Language Focus 2

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1.Poor Eliza was shabbily dressed in a tatty old coat and hat.
2 The return of the actor Daniel Craig to the London stage is eagerly
3 She was bitterly disappointed when she didn't get the part.
4 I work with a highly-motivated sales team. We all work hard.
5 It's virtually impossible to get seats for the match with Chelsea.
6 I desperately need a holiday. I haven't had a break for three years.
7 Bad weather has severely affected the roads this weekend. Driving
conditions are treacherous.
8 Don't you get it? It's blindingly obvious that he's in love with you.
9 I hate this cold climate. I'm sorely tempted to emigrate.
10 I distinctly remember telling you not to phone me after ten o'clock.
11 Two people survived the crash with serious injuries, but unfortunately
one man was fatally injured.
12 I've made my views on the subject of politicians perfectly clear. I don't
trust any of them.
Possible answers
Josie cares passionately about what happens in the poorest countries.
Nick worked conscientiously because his exams
I am sure think Sam broke that vase deliberately.
It was love at first sight - they gazed longingly into each other's eyes.
Jenny apologized profusely for tearing Ella's dress when she borrowed it.
1 We all worked extremely hard. (with a lot of effort)
Some countries can hardly feed their own people. (almost not)
2 Chelsea won the match easily. (with no difficulty)
Relax! Take it easy! (in a relaxed way)
3 I hate it when people arrive late. (not on time)
What have you been doing lately? (recently)
4 'Can you lend me some money?' 'Sure. (of course)
Surely you can see that your plan just wouldn't work? (tell me I'm right)
5 He was wrongly accused of being a spy. (incorrectly)
At first everything was great, but then it all went wrong. (badly)
6 What do you like most about him? (more than anything else)
She worked wherever she could, mostly as a waitress. (principally)
7 She has travelled widely in Europe and the Far East. (extensively)
When I got to their house, the door was wide open. (completely

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