d0 + dc tan (C.5)

The procedure is:

1 assume a value for Lc ≥ d 0,
2 calculate d c using Eqn (C.4),
3 calculate L c using Eqn (C.5).

Repeat steps 1–3 with the new value of L c, until

successive values of Lc differ by 1% or less.
The calculated value for L c must then be modified by
including a term to allow for bowing of the curtain as for
curtains not reaching the floor, so that:

L c(final) = Lc + 1.7 (Lc – d0) (C.6)

C.4 Smoke leakage through gaps in

Figure C2 Deflection of a smoke curtain closing an opening
The leakage of smoke and hot gas through vertical gaps
at the edges of smoke curtains can be related to the hot
The length of the curtain to contain a gas layer of depth gas layer that they contain by the following equation [101]:
D1 is calculated using an iterative procedure: 1/2
352.17 2 gD1 θ 1
dc Mg = Ag (C.7)
tan–1 T1 T0
Lc = D1 + d c tan (C.2)
2 where:
Mg = mass of gas flowing through the gap (kgs-1),
A g = area of the gap (m 2),
The procedure is: T1 = absolute temperature of the gases in the layer (K),
1 assume a starting value for L c ≥ D1, T0 = absolute ambient temperature (K),
2 calculate d c using Eqn (C.1), D1 = depth of gas in reservoir (m),
3 calculate next value of L c using Eqn (C.2). g = acceleration due to gravity (ms-1),
θ 1 = temperature rise above ambient of the gas (°C).
Repeat steps 1–3 with the new value of L c, until
successive values of L c differ by 1% or less. The gases flowing through curtain gaps will entrain air as
The calculated value for L c must then be modified by they rise to the ceiling, and may cause the formation of a
including a term to allow for bowing of the curtain [97], so smoky gas layer within the area which the curtains are
that: intended to protect. Such a gas layer will be considerably
cooler than that within the main reservoir. Where a
smoke layer forms within the area intended to be
L c(final) = Lc + 1.7 (Lc – D1) (C.3)
protected by the smoke curtains, then it may be necessary
to consider further measures to protect occupants. Such
entrainment has not been closely studied, but preliminary
C.3 Curtains closing an opening
research [101] suggests that the mass entrained can be
The deflection of the curtain is calculated from (see related to the mass flowing through the gaps to give a
Figure C2): conservative estimate of the smoke rising to the ceiling.

ρ 0 θ (3D1 – 2 d 0 )d 20 Mp = 6 M g h p (C.8)
d c = 1.2 (C.4)
3T1 (2Mb + M c Lc )
where d 0 is the height of the opening (m) and other Mp = mass of gas flowing into gas layer in protected area
variables are as defined above. (kgs-1),
The required curtain length to contain a gas layer of Mg = mass of gas flowing through a gap in a smoke
depth D1 is calculated using an iterative procedure: curtain (kgs-1),
h p = height of rise from the base of the hot gas layer in
108 Design methodologies for SHEVS

the reservoir to the ceiling in the protected area. Mgθ1

Note: This equation is derived from a small number of θp = (K) (C.9)
experiments [101] . It is desirable to extend the study further M p

to confirm the derived correlation.

where θ p = temperature above ambient of the smoke
A calculation procedure for the temperature of the gas layer initially forming (ignoring any subsequent cooling)
layer within the protected area is: in the protected reservoir adjacent to the leakage (°C).

Annex D: A comparison of different

spill-plume calculation methods

reservoir, it is necessary to specify the height of the

D.1 The example scenario
ceiling in the mall in order to be able to use the ‘effective
The spill-plume methods described in section 6.3.2 apply layer depth correction’ in assessing the effective height of
to differing scenarios. The limited shared features of rise of the spill plume for use in the BRE method. It does
these methods dictate that a comparison must be based not affect the other methods. We consider here two
on a scenario involving a large-area smoke reservoir, with ceiling heights:
a free plume rising from the spill edge. One of the most • 15 m above the floor, and
common of such scenarios is a multistorey shopping mall,
where the fire is located in a shop and the smoke travels
• 11 m above the floor.
See Figure D1 which illustrates the dimensions of this
out of the shop and is channelled to a length of spill edge. example.
The following typical example of a shop unit scenario
is used as the basis for comparison. It is now necessary to calculate the mass flow entering a
Shop width = 10 m, having no downstand facia (chosen to visible smoke layer base at different heights above the
remove a major area of uncertainty in the calculation). spill edge, within a smoke reservoir formed beneath the
Storey height = 5 m, simplified for purposes of this ceiling. Results are listed below and are shown
example so that the shop opening is taken as 5 m high. graphically in Figure D2. The Thomas (1987) method has
Assuming a steady-state design fire: not been included in its unmodified form in view of the
Convective heat flux leaving the shop = 5000 kW, coming uncertainties surrounding the choice of an appropriate
from a 3 m × 3 m fire having a perimeter of 12 m. value of ∆ for the circumstances of this example. The
Because the shop width is less than 5 times the side of the method has been used in its modified form where the
fire (see section 5.1) C e in Eqns (5.2) and (5.7) = 0.34. value of ∆ is calculated using Poreh’s method.
The smoke is channelled directly to the spill edge over a
length of edge of 10 m.
There is no downstand at the void edge.

Using Eqn (5.7):

Mass flow rate of gases approaching spill edge =
29.2 kg/s.

Using Eqn (5.11):

Depth of smoke layer approaching spill edge = 1.19 m.

A more precise calculation is possible using Eqn (E.3),

where the temperature dependence of the parameter κ M
can be included for still greater accuracy[52], giving a
depth of 1.14 m. This last value has been used in the
present calculation, although Eqn (5.11) alone is
sufficiently accurate for normal design purposes. Figure D1 Idealized shopping mall: example for comparing spill
Hence at the spill edge we have for the approach flow: plume calculation methods
Q W = 5000 kW
MW = 29.2 kg/s
D W = 1.14 m

Because the example stipulates a large-area smoke

110 Design methodologies for SHEVS

D.2 BRE method D.3 Thomas et al (1998) method

(a) 15 m ceiling Calculations were done using Eqns 6.7 and 6.8. Results
The results of applying section 6.3.2 (a) and Annex E are are listed in Table D.3 and are shown in Figure D2.
shown in Table D.1.

Table D.1 Entrainment into the example spill plume: Table D.3 Entrainment into the example spill plume:
BRE method, 15 m ceiling Thomas et al (1998) method
Height of visible Mass flow rate of Height of visible Mass flow rate of
smoke base smoky gases entering smoke base smoky gases entering
above spill edge smoke layer above spill edge smoke layer
(m) (kg/s) (m) (kg/s)

3.6 105 2 75
5.24 146 4 102
6.83 189 6 129
8.41 239 8 156
10 285 10 183

(b) 11 m ceiling
The results of applying section 6.3.2 (a) and Annex E are
D.4 Poreh et al method
shown in Table D.2.
Calculations were done using Eqns 6.3 and 6.4. Results
Table D.2 Entrainment into the example spill plume: are listed in Table D.4, and are plotted graphically in
BRE method, 11 m ceiling Figure D2.
Height of visible Mass flow rate of
smoke base smoky gases entering Table D.4 Entrainment into the example spill plume:
above spill edge smoke layer Poreh method
(m) (kg/s) Height of visible Mass flow rate of
smoke base smoky gases entering
2.04 84.3 above spill edge smoke layer
2.83 105
(m) (kg/s)
3.62 124
4.41 146 2 69
5.21 167 4 94
6 189 6 119
8 144
10 170
Height of Visible Smoke Base Above Floor (m)



BRE-method - 15m ceiling

BRE-method - 11m ceiling

5 Thomas et al (1998) method

Poreh et al method

Modified Thomas (1987) method

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290
Mass Flow Rate in Spill Plume (kg/s)

Figure D2 Spill plume entrainment: comparison of calculation methods

Annex D: Spill-plume calculation methods 111
the Thomas (1987) method. It does, however, suggest
D.5 Thomas (1987) using Poreh method to
that this method is not ready yet for general
Calculate ∆ . application.
Calculations were done using Eqns 6.5 and 6.6. Results
are listed in Table D.5 and are shown graphically in
• Poreh’s
The Thomas (1987) method with ∆ calculated using
method (Eqn 6.6) is in close agreement with
Figure D2. the BRE methods throughout the height range.
• The Thomas (1998) method is in reasonable
agreement (although the end-entrainment
Table D.5 Entrainment into the example spill plume:
Modified Thomas (1987) using Poreh method to calculate ∆ contribution is surprisingly small) for lesser heights of
Height of visible Mass flow rate of rise (perhaps acceptably so for heights up to around 4
smoke base smoky gases entering m for design purposes). There is a large and growing
above spill edge smoke layer discrepancy compared with the BRE and the modified
(m) (kg/s) Thomas (1987) methods above this height.

