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48V Electric Vehicle Powertrain Optimal Model-based Design Methodology

Conference Paper · November 2020

DOI: 10.23919/AEITAUTOMOTIVE50086.2020.9307407


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6 authors, including:

Matthieu Ponchant Franck Sellier

Siemens Siemens


Tommaso Favilli Luca Pugi

University of Florence University of Florence


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48V Electric Vehicle Powertrain Optimal
Model-based Design Methodology
Kazusa Yamamoto Matthieu Ponchant Franck Sellier
Electrical Systems RTD team RTD team
Valeo Industries Siemens Digital Industries Software Siemens Digital Industries Software
Creteil, France Lyon, France Lyon, France

Tommaso Favilli Luca Pugi Lorenzo Berzi

Department of Industrial Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Florence University of Florence University of Florence
Florence, Italy Florence, Italy Florence, Italy

Abstract—Battery autonomy and drive range of Electric considered in the earlier design phase, especially for battery
Vehicles could be improved by smart control of the power sizing, by adding these new electric consumers (compressor
flows requested by equipped systems. In this paper, the authors and/or electric heater). Furthermore, thermal comfort could
propose two energy-saving strategies, acting respectively in the
electric driveline consumption minimization and in the auxiliary be coupled with electric components cooling systems [13] to
power allocation policy. Developed solutions aim at the reduction balance thermal efficiency and energy balance.
of the power demand, both concerning e-powertrain and sub-
components, not directly related to traction purpose, enhancing
In this work, authors intend to propose specific control
corresponding driveability distance. Evaluation of the result algorithms and policies, devoted to increasing EVs driving
is done through a model-based approach, using a concept e- range and autonomy, by a smart allocation and coordination
car proposed by Valeo and implemented in a co-simulation of the power flows. Developed controller address specific
environment, between Amesim and Simulink. The investigated needs of scalability and portability properties, as well as real-
methodology appears as a useful tool for the optimal design of
the vehicle sub-system and component.
time capability, in order to be easily tested on several vehi-
Index Terms—low voltage electric vehicle, energy efficiency, cles, use cases. The main challenge of the activity is to reach
auxiliary management, thermal management, real driving emis- a 20% efficiency improvement goal, in order to meet the
sion, e-powertrain optimization target of the OBELICS (Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime
modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS) project,
I. I NTRODUCTION of which the authors are partners. Hence, this activity is
Nowadays, Electric Vehicle (EV) market is growing, since focused on 48V EV powertrain optimal design methodology.
CO2 regulations become more stringent, e.g. norm Euro 6 [1]. To fulfill the aim of this activity, an Equivalent Consumption
Moreover, the traffic ban of conventional internal combustion Minimization Strategy (ECMS) for the electric hub-motors
engine vehicles is planned in major cities (Paris, London, Los is performed, implemented using Simcenter Amesim™ tools.
Angeles, etc.) by 2025-2030 [2]. In this context, powertrain’s Also, an Auxiliary Power Management Control (APMC) is
electrification is required, leading to massive development proposed in MATLAB Simulink® environment.
of hybrid and electric cars [3], [4]. Furthermore, the new Paper is organized as follow: at first, the simulation en-
mobility trend, such as car-sharing or urban trip, and cus- vironment is described and the baseline layout characteris-
tomers’ demand for vehicles with low energy consumption, tics are detailed, particularly respect to upgraded parame-
have enhanced EV solution [5], [6]. ters, according to optimization tools. Model refinement is
All these aspects are boosting the development of in- also achieved considering cabin thermal regulation system.
novative torque vectoring and power management strategy, Then, independent control strategies have been introduced,
devoted to increasing vehicle efficiency, as well as driving in order to improve vehicle energy efficiency: on one hand
range [7], [8]. Moreover, newly design solution, e.g. by- an optimized control for the e-machines, on the other an
wire and mechatronics system [9], [10], or In-Wheel Motor auxiliary management strategy, both devoted to reduce the
(IWM) configurations [11], allow the definition of several e- power requirement of Electric Motor (EM) and sub-systems
powertrain architectures and the investigation of alternative not directly related on traction performances, respectively.
traction layout [12], leading to a new perspective in the power Virtual test results, performed using Amesim™/Simulink® co-
management optimization of systems and components. simulation interface [12], are shown, highlighting the im-
Another challenging aspect is thermal comfort. Indeed hot provement obtained from the efficiency perspective. Specific
sources, in conventional vehicles, are available, which are driving scenarios are simulated to accurately reproduce real
not the case for EV. So the thermal management has to be EV behaviours: so standard urban, ARTEMIS [14] and Real
Driving Emission (RDE) cycles are performed [15].

