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Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ!
Today is the memorial of Saint Peter Faber,
WORSHIP one of the six companions of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
1. At 6:30 am or when everything and co-founder of the Society of Jesus.
is ready, go up the steps and
make a bow towards the altar Peter Faber was born on April thirteen, fifteen O six
table. in a mountainous village in Savoy, in what is now France.
2. Go to the ambo and fix the
He belonged to a peasant family and became shepherd of his
3. Greet the assembly, looking at
father’s flock.
them as you say the greeting. He did not receive formal education
4. Read the rest of the text. but he was endowed with great intelligence.
5. When you are finished, step So his parents sent him to a parochial school
back from the ambo, make a
bow towards the altar table, and later on, he went to the University of Paris.
go down, and go back to your There, he shared a dormitory with Francis Xavier.
He also met the oldest student in the college, Ignatius of Loyola.
They became good friends.
Peter tutored Ignatius in philosophy
while Ignatius guided Peter in spiritual matters.
Peter was the first among them to become a priest.
With Ignatius,
They ended up deciding to form a new religious order,
and they called it the Society of Jesus.
When the first companions made their first vows in Paris,
it was Peter who presided at that Eucharist.
He was one of the theological experts at the Council of Trent.
Peter Faber was a gifted pastor and preacher,
winning disciples for Jesus until he died at the age of forty.
When Pope Francis celebrated his birthday in two thousand
thirteen, he made Peter Faber a saint.
As Ateneans, grandchildren of the legacy of Ignatius, Francis,
and Peter, the first Jesuits,
let us thank God for giving us these three as our founders
and as our guides and examples as we follow Jesus.
Let us all stand and sing our hymn of praise.
Reading I JER 18:1-6
FIRST READING A reading from the book of the prophet Jeremiah

1. Go up the steps and make a
bow towards the altar table. his word came to Jeremiah from the LORD:
2. Go to the ambo and fix the Rise up, be off to the potter’s house;
there I will give you my message.
3. Remember that you are
reading the Word of God to I went down to the potter’s house and there he was,
your schoolmates. You are not working at the wheel.
reading for yourself. You are
reading so that others may Whenever the object of clay which he was making
hear the message of God and turned out badly in his hand,
understand what God says.
So, read at a pace that can be he tried again,
understood--not too slow, not making of the clay another object of whatever sort he pleased.
too fast. What you are reading
to them is very important -
Then the word of the LORD came to me:
that’s what God wants to say Can I not do to you, house of Israel,
to them and you are helping as this potter has done? says the LORD.
God in delivering the message.
4. Remember to pause and
Indeed, like clay in the hand of the potter,
breathe. so are you in my hand, house of Israel.
5. DO NOT say “First Reading”.
DO NOT say the book,
chapter, and verse. Begin with
The word of the Lord.
“A reading from …” All reply: Thanks be to God.
6. Pause after the first line (the
one with “A reading from …”)
and pause again before saying
“The word of the Lord.”
7. After you hear “Thanks be
to God.”, step back from the
ambo and wait for the reader
of the Responsorial Psalm.
The two of you make a bow
towards the altar table. You go
back to your seat, sit down, and
take part in the Responsorial
RESPONSORIAL Responsorial PsalmPS 146:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6AB (5a)

PSALM Reader: Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.

1. Go up the steps and stand People: Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.
with the reader of the First
Reading. The two of you make
Reader: Praise the LORD, O my soul;
a bow towards the altar table. I will praise the LORD all my life;
2. Go to the ambo and fix the I will sing praise to my God while I live.
3. DO NOT say “Responsorial
People: Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.
Psalm”, “Let our response Reader: Put not your trust in princes,
be…”, and “Please repeat”.
Just announce the response. in the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation.
4. The assembly repeats the When his spirit departs he returns to his earth;
response. You can signal the on that day his plans perish.
people to respond by raising
your open hand, palm facing People: Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.
upwards, fingers pointing at
them. Reader: Blessed he whose help is the God of Jacob,
5. Read the verses and the whose hope is in the LORD, his God.
assembly repeats the
response. Do not say the
Who made heaven and earth,
response anymore because the sea and all that is in them.
that’s now the part of the
assembly. People: Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.
6. Remember that you are
reading the Word of God to
your schoolmates. You are not
reading for yourself. You are
reading so that others may
hear the message of God and
understand what God says.
So, read at a pace that can be
understood--not too slow, not
too fast. What you are reading
to them is very important -
that’s what God wants to say
to them and you are helping
God in delivering the message.
7. Remember to pause and
8. After the last response, step
back from the ambo, make a
bow towards the altar table,
go back to your seat, remain
standing, and sing to honor
the holy Gospel.

PETITIONS OF Let us respond with faith to God’s invitation to enter his
THE PRAYER OF Kingdom. In humility, let us ask him: Lord, hear our prayer/
THE FAITHFUL Lord, make us worthy for your Kingdom.
1. After the homily (or the Reader:
Profession of Faith), go up the
steps and make a bow towards
1. That the Church may never stop proclaiming the Gospel to
the altar table. all people, places, languages, and cultures. Let us pray to the
2. Go to the ambo and fix the Lord.
3. Wait for the priest to finish
2. That the peoples may not remain closed within particular
his part. He, then, announces traditions but enrich one another in Christ. Let us pray to the
the assembly’s response and
the assembly repeats the
response. 3. That those who possess nothing in this world may inherit the
4. Read the petitions and richness of Christ’s Kingdom. Let us pray to the Lord.
the assembly repeats the
response. You can signal the 4. That those who are discouraged by the pains of their trials
people to respond by raising
your open hand, palm facing
and sickness may not close their hearts but learn to grow
upwards, fingers pointing at through their sufferings. Let us pray to the Lord.
them. Do not say the response
anymore because that’s the 5. That the dead may be welcomed into the Kingdom of heaven.
part of the assembly. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. Remember that you are
announcing what every one
is praying for. You are not
reading for yourself. You are Lord God, make us share in your love open to all people, and
reading so that those listening welcome all with our brother Jesus Christ now and forever.
may know what they are
praying for. So, read at a pace All: Amen.
that can be understood--not
too slow, not too fast.
6. Remember to pause and
7. After the last response, the
priest will conclude with a
prayer and everyone says
“Amen”. That’s the time when
you step back from the ambo,
make a bow towards the altar
table, go down, and with the
other readers, go back to your

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