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ASIPOIOGICA Magazine ISSN 0004-6140 editor B. V. RAMAN INDIA Rs. 5.00 AUGUST 1986 SRI LANKA Rs. 12.50 Planets, Sri Lanka and Jayawardane Chief Ministers of Orissa - An Astrological Study Outlook for France Combinations for Foreign Travel Points to Ponder Divine Obligation and Marriage Horoscope of Chancellor Helmut Khol Predicting by Means of Transits Importance of the Ninth House Hindu Rekha Sastra and other regular Features | AUGUST 1986 AKSHAYA—SRAVANA 1908 SS No. 8 THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE (Asia’s only Journal of its type) Founded 1895 by B. Suryanarain Rao EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BANGALORE VENKATA RAMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR . GAYATRI DEVI VASUDEV Béltorial Board Rajeswari Raman Saroja Nagaraj B, A Kumar Babu Director, Horoscope Department B Sachidananda Babu Pablisher & General Manager B. Niranjan Babu Foretgn Correspondent _ Dr B Sureshwara Lake Zurich, Ulinois 600047, U.S.A. PROPRIETORS Raman Publications “Sri Rajeswari” Banealore-560 020 (el. 369382, 369229) Agency Distribution for newstand copies in India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia A. Thoninson & Co. 64, Gaudiya Math Road, Royapettah, Madras-600014 THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGA- ZINE appears on the Ilth of each month. "All rights reserved. No part of the Magazine may be reproduced'in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publi- Sher. Unsolicited: manuscripts not ‘accompanied by stamped self-addres- sed envelopes will not be returned, All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to Raman Publications unless. otherwise stated, Views exnressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Publisher assumes no. responsibility for products or services advertised by other than Raman Publications Inland annwal subscription is Rs. 60/- and is to be remitted 10 Raman Associates, “Sri Rajeswari”, Banga- lore-20 by demand draft, MO. oF LP.O. Foreign annual sub: USA. Canada, Japan, ‘Australia, S.America, U-S. 8 30.00’ to be remit” ted to Raman International P.B. 135. Lake Zurich, Iinois 60047. U.S. Subscription’ to U.K., Europe a ‘Africa £20/-; to Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indo- nesia, RS. 360/- to” be remitted to Raanan Associates. Copies to Foreign countries will be supplied by air mail, For news-agency copies apply to A. Thompson & Co. 64, Gaudiya Math Raod, Royapettah, Madras-600 014. Subscribers’ change of address show reach our office six weeks prior to mailing date to ensure uninterrupted delivery. Subsriptions once paid will not be refunded under any circum stances nor any adjustment made. $$ aa 613. PLANETS, SRI LANKA AND JAYAWARDANE Killings, brutal violence and mindless bloodshed are daily affairs in Sri Lanka. hay) This tiny island is aflame with Gayatri Devi Vasudey probes the chart of Jayawardane and ive forces going Ceyton in an attempt to figure out the future course of the ethnic crisis, Will Jayawardane be able to work out an equation the Tamil Tigers or is this role destined for another ? 630, Outlook for France ‘A new phase has begun in France with the return of Chirac, Planetary positions for the day of the elections were indeed crucial to usher in a socialist president and a right-wing prime-minister, says D, N. Rao, 642° Orissa and Its Chief Ministers Dukhishyama Pastanoyaka makes astudy of the history of Orissa and its chief ministers. In the first part of aseries are discussed the charts of Orissa, K. C. Gaja- pathi, Biswanatha Dasa and Dr. H. K. Mabatab. News and Views Ekalavya Astrological Miscellany Gayatri Devi Vasudev The Importance of the 9th House Prof. 8. R. Gupta Points to Ponder—IV H.R. Shankar Divine Obligation and Marriage K.N Rao My First Prediction ‘M.P. Radhakrishnan Nair Hindu Rekha Sastra—HT Romesh K. Sastry Letters to the Editor ‘Your Technical Difficulties Solved Mihira “The Astrological Magazine” Ephemeris (August 1986) Book Reviews Astronomical Notes Agastya Farmers’ Guide for August 1986 ‘Mihira Travel Guide for August 1986 Mihica How is This Month (August 1986) For You ? 7 Utpala Daily Guide for August 1986 Mihira Astrological Activities 641, Horoscope of Chancellor Helmut Khol German scholars rediscovered the arcatness of Sanskrit for India. With such cultural links between the two countries, Argus writes, Khol’s visit to India has evoked more than casual interest in the man and his chart. 646. Combinations for Foriegn Travel Who does not want to know about when he will go abroad ! S. Saxena offers simple combi- nations, drawn from classical works, fo assess the potential for travel overseas for the 12 sigas, 6s 623 626 557 636 wn 645 648 651 655 659 661 663 665 666 668 677 681 The Astrological Magazine Ae A conta TeareT Taatra wtf Se magn ACRE ater Nery feat Those who know astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ? “Vol. 73 AUGUST 1986 No. 8 PLANETS, SRI LANKA AND JAYAWARDANE INDIA and Sri Lanka. Two countries that share a beautiful link that goes back to the Ramayana period. Two countries in the Indian Ocean beleagured today by internal strife. Parallel situations in these two countries arouse common reactions amongst many. What exactly do the extremists want in Punjab? What do the Tamils want in Sri Lanka? Both, very broadly speaking, are fighting for an autonomous state. In Sri Lanka, the problem is plainly ethnic. Its roots go back to the conflict that existed in the 4th century between the Hindus and Buddhists. Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, a mine of compassion was a Hindu of Hindus. The serenity of his character and the truth of his teachings brought whole kingdoms to his feet. Basically, the Buddha stressed the importance of the cight fundamental tules of conduct which kept one in the path of moderation in one’s search for Emancipation or Nirvana. But in course of time, Buddhism suffered many ups and downs and underwent changes at the hands of the Buddhist clergy. Certain Buddhists, as it happens in any religion, became fanatical and bigoted. In Ceylon, when political power came into their hands, some of these Buddhists became intolerant of Hindus living there and assumed chauvi- nistic attitudes towards the latter. There was another reason for Buddhist antagonism towards Hinduism. Long before that, a great spiritual crisis prevailed in India. People were caught between the logic of the Buddhists and atheism on the one hand and ritualistic Hinduism in an exaggerated form on the other. At this point of time, Adi Sankara- charya arrived on the scene and revived Hinduism in its pristine glory shorn of all undesirable accretions. As a_ result, Buddhism was nearly edged out of the country and it made its way across the ocean to Ceylon. After Independence in 1948, the Buddhist majority which came to power took upon