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Applications of Partial Differential Equations 17.1. INTRODUCTION Many physical and engineering problems when formulated in the mathematical lan- guage give rise to partial differential equations, Besides these, partial differential equations also play an important role in the theory of Elasticity, Hydraulics ete. Since the general solution of a partial differential equation in a region R contains arbi- trary constants or arbitrary functions, the unique solution of a partial differential equation corresponding to a physical problem will satisfy certain other conditions at the boundary of the region R. These are known as boundary conditions. When these conditions are specified for the time ¢ = 0, they are known as initial conditions. A partial differential equation together with boundary conditions constitutes a boundary value problem. In the applications of ordinary linear differential equations, we first find the general solution and then determine the arbitrary constants from the initial values. But the same method is not applicable to problems involving partial differential equations, Most of the bound ary value problems involving linear partial differential equations can be solved by the method . of se lar solutions of the partial differential equation which si ion of variables. In this method, right from the beginning, we try to find the particu- fy all or some of the boundary conditions and then adjust them till the remaining conditions are also satisfied. A combination of these particular solutions gives the solution of the problem Fourier series is a powerful aid in determining the arbitrary functions 17.2, METHOD OF SEPARATION OF VARIASLES In this method, we assume the solution to be the product of two functions, each of which involves only one of the variables, The following examples explain the method. Example 1. Solve the equation 2% —S— ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES lu = +u, given u(x, 0) = Ge. ee te ) Sol. Here u is a function of x and ¢. Let where X is a function of x only and Then T () is a function of only, be a solution of the given equation. - A) and or Tao, Mom From (1), @) and OM, wehuve n= uy Since fA) Deh eel B ty ute, be FO 20Y 4 xy g SeDarating the variable, wo get Xone {Since + and y are independent variables, eg qual to some constant. say ay matin (cnn hold enly when ach side is =k oe Koa gy x X— 2x" px ag ay ev dl “Ftk or Vepyeg 5 and ¥ y re ‘These are ordinary differential equations | X A TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS for equation (3), the auxiliary equation ism 0, whose roots are m= 14 y14% ‘The solution of equation (5) is X= ee P* + ege 18 Also. the solution of 4) is ¥=e,e% Substituting these y ibstituting these values of X and Y in (1), the complete solution of the given equation 10 rR y gg -VIFIy get” A tee PP) Lege ley o = (ae pel ba rbitrars oematiat and k can be determined ary conditions.) Je™, where A=cyc,and B= Cy 0 as to satisfy the given bound aS t) cian TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE _ Salve the following equations by the method of separation of variables 1 whore u(0, = Be au, de um tsa 20, where un gases WES = i 0) wes au, au ee ee (iy 4 6B au pron w= 967%, when 5-0. au _ du 2, Find a oltion ofthe equation Sp = 5 + 2uin the form w= fede) Solve the equation subject au tothe conditions w= O and 2 = 1 +6, whon x= 0 for all values of, the condi Oana = hon x= 0 for all » au tion 2H me‘coax given that u= 0, whon f= Oand 57 =0, when x= eons % 0 when 0 a sin xin for which © =~ 2'sin y, when x= 0 and » 2 ss shen ys an odd maltiple of 5 Answers 1. oust ( uztem—9 Gi uae a ye + oe) dt a pith Vie esas 01 F083) wade) sine 47.3. VIBRATIONS OF A STRETCHED STRING, ONE DIMENSIO" NAL WAVE EQUATION Hot ox © Consider a uniform elastic: ing of length [stretched