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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39 – 50

Recovery performance of partially fractured reservoirs by

capillary imbibition
Fuad H. Qasem 1 , Ibrahim Sami Nashawi 1 , Ridha Gharbi ⁎, Muhammad I. Mir 1
Department of Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, P.O. BOX 5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait
Received 29 March 2005; received in revised form 23 May 2007; accepted 24 May 2007


Capillary imbibition is one of the major recovery mechanisms in naturally fractured reservoirs (NFR) where most of the oil is
stored in tight matrix blocks. Most of the imbibition studies of NFR assume uniform fractures distribution. In reality, most of NFR
are partially fractured with various degrees of fracture intensity. Studies of imbibition phenomena in partially naturally fractured
reservoirs (PNFR) are not yet fully investigated. Therefore, this study examines the effectiveness of capillary imbibition
phenomena for PNFR with varying degree of fracture intensity. Fracture intensity (FI) is defined as the ratio of the fractured portion
of the reservoir to the total reservoir bulk volume. Furthermore, the study also sheds lights on the effect of water injection rate on
the performance of PNFR.
In this investigation, a random distribution of fractures is assumed to simulate irregularity in the fracture network. A dual-
porosity/dual-permeability model is used to simulate the prevailing co-current and counter-current flow imbibition phenomena of
the water–oil displacement process. Results show that the fracture intensity (FI) significantly affects the reservoir performance.
Reservoirs with high-fracture intensity are dominated by counter-current capillary imbibition phenomena. Conversely, reservoirs
with low-fracture intensity are dominated by co-current capillary imbibition phenomena. For reservoirs with intermediate-fracture
intensity, both phenomena play a critical role and the recovery is adversely affected.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Partially naturally fractured reservoir; Fracture intensity; Capillary imbibition; Co-current imbibition; Counter-current imbibition; Water
injection rate

1. Introduction industry. Performance prediction of NFR depends upon

the ability to simulate various inherent driving mechan-
Characterization and forecasting of naturally frac- isms of the reservoir such as water imbibition, gas–oil
tured reservoirs (NFR) are among the current most and water–oil gravity drainage, and molecular diffusion
challenging topics being investigated in the oil and gas and convection. The contrast in capillary pressure be-
tween the matrix and the fractures constitutes the
fundamental difference between recovery performance
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +965 4985217; fax: +965 4849558. of NFR and non-NFR (Aguilera, 1980; Van Golf-Racht,
E-mail addresses: (F.H. Qasem),
1982; Saidi, 1987; Firoozabadi, 2000). (I.S. Nashawi), (R. Gharbi), Displacement of oil by water occurs during primary (M.I. Mir). recovery in the presence of an active water aquifer or
Fax: +965 4849558. during a secondary recovery phase, i.e., water flooding.
0920-4105/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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40 F.H. Qasem et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39–50

Fig. 1. Schematic of the counter-current imbibition phenomenon in fractured reservoir.

If the rock is water-wet, the displacement of oil by water if most of the oil is stored in the matrix and enough
is known as imbibition. The imbibition phenomenon volume of water is supplied to the fractures, then capil-
involves a complex interaction between capillary, gravi- lary imbibition becomes the governing recovery mech-
ty and viscous forces. Imbibition due to capillary forces anism. Capillary imbibition allows the recovery of
is known as spontaneous capillary imbibition or natural matrix oil which cannot be reached by the externally
imbibition (Rose, 2001). Displacement of oil from applied pressure gradients of water flood. Since 1952,
porous medium by an external force which gives rise various experimental, analytical and numerical simula-
to a pressure gradient is known as forced imbibition. tion studies have been reported in the literature regarding
Imbibition can occur in co-current and counter-current imbibition phenomena in fractured porous media. Most
flow modes. Figs. 1 and 2 illustrate the schematics of the of the experimental studies were primarily concerned
counter-current and co-current flow imbibition phenom- with the imbibition aspect of the flow mechanism in the
ena, respectively. matrix compared to the total flow problem in the frac-
In these connections, Brownscombe and Dyes (1952) ture–matrix system (Mattax and Kyte, 1962; Torsaeter,
conducted core flooding experiments on cores from 1984; Babadagli and Ershaghi, 1992; Putra and
Spraberry reservoirs of West Texas. They concluded that Schechter, 1999; Graue et al., 2000; Tang and

Fig. 2. Schematic of the co-current imbibition phenomenon in fractured reservoirs.

