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a ang Social Organ and Social Organization Committee, i} n smart abOVe- goo elted to which ofthe following? eqs sex. formation. $yreaty terminations. * isheres 20M. jp selene seledefence, nv 05 the POM in 1933 desided hat tet sl vers Easter Green Land Case. 0 ee «vn is abolished and its practic is punishable acoding 1 i wane 2 p cording to the following Article of the 2) Amie 15. 1) Article 15 (4). c) Article 16. ) Article 17, 4, What do you mean by bilateral treaty ? between a limited number of stat Answer : Bilateral treaties by contract are ne otiated commonly, only two establishing legal ri is and obligations between those (wo states only, away the valuables from the : hats lay 2 ih ena open saith oes ofan Answer : Robbery on High Sea or 01 ven sea with the object of takin passengers. 3, What is s Pi wrvanda > Answer Coe oa fore is binding the parties to it, and must be srformed by them 3, What is a land-locked state ? ‘Answer : A state which nase sea : gr recognised by te Law of Sea Convention, 1982? res commun 38. What are the two ae Answer : Deep s& ss 36, What is conciliation ® yg sq a-conmissoneroc commie ineigate he tsi of Whe! 7 sain proposals for settlement after finding cut the facts, sigators for ascertaining ee ed Ing a fac u g pasion oF i SUES — 4g of the C z ee Be 3 2 2 3 5 Zhe 38. Article _z & scanned with OKEN Scanner 7 Tomsay vt ok pA LF omSTY youos sHIeUAN FTOIPHAS OF THUTDSSY THOU woe Uy + OMSTY a IOTETET q uous MOK OP EUAN (p i woredna90 5 “SEIS TTA AUT OF BTOPAG TOW SOP HHL TBAB, BaP Toy sesso 5 naundoyeaac 0b TUBE JO Suyuwout ow SHIPUAL © Rg eID “STTOUONS DOS “SMTOUTIS JOT FuOTRORSNS SOHEH OTE PHUSTUOT AP IA TOOHO VOTSSTOSIP Sy ay sareaonTER ATTERIe Aped piryy OF STSUAN + FOMSUY g worEIpoM SH IEUAN (q Do “Mroquaddg, [ASST MET [EVO EMIS + FOMSUY ue UO TPL SIS JO STONER OUT SVM saw] [euOEUAa;UY HUIaq (t Ka Wen wORTUTEC FH OCS (pes STEM Z) SPITS OM] ueyy o10UT JOU) AOMSUB JAOYS OFA * 1d SuoLITOS YM [(@0'TT'8T) 8002 ‘t2quiaaoN] Is] “OT: SHAE [67] 99 [8] stadvg uoysang U9: Neg 1odvq WOHSINC MON 0} SUIPIOIOV asino) pasta: Wadva NOMS nw OP 10d OLLVNINVXa ALISUGAINA uM Je 1 [uoReUaUy aTTqng pur syy8ry ueWnH, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner we TR som TOS Tey _SUBHRTMHET PUT SOT ATT TET OT WONTTEHE_SEIP.TUUOTTTIOTAT AIST TST UST aU UT pApUROY STITT UU SoVOTTONT TENT TOTEZTTERI. [HISUTTTAAOD-TON STW PIaMSay (ry) uopeusayuy Asouury (@ TOSSA woo aUTASEUT SUTOTTST “TORUBRUTTS TopUR SUIOPART PUTT SOSOTORT TT Sey WONUOAUO HHL, SOTEHT HUAIUTIOD p SEY OT SCAT UT TOTUSATOD TUL ESET EWAG UO SAIOY OTUT SUED TSUMOT Sep JO STOqUTOUT oyT AG PaUATS FER TOHUDATOD OGL “SPOT “SMSTY WELT] FO WOTEIH|SIG TESAATUT] aM Jo WORMOpE oyy SOUS WON TUTOIeL SUES WoSq SEY SYST MUTT JO TOIATONT PU VONOUIONT ayy 10} SUOMSTTELT [BUOTTOH JO apy OUT, Tansy “syy8ny uewny uo uoNUaAUOD Ueadoang (P SPST URUMTAT IO MMOD MUSTO Sep PUL (PAISTND TOU MOT) STAY UUM JO TET PUP Z] TONSA WONsaG) — SuOHIUN puT TOMO {EWOTSEG Sosy TORSTEN FAY APPA AT TIM — SIOqUIDME g OATT [EUS = UHN JO UONTITSIOD “PIPUT UT SIGTTT WOUUNY Jo WOHIOTOR THI TO SPY SH JO VOTETTEUTA| TU — SAGO UE TooT TOY SAY UBLINA Jo UORsEIORT TOpUN paysT| GEIS SEA I] TaN “(COUHN) uoyssruMD syyspY UEUNY [oUOHEN (> TORRATGTY JO WORISOdUIOD SRUNGUY, TenIGIY Jo SSIISHOTERETD ~pardasoe AyreTunjOR SuPTEWepuN OST TA PHS AE] JO SNUG SY WO PENT SUIpHTG AG STAs Woomjaq SoMASIP JO WOUTATNT DUP gy aMpaooHd v Se UORSIUMITD MET EUOTEUTATUT omy Aq pouyop wosq sey UOMENTY — woReNIaTY Pasay augay (q ‘ae'] jeuopeusajUy Japun soyndstp Jo uatapy9s Jo poyyou U TEEAISSG)SOIIO MOG] (eTOTEMTSTUT Uy (O =APOG TUMSAOH [q SSUIIUOD [ISIS SE UMOU SIUBIAIUG MMOGUT [EUOTEMIATUT (F jO SISISUOD OTT UL “SUOHEN POU OW TIM POTPTOOSSE TUGET PAZTEISSUS TSG OUT SULIT OTT SUOHEN JO ONSET] SF YM PayEOOSSe SEM PUE SO||FESIOA JO SUT SHOUTOUOTTE TEST GIG “GI Ty UO TEM pliOM ISI sip FOYE PaUST|GES Sem OTT TREsay ‘om & 0 We _T say0u FAOYS NOY AU TOASTY SSOMVSTL EITETNTY POTTED ST SaPeIS JO TOqUINT PANS FOF UTS S| TOTEaTONIEA Se SIA SONA ASOT F TOASTY ssopwaay, qwaoyepanyg Aq wesw nos op reyay (Lf {paRIOPNS SE SOATEMOSOTAST OHEUMIO MIC] “SAS E JO MOTUTOTST PAPAL] PU OFSTAUTOT “POUT SF ITF ISAS 4 MoppuBoso4 aang oq Aq yueoU SI EUAL CL aT OU PUE TINTS SHOTIEN OpINONT OF UH ORY TsDyD Ig Jory = ToT @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Jo Siu saayy uyeydxg ‘aMseaUT eas THOM ag PENT A PNA TON SOTTO BOOT OTT WONT PRUATEST SUT ESTT OT OAT AUPUTNS as eno ‘Op OF WATEIPE Pue PUOAG vas UE SY Zea UL = suo siuou0sy DAISHjOXg + JOMSUY & Za Aq weaw nok op ey A, "Wai SU IVISST aA USPS JO WONIATONE TOY pooT 5p SUH PND OY JO SVU OY FO STUTOUN (AY pOOUPTT ROT OTT Sa sea FST OTEA [ENDS SUH PIS Weg Ui VoneuTmnosip ou sophie ‘SHYT TNpe Ue Se NEA TT [ena Iya