tightly between two poin Oand “Acand dclace slightly fom ts equim position OA. Taking the end O a the origin, 4 APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. ‘asthe wwaxis and a perpendicular ine throughO as the y-axis, we shall find the displacement y a funetion of the distance x and the time ‘We shall obtain the equation of motion for the string under the following assumptions © The motion takes place entirely in the ‘v-plane and each particle ofthe string moves Perpendicular to the ‘equilibrium position OA of the string (ci) The string is perfectly flexible and does Rot offer resistance to bending (ii) The neglected. \ a \ Cau a ‘usion inthe string is so largo that the forces due to weight ofthe string can be (id The displacement y and the slope & are smal, so that their higher powers ean be neglected ii Let mbe the ‘mass per unit length of the ‘string. Consider the motion of an clement PQ of length 5s. Since the ‘string does not offer Fesistance: 1 andT, at P and Q respectively are angentnyan the curve, Since there is no ‘motion in the horizontal direction, we have T, €08 a= T, cos = (constant) Mass of element PQ is mds. By Newton's se () the vertical direction is cond law of motion, the equation of motion in nbs ZY =, sin8-T, sing més dy TysinB Tysina or TE SY TsinB Tsing ae T Gt? T,c0s6 Ty cosa Uy using (1) 2 or z pay (lan B-tan ay wy z|2) -(2) - mb |\9x), 44 Vax), [Since 6S: to first approximation, and an «and tan aro tho slopes ofthe curve of the string at x and + 8x] @),..-(2) or Bee eee | Ra ay am & ba Hy _ a iy ‘This is the partial ilferential equation giving the transverse vibrations ofthe sting. 1 is also called the one dimensional wave equation, [A TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. 2 ‘The boundary conditions, which the equation 2Y thos to watisly are (y=0, when x= 0} Gi) y=0, when = | If the string is made to vibrate by pulling it into a curve ¥ the initial conditions are od for every value of f. ‘Those should be ati = fo) and then releasing it, (y= fa), when t=0 Gi) % = 0, hon t=O 17.4, SOLUTION OF THE WAVE EQUATION ‘The wave equation is yet o oO aS a? ‘ Let yaxT @ where X is a function of only and isa function of only, be a solution of (1) ‘Then Spent and oy oxet Substituting in (1), we have {NT ae @ Separating the variables, we get a a Now, the LiHLS, of (3) is a function of x only and the R.HLS. isa function of only. Sinee ‘cand | are independent variables, this equation can hold only: when both sides reduce to a constant, say f, Then equation (3) leads tothe ordinary linear differential equations XN=-X=0 and T=keT= a Solving equations (4), we get, J 9/Men kis positive and = p*, say eb 1400, T= ce Cr” i) When leis negative and =~ p, say C08 px + 6 Sin px 1 C08 cpt + €, sin ep ii) When k= 0 x Keqrte, T=ette, ‘Thus, the various possible solutions of the wave equation (1) are E Yee HeyePHC MME , Y=, cosprt c, sin px)(c, eos cpl +e, sin ep)» * j rt eiel te) Of these three solutions, we have to choose that solution which ig consistent with the physical nature of the problem Since we are dealing with a problem on vibrations, y must be a periodie function of x and t, Therefore, the solution must involve trigonometric Lorms, * — Acvordingly y= (c, cos px #'c, sin px)(c, cos cpt + ¢, sin cpt) 6) is the only suitable solution of the wave equation and it corresponds to k =~ p? A APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Now, applying boundary conditions that when v= y=0, when x=I, we get (6 £08 ept + e, sin apt) 605 pl + c, sin pl)(c, cos cpt +, sin epi) ‘and equation (7) reduces to © sin plc, cos ept + sin cpt) = 0 whlch slid when sin p= 0 orpl=ne or p= 0% Po where n =1, 2,3... AsiTation ofthe wave equation satisfying m boundary conditions is Kt Sg RL ne = 64 (econ 2™ 5, ae 92654000 in mt in [ose in on replacing ¢, ¢,by a, and, ¢, by, 7 Adding up the solutions