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Synthetic biomolecules
Editorial overview
Derek N Woolfson and Shang-Cheng Hung
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2013, 17:925–928

For a complete overview see the Issue

Available online 6th November 2013

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Derek N Woolfson This issue of Current Opinion in Chemical Biology covers both polypeptides
School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, (peptides and proteins) and carbohydrates. It brings together chemical
Cantock’s Close, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1TS, UK biology, that is, understanding the chemistry and physics of biological
School of Biochemistry, University of Bristol, molecules and assemblies; and the design and engineering methods and
University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TD, UK
principles that are being developed for and applied to these diverse types of
biomolecule. The articles that we gathered highlight the potential for these
Dek Woolfson took his first degree in Chemistry molecules in biotechnology and synthetic biology through the fundamental
at the University of Oxford. He then did a Ph.D. understanding of basic principles and providing improved methods of design
at the University of Cambridge followed by and manipulation. With this collection of reviews, we trust that readers will
post-doctoral research at University College acquire timely ideas and inspirations that ultimately usher new develop-
London and the University of California,
ments in these burgeoning and exciting fields of study.
Berkeley. After 10 years as Lecturer through to
Professor of Biochemistry at the University of
Sussex, he moved to the University of Bristol in Peptide and protein engineering
2005 to take up a joint chair in Chemistry and The peptide and protein engineering section starts with a review that puts
Biochemistry. His research has always been at the field in perspective in two respects: first, that one goal should be
the interface between chemistry and biology, functional designs (in this case enzyme-like functions); and second, that
applying chemical methods and principles to
understand biological phenomena. Specifically,
rational polypeptide engineering is non-trivial and far from routine. Feld-
his group is interested in the challenge of meier and Höcker map out both the recent successes, and remaining
rational protein design, how this can be applied challenges in achieving enzyme-like activities through rational protein
in synthetic biology and biotechnology, and engineering and design. Approaches to this problem are described, which
with a particular emphasis on making often include the combination of computational methods to get into pro-
biomaterials for applications in cell biology and
ductive regions of sequence-structure space first, followed by combinatorial
experiments such as directed evolution to refine and improve activities.
Shang-Cheng Hung These have been used to target protein-catalysed transformations for ester
Genomics Research Center, Academia hydrolysis, retroaldol, Kemp elimination, Diels–Alder, and Morita–Baylis–
Sinica, 128, Section 2, Academia Road,
Taipei 115, Taiwan Hillman reactions. Despite the growing successes in this embryonic area,
e-mail: much remains to be learned and addressed. The authors pinpoint some of
these challenges, which include: assessing and predicting conformational
Shang-Cheng Hung obtained his Ph.D. in changes in proteins that accompany mutagenesis; the need for improved
Chemistry from the National Tsing Hua methods to engineer substrate binding and orientation within active sites
University, Taiwan in 1992. After completing accurately; and the necessity to consider and incorporate the roles of
postdoctoral work at UC Berkeley and The
Scripps Research Institute, he started his
‘second-shell residues’ in binding and activity. We look forward to further
independent research at Academia Sinica in progress in this area, which would undoubtedly impact on biotechnology and
1998 He is currently a Distinguished Research synthetic biology if enzyme-like activities can be tailored de novo, or existing
Fellow at the Genomics Research Centre, enzyme can be repurposed to order.
Academia Sinica. His research interests focus
on carbohydrate chemistry and chemical
Linking the functional and structural aspects of peptide and protein design
biology, particularly those concerning heparan
sulfate and mycobacterial cell envelope and engineering, Peacock’s review reminds us of the important structural
components. and catalytic roles played by metals in natural proteins, and that we will
really have to capture this in protein engineering and design to make
progress. The emphasis is unapologetically on helical bundles based on
coiled-coil designs. This is because there are good sequence-to-structure
relationships (‘design rules’) to allow the predictive and reliable design and Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2013, 17:925–928