seq THOTT HF SWOPOAY SONEA SE PIT WIG SURBUTT, WOTUTAS SINT ATT oy SMT Toe 4 PUD # J0 SIUBY Uo WopUasUO? jeuONEUsA,UT Jo sI99{qo aM) axe IEA “Iomod SUES SOTO AVUBTRTONOS, UBT SU OFS" SSOTHOSAT WOH NTT -SzIS ANT Jo-SASSDSOL TTS SAGO AG STEIS UB|AIOAOS & SE TOASAT [NY PUE TENDS OF POPU S| STRIS AIGAD Wei SURSUT I]t AOMSTY é Amtenby w3ya.0A0g yo ajdyoursg £q uvaur nos op yey,A, “USUTOR PUL WOU TOG 10} HON [ENDS TO] AEC [ENDS ST SIG TS () OE SUNY PASAT “HORMUSUOD UEypUy ayy Jo (P) GE APHAV WHE[dx TAYFOU PUL WOIP[YD OF SOTeS|SSE [PHUSUITO|SNp pur MEET NBN UST BUOY SapIAOTE THOT TT qUIOIC WO ONN OUT AG PaUSTGEISS Sem TT = PUN SUAIPIN SUOTEN PAT + TENSITY “AAOINN aug EST TH WOT WSS UsdO 10 WS YsY UO ATGAOL, EST ADE Y 7 TOMS & Awad ste A, SSURITEN Op AME BUDGET JO Toso Sy “SHUTS MOUNT JO ATTETOSTST Sp JO TSUMTOTSASP Oy TOF SSSI PEAT FR TEunI|T “PEISOS “S|WIOUOTS FO USM TSASP oyy SosTedUIOITS WHT Sap, Way TL, F ASMSTY & ,auadoyaag 0} 1y3Py,, Jo Sujuaur ayp st JEAN FSO TDES HAL SSINOOTSTUT HOUT Uy SOTHS PASAT AQ BUIPUTG AEST] PATSPISUOS SIE TOTP Sop FIGHTAUOS pur ATWOISHO JO Apoq Sip Joy OWeT oyy S| AE] [EUONEUIDTUL IO SUOTET Jo May SUL, CHUDPP SUBHURIIG“TOYFOUE SUS Yylat SaTEIS JO SUOTTO|AT aU SOTW|NBAT ME] [EUOHTUIATG + TONSUY *avT] euoneuaruy ouyaq = TSooWOjHOS OM], UY) S1OU JOU UT AOMSUY : | SuoLINgOS YIN, NET OSE "D9 TOSUIAOS CON TTA SAT] OF TS Se TONS pauOTAU oq PMOYS SSH ETO JUTOS PODTRWOS oTOSTIE F SUTOSIG Sey SH ASMETIN ISN! WOZAIS Wd OF ASETD TOU SSOP USZTTT WS PLT Tory Toy BOT SPST MUTA @ @ (s (r @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ae STI PAISRODS ae aq 1 © @ scanned with OKEN Scanner For seTOpsoyy PUES *siaTe JO Sau TAT TooTe Ue ST OTA TIONSTy ssuany Jo swuauneay, (0 <5 "SEUNO7y OIE By TOSUNO,) AAT or woneorm args asp oem TD payaUs SsTATATTO THA Says TEST JO_panudedd AT HIOSISA Se SOTAUOD JO ATUTTL THT POTS TOMSUE ATL HASTY vsypiauos pue syyary woul STAT PoRTTETET STIOPAA seq OW OF seaa01d SATTEUTTOOT AU TER USS We wap oe iT ? Vv & MONIUB0I9y opm, aq, kq wea nox op wu | WREST SAT TERT WSMTOT EA WONETEST arp co a é Aambuy Aq uvau nok op wyM (a TERM a AT ORT ATT VOT IO SST TTI OO TTS PT Fray SR AY BUOUE VOTO TUTOMOAT AY Amor HEGRE oGuees “OOSANN Jo sapsafqo uyem ayy ore yeya (P “WAT Aq payssdsar oq ISNT STON Diy WOSMITG SUSUSITY + IOASTY & Dpunasag jung mong 1 yeUN, (9 "SBUfSq WEUINY FO ATTEUOSTSA Jo TWAMTOT INSP ayy TOY SISO PSTN FR ENS TepOs “TMTOUCTS JO WWoUIdOPEXSP oy) SasseMUIOOUa jWaUIdO[oRop, Way oy] + ToMSTY ¢ quowdojasaq 03 yyper Jo Suyueau amp staEyAL (4 OMS HPS SyGUUS|TEUT pue T|SUG MTEHIST SASSO KOYT SANTO UEUIMY JO SMUT AGT TOMSUY ¢ SMBpY UeuNy Aq ueoU NOs op EGA (e W= 7 Sd0Ud}UIS OM, UEY) O10Ul JOU Ul TOMSUW : [O SUOHETYOS YM (60°LE-Z0) 6002 #qw240N] SHS AION PUC MOMS WeIpUT oe FO TT Hed (IS SDE TT CAG ST OF TTSTA SAT SPST (ATS PUP [UOTTTOR Trewodwuy (ay WoHTEATOS JORREO EST wi 0501 TT [ESTO PUL TAT SPATS WONTSATOD cn jeuOTKIO) Om, qa T d Ic ND sa IPUT (HY “Spoor [EUONTD ONT STETTSE) ISN, STUSSGACOT H]EION BUIPNPSUY OMT aT ATE Sap ES SEIT -sigaTT Tou Jo TOTEIOUSH WSL, ST = i, OST MO|OF OF ABA OY UOATS SEY Ta SOREN per oui OT EPIC THSISATIIA Ow UY JO-ATOWSTY OU Uy SUOTS™ TET JO WOHETETOOC TESION oe 9961 Sup pw 9 uo uopuaAUOD reUOpEALsO}UT aMp Jo soanpedy yuoyes om uUEIXA SORE rca TIT ey SMTBAS ITA AUMTOY UOT “SSSTS| TETSU — WTOTST pITEA e JO senTassa (Hk ha Pay iq Jory — IOWA Tie OS MOU @ scanned with OKEN Scanner uy anog auraades WITT JO He OF (O98 od TRISSIST OPI THIATST TT) ASTUTE SATA OF OST PT pay SIAUAISIOS STAT IPAS ae POUT Se MOSTUTTTO.D UIST ST Te uy aTOOS WOOT peTeTTE A SUSUTTTS RO BAY OT SATTSUTUT SL TOOIT FSOBATIS PUT SHIPS EET SA FOST SOME PUT UOTTY SUT Top STOTAUT TO THREE Sar Jo SSaMTONT ae STEMTERT TIETS T Pe aay a OF are STOUT ¢ OWT PUE TSP SSISTOTT CRS THY SOTTO TOY WOTRATATTOCY TUTOTTEN OU APT ESSE ea SAT UT PARTTSUOT SUM TOTSSTTTTT ae THL To VOTRT|AT UO P9SwR IATA SoTTOUT 7ST SHUNT TETOTEN OOF GM 198 OF PAPISOP TOF PapIAON SpHUNBAFES OT ATI SUNS BI FO SLANT = (G UOTTOSY WOTSTATIOT OO SOTETT DISSTUNTOT 3Wp JO TON TOT, =BIpU JO WORMISUOS JO OF CT AL TOY WOSTHIO [ECON TL ssyydyy_ wen gy Jo WoND904d SAS A UY SOTTO FT ao ORT Sy SUNOS AG UEISTUETATY WOT $= PITY =SHaIIO — coor PV SeRHOUH TIOASUy suoyssqurtoy ALOULTY (Pp jar JO SATSSOSOTT WATE PUP Rep TOAST 10° SSAITTE SHON TqUS am Tod PUP UCMd “A VIPUL UL S.OON TONsUy “eypUT UY S.ODNIOAIY @ TEE ONO WSU FIG] TF THO|OD BIS TOI! SHOTOUTy UTEP — porwed AouaHISUIS SUHNP Po SIqSTY WELT] JO VOSTUTTHT WeDo, UTSOT BUTTUSTTSTATNT — "S72 PTAA SIT Or TERT BHT WOHMTARTOT Top, SUTOPSOAT Pur STL TOOT 11 Sey WOHUAATO AL SATUS TUOLNUOD p UH OO GK BIT UT WOHUBRTOD UL TSOT E THRG UO voTEY OUT Bue HT THO) AH IO SraqUTOUT oy Aq pees Se TO RRSRTOEy SUL “BGT HATA WEUN JO WOTETETDOCY TUSTARIUTY aWH JO WOLGOPE AUR GSTS TOUS TUTOR Usa Sey