for different values ofn, we get is also a solution, Now, applying the initial conditions =f) and 2% =o, whont=0 wehave x (y= ein and ‘Since equation (9) represents Fourier series for (x), we have ae Ff) Fesin a net ARE Henee (8) reduces to =D 08 to +96, a8 known. where a, is given by (11) when f(x) @ o «ag, ay (12) A TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES |} Example 1.1 siring is stroiched and fastened to tao points Lopart. Motion is etarled by displacing the string in the form y= a sin = from which itis released al time t= 0. Show that te displacement of any point at a distance x from ane end at time tis given by mx not (8, 1) = asin ™ cog ( in Foon Sol. Here the boundary conditions are (0, = yl, ) = and the initial conditions are (x, 0) and 2 =0, when = 0 ‘As proved in Art. 17.4, we have which vanishes for all values of n except 1 = 1. 20 f' sin? % dx =2 f'(1-cos. 0-7 fant ae F f(t Hence the required solution is, = acos Example 2. The points of trisection of a string are pulled aside through the same dis- tance on opposite sides of the position of equilibrium and the string is released [rom rest. Derive nexpression forthe displacement of Hie string of subsequent time and -how that the midpoint the string always remains at rest Sol. Let B and C be the points of trisection of the string OA of length I, say, Initially the string is held in the form OB'C'A, whore BB’ = CC’= a (say) The equation of OB is ‘The equation of BC'is y—a ie. yo day ‘The equation of C’A is 2 ed) | Here the boundary conditions are 0, N= HL N= 0 ae APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. % ————— SEEN a 1 Te OS255 and the initial conditions are ys, 0)= 2-20, gsr and % < when = 0 So 2 Fenn, Fees pend, Zee Asproved in Art. 17.4, wehave y4, = 3° oy coe 2%, = st where a, 9 Sax. nee ‘93a nx 3a nn pp + |, Pe-sn anf epee ya Int tae aes te pana] 18a ne arsine 3 A TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS ATEXTEOOK Oe nme = 0, since sin mz = 0 = The displacement of the midspoint of the string is zero for all values of & ‘Thus the mid-point of the string is always at rest Example 3, 1 lightly stretched sirmg with fired ond points x= 0and x= tis initially ot rest in its equilibrium position, Ifit is set vibrating by giving to each ofits points a velocity dal =), find the displacement of the string at any distance x from one endl at aay lime t Sol. Here the boundary conditions are 910.) =9(l, = 0 As proved in Art. 174, we have rt 6 ain isn 3 (05000 +b in 0) D Since the string was at rest initially, yx, 0) = 0 and But ® wjx@-1), when t=0 ge Foss po ee APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. SSCL ———_——— | TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Se Bae sepcomebtly theemiation 27.127. sersocting te reals OP pletely the equi SP 10 SF) MPMtating the vibrations of «string oflength fixed at both ends, piven that x0. )= 0: 904 9 =0 yx, 9) fe and 29) 29 9.< et 2 Find the deflection yx, Poth vibrating string of length x and ends fixed, corresponding to 2070 inital velcty and inal deficase tk Nain x—sin 29), given c= 1 % Salve the boundary value problem | 2, $F -12h.00.0=6.9-0.¥6 0 =f) ° if Of9=5 ann (i) fox) = 9 sin 2x —2 sin Sax A Uightly stretched string with fixed end poi ints = 0 and x= is initially in w pos ee 35 (Z) teinhand tomo ton tspaton edtvurnerenrney A tightly stretched exible string bas its ends ined at x= given a shape defined by fi) = ux I —), displacement of any point x of the 7. Astring is stretched deflection given by Oand x= 1. Attime (= 0, th Whore jis m constant, and then relensed ing at any time t > 0 between the fixed points (0,0) and (0) and rlensed as ret from the initial ‘ aes, header ct f=} : L FP, when beret Find the deflection of the string at any time 1 : 5. The ends ofa tightly stretched string of length fare fixed at x0 and x= L The with the