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Writing a Formal Letter

Writing Lesson 9R, SBD English

Prepared by Dr. Anning

March 8, 2023.

Written Formal Letter


A newspaper journalist writes, “Young people don’t really do anything to protect the environment. They don’t believe
that they can make a difference.”

Write a letter to the newspaper editor expressing your opinion on this topic.

● Begin by explaining why you are writing

● Express your opinion and explain your main reason for it.
● Give additional reasons for your opinion (at least two in total)
● End your letter appropriately
● Use words in the word bank (page 79 or see the end of this document)

Rubric for Writing a Formal Letter

Students will provide a self-evaluation of their work using the following rubric:

Criteria Score 1 - 5

Structure and Format: The letter has a formal greeting, introduction, body paragraphs, and 4.5


Clarity: The letter clearly and concisely presents the purpose and message of the letter, without 4
unnecessary or irrelevant information. The language used is appropriate for a formal setting.

Tone: The letter is written in a respectful and professional way, using appropriate language and 3
addressing the recipient correctly. The tone is consistent throughout the letter.

Grammar and Spelling: The letter has minimal grammatical errors, including proper 3
capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure. There are no spelling errors.

Relevance: The letter includes all necessary information and is relevant to the intended 3.5


5: The letter meets all criteria at an exceptional level, demonstrating an advanced level of skill
and understanding.
3-4: Meets expectations. The letter meets all criteria at a proficient level, demonstrating a solid 18
understanding of formal letter writing.
2: Partially meets expectations. The letter meets some criteria but has significant errors or
omissions that detract from its overall effectiveness.
1: Does not meet expectations. The letter does not meet most criteria or has numerous errors
that significantly detract from its overall effectiveness.

Writing Bank

Linkers of sequence, addition, and contrast:

Sequence: First, next, finally.

Addition: Furthermore, what is more.

Contrast: However, nevertheless


J-B1. Possess basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing competencies in English. Be able to use learned
vocabulary, sentence patterns, and body language to communicate and interact appropriately in common everyday

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