Women Social Entrepreneurs in India Prob

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Dr. Sunitha V Ganiger *

*Assistant Professor and Co-ordinator, Department of Studies and Research in Sociology,

Tumkur University, Tumkur. Karnataka State. E-mail- dr.sunisree@gmail.com


Entrepreneurship development is a buzzword which is attracting each and everyone s

eyes in general and women particularly. The participation of women in entrepreneurship
is significant and varies from county to country and society to society. However, a stark
reality is that India too is finding the participation of women in this trend. From a petty
shop to a mega business magnet we find women are finding a space for themselves. They
don t only think of profits in their business venture but also are contributing a lot to the
society. This paper makes an attempt in understanding the concept and problems and
challenges faced by women social entrepreneurs

KEY WORDS: Social enterprise, Social taboos, Education and Training

often confined to their traditional roles
The Indian economy has seen a
within their dwellings and approaching out
drastic change since 1991 with new policies
and employed at par with males are not
of economic liberalization, Privatization and
highly encouraged. Though both state and
Globalization (LPG) started by the
centered government has started a number
Government of India. India has a large
of measures like exceptional concessions,
entrepreneurial potentiality wherein the
incentives, grants, mechanical and
male participation excels female who are
managerial teaching and assistance, yet a
erstwhile seen with reduced participation
vacuum is glimpsed in the participation of
rate, excessive concentration in the
women in the entrepreneurial development.
unorganized sector and paid work in less
It is apt to extract Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam
accomplished jobs. Indian women are more
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EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review
empowering women is a prerequisite for Social Entrepreneurship is the fact that the
conceiving a good territory, when women are underlying propel for social
empowered, society with steadiness is entrepreneurship is to conceive social value,
guaranteed. Empowerment of women is rather than personal or shareholder riches ,
absolutely vital as their thoughts and their and that the undertaking is characterized by
worth scheme lead to the development of a
discovery or the answer of new rather than
good family, good humanity and finally a
simply the replication of living enterprise
good nation . These motivating words
perform. Social enterprise involves
endow us to realize the significance of
women in socioeconomic development of a innovative advances to address issues in the
nation. domains of learning, environment, equitable
trade, wellbeing and human privileges and
is widely regarded as a significant
construction impede of the sustainable
In common parlance, being an development of countries.
entrepreneur is associated with starting a
business; an entrepreneur is someone who Social Entrepreneurship is defined as
undertakes, a significant project or activity. individuals with innovative solutions to
More specifically, it came to be used to society s most pressing social trouble. They
identify the venturesome individuals who are determined and persistent, undertaking
stimulated economic progress by finding foremost social matters and proposing new
new and better ways of doing things. ideas for wide scale alterations. Rather than
departing societal desires to the Government
Entrepreneurs are engaged in a or enterprise sectors, social entrepreneurs
process of continuous innovation, find what is not working and solve the
adaptation, and learning; they are
difficulty by altering the scheme, dispersing
innovative; they break new ground, develop
the solution, and convincing whole societies
new models, and pioneer new approaches
to take new leaps . It includes those
A social entrepreneur is an individual,
who engaged with finding innovative undertakings leading to the establishment
solutions for the more pressing social of new social enterprises which have a social
problems. Social entrepreneurs are more mission and create social values. Social
passionate towards tackling major social entrepreneurship, as a perfume and a field
issues and offering new ideas on a wide scale. of scholarly inquiry, provides a unique
opportunity to challenge, inquiry, and
Social enterprise offers a new way to
rethink notions and assumptions from
do business that is animated by a social
different areas of administration and
purpose. A Social enterprise is any business
venture created for a social purpose business study. Social entrepreneurship as
mitigating / reducing a social problem and a method that catalyzes social change and
to generate social value while operating with addresses significant social needs in a way
the financial discipline, innovation and that is not dominated by direct economic
determination of a private sector business. benefits for the entrepreneurs.

