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Primary biliary cirrhosis

Carlo Selmi, Christopher L Bowlus, M Eric Gershwin, Ross L Coppel

Lancet 2011; 377: 1600–09 Primary biliary cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease characterised by intrahepatic bile-duct destruction, cholestasis, and,
Published Online in some cases, cirrhosis. Evidence supporting the autoimmune nature of this disorder includes the appearance of
April 28, 2011 highly specific antimitochondrial antibodies (AMAs) and autoreactive T cells. Concordance rates in monozygotic
twins, familial prevalence, and genetic associations underscore the importance of genetic factors, whereas findings of
epidemiological studies and murine models suggest a possible role for exogenous chemicals and infectious agents
Department of Translational
Medicine, IRCCS-Istituto Clinico through molecular mimicry. The incidence of primary biliary cirrhosis has increased over recent decades, possibly
Humanitas, University attributable to augmented testing of liver biochemistry rather than a rise in disease incidence. AMAs remain the
of Milan, Milan, Italy hallmark of diagnosis in most cases and allow detection of asymptomatic patients. Symptomatic individuals usually
(Prof C Selmi MD); Divisions
present with either pruritus or fatigue and, more rarely, with either jaundice or complications of cirrhosis. The
of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology (C L Bowlus MD) prognosis of primary biliary cirrhosis has improved because of early diagnosis and use of ursodeoxycholic acid, the
and Rheumatology, Allergy, only established medical treatment for this disorder. Although not a cure, treatment can slow disease progression and
and Clinical Immunology delay the need for liver transplantation. However, some patients do not respond adequately to ursodeoxycholic acid
(Prof M E Gershwin MD),
and might need alternative therapeutic approaches.
University of California at
Davis, Davis, CA, USA; and
Department of Microbiology, Introduction identified as subunits of the pyruvate dehydrogenase
Monash University, Clayton, Primary biliary cirrhosis is an autoimmune liver disease complex, located on the inner mitochondrial membrane.5,6
Vic, Australia
characterised by the presence in serum of highly specific Clinical features and natural history of primary biliary
(Prof R L Coppel PhD)
antimitochondrial antibodies (AMAs) and progressive cirrhosis vary greatly between affected individuals,
Correspondence to:
Prof Ross L Coppel, Monash destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts, resulting in chronic ranging from either asymptomatic and stable or only
University, Clayton, VIC 3800, cholestasis, portal inflammation, and fibrosis that can lead slowly progressive to symptomatic and rapidly progressive.
Australia to cirrhosis and, ultimately, liver failure. The disease The typical clinical presentation has changed over the
predominantly affects women, who are diagnosed typically past few decades because the natural history has been
in their fifth and sixth decade, although younger patients modified by early recognition of more indolent cases and
have been described, including children, albeit rarely.1 Loss use of ursodeoxycholic acid.
