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I. Vocabulary
1. The smell of floor polish still brings_____memories of my old school.
A. back B. up C. on D. over
2. Next year our three-year-old will be starting____school.
A. nursing B. nursery C. infancy D.toddler
3. When the teacher asked from a volunteer_____of kids put up their hands.
A. plenty B. some C. many D. few
4. I've got so far behind with my work it'll be hard to_____ up
A. bring B. catch C. make D. let
5. You ought to_____ more of an effort at school.
A. make B. take C. try D. do
6. Do you think children should wear a school ___?
A. cloth B. costume C. uniform D. suit
7. When I get______ with the lesson I just look out of the window.
A. boring B. bored C. boredom D. bore
8. Parents receive a school_____ on their child's progress at the end of every year.
A. report B. test C. assessment D. statement
9. His rude behavior is not_____ in our school.
A. receptive B. convenient C. comfortable D. acceptable
10. Some students cannot learn anything by __ ; they want to say everything in their own words.
A. ear B. heart C. mind D. eye
11. When I was at school we had to learn a poem each week and then ____ it from memory
A. recite B. relate C. rehearse D. recount
12. Children are always trying to find out______ they can go with a new teacher.
A. what distance B. what length C. how far D. how long
13. Laura goes to a_____school so she only sees her family at the weekend.
A. boarding B. day C. comprehensive D. private
14. The____ of students in my year want to go to university.
A. maximum B. majority C. highest D. most
15. His parents are worried about his behavior. He's always getting into ___ at school.
A. problems B. punishment C. trouble D. difficulty
16. You should_____ attention to what your teacher says.
A. take B. pay C. give D. show
17. Young school children are more likely to be influenced by pressure from their ____than from
their families.
A. peers B. counterparts C. mates D. colleagues
18. If there was a(n)_____ in class sizes, more students would be able to participate in lessons.
A. lessening B. reduction C. dimension D. deduction
19. By next year, my son will have_____ his education at Cambridge University
A. realized B. graduated C. terminated D. completed
20. If I don't write you a note to say you have a doctor's appointment, the teacher will think you
are playing_____
A. the fool B. truant C. tricks D. hard to get

II. Grammar
21. He_____ playing with his dog.
A. is loving B. loves C. was loving D. love
22. Oil_____if you pour it on water.
A. floated B. floats C. will be floated D. float
23. Water____at 100 degrees Celsius.
A. boils B. boiling C. is boiling D. boil
24. The launch of the first liquid -fuelled rocket in 1926____ by flight historians_____ as
significant as the Wright Brothers’ flight
A. has considered-having bee B. was considered-being
C. is considered-to be D. has been discovered-has been
25. I'm afraid John will get drunk at the party no matter what his wife___ to prevent it.
A. would do B. were doing C. does D. will do
26. “Any news from Vicky?” “Yes. She___tomorrow on the 9:15 train."
A. arrives B. will have arrived C. arriving D. will have been arriving
27. “Do you know it's Barb's birthday today?” “Yes, she___a party tonight."
A. has B. is to have C. is having D. will have
28. Tom____ things round the house, which is annoying.
A. always leaves B. has always left C. is leaving D. is always leaving
29. Teenagers____photos of pop stars on their bedroom walls.
A. are often sticking B. often stick C. will often stick D. have often stuck
30. At least half of the world's population ___more than one language.
A. speak B. speaks C. have spoken D. is speaking

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
31. A. blind B. prioritize C. financial D. mobility
32. A. accessible B. experience C. special D. force

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
33. A. profile B. promote C. prefer D. regret
34. A. matchmaking B. teenager C. romantic D. reconciled

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction each of
the following questions.
35. Make sure (A) that you have the words spell (B) correctly; otherwise (C), your form won't be
accepted (D).
36. Almost (A) of the trees (B) in this plantation have been(C) cut down and (D) burned
37. Susan decided to not do (A) her homework (B) and went (C) to a (D) night-club

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
38. Could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes __for at least twenty minutes.
A. are boiling B. boiling C. were boiling D. have been boiling
39. I will not be here next week. I am going to be __business in London.
A. about B. in C. on D. at
40 Little ___ he know how much suffering he has caused.
A. didn’t B. should C. won’t D. does
41. _____,he felt so unhappy and lonely.
A. Despite his wealthy B. Rich as was he
C. Rich as he was D. In spite of his being wealth
42. All commuters ____ the main highway to get to the center of the city will face delay of
up to an hour today because of on-going construction.
A. use B. used C. using D. will use
43. The world's deepest cave, Pierre St. Martin in the Pyrenees Mountains, is almost three
A. as deep as the Empire State Building is
B. deeper than the Empire State Building is
C. is higher than the Empire State Building is
D. as the Empire State Building’s height
44. Nowadays, most students use______ calculators in their studies and examinations.
A. electrical B. electricity C. electric D. electronic
45. The Mountain view Hotel offers its guests a ____buffet breakfast every morning.
A. valuable B. situated C. dependent D. complimentary
46. Water is __ of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen.
A. consisted B. composed C. making D. comprising
47. I want to____ a table at the Bamboo Restaurant.
A. maintain B. manage C. reserve D. allow
48. I can't____ this noise any longer. I'm going to write a letter of complaint about this problem.
A. get back to B. take away from C. put up with D. make out of
49. People are always advised to____ smoking because of its harm to their healthy.
A. cut down B. cut off C. cut in D. cut down on
50. Phuong is my best friend, who has stuck with me through____.
A. here and there B. now and then C. chalk and cheese D. thick and thin

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