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‭(Dặ n dò )‬
‭Sun, Nov 5 - 2023‬ ‭Classcode‬‭(Mã lớp)‬‭:‬ ‭H14YS-5A-2301‬
‭ eacher(s)‬‭(Giáo viên):‬
T ‭ eaching Assistant(s)‬‭(Trợ giảng):‬
‭Mr.‬‭David‬ ‭Ms. Bảo Nhi (0353712037)‬
‭Today’s Lesson (Nội dung bài học ngày hôm nay)‬


i‭ nstall something‬‭to fix equipment‬

‭Install‬‭/ɪnˈstɔːl/‬ ‭(v)‬ ‭o r furniture into position so that it‬ ‭Cà i đặ t‬
‭can be used‬

t‭ he act of carefully watching a‬

‭ urveillance‬
S ‭person suspected of a crime or a‬
‭(n)‬ ‭sự giá m sá t‬
‭/sɜːrˈveɪləns/‬ ‭place where a crime may be‬

‭Specific‬‭/spəˈsɪfɪk/‬ ‭(adj)‬ ‭detailed and exact‬ ‭Chi tiế t, cụ thể ‬

‭ hat you intend or plan to do; your‬

‭Intention‬‭/ɪnˈtenʃn/‬ ‭(n)‬ ‭Dự định‬

a‭ statement that says what you‬

‭ rediction‬
‭(n)‬ ‭think will happen; the act of making‬ ‭Sụ dự đoá n‬
‭such a statement‬

I‭ mmediate‬
‭(adj)‬ ‭happening or done without delay‬ ‭Lậ p tứ c‬

t‭ he outside limit of an object, a‬

‭Edge‬‭/edʒ/‬ ‭(n)‬ ‭surface or an area; the part furthest‬ ‭Biê n giớ i, rìa‬
‭from the centre‬

a‭ senior member of the‬

‭Minister‬‭/ˈmɪnɪstər/‬ ‭(n)‬ ‭Bộ trưở ng‬
‭government who is in charge of a‬
g‭ overnment department or a‬
‭branch of one‬

‭ umanoid‬
‭(adj)‬ ‭behaving and looking like a human‬ ‭Giố ng như ngườ i‬

a‭ scientific test that is done in order‬

‭ xperiment‬
‭(n)‬ ‭to study what happens and to gain‬ ‭Cuộ c thí nghiệ m‬
‭new knowledge‬

‭ evolutionary‬
‭(adj)‬ ‭connected with political revolution‬ ‭Tính cá ch mạ ng‬



‭A future intention or plan‬

‭Be going to + V-bare‬
‭ xample:‬
‭She‬‭is going to‬‭visit‬‭her friend next week.‬

‭ prediction for the immediate future based on current‬

‭Will/shall + V-bare‬
‭ xample:‬
‭The sky is dark! It‬‭will‬‭rain‬‭.‬

‭ n action that will be in progress at a specific time in the‬

‭Will be + V-ing‬
‭ xample:‬
‭At 3 p.m tomorrow, I‬‭will be flying‬‭to America.‬

‭ n action that will be completed by or before a specific‬

‭time in the future‬
‭Will have + V-p.p‬
‭ xample:‬
‭Our teacher‬‭will have come‬‭back by next Monday.‬
‭Homework (Bài tập về nhà)‬
‭ xercise 1. Select the correct form of the future simple or future‬
‭continuous from the brackets.‬
‭1.‬ ‭I ('ll be lending/'ll lend) you my laptop, if you like.‬
‭2.‬ ‭We ('ll sit/'ll be sitting) on a plane this time tomorrow.‬
‭3.‬ ‭I expect Greg (will be being/will be) home by now.‬
‭4.‬ ‭(Will you be turning on/Will you turn on) the light, please?‬
‭5.‬ ‭Come and visit when you want. I (won't be doing/won't do) anything‬
‭6.‬ ‭Everyone in the world (will have/will be having) a computer by 2020.‬
‭7.‬ ‭Don’t call him between 7.30 and 8.00 because he ('ll watch/'ll be‬
‭watching) his favourite show.‬
‭8.‬ ‭(Will you eat/Will you be eating) dinner in the restaurant this evening,‬
‭ xercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the future‬
‭perfect simple or future continuous of the verbs in brackets.‬

‭1.‬ ‭By December, I _________________________ (have) this same computer‬

‭for six years.‬
‭2.‬ ‭In the year 2050, all human beings _________________________ (live)‬
‭under water.‬
‭3.‬ ‭When I’m sixty, I still _________________________ (not learn)‬
‭everything about robotics.‬
‭4.‬ ‭This time next year, I _________________________ (study) physics at‬
‭5.‬ ‭Maybe touch-screen computers _________________________ (replace)‬
‭books in the classroom by 2020.‬
‭6.‬ ‭At the end of this term, Mrs Jones _________________________ (work)‬
‭through the whole course book with us.‬
‭7.‬ ‭Please don’t phone me tonight – I _________________________ (do) my‬
‭homework until bedtime.‬
‭8.‬ ‭We aren’t late. The match _________________________ (not start) yet.‬

‭ xercise 3. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the Future‬
‭Simple of the verbs in brackets or 'be going to'.‬
‭Sam:‬‭Hi Julie. Do you want to come to the town centre‬‭with me?‬
‭Julie:‬‭Have you seen the weather forecast? It __________________‬‭(rain).‬
‭Sam:‬‭That’s OK – I __________________ (bring) an‬‭umbrella. Come on! I think‬
‭Dan and Sally __________________ (be) there.‬
‭Julie:‬‭I don’t care. I __________________ (stay) in‬‭today.‬
‭Sam:‬‭Oh, come on, Julie. I __________________ (pick)‬‭you up on my scooter.‬
‭Julie:‬‭No. I __________________ (sit) on the sofa‬‭with my laptop and play games‬
‭all afternoon.‬
‭Sam:‬‭What game __________________ (you / play)?‬
‭Julie:‬‭I think I __________________ (try) the new Spiderman game my dad gave‬
‭Sam:‬‭Oh, that’s cool.‬
‭Julie:‬‭Do you want to come round?‬
‭Sam:‬‭I __________________ (get) my coat!‬

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