SIIB UEUIMY JO WORS=ION PU WOOWONT SH FOy SHUSUSSURAE jeUOTsAT Jo pT AD “sqySny weumnyy 40y uoyUaAUOD Ueados"d a os SHAT WUE] JO aMOY MRAM SAF PUP (PAISIND 30% “OUY ADRES SMUOT WOH Wopaaty AGT OT T6GI Oc FAqUIADOC] WO PaywAId SEAL ISOd TOSS TRSTION TANTS Te AG WHUIAOTUS OATS oy TOIT pue SOUIoY HOD UAT NTA OW JO ISOC Oy paywa1s AyGUTOSSY [RIAUST SHOHEY Pop pue [esos S]qSUr WELT JO] TOUOTSST *syyBpy UEUINAy 10y 1oUOYSSTUILLOD ust QT=_ sou [eoHATeUY 10 [oUOHIUYS | AOyEUE[UKS JOYS aNOg AVY Foust s Reo SI ‘pordoooe APEyUN|OA jeyropum we JO oe [FO SSG aT WO PUT BUIPUTG H Ag SATUS MoaTTTOG TTA JO ae Si Toy amp bf 4 quae nya, dq meat nom? “DOHTUTMIOD S| yy a = id 11 UBUn OISST IO TES PaPIAOTA T, SOTTATSE SST MEAT SEIS NS PATO & SM3ry uewng 10f axquay, 44 He! ane mk? *(POUDTOSUOD JO STOUOSH, BY PHOS BT TE a ee OTT] ATSSUTTY PTET Te SS wewM sa) : HOI FEU Te sy peuoremsen TOA WORT Jory TOA tt) OON 1 [euor “EIT @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Human Rights. 216. Author — Prof. Prakash K, 5 bn, he basic freedoms guaranteed by the Const he has become a prisoner. Deprived of ce Citizen does not cease to be a Rights in ICCPR, CO Case Law. izen just bec {) Define “Law of the Sea”. Explain briefly “The Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea, 19gy- Answer e Sea were evolved during the time of Grotius and they were observed by the ses» ‘mational Law. SS sembly of United Nations on February 21, 1957 adopted a resolution for conv Conference on Law of the Sea, In 1958, 2 conference was held in Geneva to consider a ny Ghafis prepared by the LLC. The Geneva Conference adopted 4 Conventions. Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, Convention on the High Seas... The mx (11) ‘April, 2010 (24.04.10)] With Solutions Q. 1: Answer in not more than Two sentences : a) What do you mean by ‘De Facto Recognition’ ? ‘Answer : When an existing state considers that the new state has not acquired sufficient stzbilin.¢ may grant recognition to the latter provisionally which is termed ‘de facto recognition”. b) What do you mean by ‘Rebus Sic Stantibus’ ? Answer : The maxim rebus sic stantibus asserts that a treaty may be terminated if there oocus? fundamental change in the circumstances under which it was concluded. ©) What do you mean by ‘Agenda — 21” ? i Answer : It is the most exclusive document of the Rio Summit. This Commission was set poal© February. 1993. It was set up on the principle of “equitable geographical distribution” 10 e+ balance between the developed and the developing wor d) Write any three Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Answer : According to International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.1966. Right to work [Article 6.2) Right to Social Security [Arvcle 9}: and 3) Right to Physical asl Health [Article 12] are the economic, social and cultural rights. °) pee do you mean by U.N. Commissioner for Human Rights ? 3 uae ee ey Assembly created the post of the U.N. High a econ ie and prote ctive enjov1 a . police social and elu a ct the effective enjoyment of all civil 1) Define International Law. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 217. Author - Prof. Prakash K. Mokal, : jternational Law regulates the relations of st - ; : lates with o1 . wolf nations or intemationg is the name for the eee Oppenheim's definition ally bin i F tomar i ing by civilised states in their intercourse eae are consideres in Article 16 (1) of the Indian Constitution. » Article 16 ‘of the Constitution of India deals wi f - ls with “Equality of tunity i joyment = ‘Article 16 (1) states that - “There shall be equality of Saint ate a loyment or appointment to any office under the State” Principle of Sovereign Equality ? ‘a 1 of the UN Charter mentions about f the world have equal status irrespective of their size. and my relating to €! you mean by Article 2, par all the countries o! ‘Sovereign equality of all its members’ yy What do resources, answer ‘hich meams itution of India, if a child below 14 years jer hazardous employment, it will be considered f the Constitution. \vhat do you mean Dy child labour 2 Vrower : Under Article 24 of the Const evork in any factory or mine or engaged in any oth child labour and itis prohibited under Article 24 0 What the three main objects of CEDAW ‘Answer: 1) To promote various rights social_ life, 2) To eliminate_discri imination_as ) Q.2: Answe! a) Explain the b) Continental Shelf. ) UNICEF. ersal Declarat tion of Human Rights cof Human Rights- d) Indian and Univ' ection ro Court in pI (NHRO)- ©) Role of Supreme ) National jets Commission pended for being inv olved in yy was found hanging 1 the a) A head constabli the custody death toilet. Court comes to the notice of the C ii) What action can : There is. rit jurisdiction deat treatment which was international. adi explain. 