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Which of the following criteria is directly affected by how the community preceives a specific community

concern or issue?

social concern

Newborn screening is an important factor to allow early detection of several metabolic conditions that
could be irreversible when not given early treatment and medical attention. We consider the probability
of reducing the possible effect of newborn not undergoing NBS as...

preventive potential

Mang Isko and his wife are presenting symptoms of tuberculosis. Which of the following is considered
an appropriate approach? (Choose all that apply)

Refer Mang Isko and his wife to the RHU (Rural Health Unit).

Refer the other family members to the RHU.

High poverty rate is not in itself a health issue but it has a direct effect to the health situation of the
community. How do you categorize this community issue?

health-related problem

Barangay L is experiencing peace and order problems. Which among the following is the category of this

health resource problem

Which of the following community issues is the most modifiable?

Presence of breeding sites of rodents and mosquitoes

One of the issues identified by the community is the difficulty accessing their RHU which they said is
difficult to reach due to the rough road leading to it aggravated by unfavorable weather and presence of
bandits. The discription could have an affect to which of the following criteria?

modifiability of the problem

As the community health nurse of a geographically isolated agricultural area, which of the following
would you consider as your clients and recipient of your services? (Choose all that applies)

Mang Isko, a farmer

Mang Isko’s family

The group of ‘kaingineros”

Learners at the community school

After a flashflood, 50 percent of the residents lost their homes and livestocks. When we describe the
proportion of the population affected by an issue, we are referring to the...

Magnitude of the problem

Mang Isko, when asked about their utilization of services, told you they do not like visiting the RHU.
Which of the following statements is the most appropriate reply?

I see, may I know the reason for this?

Several babies were born with congenital defects this year. What category of issue is this?

health-related problem

Is an aggregate of people considered a community?


To know how the community perceives a health issue, the nurse does which of the following?

Ask the community what they think of the problem in terms of its affect on them.

Which of the following factors have the highest impact in the scoring of a community's health issue?

5% of the children under five years old have lower than normal weight.

In the data gathered, 2 out of 10 postpartum women experience postpartum infection. This refers to

Magnitude of the problem

Which of the following will NOT likely be considered a population group of a specific community?

Overseas Filipino workers

Most families do not to bring their children to the RHU for their scheduled immunization because they
do not think it is important for their children. This refers to the...

social concern

Presence of mosquito breeding sites could lead to mosquito infestations and an increase incidence of
mosquito-borne diseases. However, a regular organized clean up activity can effectively reduce the
presence of breeding sites. The previous statement refers to which of the following criteria for scoring a
community health issue?

preventive potential

Hypertension is a current noncommunicable disease concern. It is considered a chronic disease and if

not properly addressed could lead to serious health complications such as heart attacks and stroke.
These are considerations when we score which of the following specific criteria?

Magnitude of the problem

Unfamiliar surroundings is a safety hazard for older adults.


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