point x= brawn aside through asmiall distance d and relessod ne une bat St nab nee amt 2 Og oe aa tn A TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Astin fle fit ttn quinn postin and each ftps he Find the displacement yx #) Answers rnnet ane BS scoutiantE ae a 7 1) =h (cos ¢ sin x cos 21 sn 29) 3 y= 2 sin arsin 2a Ore ant 417.5. ONE-DIMENSIONAL HEAT FLOW ou gs te ao oF ‘Consider the flow of heat by conduction in a uniform bar It is assumed that the sides of the bur are insulated and the loss of heat from the sides by conduction or radiation is negligi- ble. ‘Take one end of the bar a8 origin and the direction of flow as the positive x-axis. The temperature u at any point of the bar depends on the distance x ofthe point from one end and the time J. Also, the temperature of all points of any cross-section is the same. APPLICAN IOUS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EGUATIONS ‘The amount of hea crossing any section ofthe bar pee aeond depends un the area Be ros section the conduetiviy Kol ho material of bur ned tho emperor gradion) Be 't Tate of change of te Q 'mperature w.r.t, distance normal to the area ‘he quantity of heat Mowing into the section at distance ee (the negative sign on the ny ight is attached because as X increases, 1 decreases). nthe quantiy ofheat flowing out ofthe action ato datancon sd «(3% =A) pron Hence the amount of heat retained by the slab with thicknoss bx is uy au @,-a- a(S) (2) Joe ~ 0 But the ate of increase of heat inthe slab = Sp by 2 @ where S is the specific heat and p. the density of the material From (1) and @) muz-nl®) (2) or SM oK (3)...-(3) rs & ade is known as diffusivity of the material of the bar 417.6. SOLUTION OF THE HEAT EQUATION iu ou . ‘The heat equation is ae a Let u=XT @ | where X isa function of only and T is. function oft only be a solution of (D). ou ou ‘Then eo md _ Substituting in (1), wehave XP =<2y"r" ‘A TEXTROOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Separating the variables, we get ¥ um 6 Since Nom the LHL f (ea funciton of only and the LHS is a function of ‘only and { are independent variables, this equation can hold only when both sides reduce to a constant, say 1, Then equation (3) leads to the ordinary differential equations 2 SE -ix=0 and SPW =0 “ Solving equations (4), we get (i) When kis positive and = p?, say x Gi) When kis negative and or toem, T= oer =F say X =e, cospx + ¢ysinps, T= 60°" 2 Gi When k=0 X=qxt ey, T=cy ‘Thus the various possible solutions of the heat equation (1) are = Ge Heer cye u= (6, cos px+ cy sin px). ee (2+ cs)ey Of these three solutions, we have to choose that solution which is consistent with the physical nature of the problem. Since u decreases as time f increases, the only suitable solu- tion of the heat equation is w= (cos pec, sin py» € ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example 1. A rod oflength 1 with isuloted sides is initially at 0 ty Its ends are suddenly cooled to 0°C and are kept at that temperature, function u(s, 1) Sol, The temperature function u(x, 0 satisfies the differential equation form temperoture "nnd the temperature As proved in Art. 17.6, we have ‘u(x, = (6, cos px * ¢, sin pxye™“?* . « ‘Since the ends x= 0 and x= are cooled to 0°C and kept at that temperature through: cout. the boundary conditions are u(0, = u(l, =O forall ¢ Also u(x; 0) ty i the initial condition © Since u(0, )= 0, we have from (1), =e, e"F = ¢)=0 APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL OIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. ‘ SSS SSS Eee ——— Since wi, )=0, we have from (2), 0= ¢, sin pl. e°* = sinpl=0 = ple nn ne 71” being an intoger a= seta Solution (2) reduces to nls, 1)= 6, sin 285 Fon replacing ¢, by ,, ‘The mnost general solution is obtained by adding all such solutions for n= 1,2, 3, a <2 m= D by sing! ® 1 Since u(x, 0)= ng, wehave u,= J