2022 Year 5 Yearly Scheme of Work

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Year 5 Scheme of Work 2022/2023


1-3 1 L1 STARTER L1.2.1 R3.2.1 Present simple: affirmative and negative;
(21/3-24/3) Possessive adjectives e.g. my
JOHOR 23/3
4 2 S1 STARTER S2.1.1 W4.2.1 Present simple: affirmative and negative; Subject
(10/4-14/4) pronouns e.g. I, you; Possessive adjectives e.g.
my, our
5-6 3 LA1 N/A LA5.2.1 R3.2.3 Verbs (past tense verbs)
7-8 4 R1 STARTER R3.2.2 W4.2.4 Adjectives e.g. boring, bad, unpopular
9-10 5 W1 STARTER W4.2.4 S2.1.5 Adjectives e.g. popular, interesting; Verb: have
(15/5-26/5) got
6 W2 STARTER W4.2.1 R3.2.1 Conjunctions: and, but, or

7 LA2 N/A LA5.2.1 L1.2.2 Verbs (continuous tense)

8 LAW1 STARTER - Review of language from Starter Unit
11 9 L2 1 L1.2.1 W4.2.4 there’s, there are; a, an; some, any
10 S2 1 S2.1.5 W4.2.1 there’s, there are; a, an; some any
Cuti Pertengahan 11 W3 1 W4.2.4 S2.2.1 Present simple tense ‘to be’ interrogatives Is
Penggal 1 there…? Are there…? How many…?
(3/6-11/6) 12 L3 1 L1.2.2 W4.3.2 Adjectives: dirty/ clean, quiet/noisy,
friendly/unfriendly, safe/dangerous, old/modern
13 S3 1 S2.1.2 L1.1.1 Comparative adjectives: quieter, friendlier, more
expensive, better, worse, further
Year 5 Scheme of Work 2022/2023
(12/6-16/6) 14 R2 1 R3.2.2 W4.3.2 Nouns: population, business, monument, castle,
zoo; Adverbs: quite, really, very
15 LA3 N/A LA5.2.1 R3.3.1 Vocabulary (musical instruments)
(19/6-23/6) 16 L4 1 L1.2.5 W4.3.2 Present simple tense interrogatives, e.g. When’s
your birthday?; Adverbs: quite, really, very
14 17 R3 1 R3.2.4 W4.2.4 Adjectives: friendly, interesting, favourite, old,
(26/6-30/6) fantastic, different, exciting
18 W4 1 W4.2.5 S2.1.5 Adjectives: friendly, interesting, favourite, old,
fantastic, different, exciting
19 LAW2 1 - -
Review of language learned in Unit 1

20 L5 2 L1.2.1 W4.3.2 Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, normally,
15 often, sometimes, never
(3/7-7/7) 21 S4 2 S2.2.1 R3.2.3 Adverbs of frequency: usually; Verbs: brush,
study, watch, help, relax, chat online
22 R4 2 R3.3.1 W4.3.2 Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, normally,
often, sometimes, never
23 LA4 N/A LA5.2.1 R3.2.2 True/false sentences
16 24 L6 2 L1.2.4 R3.2.3 Present simple tense affirmative and negative (to
(10/7-14/7) state facts and routines)
25 S5 2 S2.1.1 L1.1.1 Present simple tense affirmative and negative (to
state facts and routines)
26 W5 2 W4.2.1 S2.1.5 Present simple tense: interrogatives
27 L7 2 L1.3.1 R3.2.4 What’s on? What do you want to do? Let’s go to
(the)…, What about (the)…?
17 28 S6 2 S2.1.4 W4.2.2 What do you want to do? What about (the)…?
(17/7-21/7) Let’s go to (the)… in the morning, in the
afternoon, in the evening, at lunch
29 LA5 N/A LA5.2.1 R3.2.2 Providing reasons (because)
30 LAW3 2 - - Review of language learned in Unit 2