5 of the Universal Article on Civil and b) A prisoner was i i) Is any human rig Yes, it amo Political Rights. thet i) Write relevant case 31 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 218. Author — Prof. Prakash ASK Mota Supreme Cout eld thatthe prisoner an fundamental gh to ve with dir stean ing a French flag and a Turkish Vessel collided in the high seas, The Turkis ° vata of shee illed, The French steamer proceeded in its voyage and entered Tash waters. Here, the Captain was arrested. He was tried and punished. The French Governmen challenged the jurisdiction of Turkey in punishing the Captai he case was decided. i) What do you mean by ‘High Sea’ ? i Answer : High Sea ~ Parts of the sea which are not included in the territorial waters. {See Geneve Convention on High Sea, 1958, Article 1 ii) What is the name of the Case and which court decided the Case ? Answer : S. S. Lotus Case (1927) PCJ Series A. No. 10, Permanent Court of. International Justice, Human Rights. Answer : D. K. Basu v/s, State of West Bengal — given any inhuman treatment as it is viol Shah vs. State of Bihar, AIR 1983 SC, 1086. Q.4: Solve Any Fou = 48, a) What are the salient features of CEDAW ? Explain in detai b) State and explain what are Human Rights, Critically examine the rights of Conviets and Prisoners. ©) Discuss briefly the various peacefull means of settlement of disputes. 4) Explain in detail the main objects, significance and importance of ICCRR in Indi ©) Define ‘treaty’ and explain kinds of treaties in detail. Explain who can be parties to a treaty. 1) Explain in detail the terms : of the High Seas. ii) Exch ~ i) Freedom of the High Seas. ii) Limitation on the Freedom ive Economic Zone (EEZ). [12] [November, 2010 (23.11.10 ] a) What do you mean by ‘Fictional Theory’ ? Answer : The theory that is based on the fiction that duties and rights of th states are only the duties and rights of men who compose them (i.e. states/nations), and therefore it is ultimately individuals who are the subjects of International Law. b) What do you mean by ‘Innocent Passage? ? Answer : It is the right of foreign mercha waters of a state, int vessels to have innocent passage through the tert ©) What do you mean by UNICEF ? Answer : It means United Nations C} General Assembly on December, assistance to children and mother, Idten’s Fund. UNICEF was established by the Untied Nations 1946. It provides long term humanitarian and development @) What do you mean by ‘Agenda 21° ? Answer + Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action which lays down future edurse of action i relation to environment and development made by General Assembly of the United Nations. The ~~ ff @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 219, Author - Prof. Prakash K. Mokal. je taaman Right rights are the tights w AL SN be_cannot live fe any three objectives of UDHR, 1) Prohibition against torture, inhuman ir | Ponhrbitton agains or degrading treatment; 2) Ris wis; 3) Right to social security. —— » Writ Annet VOUS What do you mean by ECOSOC ? Exonomis, Social and Cultural rights. angwer : Ktmeans ) What do you mean by European ‘Social Charter’ ? Anger: The European Social Charter is a multilateral treaty signed at Turin on October 18, 1961 ce into force on February 26, 1965. It is with view to develop and protect _social and economic to achieve greater unity between its members for the purpose of safeguarding and realizing inciples which are their common heritage. sand i) What is the meaning of Right to Development ? Right_to_Development_is_the_term stating that _the development _encompasses_the social, cultural and political process. for the development of personalit Answer? evelopment of economic, ity of nan beings. 23 of the Indian Constitution. beings and forced labour (Article 23 ) {other similar forms of forced labour are prohibited and "offence punishable in accordance with law: g_ compulsory service for_public grounds only j) Explain Article Answer : Prohibition of traffic in human ) Traffic in human beings and besears an any contravention of this provision shall be an (2) Nothing in this Article shall_prevent the State_from_imposini and imposing such service, the State shall not make any discrimination on caste or class of any of them. uses of religion, race, Q.2: Answer Any 4 out of 6 short e a) Explain the Theories of Recognition. b) Rights of Coastal States. 9 ILO. 4) Commission on Human Rights, ¢) Right to Information. Minority Commission. Two problems out of three (6 marks cae 2 ode, two British warships passing throusl it 2 gonial waters with the resul that HLMS, Sarman Jamaged. The Channel was swept By the British Navy on November 12" o sent of the Albanian authorities: A nevly laid field of anchored 1 Albania was responsible for the presence of the reat Britain alleged th which court decided the Case ? @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Human Rights. 