of bile ducts leads to intrahepatic retention of detergent
bile acids, resulting in liver damage through interaction Epidemiology
with cell membranes and organelles. Disruption of Data about incidence and prevalence of primary biliary
enterohepatic bile acid circulation is probably the cause of cirrhosis have generally been obtained passively and might
other pathophysiological changes, which contribute to not indicate true rates in the general population; regional
extrahepatic manifestations of this disease. differences could vary on the basis of medical awareness
In 1761, the Italian pathologist Giovanni Battista and expertise. Indeed, a population-based approach to case
Morgagni described biliary cirrhosis, and the earliest report detection has little feasibility for primary biliary cirrhosis
of non-obstructive biliary cirrhosis was made by Addison because of its rarity. As a result, reported prevalence ranges
and Gull in 1851.2 The term primary biliary cirrhosis was between 19 and 402 cases per million.7,8 By contrast,
coined more than 50 years later.3 Presence of AMAs in findings of serological studies with indirect immuno-
serum samples of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis fluorescence in large groups of unselected serum samples
was recognised in 1965 by Walker and colleagues,4 and show that prevalence of AMAs in the general population
in 1987, antigens to these antibodies were cloned and can be as high as 0·5%, with lower frequencies when blood
donors are investigated.9 Differences in estimates of
incidence and prevalence of primary biliary cirrhosis are
Search strategy and selection criteria probably secondary to variable diagnostic criteria, case-
We searched Medline with the terms “primary biliary cirrhosis” and “autoimmune finding methods, doctors’ awareness, and quality levels of
cholangitis” for original research published in peer-reviewed journals between 1970 health-care systems. On the basis of data from case-finding
and 2010. We focused on publications from the past 5 years, but we did not exclude studies, however, a latitudinal geoepidemiological pattern
commonly cited and highly regarded older publications. We also searched the reference of occurrence of primary biliary cirrhosis has been
lists of reports identified by this search strategy and selected articles we judged relevant. proposed,10 with the disease being most frequent in
Reviews obtained by the same Medline search were included when they provided a northern Europe and North America. Indeed, the highest
comprehensive overview of issues beyond the scope of this Seminar. Abstracts presented prevalence and incidence rates have been reported in
at international scientific meetings were cited when the content seemed of seminal Scandinavia, Great Britain, and the northern midwest
importance. We only included clinical trials published after peer-review, randomised region of the USA. Exceptions to this pattern are the high
controlled trials, or both, in which survival, biochemical response, symptom rates noted in the Spanish area of Sabadell.11 Some
improvement, or changes in histology were reported. researchers suggest that incidence of primary biliary
cirrhosis is also growing. Indeed, rates rose from 5·8 to