www.epratrust.com December 2013 Vol - 1 Issue- 1 40

Dr. Sunitha V Ganiger
CHARACTERISTICS AND QUALITIES enterprise purposes. Being a woman itself
OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS poses diverse difficulties to a woman
entrepreneur, the difficulties of Indian
Social entrepreneurs act as Social
women pertains to her responsibility
catalyst who thereby create elemental
towards family, society and work ambience.
alteration by reforming social systems and
The custom, customs, social heritage
creating sustainable improvements. Though
standards, ethics, motherhood at one edge
they act locally, their reaction is effective
and at the other edge are the subordinates,
globally. The social entrepreneurs are
men and other ones who often consider
innovative and always think out of the box women, bodily feeble, hard work areas,
grab the opportunities and whatever the feeling of insecurity, will not be easy, should
obstacles they face in their development they adjust etc., Women in rural localities have
see it as a challenging area and give a to bear still further. They face strong
positive response. They are resourceful and opposition from men and are advised as
accountable and stimulate the social mere helpers. The mind-set of humanity in
improvements by their contributions. the direction of her and constraints in which
Women social entrepreneurs should be she has to reside and work are not very
innovative, have farsightedness, quick and conducive. Alterations habits are not
effective decision makers, able to mobilize without trials. Entrepreneurial undertakings
and marshall, resources, strong are always challenging; trials are more
determination and confidence, risk takers, critical when societal concerns are engaged
updated scientific and technological in entrepreneurial conclusion making.
information. Problems disagree from one set of persons
to another set, so are the solutions. In fact,
ROLE OF WOMEN SOCIAL communal entrepreneurship is an
ENTREPRENEURS IN NATIONAL international occurrence. Round the world,
DEVELOPMENT persons are coming across difficulties like -
The emergence of women inadequate learning and health schemes,
entrepreneurs and their assistance to ecological threats, falling believe in political
National economy is rather evinced in India organizations, entrenched poverty, high
the number of women entrepreneurs has misdeed rates, and so forward. But in poorer
steadily grown in latest decades which countries, communal entrepreneurs have to
desires to be lauded for their increased reach far more persons with far less money,
utilization of up to date expertise, increased so they have to be particularly innovative to
investments, finding a niche in the trade advance solutions at scale. In the male
goods market, creating a sizeable paid work overridden society, women find it
for other ones and setting the tendency for progressively tough to network as well as
other women entrepreneurs in the men do and this impersonates a significant
coordinated sector. dispute. There are some peculiar problems
that the Indian women are approaching
PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES across while they jump into
FACED BY WOMEN SOCIAL entrepreneurship. In addition to the
ENTREPRENEURS overhead rudimentary difficulties the other
Women entrepreneurs face a series of problems faced by women entrepreneurs are
difficulties right from the starting till the as follows:
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EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review
1) Family attachment, Social Middle men tend to exploit them in the guise
taboos and exploitation: of assisting. They add their own profit
Women are bodily and strongly felt margin which outcome in less sales and
attached to their families and are always lesser earnings. Women entrepreneurs
subjugated to attend to all household chores, because of their inherent nature, lack of self-
feed her in-laws, take care of their young kids confidence which is vitally an inspiring
etc. Most of the time is expended only inside component in running an enterprise
the radius of the family and to proceed out effectively. They have to strive hard to hit a
and work is just cumbersome and even if she
balance between organizing a family and
goes out she is often mocked and the Indian
organizing an enterprise. Occasionally she
way of upbringing a female and male child
has to sacrifice her entrepreneurial advocate
also substantiates this. While a feminine
in alignment to hit a balance between the
from the day she is born to coming to the
tomb she is trained that she is the caretaker
of the family and strong family bonding is 2) Lack of higher education,
inculcated in women, while a male is given training and self confidence:
learning of his alternative. Women mobility
in India is highly restricted and has become Women in India are lagging far behind in
a difficulty due to traditional standards and the field of education.. Those who are
incompetence to drive vehicles. The customs educated are supplied either less or
and customs prevailed in Indian societies in insufficient education than their male
the direction of women occasionally stand equivalent partially due to early marriage,