itself the task of making Ceylon a purely Buddhistic state. Discrimination against the Hindus (who were mostly Tamils) in 614 The Astrological Magazine (Vol. 75, No. 8 Astrology for Beginners [20TH EDITION] by Bangalore Venkata Raman This book is designed to give a clear and concise exposition of the essen- tial facts of astrology. It contains material that is easy to follow. This is the best book for beginners. The presentation is bound to make fascinating appeal also to the advanced student. Rs. 8.00 or Dols. 3.50 Three Hundred Important Combinations (NINTH EDITION) By Bangalore Venkata Raman Gives a masterly exposition of three hundred imporiant yogas and how they effect one’s horoscope. Rs. 30:00 or Dols. 12.00 Prasna Tantra (FOURTH EDITION) By Bangalore Venkata Raman This is a unique book on Horary Astrology and expounds in a simple and scientific manner reliable methods for answering questions of day-to-day importance based on query time. The orginal slokas are in Sanskrit with translation and exhaustive notes in English. Rs. 22.50 or Dols. 9.00 Raman Associates “Sri Rajeswari”, B-ngalore-560 020, Indix. August 1986} the fields of higher education and employ- ment began. The Tamils protested at every stage through Gandhian methods of non-violence but their repeated failure to secure justice forced them to resort to arms. This was perhaps necessary also to save themselves from persecution. A. section of the Buddhist clergy took an active part in all anti-Tamil programs. It is said that in the 1983 riots, it went about the streets exhorting the mobs to spare no Tamils. During these riots many Tamil businessmen who suffered huge losses discovered that normal procedures for compensation and insurance were set at nought. This left no doubt, in their minds, of official connivance. Thereafter, the cry from the Tamils for a separate state took onan intensity that has now reached frightening proportions. In the Independence horoscope (Chart 1) of Ceylon, Ketu is in the Lagna. Ketu, according to classical works, rules the Bauddhas or Buddhists. The nodal axis across the Lagna always implies a streak of religious fanaticism as evidenced by the Sinhala psychology today. Despite this splintering streak in the country’s body politic, Saturnjin the 10th house, as a yoga- karaka, has ‘helped retain the cloak of democracy. The 10th house rules the government. In spite of President Julius Jayawardane’s referendum to continue in power till at least 1987, the by-elections of Mulkiragalla last_year show that the demo- cratic instincts of the country are still very active. In spite of intensive campaigning, Jayawardane’s United National Party was able to win only marginally over the Sri Lanka Freedom Party led by the erst- while —_ prime-minister Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike. Mars ruling the 7th house and signifying the opposition is strongly placed in the 11th in a friendly sign Leo. He is favourably aspected by the 3rd lord Jupiter from his own sign Sagittarius. Which is why, Mrs. Bandaranaike, even Planets, Set Lanka and Jayawardane 613 though stripped of all civic rights is still very actively campaigning the Sinhala cause by ostensibly addressing Buddhist gatherings and prayer groups. Her vocal ‘opposition (note Mars ruling the opposition is also the ruler of the 2nd, the house of speech) circumventing regulations on her political activity is something to take note of, But right aew the SLFP does not interest us so much ag the ethnic conflict that has in recent months taken on a truly macabre course. Day in and day out newspaper headlines scream with the brutal killings in Sri Lanka. fue] | Venus| | Merc.| Chart 1 | 54. RAST Sun lJupit. [Moon look at the Let us take a afflictions Chart 1 is now under. The 10th lord Moon is in Scorpio aspected by natal Mars. Transit Saturn is now here influ- encing and in turn influenced by natal Mars. The Lagna is vitiated by the transit of Ketu. This saturnine affliction on the 10th house has set into motion a civil war in the country striking terror in the hearts of the civilians. The Sun and Saturn, signifying respectively the governor and the governed, in the 4th (domestic affairs) and the 10th (government) are in opposi- tion indicating serious internal troubles under adverse directional influences. This affliction has now erupted as the struggle for liberation by the Tamil Tigers. The Moon occupies Scorpio in a Pasa-Drekkana (noose decanate) in the sign of death and Saturn traversing it has let loose a reign of ruthless Killings. Ceylon attained Independence on 3/4-2~ 1948 at 1 a.m, (IST) at Colombo with a 616 The Astrological Magazine {Vol. 75, No. 8 FOURTH EDITION NOW AVAILABLE Compendium of Astrology By Prof. B, Suryanarain Rao This is the first book ever written in English on Astrology by a master of the subject a hundered years ago, when Prof. Rao was a student. The book in question gives one an insight into the grooves in which Prof. Rao’s thoughts were running. Gives a bird’s cye-view of the science of astrology avoiding all technicalities. Every one must possess a copy of this work not because it contains anything new on the subject but- as a memento of the service rendered by the author for the cause of the subject. Price Rs. 10,00 or £ 2.50 or U.S. Dols. 4.00 Muhurtha or Electional Astrology By Bangalore Venkata %aman (7th Edition) The principles of Muburtha or Applied Astrology have been most scientifically ex- pounded. The book is packed with facts essential for correctly making use of astrology in day-to-day affairs, There is a time for sowing and a time for reaping. This book tells you how to achieve succuss in all your undertakings in spite of obstacles. When to start business, when to interview important people, when to study, when to take treatment for different kinds of diseases, when to file a suit, when to employ servents, when to shift from place to place, when to make a will, when to marry, and whom to marry, etc., have all been explained in a simple and attractive manner. OPINION “From conception to death........Muhurtha dominates the action of every orthodox Hindu and here is an excellent book teliing you ail about it.” —The Hitavada, Nagpur. In fact, the book will be a fitting companion as it guides you in almost all matters affecting your life. The first attempt to bring within the pages of a single book the most valuable infor mation bearing on Muhurtha scattered in different treatises. You should never miss to read this book. Price Rs. 20,00 or £5.00 or U.S. Dols. 8,00 Less 10% to subscribers of THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINB Raman Associates “* Sri Rajeswari’’, Bangalore-560 020, INDIA August 1986] balance of 5 years. 