Making An Appointment - Putri Alfiah A1.1

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Nama: Putri Alfiah Aulia Rahma

Kelas: A1.1

Nim: 22130017

Matkul: Bahasa Inggris

Buatlah percakapan bahasa inggris 2-3 orang mengenai Making an Appointment, dengan tema:

a. Kamu sebagai mahasiswa, dan ingin bertemu dengan dosen untuk mengatur jadwal
bimbingan skripsi/ mengumpulkan tugas.

Answer :

Putri was talking about making an appointment with the lecturer for Felina to arrange a
schedule for thesis guidance

Putri : Hi Felina, I want thesis guidance to the lecturer, do I need to make an appointment with
the lecturer? Do you know how to make an appointment for guidance to him?

Felina: ohh you want thesis guidance? Of course I know how. I’ve made an appointment with
him before. Same, at that time I wanted to make an appointment for guidance to him. You send
an email first to him or you can go directly to see him as a teaching assistant to ask for his

Putri : ok, I will send an appointment via email to him. What should I say?

Felina: introduce yourself and say you want to request a schedule for a meeting to discuss your
thesis. You can also suggest in his free schedule to be able to meet him. And don’t forget to be

Putri : ok, thanks for the suggestion.

And putri contacted the lecturer to ask for a schedule for guidance with him.

Putri: Assalamualaikum sir, good morning. Sorry to interrupt your time. I am putri of a student
majoring in Education who needs father’s time for thesis guidance. May I ask for a time when
you are ready for guidance?

Thank you for your time wassalamu’alaikum

Lecturer: waalaikumussalam well, can we meet next Wednesday at 3 pm meet me in my room

Putri: ok sir, thank you for your time.

And putri again contacted Felina that her appointment with the lecturer had been

Putri: Felina, my appointment has been scheduled by her on Wednesday at 3 pm, I will meet
her for thesis guidance. Thank you for the advice.

Felina: listen carefully, whatever he says or suggests. Good luck Putri!

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