Ash Rae Antifungal Treatments Paper

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196. Microbial Levels on Interior Surfaces of Ventilation Ductwork, Closed Cell

Foam Vs. Fibrous Glass Insulation and Galvanized Metal

Conference Paper · January 2000

DOI: 10.3320/1.2763528


1 99

3 authors, including:

Paul Ellringer Stephen Hendrickson

Air Tamarck Inc. Ames Construction, Inc.


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The following article was published in ASHRAE Journal, April 2004. © Copyright 2004 American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. It is presented for educational purposes only. This
article may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or in paper form without permission of ASHRAE.

By Chin S. Yang, Ph.D., Member ASHRAE, and Paul J. Ellringer, P.E., CIH, Member ASHRAE

F ungal contamination in HVAC systems is often a combination of U.S. office buildings built in the past 30
years. The AHUs have centralized heat-
design and operation problems. Porous materials such as internal ing and cooling coils to condition the
air. This conditioned air is then ducted
fibrous glass liner (FGL) have been identified as a major source of fun- to occupied spaces. Return air ducts ex-
haust air from the occupied spaces and
gal contamination.1,2 Unfortunately, antifungal treatments on FGL vary
return this air back to the central AHU.
considerably in their ability to inhibit fungal growth. Each building has between 14 and 46
centralized AHUs that range from 18 to
From Sept. 1990 to Sept. 1995, indoor weather may have contributed to the 30 years old. Each AHU serves 10 to 100
air quality complaints were investigated high percentage of fungal cases. Because building occupants.
in more than 150 office buildings in of widespread fungal growth on FGL FGL was used for noise control and
Minnesota. All investigations used the materials inside the ductwork, priority thermo-insulation on interior surfaces
National Institute for Occupational was given to mitigating this concern. of the AHUs and in the supply and re-
Safety and Health (NIOSH) protocol3,4 This article describes how fungal turn air ductwork. FGL was present im-
(see sidebar for methods and materials growth was identified and how fungi re- mediately downstream of the cooling
used in the investigations). The studies colonized and amplified after six differ-
identified fungal growth as the primary ent treatment procedures. About the Authors
indoor air quality problem in 29% of Chin S. Yang, Ph.D., is the senior mycolo-
Results and Discussion gist at P&K Microbiology Services in Cherry
these surveys. In 92% of the cases, fun-
Hill, N.J.
gal growth on FGL was identified. The six AHUs investigated in the three Paul J. Ellringer, P.E., CIH, is a principal en-
Minnesota’s warm, humid summer office buildings are commonly used in gineer at Air Tamarack in St. Paul, Minn.