11 months and 7 days of Saturn Dasa. Commenting on the chart (Chart 2) cast for 22-5-1972 at 12-43 p.m. when Sri Lanka became a Socialist Republic we wrote as far back as July 1972,that“ Leo the authori- tative sign rising and Mars, dominantly placed in the constellation of Rahu, gives us anidea of the political outlook and Sen [ian [So Se [ote (Sa ; Mare Chart 2 Ketn [Moon —| Seas | PS wavansa Rahu |Ascdt.| | Venus, [Ascat. Jupit. (R) commitments of the y pe had drawn the constitution. The Sun and Saturn, being together, is not an ideal combination for a really democratic-socia- listic content, Saturn, no doubt, represents democracy and ‘socialism’ but the Sun is an aristocrat and an autocrat, and Saturn is in the constellation of the Moon ruling royalty. Consequently, the apprehensions of a section of the people that judicial checks will be whittled down leading to authori- tarian rule are not quite unjustified. From Chandra (Moon) Lagna again, while the horoscope is strongly disposed, the situation of Venus and Mars in the 10th, both in the constellation of Rabu who occupies the 5th or house of thinking, aspected by Mars cannot minimise the adverse impact on the people of an all-powerful Parliament un- checked by safeguards, judicial or consti- tutional. The lord of the 7th, Saturn, is in the 10th in the constellation of the lord of the 12th and in association with the ascendant- lord.......Lord of the 6th also happens to be Saturn but the 6th is occupied by Rahu in the constellation of the lord of Lagna, the Sun, Rahu-Sun influences affecting the 6th will create numerousvinternal problems and will confront Sri Lanka with racial and 2 Planets, Sri Lanka and Jayawardane 617 linguistic rivalries. | While the Prime Minister may try to handle these skillfully, she will not be able to seal the cracks. Rahu in the 6th denotes puzzling disorders, plots to overthrow authority and break-up of the coalition party in power, intrigue and uprisings. It occurs to us that especially during the Dasa of Mars, Sri Lanka has to pass through a period of intense struggle.” Mars Dasa began about the end of 1983. We also wrote, “The sine qua non of a strong horoscope is the vitality of the Lagna or Chandra Lagna, which in its turn is derived by the disposition of benefics in angles and trines. In this case, benefics are in trines but malefics occupy the kendras. Consequently, while the horo- scope is fairly strong indicative of a bright future, the new-born Republic faces rough seas. The extremist partners signified by the situation of Rahu in the Sun’s constel- lation will be the main source of Sri Lanka’s (Continued on page 682) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Reserve your copy of 1986 Surya Prakash Memorial Number (September 1986 issue) of THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE Contains, for the first time, highly informative and thought - provoking articles on Planets and Medical Careers by contributors well known to readers of the 4.M. Register your order early with your news agent to avoid any disappointment. For Agencies Contact : A. THOMPSON & Co. 64, Gaudia Math Road, Royapettah, Madras-600014. 618 The Astrological Magazine [Vol. 75, No. 8 News and Views EKALAVYA Skill or Character? JF the educational policy of Macaulay pro- ‘duced clerks, for the British Raj, Rajiv Gandhi’s educational policy adopted by the Parliament will produce robots to man _Inde- pendent India’s daphtars. Described as Opera- tion Black-board’, the common core curriculum, uniform three-tier structure, greater vocationa- lisation at the cost of a liberal education and delinking degrees from jobs in the scheme will produce just that crop. Does mere skill make the whole man which is the object of true education? Etymologically the word ‘Education’ is derived from the Latin Educre—to bring out the ‘best in man, It is training the mind and not the hand. Says Sir John Lubbock : “ Education is not intended to make lawyers or clergymen, soldiers or school-masters, farmers or artisans but men.”” ‘We have no quarrel with universalization of elementary education or the ten plus twos and threes, with all the inputs, implementation and monitoring, but in the absence of parental participation and social involvement by students in value-based (euphemism for moral) activity in the scheme, the present malaise in the com- munity will continue to rule the roast. The wheel and test-tube are no substitutes for giving a helping hand to an ailing neighbour. We owe all the double-think, double-talk, double-standard dishonesty and terrorism in our society to this lacuna. The student in India spends just one-seventh of his school life in the curricular activity and six-sevenths outside when he is left to fend for himself in this vicious world of drug, sex and videos. Unless he is well cushioned in these spare hours by value-based programmes, there is no hope for the future generation of oar country ; they will continue to be what they are, if not become worse. The total absence of moral instruction in the curriculum at the school stage is the weakest link in the chain of the new educational policy. The Chchatra is insulated against moralism as it were. Let not the cry of secularism be raised, for secularism is no enemy of religion; it really endorses equal respect for all religions. Let us as a secular nation carry out this constitu- tional responsibility by exposing our boys and girls fully to our ancient culture and values, tothe lives and teachings of all saints, sages and religions so that they may understand, assimi- late and appreciate higher values of life as learnt from them and imbibe tolerance and sympathy towards fellow beings. Let us for once cast away the demons of selfishness, parochialism and chauvinism from the borders of our country. What the world and we as part of it need most today is character on the part of indivi- dual citizens, which is greater than the economic or political greatness of a country; for, a nation, made of its people, withont character is a leaky ship, however gorgeous or luxurious it may appear to be. May God give us the vision, wisdom and determination to uphold the highest ideals enshrined by our Rishis—Ritam and Satyam— through education. Vipareeta Raja Yoga The April 1986 issue of A.M. carries happily an article of late R. Lakshmanan, the veteran writer. It will give readers of the younger generation an insight into his early mastery of the subject and power of analysis. In that article Mr. Lakshmanan discusses, among others, Vipareeta Raja Yoga. This yoga enunciated by the controversial Uttara Kalae mrita has always intrigued me. Mr. Lakshmanan, as indeed most scholars belonging to the old school argue, holds that this yoga owes its applicability to the principle August 1986) that evil planets in evil houses are crippled and so become benefic—following the mathematical rule that two negatives make one positive. In fact Mr.Lakshmanan cites in support other instances of apparently similar behaviour on the part of planets. Those that do not understand this