b, sin 2 which is halfsrange sine series for 1, 0, hea tisoven 2p am [ee ee (cyan gen 07 vosin Pde ‘Me, when mised Hence the temperature function Example 2. (0) An insulated rod of length | has its ends A.and B maintained at 0°C and 100°C respectively until steady state conditions prevail. If B 1s suddenly reduced to 0°C and maintained at 0°C, find the temperature ata distance x from Aat time t (@) Find also the temperature ifthe change consists of raising the temperature of Ato 20° Cand reducing that of B to 80° C, Sol. (a) The temperature function u(x, # satisies the differential equation 2, Prior to the (emperature change atthe end B, when {= 0, the heat low was independent. of ime (steady state condition). When the temperature 1 depends only upan x and not ont (0) dues to 24 20 Its general solution is w=ar+b a) “where @, 6 ure arbitrary constants, As >» ~—s , A TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 100 we = O for y= O and u = 100 for v= 1. we got from (2) b= Oand.a=—p The inoLcondicn i epee by fe = 2s ; abe ‘the bowudary conditions for the subsequent flow are u(0, () =0 and (lt) =O for all values of ample 1, the most general solution of (1) satisfying the boundary Proceeding as in conditions is ni d= Db sine * % _ 100 1005 sin Since u(x, 0) = =, wehave Do sin which is half-range sine series for 22 - x 2! 100x axe Ff 1008 in BE 2200 yen the boundary conditions are (0, 1) = 20 for all values of | ull, ) = 80 for all values of |, Since the boundary walues are non-zero, wo modify the procedure, We break up the | tivo parts a hs Gs, D=u,0) Fula) * a re son) ae Ba ‘and satisfying the boundary conditions : (x) ena a steady state solution of the form 2) and of the solution which decreases with es Dead APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. ac vio = es 20 ® Putung.x= On (4, we have 40, = 000, ) =u) =20-20=0 o Puitings = Lin (4), wehave ud, =u) =u, =80~80 =0 oI Alo 144s, 0) = us, 0) 0,6) psa), ae ®) oe (Ps-2) a [ ___ Hence (6) and (7) give the boundary conditions and (7) gives the initial condition rela- {ive to the transient solution 14/1). Since the boundary values given by (6) and (7) are both ‘20x0, therefore us in part (a), we have @) whore b, is given by 2a cosam @ 0, when nisodd 80 : =, when ais even nt Hence (9) becomes 7» solution ofonesimensional heat eq saat sehere the boundary con- HO. =0- 1-000 adh atalino te neh tbe 5 ture and the tompernture initially it UG 0) { 100-, 2 (2. at any Ne: = Lare kept at Find the ts ere ue {) in a slab whose ends = and x= L are kept at 20F0 tempepy, Ny Find the tempers ature /(9) ia given by: and whose initial temporat b, when Qex<$h 10)=) 0, when fL0. Sain mmx, 4O.9=0, ul 9 <6 Findthe lution oN k = having given that V=Vpsin nt when 2=0 for all values att ang V=0 when xis very large au Show that the selution of the differential equation So subject to the conditions ci) & coforx=Oands=/. (@) unot infinite for t+ =, St eT a (id) u = x — 2? for (= 0, between x= 0 and x= is one an2 wo at (@) is finite, when (+=, =0),, when £=0 for all values of x betw (an, Find a solution af the heat conduction equat (@) @ is finite when (9 =, (Gia) w= O when f= 0 for all values of x bets (Here the initially ice-cald rod has ita ends A bar 10 cm long. with insulated sides, and 100°C respectively, until stendy-stat raised to 90°C and at the same time that « tion in the bar at time # The ends A und B of a rod 20 crm long have tl prevails. The temperatures of the ends temporature distribution in tho tod at independent of the z-coordinate and depends on x» ‘and t only, then the flow is called two dimensional and the heat flow lies in the plane XOY only and us ero along the normal to the plane XOY. ‘Take a rectangular element of the plate with ssides Sx and By and thickness c. As discussed in the ‘one-dimensional heat flow along a bar. the quantite ‘ofeat that