April 2004 ASHRAE Journal 35

coils, on most surfaces (all AHUs had some bare galvanized
metal in these areas), and continued for at least 3 m (10 ft) Materials & Methods
downstream in all AHUs. In parts of all three buildings, the A systematic approach was defined for sampling. Both
FGL extended downstream of the cooling coils for hundreds pre- and post-treatment sampling followed the same ap-
of meters in the supply ductwork and also was present for proach, at approximately the same locations. Two types of
hundreds of meters in the return air ductwork. FGL on the samples were collected. Wipe samples from areas measur-
interior surfaces of ductwork in these buildings covered thou- ing 5 or 25 cm2 (0.8 or 3.9 in2) were collected using a sterile
sands of square meters. cotton swab wetted with sterile water and placed in a clean
sterile container. A sample blank consisting of a wetted un-
Fungal growth on FGL was found in six AHUs in the three
used swab was sent with each set of samples. Pretreatment
buildings. The most common fungi were species of Cladospo-
bulk samples of the FGL were cut gently with a razor blade
rium and Penicillium, which were identified during initial and
and placed in a clean plastic bag. All samples were shipped
follow-up sampling in both bulk and surface wipe samples. by overnight delivery to an American Industrial Hygiene As-
Twelve initial surface wipe samples of FGL from four differ- sociation Accredited laboratory for analysis.
ent AHUs had average fungal levels of 57 000 with a range of Wipe samples were used so that comparisons of surface
nondetectable (<4) to 240 000 colony forming units per square fungal population could be made between coated FGL and
centimeter of surface (CFU/cm2).* Four initial wipe samples bare, galvanized metal. For uncoated FGL, three 5 cm2 (0.8
taken from the interior surface of galvanized metal in two AHUs in2) areas were initially wiped and the results averaged for
had an average fungal level of 9 (range of nondetectable [<4] each location. Follow-up wipe samples on coated FGL and
to 36 CFU/cm2). galvanized metal were collected from 25 cm2 (3.9 in2) ar-
1. Removal of FGLs down to bare galvanized steel. This eas. Bulk samples also were collected from selected areas
for comparison. All samples were collected from the supply
occurred in all six AHUs. Forty-three follow-up wipe samples
air ductwork.
taken after one, three, five, and 10 cooling seasons in six AHUs
Samples were processed in the laboratory upon arrival.
had average fungal levels of 14 (range of nondetectable [<4] Wipe swab samples were directly suspended in sterile dis-
to 109 CFU/cm2). These levels suggest normal deposition of tilled water, diluted serially, and inoculated onto 2% malt
fungal spores from the airstream. extract agar plates (MEA). Bulk samples were weighed,
2. Cleaning and sanitizing of interior FGLs. This occurred suspended in sterile distilled water, diluted and inoculated
in three AHUs. Retesting within one month of cleaning and as in wipe samples. All plates were incubated at 25°C (77°F)
sanitizing indicated bulk fungal concentrations (one sample) and examined twice in 10 days. Fungal colonies on MEA
of 600 CFU/g* and surface concentrations (two samples) of were enumerated and identified.
nondetectable [<4] to 4 CFU/cm2. Follow-up testing after one The cooling and heating coils and the ductwork in the
cooling season indicated fungal populations (three samples) supply side of the AHUs were cleaned. The cleaning meth-
ods included the following:
of 1500, 26 500 and 3.4 million CFU/g. Scanning electron
1. Sections of the ductwork were air-washed with an omni-
microscopy (SEM) pictures showed fungal growth occurring
directional air jet.
on debris present in the FGL. A visible fungal growth (similar
2. Where accessible, surfaces were directly vacuumed
to initial conditions) covered almost the entire surface of the with a HEPA vacuum cleaner to remove debris. As neces-
liner in one AHU, after two, five, and 10 cooling seasons. sary, surfaces were cleaned with a pneumatic rotating brush.
3. Cleaning and treating with a paint encapsulant. This 3. All diffusers, grilles and registers in affected ductwork
occurred in two AHUs. Retesting after one cooling season (one were removed, washed with a detergent solution, rinsed
sample) showed a low level of contamination on the surface with clean water, air dried, and reset.
(700 CFU/cm2). However, one bulk sample taken indicated 4. All heating and cooling coils were power washed with
relatively high levels of contamination (175 000 CFU/g). Re- a detergent solution and then rinsed with clean water.
testing after two cooling seasons showed fungal levels on the It was found that operational techniques were important
surface of 14 000 CFU/cm2. SEM pictures taken after three while cleaning the duct system to avoid damaging the frag-
ile interior FGL. Some FGL, which was not firmly attached to
cooling seasons indicate fungal growth occurring directly on
the walls of the ductwork, was removed down to bare metal.
the coating surface. After two cooling seasons, visible fungal
After cleaning, the FGL was removed down to bare metal,
growth was present on the FGL treated with this coating in sanitized with a stabilized chlorine dioxide, or coated with a
both AHUs. common paint encapsulant, a coating containing solubilized
4. Cleaning and treating with a coating containing solubi- copper 8-quinolinolate, a coating containing zinc oxide, bo-
lized copper 8-quinolinolate. This occurred in one AHU. A rates and 3-iodo-2-propynl butyl carbamate, or coating con-
bulk sample taken within a month of coating indicated fungal taining antimony trioxide and decabromodiphenyl oxide.
These areas were monitored for up to 10 cooling seasons.
* CFU/cm2 × 0.155 = CFU/in.2; CFU/g × 0.0353 = CFU/ounce

