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Victoriano D. Tirol Advanced Learning Center
City of Tagbilaran

May 2023




Presented to
The Principal and Faculty
of the University of Bohol
Victoriano D. Tirol Advanced Learning Center


In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the course of




May 2023


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course of PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 and
MARY SHAYNE LEANNE B. INOT, has been examined by the thesis committee and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination.



Approved by the Examining Tribunal at the oral examination conducted on

_____________ with a grade of _________.





Member Member

Accepted and approved as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the course of
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion.




The researchers acknowledges and gives tribute of thankful praises to the Triune

God, the Lord and savior Jesus Christ, whose unending love, guidance, enlightenment,

countless blessings and the source of every good and perfect gift, have enabled the

realization of a dream.

This proud piece of work is the product of immense perseverance, massive dose

of self-restraint, inarguable sacrifices, and steadfast determination. The presence of the

following people have necessarily been part of this endeavor and are worthy and

deserving of the researchers’ sincerest thanks and admiration.

Ma’am Maribeth Dusal Alpuerto – MAT, Math, for her unselfish work behind the

scenes to ensure the precautions of the undertakings of the institution an actuality.

Mayor Jane Yap and the Barangay Captains under her superintendence for their

consent to gather the needed data for the completion of this study, and their work of

maintaining peace and order for the whole community of Tagbilaran.


Ms. Darelle Ainee D. Sansan, the research adviser, who have invested not only

her knowledge but her patience towards the researchers, guiding the researchers

throughout their study that kept them on the right track leading to the completion and

success of the study. Her knowledge and support has inspired us to keep on keeping on.

The panelists, for their expertise and constructive criticism to improve and refine

the output of this study.

Ma’am Marie Christilee B. Estonina, for giving time to coordinate and

communicate openly, and for presence of cheer.

Sir Daryl T. Paredes, who have greatly played a role on the statistical treatment

of the data that made easy the interpretations of the findings.

The family, relatives, and friends of the researchers, whose support, unconditional

love, prayers, and understanding gave inspiration and courage to the researchers to push

through the challenges and struggles encountered during the development of the study.

Their existence have made the researchers’ burdens bearable and the setbacks lighter.


This work is dedicated to

Our ever supportive parents

Our siblings and relatives

Our close friends

Our beloved school, UB VDTALC


Above all,

to God, the Father Almighty.




Cover Page ---------------------------------------------------- i

Title Page ---------------------------------------------------- ii

Approval Sheet ---------------------------------------------------- iii

Acknowledgement ---------------------------------------------------- iv

Dedication ---------------------------------------------------- vi

Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------- vii

Appendices ---------------------------------------------------- xiii



Rationale -------------------------------------- 1

Theoretical Background -------------------------------------- 4

Legal Bases -------------------------------------- 8

Related Literature -------------------------------------- 10

Related Studies -------------------------------------- 14



Statement of the Problem -------------------------------------- 21

Null Hypotheses -------------------------------------- 22

Significance of the Study -------------------------------------- 22


Design -------------------------------------- 23

Subject -------------------------------------- 23

Environment -------------------------------------- 25

Instrument -------------------------------------- 25

Data Gathering Procedure -------------------------------------- 28

Ethics Considerations in the Conduct of the Study ------------------- 28

Statistical Treatment ------------------------------------- 29

Definition of Terms ------------------------------------- 31


Profile of the respondents

Household Size ------------------------------------- 35

Home Area Size ------------------------------------- 36

Number of Vehicles Owned ------------------------------------- 36

Awareness of Carbon Footprint ----------------------------------- 37

Level of Carbon Footprint ------------------------------------ 39

Relationship between the Household Size ------------------------ 40

and Level of Carbon Footprint

Home Area Size and Level of ------------------------------------ 41

Carbon Footprint Awareness

Number of Vehicles Owned and ---------------------------------- 41

Level of Carbon Footprint Awareness

Household Size and Level Usage ----------------------------- 42

of Carbon Footprint

Home Area Size and ------------------------------------------------ 43

Level of Carbon Footprint Usage

Number of Vehicles Owned and ---------------- ------------------- 43

Level of Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint Awareness and Usage ------------------------- 44


Profile of the respondents

Household Size ------------------------------------- 46

Home Area Size ------------------------------------- 46

Number of Vehicles Owned. ---------------------------------- 46

Awareness of Carbon Footprint --------------------------------- 46

Level of Carbon Footprint --------------------------------- 46

Relationship Between the Awareness---------------------------------- 47

and Level of Carbon Footprint

Home Area Size and Level of

Carbon Footprint Awareness ----------------------------------- 47

Number of Vehicles Owned and

Level of Carbon Footprint Awareness --------------------------------- 47

Home Area Size and Level

of Carbon Footprint ---------------------------------- 48

Number of Vehicles Owned and

Level of Carbon Footprint ------------------------------ 48

Carbon Footprint Awareness and Usage ------------------------------ 48

Conclusion ------------------------------- 50

Recommendation ------------------------------- 51


Title Page --------------------------------------------------------------------- i

Approval Sheet ----------------------------------------------------------------- ii

Rationale -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

Bibliography and References ----------------------------------------------- 52



A. Letter to the Mayor --------- ----------------------------------------------------- 56

B. Letter to the Barangay Captains --------------------------------------------- 57

C. Questionnaire --------------------------------------------------------------------- 58


I. Profile of Respondents ---------------------------------------------------------- 24

II. Awareness of Carbon Footprint -------------------------------------------- 26

III. Level of Carbon Footprint ---------------------------------------------------- 27

IV. Household Size ------------------------------------------------------------------- 35

V. Home Area Size ------------------------------------------------------------------ 36

VI. Number of Vehicles Owned --------------------------------------------------- 37

VII. Awareness of Carbon Footprint ---------------------------------------------- 38

VIII. Awareness of Carbon Footprint------------------------------------------------ 39

IX. Level of Caron Footprint----------------------------------------------------------40



1.0 Research Flow ---------------------------------------------------------- 20

2.0 Map of Tagbilaran City -------------------------------------------------- 25

3.0 Level of Carbon Footprint --------------------------------------------- 40




Selin (2022) defined carbon footprint as the portion of carbon dioxide (CO₂)

emissions related with all the functions of a person or other things for example a building,

country, corporation, etc. It involves direct emissions, including those that emerged from

fossil-fuel combustion, in transportation, manufacturing, and heating, plus the emissions

needed to generate the electricity connected with goods and services consumed. To add,

the concept of carbon footprint also frequently involves the emissions of greenhouse

gasses, which are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), methane, or nitrous oxide. A carbon

footprint is the cumulative amount of greenhouse gasses, including such carbon dioxide

and methane, generated by our activities. A person's carbon footprint in the United States

is 16 tons. The global average is 4 tons. To have an ability to avoid a 2°C rise in global

temperature, the global carbon footprint must be scaled back to less than 2 tons per year

by 2050.

According to Dubois et. al. (2019), 72% of global greenhouse gas emissions is

from household consumption and the rest from public, nongovernmental, and financial

sources. According to Cafaro, people can save massive amounts of carbon which is

called “behavioral mitigation wedge” , wherein as much as 15 billion tons/gigatons by

2060 just by altering their diet to avoid meat, or refrain from air travel. Results of other

recent studies show that climate change or sustainability have co-benefits of food

practices and less carbon intensive diets. The international climate policy debate has

been keen on economic incentives and technology, and has frequently confided

behavioral alteration to a reconsideration, rather than having it on the current plate.