978-8-8872-3749-8 ©2020 AEIT

Regarding innovation on small Battery Electric Vehicle
(BEV), some low voltage concepts could be highlighted, as
the prototype of Mahle MEET or Valeo, shown in Fig. 1 and
supposed as the reference use case for these activities. Both
manufacturers targeted applications for urban mobility, where
vehicle maximum speed reaches about 100 km/h and urban
traffic autonomy achieves up to 170 km.
Hence, it appears interesting to evaluate the achievable
performance over several drive cycles of the investigated
BEV, which is inspired by a concept car based on Valeo 48 V
e-machines characteristics, to meet also rural and motorway
requests. However, this control strategy has been successfully Fig. 2. 48V e-machine efficiency map from measured data
applied even to High Voltage EV [16], so proposed methods
are not limited only to Low Voltage vehicle solution.
B. Model Refinement
According to Table I, a Four Wheel-Drive (4WD) with
independent IWM architecture with a single battery pack The Air Conditioning (AC) system is also considered to
has been supposed. The intent is the evaluation of the refine the autonomy estimation of the vehicle in a more
achievable power and driving range, to meet A/B1 segment realistic case. This subsystem could be critical in some
car requirement. specific condition, especially at cold or hot temperature, when
its power consumption is not negligible if compared to the
A. Simulation Layout driveline power.
The 48V electric model has been developed with Simcenter
Amesim™ [18]. The hypothetical e-powertrain layout consists III. C ONTROL S TRATEGY
of 4 IWM connected to each wheels, where supposed EM
This section is dedicated to the description of the proposed
are based on real Valeo e-machine data (Fig. 2). Their
optimal control strategy, implemented on the use case vehicle
performances (maximum and minimum torque, losses respect
simulation model. In particular, developed algorithms, ECMS
to shaft speed) are mapped and implemented through a
and APMC, have the task of reducing the BEV total power
model-based concept in the simulation environment.
consumption, acting respectively in the e-powertrain and
According to pre-sizing results of 4WD EV requirements,
auxiliary system regulation.
HEEDS software [18] has been used to optimize some vehicle
parameters, improving the overall performance over WLTC A. Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS)
cycle. Then, some variables (e.g. gear ratio, the weight of
the car and of the battery) is updated through the automated Optimal control of the electric machine has been imple-
process, subject to optimization objectives and constraints mented using the Simcenter Amesim Hybrid Optimization
(e.g. vehicle maximum range, minimizing acceleration time). Tool. It is an interactive interface dedicated to estimating the
The design criteria are summarized in Table II and the energetic potential of a vehicle architecture on a given drive
resulting 48V 4WD EV concept shows similar performance cycle. In this case, the 4WD is selected. This tool is based
compared to the recently release high voltage VW e-up which on an optimal control allocation strategy and, specifically, on
has a close application target (city, rural road, highway). the method known as Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle [19],
HEEDS has improved over 500 iterations the 4WD EV char- which states that at each time step, the optimal values of
acteristics. Indeed, a 280 km range is achieved by considering the degrees of freedom are found by minimizing a function
a reduction of the battery SOC from 90% to 10%, which called Hamiltonian (H), that is,
is better than equivalent EVs available on the market and
uopt (t) = argminH(u, t, SOC) (1)
increased the vehicle range by 11% compared to pre-sizing
specifications. The selected battery cell chemistry is Nickel H = Pexch (2)
Cobalt Aluminum Oxide since it is widely spread in EV
industry [17]. where u represents the degrees of freedom to optimized
and Pexch is the electrochemical consumption of the battery.


