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ENDOCRINOLOGY REVISION 1 ----- Active space -----

Classification of hormones 00:05:10

On the basis of structure :

1. Amino acid (AA) derivatives
Tyrosine derivatives Tryptophan derivatives
• T3, T4 . • Serotonin : Produced by
• Catecholamines : Enterochromaffin (EC) cells
Adrenaline (80%), Noradrenaline (Main source) and Raphe nuclei
(20%) and Dopamine. in brainstem.
Produced from adrenal medulla. • Melatonin : From Pineal gland.

2. Peptide hormones
Small peptide Large peptide Glycoproteins
hormones (<50 AA) hormones (>50 AA) (Protein > carbohydrate)
• Posterior pituitary • GH (191 AA) • FSH
hormones • Prolactin (199 AA) • LH
• Hypothalamic • Insulin • TSH
hormones • PTH (Share same α subunit).
• ACTH • Renin

3. Vitamin derivatives
Vitamin A Vitamin D
4. Steroid hormones
Adrenal cortex hormones Sex steroids
• Aldosterone : Zona glomerulosa • Testosterone.
(15% of cortex) • Estrogen.
• Cortisol : Zona fasciculata • Progesterone.
• Adrenal androgens : Zona re-
Note : Most abundant androgen is
DHEAS > Androstenedione.

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----- Active space -----

On the basis of mechanism of action :

Group Receptor Property Examples

Intracellular receptor : • Signals mediated Type 1 hormones :
1. Type 1 : Cytoplasmic by : Receptor- • Adrenal cortical
receptor hormone complex. hormones.
(Homodimeric • Effector action : • Sex steroids.
receptor). Gene transcription.
2. Type 2 : Nuclear Type 2 hormones : Vit
receptor A, vit D and thyroid
Group 1
(Heterodimeric hormones.

SF 1, DAX 1
(Gonadotroph cells)
Orphan receptors activation without a
and HNF4α (MODY
type 1)
Cell membrane • Signal mediated
receptors : by : 2nd messen-
1. G Protein Coupled ger.
Receptor. • Effector
Group 2. Tyrosine Kinase action : Protein
2 Receptor. translocation/
3. Cytokine receptors protein channels.
(Janus kinase).
4. Serine threonine
kinase receptors.

Group 2 hormones receptors :

1. G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) : 2nd messenger
cGMP (Gt) IP3/DAG (Gq) cAMP (Gs or Gi)
Action Vasodilation Vasoconstriction Vasoconstriction
Activates Ca2+
cAMP PKA pathway
Transducin Calmodulin
Pathway → protein
mediated pathway & Protein
Kinase C

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cGMP IP3/DAG cAMP ----- Active space -----

Anterior pituitary
Posterior pituitary
V1 & V3 receptor,
V2 receptor
Hormones NO, ANF GIT
Secretin, glucagon
CCK and gastrin and somatostatin,
PTH and calcitonin.
α1 receptors α2 and β
Ach receptors. (CAMP (Gi) : α2 and
2. Tyrosine kinase receptor (Intracellular dimerization) : Insulin, all growth
factors (Except TGF β).
3. Janus kinase receptor : Growth hormone, prolactin and EPO.
4. Serine threonine kinase receptor : Inhibin, activin, BMP 7, TGF β.

Pituitary gland 00:24:32

Development :
Development of anterior and posterior pituitary is independent of each other.
Pituitary dysplasia : M/C cause for congenital hypopituitarism (Only related to
anterior pituitary).
Anterior pituitary Oral ectodermal derivative (Rathke’s pouch).
Posterior pituitary and stalk Neuroectodermal derivative.

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----- Active space -----

Hormones produced by anterior pituitary :
Lateral portion Central portion
Hormone produced GH, PRL ACTH, TSH
Somatotrophs (Most abun- Thyrotrophs (Least abundant
Types of cells
dant cell), Mamotrophs cell), Corticotrophs
Vascular insult (Eg : Growth or mass (lymphocytic
Affected by
Sheehan syndrome) hypophysitis)
Size Major portion Minor portion
Note :
20% of thyroid hormone synthesis is independent of TSH.
Entire gland produces FSH and LH (Gonadotrophs).
Somatotrophs and Mammotrophs are acidophilic cells. Rest are basophilic cells.

Corticotrope Somatotrope Lactotrope Gonadotrope

specific Prop-1, Prop-1,
T-pit Prop-1, Pit-1 5F1, DAX-1
transcription Pit-1 Pit-1, TEF
• MSH.
• β Lipotro-
pins (Most
derivative :
Polypep- Polypep- protein
Protein Polypeptides tein : α, β
tides tides : α, β
POMC : Pro-opiomelanocortin.

Note :
• Prop-1 (M/C cause) > pit-1 : Mutation leads to congenital hypopituitarism..
• GATA-3 : Responsible for transcription of SF-1 and DAX-1.
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• First cell to appear : Corticotroph. ----- Active space -----

• Last cell to appear : Lactotroph/Mammotroph.
• 4 hormones of happiness → DOSE :
a. Dopamine : Pleasure hormone.
b. Oxytocin : ↑sed by touch.
c. Serotonin : Regulates the Mood.
d. Endorphins : Pain killer.