Dubois et. al. (2019) suggest that they must be immersed in changing demand size

options, or changing consumptions, in addition to highlighting extenuation through

technology as targets of policies and modeling efforts, in lieu of voluntary add-on by


Afework et al. (2018) stated in their article that the major contributors of carbon

footprints are food, consumption, transportation, and household energy. Food is a major

contributor to carbon footprint, particularly meat. Livestock is responsible for a notable

amount of GHG emission, and beef is the largest contributor. Home energy consumption

is one factor mainly poor insulation, energy inefficient appliances, improper sealing, and

excessive water use. Consumption involving clothing, footwear, personal and household

goods are all contributing to carbon footprint. Also, the transportation vehicles that emit


The more we reduce GHG emissions, the slightly quicker the rate of temperature

rise, sea-level rise, ice melting, and ocean acidification will indeed be. Carbon emissions

cause negative effects to the environment, first it increases temperature, data showed

that since 1880 the earth’s atmosphere warmed to 1.5 ℃. Next, it causes the sea levels

to rise, since 1880 the global sea levels increased approximately 8-9 inches, it also

stimulates the melting of the sea ice, wherein since 1979, the arctic sea ice has declined

by 30%, if all the glaciers on earth would melt, the sea will rise by 70 feet, which would

flood out every coastal city on the planet. Carbon emissions will also change precipitation

patterns that will result in extreme weather events such as droughts, hurricanes, floods,

making it more common and intense. It will also cause ocean acidification, the ocean

absorbs 30% of carbon dioxide in the air which lowers the pH level therefore increasing

the acidity of the ocean. For the past 200 years the ocean has increased to 30% acidity

which translates to 0.1pH units, with this, marine life will be unable to adjust to the abrupt

acidification and will then die off. Additionally, it affects public health causing asthma,

respiratory allergies, airway diseases, cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke,

exhaustion, cramps, foodborne diseases, nutrition complications, human developmental

effects, mental and stress-related disorders, vector borne, zoonotic and waterborne


Global carbon footprint reduction will help to reverse global warming, through

executing little things that will affect the whole if added up, simple reduction of energy

consumption, installing solar panels, purchasing renewable energy certificates, recycling,

reduction of water consumption, using public transport, purchasing carbon offsets, etc. It

is also better for your health, reducing the risks that were mentioned. It can save a lot of

money and is good for animals and plants (Terrapass, 2020). Additionally, mitigating

carbon footprint is necessary because it helps reduce the effects of global climate change,

improves public health, boosts the global economy, and maintains biodiversity. Reduced

carbon emissions can help ensure better air quality, water, and food for the present and

future generations.

With this reason, the researchers would like to examine the awareness of

Tagbilaran City residents about carbon footprint. This research also seeks to know the

household emission of carbon footprints of the residents which would lead to the

development of recommendations on how to lessen carbon emission within the

household of Tagbilaran City residents.


This study is relevant to the lessons in Practical Research 1 of the researchers

from Grade 11, in relation to their strand, Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) of Victoriano D. Tirol - Advanced Learning Center. Carbon emission

is something that affects the environment and earth as a whole, therefore correlated to

the studies on Earth Science, General Biology and General Chemistry.

The respondents of the study will be the households of Tagbilaran City. The

researchers would like to examine their awareness and level of carbon footprint within

their households. This study is significant to the environment because carbon emission

greatly affects climate change, human health, and biodiversity. This research will benefit

the respondents, students, and other researchers, for the researchers will generate

recommendations on how to lessen carbon emission, therefore giving awareness and

information about the environment’s current state and risks with regards to carbon



This study in theories namely: Global Warming Theory, Climate Change, Past

Generated Emissions and Low-Carbon Operations Management to understand and raise

awareness towards the relationship of climate change in determining carbon footprints.

Global Warming is a phrase that refers to the effect on the climate of human

activities, in particular the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and large-scale

deforestation, which cause emissions to the atmosphere of large amounts of ‘greenhouse

gases’ (Houghton, 2005). The Global Warming Theory; a scientific framework that

explains the ongoing increase in the Earth's average surface temperature and its

associated effects on the planet's climate and ecosystems. The theory posits that the

release of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere by human

activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, is the primary cause of the

observed warming trend (H Uzawa, 2003). The IPCC Synthesis Report (2007, p. 257)

says “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations

of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow

and ice, and rising global average sea level.” Global warming is the long-term heating of

Earth’s surface observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to

human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse

gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere.

Climate change; a long-term shift in temperatures and weather patterns. It is

difficult to assess the full effects of global warming, and harder still to predict future effects.

Climate predictions are made with computer models, but these models have assumed a

slow, steady rate of change. Our best models predict a temperature rise in this century of

between 2.4° and 4.5° C (4.3° and 8.1° F), with an average of about 3° C 5.4° F; (Meehl

et al., 2007)

Past generated emissions; most of the emissions of human-caused greenhouse

gases come primarily from burning fossil fuels, coal, natural gas, and petroleum for

energy use. Economic growth (with short-term fluctuations in growth rate) and weather

patterns that affect heating and cooling needs are the main factors that drive the amount

of energy consumed. Energy prices and government policies can also affect the sources

or types of energy consumed. Each sector encounters its own challenges in terms of

climate change mitigation. Greenhouse gas emissions from energy systems are

dominated by coal-powered electricity generation, often from a limited number of highly

polluting units that are long-lived and politically challenging to retire (Jakob et al 2020).

Transport and building emissions are more diffuse and spread across many actors; they

are linked to urban form, physical infrastructures and everyday behavior, thus involving

non-trivial technological and social challenges to mitigation (Creutzig et al 2015). Industry

emissions are associated with the production of metals, chemicals, cement and other

basic materials demanded by our economies. Many of these processes are inefficient

and offer a large scope for rapid emissions cuts, although some are difficult to fully

mitigate (Davis et al 2018, Rissman et al 2020).

Low-carbon operations management includes the integration of carbon efficiency

into the planning, execution, and control of business processes to gain competitive

advantage. To date, research into low-carbon operations, which involve designing

products with a low-carbon footprint and carbon-efficient manufacturing and logistics

processes, has focused on specific practices, such as low-carbon supply chains (Damert

et al., 2018; Luo et al., 2017). Production and operation activities produce large amounts

of carbon emissions. As such, developing a low-carbon supply chain is a key concern.

The low-carbon supply chain is facing some new challenges such as policy adjustment,

technology iteration, and market change. In addition, combining the low-carbon

performance and sustainable supply chain factoring in the economic and environmental

perspective needs more in-depth investigations.

Carbon management in industrial companies is presented in the literature as being

a management process that requires a critical view from top managers. Effective

managers must consider the following issues: managing risk (Weinhofer and Busch,

2013), an assessment of capabilities and trade-offs (Pinkse and Kolk, 2010), the

establishment of policies and objectives for the reduction of CO 2 (Lee, 2012a), the

definition of strategic actions (Pesonen and Horn, 2014), opting for either reduction,

compensation or searching for zero emissions, a potential search for external partners to

carry out the actions of low-carbon management, a study on the benefits from projects

developed by a company (Bocken et al., 2012) and, finally, the weighting of issues of

climate change in organizational routines (Boiral, 2006).

Changes in organizational structure to acknowledge low-carbon governance,

adoption of low-carbon services practices, and advantages from this method; the

breakthrough that an adequate limited management structure is crucial to improving an

organization's conceptions of positive advantages from a low-carbon strategy; low

administrative initiatives begin to arise from an organization's operational sustainability

strategies; and measurement and control climate contingencies.

Theory from Michelle Hayner and David Weisbach The University of Chicago Law

School examine two often-conflated theories of past emissions: I those past emissions by

individuals in one nation wrongfully harmed, or will unlawfully harm, people in other

international locations, and (ii) that individuals or countries who generated in the past

used more than their fair share of the atmosphere's limited ability to absorb carbon

dioxide. These two theories are philosophically separate. Traditional ideas of punishment

or effectiveness, such as the Polluter Pays Principle, are used to develop a philosophy of

responsibility for harm committed to others.

The problem with these theories is that assessing relative harm is difficult. Because

it is difficult to differentiate the associated harms from regular climatic variability, there are

few estimates of the harms from the 1°C of temperature rise experienced thus far as a

result of past emissions. A degree of compensation several orders of magnitude would

be required for the second hypothesis, a theory of accountability for excessive use.

broader than a harm-based theory Excessive usage, on the other hand, is more difficult

to pin down in widely accepted theories of justice. We argue that it is a theory of equal

ownership of all restricted resources that few justice theories would support.

i. that emissions in the past by individuals in one nation have wrongfully

harmed, or will wrongfully harm, individuals in other nations, and

ii. that individuals or nations who emitted in the past used more than their fair

share of the limited ability of the atmosphere to absorb carbon dioxide.