argument ate satisfied withholding the yoga as axiomatic. For a critical mind, however, the above argument sticks in the throat, as it were; for, nowhere in astrology the Rishis have postulated or subscribed to the mathematical principle cited. On the contrary, they have categorically held that evil planets in evil houses do become more evil ; debilitated and combust ones being much worse. Under the circumstance it behoves us to bestow some fresh thinking on the issue. It must however be based on rules approved and stated categorically by the Rishis. ‘One such attempt is made here and submitted for consideration by scholars. Judging from the effects of the yoga, it is a dhana yoga. Now, an accepted principle in astro-diagnosis is to treat each bhava as Lagna for interpreting that bhava, i.e., through Bhava- lagna. Following this rule the 6th, 8th and 12th houses become the Sth, 7th and 11th houses, with reference to the 2nd, a dhana house. ‘Their exchange of places therefore constitutes a Maha yoga and theit sambandha in the manner indicated for this yoga too is favourable, as they become respectively kona (trine), kendra (quadrant) and Jabha (11th) for the second house. ‘Again, 6th is the dhanabhava for Sth (money through speculation), 8th the dhanabhava for 7th (moeey through partner), and 12th dhana bhava for 11th [money from friends or gain through business (10th)]. Therefore for the Rona, kendra and labha of Lagna itself, the impugned houses become financially fortunate. Their combination, even from the point of view of the Lagna, thus appears favourable. Whether, in view of the natural 6th, 8th and y2th houses the wealth so gained will last News and Views 619 depends on the intrinsic merit of the chart and the operating Dasas. The question before scholars now is: Whether a negative approach based on the negative principle not supported by Rishis which has the only advantage of being rhetorical or the posi- tive approach—not a blind one but as to hold it axiomatic—is and affected-from is prefer- able. There should be no two opinions. The effectiveness of this yoga must also depend on the general law that they must be free from affliction in the said houses. It does not seem real to imagine that the worse they are by debilitation, etc., the greater their bene- ficence, Finally when commentators like Bhattotpala say ft sit: it should not be taken to mean that a planet in debilitation is afraid of giving bad results due to his disability; but as mean- ing, is afraid of giving favourable results, Padma Yoga Going through a Mss by name Nadi-Vinadi this scribe came across the following verse which will be of interest to readers : waite tqrid afafeed wer 1 arise aaa arse mgerettern fac: i Should all the houses from Rabu and Ketu be occupicd by planets without break, it gives rise to Padmaka Yoga. Its result is to confer Ashta Lakshmi Yoga, i.e., prosperity of all kinds. This work is a compilation of verses from popular ‘classics. Now, leaving Rahu and Ketu, there are five houses between them in which five planets at least should find place. 1 and 7 can also carry one or two planets but they cannot be inside of them longitudinally to fit the rule but preferably away, for obvious reasons. How do we reconcile this yoga with Kala- sarpa Yoga is the hundred dollar question, unless one or two extend beyond the nodes. Incidentally there is a yoga by name Padma Yoga which figures in electional astrology and which is caused by Jupiter, Mercury or Venus in Lagna and malefics tenanting 3, 6 and 11, It is an excellent configuration for performing auspicious functions, but has no relation to Padmaka. 620 Indian Astronomy This scribe had recently an opportunity to look through a lavishly produced volume: National Geographic Atlas of Our Universe by Roy A. Gallant. It is an eye-filling guide to youngsters which unfolds the story of astro- nomy, of the West of course, from its beginning to the eighties. You get here all the important details, from mythology to scientific data on the celestial bodies—all up-to-date—neatly tabulated and illustrated overwhelmingly with colourful visuals from the Voyager downwards and the story is further projected into the future. . The narrator reels off Egypt and Rome, Ptolemy and the Arabs; Aristotle, Copernicus and Tycho ;"Kepler and Galileo, Newton and Herschel all of whom are featured as the father- figures of astronomy. To him, as indeed to most western writers, India had never existed : It had been a dark continent in astronomy. Vedanga Jyotisha and the Rishis who founded plane and solid geometry down to Aryabhata and Brahmagupta were all who copied the West ; 50 it would seem, and as such, do not deserve men- tion in their august pages, In the chapter on the origin of the Universe, the Big-Bang theory rules the roast even as biological experiments on the origin of life. And of course the ancient myths of Egypt, Rome and Greece do find place, but tut ! not those of India and her philosophical theories on the issue. Indeed we are told that, Satanely Mill, mixed gases of our primitive atmosphere—hydrogen, ammonia and methane—with steam and sparked them with electricity to simulate lightning which resulted in amino-acids that are building blocks of life on carth. The work then speculates on life on other planets too, all scientifically of course. How sad that not all the years and months of Festivals of India held in England, France and America, where crores of money have been pumped down, have been able to remove the blinker against ancient astronomical achieve- ments ! The Astrologieal Magazine {Vol. 73, No. & Is it not a shame that top Indian scientists and astrophysicists of the calibre of Nobel Laureate have not cared to study Indian achievements in the field or expound India’s proud heritags and projected her image in proper perspective? Indeed the world of astronomy as a whole owes to itself to correct this cocky image of the science and what is more, benefit by mutual irrigation of thought and work between different civilizations. In this task the cultural wing of the Govern- ment of India owes a great duty by the nation to see that ancient Indian astronomy gets its due place in the Sun, There had been British and French savants in the past too who had laboured in ancient Indian astronomy. The old volumes of Royal Asiatic Society's journals will bear testimony to The Surya Siddhanta had been ably translated by one such savant. It is time therefore that our modern Indian astronomers dig out ancient texts —there are as many as 18—as the subject for research, and Dixit’s volumes on the history of Indian astro- nomy can well form its nucleus. Let them emulate Varahamihira and produce new Sid- dhantikas and blaze another glorious trail of India ! One More Evidence ‘These are days when things sell by the white man’s chit. Here is one more evidence of the truth of astrology found