220. b) Qi Author — Prof. Prakash K. Moy Answer : Corfir Channel Case, the Intern: ii) What was the decision ? Answer : The International Court of. states may pass tl of causing loss to the Bi United Kingdom did not violate the soverei British Navy in Albanian waters. Albania was held Kingdom, Mr, *X? was an accused person who is too poor to afford a lawyer and who would, therefore, have to go through the trial without legal assistance. i) Which constitutional right of Mr. ‘X’ has been vio! Answer : Article 21, Protection of life and personal libert 1, during peace time the Warships of the other ¢ state, The Court held that, Albania. Was guilty ‘m_and laying mines in that part of Sea, The of the Peoples Republic of Albania by acts of the iable to pay pounds 8,43,947 to the United iolated ? and Article 39A — Equal justice ang ii) Write relevant Case and explain the decision of the court. ‘Answer + Hussainara v/s. Home Secretary, State of Bihar, AIR 1979 SC 1369 : (1980) 1 SCC 98, Mr Ram was deprived of his right to go abroad without a law by the state prescribing the procedure for so. i) Is it violation of Human Right: been violated. 7 ; | Answer : Yes, it is the violation of Human Rights according to Article 21. Protection of life and 5? Explain which Article of the Indian Constitution has Case. Answer : Satwant Singh Swaney v/s. D. Ramrathnam, ATR 1967, SC 1836 : (1967) 3 SCR 525 1968) 70 Bom. LR 1. Solve Any Four out of six (12 marks each) : = 48. 1a) Discuss briefly the various peaceful means of settlement of disputes. b) Explain in detail : i) Freedom of the High Seas. ii) Exclusive Economic Zone ©) What are the salient features of the Convention on Rights of Child 1989 2 4) Discuss how an individual is the subject of International Law. ©) Write an essay on “Human Rights and Women”, f) Define Treaties and its kinds. Explain the term ‘reservation’ in Treaties. [13] [April, 2011 (26.04.11)] With Solutions : Answer in not more than 2 sentences (2 marks each) : nu to establish justice and respect rogress and better Standard of life, ete. (any 2) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 221, Author — Prof. Prakash K. Mokal, in article 47 of the Indian Constitution, plait" of the State to raise the level of nutrit el ition and the stand: ir ‘The State shall res ad the raising of the level of nut erate ane iving of em Sree as among its primary duties Be on ee prohibition of the consumption except for medicinal Sa | to health, | endeavour to dof drugs which are injurious al ing drinks an y what do you mean by UNEP ? UNEP is the product of Stockholm Conference of - | i 1972. It we tN of, iis jusilibe programme, a subsidiary organ ofthe Genel ae ae | mean by ‘Mediation’ ? he disputed states, and also 4 What do you A Answer t ‘When the third party participates in the discussion along with t ving the dispute is known as mediation. mean by ‘Good Offices’ ? vrranges a menting ofthe disputed parties s that they may settle the led good offices. What do you . The act is ca ‘Answer ‘When the third party ations or wherein. ‘ cludes water. ait .d human beings. e term ‘Environment’. Section 2 (a) of the Environmental Protection Act, 1986 — “Environment in water, air and land, an¢ er-relationshij 4) Define th Answer $ and and its int @ scanned with OKEN Scanner g) Define “{nternational Law’. ‘Answer : Most of the Class h) What do you me ‘Answer _: ‘The term Author — Prof. Prakash Human Rights. Itconsists 30 Articles ~ Crucial Preamble. Article 1 = spirit of brotherhood. Court in protection of Human Rights in India, ¢) Explain in detail the role of the Supreme Answer ; i i ligation results in the protection © Failure of the Governments in discharging their_ol it of hy rights by the Judiciary. In the Indian context, since independence, significant effors Reet Hs have beep i cl institutional framework to the legal system, Constitutional an rote ‘Asa custodian . fo . Various human rights are developed by invoking a broad_and_purposive interpretation o¢ fundamental rights © Various Articles of Indian Constitution. © Case Law. 4) Write an essay on any three “NGO's in In Answer + Any three NGO's in India, like PUCL, PUDR, etc. * Functions ~ Role and constitution of NGO's. ©) What do you mean by ‘Recognition’ ? Explain in detail theories and forms of recognition, Answer : © When a state is acknowledged by other existing states, is known as ‘recognition’ of state © Theories ~ Constitutive and Declaratory theory. © Forms — state may be recognised in two ways, they are Express recognition and recognition. 