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Firoozabadi, 2001; Rangel-German and Kovscek, 2002; using this approach to model two-phase flow in NFR
Karimaie et al., 2006). Karimaie and Torsaeter (in press) (Kim and Deo, 2000; Karimi-Fard and Firoozabadi,
investigated the effects of injection rate, initial water 2001).
saturation and gravity on water injection in slightly Considering all the available numerical modeling
water-wet fractured porous media. On the other hand, techniques for NFR, a limited number of actual field
Yildiz et al. (2006) examined the effects of shape factor, studies related to the imbibition phenomena have been
characteristic length, and boundary conditions on the reported in the literature. Kazemi et al. (1976) presented
spontaneous imbibition phenomenon. a 3-D dual-porosity simulator capable of modeling
The analytical studies of the imbibition phenomena water–oil displacement phenomenon. They showed that
were mainly concentrated on developing matrix–frac- the imbibition process has a major positive role in the
ture transfer functions, scaling formulations, and exten- recovery of fractured reservoirs. They also stated that in
sions of Buckley–Leverett (Buckley and Leverett, 1942) the absence of the imbibition phenomenon, early water
approach to imbibition in NFR (Aronofsky et al., 1958; breakthrough occurs due to channeling of water through
Mattax and Kyte, 1962; Barenblatt, 1964; Bokserman the highly conductive fractures. Menouar and Knapp
et al., 1964; De Swaan, 1978; Kazemi et al., 1992; Cil et (1980) also reported similar results. They further added
al., 1998; Bourbiaux et al., 1999; Civan and Rasmussen, that the lower the water injection rate is, the higher is the
2001; Rangel-German and Kovscek, 2002). Reis (2002) recovery. Putra et al. (1999) presented experimental and
presented analytical models for double- and triple- reservoir simulation studies to determine the optimum
porosity reservoirs for predicting the swept area of water injection rates in the Spraberry Trend NFR. They
water-flood and for oil production rate within a fixed mentioned that as the water injection rate increases, the
pattern behind the waterfront in NFR. On the other hand, contact time between the matrix and the fluid in the
the numerical simulation studies have been very helpful fractures decreases, thereby reducing the effectiveness
in understanding the imbibition mechanism in NFR both of the capillary imbibition. Furthermore, increasing the
at single-block scale and field scale. Three approaches water injection rate beyond the critical injection rate
have been adopted in modeling the fracture–matrix causes high water cut, which results in significantly
system by most of the reported numerical studies. The earlier water breakthrough time. These results confirm
first approach, known as “single-porosity modeling”, those previously attained by Kazemi et al. (1976) and
provides a good accuracy in simulating complex fracture Menouar and Knapp (1980).
network but it requires very large number of grids, huge All the presented field scale studies assume uniform
computer storage space capacity, and long computer fractures distribution over the entire reservoir. However,
running time (Aziz and Settari, 1979; Nakashima et al., in reality the fractures are never uniformly distributed
2001). The second approach, called “dual porosity mo- (Van Golf-Racht, 1982). In this case, the fracture net-
deling”, is widely used in simulating the flow mechanism work does not spread over the entire reservoir volume,
in NFR (Barenblatt, 1964; Du Prey and Codreana, 1975; i.e., only parts of the reservoir are fractured. Such
Kazemi et al., 1976; Bahbahani et al., 2006). The main reservoirs are known as Partially Naturally Fractured
advantage of this approach is that it provides tools to
account for the delay of the pressure response from the
Table 1
matrix. The delay is caused by the fluid resident in the Simulation input data
less permeable matrix blocks. Observed responses of
pressure transient tests and production history in
fractured reservoirs often show evidences of the matrix Number of grids in x-direction 70
Number of grids in y-direction 71
support confirming the validity of the models. The third
Grid size in x-direction, (ft) 5
approach, known as “discrete-fracture network model- Grid size in y-direction, (ft) 5
ing”, is a geometrical simplification of the single- Pay zone thickness, h (ft) 10
porosity approach (Long et al., 1985; Cacas et al., Fracture spacing in x-direction, (ft) 2
1990; Ouenes et al., 1995; Ouenes and Hartley, 2000). It Fracture spacing in y-direction, (ft) 2
Matrix permeability (uniform), km (md) 2
assumes that the spatial statistics associated with the
Fracture permeability (uniform), kf (md) 1000
fracture network can be measured using various for- Matrix porosity (intrinsic), ϕm 0.2
mation evaluation techniques. This model requires Fracture porosity (bulk), ϕf 0.02
extensive computational resources and may not generate Oil viscosity, μo (cp) 1
a realistic number of fractures in all related scales. Scarce Water viscosity, μw (cp) 1
Fracture intensity, FI 0–100%
number of publications are presented in the literature
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42 F.H. Qasem et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39–50