36 ASHRAE Journal April 2004

‘Two of the six methods were successful at controlling the fungal popu-
lations for up to 10 years....The successful coating contained zinc ox-
ide, borates, and 3-iodo-2-propynl butyl carbamate. Removing the
[liner] materials down to the bare galvanized steel surface (steel coated
with zinc) also was successful. It is interesting that the successful coat-
ing and the bare ductwork surface both contain zinc oxide.

levels of 105 000 CFU/g. After one cooling season, visible after two cooling seasons showed no active fungal growth on
fungal regrowth was evident and one bulk sample showed fun- the coating surface.
gal levels of 840 000 CFU/g in this liner (primarily species of Fifteen follow-up wipe samples taken in the same general
Penicillium and Cladosporium). After three and 10 cooling area as the above wipe samples, but taken from the interior
seasons, a visible fungal growth covered almost the entire sur- surface of galvanized metal in this AHU after one, two, and
face of this coated liner. five cooling seasons had average fungal levels of 14 (range of
5. Cleaning and treating with a coating containing zinc nondetectable [<4] to 100 CFU/cm2).
oxide, borates, and 3-iodo-2-propynl butyl carbamate. This At 10 years, 12 follow-up wipe samples (six on each surface)
occurred in four AHUs. Six initial wipe samples collected from were collected on coated FGL and galvanized metal surfaces
FGL had average fungal levels of 45 000 (range of 9300 to 119 in this AHU. The six samples collected on coated FGL had
000 CFU/cm2). Twenty-four samples collected from the coated average fungal levels of 9100 (range of nondetectable [<4] to
FGL after one, three, and five cooling seasons indicate aver- 23 700 CFU/cm2). The six samples collected on galvanized
age surface fungal populations of 82 (range of nondetectable metal in the same general areas had an average fungal level of
[<4] to 1190 CFU/cm2). With the exception of one sample at 44 (range of nondetectable [<4] to 109 CFU/ cm2). Visual ob-
1190, all samples were less than 30 CFU/cm2. Five initial wipe servations indicated active fungal growth on about 10% of the
samples taken from the interior surface of galvanized metal in surface of the coated FGL. Three samples were collected from
two of the AHUs where the FGL was coated had an average areas with visual growth and three samples were collected from
fungal level of 4 (range of nondetectable [<4] to 6 CFU/cm2). areas that did not appear to have active growth. In areas that
Twelve follow-up wipe samples taken after one, three and five appeared to have active growth the fungal levels were 23 700,
cooling seasons in four AHUs had average fungal levels of 21 19 500, and 11 300 CFU/cm2. In areas without active growth
(range of nondetectable [<4] to 109 CFU/cm2). the levels were nondetectable (<4), 4, and 12 CFU/cm2. Spe-
At 10 years, 36 follow-up wipe samples (18 on each surface) cies of Cladosporium and Penicillium appear capable of grow-
were collected on coated FGL and galvanized metal surfaces in ing on this coating.
three of these AHUs in two different buildings. The 18 samples
collected on coated FGL had average fungal levels of 7 (range Conclusions
of nondetectable [<4] to 20 CFU/cm2). The 18 samples col- Attempts were made to control fungal populations on the inte-
lected on galvanized metal in the same general areas had an rior surfaces of six AHUs in three buildings using six methods.
average fungal level of 4 (range of nondetectable [<4] to 12 Two of the six methods were successful at controlling the fungal
CFU/cm2). This coating is specifically registered by the U.S. populations for up to 10 years. One of the successful methods
Environmental Protection Agency as a pesticide for use on FGL. employed the use of a coating containing antifungal compounds.
6. Cleaning and coating with a coating containing anti- The successful coating contained zinc oxide, borates, and 3-
mony trioxide and decabromodiphenyl oxide. This occurred iodo-2-propynl butyl carbamate. Removing the FGL materials
in one AHU. Five initial wipe samples had average fungal lev- down to the bare galvanized steel surface (steel coated with zinc)
