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1. How does the concentration of the sugar solution affect the taste of the lemonade?

the concentration of sugar solution does not affect the taste of lemonade
2. How does dilution affect the concentration of the solution?
lemonade with more diluted sugar solution added tastes more sour than lemonade with less diluted sugar
solution added
3. Can you relate the concept of concentration in this experiment to other real-life scenarios?
Water treatment – controlling contaminants concentration to provide safe drinking water. Processes such
as coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection are carried out to reduce the impurities
concentration and pathogens in the water
Food and beverage industry – ingredients concentration in food and beverages is important to ensure taste
and quality of the food. For example, production of soda, the accurate concentration of flavourings,
sweeteners, and carbonation is crucial to achieve the desired taste.
Medical diagnostics – concentration is important in medical diagnostics such as blood tests. For instance,
measuring the glucose concentration in the blood can help to detect diabetes.
4. Why is it important to understand the concept of concentration in daily life?

Understanding the concept of concentration is important in daily life for several reasons:

Dosage and Medication: Concentration is crucial when it comes to taking medications or administering
treatments. Understanding the concentration of a medication allows you to follow the prescribed
dosage accurately, ensuring its effectiveness and avoiding potential side effects or underdosing.

Cooking and Baking: Concentration is essential in the culinary world. Recipes often specify the
concentration of ingredients, such as spices, flavorings, or sauces, to achieve the desired taste and
balance of flavors. Understanding concentration helps you follow recipes accurately and create delicious

Personal Care Products: Concentration is relevant in personal care products, including cosmetics and
skincare items. By understanding the concentration of active ingredients, such as moisturizers,
sunscreens, or anti-aging compounds, you can select products that suit your needs and achieve the
desired effects.

Concentration of sugar solution calculation:

First lemonade – 400g of sugar, 300cm ³ of water

Second lemonade – 600 g of sugar. 50cm ³ of water

Third lemonade – 100g of sugar, 75cm ³ of water

Concentration (g/dm ³) = Mass(g) /volume (dm ³)

Since the formula uses dm ³ unit for the volume, we have to convert the cm ³ to dm ³
1 dm ³ = 1000cm ³, thus divide the volume in cm ³ with 1000. For first lemonade we got, 0.3 dm ³,
second lemonade, 0.5 dm ³ and third lemonade, 0.75 dm ³.

Now that we have the dm ³, we can calculate the concentration of the sugar solution easily.

First lemonade = 400g/ 0.3dm ³ = 1.333g/dm ³

Second lemonade = 600g/0.5dm ³ = 1333 g/dm ³

Third lemonade = 100g/0.75dm ³ = 1.333 g/dm ³

From here, we can conclude that the concentration of the sugar solution is a constant variable which
is 1.33 g/dm ³

Concentration in chemistry refers to the amount of solute dissolved in a given amount of solvent or
solution. It is a fundamental concept in chemistry and has significant implications in our daily lives.
Here are some key aspects and the significance of concentration in chemistry and its relevance to
daily life:

1. Solution Preparation: Concentration is important when preparing solutions. Whether it's a

household task like making a cup of coffee or a laboratory experiment, accurately measuring
and adjusting the concentration of solutes in a solution is crucial. It ensures that the solution
has the desired properties, such as taste, effectiveness, or safety.
2. Chemical Reactions: Concentration plays a crucial role in chemical reactions. The
concentration of reactants affects the rate of reaction and determines the equilibrium
position. By altering the concentration of reactants, it is possible to control the speed at
which reactions occur and optimize reaction conditions. This knowledge is applied in various
industries, such as pharmaceuticals, where controlling reaction rates is essential for
manufacturing processes.
3. Environmental Chemistry: Concentration measurements are vital in environmental chemistry
to assess the presence and impact of pollutants in air, water, and soil. Measuring the
concentration of pollutants helps in evaluating environmental quality, determining
compliance with regulatory standards, and identifying potential risks to human health and

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