Reservoirs (PNFR). Very few studies on PNFR have any other driving mechanism in PNFR. Many important
been reported in the literature. Von Pattay and Ganzer questions such as what is the role of FI on the recovery
(2001) presented a simulation model for PNFR based performance? How does the water injection rate affect
upon perpendicular bisector grids (PEBI). They pro- the recovery in PNFR? Under what conditions a PNFR
posed that with the help of PEBI grid technology, behaves more like a non-fractured reservoir? These
different areas in the reservoir simulation model can be questions are still unanswered and need to be investi-
treated selectively and assigned fractures, matrix, and gated. Therefore, the objective of this study is to find
matrix–fracture exchange parameters on a cell-by-cell answers to a few of these crucial questions. More spe-
basis. Qasem et al. (2001) applied dual-porosity/dual- cifically, the main goal of this study is to investigate the
permeability model to study the effect of tracer response phenomenon of capillary imbibition and its effects on
in PNFR. They reported that the absence of fractures in the recovery performance of PNFR.
certain grid blocks could be modeled by assigning zero
fracture porosity to those grid blocks. In this case, the 2. Numerical simulation model
permeability of those blocks will be equal to the matrix
permeability. Qasem et al. also defined “Fracture An extensive study performed by Arango et al.
Intensity" (FI) term to describe the ratio of the fractured (2004) on cores from NFR showed that the fractures are
grid blocks to the total number of grid blocks. partially and sometimes completely affected by diage-
To our knowledge, no study has been reported in the netic processes, i.e., secondary mineralization. This cau-
literature that discusses the importance of imbibition or ses irregular distribution and connectivity of the active

Fig. 3. Fracture permeability maps for different values of fracture intensity (black areas represent fractured blocks; white areas represent non-fractured
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F.H. Qasem et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39–50 43