2 97.5 It is generally true that designs based on the larger mass-

4 136 flow values are conservative in terms of safety. We can
6 177 also note that for the very different circumstance of the
8 219 European Parliament hot smoke test (adhered plume
10 263 with end entrainment, 1 MW fire, two fire trays, large
smoke reservoir)[69] (summarized in Annex J), the BRE
method predicted a smoke layer base within measuring
error of the observed visual smoke layer base. While this
D.6 Discussion and conclusions
is not complete validation of the BRE method, this good
It can be seen from Figure D2 that: agreement represents a major extension of the ‘envelope’

• The Poreh method, while applicable to situations

where end effects are unimportant, appears to predict
of validation and as such tends to lend added confidence
in that method. By extension, we can infer that it also
consistently the lowest entrainment. This is not lends greater confidence in the modified Thomas (1987)
surprising in view of the absence of any end- method for the free plume example cited in this Annex.
entrainment terms. This is unlikely to matter where None of the other methods described in this book can be
the plume is very narrow, such as in the ‘virtual’ part of applied to this hot-smoke test scenario.

Annex E: User’s guide to

BRE spill-plume calculations

Note: This Annex uses a different nomenclature to the modification of the original theory to include more recent
rest of this book: see the nomenclature list at the end of work on thermally buoyant horizontal flows[27] and
the Annex. adhered (or attached, or wall, or single-sided)
plumes[27,61] (Figure 24a).
The calculations can be done using an electronic
E.1 Introduction
calculator having full scientific functions. This, however,
FRS has carried out a number of studies into the may be time-consuming, particularly where the designer
movement of smoke in buildings. Part of this book has wishes to look at a number of geometries or conditions.
resulted in the development of a theory by Morgan & The calculations can easily be incorporated in a computer
Marshall[25] to estimate the amount of air entrained into program where frequent calculations are required. An
free (or double-sided) thermal spill plumes (Figure 24b). alternative method to Figure E1 is given later in this
This calculation method is important for smoke-control Annex in order to facilitate such programming.
design in that it enables the designer to calculate the Many of the variables used in equations in this Annex
required fan capacity or vent area for a smoke ventilation do not appear in the main body of the book. To avoid
system for large undivided volume buildings (eg multi- unnecessary complications for the reader who does not
level shopping malls and atria). A number of studies have wish to use this calculation procedure, this Annex is
since been carried out which have resulted in the provided with a separate list of nomenclature.

(=v ))



Dimensionless vertical velocity(u")


half-w id th


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 25 3 3.5 4

Modified distance above virtual

source I (v)

Figure E1 Graphical representation of the theoretical solution for a plume issuing from a restrained source F < 1
Annex E: BRE spill-plume calculations 113
calculate the remaining parameters of the flow.
E.2 Scenarios and assumptions
3 Using the results from the preceding stage, calculate
The calculation method strictly only applies to fire the entrainment into the flow as it rotates around the
scenarios where a horizontally flowing, thermally void edge, ie as the smoky gases change from a
buoyant layer of smoky gases approaches a void, through horizontally moving flow to a vertically moving flow.
which those gases then rise. More specifically, the By the end of this stage the key parameters required for
following assumptions are made. the next stage of calculation of the vertically moving
• This approach flow is assumed to be beneath a flat
ceiling (or a downstand) at the edge of the void.
gases will be known at the horizontal plane passing
through the ceiling/void edge. These parameters are
• It is channelled by downstands (which may be either
walls or channelling screens).
the heat flux, the vertically moving mass flux, and the
kinetic energy of the gases (this last is based only on
• The flow has flow-lines which are everywhere parallel
and which approach the edge of the void at a right-
the vertical component of velocity).
4 The plume at greater heights behaves as if it rises from
angle. an infinitely wide source located in the horizontal
• The approach flow is also assumed to be fully
plane passing through the ceiling/void edge, where
that source has horizontal profiles of both buoyancy
• There is no immersed ceiling jet. and (the vertical component of) velocity which can be
• It is also assumed that the velocity of the clear air
below the smoke layer has a value smaller than that of
described by Gaussian functions. This source is, of
course, virtual. We have followed Lee & Emmons[102]
the layer itself. in using this source, and indeed in the method of
calculating the plume above this source. The BRE
Fortunately, these assumptions correspond to many method follows Lee & Emmons in calling this source
practical scenarios of interest to designers. an ‘Equivalent Gaussian Source’.
Further, it should be noted that experimental Calculate the key parameters of the Equivalent
evidence [61] suggests that the calculation procedure Gaussian Source by ensuring that the three key
which is the subject of this guide should not be used for parameters from stage 3 above keep the same values.
approach flow layer temperatures higher than about 5 Knowing the height above the ceiling/void edge (eg
350 °C. Accurate methods for higher temperatures do not this is likely to be chosen to be equal to the smoke layer
yet exist. The present method significantly overpredicts base in the reservoir above the void), calculate the
the mixing of air into the rising hot gases for higher entrainment into the spill plume. This calculation
temperatures. treats the plume as a perfect 2-D plume having a length
In practice, the designer will have arrived at the key equal to the width of the channel of the approach flow.
parameters of the approach flow by some calculation It is important that the designer first identifies whether
procedure independent of the present guide. For the ‘effective height of rise’ discussed in section 6.1 of
example, by using Eqns (5.7) and (5.8) to calculate the the main text of the present work applies to his/her
flow of smoky gases passing from a room into an atrium circumstances.
void. Another example is where a single-storey mall 6 Calculate the additional entrainment into the free ends
allows smoke to rise through the void of a two-storey of the plume. This assumes that the bulk of the plume is
mall: here, the flow in the single-storey mall can be relatively unaffected by these end effects; this is
calculated in the usual way using, for example, sections reasonable for plume heights typically smaller than or
5.2 and 5.3 of this book. comparable to the plume length [62] .

E.3 Outline of procedure E.4 Detailed calculation procedure

The calculation proceeds in discrete stages: E.4.1 Deriving key approach-flow parameters
1 The designer must know: Complete all necessary pre-calculations to derive the key
(a) the internal geometry of his building, including parameters of the approach flow described in stage 1(b)
relevant channel widths, above.
(b) at least two of the key parameters of the approach
flow; useful pairs are: E.4.2 Determining remaining approach-flow parameters
mass flow/heat flux, Select from the following Eqns (from [27]) to determine the
mass flow/mean layer temperature, remaining parameters for the approach flow from the
mass flow/ceiling temperature, initial known parameters.
heat flux/mean layer temperature, Calculate the mean layer temperature (θ w):
heat flux/ceiling temperature, Qw
heat flux/layer depth, θ w = (K) (E.1)
M wc
layer depth/mean layer temperature,
layer depth/ceiling temperature.
2 Using the known parameters for the approach flow, Calculate the mass flow rate (Mw) at the opening[52]:
114 Design methodologies for SHEVS

2 Wρ0 anomalous entrainment above the spill edge as if it

Mw= Cd 3/2
(2 g θ cwT 0)1/2 d w 3/2 κ M (kgs -1 ) (E.2) occured in the rotation region.
3 Tcw
If the line plume is single-sided go to E.4.7 after
where: completion of this step.
ρ 0 = 1.22 kgm-3 for an ambient temperature T0 of 288 K,
C d = 0.6 for opening with a deep downstand or 1.0 for E.4.4 Calculate the Equivalent Gaussian Source:
no downstand, First convert Q and M y into the corresponding
g = 9.81 ms , parameters per unit length of plume (ie divide by the
κ M = 1.3 for most typical flowing layers. channel width (W) to give Q o and A). Then solve the
following Eqns:
The depth of the layer (dw) at the opening is then given
by [ 5 2 ] : Q0 1
ξ = A + (E.10)
[Note the importance of knowing whether there is a T0c ρ0√π
downstand running along the edge of the void (and thus
at right angles to the direction of the flow), because this
changes the value of Cd.] θ Q0√ 1+λ2 (E.11)
2/3 T G Q0
3 M wTcw T0cλ A +
d w = (m) (E.3) T0c
3/2 1/2
2 Cd κ M W ρ 0(2 g θ cwT 0)
where the empirical thermal constant[102] λ = 0.9:
The mass-weighted average temperature θ w of the gas
layer is[52]: 2B
ς = (E.12)
1 θ λ
κQ ρ0 – √π
θ w = θ cw (K) (E.4) √3 T G √ 1+3λ2

where KQ = 0.95 for most typical flowing layers. ζ

UG = (E.13)
Greater accuracy can be achieved by calculating the ξ
values of the profile correction factor κ M and κ Q using the
temperature-dependent formulae in [52] , although this is and
usually unnecessary for most practical designs.
bG = ξ
The layer’s characteristic velocity (v) is given by[27]: (E.14)
Cd κ M gQ wT cw
v = 0.96 (m s-1) (E.5) θ
κ Q 1/3 c ρ 0 WT 20 w h e r e T G, u G and bG are parameters of the Equivalent
Gaussian Source.
For a deep downstand, where C d = 0.6, this becomes:
1/3 E.4.5 Calculate the entrainment into the rising plume:
gQ wT cw -1
(E.6) The Source Froude number (F) for the line plume is [25]:
v = 0.76 (m s )
c ρ 0 WT 20 1/2