SGD 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. 2019

was the second warmest year on data and the end of the warmest decade (2010-2019)

ever recorded. The other greenhouse gasses and Carbon dioxide levels rose to new

records in 2019. Saving lives and livelihoods requires urgent action to direct both the

pandemic and climate emergency.

SGD 13: COVID-19 Response. As countries move toward rebuilding their

economies after COVID-19, recovery targets can mold the 21st century economy in ways

that are clean, green, healthy, safe and more resilient. The present crisis is a chance for

a profound, systemic shift to a more sustainable economy that works both for people and

the planet. The UN Secretary General has proposed six climate-positive actions to be

taken by the governments once they go about rebuilding their societies and economies:

First is the green transition wherein investments must speed up the decarbonization of all

aspects of our economy, second, green jobs and sustainable and inclusive growth, third,

green economy, wherein making the people and societies more resilient and leaves no

one behind, fourth, invest in sustainable solutions such as ending fossil fuel investments

and polluters must pay for their pollution, fifth, confronting all climate risks, and lastly,

cooperation which states that no country can succeed alone.

SGD 13 Targets:

13.1. Strengthen adaptive capacity and resilience to climate-related hazards and

natural disasters in all countries.

13.2. Accommodate climate change measures into national policies, strategies

and planning.

13.3. Refine education, raising awareness and human and institutional capacity on

climate change adaptation, mitigation, early warning and impact reduction.

13.A. Administer the commitment managed by developed-country parties to the

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to an aim of assembling jointly

$100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing

countries in the context of significant mitigation actions and transparency on application

and fully launch the Green Climate fund through its capitalization as soon as possible.

13.B. Promote procedures for raising capacity for climate change-related planning

and management in least developed countries and small island developing states,

involving emphasis on women, youth, local, and marginalized communities.


The Paris Agreement on Climate Change. It provides opportunities for countries

to reinforce the global response to the threat of climate change by maintaining a global

temperature rise this century below 2°C and to pursue efforts to restrict the temperature

hike even further to 1.5°C. It entered into force on November 4, 2016.

The Climate Change Act of 2009, or Republic Act 9729. Established the Climate

Change Commissions (CCC) under the Office of the President. The CCC is the primary

climate policy making authority assigned to coordinate, evaluate, and monitor the

programs and action plans of the government with regards to climate change. The CCC

headed the development of the National Framework Strategy on Climate Change and the

National Climate Change Action Plan to direct the government in superintending climate

risk and vulnerability, and discovering appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures

for the country.

Republic Act 10174. The Climate Change Act was amended in 2012, inaugurating

the People’s Survival Fund (PSF) to furnish long-term climate financing for local

government units and people’s organizations’ climate adjustment initiatives. The PSF was

provided with Php 1 billion to be replenished annually.


“Determination of Environmental Perceptions and Awareness towards Reducing Carbon


According to Öztürk, 2012; Velioğlu and Aydın, 2017, one of humanity's most

pressing current issues is the environmental and social consequences of modern cultures

judging wealth by consumption. Because of the gravity of the situation, it has become

necessary to adopt new global policies. New ideas such as ecological responsibility,

sustainable future, promoting biodiversity, higher economic growth, sustainable

consumption patterns have evolved as a result of economic and environmental concerns

such as the recent economic crisis and climate change.

“Carbon Footprint: A Catalyst for Life Cycle Assessment?”

According to B. Weidema et al. (2008), the term "carbon footprint" has become

extremely popular in recent years.. Debates about how to use carbon foot printing

properly are spreading like rings in the sea. This has been fueled in part by supermarket

outlets and proactive corporations who ask for or disclose information to customers.

‘Green Sky Thinking.”

According to J. Patel (2002), the carbon footprint can be calculated by measuring

CO2 corresponding emissions generated from the environment, trash creation and

disposal, construction sites, and other sources. Energetic report [6] defined ecological

footprint as the total amount of direct and indirect CO2 emissions stemming from different

commercial activities. Carbon Footprint, on the other hand, is regarded as a measure of

the impact of human activities on the natural environment in terms of the quantity of

carbon emissions created and quantified in tons of carbon dioxide.

“Meeting the carbon challenge: the role of commercial real estate owners, users &


According to E. Grubb (2007), carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of

carbon dioxide released during the fossil fuel combustion. Carbon emissions can be

defined as the total or volume of CO2 emitted by a corporate organization on a daily basis,

either actively or passively. Carbon footprint is commonly stated in grams of CO2 equal

per kilowatt-hour of emission (gCO2 eq/kWh). Carbon footprint, in this context, accounts

for the various global warming effects generated by various greenhouse gasses. As a

result, ‘carbon footprint ‘can be used as a standard alternative for CO2 or any other GHG

represented as carbon dioxide.

“National footprint and bio capacity accounts 2005: the underlying calculation method”

M. Wackernagel et al (2005), global Footprint Network, an organization tasked with

creating annual "National Footprint Accounts," has considered carbon footprints as an

inseparable aspect of the generalized or comprehensive Ecological Footprint. As a result,

carbon footprint has been used interchangeably with terms such as "fossil fuel footprint,"

"demand on CO2 area," and "CO2 land." One of the phrases might be described as the

pressure on biodiversity necessary to trap pollutants (CO2) pollution from fossil fuel

burning through photosynthesis. This, it should be highlighted, is the bio capacity

necessary to absorb that fraction of fossil CO2 that has not been recovered by the ocean,

which is often that of unharnessed forests.

“Carbon Footprint of Roads: A Literature Review”

Harish Kumar (2018), the automotive industry represents a region's progress. With

the pursuit of growth goals, the necessity for infrastructural development grows. Roads

are essential infrastructure for the region's economic development and connection. In

recent years, as economic activity has expanded, so has the reliance on fossil fuel-based

energy sources and the resulting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. India's

transportation industry utilizes roughly 16.9% of total energy (36.5 Mt: million tonnes of

oil equivalent) (217 Mt in 2005 2006). Coal, diesel, petroleum (gasoline), and electricity

are some of the energy sources used in this industry. Emissions from the road, rail, and

air account for 80%, 13%, and 6% of total emissions, respectively. Vehicle emissions

account for over 60% of GHG emissions from diverse activities.

Within the pavement system's boundaries, hydrocarbons or carbon emission

providers are created, which include a succession of intermediate goods and the

collection unit process. Data collection can be used to determine the degree of impact

and system boundaries. The production of bitumen mixtures and the construction of

bitumen mixtures were divided into two components. Concrete mounting, quantity of a

good, asphalt heating, gravel heating, and mixture blending are all part of the bitumen

mixture manufacturing process. Bitumen mixture construction was broken down into three

categories: transportation, paving, and compaction.

“Protocol for the Calculation of Whole Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Generated

by Asphalt Part of the Asphalt Pavement Embodied Carbon Tool”

According to M. Wayman et al (2011), the UK Transport Research Facility

developed a bitumen Perimeter Embodied Carbon Tool (called PECT) in 2011 in

partnership also with the Department Of Transport, Mineral Products Association, and

Refined Bitumen Association. This UK-based tool can generate cradle-to-grave carbon

emissions reports for bitumen that comply with PAS (Publicly Available Specification) .

The boundary includes: chassis to gate CO2e (CO2 equivalent) of every main constituent

and ancillary material; transportation CO2e from manufacturing point to plant; CO2e

emerging from all forms of energy used in producing bitumen at the batching plant, other

than those used in heat recovery, but including energy for on-site offices; and CO2e

arising from the heating process.

