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Leadership Theory and Practice 6th

Edition Northouse Test Bank

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Leadership, 6e Test Bank

1. Transformational leadership does not

A) Create a connection between leaders and followers.
B) Increase the motivation and morality of followers.
C) Help followers reach their full potential.
D) Inadequately raise the level of motivation and morality in the leader and their

2. Transformational leadership
A) Helps followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the group.
B) Communicates high expectations.
C) Is a process in which leaders and followers exchange efforts for specified
D) Is an interactive process in which the leader tries to shift power to those who
are being led.

3. According to House, the following is not one of the specific types of behaviors
commonly exhibited by charismatic leaders:
A) Serving as a strong role model.
B) Giving structure to complex tasks.
C) Articulating ideological goals with moral overtones.
D) Arousing emotions.
E) Articulating vision.

4. House notes that charismatic effects are more likely to occur in

A) Contexts in which followers experience few difficulties.
B) Supportive environments.
C) Stressful situations.
D) Sympathetic relationships.

5. Which answer best describes the elements of a model of transformational

A) Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation,
individualized consideration
B) Laissez-faire, contingent reward, management by exception, corrective
C) Supporting, controlling, delegating, directing
D) Forming, storming, norming, performing
E) Motivating, planning, controlling, organizing

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Leadership, 6e Test Bank

6. Kouzes and Posner's five practices that enable leaders to get extraordinary things
accomplished include all of these except
A) Inspire a shared vision.
B) Support contingent reward.
C) Challenge the process.
D) Model the way.
E) Encourage the heart.

7. Management by exception involves

A) Giving individualized attention to employees.
B) Offering payoffs for employees who perform their duties.
C) Negotiating special rules and tasks with employees.
D) Correcting misbehavior by employees.
E) Taking a hands-off approach.

8. Which leadership theory is studied in a variety of disciplines, including nursing,

education, and industrial engineering?
A) Leader-member exchange theory.
B) Path-goal leadership theory.
C) Contingency theory.
D) Transformational leadership theory.
E) Authentic leadership theory.

9. The idealized influence factor is measured on the following components:

A) Attributional and behavioral components
B) Charisma and inspirational components
C) Intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration components
D) Positive self-regard and encouraging the heart components

10. Optimism is a mediating factor in transformational leadership that affects

A) Employee job satisfaction.
B) Employee engagement.
C) Employee liking of the supervisor.
D) Employee self-esteem.
E) Employee morality.

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11. Which of the following scholar(s) presented an alternative transformational

perspective that included vision, social architect, trust, and positive self-regard?
A) Bennis and Nanus
B) Graen and Uhl-Bien
C) MacGregor Burns
D) Kouzes and Posner
E) Zaccaro

12. Of the scholar(s) listed below, who argued that true leadership raises the moral
values of subordinates?
A) Bennis and Nanus
B) Graen and Uhl-Bien
C) MacGregor Burns
D) Kouzes and Posner
E) Zaccaro

13. _______ presented an alternative transformational perspective that included

modeling the way, challenging the process, and encouraging the heart.
A) Bennis and Nanus
B) Graen and Uhl-Bien
C) MacGregor Burns
D) Kouzes and Posner
E) Zaccaro

14. Which factor of transformational leadership supports followers as they try new
approaches and develop innovative ways of dealing with organizational issues?
A) Inspirational motivation
B) Intellectual stimulation
C) Individualized consideration
D) Idealized influence

15. Which of the following is not a factor of transformational leadership?

A) Intellectual stimulation
B) Inspirational motivation
C) Contingent reward
D) Charisma

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16. Which type of leadership is most similar to transformational leadership?

A) Transitional.
B) Laissez-faire.
C) Transactional.
D) Charismatic.

17. Elena is a sales manager who encourages her employees through motivation to be
committed to and a part of the shared vision of the organization. Elena is
demonstrating which factor of transformational leadership?
A) Inspirational
B) Intellectual stimulation
C) Individualized consideration
D) Idealized influence

18. To create change, transformational leaders ______________

A) Focus on the task at hand.
B) Become strong role models for their followers.
C) Value out-group member's opinions.
D) Leave followers to work on their own.

19. Which of the following is not a personality characteristic of charismatic leadership?

A) Agreeable
B) Dominant
C) Strong moral values
D) Desire to influence

20. Which type of leadership gives no feedback and makes little effort to help
followers satisfy their needs?
A) Charismatic
B) Transactional
C) Laissez-faire
D) Democratic

21. Which type of leadership is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and
long-term goals?
A) Authentic leadership
B) Transformational leadership
C) Servant leadership
D) Transactional leadership

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22. What makes it difficult to use the term transformational leadership when
referencing leaders such as Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler?
A) Transformational leadership focuses on the leader's own interests.
B) Hussein and Hitler had no redeeming qualities.
C) Transformational leadership is effective; Hussein and Hitler's leadership styles
were not.
D) Transformational leadership includes transforming, but only in a positive way.