2 α uG
With no downstand at the opening, C d = 1.0, and F = (E.15)
π θ ( gbG )
1/3 λ
g Q wT c w T
v = 1.27 (m s-l) (E.7) G

c ρ 0 WT 2
where α = 0.16 for double-sided[102] and 0.077 for single-
Calculate the horizontal flux (B) of vertical buoyant sided[61] line plumes. Calculate the transformed
potential energy[27,25] (relative to the void edge): parameter (υ G) for the Equivalent Gaussian Source:
ρ 0 θ cw gvd 2 υ g = (E.16)
B = w (W m ) -1
(E.8) (1 – F 2)1/3
2 T cw
Determine the value of I1 ( υ g ) by using the following
E.4.3 Calculate the mass flux (My) rising past the void procedure (or the alternative procedure of E.6 below):
edge [ 2 7 ] :
υ G represents a value on the vertical axis of Figure E1.
2 θ c 1/2 3/2
M y = ρ 0 W α '(2 g d w + M w (kg s-1) (E.9) Look across to the middle solid curve and find the
3 T0 corresponding value of I1 ( υ G) on the other axis.
where the entrainment constant α ' = 1.1.
Note: α ' takes such a large value as a result of treating all Calculate the transformed height parameter of x'
Annex E: BRE spill-plume calculations 115

corresponding to the desired plume height (x), noting δMr=4buαxρ (kg s-1) (E.26)
that x must be set equal to the appropriate effective
height of rise identified in section 6.1 of Chapter 6 of this
book. where:
2 x
x' = α (E.17) ( ba + b )
√π b = (m) (E.27)
Next calculate ∆ I1( υ ):
( ua + u )
u = (m) (E.28)
x' 2
∆ I 1( υ ) = 1/3 (E.18)
F 2(1 – F 2)
Note that while the original derivation was semi-
and empirical, this treatment is equivalent to regarding the
free ends of the line plume as if they were themselves line
I 1( υ ) = I 1( υ G ) + ∆ I 1( υ ) (E.19) plumes of length 2 b at each end, although the
parameter b takes its values from the properties of the
Determine values of b', p' and u' corresponding to the main line plume itself.
calculated value of I1(n) using the following method or an Add this to the plume entrainment result from E.4.5 to
alternative procedure which is set out in E.7 below. obtain the total mass flow M r of smoky gases rising past
I1 (υ) represents a value on the horizontal axis of Figure the specified height (x), ie:
E1. Using this value find the corresponding values (from
all three curves) for u", p" and b". Then use the following M r = m rW + δ M r (kg s-1) (E.29)
equations to determine u', p' and b':
It should be noted that where both ends of a plume are
u' = u" F (E.20) bounded by side walls (eg as in a shaft) then δ Mr = 0.

p' = (E.21) E.4.7 Modifications to the above procedure for single-
(1 – F 2)1/3 p " sided[27,61] (or adhered) line plumes
Convert both the Equivalent Gaussian Source and the
b' = b" [ F 2(1 – F 2)]1/3 (E.22) plume into a composite of a real and an imaginary half,
such that the centre line of the composite lies along the
Next determine the characteristic half-width (b) of the vertical wall to which the plume is adhering. This is done
line plume [25] at height x: by doubling values for B, My (and hence A), and Q from
E.4.3) before returning to E.4.4–E.4.6 above. Note that
b = b' bg (E.23)
experiments [61] show that the value of α needed in
Then calculate the axial vertical velocity component E.4.4–E.4.6 should change value from 0.16 (valid for a
(u) of the gases at height x: free- or double-sided plume) to 0.077 for the adhered
u' uG
u= (E.24) On completing E.4.6, halve the final value of mass flow
Mr rising past the desired plume height (x).
Calculate the mass flow per unit plume length (m r)
passing the chosen height[25] x:
E.5 Limits to spill-plume entrainment
θ λ
mr = √π ρ 0 ub 1 – p ' (kg s-1 m-1) (E.25) It is known from experimental studies with free plumes
T G (1 + λ 2)1/2
that for heights of rise from the spill edge to the visible
Convert to the total mass flow in the line plume smoke layer base of less than 3 m, no current theory
(ignoring end-effects) by multiplying Eqn (E.25) by the adequately describes the entrainment. The mass flow
channel width (ie m r W). rates predicted by theory are greater than observed in
practice. Where heights of rise less than 3 m occur, this
E.4.6 Calculate the entrainment δ Mr[25,62] into the free over-prediction of entrainment will usually provide an
ends of the line plume additional safety margin in the provision of smoke
The width of the line plume (and also its axial velocity) exhaust ventilation.
can be taken as being approximately constant for most of
its height as a first-order approximation, and equal to the E.6 Alternative method for determination
mean of the values at the Equivalent Gaussian Source and
at the chosen height x. υ g)
of I1(υ
The entrainment δ Mr into both ends of the line plume If υ g ≥ 1.549 then I1( υ g) = ( υ g – 0.75)/0.9607
is then [62]: If υ g ≤ 1.549 and υ g > 1.242
116 Design methodologies for SHEVS
then I1( υ g) = ( υ g – 0.843)/0.8594
Nomenclature used in Annex E
If υ g ≤ 1.242 and υ g > 1.059
then I1( υ g) = ( υ g – 0.9429)/0.6243 Parameters
If υ g< 1.059 then I1( υ g) = ( υ g – 1.0)/0.3714 A Upward mass flow rate per metre across the
horizontal plane through the balcony (kgs -1 m -1 )
E.7 Alternative method for calculating value b Characteristic half-width of line plume at height x
b ' Dimensionless half-width of line plume
of b', p' and u' B Potential energy flux per metre of horizontal gas
E.7.1 Determination of u" stream approaching spill edge (Wm -1 )
If I1( υ ) > 1.896 then u" = 1.0 C d Coefficient of discharge
If I1( υ g) > 0.786 and I1( υ ) ≤ 1.896 c Specific heat at constant pressure of gas (kJ kg-1 °C-1)
then u" = 0.0908I1( υ ) + 0.821 d Depth of gas stream beneath ceiling (m)
If I1( υ ) ≤ 0.786 then u" = I1( υ )0.35 F Source Froude number (for line plume)
g Acceleration due to gravity (ms-2)
E.7.2 Determination of p" I1 Transformed height (dimensionless)
If I1( υ ) > 0.832 then p" = 0.9607I1( υ ) + 0.75 m Mass flow rate per unit width of gas stream
If I1( υ ) > 0.464 and I1( υ ) ≤ 0.832 (kg m -1s-1)
then p" = 0.8594I1( υ ) + 0.8429 δ m Mass per second per metre of air entrained into hot
If I1( υ ) > 0.186 and I1( υ ) ≤ 0.464 gas stream at corridor ceiling edge (kg m -1s-1)
then p" = 0.6243I1( υ ) + 0.9429 M Mass flow rate of gases (kgs-1)
If I1( υ ) ≤ 0.186 then p" = 0.3714I1( υ ) + 1.0 δ M Mass per second of air entrained into free ends of
plume (kgs -1 )
E.7.3 Determination of b" p ' Dimensionless buoyancy on plume axis
If I1( υ ) > 2.161 then b" = 0.938I1( υ ) + 0.82 Q Heat flux in the gas (kW)
If I1( υ ) ≤ 2.161 and I1( υ ) > 1.296 Q o Heat flux per second per unit width of gas flow
then b" = 0.89I1( υ ) + 0.95 (kWm - 1 )
If I1( υ ) ≤ 1.296 and I1( υ ) > 0.896 T Absolute gas temperature (K)
then b' = 0.81I1( υ ) + 1.071 u Vertical gas velocity at height x (ms-1)
If I1( υ ) ≤ 0.896 and I1( υ ) > 0.65 u ' Dimensionless vertical gas velocity
then b" = 0.619I1( υ ) + 1.214 v Horizontal velocity component of gas (ms-1 )
If I1( υ ) ≤ 0.65 and I1( υ ) > 0.543 W Width of gas flow (m)
then b" = 0.331I1( υ ) + 1.414 x Height of clear layer above fire
If I1( υ ) ≤ 0.543 and I1( υ ) > 0.421 compartment/balcony (ie spill) edge (m)
then b" = 0.0627I1( υ ) + 1.55 x' Dimensionless variable
If I1( υ ) ≤ 0.421 and I1( υ ) > 0.348 then b" = 1.821 – 0.6I1( υ ) α Entrainment constant for plume (0.077 and 0.16 for
If I1( υ ) ≤ 0.348 then b" = I1( υ )-0.4 single-sided and double-sided plumes)
α ' Entrainment constant for air mixing into gases
Now calculate u', p' and b' from Eqns (E.20)–(E.22) in rotating around a horizontal edge
E.4.5 κ M Profile correction factor for mass flow (approx. 1.3)
κ Q Profile correction factor for heat flux (approx. 0.95)
λ An empirical thermal plume constant (λ = 0.9)
ρ Gas density (kgm -3 )
θ Excess temperature of gases above ambient
temperature (°C)
υ Transformed reciprocal of buoyancy
ξ Function defined in Eqn (E10)
ζ Function defined in Eqn (E12)