as an obstacle before them to grow and partially due to son s higher learning and
prosper. Castes and religions override with partially due to poverty. In Indian humanity
one another and hinders women giving high education means finding a
entrepreneurs too. In country localities, they suitable groom, dowry are all advised as a
face more communal obstacles. They are problem. In a few families if higher
always seen with doubtful eyes. Moving education is granted then it is thought that
solely and inquiring for a room to stay out she may run away from the house. Therefore
in the night for enterprise purposes are still
though given learning it can be just a basic
looked upon with apprehensive eyes.
degree adequate adequate to take care of
Occasionally, junior women seem
herself and family. Thus, due to need of
uncomfortable in considering with men who
correct learning, women entrepreneurs stay
show additional interest in them than work
in the dark about the development of new
related facets. Therefore even she goes out
expertise, new procedures of output, trading
of the house numerous a time she thinks
about the family and hurries to attend to it. and other governmental support which will
To freely move with outsiders or any other boost them to flourish. Need of ability,
acquaintances is rather a tough task. In such information will lead to decreased
a situation it is tough to focus and run her productivity. Evolving countries are not
enterprise successfully. Since women will having adequate technical education
not run round for trading, circulation and institutions and teaching organizations, it
cash assemblage, they have to depend on conceives worker shortage and
middle men for the overhead undertakings. accomplished personnel.
www.epratrust.com December 2013 Vol - 1 Issue- 1 42
Dr. Sunitha V Ganiger
3) Lack of finance: nature weak, shy and gentle. They cannot
Women entrepreneurs stiffer a lot in accept the allowance risk which is absolutely
raising and gathering the economic desires vital to running an enterprise. Need of
of the business. Bankers, creditors and learning, training and financial support from
economic institutes are not coming ahead to outsides also decrease their proficiency to
supply economic aid to women borrowers on accept the risk engaged in an enterprise.
the ground of their less borrowing
5) Legal and social formalities:
worthiness and more possibilities of
Fulfilling the lawful formalities
business malfunction. They furthermore
needed for running an enterprise becomes
face financial problem due to blockage of
an upheaval task on the part of a women
capital in raw components, work-in-
entrepreneur because of the prevalence of
progress finished items and non-receipt of
corrupt practices in government offices and
payment from customers in time. The
procedural delays for diverse permits,
scarcity of raw components, sometimes
electrical energy, water and shed allotments.
neither, availability of correct and ample raw
She is often anticipated by the humanity that
components noise the death-knell of the
she has to behave like a woman and if she
enterprises run by women entrepreneurs.
feels so she is pinpointed that her actions
Women entrepreneurs actually face a strong
manly. It is furthermore glimpsed that if the
task in getting the needed raw material and
overseer is women the society will not accept
other essential inputs for the enterprises
to work under their authority. They try to
when the charges are very high. Several
stop the job or demand for change of
components encompassing inefficient
leadership. In such positions women
administration assist with the high cost of
entrepreneurs find it hard to concentrate on
production which stands as a faltering
the glossy working of the enterprise.
impede before women entrepreneurs.
Women entrepreneurs face expertise CONCLUSION AND STRATEGIES
obsolescence due to non-adoption or slow
adoption to changing expertise which is a To create awareness about
major component of the high cost of entrepreneurship and its importance
production as job providing avenues rather than
job seeking ventures
4) Tough competition and risk To make them realize the income
bearing capacity: generation, social status, recognition
In a market where the affray is too and potentiality
high, they have to fight hard to endure in the Government and society should cater
market against the coordinated part and to give orientation and skill training
their male equivalent. A feminine social in selected trades of their choice and
entrepreneur has to face latent and manifest suitability,
fear of the chauvinism and suppression from Assisting them in preparation of
family, relations, friends and humanity at project reports for their own
large. The person tries to conceive proposed units and helping them to
unnecessary worry and affray if they find follow up the venture to start the new
they the opposite edge it is a female by enterprise.
conceiving that women in India are by
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EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review
Providing consultancy and guidance, REFERENCES
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