23. Pseudotransformational leadership

A) Aids followers in an exclusively superficial way.
B) Is socialized leadership concerned with the collective good.
C) Focuses on the leader's own interests rather than the interests of others.
D) Is an ineffective form of leadership.

24. Transformational leaders are social architects because they

A) Create shared meanings for people within their organizations.
B) Maintain social relationships with individuals throughout the organization.
C) Develop social strategies and techniques.
D) Are strong affable examples for their followers.

25. What type of leader uses creative deployment of self through positive self-regard,
and emphasizes their strengths rather than dwelling on weaknesses?
A) Servant
B) Transformational
C) Path-goal
D) Transactional

T F 26. Transactional leadership refers to the bulk of leadership models.

T F 27. Ryan White was more of a transactional leader than a transformational leader.

T F 28. Charismatic leadership is often described in ways that make it similar to, if not
synonymous with, transformational leadership.

T F 29. According to Bass, charisma is a necessary but not sufficient condition for
transformational leadership.

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T F 30. Laissez-faire leadership represents the absence of leadership.

T F 31. The emergence of a vision should originate only from the leader, not the followers
within the organization.

T F 32. A strength of the transformational model is the emphasis it places on followers'

needs, values, and morals.

T F 33. A criticism of transformational leadership is that it treats leadership as a

personality trait.

T F 34. Bass and Avolio suggest that transformational leadership cannot be taught since it
results from innate leadership characteristics.

T F 35. Transformational leadership views leaders as social architects.

T F 36. Transactional leadership focuses on the exchanges that occur between leaders and
their followers.

T F 37. Charismatic leadership transforms followers' self-concepts and tries to link the
identity of the followers to the collective identity of the organization.

T F 38. Criticisms of transformational leadership are that it is elitist and antidemocratic,

and it suffers from heroic leadership bias.

T F 39. Pseudotransformational leadership could be described as a form of socialized


40. Explain the relationship between transformational, transactional, and charismatic


41. How can transformational leadership practices affect organizations undergoing


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42. Identify at least five effects that charismatic leadership can have on followers.
Under what conditions are these effects likely to occur? What cautions might you
offer to followers of a charismatic leader?

43. Explain and give examples for the four “I's” of transformational leadership. Must
all four factors be present for someone to be transformational?

44. Compare and contrast the laissez-faire leader discussed in the transformation
approach and the delegating leader discussed in the Situational Leadership Model.

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Answer Key
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. D
14. B
15. C
16. D
17. A
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. B
22. D
23. C
24. A
25. B
26. True
27. False
28. True
29. True
30. True
31. False
32. True
33. True
34. False
35. True
36. True
37. True
38. True
39. False

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40. Transactional leadership involves exchanges between leaders and followers

Transformational leadership may take place alongside transactional leadership,
but focuses instead on elevating the motivation and morality of both the leader and
follower Transformational and charismatic leadership share the characteristics of
strong moral values and strong desire to influence others Charisma alone does not
account for transformational leadership (Here the student could compare the five
behaviors of charismatic leadership with the four factors of transformational
41. Nemanich and Keller (2007) examined the impact of transformational leadership
on 447 employees from a large multinational firm who were going through a
merger and being integrated into a new organization. Research findings:
Transformational leadership behaviors such as idealized influence, inspirational
motivation, individualized consideration, and intellectual stimulation, were
positively related to acquisition acceptance, job satisfaction, and performance. In
major acquisition integration, transformational leadership can have a positive
42. Trust in leader's ideology; Belief similarity between leader and follower;
Unquestioning acceptance; Affection toward leader; Obedience; Identification with
leader; Emotional involvement; Heightened goals ; Increased confidence. Remain
aware of how you are being influenced and in what directions you are being asked
to go
43. Idealized influence: emotional component. Strong role models for followers.
Counted on to do right thing. Inspirational motivation: communicate high
expectations. Inspire through motivation. Intellectual stimulation: stimulate
creativity and innovation to challenge beliefs and values. Individualized
consideration: provide supportive climate and listen closely to followers. All four
factors need not be present.
44. They are similar because both types of leaders are nondirective and not controlling
of subordinates. Both laissez-faire and delegative leaders allow subordinates to
set their own goals and to select their own ways of achieving them. They are
dissimilar because laissez-faire leaders abdicate responsibility, give no feedback,
and make little effort to help followers satisfy their needs, while delegative leaders
make themselves available to subordinates, give feedback when asked, and accept
responsibility for the well-being and goal accomplishments of their subordinates.

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