18 31 L8 3 L1.2.2 S2.2.1 Nouns: wolf, ostrich, scorpion, rat, octopus; Verb
(24/7-28/7) + prep.: looks like, sounds like
32 S7 3 S2.1.5 R3.2.3 Present simple tense interrogatives: Does it, Has
it got, How many, What colour / size is it? What
Year 5 Scheme of Work 2022/2023
type of animal is it?
33 R5 3 R3.2.3 R3.3.1 Superlative adjectives: ugliest, rarest, most
beautiful, common, interesting, colourful
34 W7 3 W4.3.2 S2.1.5 Comparative and Superlative adjectives: e.g.
weirder, weirdest, rarer, rarest
19-20 35 LA6 N/A LA5.3.1 R3.2.2 True and false statements
36 L9 3 L1.2.5 R3.2.4 Modal auxiliary verbs: can (positive use) can’t
HARI RAYA HAJI (negative use) for ability
QURBAN) 1437H* 37 W8 3 W4.3.3 R3.2.2 Comparative and superlative adjectives; Modal
auxiliary verbs: can and can’t for ability; such as,
for example, like
38 L10 3 L1.1.1 R3.3.1 Comparative and superlative adjectives e.g.
21 heavier, heaviest, more colourful, most colourful
(14/8-18/8) 39 S8 3 S2.2.1 W4.3.2 Modal auxiliary verbs: can and can’t for ability
40 LA7 N/A LA5.3.1 W4.2.4 simple sentences to describe things
41 LAW4 3 - - Review of language learned in Unit 3
22-23 42 L11 4 L1.3.1 R3.3.1 Nouns: school subjects; Adjective phrases: good
(21/8-1/9) at, great at, not good / great at
HARI 43 S9 4 S2.1.1 W4.2.1 Verbs: study, enjoy, prefer; Adjectives: strict,
KEBANGASAAN organized.
44 R6 4 R3.2.2 S2.1.2 Nouns: types of school – primary, secondary,
private, public, boarding
Cuti Penggal 2
24-25 45 LA8 N/A LA5.2.1 S2.1.5 Reasoning (because)
46 S10 4 S2.1.2 S2.2.1 Present simple tense affirmative and negative;
Auxiliary verbs do and don’t.
47 W9 4 W4.2.4 S2.2.2 Present continuous and simple tenses
26 48 LA9 N/A LA5.3.1 W4.3.3 Creative writing
49 L12 4 L1.1.1 S2.2.1 Pronunciation of long and short vowels,
diphthongs, voiced and unvoiced consonants
50 R7 4 R3.2.1 S2.1.1 Nouns: exchange programme, centre, break,
woodwork; Adjectives: medium- sized,
compulsory, optional; Conjunction: so
27 51 W10 4 W4.3.3 R3.2.2 Review of language learned in Unit 4
52 PRO1 N/A - -
Year 5 Scheme of Work 2022/2023

53 L13 5 L1.2.1 L1.1.1 I like… I quite / really like... I don’t mind… I
don’t like… I really don’t like… I hate…
54 S11 5 S2.2.1 W4.3.1 I like… I quite / really like... I don’t mind… I
don’t like… I really don’t like… I hate
28-29 55 W11 5 W4.3.1 R3.2.4 Quantifiers: some, any, many, much, a lot of
56 LA10 N/A LA5.2.1 R3.2.2 Verbs to display a degree of liking (hate, dislike,
HARI like and love)
NABI MUHAMAD 57 R8 5 R3.3.1 S2.1.3 Adjectives: fit, unfit, tired, lazy, hungry;
Imperative verbs: Eat, Don’t eat, Go, Don’t go
58 W12 5 W4.2.1 S2.1.3 Verbs + gerund: like -ing, prefer –ing, love -ing,
don’t like -ing, hate –ing
RASUL) 9/10
59 CON1 5 W4.2.2 S2.1.3 Verb + gerund e.g. I like playing; Affirmative and
negative imperatives e.g. Go, Don’t go
60 L14 5 L1.1.1 R3.2.3 Nouns: dollars, euros, pounds, cents; Would you
like…? I’ll have… Anything else?
61 R9 5 R3.3.1 S2.3.1 Sequencing adverbs: first, after that, next, finally
62 LA11 N/A LA5.2.1 S2.1.4 be going to
63 LAW5 5 - - Review of language from Unit 5
30 64 L15 6 L1.3.1 R3.2.4 Sports vocabulary: fan, competition, race, team,
(23/10-27/10) stadium, champion
65 W13 6 W4.2.3 R3.3.1 Simple past tense of verb ‘to be’ affirmative and
HARI DEEPAVALI* negative: there was / wasn’t, there were / weren’t
66 L16 6 L1.2.3 R3.2.4 Simple past tense: regular and irregular verbs
67 R10 6 R3.2.3 L1.1.1 Simple past tense: regular and irregular verbs
68 W14 6 W4.3.2 S2.1.1 Past time expressions: last (day/month/year), in
(30/10-3/11) (month/year), on (day), ago
69 LA12 N/A LA5.2.1 S2.1.1 Reasoning (because)
70 L17 6 L1.3.1 R3.2.1 Simple past tense: was, wasn’t, were, weren’t,
71 S12 6 S2.3.1 W4.3.1 Simple past tense: was, were, went
72 R11 6 R3.2.2 R3.3.1 Simple past tense regular and irregular verbs:
called, completed, continued, broke, won
73 W15 6 W4.3.3 W4.2.5 Simple past tense regular and irregular verbs, e.g.
was, won; Phrases: At the age of.., when he
Year 5 Scheme of Work 2022/2023