els of 97 400 (range of 3000 to 240 000 CFU/cm2). Fifteen was also successful. It is interesting that the successful coating
samples collected after one, two, and five cooling seasons had and the bare ductwork surface both contain zinc oxide.
average surface fungal populations of 162 (range of The coating containing copper 8-quinolinolate was not suc-
nondetectable [<4] to 2300 CFU/cm2). SEM pictures taken cessful in controlling the fungal populations. Penicillium was
April 2004 ASHRAE Journal 37
the dominant fungus found in the re- heavily contaminated with fungi is the
growth on the FGL treated with this coat- presence of FGL (or potentially any in-
ing. Copper is usually toxic to most terior surfaces that are likely to trap and
molds, particularly at low pH. Some Peni- collect dirt readily) and the potential for
cillium species are known to neutralize high relative humidity levels inside
high levels of copper by producing ox- ductwork when the outdoor air dew
alic acid to form harmless and relatively points are above 16°C (61°F). If any one
insoluble copper oxalate.5 of these three factors is missing, heavy
Cleaning the FGL material and then fungal growth is not likely to occur.
sanitizing it with chlorine dioxide con-
taining compounds was initially success- Acknowledgments
ful. However, regrowth of fungal We wish to express our appreciation
populations was observed after one cool- to the Minnesota Department of Admin-
ing season. istration and several other Minnesota
Cleaning the FGL material and then agencies for their financial support and
Advertisement in the print edition coating it with a common paint encap- the use of their office buildings during
formerly in this space. sulant was also initially successful in this testing. Other sources of funding and
limiting fungal growth on the coating support include Air Tamarack Inc., the
surface. However, regrowth of fungi H.B. Fuller Company Inc., P&K Micro-
populations occurred within two to biology Services, Inc., and Vac System
three years. Industries Inc.
The coating containing antimony tri-
oxide and decabromodiphenyl oxide References
initially appeared successful for up to 1. Morey, P. and C. Williams. 1990.
five years. At 10 years, Cladosporium and “Porous insulation in buildings: A po-
Penicillium fungi appeared to be actively tential source of microorganisms.” The
feeding on the coating. These two fungal 5th International Conference on Indoor
organisms also were the dominant fun- Air Quality and Climate 4:529–533.
gal organisms present on the surface of 2. Morey, P. and C. Williams. 1991.
the FGL before any cleaning and coat- “Porous insulation in buildings: A po-
ing occurred in this AHU. tential source of microorganisms.”
Three factors affect whether or not in- Healthy Buildings pp. 128–135. Atlanta:
terior surfaces of an AHU will be con- ASHRAE.
taminated with fungi: 3. NIOSH. 1987. Guidance for Indoor
1. The accumulation of dirt on interior Air Quality Investigations pp. 28.
components becomes nutrients for the 4. EPA. 1991. Building Air Quality, A
fungi. The quantity of dirt present is af- Guide for Building Owners and Facility
fected by the efficiency of the filtration Managers. USEPA/400/1-91/033, pp.
system for the AHU. 229.
2. Interior surfaces that serve as a shel- 5. Moss, M.O. 1987. “Morphology and
ter and habitat for their growth, and physiology of Penicillium and
3. High relative humidity levels in Acremonium.” Penicillium and
AHUs, which occur when outdoor air Acremonium p. 37–71. ed. John F.
dew points are above the cooling coil Peberdy. NY: Plenum Press.
discharge air temperature (typically 6. Yang C.S. and P.J. Ellringer. “Evalu-
16°C [61°F]). Air discharged from the ation of treating and coating HVAC fi-
cooling coils under these conditions brous glass liners for controlling fungal
usually has a relative humidity level colonization and amplif ication.”
of 90% or higher. ASHRAE 1996 Indoor Air Quality Con-
Common to areas of AHUs that are ference Proceedings 3:173–177.

38 ASHRAE Journal April 2004

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