through statistical research, after the manner of the Gaeguelins. The British Journal of Psychiatry, reports that three researchers—Edward Howe, John Price and Eliot Salter—have found after a decade of study carried out in England and Wales from the birth dates of all psychiatric patients admit- ted into hospitals, that schizophrenic and maniac depression was 9% more in the cases of birth during the first quarter of the year in the northern hemisphere. Cesarean births failed this test. They propose to carry out similar studies in different countries and climes. August 1986] A Matrimonial Problem A friend refers to me a disconcerting matri- monial problem in the life of an educated couple, in their twenties, recently married, after matching of horoscopes and mutual con- sent too. The problem is that the giri becomes uneasy as the day wears owt anc night sets, and fiercely resists sex from the very first night. She is not able to explain why, but repeats she will be better in the next Dasa. Both are found medi- cally fit. Could it be a case of * possession” or result of ‘ witchcraft’, was the question. He wanted advice as to whether the situation could be retrieved or whether the marriage would go on the rocks. The charts are given below. xeon] [lowe] | Mere.|| Raha Moon — Girl I——| Boy | Mars Mars [venus| |Venus A [— Merc. Sat, 8h @)Jupit, Raha jLagna} Ketu Iwandi aun At the outset both have Mars and Venus in Leo which is something disturbing. In the girl's chart the Moon, karaka for mind, occupies the 6th, the house of sickness and her dispositor Mars who is also Lagna lord is afflicted by Mandi jn Lagna which indicates a sick mind. Venus, karaka, obtains debilitation Navamsa, dis- counting married happiness. The 4th is the house of sex-pleasure which is aspected by the same Mars-Venus combine. The present Dasa- Bhukti lords Sun-Mercury occupy the 6th from the 4th in the chart which is also badhaka house for the Lagna. All these appear to have built up the problem. On the face of it the illness—that is what it is—appears to be psycho- somatic, And the boy has Saturn in the 12th house indicating delay of pleasure from bed. Apparently the poor girl has had some revolt- ing experience in early childhood which has aflected her psyche sharply (Sth lord in the 12th) and she should be released from the fixation by mani, mantra (counsel too) and aushadha, 3 News and Views 621 She could wear a good diamond touching her body or yantra of Saubhagyalakshmi for Venus, and recite Lakshmi stotra on Fridays at least. Harmonal and psychiatric treatment will help. Besides all these, a sympathetic domestic envi- ronment, understanding and tactful husband, a pleasant honeymoon and helpful girl-friends should all prove catalytic in the transforma- tion. Sending her away to her parents will only compound the malady. She has 34 bindus in the 7th house and 4th lord Saturn aspects the 4th which may be a slow but sure process and she must be given a chance to live her full marital life. This is no question of possession or witchcraft. This is what appears to the writer. Old Astrological Work in Tamil This scribe had come across the name Vee. meswara Ullamudayan in ganita literature in Tamil language as one of the core texts classed along with Surya Siddhanta, and Aryabhateeya. Vakyas had been quoted from it. He had long wondered what the text was like and whether it was exclusivey devoted to Panchanga-ganana (computations). By a stroke of luck, a friend presented a rare first edition copy of it to him recently. The text is printed in 1903 and the copy is one of the $00 first printed. It has apparently been re- printed offer! To his great joy, he found it to be a com- prehensive work, containing siddhanta, jataka including the clectional and prasna parts as well as Samhita. Of Ashtakavarga alone it carries 43 verses. By its nature, these topics are concentrated in their 260 pages. Starting with a verse each it is followed by translation in prose, all in old Tamil of course. The first title of the work is Jyotish Graha Chintamani, what is mentioned earlier is the second and the popular title. The date of its composition, one learns from other sources, is 1234 A.D., fe., earlier than Vararuchi’s. Little is learnt from the text of the author but there are clues to its locales Thodukkaad is seen to be the place of his birth. The presiding deity of the locality is Vee. meswara alias Vedamurti and uc Lord’s spouse 622 Nabai Mukha Valli, i.e., Smiling Mother. The author must have been atrat devotee of weir’s. Some readers may be able to identify the place. May be that the author's name too was Veemeswara and his work gained the name, even as Parasara’s has become Parasari. The work consists of 510 verses of the type having 8 lines each. Wonder of wonders, it is prefaced by an alphabetical index of topics which admits of easy and eclectic use. Many new yogas are mentioned. Treatment of the houses is fresh and intelligent. The electional side is well represented. For one who is accus- tomed to read standard Sanskrit classics on the subject, the present work comes like a whiff of fresh air. Muslim Divorce Bill ‘The passing of the Muslim Divorce Bill has exposed « gaping chink in our national character; we are willing to wound but backing to strike and vice versa. ‘A Congress Minister who caused a furore by resigning at the introduction of the Bill voted it meekly in obedience to the party whip and as many as 40 Congress legislators, whe tacitly approved its instruction, failed to vote, dis- obeying the whip for specious reasens. Before the Bill was passed it was all sound and fury in and outside the Parliament eut after its passing not even a whimper is heard. Whether it was abdication before the bellige- tance of Muslim fundamentalists er a vote. catching device, the Government is on firm ground on its pedestal of non-interference in religious matters, but whether it will have a chain reaction from other communities is a moot point. What, however, is lost sight of im the heat is that the Act is essentially negative in character viewed from its context. All that it says echoing the Shariat is this : it is not mandatory to pay alimony, but does not say ‘don’t pay’—does not prohibit payment ! It is therefore quite open to progressive Muslims to fund the helpless women generously and thus, in effect, set at nought the operative part of the Act and at the same time full their The Astrological Magazine [Vol. 75, No.8 In any event this should not be allowed to become a convenient handle to corrupt progres- sive Muslim opinion. Indeed, Government can well seek to mollify public resentment where it continues by empha- sising this aspect of the Act which will be quite in order, having regard to its declared stand and not seem to fail by its secular oath. And socio-religious legislations must be judged in their observance, as the ball will be in the