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(University of the City of Manila)





Q1. Differentiate the organization management levels based on your understanding.

ANSWER: We already discussed this topic on our cost accounting subject. As a combination of
two studies, I can identify them as follows:
 The strategic level-
is focused on establishing distant goals and objectives to chart the overall course of the
 The tactical level-
this one is focused on the near future or a specific time frame and prioritizes strategies
for attaining the overarching strategic objectives.
 Operational level-
and last but not least pertains to the everyday execution of tactical strategies that
prioritize the key elements of production.

Q2. Give at least 3 importance of KPI and KRI in facilities management.

ANSWER: KPI and KRI are both essential in a company to know the performance and risk in the
organizational management that serve a distinct purpose like:

 Strategic Alignment: KPIs are strongly connected to an organization's strategic
goals and aims, guaranteeing that resources are channeled towards attaining
what is of utmost importance to the organization.
 Motivation and Recognition: KPIs have the potential to inspire and acknowledge
employees' accomplishments, which can elevate spirits and lead to enhanced
 Operational Efficiency: KPIs have the ability to reveal inefficiencies, enabling
organizations to detect and rectify operational issues that might be causing poor
 Risk Management: KRIs are critical for effective risk management, helping
organizations monitor and address areas of risk exposure in a systematic and
data-driven manner.
 Compliance: KRIs are often necessary for regulatory compliance, demonstrating
that organizations are actively monitoring and managing risks to meet legal and
industry standards.
 Cost Reduction: Effective risk management through KRIs can lead to cost
reduction by preventing or minimizing the financial impact of risks and avoiding
costly crises.

Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) are vital for risk management and mitigation, whereas Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) are fundamental for evaluating and enhancing an
organization's performance. Both categories of metrics have significant roles in securing
an organization's prosperity, resilience, and expansion.

Q3. In strategy formulation, there’s a process for developing a facility management strategy such

 Strategic analysis
Strategic analysis is a critical element of an organization's strategic planning, involving the
evaluation of both internal and external factors to make well-informed decisions regarding future
goals, direction, and strategies. This process assists organizations in assessing their environments
for effective decision-making. An example is the SWOT analysis and Trend Analysis which is
famously used and taught in schools. SWOT Analysis involves amalgamating findings from
internal and external assessments. Organizations frequently employ this approach to pinpoint
their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This framework aids organizations in
formulating strategic decisions by leveraging strengths, rectifying weaknesses, capitalizing on
opportunities, and mitigating threats. Wherein, Trend Analysis involves organizations examining
extended patterns and emerging factors that may influence their industry and activities in the
future. This process includes predicting forthcoming developments and potential scenarios.

 Solution development
Solution development is the procedure of crafting and formulating efficient answers to tackle
precise issues or fulfill distinct requirements in an organization or a more extensive setting. It
serves as a pivotal stage in the problem-solving and decision-making processes, particularly
within the realms of business, technology, and project management. The perfect example for this
is the Feasibility Analysis as it is crucial as it involves the assessment of whether the proposed
solution is viable. This assessment takes into account technical, financial, and operational factors
to ascertain the solution's practicality.
 Strategy implementation
Strategy implementation, often referred to as strategy execution, encompasses the actions taken
to turn an organization's selected strategy into a reality, enabling the achievement of its
established goals and objectives. While formulating a strategic plan sets the organizational
direction and objectives, successful implementation is the pivotal step that transforms these
plans into practical actions, strategies, and procedures that can be carried out across the entire
organization. Upon working at McDonald’s I noticed that they have something similar to this, like
Incentives and Rewards, Feedback and Adaptation, Performance Monitoring and Implementing
or upgrading necessary technology and systems to support the execution of the strategy.

Q4. Do you think communication is significant to all stakeholders in facilities management?

ANSWER: In all aspects, communication has a significant role. Whether it is just in our house,
school, in our job. Communication helps us to connect with one another, to help us give clarity
and expectation to what we really want. Communication in facilities management is significant
to all stakeholders because, in business, communication creates a bond between partners that
helps to tighten their trust with each other. In addition, discussing a business plan, issue
resolution, operational efficiency, safety, and compliance, stakeholder engagement, and long-
term planning, has something to do with or is impossible without communication and It plays a
fundamental role in the successful management and functioning of facilities.

Bonus question:

Q5. On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you right now


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