EM Parameters
Name Value Unit
Maximum torque 55 Nm
Maximum power 15 kW
Maximum speed 20 000 rpm
Number of phases 6 (2x3) /
Fig. 1. 48V Valeo concept car
TABLE II of the rules are evaluated through an OR logical operator.
BEV C HARACTERISTICS If verified, ECO-mode will trigger, otherwise, no action on
Desing Criteria 48V 4WD BEV VW e-Up auxiliary systems regulation is performed.
Range WLTC Class 3 280.8 [km] 258 [km]
Max Acceleration 0 – 100 [km/h] 11.96 [s] 11.9 [s]
Max Speed 140 [km/h] 130 [km/h] IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS
Mass of Vehicle with conductor 1094.4 [kg] 1310 [kg]
Battery Capacity 42.5 [kWh] 36.8 [kWh] Proposed campaign tests, performed in the model of Fig.
Gear Ratio 8 unk.
4 and implemented in a co-simulation environment, can be
grouped into two branches:
• Standard Driving Cycles: mainly used for the model ver-
B. Auxiliary Power Management Control (APMC)
ification and the controllers’ calibrations; results concern
Aim of this control strategy is to optimize the usage of these tests are also useful to assess the performances
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system, of proposed ECMS control policy and different thermal
in order to reduce its consumption when critical conditions system solutions, if compared to the output of simula-
occur, e.g. in low State of Charge (SOC) situation, or when tions performed on a baseline 4WD EV;
high levels of power are demanded by the EMs to fulfil the • RDE Cycles: adopted for the purpose of accurately esti-
traction demand. In particular, the APMC will trigger the mated BEV performances and Efficiency Improvement
activation of a so-called ECO-mode, useful to increase the (Eff Imp) allowed by proposed control strategies, ac-
remaining vehicle driving range by minimizing the power counting road slope and external temperature variations.
demanded by the auxiliary system, while ensuring cabin
temperature comfort. The activation of this control method
is based on the following parameters: A. Standard Driving Cycles
• Battery SOC: when the storage system is approaching 1) Model verification: Vehicle model has been verified on
the full discharge condition, this control policy is en- JC08 driving cycle under different initial SOC conditions.
abled; This test is repeated several times to assess the effect of the
• Battery Discharge Current Limit (DCL): once evaluated ECMS controller functionalities. The Eff Imp is calculated
the maximum value of the discharge current the storage according to (3), considering the average energy consump-
system can experience, is evaluated respect to the actual tion (kWh/100km) of the 4WD model without a thermal
request from the DC bus. When demanded current is regulation system, as a reference baseline for the metrical
higher then DCL, which is estimated from SOC and evaluation.
temperature of the battery [20], ECO-mode will trigger.
Based on this information, it is evident that the APMC Ebaseline − EECM S
require a synergetic integration with the vehicle Control Unit η= [%] (3)
(CU), especially Battery Management System (BMS) and
Motor CU, which estimate specific parameters, fundamental Looking at Table III, could be noticed that a strong
for the strategy application. efficiency improvement is achieved, allowed by the usage
ECO-mode regards the controlling policies of the AC of optimal e-motor controlling method, especially in urban
system. Intervention concern the regulation of the admitted conditions. On investigated standard driving cycles (JC08 and
temperature bandwidth for the cabin and related control WLTP), an increase of more than 10% is reached. Neverthe-
gains, acting on the thermal regulation loops. The involved less, such cycles consider neither the thermal effect nor the
sub-systems are: landscape, e.g. the slope of the road. So these enhancements
• Blower: the device which establishes the mass of mixed should be considered overestimated if compared with a more
air flowing in the cabin. It’s a composition of fresh and realistic operating scenario.
recirculated air. ECO-mode activation enlarge the dead-
zone of the temperature control loop;
• Evaporator: similarly at the blower intervention, in
ECO-mode higher output temperature are tolerated;
• Compressor: its regulation method involves two nested
feedback control loops, temperature and speed. Interven-
tion concern only the first one, reducing the Proportional
Integral Derivative (PID) controller gains and increasing
temperature dead-zone.
A simplified flow chart of the APMC is visible in Fig. 3.
At the vehicle starts, an initialization procedure begins, con-
sisting in the data acquisition from the main vehicle CU. This
task, recursively iterated ad each time steps of the APMC,
allows the verification of two different if statements: (1) the
value of current SOC is below a specified desired value? (2)
The total requested current is above admitted DCL? Results Fig. 3. APMC flow chart
Fig. 4. Fully integrated 48 V electric vehicle model

