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Per interrompere/riavviare i servizi SERVER TOOLS:

/etc/init.d/sapb1servertools restart

/etc/init.d/sapb1servertools stop

/etc/init.d/sapb1servertools start

Per interrompere/riavviare il ServiceLayer

/etc/init.d/b1s stop

/etc/init.d/b1s restart


Systemctl restart b1s

RIAVVIARE Electronic Document Service EDS

systemctl start sapb1edfbackend

systemctl stop sapb1edfbackend

systemctl restart sapb1edfbackend

systemctl status sapb1edfbackend

Restart the SAP HANA instance. To do so, proceed as below:

1) Log on as the <sid>adm user (for example, ndbadm) or switch to this user by entering the following
command: su - <sid>adm.

U -ndbadm

2) Stop the SAP HANA instance using the command ./HDB stop.

3) Start the SAP HANA instance using the command ./HDB start.

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