926 Synthetic biomolecules

engineering of these structures, and, as a result, more ‘poly-peptide/protein’ chain (as reviewed by Jerala and
recent success with these motifs compared with all b- co-workers); combining small peptide-based building
motifs and mixed a/b-motifs. This focus also allows for blocks through non-covalent intermolecular interactions;
detailed descriptions of some of the designs, which and mediating peptide/protein interactions with small-
cover the incorporation of metallo-porphyrins, mono- molecule or metal ligands. Now that considerable pro-
nuclear and multi-nuclear sites as well as miscellaneous gress is being made in these underpinning aspects of this
metallo-proteins. These involve a wide variety of metals new field — that is, in directing and controlling (i.e.,
and ligands, which take up both structural and functional programming) self-assembly — the question is, what
roles. This article underlines the breadth of possibilities can supramolecular peptide and protein designers put
for this sub-field of protein design and the prospects for their skills and imaginations at work at to create?
the wider field if we can get aspects of metal binding such
as selectively, control of coordination shells, and reactiv- Staying with protein–protein interactions (PPIs), Schue-
ity right. ler-Furman and co-authors describe how disrupting such
interfaces are being targeted in rational design. These
Next, Jerala and co-workers take us on a whistle-stop tour were once considered ‘undruggable’, but small-molecule
of recent progress towards the rational engineering and de inhibitors of PPIs are now being tackled increasingly
novo design of closed peptide-based and protein-based successfully. As part of this effort, Schueler-Furman
assemblies; that is, rather than fibrous, sheet or crystalline and co-authors propose that the concept of ‘hot spots’
materials. The main concepts for achieving such closed in PPIs, originally proposed by Clackson and Wells, can
constructs have been around for a while: namely, combine be embellished leading to the idea of ‘hot segments’.
symmetry elements from the folded structures of pep- These are ‘continuous peptide stretches that dominate the PPI’.
tides and proteins sensibly, and the resulting constructs As such, they provide footholds for both computation
should close spontaneously; for instance, combining studies (to estimate binding and to design PPI inhibitors)
dimeric and trimeric units back-to-back should render and as a guide in subsequent experimental studies. For
hexagonal units that can be tiled to give sheets, or, with a instance, these extended regions of PPIs provide a basis
slight twist, closed polyhedra. The tour includes protein- for the rationalisation of existing experimental data, and
based tetrahedral and octahedral assemblies produced via for new designs of both small molecule and peptide-based
computationally directed engineering of natural protein inhibitors of PPIs. The review also gives some perspect-
interfaces; through the de novo design of coiled-coil build- ive on the experimental strategies for stabilising peptides
ing blocks (or toolkits as they are becoming termed under engineered to bind protein surfaces and disrupt PPIs.
the influence of synthetic biology) for assembling com- The question is, can this spark a new wave in drug
plex discrete nanoscale objects from the bottom-up; and discovery for hitherto intractable targets?
onto a single-chain recombinant polypeptide that encode
multiple coiled-coil components to direct the folding of Moving on from discrete and arrayed polypeptide assem-
the first protein tetrahedron. The progress in this area in blies towards fibrous structures, in two separate pieces
the past year alone has been striking, and the future looks Jalan and Hartgerink and Li and Yu describe progress that
extremely exciting. has been made towards model collagen-like assemblies
and functional collagen-based materials. First, Jalan and
Related to this, Sinclair describes recent successful efforts Hartgerink detail recent advances in understanding and
to use symmetry in folded protein to arrange many designing collagen assemblies using model-peptide sys-
protein structures precisely in space. The area borrows tems. They place this in the context of past and current
from crystallography, but here the emphasis is on control understanding of collagens as one of the best-known and
and programming of assembly rather leaving it to the oldest-known protein structures, but one that still pre-
hapchance of natural physical processes. This is an emer- sents considerable obstacles in terms of design, pro-
ging area largely because of recent advances that have duction and assembly. The review neatly summarises
been made; the idea has been around for a while, and is the sequence, structural and topological challenges in
probably best attributed to Padilla and Yeates. The con- designing rope-like collagens, which at first sight appears
cept is simply to use symmetry elements set up by to be simple, indeed almost trivial protein fold. At
defined protein oligomers to direct, perpetuate and con- the heart of this new perspective are pairwise salt-bridge
trol multiple peptide or protein interactions to furnish interactions between polypeptide chains, which brace
large discrete assemblies, fibres and order 2D and 3D and specify chain–chain interactions. In turn, these pro-
arrays. With these in hand, functional and useful assem- vide ‘rules for protein design’, which can and have been
blies, materials and arrays can be envisaged. As Sinclair used to direct the assembly of homo-typic and hetero-
points out, there are many alternate ways that protein typic collagen-like model peptides. Continued studies
modules can be combined to effect such supramolecular and advances in this area are likely to result in the
assembly. The strategies employed include: encoding all programming of self-assembled collagen-based fibrous
of the information for folding and assembly in a single and hydrogel materials with potential applications in

