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Exploring the scientific nature of the Prophet’s heart surgery

Today, we delve into a truly extraordinary moment in the early life of our beloved Prophet
Muhammad. It takes us back to a time when he was just a child, having reached the age of
His wet nurse, Halimah, faced a difficult decision. She had come to love and cherish the
child, as he had brought prosperity to her family. Reluctantly, she prepared to return him to
his mother in Makkah. She tried convincing Aminah to let him stay with her longer by
warning of an outbreak in Mecca. Aminah finally agreed to extend the period of nursing. This
period would witness an event of profound significance.
One day, while the young Prophet Muhammad and his milk-sibling Abdullah were at play
with other children, a momentous event occurred. In human form, the angels Jibreel and
Mikael appeared before the Messenger of Allah, dressed in white. With divine purpose, they
gently took the Prophet, laid him down, and performed a sacred act.
They opened his blessed chest, revealing the heart that would guide and inspire countless
generations. From it, they removed a small piece of tissue described as “the share of the
devil.” This act was a symbolic purification, a testament to the Prophet's infallible and
protected status.
With great care, the angels washed the sacred heart in a golden bowl, using the blessed Zam-
Zam water. They skillfully sewed it back in place, their hands guided by the divine. When
some startled children ran to Halimah saying Muhammad had been killed, she rushed to find
him alive but found his complexion altered by the experience. Filled with concern, she
considered the possibility of a malevolent influence, so she returned him swiftly to Aminah.
However, upon sharing her fears with the Prophet's mother, she found comfort in the
miraculous signs accompanying his birth.
Convinced of the divine protection surrounding her child, she urged Halimah to return him to
her care, knowing that his destiny was intertwined with a higher purpose.
According to many scholars, in the life of the Prophet Muhammad, there were four
significant instances of 'heart surgery.’
The first occurred when he was under the care of Haleemah, his wet nurse. During this time,
a small piece of tissue was removed from his heart. This act was a means to safeguard the
Noble Prophet from the potential mischief of the devil.
At the age of ten, a transformative event took place. It was as though the essence of mercy
and compassion was poured into his heart so that he would grow in an ideal, virtuous manner.
The third instance unfolded within the cave of Hirā during days of profound seclusion and
reflection. Here, his heart was filled with a divine light bringing tranquility. This divine
infusion prepared him to bear the monumental weight of Allah's revelation.
Then, on the Night of Ascension, the Prophet's heart was split open and filled with an essence
that bestowed upon him unparalleled faith and knowledge. This prepared him for his
miraculous journey through the heavens and the ultimate divine encounter with Allah.
"The incident is indeed a miraculous event which belongs to "irhāṣ." It's crucial to note that
this event occurred in the physical, observable realm - an experience grounded in reality. The
companion of the Prophet, Anas bin Malik, is quoted in a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim as
having personally seen the surgical scar on the Prophet's chest.
This small portion of heart tissue, often described as the 'devil's share' or 'black blood,' is a
creation of the Almighty present in every human heart. It is a potential gateway for the devil
to influence and corrupt the human mind. It's important to emphasize that since the texts
explicitly mention the removal of this physical piece of tissue, this cannot be merely
However, as the esteemed scholar Qastallani noted in his book 'Al Mawaahibul Ladhuniya,'
discerning and physically perceiving these substances may be challenging for ordinary
individuals. Identifying this portion within the heart, let alone attempting to remove it without
causing harm, might pose a significant challenge. This highlights the extraordinary power and
unique capability possessed by the Prophet, a capacity beyond the norm of human ability."
Modern medical science offers an interesting perspective on the possibility of heart tissue
removal. According to current medical understanding, surgically removing a portion of a
healthy human heart carries significant risks and is generally not feasible.
Scientists point out that the heart is a vital organ whose chambers work synergistically to
pump blood. Any disruption to this delicate system could lead to fatal complications. The
heart muscle tissue is highly specialized and does not regenerate if lost.
However, in certain circumstances, tiny amounts of heart tissue can be carefully removed or
altered - such as small biopsies, tumor removal, valve repairs, or implanting devices. But the
amount resected is extremely minimal compared to the heart's overall mass.
The Prophet's heart surgery could have involved the removal of specific tissues, perhaps
situated in a small region containing what is metaphorically referred to as the 'devil’s portion.'
It's also possible that it entailed the extraction of a portion of the heart—an action beyond the
capability of an ordinary human being.
By integrating this historical event with modern medical understanding, we aim to draw
parallels and offer insights into occurrences that bridge the realms of spirituality and science.
However, it's important to acknowledge that, fundamentally, this event resides in the realm of
the miraculous. Miracles are real occurrences that unfold in the physical world yet defy the
typical laws of nature. The descriptions of miraculous events are not merely symbolic
representations but involve tangible, observable happenings. Consequently, science can
sometimes provide partial insight into miraculous phenomena through empirical analysis.
However, there will always be limitations in applying a purely scientific lens, given the
metaphysical essence at play. As such, science, which primarily operates within the realm of
empirical evidence and observation, may not always provide definitive explanations for
miraculous phenomena.
This endeavor serves to highlight how science and faith can intersect, offering new
perspectives while honoring the unique realms they each encompass.

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