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Gift giving

1. Look at the photos and discuss the questions.

• What is the occasion for gift giving in each of the photos? Why do you think so?
• What are some other occasions for gift giving?
• What could the present in each photo be? Why do you think so?
• When was the last time you gave or received a gift? What was the occasion?
What was the gift?

2. Read the sentences and put the words in bold into the correct column in the
table below. Then, add three words you can use with gift to each of the
a) I feel better when I give gifts than when I receive them.
b) It is important to give your friends personal gifts because it shows that you know
them well. That is why it is not a good idea to give them simple things like a bottle
of wine or flowers.

Copyrights by ESL Brains

Gift giving

c) You shouldn’t shop for gifts online. If you order a gift too late, you won’t be able
to bring a present to the party.
d) Children always want to get fantastic gifts.
e) You should never return a gift, even if you don’t like it.
f) I like getting useful gifts like clothes or shampoo.

receive a gift a personal gift
shop for a gift a fantastic gift
order a gift a useful gift
return a gift beautiful, simple, wonderful
look for, get, give

3. Discuss if you agree with the statements in ex. 2 and why. Give examples if

4. Watch a video [] (from 00:42) about a birthday

gift and answer the questions.
a) Why is the gift ‘two gifts in one’? It’s a pen that’s also a clock.
b) Why doesn’t the woman like the gift? It’s not something a boyfriend gives.
c) How will the man’s friend help? He will try to find a gift for the friend’s girlfriend.

5. Look at the sentences from the video and complete each gap with one word.
Then, watch the video again (from 00:42) and check.
a) It is so hard to shop for girls. [00:45]
b) What did you get her? [00:55]
c) Because she’s not 11! [01:09]
d) Whoa! It’s time for my date with Joey! [01:29]
e) I will go out and I will try to find something for her, OK? [01:52]
f) Or just get a card that has a poem already in it. [02:05]

Copyrights by ESL Brains

Gift giving

6. Discuss if you agree with the statements below and why.

• A pen is never a good gift for a girlfriend.
• It’s more difficult to shop for women than for men.
• You should find a present for a friend yourself. It’s unfair if somebody helps you.
• A present is not as important as the fact that a friend celebrates your birthday with

7. Read a text about trends in gift giving and answer the questions below.
A popular trend nowadays is to give a friend an experience as a gift. It could be rock
climbing, skydiving, a spa day or wine tasting. An experience is something we don’t
easily forget and can share with others, so it is a much better gift than a simple box
of chocolates.

Everyone likes getting personal presents made especially for them. Giving a friend a
simple handmade gift like a decorated photo of the two of you will surely make them
happy. You could also order a coffee mug with your friend’s favourite picture on it.
A book of coupons is a good idea, too. It is a list of tasks like cooking a meal or
spending an evening together. Your friend can ask you to do them any time they

It is more and more common to ask for a charity donation as a gift. Tell your family
and friends you don’t want a bouquet of flowers you will throw out after a couple of
days, but ask them to donate money, for example to a hospital. Donations can also
be a good idea for gift swapping games like Secret Santa, where each member of a
group gets the name of another member, but it is a secret who got who. People then
put all the gifts in one place and nobody knows who their present is from.

When it comes to weddings, it is popular to make a gift list, which is a list of

presents the couple want to receive. This way they won’t get something they don’t
need. Giving cash is also common at weddings, as people who get married often
need money for the wedding party or a new home.

Copyrights by ESL Brains

Gift giving

Which of the ideas from the text (in bold) is/are:

a) good if you don’t want to get things you don’t need? a list of gifts, a charity
b) something you will remember for a long time? an experience
c) good for groups of people? gift swapping games
d) presents you can share with others? an experience, a book of coupons, a charity
e) something very personal? a handmade gift, a book of coupons
f) a great idea if you are starting a new life? cash

8. Discuss the questions.

• Do you like the idea of giving someone an
experience as a gift? Would you like to get
one? Why/Why not?
• Have you ever given anyone a handmade
gift? What was it? If not, would you like to
make a gift for someone?
• What is your opinion of gift lists and giving
people cash?
• Would you ask your friends for a charity donation as a birthday gift for you?
Why/Why not?
• Have you ever played a gift swapping game? What did you give and receive? Do
you know who your present was from?

Copyrights by ESL Brains

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