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Simple present usage

1. To express something, we do every single moment in our life

2. To talk about routine
3. To talk about ourselves
4. To talk about like or dislike
5. To measure count and not count
6. To organize or to place in a space

To cook

Flour 1 pound

Sugar ½ pound

Milk 1 bottle

Eggs 2 eggs

Vanilla extract 2 tea spoon

Butter 2 bars

Item Count Non- count

Milk X
Egg X
Butter X
Flour x
Love X
Hate X
Like X
Work X
Money X
Coins X
Bills X
Job X
Knowledge (conocimiento) X
Furniture (muebles) X
Bread X
Water X
Air x
Count Non-count

How many? how much?

Many much

Few little

A lot a lot

A few a little

Item Count Non- count

Milk X
Egg X
Butter X
Flour x
Love X
Hate X
Like X
Work X
Money X
Coins X
Bills X
Job X
Knowledge (conocimiento) X
Furniture (muebles) X
Bread X
Water X
Air x

Egg eggs

Chair chairs

Pant pants

Tamato tomatoes

Onion onions

Coin coins

Job jobs

Tv tvs
Cellphone cellphones

Bus buses

Teacher teachers

School schools

Table tables

Computer computers

How much time do you spend doing your task I spend 3 hours/ I spend a lot of time / I spend not
that much / I spend a little

How much money do you have to buy a car? I have much money/ I am out of money/ I a little / I
have 3 million

How much do you like to watch series on netfkix? I do not like it/ I like it a lot / I don´t like it a all

How many jobs do you have? 3 jobs

How many hours do you spend studying?

How many times I have talked to Jane for more than three times

How much time

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