Resolution SBA

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Give & Brothers

something to Charitable
those who Society
have nothing.
REG. NO. UK0660892021006901
DATE: 15th Day of October 2021
Ref: Resolution to open Bank Account

With reference to minutes of the General Meeting of the RajKumar and Brothers, Charitable Society, It is hereby
resolved by the members of the society that an account in the name of society shall be opened with Bank of
Baroda at Ramnagar Branch and Mr. Atul Kumar Agarwal (President) and Mr. Arvind Kumar Agarwal (Treasurer)
are authorized to sign the necessary forms and documents therefore.
That the Society do accept the terms and conditions for the savings account as may be contained in the application
form and displayed on the website of the Bank or any other terms and conditions as may be notified by the Bank
from time to time in connection with the provision of products and services offered by Bank through the Website
and Corporate Care Services (phone banking channels and E mail);
That Mr. Atul Kumar Agarwal and Mr. Arvind Kumar Agarwal are hereby jointly authorized to avail the financial,
monetary and any other products and services offered by the Bank through its Website and/or the Corporate Care
Services (phone banking channels and E mail) on behalf of the Society, and do all such acts, deeds and things
necessary, and to execute all such documents as are necessary, in connection therewith, and to operate the said
proposed account in the name of the Society, using the aforesaid facilities, and to accept and adhere to all the
terms and conditions set forth on the Website and comply with all other formalities as prescribed by the Bank in
this regard and agree to such changes and modifications in the said terms and conditions as may be suggested
by the Bank from time to time and to execute such deeds, documents and other writings as may be necessary or
required for this purpose.
Resolved further that President of the Society is hereby authorized to furnish a copy of the resolution certified as
true to the Bank. And that a copy of any resolution of the Board if purporting to be certified as correct by the
President of the Society shall, as between Bank and the Society, be conclusive evidence of the passing of the
resolution so certified.
And that this resolution be communicated to Bank and shall remain in force until notice in writing of its withdrawal,
or cancellation is given to Bank by the Society and accepted by Bank.
Certified that the above is a correct copy of the resolution passed on 12th January 2022 by the Board Members of
the Society and that it has been entered in the usual course of business in the minutes book of the Society and
signed therein by any of the President, General Secretary And Treasurer and is in accordance with the Society
Deed and Bye laws.


Atul Kumar Agarwal Vijay Kumar Agarwal Ajay Kumar Agarwal Arvind Kumar Agrawal
(President) (Vice-President) (General Secretary) (Treasurer)

Bajaja Line, Ramnagar, Nainital-244715, Uttarakhand

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