1600 Vol 377 May 7, 2011


20·5 cases per million population of Sheffield, UK, per

Host susceptibility Environmental Loss of immune Bile duct damage
year between 1980 and 1999,12,13 and from 11 to 32 cases per exposures tolerance to PDC-E2
million population per year in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK,
between 1976 and 1994.14,15 This increase was paralleled by
prevalence reaching more than 200 cases per million in eg, female sex, risk eg, bacterial mimics eg, defective eg, immune response,
the middle to late 1990s. Whether these changes are due to alleles in MHC, IL12A, (eg, Novosphingobium regulatory T cells, entailing bile duct
rising disease incidence or are secondary to augmented and IL12RB2 loci, innate aromaticvorans), production of AMAs, apoptotic blebs and
immunity (IgM xenobiotic chemicals autoreactive AMAs, primary biliary
detection of mild asymptomatic cases or slowly progressing hyper-responsiveness) CD4/CD8 T cells to cirrhosis macrophages
disease remains to be established. However, age at PDC-E2
diagnosis of mid-to-late 50s has remained consistent across
different periods of study. Figure 1: Factors possibly entailed in onset and perpetuation of bile-duct injury in primary biliary cirrhosis
PDC-E2=E2 component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. AMAs=antimitochondrial antibodies.
Most autoimmune diseases are predominant in female
patients, and in primary biliary cirrhosis, this prepon-
derance is especially striking—the ratio of affected disorder. Many candidate genes have been investigated
females to males is as high as 10:1.16 The observation that, for a role in susceptibility to primary biliary cirrhosis,
in the general population, detection of AMAs in serum is disease progression, or both in case-control cross-
not skewed to females16 suggests either that the diagnosis sectional studies. Findings of a genome-wide association
of primary biliary cirrhosis might be suspected more study undertaken in a northern American set of patients
frequently in women than men or that progression from and controls22 indicated a significant association between
loss of tolerance to the autoantigen to clinical liver disease primary biliary cirrhosis and polymorphisms of
is more common in female patients. HLA-DQB1, IL12A, IL12RB2, and to a minor extent,
Risk factors associated with an uncommon disease such STAT4, and these associations have been confirmed in an
as primary biliary cirrhosis are difficult to ascertain because independent cohort of Italian patients and controls with
of obstacles in undertaking studies of sufficient size; a combined analysis.23
however, some associations have been found frequently Several environmental factors—mainly infectious and
enough to suggest validity of associations. Cumulatively, chemical—are also thought to contribute to the onset of
risk of development of primary biliary cirrhosis is raised primary biliary cirrhosis, largely through molecular
with a positive family history of the disease, a history of mimicry or modification of autoantigens. Geographic
urinary or vaginal infections,17 comorbidity with other clustering of cases near toxic waste sites in New York
autoimmune diseases, past or present smoking, and City24 and space-time clustering in northeast England25
previous pregnancies. Frequent use of nail polish or hair provide epidemiological evidence for a role of chemicals,
dye has a weak association with disease risk.18,19 infectious agents, or both. Additional data that lend
support to a role for infections in disease development
Cause and pathogenesis include the significantly higher prevalence than usual of
Three important observations must be taken into account recurrent urinary-tract infections in patients with primary
for us to understand the pathogenic basis of primary biliary cirrhosis17,18 and experimental findings of sequence
biliary cirrhosis (figure 1). First, appearance of AMAs similarity between the E2 enzyme of the pyruvate
before liver disease suggests that loss of tolerance to the dehydrogenase complex recognised by autoantibodies
mitochondrial autoantigen is an early event and could be and bacterial proteins.26 Several bacterial strains—
independent of the development of liver disease. Second, including the non-pathogenic gram-negative bacterium
although the autoantigen is present ubiquitously in all Novosphingobium aromaticivorans—have the highest
nucleated cells, the immune response is restricted to known homology to the immunodominant autoepitope
epithelial cells of intrahepatic bile ducts and, to a lesser of the E2 enzyme.18,27 Several other infectious agents have
degree, to cells of salivary and lacrimal glands. Finally, been proposed, including Escherichia coli, Helicobacter
recurrence of primary biliary cirrhosis after liver spp,28 organisms of the genus Mycoplasma,29 and a human
transplantation supports the idea that the bile duct β retrovirus,30 although support for the retrovirus has not
epithelial cell is a generic target and is not unique to the been substantiated.31
patient with primary biliary cirrhosis.20 Similar to other Other environmental factors proposed to trigger disease
complex diseases, the combination of a susceptible onset are foreign chemicals (ie, xenobiotics) that can
genetic background and exposure to environmental either alter or form a complex with a defined self or
triggers is needed to initiate and promote the disorder. non-self protein, causing a change in the protein’s
Observations that 1–6% of individuals with primary molecular structure that induces an immune response.
biliary cirrhosis have at least one family member Lipoic acid is attached to only a few proteins, yet it is a
manifesting disease,18 and a 63% concordance rate in vital component of the E2 epitope.32 The structure of the
monozygotic twins (vs null concordance in dizygotic E2 enzyme exposes lipoic acid at the exterior of the
sets),21 show the substantial genetic effect on disease protein complex, making this compound accessible to
susceptibility, one of the strongest for any autoimmune chemical modification.33 The role of xenobiotics in Vol 377 May 7, 2011 1601