“Household time use, carbon footprints, and urban form: a review of the potential

contributions of everyday living to the 1.5 °C climate target”

According to D. Wiedenhofer et al (2018), globally, home consumption is

responsible for more than 65 percent of carbon emissions and air pollution and cement

manufacture, with environmental impact categories from mobility, housing, food, and

leisure accounting for more than 75 percent of the overall household footprints. The use

of less direct energy and emissions from transportation and dwellings is often regarded

as a result of urban shape, density, and transportation costs. However, the entire

footprints of urban households are determined by the aggregate of daily routines and

habits. Deep decarburization necessitates not just significant; this necessitates not just

significant impact on energy production, but also changes in urban form, household

consumption, and social activities in daily life. Impact on energy production, but also

changes in urban form, household consumption, and social activities in daily life.


In the study of Minx et al. (2013), he stated that there are many literatures

discussing the CO2 emissions of cities but a few knows about the patterns intersecting

on density gradients from remote rural places to highly urbanized areas, the stimulants

behind those emission patterns and the global emissions triggered by expenditure in

human settlements – also called as carbon footprint. Minx et al. (2013) used a hybrid

method for estimating the carbon footprints of other human settlements, specifically the

cities in the UK directly connecting global supply chains to local consumption activities

and associated lifestyles. This study encompasses all areas in the UK, be it rural or urban.

They compared extended territorial CO2 emissions with consumption-based results and

studied the driving forces that regulate the carbon footprint of human settlements in the

UK. The findings show that 90% of the human settlements are net importers of CO2

emissions in the UK. Extended territorial emissions are less homogeneous than

consumption-based CO2 emissions. Both lowest and highest carbon footprints are

observed in urban areas, but it is consistently higher relative to extended territorial CO2

emissions opposite those rural settlement types. The findings show that the carbon

footprint of cities and other human settlements in the UK is mostly identified by socio-

economic factors aside from infrastructural and geographical drivers at the spatial

aggregation of the study. It hikes with increasing income, education, and car possession

including decreasing household size. Shows that, possibly, the connection between

infrastructures and lifestyles only affects carbon footprints notably at higher spatial


Pichler et al. (2019) claims in their study that climate change approaches the health

care sector with a double challenge. A mass of climate effects are placing an increased

burden on the service assistance of the already stressed health care systems in many

parts of the world, concurrently, the Paris agreement demands fast emission mitigation in

all sectors of the worldwide economy to stay under the 2°C goal. Their study shows that

in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development or OECD countries such

as India and China, 5% of the national CO2 footprint is from health care, making it

comparable with regards to the food sector. Despite the growing consumption since 2000,

some countries managed to reduce their CO2 emissions with regards to health care,

presenting their economy-wide emission trends. In 2014, the average per capita health

carbon footprint across the country sample was 0.6t CO2 differs between 1.51t CO2/cap

in the US and 0.06t CO2/cap in India. A statistical analysis indicates that the carbon

intensity of the domestic energy system, the energy system of the domestic economy,

and health care consumption jointly present half of the variance in per capita health

carbon footprints. The findings show that significant grasp points subsist within and

outside the health sector.

Carbon footprints on households are unequally disseminated among rich and poor

due to variations in the balance and patterns of expenditures. The study of Wiedenhofer

et al. (2017) shows distributional emphasized carbon footprints for Chinese households

and use a carbon-footprint-Gini coefficient to evaluate disproportions. The study found

that in 2012 the urban rich, with 5% of population, instigated 19% of the total carbon

footprint from household expenditure in China, with 6.4t CO2/cap. The mean Chinese

household footprint carry on comparatively low (1.7t CO2/cap), on the other hand those

on rural population and urban poor, consisting of 58% of population, are 0.5-1.6t

CO2/cap. In the middle of 2007 and 2012, the sum of footprints from households hiked

by 19%, with 75% hike due to increasing expenditure of the urban rich and middle class.

This proposes that a shift in Chinese lifestyles apart from the present trajectory of carbon-

intensive expenditure trend demands policy interference to upgrade living standards and

stimulate sustainable consumption.

The 1.5°C challenge in mitigation for urban areas goes a long way behind

decarbonizing the energy supply of cities and having to facilitate and encourage carbon-

free everyday living. Studying present literatures, the data shows that dense and mixed

urban form empowers lower direct emissions for housing and mobility, whereas income

is the major driver of total carbon footprints, significantly, these impacts are non-linear.

The obtainable urban infrastructure, societal arrangements and societies such that on

work, all affect how households use their time, which expenditure and goods and services

in everyday living and succeeding carbon footprints and possible rebound effects. The

study shows that transformation in household expenditure, time usage and urban form

are critical for a 1.5°C future (Wiedenhoefer et al., 2018).

The study of Rico et al. (2019) evaluated the carbon footprint (CF) tourist activity

on Barcelona, considering the above 30 million tourists who visit the city annually. Their

study analyzed the main sources of emissions marking the direct and indirect emissions

as an effect of usage of energy. The research was conducted in close cooperation with

Barcelona City Council and in the context of the new Strategic Tourism Plan for the City.

The Barcelona tourist activity’s total CF is about 9.6Mt CO2eq/year, which shows an

emission of 96.9kg CO2eq/visitor. The primary source of emission is arrival and take off

transport which is 95.6%, aviation in particular. The findings indicate that if significant

mitigation of CO2 emissions are to be attained, initiatives radically emphasized on

transport and accommodations are demanded.

Literature is rich with research that studies disproportion in carbon emissions at

the macroeconomic level, but little with household level. The topic of household carbon

footprint inequality is significant in reducing climate change by restraining household

emissions. The study of Seriño (2019) analyzed the inequality of household carbon

footprint in the Philippines and divided it into utilization of sources applying the standard

way used in examining income inequality. Findings showed that the 20% of the population

which are the richest has an accumulation share of more growth from 0.455 to 0.475. This

suggests that there are towering and worsening carbon footprint discrepancy out of

Filipino households. This discrepancy in emissions is proclaimed among poor and rich

households in relation to middle-income households portraying a non-monotonous kind

of association between carbon emissions and household income. This proposes that

different lifestyles and utilization preferences indicate the whole household emissions

disparity. Additionally, the breakdown of examination proposes that disparity in carbon

footprint is mostly driven by intensive energy consumption such as transportation, light

and fuel. At any prosperity level, fostering less carbon-intensive or energy-efficient

expenditure permits the mitigation of not just the emission level, but also the household

carbon footprint discrepancy.

The study of Seriño (2016) seeks to evaluate the carbon footprint of Philippine

households from the consumption of different goods and services. Records from the

Philippine Input-Output Table and Global Trade Analysis Project's carbon emission

quantity were utilized to extricate carbon intensities of various economic sectors. The

various consumption variables which embodied carbon emission were evaluated through

tracking the connected emission down to its intermediary loads utilized in the production.

The carbon emission from each expenditure group is procured from total household

carbon footprint. Findings indicate that the greatest carbon emitting goods used in

households are affiliated to usage of transportation, fuel, and light although nondurable

and recreation goods were the least carbon intensive. Various socio-economic

attributions of the household are significant in explaining the overall household carbon

footprint. By making use of non-parametric approximation, findings indicate a strong direct

relation between income and household carbon footprint but the impact differs across the

apportionment. This suggests that more growth in carbon footprint is to be anticipated as

households get richer. Policy makers should formulate strategies nurturing green

consumption or low-carbon lifestyle or else as they become richer it is likely that

households will be directing a carbon intensive lifestyle.

The only type of biodiesel presently being manufactured in the country as a

response to the Biofuels Law which mandates biodiesel blending. This mandate ought to

escalate from 2% to 15% in 2015. Else from escalating the country’s self-sufficiency, the

Biofuels Law has more equivalent notable objectives which could advance the growth of

biodiesel blending in the years to come. The study showed that 100% coconut methyl

ester or coco-biodiesel has a global warming potential or carbon footprint of 38,976.87t

CO2e for every 30 million liters per year (MLPY) or 39.34g CO2e/MJ, which is 53.05%

lower than the carbon footprint of diesel or fossil fuel. For 2016 only, 2% and 5% biodiesel

blending have a prospective GHG savings or evaded GHG emissions equivalent to

241,736.20t CO2e yr-1 and 604,335.49t CO2e yr-1, correspondingly. These results

propose that mandating the utilization of coco-biodiesel mitigates GHG emissions in the

transport sector of the Philippines – an action in order with the governments’ force of

reducing climate change and being one of the active parties of the Paris Agreement for

Climate Change.