Table 2 medium. Tables 2 and 3 present the simulator input

Matrix relative permeability after Kazemi et al. (1976) matrix and fracture relative permeability data, respec-
Sw krw kro Pc,ow tively. The data of Table 2 are acquired from Kazemi
0.25 0 0.95 4.0 et al. (1976), whereas the data of Table 3 are taken from
0.30 0.015 0.68 2.8 Romm (1966).
0.40 0.06 0.40 1.6 Since the 2-D areal model neglects gravity, only the
0.50 0.095 0.24 0.8
interaction of viscous and capillary forces is considered.
0.60 0.14 0.10 0.3
0.70 0.20 0 0 A convenient comparison of these two forces is through
their ratio. The ratio most commonly used is known as
capillary number defined as the ratio of the viscous force
fractures. The simulation cases conducted in this study to the capillary force (Lake, 1989). Putra et al. (1999)
assumed a random distribution of fractures. A uniform defined capillary number for NFR as the ratio between
random number generator was used to produce random the viscous force parallel to the fracture direction and the
points inside the two-dimensional grid (Press et al., capillary force perpendicular to the fracture direction.
1993). Several images, each with different FI, were They called this number “Fracture Capillary Number"
generated to cover a wide range of FI that varies from 0 (Nfc).
to 100%. An FI value of zero indicates a non-fractured
medium, i.e., none of the grid blocks is fractured, while 9:05  105 qinj lw
Nfc ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2Þ
an FI value of 1 represents a fully fractured medium, i.e., Pc;max km
J ðSwi Þ Am
all the grid blocks are fractured. Table 1 summarizes the /m
simulation input data. Fig. 3 displays 2-D permeability
maps with four different FI values. where Am is the surface area of matrices exposed to
An advanced 2-D black oil simulator, “IMEX”, in fractures. They assumed that the viscous force only
dual-porosity/dual-permeability mode, was used in this occurs in the fractures while the capillary force only
investigation (CMG, 2002). The Gilman and Kazemi occurs in the matrix. This definition of fracture capillary
(1983) formulation for the shape factor calculation was number is implemented in this work.
selected. A detailed sensitivity analysis conducted in
this work on the grid size has shown that a 70 by 71 3. Results and discussion
grids model in the x–y directions yields good results.
Further grid mesh refinement did not significantly 3.1. Cases with low-water injection rate
enhance the accuracy of the results. For all simulation
runs, the x- and y-permeability values were assumed The effect of the fracture intensity on the reservoir
equal in each grid-block. Fracturing rarely increases the performance is shown in Fig. 4, which illustrates the
porosity significantly but it may dramatically increase saturation maps at breakthrough. The left column of
the permeability to several Darcies. The fracture the figure illustrates the saturation distribution inside the
permeability was maintained constant at 1000 md and fracture, whereas the right column corresponds to the
the total porosity of each grid block was assumed matrix. These saturation maps are generated for the case
constant. The relationship between the total porosity of fracture capillary number Nfc ranging from 10− 10 to
(ϕt), fracture porosity (ϕf), and matrix porosity (ϕm) is 10− 9. The case corresponding to FI of 10% represents a
defined as (Qasem et al., 2001): discontinuous fracture network, resulting in a matrix-
dominated flow. This case represents a co-current im-
/t ¼ /f þ ð1  /f Þ/m : ð1Þ bibition process typical of conventional, non-fractured
reservoirs. In this case, the counter-current imbibition
The derivation of Eq. (1) is given in Appendix A. phenomenon does not play a significant role in the
Two-phase, oil and water, flow was performed in each recovery process.
of the simulated models. An injection well was placed
horizontally along one side of the reservoir, while a
Table 3
production well was placed horizontally along the Fracture relative permeability after Romm (1966)
opposite side. Water is continuously injected across the
Sw krw kro Pc,ow
entire inlet end through the 70 grid blocks. Production,
constrained by constant outlet pressure, occurred 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
through the 70 grid blocks at the outlet end of the porous
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44 F.H. Qasem et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39–50

Fig. 4. Saturation maps at breakthrough, low-water injection rate case.

For the case of FI value of 40%, the water saturation increase in counter-current forces with respect to the co-
map shows increased number of water-filled fractures current forces. In this case, more surface area of the matrix
resulting in slightly increased counter-current phenome- is exposed to the flow, which enhances the counter-current
non. However, the continuity of fracture network from the imbibition process. The branching of the fracture network
injector to the producer is yet to allow a dominance of flow has increased areally leading to a better flood performance
through the fractures. Therefore, this process represents an than the previous case with FI of 10%.
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F.H. Qasem et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39–50 45

