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How to crochet a Orchid

febbraio 15, 2015

One of the most fascinating flowers in the plant world. Symbol of spiritual perfection and harmony has a
beautiful and delicate flower of not easy care. It needs a hot-damp microclimate that is not always easy to get.
Among the many varieties that exist this is what I had and as it did not flourish again I decided to crochet it
. Now let's go over the explanation of this crocheted flower that like all the creations is made up of various parts
worked separately and then assembled to create the composition. I have made 2 orchids, one white and one lilac.
Each of them has 4 flowers, a large bud and 2 medium buds. Each flower consists of 3 long petals and 2 large
petals sewn between them to form the typical flower.

Needed: cotton number 20 - 1.0mm crochet hook - scissors - needle - 0.45mm galvanized iron wire - plasticized iron
wire - pliers.

Explanation of the Long Petal:

Start 20 chains and do these:

1 turn: 3 single crochet, 3 half double crochet, 7 double crochet, 3 half double crochet, 3 single crochet, equal to
the other side.
2 lap: 3 single crochet, 3 half double crochet, 10 double crochet (every 2 points increase) 3 half double crochet, 3
single crochet, equal to the other side.
Now cut a piece of galvanized iron wire of the length of the petal plus 2 cm in excess. Put it on the petal and
work around the low points. Work well, give it the right shape, twist the iron wire on itself, cut it and fold this
piece into the inner side of the petal.

Explanation of the wide petal:

Start 20 chains and do these:

1 turn: 5 single crochet, 1 half double crochet, double crochet, 9 triple crochet, 1 double crochet, 1 half double
crochet, 1 single crochet, reverse on the other side, namely: 1 single crochet, 1 half double crochet, double
crochet, 9 triple crochet, 1 double crochet, half double crochet, 5 single crochet.
2 laps: 5 single crochet, 1 half double crochet, 2 double crochet in one point, 2 triple crochet, 2 double crochet in
one point, 2 triple crochet triples, 2 triple crochet in one point, 2 triple crochet, 2 triple crochet at one point, 2
double crochet at one point, 1 half double crochet, 1 single crochet, resembling the opposite to the opposite. Then
work thesinale crochets around the galvanized iron wire, the same procedure as the other petal. When you close
the job, fold the iron wire twisted this time outside the petal.
When you have all the petals you need, sew them to small points and create the right shape of the flower.
Explanation of the Label (it is called so)
Start 6 chains, close in round and inside to do: 5 chains, 5 double triple crochet, 4 chains, 1 slip stitch. Repeat
equal to a total of 3 times.
In the third, instead of the 4 chains, make a double triple crochet, run the work and make 7 double triple crochet
closed together and at the center of the closure make a five-legged pin

Explanation of the big bud:

Start 4 chains and in the first do 7 double crochet, turn the work
1 lap: 2 double crochet, 1 triple crochet, 3 triple crochet in one point, 3 double crochet in one point, 1 triple
crochet, 2 double crochet.
2 laps: 2 double crochet, 3 triple crochet, 3 triple crochet in one point, 3 double crochet in one point, 3 triple
crochet, 2 double crochet.
Get small points up to the first of the first 4 chains and make the same as another petal for a total of 3 petals.
When you close the job keep the thread a little longer, it will serve to sew a bit of the edges of the petals so as to
give it a semi-solid shape.

Explanation of the middle bud:

Precise identical to the big bud. Just make the first round.
Same sewing procedure for the edges of the petals.
The bud that instead will go to the tip of the orchid stem will sew almost everything after inserting it into the
Now with the galvanized wire we prepare small stems, which will serve to attach the flower to the main stem.
Cut them (both for flowers and buds) about 10 cm long. At the center create a sort of pistil wrapping around a
little yellow cotton. Then twist the iron wire on it for about 3-4 cm in length and leave it the other way around, it
will serve to attach it to the main stem. Now to create the first flower, put the flower, then the flower and work
around the picvol stem the chains to cover it with cotton, the same procedure for buds except what you put
directly into the tip of the main stem and therefore does not need the small stem . When you have made them all
wrap them to the main stem (which will be the plastic wire cut out of the length you need) spacing about 3-4 cm
between them. Now work around the chains to cover it with cotton, except the piece that you have to put in the
Now let's go to the leaves. For the composition I have used different sizes that I will identify with large, medium
and small, in total are: 4 large, 4 medium, 4 small.

Explanation of the large leaf:

Start 60 chains and do these:

1 turn: 3 single crochet, 3 half double crochet, 3 double crochet, 41 triple crochet, 3 double crochet, 3 half double
crochet, 3 single crochet, equal to the other side.
2 lap: identical to the first with 3-point increments only in triple crochet.
Insert the galvanized iron wire (cut off the length of the leaf plus about 4 cm to twist on itself to serve it in order
to fit it in the jar) working around the single crochet.
Leaf medium explanation:

Start 50 chains and do the same thing as the big one except the triple crochet that will be 31, for the rest you
make it all the same.

Explanation of the small leaf:

Start 40 chains and do the same procedure as the previous leaves, except the triple crochet that will be 21.

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