enters the plate per second from the sidex AB and AD is gwen by ae | (au au (ae } | = habrdy | Orr Ord, [ m ‘The rate of gain of heat by the plate is also given by soty ie x where y of the metal plate peetfic heat and p = densi Equating (1) and @), we have cs (2) E he ee oy be fy 2 diving both sides by aBe5y and taking the Limit as 6x +0, 8y —> 9, wo get (atu #| ou au pasty oe oF ay 2 au *) where ct o fis eemete cet tulad ivr -0 na sn canis ay at which is known as Laplace's Equation in two dimensi J Note 2. The equation of heat flow in a solid (Three ‘derived a @ |imensional heat flow) can similarly be In dhe steady state, it reduces to which is Laplace's Equation in three-dimensions 17.8. SOLUTION OF LAPLACE'S EQUATION IN TWO DIMENSIONS 5 lat a? Equation (3) gives the temperature distribution of the plate in the transient state: Laplace's equation in two dimensions i au eu oF a o Lot a @ where X is a function of x only and Vis a function of y only, be a solution of (1) - Y and o ‘Then APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Ou = zt 3, Now the LHS of (is function of vonly and the R-HS is. function of y only Since ‘and y ate mdependent variables this equation ean hold only when both sides ree 10 Constant, sax, ‘Then equation (3) leads o the ordinary differential equations ‘Substituting in (1), we have X"Y + XY’ ax ay | qr M0 ond TF eV <0 ) Solving equations (4), we got (9) When kis positive and =p, say X=" tere ¥ (i) When keis negative and =p, cos py + ¢, sin py say X=e, cospx +c, sin pr, Y Preeen (ni) When k=0 X=qxtey V=qyre, ‘Thus the various possible solutions of Laplace's equation (1) are e = (ee + C4) (cs c08 py + c, sin py) 15 (6, 608 pe + cy sin pa}lege? + CoP) Uslart dey +e) Of these three solutions, we have to choose that solution which is consistent with the Physical nature of the problem and the given boundary condivens J ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES |—__ au | au Example 1, Solve 24 ampli = which satisfies the conditions oF (0,9) =u.) 0 00nd 40) 29 2 tl a Sol. The given equation is 2H , Hu oe Oy ty ‘The three possible solutions of eqn. (1) are = (e+ egePNe, cos y+ ey sin Py) «.2) W=(@, compe cy sings) (6407+ ce?) 3) u=(x+eNey+,) “ Keeping in view the given boundary conditions, the 4 “Pm as only possible solution is (3) MOE I) = (6,008 x + sin pad tee) fh) Geena 9 Since 10,9) =0. O= Gee? Her) = q=0 Equation (5) reduces (0 u(x, y) ~ 6, sin pxlcyer* + ce) C) Since nl =0 Oc, sin plea?” +e) * = sinpl=) ie Also, u(x, )=0 * Equation (6) becomes (x,y) =¢, sin moe E Replacing c,¢, by b,, we have wor tan ~ 2, sinh 1 or b, Hence (reduces tous, »)=sin 7 ‘whieh is the required solution of (1) =n or p= ME. nbing an ineger tin 2 Gt) mts = 2b, sin 2% sinh 2D sin sinh Putting y=, wehave nls, o)= sin 7-26, sin A TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS oO Example 2. 4 rectangular plate with insulated surface is 10 em wide anid so long com pared to its width thot it may be considered infinite ws length without introducing an oppreci able error. If the temperature of the < y) = 20. for Osxs5 ‘ond u=20(10-x) for 55x10 rt edge y = 0 is given by cand the wo long edges x=0, x= well as the other short edge are kept ot 0°C, prove that the temperature u ot any point(s, y) is given by Sol. The temperature u(x, y) at any point P(x, ») satisfies the equation Pu a ea ‘The boundary conditions are (0, y= 0 for all values of y> 0. (10,9) = 0 forall values of y= 0 ’ ; uy, 2) =0 , in 0SxS10 _ Se ee ae a @) ®) APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS . eee _ (2s Osrs5 i, Me O=\ g910~2), 62510 ‘Now the three possible solutions of (1) are = (yt + 070, cOB py +e, sin py) = (6, 08 prc, sin pale? + ¢e%) a U=(xt elegy te) 8 iste v0 0-1 The solution (6) cannot satisfy the condition (2) + ‘since, we get uw + 0 for x = 0, for ail values of y, The ‘solution (8) cannot satisfy