For reservoirs having fracture intensity around 60%, a

continuous fracture channel is formed from the injector
to the producer. In this case, the fracture network
provides minimum number of continuous channels for
the water to pass through preferentially and break
through in short time. Consequently, a small reservoir
volume is swept and therefore a low recovery is achieved
at breakthrough. Under these conditions, a combination
of counter-current and co-current processes is involved.
In other words, the oil recovery is affected by both a
counter-current flow from the matrix to the fractures in
one hand, and a co-current flow in the matrix and a high
velocity flow in the fractures, on the other hand.
For highly fractured reservoirs (FI ≈ 90%), the large
number of continuous fractures has caused a uniform
Fig. 6. Water–oil-ratio history.
counter-current imbibition process resulting in delayed
breakthrough and better areal sweep efficiency. There-
fore, a combination of low-water injection rate and wider form a continuous fracture network from the injector to
distribution of continuous fractures is highly responsible the producer.
for better oil recovery by counter-current capillary im- Fig. 6 shows the effect of fracture intensity on the
bibition phenomenon. The low-water injection rate history of WOR. Two observations can be made for the
allows more residency time for the water to be in contact water breakthrough time and the rate of increase of WOR
with the matrix, resulting in more fluid exchange after breakthrough. First, except for FI around 60%, the
between the matrix and the fractures. increase of fracture intensity delays the breakthrough
To further capture the process, the histories of the time. As FI increases, more water volume is required to fill
oil recovery and the produced water–oil-ratio (WOR) as the fractures and contribute to increased counter-current
function of fracture intensity are displayed in Figs. 5 imbibition phenomenon. Therefore, for a fixed flow rate,
and 6, respectively. Fig. 5 shows that a gradual increase it will take more time for the injected water to appear in the
in recovery can be noticed with an increase in fracture producing well for higher values of fracture intensity. The
intensity except for the case of 60%. An increase in FI case of FI around 60% shows different behavior. The
corresponds to an increase in surface area (Am) exposed water in this case breaks through much earlier compared
to matrix–fracture fluid transfer. The higher is the value to the other cases of low and high FI. The reason for
of Am, the more is the counter-current imbibition. The this was mentioned in the discussion of Fig. 5.
low recovery achieved in the case of FI around 60% is The second observation from Fig. 6 is that there is a
due to the existence of minimum number of fractures to sharp increase in WOR after breakthrough for all the cases

Fig. 5. Recovery performance at low-water injection rate. Fig. 7. Recovery performance as a function of fracture intensity.
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46 F.H. Qasem et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39–50

except for FI around 60%. This particular case (FI = 60%) network. As the time progresses after breakthrough,
shows a gradual increase in WOR. The existence of mi- capillary imbibition allows the injected water to access
nimum number of fractures to form a continuous path from the unswept area through the matrix blocks. This process is
the injector to the producer has resulted in a large unswept slow due to the low matrix permeability resulting in
area of the reservoir away from the continuous fracture a gradual increase in WOR as illustrated in the figure.

Fig. 8. Saturation maps at breakthrough, high-water injection rate case.

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Fig. 9. Recovery performance at high-water injection rate. Fig. 11. Oil recovery as a function of fracture intensity for high-water
injection rate.

Fig. 7 displays the recovery as a function of fracture maps for FI values between 10% and 50% are not
intensity at different times. As shown in the figure, there included due to unreasonably high pressure build up
is a slight increase in the recovery as FI increases, except encountered in these cases. The high pressure buildup is
for cases around 60%. Fracture intensities around this attributed to high-water injection rate in low-matrix
value are detrimental to the oil recovery. This detrimen- permeability blocks.
tal effect decreases as the pore volume injected Comparing Fig. 8 to Fig. 4 which illustrated the
increases. For low-water injection rates, the gradual effects of low-water injection rates, reveals that for the
increase of WOR after breakthrough is a good indication case of high-water injection rates, the matrix blocks
that the reservoir is partially fractured with fracture exhibit less water saturation regardless of the fracture
intensity around 60%. intensity. This behavior for high-water injection rates
indicates lower counter-current flow imbibition process
3.2. Cases with high-water injection rate due to low residency time of the water in the fractures.
Figs. 9 and 10 illustrate the histories of the oil recovery
The effect of the fracture intensity FI on reservoir and the produced water–oil-ratio (WOR) as function of
performance for high-water injection rates which fracture intensity, respectively. Fig. 9 shows an increase
correspond to fracture capillary number greater than in oil recovery with the increase in fracture intensity. For
10− 7 (Nfc N 10− 7), is illustrated in Fig. 8. This figure high-water injection rate cases, the shapes of the oil
displays the saturation maps at breakthrough. Saturation

