Słownik Pojęć Matematycznych

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acute angle – kąt ostry

add – dodać
amount – ilość, kwota
average – średnia
angle – kąt
area – pole
area measured in square metres – pole mierzone w metrach kwadratowych
base – podstawa
calculate – obliczyć
circle – koło
circumference – obwód koła
common fraction – ułamek zwykły
cube – sześcian
cut / intersect – przeciąć
decimal fraction – ułamek dziesiętny
diagonal line – przekątna
diameter – średnica
difference – różnica
distance – odległość
divide – podzielić
end, edge – wierzchołek
equal – jednakowy
equilateral triangle – trójkąt równoboczny
even numbers – liczby parzyste
express – wyrazić
expression – wyrażenie
figures, digits – cyfry
formula – wzór
fraction – ułamek
height – wysokość
horizontal – poziomy
increase by – zwiększyć o
isolate – wyznaczyć
isosceles trapezium – trapez równoramienny
isosceles triangle – trójkat równoramienny
length – długość
lengthen – wydłużyć
line – prosta
measure – zmierzyć
multiply – pomnożyć
natural numbers – liczby naturalne
negative numbers – liczby ujemne
numbers – liczby
numbers of two figures/digits – liczby dwucyfrowe
obtuse angle – kąt rozwarty
odd numbers – liczby nieparzyste
parallel – równoległy
parallelogram – równoległobok
pentagon – pięciobok
perpendicular – prostopadły
perimeter – obwód
point – punkt
positive numbers – liczby dodatnie
prism – graniastosłup
product – iloczyn
purchase – zakupić
quadrilateral – czworokąt
quotient – iloraz
radius – promień
rectangle – prostokąt
rectangular prism – prostopadłościan
reduce by – obniżyć o
relation – stosunek
remainder – reszta
rhombus – romb
right angle – kąt prosty
right-angled triangle – trójkąt prostokątny
shorten – skrócić
side – bok
simplify – uprościć
square – kwadrat
subtract – odjąć
sum – suma
switch – przestawić
trapezium – trapez
triangle – trójkąt
value – wartość
vertical – pionowy
volume – objętość
volume measured in cube metres – objętość mierzona w metrach sześciennych
weight – waga
whole numbers – liczby całkowite
width – szerokość
Mathematical signs and symbols – znaki i symbole matematyczne
+ plus; positive
– minus; negative
× multiplied by
÷ divided by
= equals
≠ is not equal to
> is greater than
< is less than
≤ is less than or equal to
≥ is greater than or equal to

1. Solve the problem with the equation: Magda is three years older than Beata.
Together, the girls are seventeen years old. How old is each of them?

2. In a certain triangle, the measure of one angle is marked as α. One of the other
angles has a measure three times greater than α and the third angle is 25˚
greater than α. What is the measure of all the angles?

3. The height of all boys training volleyball at school was measured. The results
are shown in the diagram.

a) How many boys are training volleyball at this school?

b) How many volleyball players have more than 174 cm but fewer
than 180 cm height?
c) How many volleyball players are less than 175 cm tall?


liczba osób
wzrost 3

165-169 170-174 175-179 180-185
4. Mrs Joanna’s monthly salary was 2200 zl. She claimed taht ⅟₁₆ of her salary
was spent on electricity and gas bills and ⅕ - on the rent. What amount
remains at her disposal after paying these bills?

5. What number should be added to the result (-25) and (-14) to get 1?

A. −40 B. −38 C. 38 D. 40

6. Mother bought a newspaper for 4,95 zl and 5 packs of tissues for 90 gr each.
How much did she pay?

7. True Or False?

1. Each rectangle is a trapezoid T F

2. Each recatngle is a romb T F

8. Underline these activities which result is a positive number.

A. (-10)² B. -12⁴ C. (-5)⁷ D. –(-4)⁵ E. (-25)12

9. Calculate the area of the triangle with the height 6,3 · 10 8 m taken to the side
which the length is 5,4 · 105 m.

10.Mother and daughter together are 58 years old. Three years ago mother was
three times older than her daughter. How old is the daughter?

11.Jaś is going to buy a laser printer. He collected 1,584 zł for it. He got 16% of
the amount needed for this purchase from his mother . Now he has 61% of the
amount needed. How much does this laser printer cost?

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