Juice Guide

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Cleanse Guide

All you need to know. the basics...

Hello juicers! Begin each day by adding the juice of 1 whole lemon and a pinch of Himalayan salt in
500 ml of water. This is a perfect way to start your morning, on the cleanse or not, as
it is alkalizing and hydrating. Depending on the individual, you can lose 1kg + of fluid
Welcome to the next step of your health journey. every night in your sleep. This homemade electrolyte drink is easy to make and free of any
artificial ingredients such as artificial colours and flavours. It is an energy drink without
Part of this experience will be about learning some tips that you can carry forward and any negative effects that will help rehydrate the body as soon as you wake up!
incorporate into your daily life experiences. Included below are some of our favourites.
Nothing replaces water, including the most gorgeous fresh pressed juices and herbal tea. We
The BIG question... Can I eat during my cleanse? The simple answer is, it’s up to you. If you know you are going to be drinking more than you probably ever have in one day, however
want the best results, then stick with the meal replacement juices and smoothies we provide. it is vital that you also hydrate your body with water. Water is needed for all functions
If you feel you are struggling on your first day, have some fruit, an apple, banana or in the body, and helps flush acidic waste. Think about adding lemon, cucumber slices, or a
orange for example. Maybe a light salad or some stir fry vegetables. Small portions! Listen little Himalayan salt for an extra kick. The best times to drink your water are first thing
to your body. in morning and throughout the day in between juices and smoothies. So how much water
do I need you ask? The easiest way to calculate this is your weight divided by 30.
Most people fly through feeling full all day and having little trouble. Some, feel a little
tired, maybe have a slight headache. It’s most likely the shock to the system of all the raw For example:
leafy greens and root vegetables. In almost all cases, it passes in a day or two. Regular 100kg/ 30 = 3.3L
cleansers know it gets easier each day. Our juices are 350ml and you drink 7 a day = 2.45L
So, assuming you did no physical activity you should still be drinking an additional 850ml
Listen to and follow your body. Don’t force anything. If you do not want to finish certain of water per day.
items, you have the freedom to do so. However, the more you stick with these bottles of
nature’s joy, the more cleansing will take place. In addition, you will feel more full or
satisfied if you consume the cleanse as designed. Follow the protocol as best you can for
the best results.
Juice cleansing is simple, because we’ve done all Frequently asked questions...
the hard work for you! I am pregnant/breast feeding, can I cleanse?
We recommend following advice from a medical professional in regards to nutrition and
You simply need to consume your juices and smoothies. The order in which you do so is cleanses. Our juices are safe to incorporate into your nutrition while pregnant or breast
completely up to you. But we recommend the following for a Standard or Espresso cleanse... feeding. Babies respond different to certain foods so we cannot guarantee all juices will
be fine.
NUMBER ONE: Daily Grind (your morning pick me up!), or your Almond Blitz if you ordered the
no caffeine standard pack I am so hungry! Why?
Well let’s look at the two hormones that regulate our hunger:
NUMBER TWO: Vitalize Ghrelin (“I’m hungry” hormone): Ghrelin is produced in the stomach and signals to your
brain that your body’s food and sugar storage is low so you need to go find and eat food
to replenish your stores
NUMBER THREE: Green Machine (drink warm water or warm Green Tea prior, drink juice slowly
if you are not used to loads of raw greens)
Leptin (“I’m full” hormone): Leptin, on the other hand, does the opposite. Leptin, mainly
produced by fat tissue, is an anti-hunger hormone. When released it signals to the brain
NUMBER FOUR: Elevate that the body has enough fuel for now and you don’t need to go find food.

NUMBER FIVE: Rejuvenate We find that for most people Ghrelin peaks around day 2 or 3, many of our clients say if
you can get past these 2 days you could go another 10, but this will vary from individual
NUMBER SIX: Green Machine to individual.