Theories: Legal Basis:

 Contingency Theory  SGD13: Take urgent action

to combat climate change
 Two Theories of
and its impact
Responsibility for Past
 SGD13: COVID-19
Emissions of Carbon
Dioxide  The Climate Change Act of
2009, or Republic Act 9729
 Republic Act 10174

Data On:  Profile of the Respondents v

- household size

- home area size

- number of vehicles owned

 Carbon Footprint Awareness

 Carbon Footprint Level

 Statistical Treatment
- Frequency
- Percentage
- Weighted mean
- Pearson Product Moment Correlation
- Chi-square
 Summary of Finding Conclusion

Proposed Recommendations

Figure 1.0 Research Flow



Statement of the Problem

This study is designed to determine the awareness and level of carbon footprint

among households in the 15 barangays of Tagbilaran City. The discoveries and findings

incorporated in this study may be utilized as the basis for the concrete solutions to reduce

household carbon footprint emissions. Specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. What is the demographic profile of the households and in terms of:

1.1 household size;

1.2 home area size;

1.3 number of vehicles owned;

2. What is the level of awareness of carbon footprint among the households in

Tagbilaran City?

3. What is the level of carbon footprint among the households in Tagbilaran City?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the awareness and level of carbon

footprint among the households in Tagbilaran City?

5. Is there a relationship between the profile of the respondents and:

5.1 awareness of carbon footprint

5.2 level of carbon footprint

6. What are the recommendations that could be proposed based on the findings?


To answer the following problem of the study, these are the null hypotheses given:

1. There is no significant relationship between the awareness and level of carbon

footprint among residents in Tagbilaran City.

2. There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and

awareness of carbon footprint.

3. There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and level

of carbon footprint.


Inasmuch as the findings of the study may reveal information and insights into the

factual data the researcher aims to obtain, it is believed that this piece of work could be

of importance to the following:

Local Government. The result of this study may help them be more aware of the

usage of carbon footprint among residences and households among the local areas. This

will also help them understand more about the effects of carbon footprints among

households and implement concrete solutions to reduce carbon footprint release.

Teachers. This study will help them identify the awareness and usage of carbon

footprint as well as to help in informing students and aims to assess in helping

administrators on reducing their school’s greenhouse gas emissions.


Students. This study would serve as the basis in spreading awareness and

reducing levels of carbon footprint among students in order to maintain and develop a

healthier and greener future.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study will support future research about

awareness, usage and effects of carbon footprint and that this study may serve as

reference material for their future studies.


This portion of the paper contains the research design and the research method

the researchers utilized in this study, the locale where the study was conducted, and the

research subject.


To attain the necessary data needed for this study, the researchers utilized a

quantitative method. The study needed a more mechanistic understanding of the creation

of carbon footprint within the households in Tagbilaran City and how much they are aware

of carbon footprint. Furthermore, this would find out how much of a carbon footprint the

households produce. In addition, the knowledge of carbon footprint within the households

were examined.


The respondents of this study are the households within the fifteen (15) barangays

in Tagbilaran City, Bohol. This number is from the Philippine Statistics Authority on the

2020 Survey. Stratified random sampling was used to determine the number of

respondents there are per barangays in Tagbilaran City.

Table 1
Profile of Respondents

Barangay Population No. of Samples

Bool 6953 25

Booy 9996 37

Cabawan 2173 8

Cogon 15869 58

Dao 10695 39

Dampas 9072 33

Manga 7552 28

Mansasa 6253 23

Poblacion I 2926 11

Poblacion II 4339 16

Poblacion III 5037 18

San Isidro 6364 23

Taloto 6383 23

Tiptip 5533 20

Ubujan 5561 20

TOTAL 104706 383



The study was conducted within the randomly selected households of Tagbilaran

City, Bohol consisting of fifteen (15) barangays located in Tagbilaran City. Figure (1)

shows the map of Tagbilaran City.

Figure 2.0: Map of Tagbilaran City


The research makes use of two self-made questionnaires which asks how much

the resident is aware of carbon footprint and how much usage of items that release

carbon, deriving a point system in order to calculate their carbon footprint.


Table 2 grades how aware the respondents are with Carbon Footprint.

Table 2
Awareness of Carbon Footprint


SA Strongly Agree In this instance, the HA

respondent is
aware at a very high 3.25-4.0

A Agree In this instance the MA

respondent is
aware. 2.5-3.24

SDA Strongly In this instance the

Disagree respondent has
heard from MUA
neighbors and
peers but chose to 1.75-2.49
do nothing about it.

DA Disagree In this instance the

respondent has no
knowledge about it. HUA 1.0-1.74

Table 3 covers the level of carbon footprint within the households. Wherein the higher the

number is, the higher the level of carbon footprint.

Table 3
Level of Carbon Footprint

Symbol Description Meaning Interpretation Weighted


The respondent
produces minimal
VG Very Good amounts of VG 0-44

The respondent
provides ample
G Good amounts of G 45-89
carbon footprint.

The respondent
produces copious
P Poor amounts of P 90-134

The respondent
produces large
VP Very poor amounts of VP 135-180

Point-based calculation system for the level of carbon footprint was found on


Data Gathering Procedures

This study began with careful planning and research, including related information

that the researchers can find on the internet or in books. A letter of request to conduct the

study was prepared, and was approved by the school principal and the city mayor.

Afterward, the researchers constructed a survey questionnaire about the awareness and

usage of carbon footprint for the intended respondents, which is the residents of

Tagbilaran City. The researchers had allotted time, effort, and cooperation in developing

the questionnaire to serve its intended respondents. The researchers then explained the

purpose of the study to the intended respondents and made sure that the data gathered

must be correct and precise for each participant who answered the questionnaire.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic still active, the researchers must abide by any

safety protocols in conducting the study, such as social distancing and wearing of face

masks. After the respondents answered the questionnaire, the researchers collected and

tallied the data for interpretation. The responses obtained were classified and analyzed

with the help of a statistician in determining the appropriate statistical tools to be used.

Along with the primary data, the researchers also made use of secondary resources in

the form of published articles to support the survey results.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical guidelines were in place to ensure that the research was properly

conducted, you will be tracked throughout the study period. As logon at the committee’s

suggestion, the research submitted to the university’s ethics committee confirmed that no

harm was done throughout the study. After these approval procedures for actions for

which researchers have requested permission, we studied barangays in Tagbilaran City,

Bohol. We kept all data confidential by allowing respondents to answer voting

anonymously. The survey took them 5-10 minutes of the respondent’s time. However, the

respondent has the right to withdraw at any time after participation. Optional for this study.

Statistical Treatment

To get the quantitative value, the compiled data must undergo thorough analysis

and evaluation to effectively boil down the results. In order to come to an absolute

conclusion, the researchers must utilize the statistical treatments and its methods.


This formula is utilized to identify the amount that occurs in a given range. It will

serve as the basis of the researchers to know how people are aware of the usage of

carbon footprint and will give an accurate result in the process.


This is calculated by taking the frequency and dividing it by the total number of

participants and multiplying it 100%. This will help the researchers to express the relative

frequency of survey responses and other data.

Weighted Mean

To calculate the weighted mean, data must be added up and divided to the number

of items in the set. The weighted mean helps the researchers to obtain accurate

conclusions and will give readers more understanding of the usage and awareness of

carbon footprint and as to why the researchers chose the topic.


Pearson Product Moment Correlation

The correlations and variables will be determined through this formula. This

formula will assess the significance of the relationships between the following:

1. Awareness of Carbon Footprint

2. Usage of Carbon Footprint

Chi Square

The Chi-Square test is used in data consisting of people distributed across

categories, and to know whether that distribution is different from what would be expected

by chance.


Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an

individual, event, organization, service, place or product, expressed as carbon dioxide

equivalent (CO 2 e).