Fig. 12. Recovery at breakthrough as a function of fracture capillary

Fig. 10. Water–oil-ratio history at high-water injection rate. number.
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48 F.H. Qasem et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39–50

recovery curves are similar for all fracture intensities. both phenomena played a critical role and the reco-
However, this behavior is different than that of low- very was adversely affected.
water injection rate cases as it was illustrated in Fig. 5. 4. Reservoirs with low-water injection rate are charac-
The high-water injection rates exhibit less counter- terized by a dominance of counter-current capillary
current flow imbibition process, which leads to lower oil imbibition, delayed water breakthrough, better areal
recovery at the same pore volumes injected than that of sweep efficiency, and therefore better oil recovery.
the case with low-water injection rates. Furthermore, the 5. For low-water injection rate, WOR increases sharply
breakthrough time for high-water injection rates after breakthrough except at intermediate fracture inten-
increases with the fracture intensity as demonstrated in sity. The gradual increase of WOR after breakthrough is
Fig. 10. The timing of the breakthrough is less than that a good indication that the reservoir is partially fractured
of the cases with low-water injection rate (Fig. 6). with fracture intensity on the order of 60%.
Besides, there is no sharp increase in WOR in Fig. 10 as 6. Reservoirs with high-water injection rate are domi-
compared to Fig. 6. nated by co-current capillary imbibition phenomena,
Fig. 11 displays the oil recovery as a function of earlier water breakthrough, poor areal sweep effi-
fracture intensity at different times. As shown, there is ciency, and lower oil recovery.
an increase in the oil recovery as the fracture intensity 7. For high-water injection rates, WOR increases
increases. One major observation can be stated when gradually after water breakthrough for all values of
comparing this figure to that of low-water injection rates fracture intensity.
(Fig. 7). The difference in the fractional oil recovery at
various pore volumes injected is smaller in the cases of Although the reservoirs considered in this work were
low-water injection rate. The reason for this behavior is two-dimensional, the main purpose of this investiga-
that the injected fluid for low injection rates has more tion was to illustrate the interplay among viscous and
residency time when compared to high injection rates; capillary forces and their effect on the performance
therefore, the effect of counter-current flow imbibition behavior of immiscible displacement in partially natu-
process is more pronounced in these cases. rally fractured reservoirs. This study presents a foun-
Another way to interpret these results is through dation to include other important phenomena such as
Fig. 12. This figure displays oil recovery at breakthrough gravity drainage.
versus fracture capillary number (Nfc) for selected values
of fracture intensity. It can be deduced from the figure Nomenclature
that the oil recovery at breakthrough decreases with an Am surface area of matrix exposed to fracture, ft2
increase in fracture capillary number. The increase in FI fracture intensity
fracture capillary number is caused by an increase in h pay zone thickness, ft
viscous force or a decrease in capillary force. IOIP initial oil in place, STB
J J-function
4. Conclusions km matrix permeability, md
kro relative permeability to oil
The main purpose of this work was to illustrate the krw relative permeability to water
interplay among viscous and capillary forces and their Nfc fracture capillary number
effects on the performance behavior of immiscible NFR naturally fractured reservoir
displacements in partially naturally fractured reservoirs. Pc,max maximum capillary pressure, psi
Results from comprehensive numerical sensitivity anal- Pc,ow capillary pressure for oil–water, psi
ysis are presented. Based on observations withdrawn PEBI perpendicular bisector
from this study several conclusions can be made. PNFR partially naturally fractured reservoir
PV pore volume
1. Fracture intensity and injection rates significantly qinj injection rate, STB/Day
affect the oil recovery performance of PNFR. Sw water saturation
2. Reservoirs with high-fracture intensity are dominated Swc connate water saturation
by the counter-current capillary imbibition phenome- Swf water saturation in fractures
non, whereas reservoirs with low-fracture intensity are Swi irreducible water saturation
dominated by the co-current imbibition phenomenon. Swm water saturation in matrix
3. Oil recovery increases with fracture intensity except VB total system bulk volume, ft3
at intermediate values on the order of 60%, at which Vm matrix volume, ft3
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F.H. Qasem et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39–50 49