primary biliary cirrhosis is supported by serum reactivity self-mitochondrial proteins.39 Panel 1 summarises
against specific organic compounds with structures Witebsky’s criteria both for and against the autoimmune
similar to lipoic acid;34 furthermore, two of these basis of primary biliary cirrhosis.40 Although most
compounds (6-bromohexanoate and 2-octynoic acid) can evidence argues that primary biliary cirrhosis is a
induce AMAs and liver lesions similar to those of primary disease of autoimmunity directed against antimito-
biliary cirrhosis in guinea pigs35 and mouse models.36,37 chondrial antigens on biliary epithelial cells, proof of a
Primary biliary cirrhosis has been regarded as an direct pathogenic role for serum autoantibodies is
autoimmune disease from the time of the first seminal scarce: seronegative patients manifest similar disease
reports38 because of the predominance of female features to those of their AMA-positive counterparts;48
patients, frequent autoimmune comorbidities, and, changes in AMA titres do not correlate with severity of
most importantly, by loss of immune tolerance to primary biliary cirrhosis, disease stage, or both; and
immunosuppressive treatment has been fairly ineffective
in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
Panel 1: Features of primary biliary cirrhosis for and against autoimmune AMAs in serum are highly sensitive and specific for
pathogenesis primary biliary cirrhosis: they are detected in nearly
In support of autoimmunity 95% of patients, with specificity close to 100% when
• Specific serum autoantibodies41,42 tested with recombinant antigens.41 Indirect immuno-
• Autoreactive T cells43 fluorescence remains the test used for screening, but it
• Adaptive transfer of cholangitis using CD8+ T cells (in murine models)44 can be associated with a substantial number of false-
• Functional T regulatory defects45 positive results.49 Follow-up data from AMA-positive
• Female predominance16 individuals without signs of liver disease suggest that
• Autoimmune comorbidity46,47 autoantibodies arise several years before onset of primary
• MHC association22 biliary cirrhosis and have a high predictive value.50
Epitopes recognised by AMAs include lipoylated domains
Against autoimmunity (via the Asx-Lys-Ala motif) within subunits of the
• Absence of disease after autoantibody transfer (in mice) 2-oxoacid dehydrogenase family of enzymes of the
• Absence of correlation between titre of antimitochondrial antibodies and mitochondrial respiratory chain,6 in particular, E2 subunit
disease severity48 and E3 binding-protein components of the pyruvate
• Failure to respond to immunosuppressive agents (based on limited data)46,47 dehydrogenase complex and E2 components of the
Features shown according to Witebsky’s criteria, as modified by Rosa and Bona.40
2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and branched-chain 2-oxo
acid dehydrogenase complexes (table).51,52
In addition to AMAs, autoreactive CD8+ and CD4+
Indirect ELISA Immunoblotting T cells to the E2 component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase
immunofluorescence complex have been identified both in peripheral blood
AMAs and within the liver of patients with primary biliary
General53,54 70–90% .. .. cirrhosis, and the immunodominant epitope of these
PDC-E254 .. 79·6% 81·7% T cells maps in close proximity to the epitope recognised
OGDC-E254 .. NA 27·4% by AMAs in serum. Autoreactive CD4+ cell clones
BCOADC-E255 .. 56·7% 59·1% specific for the E2 enzyme have been isolated in
pMIT342,54 .. 94% 92% intrahepatic and peripheral lymphocytes, not only in
ANAs AMA-positive individuals but also in patients without
Rim-like pattern56,57 10–52% .. .. antibodies, thus corroborating the notion that primary
Gp21056,58 .. 16–32% 10–42% biliary cirrhosis either positive or negative for AMAs is
Nup6259,60 .. NA 22–32% one nosological entity.43
Multiple nuclear dots61 13–25% .. .. CD4+ CD25high regulatory T cells act to prevent
Sp10062 .. 21–39% NA autoreactivity, as shown in several autoimmune diseases,
including autoimmune hepatitis.65 Patients with primary
biliary cirrhosis are characterised by substantially lower
General63 9–20% .. ..
frequencies of CD4+ CD25high regulatory T cells as
proportions of total T-cell receptor-αβ+/CD4+ cells, and
CENP A, B, C64 .. 26% 21%
this factor could be important in the breakdown of
AMAs=antimitochondrial antibodies. E2=E2 component. PDC=pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. tolerance.45 Moreover, raised amounts of polyclonal IgM
OGDC=2-oxo-glutarate dehydrogenase. BCOADC=branched-chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase. ANAs=antinuclear
and hyper-responsiveness to CpG (cytosine-phosphate-
antibodies. Gp210=glycoprotein 210. Nup62=nucleoporin 62. PML=promyelocytic leukaemia. CENP=centromere
protein. NA=data not available. For ELISA and immunoblotting, only data obtained with recombinant antigens are guanine dinucleotide motif),66 and enhanced natural
shown, and references are for the largest studies. killer cell67,68 and monocyte responses,69 which are all
features found in primary biliary cirrhosis, also lend
Table: Sensitivity of serum autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis
support to a role for innate immunity.