TABLE III average energy consumption increases due to activation of the

S TANDARD DRIVING CYCLES SIMULATION RESULTS thermal systems (AC, heat pump) and the growth are visible
Initial battery conditions: SOC 90% and 20°C in Table IV. Thus, final SOC is reduced in a hot case by 4%
Control Driving Cycle Eff. Imp. [%] and cold case by 9% compared to baseline, as shown in Fig.
WLTC 16.5 7. Indeed, the required thermal system power is rather high
JC08 10.3
to reach expected cabin temperature. At cold and hot ambient
condition, the influence of the AC system on the battery range
is not negligible and must be taken into account in the early
2) Thermal model verification: ARTEMIS drive cycles design phase of the EV, especially for the battery sizing.
[14] has been used, dedicated to accurately simulate thermal
effects on BEV performances in different external weather C. Subsystem integration
conditions, as well as cabin target temperatures. With such After studying subsystems in standalone, the next step in
cycles, different HVAC technologies (Heat pump & electric the development process is their integration in the EV model,
heater) have been investigated for the reference benchmark in order to verify the consistency of the fully integrated
case. As shown in the plots of Fig. 5, heat pumps allow im- solution. Comparison study has been performed with RDE
proving energy consumption, if compared to electric heaters cycles at 35°C, to ensure realistic behaviour in the vehicle
(SOC increases of 7% and thermal energy consumption re- energy consumption estimation. To go further, it appears
duced by 53.6%) while ensuring same heating performances: interesting to study the effect of APMC on the average
both steady states are at 20°C target temperature, with almost consumption, based on the previous model integrating ECMS
the same transient phase, though the electric heater is 100 and AC thermal system. The whole co-simulation environ-
s faster at reaching desired value. Indeed, the heat pump ment, already introduced in Fig. 4, allows estimation of
coefficient of performance is about 3. the Eff Imp in realistic condition, assessed on RDE Gratz
and Barcelona cycles. The results of Table V show that
B. Real Driving Emission (RDE) Cycles energy improvement is achieved thanks to APMC. Indeed,
as illustrated in Fig. 8 the ECO mode reduces the HVAC
RDE cycles are frequently used and widely adopted in
system current consumption, increasing battery autonomy.
recent literature [15], since they can give to designer a
more accurate performance overview of the vehicle, by
accounting more variables for their definition. In particular, TABLE IV
different operative conditions respect to time, besides speed P ERFORMANCE COMPARISON UNDER REALISTIC CONDITIONS
reference, can be considered, e.g. temperature, altitude and RDE cycle simulation results
so on. Performed cycles reply to the real driving condition RDE Cycle Temperature Acc. Imp. [%]
of Barcelona and Gratz cities (Fig. 6), specifying different Gratz
35°C 13.9
temperature and altitude values during the tests. The model 0°C 29.6
35°C 14.2
Accuracy Improvement (Acc Imp) is calculated considering Barcelona
0°C 28.6
the refined 4WD Amesim model at 20°C as a baseline. The
Fig. 5. Thermal system solutions comparison on ARTEMIS cycle: Cabin temperature (top-left); Heating power (top-right); Heating energy (bottom-left)
and SOC (bottom-right)

A non-secondary advantage of this implementation is particular, multiple 48V EV simulation models have been
computational time efficiency, even considering the increas- developed to investigate efficiency improvement within a
ing complexity of the phenomena involved by vehicle sub- short development time.
systems models. Indeed, virtual tests are running 11.5 times
Regarding efficiency improvement, average results are
faster than real-time. So, models can be easily integrated
evaluated with different mission profiles (WLTC, JC08, city
into Hardware in the Loop target to validate the control
cycle). Enhancement related to both ECMS and APMC
strategies have been summed up in Table V. The investigated
V. C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE D EVELOPMENTS controlling methods could bring from 4% up to 8% of
In conclusion, e-powertrain architecture, vehicle character- improvement of energy consumption in the performed RDE
istics and components sizing have been investigated through cycles scenario (Barcelona and Gratz).
vehicle model simulation in Amesim. EV performance im- Increasing the complexity of models allows reliable EV be-
provement is reached through optimization of vehicle pa- haviour and provides precise energy consumption estimation,
rameters (HEEDS tool), development of advanced control despite the computation time growth. Therefore, it is worth
strategies (ECMS, APMC) and innovative components (heat noting to proceed according to a methodology that could save
pump): Fig. 8 summarizes the achievement permitted by development time, while ensuring simulation accuracy.
the investigated thermal system solutions. Moreover, real-
Further work could focus either on a more accurate EV
istic conditions are considered employing specific driving
model through implementing a battery cooling system (which
cycles (ARTEMIS, RDE), to refine average consumption. In
is a constant power source reducing battery range) and on
another advanced control strategy, as Brake Blending [7], [8],
[10], [12], to increase energy savings.


Initial conditions: SOC 90% and 35°C

Layout RDE Cycle APMC Eff. Imp. [%]
OFF 4.46
ECMS Gratz
ON 7.4
OFF 5.44
ECMS Barcelona
ON 8.79
Fig. 6. RDE cycles province of Barcelona
Fig. 7. Comparison on RDE province of Barcelona at different ambient temperature: SOC (left) and thermal system power (right)

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