court of the people concerned. The remedy is clear: education of the com- munity outside Parliament and—conditions in Muslim countries beyond our borders, will certainly prove catalytic in bringing about the desirable reform. Punya by Proxy Balaji of the Seven Hills is many things for many people. For the rich, he is the harbinger of prosperity and for the poor, remover of poverty. A friend who regularly commutes to the Lord’s shrine capitulated when confronted point blank why he did so. It was a business arrang:ment, he confided, between him and the Lord. He made the trips to pay up the Lord’s share of profits then and there to avoid interest being charged. “A pay-off?” [ asked, but the friend brushed aside my joke and affirmed with all seriousness that it was a loyal partnership. Doesn't one occasionally read in the news- papers of the discovery of bundles of high denomination currencies—Indian forergn—in the capacious hundi? Along with them, defaced coins and currencies too ? We have known the Lord cast in the role of Shylock. It was like this: A devotee vowed to gilt his diamond ring as quid pro quo for the cure of his badly injured finger. It did and the devotee made a bee line to the sacred shrine to fulfil his vow. At the last moment he slightly altered its implementation. The ring had a sentimental value for him; it was his wedding ring. Why not pay the Lord its value in cash and thus save both conscience and sentiment, thought he. (Continued on page 679) August 1986] Astrological Miscellany 623 Astrological Miscellany GAYATRI DEVI VASUDEV, 3.8c., LL.B. Un this feature, unusual and interesting events that occur im day-to-day life will be discussed astrologically. They may be about anything—birth, marriage, death, accident, sport, career, art. farming, weather, animals, and the list is endless—so long as it is different from the monotony of life. Readers are invited to send in details of such instances plus relevant astrological charts, dates and the Ayanamsa used to ‘ Astrological Miscellany’, THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE Bangalore~560 020.) The Great Harmonizer 66TTHE strength of Jupiter is important. for smooth family life. We see good parents disappointed with poor children, or vice versa. Any sort'of mismatching always leads to tension, quarrels in the family. There are families where the two wings operat ein polarity—the mother wing and the father wing. But to have a well- co-ordinated and cohesive family, Jupiter should be eminently placed in the horoscopes of family members. “‘ The position of Jupiter is good when, for example, he is posited in the 2nd house. This occupation in the house of kufumba (family) goes a long way in building a peaceful family life. He may be strong in different ways, viz., own house, second house, exaltation, good exchanges, good amsas (divisional strength), etc. “I cite below the horoscopes of the members of a family with special reference to the posi- tion of Jupiter: “(1) Father: Gemini—Lagna; Jupiter in Cancer; Ketu in Virgo; the Sun and Mercury in Libra; Mars and Venus in Scorpio; Saturn in Sagittarius; the Moon in Aquarius; and Rahu in Pisces. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer in the 2nd house, he is also lord of the 2nd from Chandra Lagna though the 6th from him. He also occu- pies Navamsa Lagna. “(2) Mother: Cancer—Lagna and Mars;Jupi- ter, Venus and Ketu in Leo ; the Sun in Virgo; Mercury in Libra; Saturn in Sagittarius; and the Moon and Rabu in Aquarius. Two benefics, Venus and Jupiter, occupy the 2nd house. Jupiter also forms a Gajakesari from the Moon, the Lagna lord and is in his bosom friend’s house. Mie is also Navamsa Lagna lord. “*(3) First son : Gemini—Lagna, Jupiter and Ketu; the Meon in Cancer; Saturn in Libra Rahu in Sagittarius; Venus Aquarius; the Sun and Mercary ia Pisces; and Mars in Taurus, Jupiter is in agna Kendra, vargottama occupy- ing the same sign in Rasi and Navamsa in excellent exchange with Lagna lord. The Moon as the 2nd lord is in his own house. “"(4) Second son: Leo—Lagna; Jupiter in Virgo; Saturn in Scorpio; the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius ; Mars in Pisces; the Moon in Aries; and Ketu in Taurus. Jupiter is in the 2nd in exchange of signs with 2nd lord Mercury. Jupiter is also Navamsa Lagna lord. “(S) Danghter: Libra—Lagna ; Jupiter in Scorpio ; Saturn in Sagittarius; Ketu in Pisces ; the Moon im Aries; the Sun and Mercury in ‘Taurus ; Venus and Mars in Cancer ; and Rahu in Virgo. Jupiter is in the 2ndin a friendly house. “In the above charts, Jupiter is in the 2nd house or otherwise well disposed in relation to family factors. Jupiter strong in the 2nd house enhances its indications of peaceful family life, good health, fine speech, not indulging in un- wanted or harsh talk, compromising rather than quarrelling and earning wealth through right- eous means. “There is a blend of all these characteristics in the family in question. For any family to prosper, the strength of benefics is a must and 624 readers can test this rule for themselves.” This homily comes to us from G. Srinivasan of Ahmednagar. Perplexing Reader C. R. Narayan of Bombay has an interesting case for us to work on. Writes he : “Iam enclosing case whose native is still alive. He was born ina good family. He inherited immense wealth, i.e., several acres of paddy fields, 7 excellent houses besides plenty of gold ornaments and silver utensils. But as Venus Dasa started, he started losing his property bit, by bit, ultimately lost everything by April 1982 which left hima total pauper begging for money and maintenance from his children—3 sons and 5 daughters—all of whom are reasonably well placed in life by their own efforts. He under- went two surgeries, one for hydrocele and another in the stomach for suspected cancer. Both the operations were successful and the native is normal today. He has no source of income nor even a small house. “Born at Trivandrum on Ist Margasira 1089 Tamil year (corsesponding approx imately to 16-12-1914) at 6-15 a.m. with a balance of Jupiter Dasa at birth: 11 years, 5 months and 16 days. “* Rasi: Gemini—Ascendant, Mars and the Moon ; Cancer—Mandi; Leo—Ketu; Scorpio— Mercury and Venus : Sagittarius—the Sun and Jupiter; Aquarius—Rahu; and Taurus—Saturn, Navamsa ; Sagittarius—Ascendant and Jupiter ; Aries—the Sun; Taurus—the Moon, Rahu and Saturn ; Gemini—Mars ; Leo—Mandi ; Virgo— Mercury ; and Scorpio—Venus and Ketu. “* On going through his horoscope, it is seen that four planets are vargottama, two planets exalted in’ Navamsa, besides Hamsa Yoga, Sasimangala, Yoga, Lagna Chandra Adhiyoga, ete. The pity is that loss of all property has taken place in Venus Dasa—Venus being a bencfic for Gemini Ascendant. Whether the placement of Venus in the 6th which again is an upachayasthana or Saturn, lord of the Sth and the 9th inthe 12th—Vipareeta Rajayoga has contributed