List of subscripts
o An ambient property
c Variable evaluated at highest point in a flow
(but outside any boundary layer)
g A property of the equivalent Gaussian source
r Base of ceiling smoke reservoir
w Variable evaluated in the horizontal flow at opening
y Variable evaluated in vertical flow past top of

Annex F: 1977 fire at IMF building,

Washington DC
(based on reference [18])

Case history: Fire at IMF Building, Washington DC, in 1977 equipped with springs and release mechanisms. The
Building 13-storey, square-shaped reinforced concrete release device was operated by one smoke detector
office building with penthouse, basement and located in the atrium roof. Fusible links on individual
4-storey underground garage ventilators were also fitted. Sprinklers were provided at
Atrium A centrally situated enclosed courtyard created the roof level in the atrium and the building was equipped
atrium. The windows of the offices facing the with manual fire-alarm points and hydrant valves on each
atrium were of 6.35 mm plate glass floor.
Date of fire 13 May 1977
Location of fire 10th-floor office
The fire
At 6.45 pm a worker discovered a fire in a small office
Fire protection
(3 m x 4.6 m) on the 10th floor (see Figure F1 for a plan of
Two ventilation systems recirculated air at the top of the this floor). The Fire Brigade received the alarm at
atrium, and at the base of the atrium there was an air- 7.01 pm. On arrival, firemen found fire venting from the
handling unit. Smoke detectors were provided at the fans office window into the atrium. The fire floor was hot and
of the air-handling unit and were arranged to shut down smoky and this, coupled with the fact that the fire
the fans when the detectors activated. The units could be involved an inner office, made locating the fire difficult.
manually restarted and put on exhaust. The general office Thick black smoke issuing from the office had built down
area was fed by penthouse air-handling units that could from the roof of the atrium to below the 10th floor.
go into a ‘smoke-purge mode’ if they were running when Although the smoke detector had operated, only two
a fire occurred. None of the above systems was in of the six smoke ventilators had opened. The other four
operation at the time of the fire. had released but the springs had lost sufficient strength to
The roof of the atrium was made of clear plastic panels. open them fully. These units had to be manually opened
Six custom-made smoke ventilators were provided in the from outside. Smoke however did not vent effectively
atrium’s roof comprising clear plastic panels on hinges and at one stage completely smoke-logged the atrium.
Smoke extractors could not be connected to the smoke
ventilators and so firemen used large extractors pointed
upward from the atrium ground floor to pull fresh air
from the front doors and push smoke upwards and out
through the ventilators. No building engineering staff
were available to advise firemen on the HVAC smoke-
Origin of fire purge capability until much later. It took 2–3 hours to
finally remove the smoke from the atrium.

• The fire was confined to the room of origin by the

closed office door and wall construction.
• Windows facing the atrium above the fire floor were
cracked by heat but fire and smoke had not penetrated
other floors.

Figure F1 Plan of the 10th floor of the IMF building showing

• The temperature of the gas layer in the atrium was
insufficient to activate the sprinklers in the atrium roof.
location of the office where the fire started • Due to an insufficiency of replacement air the existing
118 Design methodologies for SHEVS
ventilation system design was inappropriate for
clearance of smoke from the atrium, and the ‘dilution’
• Despite the fact that there were unprotected openings
onto the atrium, and that at one point the atrium was
ventilation approach used by the Fire Brigade took totally smoke-logged, smoke did not migrate from the
many hours to clear the smoke. atrium to other parts of the building. This indicates
• If this had been an atrium with balconies providing
access to escape ways, the smoke may well have
that the existing ventilation arrangements apparently
‘depressurized’ the atrium.
caused serious escape problems from upper floors.

Annex G: Design procedure

for hybrid systems

flow rate required to give the desired temperature rise,

G.1 Mass-flow-based systems (Figure 49)
using Chapter 9. As a simplification incorporating a
• Determine the height of rise of the smoke plume
required to clear the open levels, h , with the design
margin of safety, this step can be omitted and the mass
flow rate calculated using Eqn (5.10).
fire (see Chapter 3) chosen on the lowest open level.
This will also yield the smoke layer depth D, measured
• By detailed calculation and with the channelling
screen separation L or opening width W, determine
from the centreline of the ventilator. the height of rise hb to the base of the layer, necessary
• From Figures 28–39 or by detailed calculation and with
the desired channelling screen separation L, or
to give the required mass flow rate (see sections 6.2 and
opening width W, determine the mass flow rate M1
entering the base of the layer. If the fire is on the atrium
• With the design fire at the lowest level (see Figure 50)
and taking into account the necessary height of rise hb
floor, determine M 1 using section 6.5. for cooling purposes, determine the maximum smoke
• Calculate the total surface area of the smoke layer (the
atrium surface area in contact with the smoke layer
layer depth D max. Set the neutral pressure plane height
X, to that required above the base of this smoke layer
plus the area of the layer base), and determine the depth, and determine the value of (AVC V/AiC i) from
likely smoke layer temperature using Chapter 9. If the Eqn (7.2).
smoke layer temperature is below 20°C above
ambient, then the number of open levels may need to
• With the same value of h b determine the shallowest
smoke layer depth D 1, compatible with the
be reconsidered, or some (or all) of the lower levels depressurization concept (this is often the second level
vented independently from the atrium, using the beneath the NPP).
procedures set out in Chapter 5. • With these values of (AVCV A/ iCi ), D1, M1 and θ1
• Set the neutral pressure plane height X, to that
required above the base of the smoke layer, and
calculate the ventilation area and the inlet area
required using Eqn (5.15), (or from Eqn 93 of
determine the value of (AVC V/AiC i) from Eqn (7.1) or reference [9]).
Figure 46. • Follow procedure given in G.3 below.
• With these values of (AVCVAiCi), D, M1 and θ 1 calculate
the ventilation area required from Eqn (5.15), (or from
G.3 Common procedure
Eqn 93 in reference [9]), and also the inlet area
required. • greater
In the event that the actual inlet area available is
• Follow procedure given in section G.3 below than that required by calculation, then the
ventilation area should be increased to maintain the
ratio of (AVC V/AiC i).
G.2 Temperature-based systems
(Figure 50) • Using Eqns (7.2) and (7.3) and the appropriate wind
pressure coefficients (C p’s), check the system
• Decide on a smoke layer temperature rise θ 1 operation with regard to wind effects.
compatible with the facade material employed. For
float glass a temperature rise of 70°C above ambient
• In the event that the wind effects may adversely affect
the operation of a natural ventilation system, calculate
will give a reasonable safety margin to the system the fan capacity required using Eqn (7.4), with the
design. Toughened glass may be capable of appropriate value of design wind velocity.
withstanding higher temperature rises
(eg 200–300°C).
• Check that the anticipated suction pressure and/or air
inflow velocities do not in themselves endanger the
• Calculate the total surface area of the smoke layer (the safe use of any escape routes away from the atrium (see
atrium surface area in contact with the smoke layer section 5.9).
plus the area of the layer base), and determine the mass

