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Success Profiles information

Success Profiles are used to tailor the person specification for a job. They are also used for
sifting and interview questions.

Each job will have a unique profile linked to the role as not all elements are relevant to
every role.
The elements are Ability, Technical, Behaviours, Strengths and Experience. For the elements
that you will be tested on, there will be a maximum of 4 questions at sift stage.
If you need more detailed information, please see the Success Profiles guidance.

Workplace adjustments
Workplace adjustments are changes to remove or reduce disadvantages in the workplace.
They can be physical or non-physical changes to help employees. If you need workplace
adjustments for the application process, please contact the manager who is advertising the
role. Their details will be at the bottom of the job advert.

Success Profile elements

This looks at your potential to do the role.
You may be assessed on ability using these methods:

• aptitude test
• Civil Service judgement test
• presentation
• written exercise
• assessment centre
• psychometric tests

If you need more detailed information about abilities, please see the Success Profiles ability

This covers specific professional skills, knowledge or qualifications.
Your technical skills may be tested using these methods:
• application form
• interview
• presentation
• written exercise
• assessment centre

If you need more detailed information about technical skills, please see the Success Profiles
technical guidance.

This looks at what you do to perform well in a job and covers the areas below. You will not
be tested on all of these as some will not be relevant to the role you are applying for.

• Seeing the Bigger Picture

• Changing and Improving
• Making Effective Decisions
• Leadership
• Communicating and Influencing
• Working Together
• Developing Self and Others
• Managing a Quality Service
• Delivering at Pace

For behaviours, you may be tested using these methods:

• application form
• interview
• presentation
• written exercise
• assessment centre

If you need more detailed information on behaviours, please see the Success Profiles
behaviours guidance.

This looks at what you have done before and your knowledge and expertise in a task or
You will be asked to give examples of what you have previously achieved, and your
knowledge related to the role.
Your experience, career history and achievements may be tested using these methods:

• application form
• interview
• presentation
• assessment centre
If you need more detailed information on experience, please see the Success Profiles
experience guidance.

These are things that you are motivated by and tasks that you do well frequently.
Your strengths may be tested using these methods:

• interview
• assessment centre

For a full list of strengths please see the Success Profiles guidance on strengths.

Lead questions in the application

If the role that you are applying for is likely to have a lot of people applying for it, you may
be asked a lead question in the application. This question will be mentioned on the job
advert and will test a specific element of the Success Profile. This is also sometimes called a
lead behaviour or lead element.

The question will be looking at the most important area for the role. It can test a behaviour,
experience or technical expertise and your answer will be used for an initial sift.

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