to this state of affairs is a mystery to me. Will you kindly analyse this horoscope The Astrological Magazine {Vol. 75, No. 8 and evaluate it for what it is worth as it is enigmatic to me” concludes reader Narayan. The Forgotten Wisdom of the Hindus Prof. B. R. Soni of Saugur shares some interesting throughts with us. Writes he: “History tells us that foreigners in search of hidden Hindu wisdom came to India and carried with them valuable treasures in the form of books. “In the 19th century occultists and astro- logers from Britain and France visited India. Writes Cheiro : ‘During my earlier years when travelling in the Bast it had been my good fortune to come in contact with a certain sect of Brahmins who had kept in their hands from almost prehistoric times studies and practices ofan occult nature which they regarded as sacredly as they did their own religious teachings. Among other things they permitted me to learn certain theories on the occult signi- ficance of numbers and their influence in rela- tion to human life which subsequent years and manifold experiences not only confirmed but justified me in endeavouring to apply them in a practical sense....were the absolute masters of the occult or hidden meaning of numbers in their application to time and in their relation to human life.” “It was on the basis of these theories that Cheiro had written to Dr. B. V. RAMAN a long life of riches, glory and fame. “Sepharial the English astrologer narrates an episode from his life: ‘I was invited by Swami to take in hand or think of any object I might select. I immediately complied taking special precautions that sight of the object was not obtained by him, In his absence from my room took a postage-stamp of value one anna and placed it ina rather large box, hold- ing this latter in my hand. I then recalled the Swami and bent my thought upon the stamp within the box. The Swami asked me to give him a number, the first that came into my mind and I gave him one. He then immediately described the subject of my thought. It was of square form but longer than it was broad ; very thin, it had two colours on one side only; its August 1986} edges were like a saw and the value of it was one anna....-he presently described things spoken about in letters as yet unopened and further made predictions of certain events which afterwards transpired. On each occa- sion he required that I should give him a number.’ “The Swami revealed the process to Sepha- tial and he. successfully used this theory on numbers for answering questions, predicting events and finding lost things. Sepharial writes that in India, the science of numbers has been continuously studied for purposes of cryptic expression and divination. Sepharial duting his sojourn in India had called at Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao’s house. “Numbers in themselves contain the secrets of Nature and Universe. They form the basis of all our calculations. Number 7 represents the mysterious god force. Nature represents 7. Seven days forma week and 52(5+2—7) weeks, a year, Our gods and goddesses are seen sitting on the lotus. The lotus can never be crossed and so it can never lose its identity. Its outer petals are seven in number. “* The walls of Jericho fell on the seventh day on the seventh round. “The D.P. Ministry of M.P. that was thought to be invincible fell on 7th day (Satur- day), 7th month, 7th year of the 7th decade of the century, i.e., 1967. “19th century astrologers, palmists, and occultists of Europe successfully handled these Hindu theories on numbers in the field of astrology, palmistry and occultism.”” Homework (April 1986) In this case, the first question is of longevity. Rasi: Aquarius—Ascendant ; Aries—Rehu ; Leo—the Moon; Virgo—Mars; Libra—the Sun, Venus and Ketu ; Scorpio—Mercury and Saturn; and Capricorn—Jupiter. Navamsa: Capricorn—Ascendant; Aquarius—Ketu ; Aries —the Sun; Taurus—Mars and Jupiter ; Cancer —the Moon; Leo—Saturn and Rahu; and Scorpio—Mercury and Venus. Balance of Ketu Dasa at birth: years, 8 months and 15 days. 4 Astrological Miscellany 62. The baby died on 4-12-1985 at 9-30 a.m The Moon is in the 7th and this in itself is: strong Balarishta Dosha. No benefics occup: kendras (quadrants). Ketu Dasa was on a birth and Ketu joins 7th lord the Sun anc occupies a nodal constellation. Naturally this would have meant crossing one’s finger unti Ketu Dasa finished would haye been the best answer to the question of longevity. The response from our readers on this pro- blem has been unusually poor. Reader Ramesh Waygoancar from Gwalior comes up with a conclusion which is plausible. Writes he: “The child is running Ketu Dasa and Saturn Bhukti. The horoscope indicates short life. May the Creator help and bless the child. The Ayanamsa used is 22° 33." Reader P. C. Chakravarthy of Bagati Village, Hoogly District, writes: * As regards the disease, the 6th house, Can- cer, is a watery sign. The lord of the 6th, the Moon, is placed in the 7th in Leo, which, according to Dr. B. V. RAMAN’s Hindu Predic- tive Astrology, represents the following parts of the body: Radius, ulna spinal column, heart, spinal cord, vertebrae. The Moon represents the breast, saliva, womb, water, blood, and lymphatic and glandular systems. The lord of the 6th placed in the 7th fully aspects the Ascendant which represents head, brain, ete. Moreover, the 22nd decanate is the first deca- nate of Virgo, which, being the decanate of a benefic planet, signifies ‘water’, Lastly, Mars who is placed in the 8th is in the asterism of the Moon, the lord of the 6th. From all these factors it is clearly indicated that the child would suffer from some disease related to the head and the spinal column, and to something, fluid.” O, Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be. Commit to Him thine every way, And He will keep thee day by day. Thy righteousness shines as the light. Thy judgment as the noonday bright. —Charles F, Sheldon, D. D. 626 The Astrological Magazine [Vol. 75, No. 8 The Importance of the 9th House Prof. S. R. GUPTA ARAVALI exhorts students of Astrology to give the highest priority to the 9th house while examining a horoscope. Bhavartha Ratna- kara and other works of this divine science also feel that no real fortunate combination can be formed without the participation of the 9th, its lord and its karakas—the Sun and Jupiter. Thus, they support the fact that the importance of the 9th house is unequalled. In the carly stages of my astroiogical studies and investiga tions, [ had been told to emphasize the impor- tance of Lagna, its lord, the Sun and the Moon. Having studied numerous horoscopes, I have the following observations to make :— (a) To be generally fortunate in life, the 9ta, its lord and its karakas—the Sun and Jupiter —should be strong. (b) The Lagoa, the 10th, their lords, the Moon and the Sun feel handicapped in giving a glorious