Contingency Theory

Contingency Theory is to understand how supply chain-related contingencies,

arising from climate change, are related to changes in the organizational structure of


Climate Change

Climate change is a change in the statistical properties of the climate system that

persists for several decades or longer, usually at least 30 years.

Past Generated Emissions

Past generated are the general emissions that were released from burning fossil

fuels for energy production.

Low-Carbon Operations Management

Low-Carbon Operations Management is about taking steps to measure and

manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within your organization and extend the

reduction of emissions across your supply chain (FDF, 2008, p. 8).


Carbon Management

Carbon Management is a structured approach of reaching the strategic benefits of

CO2 emission reductions.

Ocean Acidification

Ocean acidification is a reduction of Oceans Ph caused by carbon dioxide (CO2)

from the atmosphere when taken up.

Bitumen Mixture

Bitumen mixture is a different aggregate like sand, stones and gravels which is

used for constructing roads or other constructions.


Biodiesel is a fuel manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled

restaurant grease, in short it is renewable.

Biofuels Law

Biofuels Law is a law that developed the use of renewable energy to reduce toxic


Polluter Pays Principle

The Polluter Pays Principle is enacted to make the party responsible for producing

pollution responsible for paying for the damage done to the natural environment.


Chlorofluorocarbons are nontoxic, non-flammable chemicals containing atoms of

carbon, chlorine, and fluorine.


Decarbonization is the term used for removal or reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2)

output into the atmosphere.


Biodiversity are different kinds of life found in a place or on Earth.

Coco Biodiesel

Coco Biodiesel protects car engines from wearing, cleans the fuel system, and

scours the combustion chamber.


Aviation means development, production, operation or use of an aircraft.

Household Expenditure

Household expenditure or household spending is an expense that the household

consumes for their house or every resident to obtain their needs, such as food,

transportation, energy, clothing, health cost, durable goods, and leisures.


Photosynthesis is the process used by plants wherein they take carbon dioxide

and water from the soil and air then convert it into glucose and oxygen.

Small Household Area

These are houses with a square meter of 500 and below.

Medium Household Area

These houses range within 500 sqm to 1,000 sqm.

Large Household Area

These are houses that measure 1000 sqm and above.




This chapter contains information about the results of the study and the analysis
and interpretation of the data gathered with the use of the adapted statistical measure.
The data and information are herein discussed, presented in tabular, graph and narrative
forms succeeding the description of each table, then analyzed and interpreted.

Household Size. Among 383 respondents of the study, eighty four (21.9%) live by
four, seventy (18.3%) live by 5, fifty five (14.4%) live by three, fifty three (13.8%) live by
six, thirty one (8.1%) live by two, twenty three (6.0%) live by seven, sixteen (4.2%) live by
themselves, sixteen (4.2%) live by eight, thirteen (3.4%) live by 9, ten (2.6%) live by 10,
six (1.6%) live by 12, three (.8%) live by 11, and one (.3%) live by 14, 15, and 56

Household size
Household Size Frequency Percent Rank
1 16 4.2 7.5
2 31 8.1 5
3 55 14.4 3
4 84 21.9 1
5 70 18.3 2
6 53 13.8 4
7 23 6.0 6
8 16 4.2 7.5
9 13 3.4 9
10 10 2.6 10
11 3 .8 12
12 6 1.6 11
14 1 .3 14
15 1 .3 14
56 1 .3 14
TOTAL 383 100.0

Home Area Size. In comparison to three: small, medium and large. Medium

houses take lead with two hundred ten (54.8%) households of the size, followed by small

houses with a number of one hundred twenty four (32.4%), and large houses occupied

with forty nine (12.8%).

Table 5
Home Area Size

Home Area Size Frequency Percent Rank

Large 49 12.8 3
Medium 210 54.8 1
Small 124 32.4 2
Total 383 100.0

Number of Vehicles Owned. The overall distribution of the households who

possess vehicles. One hundred twenty-six of the households (32.9%) of the total own one

vehicle, one hundred ten (28.7%) own two, fifty five (14.4%) own three, forty five (11.7%)

do not own any, twenty three (6.0%) own four, twelve (3.1%) own five, eight (2.1) own

seven and the rest own one (.3%) with 7, 8, 14 and 15 respectively.

Table 6
Number of Vehicles Owned

Vehicles Owned Frequency Percent Rank

0 45 11.7 4
1 126 32.9 1
2 110 28.7 2
3 55 14.4 3
4 23 6.0 5
5 12 3.1 6
6 8 2.1 7
7 1 .3 9.5
8 1 .3 9.5
14 1 .3 9.5
15 1 .3 9.5
Total 383 100.0

Awareness of Carbon Footprint Among Households in Tagbilaran City. The

position of respondents’ awareness on carbon footprint. Item 4: “I am aware that my

transportation medium (vehicles owned) affect my carbon footprint emissions” tops the

rank with the mean of 3.34 (Strongly Agree). Antithesis, the lowest on the rank is “I am

aware that my home area size affects my carbon footprint release” , item 3 with a mean

of 2.89. Item 10: “I am aware that my transportation missions affect my carbon footprint”

rank second with a mean of 3.30. Item 8: “I am aware that the bags of waste produced

affect my carbon footprint rank third with a mean of 3.21. Item 9: “I am aware that the

amount of waste I recycle affect my carbon footprint rank fourth with a mean of 3.16. Item

1: “I am aware of my carbon footprint” rank fifth with a mean 3.05. Item 7: “I am aware

that my household purchases affect my carbon footprint” rank sixth with a mean of 3.02.

Item 6: “I am aware that my water consumption affects my carbon footprint” rank eighth

with a mean of 2.94. Item 5: “I am aware that my food choices affect my carbon footprint”

rank ninth with a mean of 2.93. Items 4 and 10 have a descriptive value of Strongly Agree

and the rest of the items have a descriptive value of Agree.

Awareness of Carbon Footprint
N = 383

Mean DV Rank
I am aware of my carbon footprint. 3.05 A 5
I am aware that my household size affects my
3.00 A 7
carbon footprint release.
I am aware that my home area size affects my
2.89 A 10
carbon footprint release.
I am aware that my transportation medium
(vehicles owned) affect my carbon footprint 3.34 SA 1
I am aware that my food choices affect my
2.93 A 9
carbon footprint.
I am aware that water consumption affects my
2.94 A 8
carbon footprint.
I am aware that my household purchases affect
3.02 A 6
my carbon footprint.
I am aware that the bags of waste produced
3.21 A 3
affect my carbon footprint.
I am aware that the amount of waste I recycle
3.16 A 4
affects my carbon footprint.
I am aware that my transportation missions
3.30 SA 2
affect my carbon footprint.
Composite Mean 3.09 A


Awareness of Carbon Footprint


SA Strongly Agree In this instance, the HA

respondent is aware
at a very high extent. 3.25-4.0

A Agree In this instance the MA

respondent is aware.

SDA Strongly In this instance the

Disagree respondent has
heard from MUA
neighbors and peers
but chose to do 1.75-2.49
nothing about it.

DA Disagree In this instance the

respondent has no
knowledge about it. HUA 1.0-1.74

Level of Carbon Footprint. The status of the level of carbon footprint that is

determined by the different factors. 303 of the population (78.91%) show good

performance in their level of carbon footprint emission. 78 of the population (20.31%)

exhibit very good conduct in their level of carbon footprint emission and last on the rank

is the poor enforcement with a number of 3 and a percentage of 0.78%.


Level of Carbon Footprint
N = 383
Frequency Percentage Rank
Very Good 303 78.91 1
Good 3 0.78 3
Poor 78 20.31 2
Total 384 100.0





6.52 6.24
1 2 3 4 5
Item No.

Figure 3.0: Level of Carbon Footprint

Relationship between the Household Size and Carbon Footprint Awareness.

The relationship between the two variables through the person chi-square method. The

chi-square test yielded a value of 47.677 with an observed significance of 0.253. The

observed significance is greater than the level of significance (0.05). Thus, the null

hypothesis is accepted. The data explains that there is no significant degree of

relationship between the Household Size and Carbon Footprint Awareness. The

awareness of the respondents does not significantly affect their levels of emission.

Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)

Pearson Chi- 47.677a 42 .253
Likelihood 46.277 42 .300
N of Valid 383
a. 38 cells (63.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Home Area Size and Level of Carbon Footprint Awareness. The Pearson Chi-

Square between the home area size and the level of carbon footprint usage of the

respondents. The chi-square test yielded a value of 9.563 with an observed significance

of 0.144. The observed significance is greater than the level of significance (0.05). Thus,

the null hypothesis is accepted. The results reveal there is no significant degree of

relationship between the home area size and the level of carbon footprint usage of the

respondents. Whatever the home area size of the respondents, it does not significantly

affect level of carbon footprint usage.

Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)

Pearson Chi- 9.563a 6 .144
Likelihood 9.631 6 .141
N of Valid 383
a. 4 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .64.

Number of Vehicles Owned and Level of Carbon Footprint Awareness. The

Chi-square between the Number of Vehicles Owned and Level of Carbon Footprint

Awareness of the residents of Tagbilaran City. The chi-square test yielded a value of

40.994 with an observed significance of 0.087. The observed significance is greater than

the level of significance (0.05). Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted. The Number of

Vehicles Owned does not significantly affect the Level of Carbon Footprint Awareness.

Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)

Pearson Chi- 40.99 30 .087
Square 4a
Likelihood 33.11 30 .318
Ratio 1
N of Valid 383
a. 30 cells (68.2%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Household Size and Level of Carbon Footprint. The Pearson Chi-Square

between household size and level of carbon footprint awareness of the respondents. The

chi-square test yielded a value of 185.592 with an observed significance of 0.000. The

observed significance is less than the level of significance (0.05). Thus, the null

hypothesis is rejected. The results revealed that there is a significant degree of

relationship between the Household size and Level of Carbon Footprint. This means that

the household size of the respondents does significantly affect the level of carbon


Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)

Pearson Chi- 185.59 28 .000
Square 2a
Likelihood 34.362 28 .189
N of Valid 383
a. 30 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Home Area Size and Level of Carbon Footprint Usage The Pearson Chi-Square

between the home area size and the level of carbon footprint usage of the respondents.

The chi-square test yielded a value of 5.543 with an observed significance of 0.236. The

observed significance is greater than the level of significance (0.05). Thus, the null

hypothesis is accepted. The results reveal there is no significant degree of relationship

between the home area size and the level of carbon footprint usage of the respondents.

Whatever the home area size of the respondents, it does not significantly affect level of

carbon footprint.

Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)

Pearson Chi- 5.543a 4 .236
Likelihood 6.377 4 .173
N of Valid 383
a. 3 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .38.

Number of Vehicles Owned and Level of Carbon Footprint. The Pearson Chi-

Square between the number of vehicles owned by the residents of Tagbilaran City and

the level of carbon footprint usage. The chi-square test yielded a value of 32.517 with an

observed significance of 0.038. The observed significance is less than the level of

significance (0.05). Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. The results reveal there is a

significant degree of relationship between the number of vehicles owned by the residents

of Tagbilaran City and the level of carbon footprint usage of the respondents. Whatever

the no. of vehicles owned of the respondents, it does significantly affect level of carbon


Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)

Pearson Chi- 32.51 20 .038
Square 7a
Likelihood 18.72 20 .540
Ratio 7
N of Valid 383
a. 22 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

Carbon Footprint Awareness and Usage. The correlation coefficient was found

to be -0.037 with an observed significance of 0.465. The observed significance is greater

than the level of significance (0.05). The data suggests an insignificant negative negligible

correlation. The results revealed that the carbon footprint awareness between the usage

does not have significance. This explains that whatever is the level of carbon footprints,

it does not affect the usage of the respondents significantly.

Mean Total
Spearman's Mean Correlation Coefficient 1.000 -.037
Rho Sig. (2-tailed) . .465
N 383 383
Total Correlation Coefficient -.037 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .465 .
N 383 383



This chapter showcases the findings, conclusions, and recommendations after the

accumulated and interpreted data that have gone under thorough analysis through

statistical treatment and derived conclusions.

The first section of this chapter enumerates the findings gathered from the

significant information presented in the previous chapter. The majority of information

obtained deals with the awareness and level of carbon footprint among the households

in Tagbilaran City.

The second section of this chapter deals with the conclusion based off the stated

findings. These are the generalizations that will afterwards the influence attainable

concrete steps for action.

The third section of this chapter discusses the recommendations that are anchored

and formulated in the light of the findings, conclusions, and implication.



Household Size. Among 383 respondents of the study, 84 (21.9%) live by four,

70 (18.3%) live by 5, 55 (14.4%) live by three, 53 (13.8%) live by six, 31 (8.1%) live by

two, 23 (6.0%) live by seven, 16 (4.2%) live by themselves, 16 (4.2%) live by eight, 13

(3.4%) live by 9, 10 (2.6%) live by 10, 6 (1.6%) live by 12, 3 (.8%) live by 11, and 1 (.3%)

live by 14, 15, and 56 respectively.

Home Area Size. In comparison to three: small, medium and large. Medium

houses take lead with 210 (54.8%) households of the size, followed by small houses with

a number of 124 (32.4%), and large houses occupied with 49 (12.8%).

Number of Vehicles Owned. The overall distribution of the households who

possess vehicles. 126 of the households (32.9%) of the total own one vehicle, 110

(28.7%) own two, 55 (14.4%) own three, 45 (11.7%) do not own any, 23 (6.0%) own four,

12 (3.1%) own five, 8 (2.1) own seven and the rest own 1 (.3%) with 7, 8, 14 and 15


Awareness of Carbon Footprint among Households in Tagbilaran City. The

position of respondents’ awareness on carbon footprint. Item 10: “I am aware that my

transportation medium (vehicles owned) affect my carbon footprint emissions” tops the

rank with the mean of 3.34 (Strongly Agree). Antithesis, the lowest on the rank is “I am

aware that my home area size affects my carbon footprint release” with a mean of 2.89

Level of Carbon Footprint. The status of the level of carbon footprint that is

determined by the different factors. 303 of the population (78.91%) show good

performance in their level of carbon footprint emission. 78 of the population (20.31%)


exhibit very good conduct in their level of carbon footprint emission and last on the rank

is the poor enforcement with a number of 3 and a percentage of 0.78%.

Relationship between the Awareness and Level of Carbon Footprint. The

relationship between the two variables through the person chi-square method. The chi-

square test yielded a value of 47.677 with an observed significance of 0.253. The

observed significance is greater than the level of significance (0.05). Thus, the null

hypothesis is accepted. The data explains that there is no significant degree of

relationship between the Household Size and Carbon Footprint Awareness. The

awareness of the respondents does not significantly affect their levels of emission.

Home Area Size and Level of Carbon Footprint Awareness. The Pearson Chi-

Square between the home area size and the level of carbon footprint usage of the

respondents. The chi-square test yielded a value of 9.563 with an observed significance

of 0.144. The observed significance is greater than the level of significance (0.05). Thus,

the null hypothesis is accepted. The results reveal there is no significant degree of

relationship between the home area size and the level of carbon footprint usage of the

respondents. Whatever the home area size of the respondents, it does not significantly

affect level of carbon footprint usage.

No. of Vehicles Owned and Level of Carbon Footprint Awareness. The Chi-

square between the Number of Vehicles Owned and Level of Carbon Footprint

Awareness of the residents of Tagbilaran City. The chi-square test yielded a value of

40.994 with an observed significance of 0.087. The observed significance is greater than

the level of significance (0.05). Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted. The Number of

Vehicles Owned does not significantly affect the Level of Carbon Footprint Awareness.

Home Area Size and Level of Carbon Footprint. The Pearson Chi-Square

between the home area size and the level of carbon footprint usage of the respondents.

The chi-square test yielded a value of 5.543 with an observed significance of 0.236. The

observed significance is greater than the level of significance (0.05). Thus, the null

hypothesis is accepted. The results reveal there is no significant degree of relationship

between the home area size and the level of carbon footprint usage of the respondents.