Annex H: Effect of a buoyant layer

on the minimum pressure
recommended for a pressure
differential system

Smoke exhaust
H.1 Assessment of height of the neutral Me (Av Cv if a natural ventilator)
pressure plane (NPP)
The designer of the SHEVS will have calculated the
depth D and temperature θ1 of the buoyant smoke layer.
Height of
He/she will also know the ventilator and inlet highest
parameters, including the mass exhaust rate of smoky leakage
path to
gases (Me). pressurized
H.1.1 With a ‘dominant’ air inlet
A ‘dominant’ air inlet occurs when the total area of inlets Pressurized
below the smoke layer’s base is more than twice the total Height space
of NPP
area of all openings, other than the ventilators
themselves, above the smoke layer’s base.
The height of the NPP above the base of the smoke
layer is for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators
neglecting wind effects (see Figure H1):
d lv Tamb r2 inlet
X = (H.1) AiCi
Tamb r2 + T1
Figure H1 The NPP and smoke layer buoyant pressure
CV Avtot
r = using a flow network analysis considering all significant
Ci Ai
leakage paths.
and C iAi = total aerodynamic free area of the dominant This is beyond the technical scope of the present book,
Inlet (ie of all inlets below the smoke layer’s base). and is not considered further herein.
For powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators
neglecting wind effects (see Figure H1):
H.2 The pressure rise at a specified height
above the NPP
X = (m) (H.2)
2 g θ 1 ρ02 (ΧιΑι)2 The buoyant pressure at a height y NPP , above the NPP is:

∆ py = ρ0 gy NPP (Pa) (H.3)
H.1.2 With no dominant air inlet T1
Where there is no dominant air inlet there is no means of
simple calculation, and the height must be calculated

Annex I: Aspects of hot-smoke tests

to confirm the performance

needed to maintain a smoke layer at a given height might

I.1 Why do hot-smoke tests (HSTs)?
for the latter case be twice what is needed for the former.
Hot-smoke tests (HSTs) are a form of on-site acceptance Similar differences can occur between an adhered spill
test of the entire SHEVS, in as close a form as possible to plume and a free spill plume. Another example is where
the final installed system. It is not always necessary to do smoky gases from a side-room (eg from a shop) can
them. HSTs are desirable in the following circumstances. spread sideways underneath a projecting balcony before
• Where the design calculations for the SHEVS are
believed to be inadequate by the Regulatory Authority,
spilling into the atrium, compared with another location
where such sideways spread cannot occur.
who is nevertheless willing to grant conditional It is generally true that a SHEVS should be designed to
approval subject to proof of performance. Note that cope with the worst-case location within any smoke zone
this should not occur very often, as inadequate designs (ie within any area feeding smoke into a single smoke
should be identified at an early stage in Approvals reservoir). It is therefore necessary to locate the test fire
Procedures and the design corrected before in that same location.
installation of the SHEVS equipment. It may be The fire should never be located in the easiest locations
considered where a design is defended by the specialist simply because they are more convenient.
designer, but is still not trusted by the Regulatory
I.3 Choosing the test fire
• Where the system, building shape, or equipment as
installed does not match the proposal on which The basic requirements for the HST are that:
approval was granted, but the SHEVS designer • it must not damage the building, and
nevertheless argues that the system will work
satisfactorily. This scenario ought never to happen, but
• it must be as similar as possible to the design fire, in
order to minimize the extent of extrapolation required
occurs all too often. afterwards.
• Where the circumstances of the building are such that
the fundamental assumptions underlying the theories Reconciling these conflicting requirements inevitably
upon which designs are based are not valid, and means that the HST must be specifically designed to
approximations had to be made in the design. A typical match the chosen location in the building. The following
case might be where a spill plume rises past a strongly list gives a few considerations.
curved (in the horizontal plane) spill edge whereas the 1 The fuel must burn cleanly. Ethanol (either pure
design methods are all based on the spill edge being anhydrous, or as the almost-pure industrial methylated
straight. This can perhaps be regarded as a special case spirits) is excellent as it burns with no visible smoke,
of the first circumstance above, with no-one in a and leaves no deposits.
position of blame in any way. In an ideal world, this 2 The perimeter of the fire should be as close as possible
ought to be the only reason for wanting HSTs. to the design value in order to obtain a similar rate of
entrainment. This may mean using more than one fire
tray to simultaneously satisfy 3, next point below.
I.2 Choosing the test location
3 The heat output of the HST should be as close as
It is possible in most buildings fitted with a SHEVS to possible to the design value, subject to the gas
imagine a real fire occurring in any one of many locations. temperatures being low enough to avoid doing any
Some of these locations will represent a more severe damage. This must be calculated.
threat than in other places. For example, a fire on the 4 Heat insulating materials must be used wherever the
floor of an atrium, not near to the walls, will entrain less gases will be hot enough to cause local damage.
air than the same fire located in a side-room whereby the Typically this will include lining or simulating a side-
smoke enters the atrium as a spill plume. The fan capacity room and any balcony projecting beyond the opening,
122 Design methodologies for SHEVS
and/or any glazing above the opening to a height pre- order one of the building’s security staff to leave the
calculated as being necessary. top floor against his will because he had been told by
5 A typical maximum layer temperature in the HST the building owner to stand there and keep people
must be based on the most vulnerable material (often from entering that floor!).
PVC in cable insulation, or otherwise, for which the 9 There should be a preliminary HST with a smaller size
temperature must never exceed 70°C). Good practice of fire to confirm that the actual smoke behaviour
requires that a safety margin of at least 20°C be left safely meets the calculated HST parameters. (For one
below that value. The maximum heat output for HST the testers had to abandon the original full fire
point 3 above is usually derived by reverse-calculation size because in the preliminary test smoke was seen to
from this layer temperature. be unexpectedly intercepted by a ceiling having
sprinklers. The full original size of HST fire would have
triggered several dozen of the sprinkler heads.)
I.4 During the test
1 Thermocouples should be used to measure the layer
I.5 The subsequent analysis
temperature in the smoke reservoir, preferably as a
vertical profile. 1 Conclusions should not be based solely on visible
2 Height markers should be positioned to make it easy smoke density. This is a major mistake, see section I.4,
and accurate to estimate the height of the smoke point 5 above.
layer’s base. 2 Did the observed results match the predictions for the
3 The smoke generators should be of a type which leaves HST?
no deposits. (a) If yes, has the same method used to calculate the
4 The smoke generators should be positioned so that the HST been used to extrapolate to the full design
smoke is not destroyed by the gas temperature (ie the condition? In this case this can be done with
smoke should not be introduced too close to the fire). confidence.
5 Enough smoke should be used for the layer to be (b) If no, has a location-specific correction been
visible – and for any smoke leakage elsewhere to be derived and applied to the design scenario for that
visible. Note that it is effectively impossible for the same location? This is the best that can be done in
HST smoke to be as optically dense as from a real fire. the circumstances.
It is better to say that if it is possible to see the test 3 Were there any other problems revealed by the test
smoke at all, the real fire smoke would be which require separate modifications to the SHEVS or
unacceptable! Calculations of smoke densities in real to other aspects of the building? Examples in the past
fires are possible, although difficult. have included:
6 Observers should look for smoke leakage where it – deflection of hanging smoke curtains,
should not occur. (This is crucially important.) – siphoning of smoke through HVAC/ACMV ducts
7 There should be sufficient safety procedures for people which lacked smoke dampers,
present during the HST. These should include having: – build-up of smoke in ‘stagnant corners’ beneath the
– a fire-crew ready with hose laid (or other smoke layer,
extinguishing apparatus) in case of trouble, – build-up of smoke in supposedly protected spaces
– ‘minders’ for the inevitable crowds of onlookers and due to unexpected leakage paths,
VIPs with instructions on how to guide them to – smoke at roof level which has already left the
safety, building through the smoke ventilators, re-entering
– a safety officer in charge of the test with sole plant-room intakes which serve other parts of the
authority to demand evacuation if conditions building, etc.
become unsafe, etc. 4 Does the extrapolated design scenario, calculated as in
8 The building must have been effectively cleared of point 2(a) or 2(b) above, and considering any
people before the HST (apart from those taking part in additional problems as in point 3 above, represent a
it, or being controlled spectators), especially at higher worsening of safety compared with the original design
levels where smoke is expected to accumulate. Note criteria being tested?
that there will be enough CO2 from the test fire in the 5 If no, the SHEVS has passed the HST.
smoke layer to be harmful to anyone breathing it. (Also 6 If yes, the SHEVS has failed the HST.
note that for one HST one of BRE’s observers had to

Annex J: Case history–

smoke-control design in
‘D3 Espace Leopold Building’,
European Parliament, Brussels

Note: This design study was carried out using the

predecessor documents to the present book (ie two
BRE Reports [24,13]), but using methods which were
essentially similar to the present book.