the ‘condition (4). Thus the only: possible solution is @), 2 Gs 9) = 6, cos px +6, sin pa)egeP + ce) @ Since 4.) =0 = OREM Heer) = 6 =0 Sy ettation © reduces to u(x, 9) = c, sin price c,7) 0) @ | Since (10, y) =0. eg 8in 1p (ce? + ce) = sin 10p=0 i.e, 10p=un or p=". n being an integer 10 Also ce, 520 2 Hence from (10) a solution satisfying (2), (3) and (4) is tds, 9) = ce, sin Fait » Replacing cc, by b, , the most general solution is A TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 800 "5 page whow n is odd 0 whon nin even once from (11), the required solution iv net 800 cot iwe 2 w — loplacing 1 by da ~ I) te,9) eee Saint (Heplacing 1 by or Me Garett. (b= 1 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Philo pci gh Ua, ¥1 = 0, 1G.) =O, 66,0) Along rectangular plate of width a om with insulated sur ‘on both tho Leng widow and on ofthe short. ses 0 ahr INSU AWAIN Obra Lepertiy da Ube plo a npn U cag 2. Areotangular plate with insulated surface is Bem wide and vo lng comyparwd to i width that it nny be consider infinite in lngth without introducing on uppreci De eror Ihe tempera ‘pre alone het ry 0 on by ue, 0)=100 nin 0x8 hile the two eng edgos x= 0 and Bese a ea ta tanya fate ela rr ts) 100 om ine. 'o« wall at tho othor short edge are Kopt at °C, shew that a APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS sn 6 An infinitely long plana uniform plato is bounded by wo parallul edges and un end at right angles to them. The breadth is x: This end is maintainod at w temperature Mp at all points an | the other edges atv at zor temperature, Determine the temperature at any paint of the Plate i the stondy-stute A rectangular plate has sides a and b Let the side of length a be taken along O and that of Jength along OY und the other sides slong x= a and y= 6 The sides = 0.x =a, y=b are insulated and the edge y= 0 is kept at tomporature uy cos = Find the stondy-stato tempera: ture at iny point (x y) : 8 The temperature wis muantained at (0 the fourth edge is maintained at 100" for the tomperature u at any point ( plate "C along thre edges of « square plate of length 10D em and °C until stendy-state conditions prevail, Find an expression + ¥), Heneo show that the temperature ut tho centre of the 1 i 1 -——, +—_. a Car oak Scoth TS conh = Answers 3. nh (20 + Ln b-y) 4. vinn (2+ DAB @ De inh (= Day ote 3200 qf 5. = so) Tag 2 (Gn ~ 1)" sinh (a ~ Dn & ulx,9) =Mtler errs tet sinters tee sin 5x4 | mh 1. Cs») = ty cos 7 cosh * (bs — y) sech 17.9, VIBRATING MEMBRANE—TWO-DIMENS TONAL WAVE EQUATION 17.12, LAPLACE’S EQUATION We know that the two dimensional heat flow equation in steady state reduces to Ou au ane ax? dy which is Laplace's equation in two dimensions Also the three dimensional heat flow equation in steady state reduces to Mu dtu | du we at ag? at” which is Laplace's equation in three dimensions. =0 (ld) ans ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMA'! Lapa 's equation has wide applications in physics and engineering. The theory of ity solutions is led the poteniial theory an its solutions are called haramonc funetions ‘The solution of Laplace's equation. subject to certain boundary conditions. is simplified by a proper choice of coordinate system, Ifthe problem involves rectangular boundaries, we prefer to take Laplace's equation in | cartesian coordinates given by (1 andl I the problem involves circular boundaries, we profer to take Laplace's equation in polar coordinates given by au Lau, 1 ay Sah a Lote 2 @ ar art ag” ci This equaticn can be obtained from (1) by putting x=reos 9, y= rsin 0, thus changing the independent variables from (x.y) 10 0: 0) If the problem involves cylindrical boundaries, we prefer to take Laplace's equation in oglindrical coordinates given by au dae, Late ay tn ar? 7 ar oF agt ae . ‘This equation can be obtained from (2) by putting x =r cos @, y= Pr sin 8 2=2 thus changing the independent variables (x, y 2) t0(r. 6, =), If the problem involves spherical boundaries, we prefer tot spherical coordinates given by ake Laplace's equation in au 294, Lite ote, 1 ate _| 6 an ror? ae® r 6 r? sin? o ay? This equation can be obtained from (2) by putting nO cos @, y= r sin Osin 9, 2=r cos 0, thus changing the independent variables (x y,2) to (r, 9. 