Whatever the home area size of the respondents, it does not significantly affect level of

carbon footprint.

No. of Vehicles Owned and Level of Carbon Footprint. The Pearson Chi-

Square between the number of vehicles owned by the residents of Tagbilaran City and

the level of carbon footprint usage. The chi-square test yielded a value of 32.517 with an

observed significance of 0.038. The observed significance is less than the level of

significance (0.05). Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. The results reveal there is a

significant degree of relationship between the no. Of vehicles owned by the residents of

Tagbilaran City and the level of carbon footprint usage of the respondents. Whatever the

no. of vehicles owned of the respondents, it does significantly affect level of carbon


Carbon Footprints Awareness and Usage. The correlation coefficient was found

to be -0.037 with an observed significance of 0.465. The observed significance is greater

than the level of significance (0.05). The data suggests an insignificant negative negligible

correlation. The results revealed that the carbon footprint awareness between the usage

does not have significance. This explains that whatever is the level of carbon footprints,

it does not affect the usage of the respondents significantly.


The conclusions to be derived is that there is a disparity of the degree of

relationships depending on the two variables that are being allied. This then affects the

human conduct.


1. The household that lives by four, dominates than the other seventy-eight

percentage of household.

2. The medium sized house takes the lead with 210 household size, followed by small

house sizes then large houses.

3. The 126 of the household with one vehicle is dominant than the other households.

4. The respondents claim that the level of Awareness of Carbon footprint among the

Households in Tagbilaran City that ranks the highest is item 10: “I am aware that my

transportation medium (vehicles owned) effect my carbon footprint emissions.”

5. 303 of the population (78.91%) show good performance in their level of carbon

footprint emission.

6. The carbon footprint awareness between the usage does not have significance.


Based on the foregoing findings and conclusions, the researchers offer the

following relevant recommendations.

1. The officials of Tagbilaran City should conduct seminars regarding the release

of carbon footprint in the household of Tagbilaran City.

2. Present the strict implementation of concrete and already existing laws like the

reduce, reuse and recycle program, elimination of the single-use plastic, establishing of

water refilling boxes.

3. Encourage people of a wider scope like student body organizations to

strengthen these measures within their territories by resurfacing campaign materials to

raise awareness regarding the amount of carbon footprints being released in the


5. Propose regular clean up drives, earth hour movements so as to make everyone

part of something bigger in the reduction of carbon footprint emissions.

5. Vitalize every resource available: barangay captains, beauty queens, social

media pages to encourage thinking green.



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Victoriano D. Tirol – Advanced Learning Center
Peñaflor St., Tagbilaran City

March 23, 2023


City Mayor
Tagbilaran City, Bohol
RE: Permission to Gather Data

Dear Mayor Jane Yap,

Zora Neale Hurston said, “Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying
with a purpose.” Research creates new knowledge and this knowledge we possess we
can use to advance our community and even our world.
In accordance to this, we are formally requesting permission to gather data among
the fifteen (15) barangays of Tagbilaran City. We are currently in the process of collecting
data in partial fulfillment of our requirement in Practical Research 2 of which our study is
entitled: “Awareness and Level of Carbon Footprint Among Households in Tagbilaran
We intend to use the data collected to assist in identifying our research’s purpose.
Rest assured that we will be sharing it only with our research advisers in agreement with
your organization’s protocols and the data gathered will only be used for purely academic

On behalf of my research team, we heartily express our gratitude in examining our request
for data. We assure you that all protocols will be followed, and privacy regulations adhered
to. If you wish to discuss any of this matter, you may contact 09369216035.

In Scholarship, Character and Service,



March 23, 2023

Barangay Captain
Bool, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Dear Hon. Ibao:

Zora Neale Hurston said, “Research is formalized

curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.”
Research creates new knowledge and this knowledge
we possess we can use to advance our community and
even our world.

In accordance to this, we are formally requesting

permission to gather data from 25 respondents among
your barangay of supervision. We are currently in the
process of collecting data in partial fulfillment of our
requirement in Practical Research 2 of which our study
is entitled: “Awareness and Level of Carbon Footprint
Among Households in Tagbilaran City”.

We intend to use the data collected to assist in

identifying our research’s purpose. Rest assured that
we will be sharing it only with our research advisers in
agreement with your organization’s protocols and the
data gathered will only be used for purely academic

On behalf of my research team, we heartily express our

gratitude in examining our request for data. We assure
you that all protocols will be followed, and privacy
regulations adhered to. If you wish to discuss any of
this matter, you may contact 09369216035.

Attached herewith is the approval from the office of the


In Scholarship, Character and Service,


Research Group Leader



Household Size:
Home Area Size:
Number of Vehicles Owned:


Please specify level of awareness by placing a check (✓) in the corresponding




SA Strongly Agree In this instance, the

respondent is aware
at a very high extent. HA 4

A Agree In this instance, the

respondent is aware.
MA 3

SDA Strongly In this instance the

Disagree respondent has heard
from neighbors and
peers but chose to do MUA 2
nothing about it.

DA Disagree In this instance the

respondent has no
knowledge about it. HUA 1


I am aware of my carbon footprint.

I am aware that my household size affects my carbon

footprint release.

I am aware that my home area size affects my carbon

footprint release.

I am aware that my transportation medium (vehicles owned)

affect my carbon footprint emissions.

I am aware that my food choices affect my carbon footprint.

I am aware that water consumption affects my carbon


I am aware that my household purchases affect my carbon


I am aware that the bags of waste produced affect my carbon


I am aware that the amount of waste I recycle affects my

carbon footprint.

I am aware that my transportation missions affect my carbon



Please specify the level of carbon footprint by placing a check (✓) on the
following that applies.


I live alone.

I share an apartment/house with 1 other person.

I share an apartment/house with 2 other people.

I share an apartment/house with 3 other people.

I share an apartment/house with 4 other people.

I share an apartment/house with 5 other people.

I share an apartment/house with more than 5 other people.


I have a large house.

I have a medium-sized house.

I have a small house.

I live in an apartment.


I eat domestic meat on a daily basis.

I eat domestic meat a few times per week.

I am a vegetarian.

I eat pre-packaged convenience food.

I eat a good balance of fresh and convenient food.

I eat fresh, locally grown, or hunted food.


I run my dishwasher or washing machine more than 9 times per week.


I run my dishwasher or washing machine 4 to 9 times per week.

I run my dishwasher or washing machine 1 to 3 times per week.

I don’t have a dishwasher or washing machine.


I buy more than 7 new pieces of furniture, electronics, or other household

gadgets per year.

I purchase between 5 and 7 new pieces of furniture, electronics, or other

household gadgets per year.

I purchase between 3 and 5 new pieces of furniture, electronics, or other

household gadgets per year.

I purchase less than 3 new pieces of furniture, electronics, or other household

gadgets per year.

I purchase almost nothing or only secondhand items.


I fill 4 garbage cans each week.

I fill 3 garbage cans each week.

I fill 2 garbage cans per week.

I fill 1 garbage can per week.

I fill half of a garbage can or less per week.

RECYCLE PRACTICE (start with 24 points)

Do you recycle glass?

Do you recycle plastic?

Do you recycle paper?

Do you recycle aluminum?

Do you recycle steel?

Do you recycle food waste (composting)?


For my personal vehicle usage, I travel more than 15,000 miles per year.

For my personal vehicle usage, I travel 10,000 to 15,000 miles per year.

For my personal vehicle usage, I travel 1,000 to 10,000 miles per year.

For my personal vehicle usage, I travel less than 1,000 miles per year

For public transportation, I travel more than 20,000 miles per year.

For public transportation, I travel 15,000 to 20,000 miles per year.

For public transportation, I travel 10,000 to 15,000 miles per year.

For public transportation, I travel 1,000 to 10,000 miles per year.

For public transportation, I travel less than 1,000 miles per year.

For flights, I only travel short distances in 1 year, such as within the state.

For flights, I only travel further distances in 1 year, such as to a nearby state or

For flights, I only travel far distances in 1 year, such as to another continent.

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