1602 Vol 377 May 7, 2011


Once tolerance to AMAs is lost, additional mechanisms resins—ie, colestyramine—to ameliorate pruritus.87 Sec-
entailed in the immune response to a ubiquitous ond, on the basis of both augmented opioidergic activity
autoantigen begin to be unravelled. These lead to specific reported in individuals with cholestasis and experimental
injury of biliary epithelial cells and seem to be linked to neuroendocrinology data obtained in cultured cholangio-
unique processes of apoptosis.70–73 Unlike other cell types, cytes,88 a central origin of pruritus has been suggested.89
the E2 component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex Accordingly, opioid antagonists are currently used to
remains intact in bile-duct cells after apoptosis, thus treat this symptom, although these agents are sometimes
probably retaining its immunogenicity.74 Furthermore, tolerated poorly by patients.90 An important association
this enzyme is found within apoptotic blebs and is has been reported between severity of pruritus and
accessible to AMAs75 and local antigen-presenting cells. circulating concentrations of the extracellular lysophos-
Moreover, findings of in-vitro experiments have shown an pholipase autotaxin, a protein already implicated in
intense and specific immune response when macrophages neoplasia and immunity regulation.91
of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis are combined A reduction in bone density is common in patients
with apoptotic blebs of biliary epithelial cells and AMAs.76 with primary biliary cirrhosis, with features of osteopenia
However, recurrence of primary biliary cirrhosis after (33%) and, less frequently, osteoporosis (11%).92 By
liver transplantation suggests that this occurrence is not contrast with previous reports,93 researchers have
an intrinsic defect of bile-duct cells of affected individuals suggested that primary biliary cirrhosis might not
but is a feature of biliary epithelia in general, not seen in represent an additional risk factor for bone
other epithelial cells. demineralisation in women with compensated disease
supplemented with calcium and vitamin D.94 Therefore,
Clinical features in clinical practice, such supplementation—along with
The clinical features and natural history of primary biliary monitoring of bone density and vitamin D concentrations
cirrhosis vary greatly between patients, ranging from in serum—is highly recommended, even in individuals
asymptomatic and slowly progressive to symptomatic and with early disease.46,95 With more advanced disease,
rapidly evolving. The frequency of asymptomatic disease deficiencies of other fat-soluble vitamins and steatorrhoea
seems to be increasing, probably because of raised are common and must be monitored and supplemented.
awareness of the disease together with broad use of Hypercholesterolaemia, typically caused by a rise in
routine testing of liver biochemistry. Many asymptomatic HDL cholesterol, is common in patients with primary
patients will, however, develop symptomatic liver disease biliary cirrhosis but does not increase cardiovascular
within 5 years of diagnosis, although a third could remain risk96 or cause early signs of atherosclerosis.97 Use of
symptom-free for many years.77 statins is, therefore, not usually necessary, but these
Although non-specific, fatigue is the most common drugs are tolerated safely in people with other
symptom of primary biliary cirrhosis; it is present in cardiovascular risk factors.98
nearly 80% of patients and more than 40% report Several autoimmune diseases could coexist with
moderate-to-severe symptoms.78,79 The mechanism of primary biliary cirrhosis. In our experience, as many as
fatigue associated with this disease remains unknown a third of patients are diagnosed with another
despite many proposals, including autonomic dys- autoimmune disease,18 most frequently Sjögren’s
function,80 muscle impairment,81 excessive daytime syndrome and autoimmune thyroid disease. Whether
somnolence,82 changes in cortical excitability,83 and coexisting autoimmune diseases indicate a common
altered manganese homoeostasis within the CNS.84 genetic background or represent similar pathogenetic
Fatigue in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis is mechanisms is unclear.99 Autoimmune comorbidities
typically characterised as excessive daytime somnolence do not modify the natural history or clinical presentation
and can impair quality of life. Despite sparse correlation of primary biliary cirrhosis, with the exception of a
between fatigue and severity of liver disease, fatigue can reported slower progression of liver fibrosis in patients
be associated with decreased overall survival.85,86 with scleroderma.100
Of symptoms related to longstanding cholestasis, Once primary biliary cirrhosis has progressed to frank
pruritus seems to be the most typical complaint and is cirrhosis, liver complications do not differ much from
reported by 20–70% of patients in studies, usually those seen in cases of cirrhosis due to other causes, with
preceding jaundice. Widespread use of ursodeoxycholic the exception of oesophageal varices, which can arise
acid has led to a substantial reduction in the frequency early in the disease course, sometimes before other signs
of this distressing symptom despite the absence of a of cirrhosis. This outcome is probably attributable to the
direct effect. Many factors contribute to pruritus onset presence of presinusoidal inflammation and consequent
and intensity. First, cholestasis itself impairs biliary fibrosis induced by granulomas. Other complications of
excretion of several compounds leading to an increased portal hypertension (ie, ascites and hepatic encephal-
systemic concentration of putative so-called pruritogenic opathy) happen typically in end-stage primary biliary
compounds. Of these substances, bile acids could be cirrhosis. The occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in
important, as suggested by the ability of bile-acid binding individuals with primary biliary cirrhosis is similar to Vol 377 May 7, 2011 1603