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2013, 17:925–928

Editorial overview Woolfson and Hung 927

3D cell culture and tissue engineering. This takes us prospects for multivalency — considered a hallmark of
nicely onto the next topic in the section. carbohydrate–protein interactions. Wittmann presents
the difficulties and the approaches that have been devel-
Functionalising assembled collagen fibres and materials is oped to elucidate multivalent interactions, focusing on
the meat and potatoes of Li and Yu’s review. In addition carbohydrate as the ligand. He describes the possible
to the above of course, collagens are the most abundant binding modes that complicate the study of such systems.
mammalian protein, and they are key components of the Distances between binding sites have been evaluated
extracellular matrix and connective tissues. As a result, using molecular rulers that, in combination with several
producing and/or mimicking collagens could lead to un- analytical techniques, supplied much needed details sur-
derstanding and correcting certain diseases, and to bio- rounding the binding event. In particular, electron para-
medical applications in wound healing, cosmetics and magnetic resonance spectroscopy detected the distances
regenerative medicine. The review centres on ‘col- between binding sites of nitroxide-labelled carbohydrate
lagen-mimetic peptides’ (CMPs), which are small pep- ligands.
tides that hybridise with partly unfolded or remodelled
collagen materials. CMPs can be used to adorn existing in The quest for large and complex synthetic glycans is the
vivo collagens with new functions, or to bring function to focus of the article by Lowary. While short fragments
bare collagen scaffolds both natural and de novo. These derived from a large glycan often suffice in understanding
CMPs bind or otherwise incorporate into the assembled bioactivity, many cases exist wherein the desired
collagens through mechanisms that are not fully under- responses are only produced using large structures. Gen-
stood. However, this has been achieved using heat- erating such materials is far from trivial despite the
unfolded CMPs and partly unfolded collagens. As heating various advances in constructing carbohydrates in recent
is not ideal for living tissues, alternative methods are years. The assembly of complex N-glycans, the glyca-
being studied such as accessing unfolded CMPs through nated erythropoietin, complex glycolipids, and com-
caging and subsequent UV exposure to trigger release of pounds that could already be considered as
the active peptides; and accessing native collagens during polysaccharides are among the examples provided. Such
normal remodelling in vivo. Achieving selectivity or speci- endeavours are opportunities in honing the skill and tool
ficity of binding to the many endogenous collagens is also sets in oligosaccharide synthesis that are poised to match
not trivial as is discussed. Bringing this type of work to the established protocols for today’s protein assembly.
fruition could see genuine real-life applications.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative
In final shift in topic, this time from aqueous to membrane agent of AIDS, heavily relies on its ‘glycan shield’ in
environments for proteins and protein design, Simms and evading the human body’s immune defences. The dis-
Booth talk us through the perils and promise in design coveries of carbohydrate-specific broadly neutralising
membrane-spanning peptides and proteins. They antibodies (bnAbs) that are specific for glycans situated
describe how this is one of the most demanding areas in the outer envelope of HIV glycoproteins and the
for protein engineering and design because of the lack of slippery road towards the characterisation and synthesis
high-resolution data on transmembrane proteins, our lack of the glycan epitopes, ultimately for vaccine design are
of understanding of the forces at play in folding and summarised by Wang. With the revelation of more than a
stabilising their structures, and the difficulties in handling dozen bnAbs, the various designs of the carbohydrate
these molecules. Though difficult and complex targets, ligands, including their conjugation to carrier proteins and
progress is being made, which includes new and virus-like particles, are explored. This promising avenue
improved forcefields for in silico modelling, folding and for vaccine development has yet to bear significant fruit
design of membrane proteins; taking water-soluble struc- and thus remains an area of active investigation.
tures into the membrane; and repurposing natural mem-
brane proteins for new functions. It is clear that this is an Guo and co-workers cover the current developments in
area for near-future advances and one to watch. Cleverly, the synthesis and bioevaluations of glycosylphosphatidy-
the authors also turn the problem around and discuss the linositol (GPI) anchors and GPI-anchored proteins. GPI
ways in which water-soluble variants of membrane-span- anchors are quite common in eukaryotic cell membrane
ning proteins are being engineered to allow detailed and have profound effects in the activity of the anchored
structure-function studies of these otherwise intransigent protein. Chemical strategies that permit the efficient
but extremely important class of biomolecule. assembly of GPI anchors in their various forms have been
reported. Native chemical ligation and the enzyme sor-
Carbohydrate synthesis, design and tase A are options available in delivering GPI-anchored
applications peptide/proteins although both techniques introduce
Sugars offer dense structural information mainly due to unnatural components to the construct. The authors also
the multiple chiral centres and linkage potentials of each propose various directions that could be taken to further
residue. Their ubiquity in the cell surface also presents gain insights on GPI anchorage on the cell surface. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2013, 17:925–928

928 Synthetic biomolecules

Moving on another challenging glycan target, two separ- syntheses allowed the preparation of a significant sampling
ate reviews highlight the synthesis and bioevaluations of of the enormous structural possibilities available. These
glycosaminoglycans. Griffin and Hsieh-Wilson report on compounds have already assisted in shaping the knowl-
the synthetic methods on preparing glycosaminoglycan- edge on the kinetic, thermodynamic and molecular details
derived oligosaccharides and glycomimetic polymers. of the interactions with several proteins.
The authors focus particularly on notable efforts concern-
ing heparan sulfate/heparin and chondroitin sulfate, the Sialic acids are commonly found at the outermost ends of
two most prominent members in this family of polyanionic conjugated glycans. Fittingly, the final article on this
polysaccharides. Additionally, Hung and co-authors pre- edition is on the synthesis of sialic acid-containing sac-
sent a more detailed look at the recent tactics applied to charides. Here, Lin and co-workers focus on the
prepare heparin and heparan sulfate oligosaccharides as approaches that deal with difficult a-stereoselectivity in
well as the knowledge gained from studying their inter- sialylation, which are then applied in the assembly of
actions with selected proteins. Many proteins depend on sialylated glycans including the oligosialic acids. Prep-
the fine structures of these sugars to properly function, arations of unnatural glycan linkages and the enzyme-
which make them attractive targets in biomedical research. functionalised magnetic nanoparticle-mediated synthesis
Recent advances in chemical and chemoenzymatic are also described.

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2013, 17:925–928

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