1) How does the Constitution of India safeguard interest and rights of women ? Answer Preamble - The Preamble is the key to the Constitution. It does not discriminate man and woman but it treats them alike Fundamental rights — Articte 15, 16. A\ Directive principles of state policy — A\ the welfare and development of women. Reservations. Fundamental dut Case Law. le 38, 39 (a), (d) and (¢). Article 42, 44 and 45 deal with [14] [November, 2011 (29.11.11)] With Solutions Q. 1: Answer in not more than 2 sentences (2 marks each) : ait. a) What do you mean by ‘Ozone Depletion’ ? @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 225. Author ~ Prof. Prakash K. Mokal. tis " ‘ , ozone Depletion means “Destruction of the upper v2 9908 oe formed from breakdown of gzone ; atmospheric layer o depleting substance” ozone gas caused by is you mean by ‘General Assembly’ of United Nations ? + General Assembly i r is one of the organs of United Nations, has been empowered to di z owered to discharge sve any three functions of UNEP, » a oa gnswer 3 i) 10 keep under review the world environmental i sos envionment situation, ii) to provide general pol 1o receive and review the 4 Explain Article 39 (d) of the Indian Constitution. ‘angwer :“Equal pay for equal work”, ) What do you mean by ‘Land-Locked States’ ? state, whose boundaries are entirely surrounded by land is called the Law of Sea, 1982 Article 124 (1) (a) states “state which has no se: ‘Answer: A Convention on. ) What do you mean by ‘Suo Moto’ ? ‘Answer : Suo mofo means, “on its own’ news or any letter. .”_ Suo moto action can be initiated by the Court upon receiving ¢) What are the three main objects of UDHR ? ‘angwer +i) protection of human rights, i) establish a global society with social justice, iii) promote iv) better standards of life, etc. (state am three) Angwer © ILO was founded in 1919. First UN's social justice, etc. known as recognition of state or i) What do you mean by Answer : When one stat government. 2 i) What do you mean by ‘non-intervention’ Answer : Every state has @ right to manage its affairs according toils ot ranted on the basis of state sovereignt ,_ No state has ri “ht fo interfere in the ‘Recognition’ ? te is acknowledged bi other existing states. 1S jshes. This right has been affairs of other state. this efinitional or Analytical (5 marks each) : =20. in the New York city: Provides long-term hum: ap and dever countries, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 226. Author ~ Prof. Prakash k, yy, Human Rights. b) Rights of Aliens. Answer : They possess all those procedut ©) Minority Commission. Answer : = The National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. = Objects ~ Articles 29, 30 of the Const = The composition of the Commission — the Commission com = Functions ~ Section 9. = Powers of the Commission. sists of ..... @) Amnesty International. Answer : Tis a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that promotes human rights. Founded in the U.K. in 1961. Amnesty Intemational draws attention to human rights abuses and campaigns for compliance with international standards. It works to mobilise public opinion in the belief that it is this which has the power to exert pressure on those who perpetrate abuses. Specific Aims — = Abolish the death penalty. End extra-judicial executions and disay Ensure prison conditions meet intemational human rights standards. etc. €) Modes of Recognition. Answer : Recognition may be of two kinds : 1) De facto Recognition; and 2) De jure Recognition. Differences between the both. Case Law. 1) Human Rights and Environment. Answe = Right to clean and pollution free environment is greatest human right, Today of Article 21 of the Constitution of India. ~ Various constitutional provisions ~ 42! Amendment, Articles 47, 48-A, 51-A Articles 21, 32 and 226, = Conferences like Stockholm Conference, etc. - Case Law. Q. 3: Solve any 2 problems out of 3 (6 marks each) : =12 a) The Pequette Habana Fishing boat and another fishing boat Lola flying the Spanish flag and belonging to Spanish subjects were captured by a United States Warship in the Blockade of tHe North Coast of Cuba. They were brought before the Court of condemnation. i) Whether, under Customary International Law, fishing boats were exempted from captu'® 2 Give reasons. Yes, fishing boats were free from capture. fi) What is the name of the ease and which court has jurisdiction ? @ scanned with OKEN Scanner S 227. yy 1 Pequete. Habana and Lola has the jurisdiction to try the a 1900 Author — thor — Prof. Prakash K. Mokal. constable and constable w ere suspended for being involved in the in the death of an accused whi 0 py Aner el dy i was in the oon “ be ee station. The accused wie undamental Human Right? Wdeapand ee » Yes, there is violati seine a