other forms of cirrhosis and warrants surveillance in with predominantly lymphoplasmacytoid infiltrates and
patients at advanced disease stages.101 septal and interlobular bile-duct loss (stage I) to frank
cirrhosis (stage IV). Eosinophils and granulomas are also
Diagnosis and liver histology characteristic but not diagnostic of primary biliary
The diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis should be cirrhosis. When two or more stages manifest within the
suspected in anyone with findings of chronic cholestasis same liver sample, the patient is classified as belonging
after liver tests, particularly with raised concentrations of to the more severe stage. However, because of the
alkaline phosphatase. Furthermore, patients with primary heterogeneous nature of biliary involvement, liver biopsy
biliary cirrhosis generally have increased amounts of findings could include sampling error on the basis of
aminotransferases and immunoglobulins (mainly IgM). histological variability in different areas,106 but this factor
Diagnosis can be established if two of three objective does not warrant taking of several biopsy specimens.
criteria are present: a concentration in serum of AMAs at Although many patients with primary biliary cirrhosis
titres of 1:40 or higher; an unexplained rise in the amount will have mildly raised concentrations of amino-
of alkaline phosphatase of at least 1·5 times the upper transferases, and findings of liver biopsy might even show
limit of normal for more than 24 weeks; and compatible some degree of piecemeal necrosis, a poorly characterised
liver histological findings, specifically non-suppurative subgroup exists in which features of so-called hepatitis
cholangitis and interlobular bile duct injury.47 Whether are relevant.107 This finding has led to the designation of
AMA-positive individuals without biochemical abnormal- primary biliary cirrhosis–autoimmune hepatitis overlap,
ities will eventually develop primary biliary cirrhosis is but specific diagnostic criteria for this disorder remain to
still debatable, but expectant follow-up with annual liver be established. In addition to histological findings,
biochemical analysis is reasonable.47 By contrast, primary biliary cirrhosis–autoimmune hepatitis overlap
individuals with AMA-negative primary biliary cirrhosis should be considered when the ratio of alkaline
(currently synonymous with autoimmune cholangitis) phosphatase to aspartate aminotransferase is less
diagnosed on the basis of abnormal concentrations of than 1·5, serum concentration of IgG is increased, and
alkaline phosphatase and liver histological findings antibodies against smooth muscle are present at greater
manifest a similar course to their seropositive than 1:80 titre. A suspected diagnosis of primary biliary
counterparts.48 In these cases, MRI or endoscopic cirrhosis–autoimmune hepatitis overlap could be
retrograde cholangiography are recommended to rule clinically relevant because this disorder seems to have a
out primary sclerosing cholangitis or other disorders that more severe prognosis than primary biliary cirrhosis
might lead to chronic cholestasis. alone, and other treatments could be considered,
In addition to AMAs, antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) are including immunosuppressive agents.108
detected by indirect immunofluorescence in about 50% of
serum samples from patients with primary biliary Treatment and natural history
cirrhosis (table). Two nuclear fluorescence patterns are The natural history and prognosis of primary biliary
found in primary biliary cirrhosis. A rim-like pattern cirrhosis has become notably more benign, with
results from autoantibody reaction with glycoprotein 210 substantial improvements in disease outcome reported
and nucleoporin 62 (within the nuclear pore complex), in studies. Although these observations could be
and a pattern of multiple nuclear dots results from reaction secondary to early diagnosis and a consequent lead-time
with Sp100 and the promyelocytic leukaemia antigen bias,109 falling rates of liver transplantation for primary
(possibly also cross-reacting with small ubiquitin-like biliary cirrhosis in Europe and North America since
modifiers).102 The pathogenic role of ANAs in primary widespread use of ursodeoxycholic acid was introduced
biliary cirrhosis remains to be established, as is the case suggest a true change in natural history.110,111 Figure 2
with AMAs, although cross-sectional and longitudinal presents a schematic and somewhat arbitrary view of the
data suggest an association between ANA positivity natural history of primary biliary cirrhosis. Before the
specific to primary biliary cirrhosis and severe disease.59,103 introduction of ursodeoxycholic acid, time from
The need to undergo liver biopsy in primary biliary diagnosis to symptom-onset was about 2·0–4·2 years,
cirrhosis is controversial, although most clinicians agree and survival was compromised relative to a healthy
that this procedure is valuable for disease staging, population.112,113 Classically, presence of symptoms at
particularly in clinical trials.95 From a diagnostic point of diagnosis was an important determinant of disease
view, liver biopsy specimens are not required when the progression and survival.114 However, in a study from the
other two less invasive diagnostic criteria are fulfilled. UK77 of a large cohort of patients followed up for 24 years,
Thus, routine liver biopsy should be done only when although mortality due to liver disease was greatest in
considering a differential diagnosis from other disorders, symptomatic patients, overall survival was similar in
including small-duct primary sclerosing cholangitis, individuals with and without symptoms at time of
sarcoidosis, or drug-induced cholestasis. Histological presentation. Prediction of patients’ survival in primary
staging is based on Ludwig’s104 and Scheuer’s105 biliary cirrhosis has been attempted, and the Mayo
classifications, ranging from portal-tract inflammation model is the most well regarded,115 which includes five

1604 Vol 377 May 7, 2011


independent prognostic variables (age, total concen- 100

trations in serum of bilirubin and albumin, prothrombin
time, and severity of ascites), with amount of bilirubin in