The ‘D3 Espace Leopold Building’ of the European

Parliament in Brussels is highly innovative and for
architectural reasons required a performance-based
approach to fire-safety design. The building includes a
300 m long covered ‘light street’ or atrium, open to three
tall storeys of foyers on one side, leading to most of the
meeting rooms, and to six storeys of offices on the other.
The fire-safety engineered design described in this
Annex includes a SHEVS incorporating automatic smoke
curtains to isolate the foyer storey openings as part of the
provision to protect the means of escape, and to separate Plate J1 External appearance of European Parliament buildings,
adjacent smoke reservoirs. An extensive analysis of Brussels
possible fire scenarios led to specifications for
programming the Fire Safety Management system, and to
writing evacuation procedures and fire intervention plans Belgium also has very prescriptive codes and without a
for the building. Fire Safety Engineering approach the design of the new
At the request of the Brussels Fire Service, a hot smoke headquarters of the European Parliament would not have
test was conducted in the ‘light street’, using a 1 MW fire been possible.
in a specially constructed simulated shop compartment, The European Parliament buildings (Plate J1) in the
to confirm the proper functioning of the smoke-control heart of Brussels are today’s and tomorrow’s centres of
design. This test confirmed the appropriateness of the important decisions. One major decision, made 4 years
basic smoke ventilation design, but yielded important ago, is already in execution: the offices and meeting-
recommendations, especially for finalizing the room complex for Members of the European Parliament
installation of the smoke curtains. as well as for the administration (ie the D3 building) will
This case study will cover the following topics : be extensively equipped with active fire protection,
• Architect’s design including a flexible approach to compartmentation,
• Code requirements for fire safety in Belgium smoke detection, sprinklers where appropriate, and
• Achievement of fire safety level in accordance with the
architect’s view
smoke-control installations. The authors wish to make it
clear that the fire safety engineering design described
• Fire Brigade request: hot-smoke test to verify the
function of the smoke-control system and to check
herein was done by IFSET, with FRS only becoming
involved when a hot-smoke test was proposed.
whether secondary problems could occur.
J.2 A plan of the D3 complex
J.1 Introduction
The D3 complex is a building with different areas
In most of the countries around the world fire regulations interconnected with each other to create a maximum
are still very prescriptive and very little freedom for spatial effect. The building comprises the following areas.
design is given to architects to design special buildings ‘as
the codes do not allow it’.
12 4 Design methodologies for SHEVS

0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m

Figure J1 The ‘light street’ covered with a glass roof

J.2.1 Underground levels At ground-level 00 (FigureJ2), the covered street is a

The building has five underground levels of which Levels meeting place and circulation zone. The adjacent offices
–5, –4 and –3 are used for car parking only. On average, have social functions, and there are also a few shops
the levels have the following dimensions : length 273 m, located at this level as well as the printing office and the
width 77 m and height 2.4 m. restaurant.
Each level has a parking capacity of about 660 cars. The Fire Safety Plan had to consider the following
There are two entrances (North and South) open offices and meeting rooms which are either adjacent to or
between the different levels, connecting each level to have escape routes open to the light street.
form a single open volume.
Parking Level –2 has the same overall dimensions J.2.2.1. Conference block ‘Rue Wiertz’
although that part of the building between axes A and D Between axes A and G, a total of 39 conference rooms are
(width = 25 m) is used for other purposes. The north side located on three levels: Level 01, Level 03 and Level 05.
is used for leisure activities, the south side for deliveries, Each conference room extends over two levels in height.
both incoming and outgoing, and includes space for At the entrance to each large conference room (140 seats)
storage. The number of parking spaces is thus reduced to there is a lobby which is completely open to the covered
360 cars. light street. Between S11 and S14 there are some smaller
Level –1 is not used as a parking area but has 20 offices which have glass towards the inner street
delivery quays for unloading and loading goods (FigureJ3).
into/from large and small transport vehicles. There is a
large storage hall as well as a self-service restaurant. J.2.2.2 Office block ‘Rue Mail’
Between grid lines H and L smaller offices are situated on
J.2.2 The inner street (covered with a glass roof) each level (from 01 to 06). Some 40 offices on each level
As can be seen in Figures J1 and J2, and in Plate J2, there is are adjacent to the covered light street and separated
a void between the 7-storey-high construction at the from it by plain glass windows (grid line I) (FigureJ3).
front of the building and the 16-storey-high construction
at the rear. This void is covered with a glazed roof J.2.3 The central region
forming a ‘light street’ so that the entire length (240 m) The central region is mainly a circulation zone on
can be considered as an atrium 6 storeys high, interrupted Levels 01–04. The library is situated on Levels 05 and 06
by a central forum between axes N04 and S04. and was included in the study for active fire-protection
At every second level, 3 walkways (bridges) cross the systems.
light street from axis G to axis H.
Figure J2 D3 Escape Leopold Building: plan of ground-level 00
Annex J: Case history

Figure J3 Espace Leopold Building: plan of Rue Wiertz conference block

126 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Exhaust volume flow
Mf.T c /(1.22 T o) = 11.9 m 3/s (J.3)

T o = 15 + 273 = 288 K,
T 1 = 440 +288 = 728K,
θ 1 = 440°, and
ambient temperature = 15 °C.
This exhaust rate is the same for all four underground
levels (Levels –5 to –2). There are no sprinkler
installations planned for the car park areas.
The entrances on the north or south side will provide
replacement air.
At Level –1 there is also a storage room for incoming
goods. As this part of the building can contain flammable
goods, there is an appropriate quick-response sprinkler
installation. It was agreed that it would be appropriate to
Plate J2 D3 Espace Leopold Building: the ‘light street’ use the same fire size as before, and hence Eqns
(J.1)–(J.3) also apply here, with the same numerical
values as above.
As the smoke temperature will be affected by cooling
J.3 Fire risks and smoke control scenarios
by the sprinklers, the volume rate is reduced to 6.8 m 3/s.
J.3.1 The underground levels (Plate J3 ) At Level –1, however, the exhaust rate will be
The design fire for a covered car park was taken to be determined by the possibility of a fire in a truck at a
12 m perimeter fire with a convective heat-release rate of loading quay or of a fire in the stockroom or restaurant.
2500 kW (2.5 MW). As there is a high potential for risk to life in the restaurant,
The ceiling area needs to be divided into smoke and to reduce the chance of a severe lorry fire, the
reservoirs by means of automatic curtains to prevent decision has been taken to install quick-response
excessive cooling of smoke leading to smoke-logging of sprinklers in both the restaurant and the delivery quay.
the entire floor area. The following fire parameters have been adopted :
The volume of smoky gases needing to be exhausted
from the underground zone was calculated as follows. Restaurant
In the absence of any specific data for restaurant fires, it
Mass flow was decided that adopting the BRE Report[24] design fire
Mf = 0.188 x P x (Y) 3/2 = 5.68 kg/s (J.1) for retail areas would be appropriately pessimistic,
modified by the more recent advice from FRS that the
where: size can be halved when quick-response sprinklers are
P = 12 m perimeter, used instead of standard-response sprinklers.
Y = 1.85 m height of rise.
Area = 5 m 2 ,
Smoke layer temperature Qf = 2.5 MW.
θ 1 = Qf /(cMf ) = 440° (J.2)
Stock-holding areas
where: In the absence of specific data for fires in the stock-
Qf = 2500 kW convective heat flux. holding areas, it was decided to adopt the BRE Report[24]