NUMBER SEVEN: Almond Blitz A good little tip that also has many health benefits is to drink warm water or tea, this is
a trick Johnny picked up from his professional fighting days to help curb hunger during his
HAVE One JUICE every 2 hours or so from waking up. weight cuts. Johnny recommends dandelion tea as it also helps with water retention and
helps get rid of those pesky love handles.
Vegan pack cleanser’s substitute your extra Green and Rejuvenate for drinks ONE AND SEVEN.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS CONT: Most importantly... enjoy it!
When should I drink my juice? stick with it and you will look and feel AMAZING at the end of your cleanse!
We recommend drinking one juice approximately every 2 hours to spread them out over the We recommend an approximate time schedule; follow it as best as you can. Customize it to
day. We also recommend you try to finish them 2 hours before going to bed to avoid making suit your schedule. In addition, stop consuming anything two hours before bed time. This
trips to the toilet all night. will pave way for an easier process on the body.

How should I drink my juice? Also remember to......

We never want to gulp down fresh juice. This can cause unwanted gas and bloating. So
take your time, swish it around, and be kind to your belly in the process. As crazy as this Shake it up. Since Raw liquids tend to settle, shake ‘em up before drinking for a tastier
may sound we also recommend chewing the juice. As digestion begins in the mouth, we even experience.
want to chew our liquids, this will also help with the psychological habit of chewing in the
absence of food. Many of our clients use chewy to also help with this. Chew the juice? YES! As digestion begins in the mouth, we even want to chew our liquids.
In addition, we never want to gulp down fresh juice. This can cause unwanted gas and
Why are ingredients separating at top and bottom of the bottle? bloating. So, take your time, swish it around, and be kind to your belly in the process.
Not to worry, this is completely normal! See that stuff at the bottom? That’s called sediment,
and it is all the good stuff! The pulp is denser than the surrounding juice, so it sinks to the Tea Time. Herbal teas are recommended, and you can enjoy as much as you like. If you are
bottom as the juice floats at the top. In fact, you should have peace of mind knowing that taking a break from caffeine, there are few options to help you along: green tea, white
your juice has separated as you can be sure that no chemical stabilisers or emulsifiers such tea, or dandelion tea are good choices.
as modified starch, propylene glycol alginates, high methoxyl, microcrystalline cellulose, or
cellulose gel, you know all that natural stuff… So what can you do? Simply give it a good Sleep. It is of utmost importance to get enough zzz’s. We recommend taking it easy when
shake and your juice will be fine to drink! necessary, and not pushing yourself.

WHAT IS THE SHELF LIFE FOR EACH JUICE SYNDICATE BLEND? The cleanse process. In this world, there really are no absolutes. Each cleanse you engage
Almond Blitz AND DAILY GRIND - 6 days in will yield different cleanse reactions and results. We can never predict how the body
Green Meanie AND ELEVATE - 7 days will react, so be easy on yourself and go with the flow. Attitude is everything. Maintain a
Rejuvenate AND VITALIZE - 10 Days positive attitude and remind yourself of the big picture: healthy, happy cells equal healthy,
Charcoal Lemonade - 14 days happy life.
Think simplicity.

On day one after your cleanse, keep it light. Minimal breakfast. Lunch, maybe a light salad.
Think of dinner just like lunch, you could eat cooked veggies and some fruit after though.

On day two you can add in some healthy whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, millet or

Animal proteins, beans and dairy can be added in around the 3rd day, slowly. Fish is lighter
than red meat, so you might want to start there.

Alcohol, refined sugars, sweeteners, processed foods and baked goods can follow....in
follow....in small
amounts, if at all. None at all is best. Take advantage of the new you!

Chewing your food well is crucial. Be conscious of it at meal times. Savour your meals,
eating slowly and chewing well improves digestion and allows the “full” signal to register
in your mind before you have over eaten. Portion control and balance is the key to weight
loss and weight maintenance.

Exercise in your daily life is super important and if you do not have a routine already, now
is the time to implement one and STICK to it. It is time to embrace the mind set of “looking
after yourself”.

We recommend the Elite Training Centre (560 Latrobe Blvd, Newtown). They are the BEST in
the business, the Juice man himself trains there!

Lastly, remember to believe in yourself, because we believe in you!

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