Normal function (%)

serum as the most heavily weighted. Use of an enhanced
liver fibrosis algorithm (based on fibrosis markers in 50
serum)116 or presence of ANAs in serum specific to
primary biliary cirrhosis59 might predict the occurrence Intact bile ducts
of major events and survival of patients with primary Cholestasis
biliary cirrhosis, especially in early-stage disease, but
Preclinical Asymptomatic Manifest Decompensated
independent verification is awaited.
Disease clinical phases
Many therapeutic agents have been proposed for
primary biliary cirrhosis on the basis of different views Liver function
of disease pathogenesis. Rarity of the disorder, its
variable natural history, and slow progression necessitate Duration >10 years >5 years <10 years <3 years
large, multicentre, and long-term studies. The only Stage 0–I I–IV II–IV III–IV
currently established treatment for primary biliary
cirrhosis is ursodeoxycholic acid 13–15 mg/kg a day, Figure 2: Schematic representation of the natural history of primary biliary cirrhosis
which can be subdivided into two or three doses.46 The Duration of clinical phases should be regarded as merely indicative because they could vary significantly between
patients, with some rapidly progressing to end-stage disease and liver transplantation at a young age and others
treatment is well tolerated and, with the exception of remaining asymptomatic for decades. In general terms, over time, coexistence of chronic cholestasis and bile-duct
moderate weight gain, does not lead to substantial destruction—affected by many synergistic determinants—leads ultimately to impairment of liver function only at
adverse effects over time. advanced stages, once a critical threshold of liver damage is reached.
Mechanisms of action of ursodeoxycholic acid in
primary biliary cirrhosis remain unclear, yet the than 40% of the baseline or to a normal level;130
hydrophilic nature of this agent could lead to a reduction concentrations of alkaline phosphatase less than three
in amounts of primary bile acids, and the substance times the upper limit of normal, aspartate amino-
might also regulate cellular signalling and protect against transferase less than twice the upper limit of normal, and
apoptosis.117,118 Several randomised controlled trials have bilirubin less than 17 μmol/L;125 and normalisation of
been undertaken to assess the efficacy of ursodeoxycholic abnormal concentrations of bilirubin, albumin, or both.131
acid, and in all series, this agent resulted in a substantial In a prospective assessment of these criteria, response—
improvement in serum markers of cholestasis. Results as defined by the latter two criteria—was associated with
of randomised placebo-controlled studies of ursode- better survival in patients with moderately advanced
oxycholic acid, which were of sufficient duration to disease, compared with the group of patients who did not
assess the effects on histology and survival, have been have these features.132
reviewed.119 Although some consistency was recorded For patients who do not have a complete response to
across studies in terms of biochemical, clinical, and ursodeoxycholic acid, a need for new treatments remains.
histological response,120,121 an effect on general survival Future trials should focus specifically on this subpopulation
was noted in only one study.122 About 20% of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, and most data on use of a
treated with ursodeoxycholic acid will have no histological farnesoid X receptor agonist have been promising.133 The
progression over 4 years, and some will have no benefit of steroids remains to be established in primary
progression over a decade or longer.123 This agent has the biliary cirrhosis.134 However, in view of the many adverse
potential to prevent portal hypertension and the effects, short-term steroid use should be considered only
appearance of oesophageal varices and to delay time to in individuals with primary biliary cirrhosis–autoimmune
liver transplantation.124 Survival rates of patients with hepatitis overlap or with other autoimmune comorbidities.
stage I or II disease treated with ursodeoxycholic acid Use of other immunosuppressive or antifibrotic agents,
are similar to those of age-matched healthy controls.125 A alone or in combination with ursodeoxycholic acid, is not
combined analysis of three studies126 and three meta- recommended, either because toxic effects outweigh any
analyses127–129 has been done to achieve sufficient statistical potential benefits or owing to absence of effectiveness.
power to investigate the effects of ursodeoxycholic acid In addition to prevention of liver disease progression,
on survival. A significant survival improvement was only management of primary biliary cirrhosis includes
seen in patients with amounts of bilirubin in serum treatment of symptoms and comorbidities associated
higher than 24 μmol/L at baseline.126 with the disorder, which constitute a clinical challenge.
Despite the effectiveness of ursodeoxycholic acid, a Proposed treatments are sometimes unsatisfactory,
subgroup of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis will particularly for symptoms that substantially reduce quality
have an incomplete response to treatment and are at of life, such as pruritus. In general terms, the oral anion
greatest risk of progression. Criteria have been proposed exchange resin colestyramine remains the treatment of
to define the group of complete responders, including: a choice for pruritus, whereas rifampicin can be used in the
decrease in the amount of alkaline phosphatase greater short term for unresponsive cases (panel 2). Of note, Vol 377 May 7, 2011 1605