Plate J3 D3 space Leopold Building: car park
Annex J: Case history 127
design fire for standard-response-sprinklered retail areas. With a further height rise of2.5 m after the smoke has left
Area = 9 m 2 (Note: this should not be used as a the compartment (ie a further height rise of2.5 m above
universal precedent.), the top of the shop’s opening into the atrium), a mass
Qf = 5MW. flow of37 kg/s will enter the smoke layer with an average
temperature rise of 67 °C. (This was calculated following
Delivery quay the method in reference [13]. That is, using the BRE spill
In the absence of specific data for sprinklered fires at plume entrainment procedure but without using the layer
delivery quays, it was decided to adopt a design fire twice depth correction for a large-area smoke reservoir which
as large as the corresponding retail fire advised by FRS has subsequently been shown to apply to atria such as
for retail areas equipped with quick-response sprinklers. this, and which is recommended for this and similar
scenarios in section 6.3. The effect of this for this case
Area = 9 m 2 study is that the smoke exhaust volume could have been a
Qf =5MW little smaller than was calculated, ie the design erred on
the side of safety.)
According to Eqns (J.1)–(J.3) and applying a height rise The total smoke extract volume is 38 m3/s (Figure J4).
of2 m in the restaurant and 3.2 m in the delivery quay, the
following smoke exhaust rates are predicted: J.3.2.1 Conference block ‘Rue Wiertz’
stock 6.8 m 3/s, As this side is fully open to the light street, the potential
restaurant 4.8 m 3 /s, danger exists that all smoke entering the atrium will
delivery quay 13.2 m 3 /s. entrain large quantities of air so that a large amount of
cold smoke will fill the atrium. Therefore, the smoke
J.3.2 Covered street should not enter the atrium and must be exhausted
It was considered that the covered light street constituted directly from the foyer without significant spillage into
a large atrium. Consequently the smoke control design the atrium.
drew on the guidelines and calculation procedures in a As the fire risk is low, it was decided that an
BRE Report[13], which are similar to those in this book. unsprinklered fire of 9 m2 and 1 MW could be taken as
On the ground-floor (Level 00), the fire risk in the design fire parameters for use with Eqns (J.l)–(J.3). This
street itself is negligible. However, the restaurant, predicted a mass flow of 11.8 kg/s (equivalent to 13 m 3/s)
adjacent shops and printing room have a fire risk. As the to be exhausted separately from the foyers’
smoke will be exhausted from the atrium (the covered compartments on each appropriate level (Figure J5).
light street), the mass flow and the air-flow rates must be
calculated for the worst case scenario on the ground floor. J.3.2.2 Offices ‘Rue Mail’
This is the case for a fire in a shop with a shopfront of 7 m At the other side of the atrium (covered street) the
wide facing the street. situation is different. Here, there are unsprinklered, small
Quick-response sprinklers will be installed to reduce offices on six levels, which are not open to the atrium but
the design fire size and the amount of smoke produced. are only separated with a window. The smoke is allowed
The design fire parameters are thus: to flow from the fire-level into the atrium (after the fire
P = 9 m perimeter of fire, has broken the window). The design used the principle of
Q f = 2500 kW. temperature-control, where enough entrainment is



= 67°C
Mf = 37 kg/s
V = 38 m / h 2
= 136.800 m/h MAIL
Y = 2.5 m

A C = 12.6 m 2
i v

Figure J4 SHEVS design: smoke in light street from a shop fire

128 Design methodologies for SHEVS


Figure J5 SHEVS design: smoke in conference block foyer

allowed to reduce the average layer temperature in the Qf = 500 kW, with smoke allowed to spill into the
atrium to a value that will not break any glazing exposed void past a length of spill edge of 5 m.
to the layer. This corresponded to a height of rise of 1.9 m
above the fire-room’s window to cool the smoke to 80 °C. In this case, once again following the calculation
The calculation procedures were essentially similar to procedures in reference [13], the smoke volume entering
those for a shop fire in the ‘covered street’, but with a the void will be 4.6 kg/s.
design fire more appropriate to the office scenario. The After entering the void, a further height of rise of 2.5 m
design solutions were similar but less onerous, and are is calculated to allow people on the higher levels to
not detailed further herein. evacuate. The resulting mass flow of smoke entering the
smoke reservoir is 24 kg/s while the temperature rise is
J.3.3 Central region 50 °C at this point. Hence the volume rate = 22 m3/s
In this area, the fire risk is very low because there are no according to Eqn (J.3).
shops or offices. Therefore, this location is not
sprinklered. One should note however that, similarly to J.3.4 Summary of smoke-control scenarios
the forums near the conference rooms, a spillage of See Table J1.
smoke into the atrium from lower storeys could cause
high risks for the people at higher levels. The worst-case
J.4 Practical solutions and installation
fire scenario is when a fire starts beside one of the voids
because smoke will rise through the voids to a higher The following aspects had to be taken into consideration
level while cooling large amounts of surrounding air by when designing interactive fire-protection systems.
entrainment. • Smoke compartments (automatic smoke curtains)
It was decided that an appropriate design fire for this • Automatic smoke detection systems
region would be: • Sprinklers (normal or quick-response) where needed
Area = 1 m 2 , • Reliable smoke exhaust fans.

Table J1 Summary of smoke-control scenarios

Smoke Temperature
Zone Level Sprinklers? exhaust Volume rise
(m 3/s) (°C)

Car park –2 to -5 No Compartment 11.9 450

Storage –2 Yes Compartment 6.8 70
Restaurant –1 Yes (FRS)* Compartment 4.8 70
Delivery quay –1 Yes (FRS)* Compartment 13.2 70
Ground-level 00 Yes (FRS)* Covered street 38 67
Rue Wiertz 01–06 No Compartment 13 92
Central part No Void 22 50
Offices 07–16 No No — —
* Quick-response sprinklers
Annex J: Case history 129

J.4.1 Smoke and fire compartments

J.4.1.1 Fixed fire compartment
• Curtains have been installed which will close off the
openings between the bridges and the corresponding
According to Belgian Standards, the building is divided levels to prevent the smoke moving from one side of
into separate fire compartments. A fire-resistance rating the covered street to the other.
(Rf) is defined in terms of exposure to the test furnace
heating curve. A total length of about 1.5 km of movable smoke curtains
This means: has been installed in the D3 building.
• the complex is compartmented horizontally, at every
level (Rf = 4 h), J. Central region
• rooms or places having voids over 1 or more levels
need to be compartmented from the other places on
In the central area there are two types of movable smoke
that level,
• curtains that lower for 1 m and which form the smoke
• technical rooms (eg plant rooms) are compartmented
(Rf = 2 h),
compartment, not allowing the smoke to enter the
lobbies adjacent to the conference rooms,
• staircases and elevators are compartmented (Rf = 1 h),
• curtains at Level 03 around the void to prevent smoke
• sprinklered and non-sprinklered rooms are
compartmented one from the other (Rf = 1 h).
from Levels 02 or 01 passing through the void and
entering Level 03.

J.4.1.2 Flexible smoke compartmentation J. Certified quality

To prevent the smoke diluting too much and becoming The movable smoke curtains are tested to British
too cool (with the effect of losing the desired layering), Standard BS 7346: Part 3 [103] which indicates a heat-proof
automatic smoke curtains are specified in the fabric that can survive a smoky gas temperature of 600 °C
underground levels, the covered street and around the for half an hour.
voids in the central region.
The smoke curtains in the underground car parks will J.4.2 Automatic smoke detection
lower 1 m to contain the smoke to a limited area. The whole complex is equipped with an appropriate
The smoke curtains at the entrances have two smoke-detection system. These smoke detectors are
positions: addressable so that the fire location can be identified as
• if the fire occurs at the same level (this will be indicated
by the addressable smoke-detection installation) the
quickly as possible. The control panel must perform the
following automatic actions:
screen will lower for 1 m to allow replacement air to • close fire doors,
enter, • open escape doors,
• if the smoke tends to rise through the entrances to a
higher level, the screens can be lowered further in
• lower smoke curtains to their appropriate design
order to prevent the smoke from leaving the • activate the emergency power supply,
compartment. • start the smoke exhaust fans,
• open the air inlets for replacement air,
J. Covered street • bring the lifts to evacuation level,
In the atrium three types of movable smoke curtains are • stop the normal ventilation installations,
installed. • activate the alarm signals.
• Screens have been installed along the balconies
between the covered street and the forums in front of J.4.3 Sprinklers
the three large conference rooms. These curtains can As already mentioned in the description of the fire risks,
be lowered to two positions. sprinklers are only installed in places where there is a risk
– If there is a fire on the same level the curtains will of fast-growing fires.
lower to half position. The smoke will be kept in the Quick-response sprinklers are a ‘new generation’-type
compartment and replacement air can enter the of sprinkler with a low response time index (RTI) value.
compartment (see Figure J5) They are used in restaurants and on delivery quays for the
– If there is a fire in the offices or shops at the trucks at Level –1.
opposite side of the street the curtains will lower to
the base of the openings to the forums to close J.4.4 Smoke exhaust fans
those openings and prevent smoke propagation As indicated in the fire scenarios all smoke exhaust
towards the forums (see Figure J4). installations are powered. Natural exhaust with smoke
• Curtains have been hung under the bridges across the
covered street. These screens will always lower
vents was not applicable because of the strong probability
of adverse wind effects around such a tall and complex
through the total height between the underside of the building.
higher bridge to the walkway of the lower bridge The fans, as well as the ductwork, must withstand the
directly beneath, to provide a boundary to the smoke anticipated design temperatures (see Table J1).
compartment (smoke reservoir) in the street.
130 Design methodologies for SHEVS
The fans are tested following British Standard BS 7643:
Part 2.
It is obvious that fans must operate without
interruption in an emergency situation. Therefore, fire-
resisting cabling is used at all times.

