1 August 2018 17th Week in Ordinary Time Year II - 3 Wednesday

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READER OF THE Good morning my friends in the Lord!
CALL TO Today is the memorial of St. Alphonsus Liguori,
WORSHIP a Bishop from Italy who founded the Congregation of the Most
1. At 6:30 am or when everything Holy Redeemer.
is ready, go up the steps and
make a bow towards the altar
His priests are called Redemptorists.
table. They take care of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual
2. Go to the ambo and fix the Help in Baclaran.
Saint Alphonsus is a Doctor of the Church, meaning,
3. Greet the assembly, looking at
them as you say the greeting. he is a teacher of the faith.
4. Read the rest of the text. St. Alphonsus is known for his contribution to moral theology,
5. When you are finished, step to how we should live our faith,
back from the ambo, make a and to his kindness.
bow towards the altar table,
go down, and go back to your As community gathered in God’s love,
class. let us remember the kindness of God in our lives
as we come to the presence of the Lord
with praise and thanksgiving.
Together with our mass presider Fr. Kit Bautista of the Society
of Jesus.
Let us all stand and sing our hymn of praise.
READER OF THE \Reading I JER 15:10, 16-21
FIRST READING A reading from the book of the prophet Jeremiah

1. Go up the steps and make a
bow towards the altar table. oe to me, mother, that you gave me birth!
2. Go to the ambo and fix the a man of strife and contention to all the land!
microphone. I neither borrow nor lend,
3. Remember that you are
yet all curse me.
reading the Word of God to
your schoolmates. You are not When I found your words, I devoured them;
reading for yourself. You are they became my joy and the happiness of my heart,
reading so that others may
hear the message of God and Because I bore your name,
understand what God says. O LORD, God of hosts.
So, read at a pace that can be
understood--not too slow, not I did not sit celebrating
too fast. What you are reading in the circle of merrymakers;
to them is very important -
that’s what God wants to say Under the weight of your hand I sat alone
to them and you are helping because you filled me with indignation.
God in delivering the message.
Why is my pain continuous,
4. Remember to pause and
breathe. my wound incurable, refusing to be healed?
5. DO NOT say “First Reading”. You have indeed become for me a treacherous brook,
DO NOT say the book, whose waters do not abide!
chapter, and verse. Begin with
“A reading from …” Thus the LORD answered me:
6. Pause after the first line (the If you repent, so that I restore you,
one with “A reading from …”) in my presence you shall stand;
and pause again before saying
“The word of the Lord.” If you bring forth the precious without the vile,
7. After you hear “Thanks be you shall be my mouthpiece.
to God.”, step back from the Then it shall be they who turn to you,
ambo and wait for the reader
of the Responsorial Psalm. and you shall not turn to them;
The two of you make a bow And I will make you toward this people
towards the altar table. You go
back to your seat, sit down, and a solid wall of brass.
take part in the Responsorial Though they fight against you,
they shall not prevail,
For I am with you,
to deliver and rescue you, says the LORD.
I will free you from the hand of the wicked,
and rescue you from the grasp of the violent.
The word of the Lord.
All reply: Thanks be to God.
READER OF THE Responsorial PsalmPS 59:2-3, 4, 10-11, 17, 18 (17d)
RESPONSORIAL Reader: God is my refuge on the day of distress.
PSALM People: God is my refuge on the day of distress.
1. Go up the steps and stand
with the reader of the First Reader: Rescue me from my enemies, O my God;
Reading. The two of you make from my adversaries defend me.
a bow towards the altar table.
Rescue me from evildoers;
2. Go to the ambo and fix the
microphone. from bloodthirsty men save me.
3. DO NOT say “Responsorial People: God is my refuge on the day of distress.
Psalm”, “Let our response
be…”, and “Please repeat”. Reader: For behold, they lie in wait for my life;
Just announce the response.
mighty men come together against me,
4. The assembly repeats the
response. You can signal the Not for any offense or sin of mine, O LORD.
people to respond by raising
People: God is my refuge on the day of distress.
your open hand, palm facing
upwards, fingers pointing at Reader: O my strength! for you I watch;
for you, O God, are my stronghold,
5. Read the verses and the
assembly repeats the As for my God, may his mercy go before me;
response. Do not say the may he show me the fall of my foes.
response anymore because
that’s now the part of the People: God is my refuge on the day of distress.
Reader: “But I will sing of your strength
6. Remember that you are
reading the Word of God to and revel at dawn in your mercy;
your schoolmates. You are not You have been my stronghold,
reading for yourself. You are
reading so that others may my refuge in the day of distress.
hear the message of God and
understand what God says.
People: God is my refuge on the day of distress.
So, read at a pace that can be Reader: O my strength! your praise will I sing;
understood--not too slow, not
too fast. What you are reading for you, O God, are my stronghold,
to them is very important - my merciful God!
that’s what God wants to say
to them and you are helping People: God is my refuge on the day of distress.
God in delivering the message.
7. Remember to pause and
8. After the last response, step
back from the ambo, make a
bow towards the altar table,
go back to your seat, remain
standing, and sing to honor
the holy Gospel.
READER OF THE Prayer of the Faithful
THE PRAYER OF Let us heed the invitation of God our Father to ask from him
THE FAITHFUL what we wish him to give us and let it be what is important:
Lord, hear our prayer. / Lord, you are our God and our all.
1. After the homily (or the
Profession of Faith), go up the Reader:
steps and make a bow towards
1. That the Holy Father and the bishops may be guided and
the altar table.
2. Go to the ambo and fix the
inspired by the wisdom of the Gospel. Let us pray to the Lord.
microphone. 2. That we may use the material gifts necessary for our well-
3. Wait for the priest to finish
being in a proper way and not become victims of greed and
his part. He, then, announces
the assembly’s response and selfishness. Let us pray to the Lord.
the assembly repeats the
response. 3. That those who are searching for the truth may daily come to
4. Read the petitions and a deeper appreciation of faith in Jesus Christ as the pearl of
the assembly repeats the great price. Let us pray to the Lord.
response. You can signal the
people to respond by raising 4. That the sick and those who care for them may be blessed in
your open hand, palm facing
their sacrifices. Let us pray to the Lord.
upwards, fingers pointing at
them. Do not say the response 5. That those who have departed from this life may rest in
anymore because that’s the
part of the assembly. eternal peace. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. Remember that you are Priest:
announcing what every one Father all powerful, we bring before you or needs and pray
is praying for. You are not
reading for yourself. You are
confidently for your help to free us from the influence of evil.
reading so that those listening We ask this through Christ our Lord.
may know what they are
praying for. So, read at a pace All: Amen.
that can be understood--not
too slow, not too fast.
6. Remember to pause and
7. After the last response, the
priest will conclude with a
prayer and everyone says
“Amen”. That’s the time when
you step back from the ambo,
make a bow towards the altar
table, go down, and with the
other readers, go back to your

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