74 LAW6 6 - Review of language learned in Unit 6

33 75 L18 7 L1.1.1 S2.1.1 Nouns: moustache, beard, height; Adjectives:
(13/11-17/11) round, short, average, slim
76 R12 7 R3.2.4 S2.1.5 Nouns: skin; Adjectives: curly, cute, bald, blonde,
77 LA13 N/A LA5.2.1 W4.2.5 coordinating conjunctions – and
34 78 S13 7 S2.1.1 W4.2.1 Simple past tense regular and irregular verbs:
(20/11-24/11) travelled, went, grew up, left, got, spoke
79 R13 7 R3.2.3 W4.3.2 Simple past tense interrogative word order:
What / When did he...? Did he…?
80 W16 7 W4.2.1 S2.3.1 Simple past tense interrogative word order:
What / Who did you...? Did you…?
35 81 LA14 N/A LA5.2.1 R3.3.1 have/don’t have/reasoning
82 L19 7 L1.2.4 S2.1.2 Simple past tense interrogatives: When / Where
did…? How old were you? Did you…? What
83 S14 7 S2.1.3 W4.2.2 Present tense: What can I do? Why don’t you..?
Past tense: e.g. When did you first.. ?
36 84 LA15 N/A LA5.3.1 R3.2.2 True and False statements
85 LAW7 7 - - Review of language learned in Unit 7
86 L20 8 L1.3.1 L1.2.2 Nouns: washbag, suitcase, rucksack, tent, insect
spray, guidebook, mosquito

87 S15 8 S2.1.4 W4.2.3 Present simple tense affirmative: I think we

need…It depends where…It’s good to have…
88 LA16 N/A LA5.3.1 W4.2.4 There is/There are
89 CON2 8 W4.3.1 W4.2.3 Future plans: be going to + verb affirmative,
negative, interrogative
38 90 S16 8 S2.2.2 L1.2.5 Nouns: ice, snow, temperature, research centre,
Year 5 Scheme of Work 2022/2023
(8/1/23-12/1/23) seasons, in summer/winter
91 R14 8 R3.2.3 W4.2.5 ‘Will’ for predicting: I/ you/ he/ she/ we/ they will
/ won’t + verb, there will / won’t + verb
92 W17 8 W4.3.3 R3.2.2 be going to + verb, will and won’t + verb
93 LA17 N/A LA5.2.1 L2.1.5 Reasoning (because)
39 94 L21 8 L1.2.3 L1.2.2 Nouns: forecast, coast; Prepositional phrases: in
(15/1/23- the north/south/east/west; will + verb, wont’ +
19/1/23) verb
95 W18 8 W4.2.3 S2.1.2 Superlative adjectives: e.g. scariest, fastest, most
exciting, most dangerous
96 PRO2 N/A - -

REVISION W1 STARTER W4.2.4 S2.1.5 Adjectives e.g. popular, interesting; Verb: have
40 1,2,3 got
L2 1 L1.2.1 W4.2.4 there’s, there are; a, an; some, any
L3 1 L1.2.2 W4.3.2 Adjectives: dirty/ clean, quiet/noisy,
friendly/unfriendly, safe/dangerous, old/modern
41 REVISION LAW1 STARTER - Review of language from Starter Unit
(29/1/23-2/2/23) 4.5.6 L3 1 L1.2.2 W4.3.2 Adjectives: dirty/ clean, quiet/noisy,
friendly/unfriendly, safe/dangerous, old/modern
L4 1 L1.2.5 W4.3.2 Present simple tense interrogatives, e.g. When’s
your birthday?; Adverbs: quite, really, very
42 REVISION R3 1 R3.2.4 W4.2.4 Adjectives: friendly, interesting, favourite, old,
(5/2/23-9/2/23) 7,8,9 fantastic, different, exciting
W4 1 W4.2.5 S2.1.5 Adjectives: friendly, interesting, favourite, old,
fantastic, different, exciting
LAW2 1 - -
Review of language learned in Unit 1

43 REVISION L5 2 L1.2.1 W4.3.2 Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, normally,

(12/2/23- 10,11,12 often, sometimes, never
16/2/23) L6 2 L1.2.4 R3.2.3 Present simple tense affirmative and negative (to
state facts and routines)
R5 3 R3.2.3 R3.3.1 Superlative adjectives: ugliest, rarest, most
Year 5 Scheme of Work 2022/2023
beautiful, common, interesting, colourful
CUTI AKHIR TAHUN PENGGAL 3 (17/2/23-11/3/23)




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