VPf fracture pore volume, ft3 Substituting Eq. (A-2) into Eq. (A-1) yields:
VPm matrix pore volume, ft3
VPt total system pore volume, ft3 VPf þ VPm :
/t ¼ ðA  3Þ
WOR water oil ratio VB
For dual porosity system, the fracture porosity ϕf is
Greek symbols defined as the ratio of the void space in the fractured
μo oil viscosity, cp system Vpf with respect to the bulk reservoir rock
μw water viscosity, cp volume VB:
ϕt total porosity
ϕf fracture porosity VPf
/f ¼ ðA  4Þ
ϕm matrix porosity VB

Subscripts whereas, the matrix porosity ϕm is the ratio of void

B bulk space in a piece of unfractured matrix examined
c capillary independent of any fracture:
f fracture VPm :
/m ¼ ðA  5Þ
fc fracture capillary VB  VPf
inj injected
m matrix Thus, the pore matrix volume VPm is determined from
o oil Eq. (A-5) as:
ow oil–water VPm ¼ ðVB  VPf Þ/m ðA  6Þ
P pore
ro relative oil Substituting Eq. (A-6) into Eq. (A-3) yields:
rw relative water  
t total VPf VB  VPf
/t ¼ þ /m ðA  7Þ
w water VB VB
wc connate water Using Eq. (A-4), Eq. (A-7) can be written as:
wf water in fracture
wi irreducible water /t ¼ /f þ ð1  /f Þ/m ðA  8Þ
wm water in matrix
Eq. (A-8) is none other than Eq. (1) in the main text.
The authors express their appreciation to Kuwait Aguilera, R., 1980. Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. Pennwell Corp.,
University Research Administration for financially sup- Tulsa, Ok., U.S.A.
porting this work through a university research grant Arango, S., Idrobo, E.A., Perez, H.H., 2004. A new methodology to
(EP01/02). estimate fracture intensity index for naturally fractured reservoirs.
SPE 86935. Int. Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symp, Western
Reg. Meet, Bakersfield, CA.
Appendix A Aronofsky, J.S., Masse, L., Natanson, S.G., 1958. A model for the
mechanism of oil recovery from the porous matrix due to water
The total system porosity ϕt is defined as the ratio of invasion in fractured reservoirs. Trans., AIME 213, 17–19.
the total system pore volume VPt to the total system bulk Aziz, K., Settari, A., 1979. Petroleum Reservoir Simulation. Elsevier
volume VB: Applied Science Pub., London, UK.
Babadagli, T., Ershaghi, I., 1992. Imbibition assisted two-phase flow in
natural fractures. SPE 24044. Western Reg. Meet, Bakersfield, CA.
VPt : Bahbahani, H., Donato, G.D., Blunt, M.J., 2006. Simulation of
/t ¼ ðA  1Þ counter-current imbibition in water-wet fractured reservoirs. J. Pet.
Sci. Eng. 50, 21–39 (Jan.).
The total pore volume VPt of fractured system is the Barenblatt, G.I., 1964. On the Motion of a Gas–Liquid Mixture in a
Porous Fissured Medium. Mekhanica I Mashinostroismic Izvestial
sum of the fracture pore volume VPf and the matrix pore Akademii Nauk, USSR, pp. 47–50.
volume VPm: Bokserman, A.A., Zheltov, Y.P., Kocheshkov, A.A., 1964. Motion of
immiscible liquids in a cracked porous medium. Sov. Phys. Dokl.
VPt ¼ VPf þ VPm ðA  2Þ 9, 285–287.
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50 F.H. Qasem et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60 (2008) 39–50

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