ion of the fundamental right to tie ealnees i rsonal liberty guaranteed answer under ‘Article 21 of the Constitution of India. nthe NHRC help the fami ti family of the deceased to NHRC can make Inquiry/Investigation, can A ae: Te 226 and 32 of the Constitution of Indi oach to the H.C. and the S.C. Answer. under Art he Air-India author jce attaining the age of 35 years or on marriage wit serever occurred earlier. In this case, a pettoner ground of her first pregnancy. She challenged the rules an before the Supreme Court. it i i rity makes a regulation and provides that, an Air-hostess would retire from the thin 4 yeas of service or on first pregnancy, ‘Air-hostess terminated from her job on the id regulations of Air-India authority 9 Th servi help of a case law. your answer with the aranteed under Articla 14 j) Is ita violation of Human Rights ? Expl Answer : Yes, there is a violation of fundamental right to equality g and 15 of the Constitution of India — Air India v/s, Nargesh Mirza. ii) Explain in detail the constitutional provisions for protection of. ‘Air-hostess rights. ‘Answer: Article 14 — Equality before the Jaw and equal protection of law: — Article 15 = “No person. shall be discriminated only on the ground of caste, ‘creed, religion, place of birth and sex” = 48. ‘our out of six (12 ful means of settler ment of disputes. Discuss briefly the various peace Answer: Answer parter of the United Nations bas f the Charter. nt and ) What are the salient featur Answer series of treaties adopte: ICCPR represents “First Gene and Political rights: rotocols. Most important Part [1] of the Constitut @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Human Rights. 28, Author — Prof Prakash K Hoty, 4) Explain steps which are generally adopted in concluding a treaty. Answer : = Accrediting of persons by the contre ng state Adoption of the Text, = Consent by the states. = Consent by signature, exchange of instruments. = Consent by ratification, Entry into force. ~ Registration and publication, = Pacta Sunta Servanda, ©) Discuss the role of NHRC in the protection of Human Rights. Answer : NHRC was established under PHRA, 1993. = Main objects of the NHRC. = Constitution/composition of the NHRC. = Powers and functions of the NHRC. f) Discuss the law relating to— i) Territorial Sea. ii) EEZ Answer: i) Territorial Sea : = Sovereignty of the state is confined not only to the waters and land lying within its boundaries. ~Marginal Zone : = May be defined as that part of the sea which is adjacent to the coast and over which Internationa] Law permits the Coastal states to exercise sovereignty, subject only to a general right of innocent ‘The concept of EEZ was initiated by Kenya in 1972. The EEZ is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea extending upto 200 nautical miles seaward from the coast baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured. - Rights of the coastal states over BEZ. - Duties of the coastal states. Rights of other states. [May, 2012 (11.05.12)] With Solutions Q. 1: Answer in 2-3 sentences each of the following : =i a) What are the sources of International Law ? Answer : The sources of International Law are — 1) Custom; 2) Custom and Usage: 3) Treaties 9) International Text Papers other than Treaties. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Human Rights. is 229. Author — Prof. Prakash K. Mokal. b) What is innocent passage 2 Answer : Itis the r (passage (safe way for navigation) ° @) Explain the concept of Treaty, term s_or International on between themselves operating within the sphere of ©) Explain CESCR. Answer Covenant ) What is Amnesty International ? Answer : Amnesty_Interational is_an Intemational Non-Governmental Or ani aoe spec tights all_over the world, Peter Benenson, a London lawyer weet India, in 1961 for ‘Prisoners of conscience”. ion (NGO) that ished _Amnest g) Explain the term EEZ, Answer: The term means Exclusive Economic Zone. It is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea extending upto 200 nautical miles seaward from the coastal baselines from which the breath of the territorial sea is measured, h) Write down the main object of Stockholm Conference, 1972. Answer _: The main object of Stockholm Conference, 1972 was to solve the global problem of protection and improvement of the human environment by international conference on universal level Explain the Directive Principles relating to Rights of Workers. Answer : The Directive Principles related to right of workers is provided under Article 43 of the Constitution of India which provides living wages, etc. for workers. wages, etc, (Article 43) : The state shall endeavour to secur economic organization or by any other way, to all workers, agricultural, industrial or otherwise, work, a living wages, conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of life and full enjoyment of leisure and ‘and_cultural opportunities and, in particular, the state shall endeavour to promote cottage industries on an individual or co-operative basis in rural areas. J) Explain ‘Rebus sic stantibus’. a, Answer: Rebus sie stantibus asserts that a treaty may be terminated if there ocours a fundamental it was concluded. change in the circumstances under whi Q.2: Write short notes on Any Four of the followin a) UNESCO. ‘ b) Peaceful Settlement of Disputes. ¢) European Convention on Human d) Directive Principles and Human €) Theories of Recognition. f) Human Rights and Women. Rights. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Buman. . 231. Author ~ Prof. Prakash K. Mokal. With Solutions ntences : Q. 1: Answer in One or Tyy 20. a) Define International Law. Answer : Body of legal_rul i 7 al_rules governing int = Seared interaction between sovereign sta ave) and th right luties of the citizens of sovereign st: ae eee oes = gn states (Private Intemational tas n_states towards the citizens of other According to Bentham’s classi iti 0 ical_defini i i Secreta ition, international law is_a collection of rules governing b) What is CEDAW ? Answer : Convention on Elimination of Discrimination of any Form Against Women, c) What is Continental Shelf ? Answer A submerged border of a continent that slopes gradually and extends to_a point of steeper to the ocean bottom. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the name continental shelf was given a legal definition as the stretch of the sea-bed adjacent to the shores of 3 particular country to which it belongs. d) Write two functions of the Human Rights Commission. Answer : To inquire swo moto or on a petition presented to it by victim or any person on his behalf a) violation of human rights or abetment thereof or b) negligence in the ¢) It may intervene in any proceeding involving anv before a Court with the approval of such Court. d) It shail visit any jail or any other institution under the control of the State Government. ¢) Review the safeguards. f) Shall review factors, including acts of terrorism and_the_safesuards and make appropriate recommendations, g) Shall study the treaties and other international instruments on human Fahts and make recommendations for their effective implementation.) undertake and promote in th field of human rights. (state any two) into_complaints of prevention of such violation by a public servant. allegation of violation of human rights pending e) What is the object of UNICEF ? ‘Answer : a) To provide a clinical service assessing and treating children with diseases through its country programmes. b) To promote equal rights of children, girls and women. c) Support their full participation in the political, social_and economic ‘development of their communities. d) Support children who are in need by providing them food and education. . ‘Another important objective of UNICEF is to ensure countries abide by the Convention on the Rights mobilizing political_will_and_material_resources to help developing of the Child. This includes countries improve their ability to provide services for children. ‘and their families. (state any 0vo). | its of Women. ‘an, 2) Nargesh Mirza v/s. Air India, dgements on Right 1) Give two landmark jus R fs, State of Rajasth: ‘Answer : 1) Vishakha v/ ) What in non-intervention ? Angwer : A foreign policy of stat Non-intervention or non-interven avoid alliances with other nations, bul st ‘ing out of other countries disputes. tionism is a foreign polic which il] retain diploma holds that political rulers should ‘and avoid all wars not related to direct & scanned with OKEN Scanner ' ~w UTTRTLTON TOY CHU TSF AIRY "WOT ET PUZATEATS TOY SpaUpUER THOU ROTOY PUAOTS SOvAS WEP] FHT JO SSE UT SUOP STW SE THO PSS oq Ue VONEANSSNUT PUE POT aq MS YL Uy FOS ‘syeuoneu aBja10) SpavAo} JUOLUUIDAOD AIA aU Jo sanNp ayy urE;dxa ‘uoREMyS dAoqe ay) Jo 34S a UT (ET “SHOTATOS [FATS BUTMTOT WO Pariqiyord gue Kayy— Woyy OF PaTWAp OTe TGR eITTTOT pUE [RO TSSAS = GT SPONTY 1GSONS “O|qUUIEAT aIy STYSIN TOYO PUT TT OMY “FI PMY SSA 7 OMSUY cupeydxg Z suozp19-uou 0) a[qe peat spuds jeyuourepuny a4y (1 “UUtY] 10) Yos¥as 0} vIPUT 0} aLHOD sjuased stp] “BuIsstuL $903 oy SJo9m auo ayy ‘vorpadxs ajoA9 sty ySnosp eIpu axojdxo o1 suite 9}{ “eIpUT SUISIA ‘any PLLOM uo IsI]DK9 ¥ (4 “POUBTGRISS SEAN VOIP) JO TYSTY TO] WOSSTUNTTOD — POETS TER SHOT TOV SPAT PII JO WONT Toy WOISSTUNUTOTD — wOTTESMpS Are ATOS|MAMO) — PIENTSTES PUP TOSTOK TOOT PV CUAIPIND Jo WONAOIg pur aieD) SoTIsNy aUAANy passed “AYSUIpIOSTE Pue “UORUAATOD Rp poe Ose Sey CIPUT “PID JO TGSTY uo WOHUSAUOD oy OF AIOTCUSIS © ST eIpuy ? 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