J.5 Hot-smoke test

J.5.1 Introduction
In view of the novel features, and the limited full-scale
validation of calculation procedures for adhered spill
plumes in atria, the Brussels Fire Service required a full
scale hot-smoke test in the building in order to confirm
both the design and the operation of the smoke-control
system. This requirement was part of the conditions to
obtain the building permit. The test was scheduled for a
date as near to completion of the building as was
compatible with the construction schedule. Temporary
sheeting was used extensively to close off openings,
which were due to be closed more permanently before
In March 1996 IFSET and FRS collaborated for the
second time to carry out a hot-smoke test in a building
(the first test being Brussels Airport Terminal). The test
scenario agreed with the Fire Service was a fire in a
typical shop opening out into the atrium. Two test fires Figure J6 Schematic arrangement of hot-smoke test
were carried out, a preliminary one with a 0.5 MW fire
and the main test with a 1 MW fire in conjunction with
theoretical calculations to extrapolate the experimental
results to the full design scenario.
A full report was presented to the client and to the Fire
Service describing the test giving the results and

J.5.2 Description of the test

The test followed the procedure developed by FRS.
Industrial methylated spirits were burned in trays, which
in turn were floated on water. A lightweight fire-resisting
fire compartment was built to simulate the shop
geometry and to protect the actual structure of the
building. This protection was carried up the facade of the
atrium high enough to ensure protection of the structure
and glazing directly above the opening to the fire
compartment (Figure J6 and Plate J4).
The test fire was chosen to be large enough to allow
confident scaling of the results to the full design scenario,
but not so large as to cause any damage to the building. A
preliminary test fire of half the calculated size was used
first in order to confirm the validity of the design of the
main test, and to confirm that there were no unexpected
departures from the design assumptions.
Temperature measurements were made in the smoke
layer formed in the atrium, as well as in the fire
compartment. In addition, observations were made of the
layer depth in the atrium as well as of the build-up of
smoke in the forums due to leakage past the smoke
curtains. The hot gases were made visible using a Plate J4 Hot-smoke test: fire in simulated shop
synthetic oil-mist smoke from commercial theatrical-
type smoke generators. Additionally, observations were
Annex J: Case history 131
made by ‘roving observers’ looking for any unexpected was well layered. It is desirable that fans should be
phenomena, such as the appearance of smoke in other operated in adjacent reservoirs simultaneously to the
parts of the building due to leakage or siphoning through one containing the fire to remove this smoke, if the
ventilation ducts. provision for inlet air and for electrical power allows.
Safety protocols were agreed with the Fire Service, and
were applied very strictly.
• Smoke entered the foyer on Level 05 mainly through
gaps between the smoke curtains and reached
Calculations of the entrainment in the atrium were dangerous conditions after approximately 6 minutes
made following the procedures set out in this book, from ignition in the main test. This would have been
including the ‘effective layer depth’ procedure. perhaps 3 minutes from ignition for the design
Calculation procedures for extrapolating the observed conditions with real smoke and an ultra-fast growing
build-up of smoke in the forums, and for deducing fire. Reducing the smoke curtain gaps could increase
implications for modifications to ensure the desired the time available for escape. Also, it was
performance in the completed building, were deduced recommended that early automatic detection and a
from first principles. Reductions in smoke curtain gap voice alarm system be provided in these areas and a
widths were proposed. similar system in adjacent areas to warn people not to
escape through the foyer.
J.5.3 Summary of conclusions from the test Consideration could be given to studying the
• The test was successfully carried out without damage
to the building. Fires of approximately 0.5 and 1.0 MW
possibility of using a powered dilution system in the
foyers to extend the time available for evacuation.
were burnt in a simulated shop unit. • Consideration should be given to providing early
• The powered SHEVS maintained a smoke layer base
in the atrium reservoir with a base at 15.5 ± 0.5 m
automatic detection in the shop and office units to
trigger both the smoke exhaust and alerting systems.
above ground-floor level. The predicted result agreed
within experimental observational uncertainty. By
• The windows in the offices opening onto the atrium
should be kept closed at all times.
extrapolation from the test results, the SHEVS is
expected to maintain the layer base unit at 10.4 m
J.6 Fire safety management
above ground-floor level, from a 2.5 MW,
2.2 m × 2.2 m quick-response-sprinklered fire in a As the building is an open construction relying very much
shop. on the use of active fire protection installations, fire
• There should be a series of functional tests carried out
on the smoke curtain system when the building is in its
scenarios have been written for the approximate total of
400 compartments in the building.
final state and when the permanent smoke curtain These fire scenarios identify all the automatisms (ie the
system is in place. These functional tests should automatically initiated electronic, electrical and/or
confirm that all gaps are as small as possible and not mechanical operations) of each technical installation
larger (preferably smaller) than those proposed in the which will play a role in case of fire. All the possible
calculations (not included in the present summary). If interactions have been defined such that everything
larger gaps remain when the building is completed it could be programmed onto the central management
would be necessary to recalculate the smoke filling system for the building. It is intended that this will greatly
times for the foyers and bridges. These functional tests simplify the degree of control of the building’s systems
should also test the operation of the automatic required of the Fire Service.
detection system and should confirm that all the In addition to defining the fire scenarios and the
smoke curtains operate automatically on detection. consequent automatisms, it is intended to define and
• For the main test the curtain on Bridge 2, Level 05
deflected 0.10 m.
prepare evacuation procedures and plans, and Fire
Service intervention plans in similar detail so that all the
For the design condition the curtain on Bridge 2, actions, both automatic and by human agencies, required
Level 05 was calculated to deflect approximately during a fire emergency will be taken in a fully integrated
0.38 m. The length of the fabric in the curtain should be manner.
enough for the bottom bar to rest on the walkway even It is not enough to design systems into a building to
when deflected. (Note that the installers had needed to ensure fire safety. It is important that those systems must
modify these curtains prior to the test to allow for the still be working, perhaps years later, when a fire actually
relatively large buoyant pressures expected in this occurs. For this reason, it is important that the building’s
design). management should be able to maintain the systems and
• In the test smoke travelled through unforeseen leakage
paths. All openings that are likely to be in the smoke
to train key staff in their operation. It is also of
considerable practical importance that these fire safety
layer should be identified and remedied. For example, management activities should not involve too much
builders’ work ducts to be closed, door gaps to be inconvenience to the normal use of the building.
sealed, gaps around windows to be sealed. In this building, the fire safety management procedures
• In the test smoke entered other reservoirs through
edge gaps around the under-bridge smoke curtains, but
must be able to monitor and maintain four types of active
fire-protective systems. As the control panels of the
132 Design methodologies for SHEVS

smoke curtains, fire detection, sprinkler installation and

J.7 Conclusions
smoke-control installation are centralized in one control
room, their status and interactions can be checked easily.
It is also easy to generate fire simulations or scenarios,
• Aswiththethearchitecture of the building could not comply
prescriptive regulations in Belgium, a Fire
which facilitates easy and frequent fire training for the Safety Engineered approach has been applied leading
security staff who usually man the Control Room. to an integrated approach to the application of fire
safety measures.
• The Fire Service Department have approved the active
fire protection and fire safety management procedures,
which have been developed for this complex.
CI/SfB (68.5) About this book
1999 This book summarizes the advice available from the
Fire Research Station, to designers of Smoke and
Heat Exhaust Ventilation Systems (SHEVS) for atria
and other buildings. Its purpose is to provide
practical guidance on the design of smoke-control
systems. It reflects current knowledge and is based
on the results of research where available, including
as yet unpublished results of experiments. In
addition, it draws on the authors' cumulative
experience of design features required for regulatory
purposes in many individual smoke-control
applications. Many of these design features have
evolved over several years by consensus between
regulatory authorities, developers and fire scientists.

151 Rosebery Avenue
London EC1R 4GB, UK

BR 368
ISBN 1 86081 289 9

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