life to the native if the 9th, its lord and its karakas—the Sun and Supiter—are weak and afflicted. (c) The strong positions of the 9th, its lord and its karakas do make amends for the draw- backs caused by the weak positions of Lagna, the 10th, their lords, the Sun and the Moon. (d)_ The joint strengtin(s) of (a) the Lagna, the 10th, their lords, the Moon and the Sun and (6) the Sth, its lord and its karakas lead the native to a glorious life. The reason why I should give so much weight to the 9th house, its lord and its significators is that it is the only house that represents bhagya (fortune) without which no real glory can be feltin life, Dr. B.V. RAMAN calls it “the invisible goddess” *. Fortune is enigmatic. It is stated to control events. Broadly speaking, it is the outcome of our doings in the previous life. The previous doings do not block the scope of bright and new 1. Dr. Raman: p. 130. Notes to Bhavartha Ratnakara, thoughts and deeds. Man does enjoy some sort of freedom in the scheme of his life. Tshould not be misconstrued, for I don’t mean that the Lagna, the 10th, their lords, the Sun and the Moon have no say in a horoscope. What I want to make clear is that the strong 9th house sustains the native under all circum- stances, even if his horoscope suffers from other drawbacks. “If the 9th house is occupied by a benefic, the native is lucky. If the 9th lord is aspected by a malefic, inimical or debilitated planet and is in the 6th house, the native suffers in every respect” (Dr. B. V, RAMAN, How to Judge a Horoscope, Volume H, p. 189.) The above words of our esteemed and highly experienced Editor are evidence of the fact that the weak 9th house creates various obstacles and sufferings. In support of my point-of-view, I shall take up the examination of two horoscopes after I have finished the general discussion on the 9th. house. Regarding the chief significations of the 9th house, Dr. RAMAN says on p. 194 in How fo Judge a Horoscope Vol. I that ‘it has mainly to do with father, prosperity or fortune and long distance travel”. The other significations included in this house are: charities, grand- children, intuition, religion, righteousness, preceptors and fame. While judging the events of the 9th house, we must take the following factors into consi- detation (2) The 9th house--the sign init, (6) the 9th lord—its position, (c) planet/s aspecting the 9th, (d) planet/s posited in the 9th, (e) planet/s aspecting the 9th lord, (/) planet/s in association with the 9th lord, and (g) its karakas—the Sun and Jupiter. The above considerations must also be judged from the Moon and Navamsa chart to form an August 1986} exact opinion about the ‘yield’ the 9th house is, likely to bestow on the native. In Astrology, a planet serves a double pur- pose [¢g., one that he is a full-time (regular) Karaka for certain matters and that he is charged with the significations of the house/s ruled/influenced by him]. To find out the things with which the chief significations of the 9th—father, fortune and long-distance travel—are dependent, we have to spot which planet/s and house/s includine the ruler of the sign falling in the 9th house are in touch with the 9th, its lord and its significators, whatever be the manner of this touch, Of course, the other matters are to be dealt with in the same way. For instance if Mars is the 9th lord placed in the 4th—let us ignore other influences for a while—the native’s general luck, the posi- tion of his father and the possibility of fong- distance travel will be linked with the matters of which Mars is a karaka—brothers, machines, tools, army, surgery, medicine, violence, lti- gation, land, boldness, valour, etc., and the significations of the 4th house—education, conveyance, land, mother, etc. To state it briefly, the native’s general luck will be gover. ned by his mother, brother, land and risky actions. The following sloka in Bhavarthe Ratnakara makes my point clear. anarfareqcaned: ATG acATATIs: 1 mazarearchf eanfad Tata a “If the 9th lord is in the 7th and the 7th lord isin the 9th, the person will be fortuuate in regard to wife and he will have self-earned wealth” (translated by Dr. B. V. RAMAN, p/139 of Bhavartha Ratnakara). A look at the other influences on the th, its lord and its significators, the Sun and Jupiter, tells us whether they supplement their positions or detract from them. The influence of the Lagna lord—if he is strong—on any of these factors is always beneficial, whereas that of the lord of the 6th or the 8th or the 12th is Dane- ful. But if the lords of any of these dusthanas are strong and in the company of benefics, the sting will be a little bitter and at the same time, The Importance of the 9th House 627 wiil tty to improve the native’s general luck and other matters through stress and strain. For the realization of the maximum effects of the 9th, its !ord and its karakas should be in kendras/trikonas (angles or trines) from the ascendant/its lord/the Bhava itself and the Moon. The 2nd/12th positions between them lead to the wastage of their energies. The 3rd and the 11th positions are also only shightly beneficial. Natural and functional benefics should cast their benign influences on them. Their dispositors should also be strong. They should not occupy the 6th, the 8th, the 12th houses from the Lagna, itslord, and the Bhava itself and the Moon. They should be in benefic nakshatras. They should be in their exaltation, own or friendly signs. They should occupy good vargas. They should not be combust. If they have directional strength, it is very good. They shou'd also be retrograde. The above are the major considerations for assessing the strength of a planet. No planet (in any horoscope) enjoys all these merits. There is aiways an iuterplay of positive and negative forces and, therefore, a very careful approach is needed to weigh the strength of the planet in question. In my opinion, the right houses for the 9th lord to occupy are the Ist, the 3rd and the 9th itself. But the best house for him is the 9th. In his own house, he is the owner, whereas in any otber house-—-may be the Ist or the 3rd house —he is a tenant, and then his position and safety is dependent on the lord of the sign falling in that house. The two potent planets—the Sun and Jupiter — are karakas for the 9th house. I think, the karakas for a house are its permanent guardian, The allotment of the guardianship for the 9th house to the Sun and Jupiter speaks volumes for its importance. The Sun is karaka for father-—one of the significations of the 9th house. Everyone knows that the native’s for- tune is linked with his father at least till he marries and sets up his own separate family. To be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth means to be born with a living rich father. When the Sun is weak and afflicted,

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