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Our Ref :

Date :


Dear Mr. XXXXXXXXX, Private & Confidential


Subsequent to the outcome of your performance, your past & recent achievements of being Certified Professional
Engineer, you have been promoted by The Management. The Management has gave the approval and is pleased
to inform you that you have been promoted from your current position. Details of your promotions are as follows:

New Position : Group Project Manager

Revised Basic Salary : RM 28,000.00
Promotion Date : 1st August 2023

Please be informed that the revision of your Monthly Basic Salary will takes effect on 1 st August 2023. Other terms
and conditions of employment shall remain unchanged as set out in your initial Letter of Appointment.

Congratulations on your promotion! As you settle into your new role, please refer any questions to your reporting
superior which is Mr. X. From the Management understanding, you have been working together with company for
the past seven years we look forward to work effectively and efficiently within a team environment & looking for
continuous improved ways of carrying out the related works.

Keep up the good work and we are confident you will excel further and grow your career with us. We look forward
to your valued contributions, we shall continue to expect consistency and great results from you in your new role.
We hope that you will set an example as well for the other employees of the organisation. We are confident that
you will use the opportunity with Company ABC for further improving the growth of your career.

Should you have any clarification on your promotion, kindly email your superior within three (3) working days,
failing so; we shall consider that you accept and agree to the employment terms. Kindly sign and return duplicate
of this letter to HR Manager before 28th August 2023 to indicate your acceptance of this letter officially.

Wishing you luck and all the best in your future endeavours!

Best Regards,

By signing below, I ………………….......................................................

(NRIC: …………………...…….) hereby accept and fully understand the
……………………………. terms and conditions above as stipulated by the company; and its
NAME accompanying rules and regulations governing my employment in
DIRECTOR accepting this revision of remuneration package.

……………………… …………………
Signature Date

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