Exp 3 (Prep - of Na2S2O3.5H2O) & 4 (Excercise)

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07/11/2023 1

Exp.1 : Preparation of CuI ch2

Exp.2 : Preparation of CuCl

Exp.3 :

Exp. 3 :The preparation of Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate

Experiment No.3
The preparation of Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate Na2S2O3.5H2O
Sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3), is a white odorless crystalline compound, it has a
melting point of 48 °C and boiling point 100 °C (loosing -5H2O) that is more familiar
as the pentahydrate species, Na2S2O3·5H2O, and is a monoclinic crystalline
substance with structure S─SO32- also called sodium hyposulfite.

Properties of Na2S2O3.5H2O:

The thiosulfate anion is tetrahedral in shape.

The S-S distance indicates a single bond character and the S-O indicates more
double-bond character.

The free acid is unstable at ordinary temperature, as a result the free

thiosulfuric acid is not known. When liberated from its salt in aqueous solution
it rapidly decomposes to sulfur, sulfur dioxide and water as shown below:

Thiosulfuric acid (H2S2O3) can be obtained when the protonation is conducted in

diethyl ether at −78°C. with pKa of 0.6 and 1.7.
Practical inorganic chemistry 1
Rebaz Fayaq MSc in green chemistry with industry 3

Sodium sulfide Sodium sulfite Sodium sulfate

Na2S Na2SO3 Na2SO4

Sodium thiosulfite

Sodium thiosulfate

Sodium dithionate

Practical inorganic chemistry 2

Uses of Sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3)
✓ Sodium thiosulfate may be used to reduce some of the side effects of cisplatin
(a cancer medicine).

✓ It is also used with another medicine in the emergency treatment of cyanide


✓ Sodium thiosulfate is used frequently as a good dechlorinating agent, to

remove chlorine from tap water and waste water for water treatment.

✓ It has been used as a quantitative approach in analytical chemistry.

Practical inorganic chemistry 3

✓ The alkali thiosulfates are used for photographic processing, for instance, silver
bromide (AgBr) typicaly is the component of photographic emulsion, sodium
thiosulfate has been used for dissolve unreacted AgBr by forming complexes of
Monothiosulfatosilver [Ag(S2O3)]- or Dithiosulfatosilver [Ag(S2O3)2]3-. This
application is known as photographic fixer, it was discovered by John Herschel.

Practical inorganic chemistry 4

Laboratory synthesis and Industrial production
1- In the laboratory, sodium thiosulfate can be synthesized by boiling an aqueous
solution of sodium hydroxide with sulfur, sodium thiosulfate crystallizes out of
solution by cooling process.

2- By heating an aqueous solution of Na2SO3 with S.

3- Sodium thiosulfate can be prepared by mixing solution of sodium hydrogen

sulfite and sodium hydrogen sulfide

Sodium thiosulfate salt crystallizes from solution as Na2S2O3.5H2O in large

monoclinic prisms.

Practical inorganic chemistry 5

1- Weight out (0.5 g) of sulphur and then dissolve in a solution of sodium sulphite (2
g in 30 ml DW).
(0.5 g) of sulphur

2- Boil the solution for half an hour (don’t let the solution volume decrease less than 15
ml), continue to break the sulphur lamps on the base of the beaker, then quickly filter
the solution.

Boil for
30 min

3- Evaporate the solution until the volume of the solution becomes (10 ml), then cool
in ice bath until a white crystals are formed. Separate the product by filtration.

Evaporation ice bath

Practical inorganic chemistry 6
Experiment 4: Qualitative test for a product and Investigate Chemical Changes
Data Sheet for Exp.4
Name: G:

Reagents Observation Chemical reactions

Conc. H2SO4




Practical inorganic chemistry 8

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