6) 17.13. SOLUTIONS OF LAPLACE'S EQUATION (o) Solution of Laplace's Equation in Two-dimensional Cartesian Form ty at We have already discussed the solution of a oe: 0 () Solution of Laplace's Equation in Polar Coordinates Sa Ou te My Laplace's equation in polarcordinats ir? Sy +r BE + SH ® Let wir, 0) = R(A)F(O) or sumply u = RF 2) where Ris a function of r only and F is a function of 0 only, be a solution of (1), ‘Substituting it in (1), we get PRK 4 RF 4 RE” =0 or (PR* + ROP + RE"=0 poe Separating the variables me F = constant (say) ‘Thus, we get ordinary differential equations @R- dR ‘ . aR ine 3 pope nao 6) ATIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: ar do? Ww (3) is a homogeneous linear differential equation + kP=0 (A) . 2 Putting r =e", (3) reduces to 28 pp eo 0) dz* Solving (5) and (4), we get (i) When k is positive and =p, say R= ce" + ce = CrP + cyrP, F =e, cos p@ + ¢, sin pd. (u) When kis negative and =-p*. say R=c, cos pz +c, sin pz = ¢, cos (p log F) +c, sin (p log r) F =e + cer (i) When k= 0 a R=cjz +e, =, logr+c, 40 + ey le solutions of (1) are (cr? + cyI*)(c, cos pO + c, sin pO) 6) [¢, cos (p log r) + cy sin (y log r)] (c, * +c, eF*) 7) (c, log r + ¢,)(c,0 + ¢,) (8) Of these solutions, we choose the one which is consistent with the physical nature of the problem. Note. Usually we require a solution extending up to the origin Sinee u must be finite at the origin, we reject solutions (7) and (B). Also from (6), ©, = 0. In this ease, the solution may bo written as = (A cos pO +B sin pO)rr The general solution will consist of « sum of similar terms with different (arbitrary) value of A, pp _— ij ie eee Lg Thus the three posi Any solution | of (1) i is known as a spheri Example. . The diameter ofa semi-circular plate ¢ of radius ais is kept at oC and the tem- perature at the semi-circular boundary is T°C. Show that the steady state temperature in the plate ts given by 2-1 i (2) cane a Sol. Take the centre of the circle as the pole and the bounding diameter as the initial _line. Let the steady state temperature at any point P(r, 0) be u(r, 0), so that u satisfies the equation u(r, 8) = 2 » ‘ ~, 2n-1 et, The boundary conditions mre Wr OeO in OSrs. and wo.) =T m "i BY Ar 17.13 0), the appropriate solution of (1) is e } > Mr. 8) = (er + €FNe, cos pO + 6, sin pO) 4 9 . Applving condition @, u(r: 0) = (ey +erAhe 0 ai * = Oand equation (6) becomes WOO = r+ corre, vin po Aoplying condition (3), Mr) Cr? + Gre, sin pa= 0. o sin pr. Pn, where mis am integer. Hence equation (6) reduces to ur, 6) (eyr" + ere, sin nd Sincew=Ovhenr=0, 6 ‘and equation (7) becomes ir, 0) = br" sin % The most general solution of (1) is ofthe form wr) D b.r sin no a whore b, =€,64 Applying condition (4), 1a, 0) =) 0° sin no ="T | ” By sin n0, where B, = 6,0" B= 2 fein no do= 2 (con un) ® an 0, if miseven on ¥ _&- ee Bea Ee nnn | ttalleal P Hience from (8), we have AT[(r/a) (lay (lay 1 = hin 8 ins i: EE S(T nmen-ne ICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS A somi-ciroulnr plate of radius o has its circumference kept at tempraiure u(a, 0) = 1 (x ~ 0) while the boundary diameter is kept at zerv temperature, Assuming the surfaces ofthe plate to ‘be insulated. show that the steady state tomperature distribution of the plate is given by Sy" ‘sin (2-1) a, (an-p" ‘of » semicircular plate of radius ois kept at O*C and the temperature yundary is ven by 500, whend<¢<% s01R 6), when

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