at 5 years,137 and the recurrence rate is 30% at 10 years.20

Panel 2: Current medical treatments for pruritus and bone loss in patients with Fortunately, recurrence of primary biliary cirrhosis affects
primary biliary cirrhosis survival rarely, and retransplantation is uncommon.138
Pruritus Although ursodeoxycholic acid has not been shown to
• Colestyramine (oral administration; up to 16 g subdivided into four daily doses with enhance post-transplant outcomes, it does lead to
food; separate from ursodeoxycholic acid by 2 h) biochemical improvements post transplant and should
• Rifampicin (oral administration; up to 600 mg a day for 6 months) be considered in view of its good safety profile. Use of
• Sertraline (oral administration; 75–100 mg a day) high-dose steroids immediately after transplantation can
• Opiate antagonists lead to severe bone loss and should be monitored and
• Naloxone (intravenous continuous infusion; very short half life; treated aggressively.47
0·2–0·4 μg kg¹ min¹)
• Nalmefene (oral administration; longer half life than naloxone and naltrexone; Management guidelines
2 mg twice a day with a gradual increase until 20 mg twice a day) On the basis of guidelines from the American Association
• Naltrexone (oral administration; longer half life than naloxone; 50 mg a day in for the Study of Liver Diseases47 and the European
two divided doses on the first day and subsequently in one daily dose) Association for the Study of the Liver46 for management
• Anecdotal treatments for intractable pruritus of primary biliary cirrhosis, we propose a pragmatic
• Dronabinol (one evening dose of 5 mg) approach to patients with this disorder. Irrespective of
the presence of symptoms or signs of liver cirrhosis,
Osteopenia and osteoporosis individuals with primary biliary cirrhosis should be
• Prevention treated with ursodeoxycholic acid (13–15 mg/kg per
• Oral vitamin D3 supplementation (indicated for all patients to prevent day).139 Monitoring of biochemical response is helpful for
osteomalacic lesions) prediction of those at greatest risk of progressive liver
• Calcium carbonate supplementation disease. If no response to ursodeoxycholic acid arises, or
• Treatment if features of autoimmune hepatitis are present, alter-
• Oestrogen (few data but effective; some safety concerns) native treatment strategies should be considered. In all
• Etidronate (conflicting data; indicated in case of concomitant corticosteroid patients, the concentration of bilirubin in serum and
administration) platelet count should be measured regularly to detect
• Alendronate (few data but effective and safe) early signs of disease progression or portal hypertension.
• Calcitonin (probably ineffective) As with other chronic liver diseases, we recommend that
individuals with primary biliary cirrhosis should undergo
colestyramine can inhibit absorption of ursodeoxycholic ultrasonography and be measured for amount of
acid, requiring a break of 2 h between drugs. Unless α-fetoprotein every 6 months, to screen for hepatocellular
another underlying cause—such as hypothyroidism or carcinoma. Liver transplantation is to be considered in
anaemia—can be identified, fatigue is poorly responsive patients with advanced disease, as shown by appropriate
to treatment. Antidepressants have not been effective, staging methods.139
and in small trials of modafinil, only a few patients have
been able to tolerate the drug.135,136 Sjögren’s syndrome, Future perspectives
which can be seen in up to 75% of patients, should initially Several important steps towards better understanding of
be managed with liberal use of artificial tears and saliva. the causes and pathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis
Pilocarpine or cevimeline can be used in refractory cases. have been taken in recent years, yet important knowledge
Because of the high rate of osteopenia and osteoporosis gaps remain with respect to genetic and immunological
in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, bone density aberrancies that lead to the disorder. Data for epigenetic
measurements should be done every 2–3 years. Daily changes in primary biliary cirrhosis are sparse, which is
supplementation of vitamin D (1000 IU) and calcium perhaps surprising in view of the regularity with which
(1500 mg) is advisable, with alendronate 70 mg per week such studies are reported for other complex conditions.
given to individuals with osteopenia (panel 2). Despite improvements in outcomes with ursodeoxycholic
Primary biliary cirrhosis is a common indication for acid, additional treatments are needed for patients who
liver transplantation; this procedure is the only effective have an incomplete response or have features of
treatment in patients with end-stage disease. Indications autoimmune hepatitis. As our understanding of under-
for liver transplantation in individuals with primary lying immune effector mechanisms grows, we are
biliary cirrhosis do not differ from those in other liver optimistic that new biological agents targeted at specific
diseases, namely decompensated cirrhosis with diuretic- immune response mechanisms will prove beneficial for
resistant ascites and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, this subgroup of patients.
recurrent variceal bleeding, encephalopathy, or hepato- Contributors
cellular carcinoma. Severe pruritus that is refractory to All authors contributed to the literature search and writing of the Seminar.
treatment could be judged an indication in special cases. Conflicts of interest
Post-transplant survival rates are 92% at 1 year and 85% We declare that we have no conflicts of interest.

1606 Vol 377 May 7, 2011


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