Relation of hypothalamus to pituitary gland :

Anterior pituitary Posterior pituitary
Known as Neurohypophyseal system.
portal system.
Type Blood connection Axonal connection
Superior hypophyseal Inferior hypophyseal artery (Mets
Blood supply
artery from breast Ca → Central DI).

Note : Metastasis (M/c Breast Ca) is carried straight to the posterior pituitary
through the Inferior Hypophyseal Artery → Diabetes Insipidus.

Stalk effect :
On T1 weighted sagittal MRI :
• Anterior pituitary : Iso-dense.
• Posterior pituitary : Hyper-dense.

Tumor displacing

T1 weighted MRI

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----- Active space ----- Pituitary Tumor

Hormonal effect Stalk effect Mass effect

Functional tumors : • ↑ ICT symptoms.

• ↑PRL : Prolactinoma (M/c and • Optic chiasma compression
microadenoma). → Heteronymous/
• ↑ GH : GH secreting tumor Bitemporal hemianopia.
(Macroadenoma). • Cavernous sinus thrombosis.
• ↑ACTH : ACTH secreting adenoma • VIth nerve palsy.
(Microadenoma). • Temporal lobe compression.

Disruption of the stalk → loss

of hypothalamic connection →
Leads to :
1. Hypopituitarism.
2. hyperprolactinemia : d/t
loss of inhibition of PRL.
3. Central DI : d/t disruption
of posterior pituitary.

Prolactinoma 00:45:34

Prolactin :
PRL levels
(microg/L or Conditions
< 25 (At fasting) Normal value
Physiologically seen in REM sleep, stress, pregnancy, chest
wall stimulation.
• Drugs → Dopamine antagonists :
a. Typical antipsychotics, Risperidone, TCA, SSRI.
40-100 b. Metoclopramide.
• VIP and oxytocin, Estrogen, 1o hyperthyroidism.
• Systemic conditions : CKD, CLD, PCOS.

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PRL levels Conditions ----- Active space -----

(microg/L or
Tumor suspected, size corresponds to PRL level.
Circulating macroprolactin (Inactive form) → No symptoms or
> 100 tumor but ↑ PRL.
Hook effect : Normal PRL levels with symptoms and tumor →
Repeat the test in serial dilution.
> 200 Definite diagnosis of tumor.

Presentation :
M/C age of presentation : >25-30 yrs
If +ve in <20 yrs → Genetic cause :
3. MEN 1 syndrome (10 - 15%).
4. Carney’s complex.
5. McCune Albright syndrome.

Microadenoma Macroadenoma
Size <1 cm >1 cm
Incidence More common Less common
F:M 20 : 1 1:1
Presenta- In females :
tion Galactorrhea-amenorrhea complex (Hormonal effect) :
↑ PRL → ↓Hypothalamopituitarygonadal axis → Hypogonadism :
1. 20 amenorrhea.
2. Infertility.
3. Hot flushes.
Osteoporosis : Spine M/c.
Insulin resistance.

In males :
• Loss of libido
• Erectile dysfunction
• Non specific symptoms.
Present late → Giant adenoma (>4 cm) with stalk and mass

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----- Active space -----

Investigations :
Screening test : Fasting PRL.
IOC : Gadolinium enhanced MRI (Microadenoma does not take up the contrast
→ Hypodense, normal gland surrounding tumor → Hyperdense).

Treatment :
Medical management :
Indications :
1. All macroadenoma.
2. Symptomatic microadenoma.
3. Compression symptoms/enlarging microadenoma.
4. Hypopituitarism.
Asymptomatic accidentally detected microadenoma → Followed up with MRI
after 3-6 months.

Drugs → Dopaminergic agonist :

• Cabergoline (DOC) :
a. Long T1/2 and ↓ side effects.
b. Dose : 0.25 mg, 2/weekly.
• Bromocriptine (Pregnancy).
Medical Rx given irrespective of size of tumor

Follow up after 1 month → PRL levels.

↓↓ PRL ↑↑ PRL ↑↑ PRL with S/E of

↓ ↓ drugs present
Continue Rx for ↑se dose to 2 mg /week. ↓
2 years. (S/E : TR and ILD). Dopamine agonists
resistance (20%)
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Surgical management : ----- Active space -----

Transspehnoidal tumor resection/hypophysectomy.
Indications :
1. Dopamine agonist resistance.
2. Pituitary apoplexy.
3. Pregnancy.
4. Persistent compression symptoms.

Growth hormone 01:02:27

T1/2 : 5-20 min, pulsatile → Levels cannot be checked directly.

Mode of action :
• Directly.
• Indirectly : Via Somatomedin-C/IGF-1 (Produced in liver) → Peripheral
↑ production in stage 2,3 and 4 NREM sleep.
Stimulators : Hypoglycemia (Most important), Ghrelin, GHRH.
Inhibitors : Somatostatin, obesity, hypocaloric state/malnutrition (GH resistance).
Measurement : Measured through IGF + IGFBP-3 (Insulin like growth factor
binding protein-3).
Actions :
Bone, epiphyseal growth +++ +++
Anabolic effect on protein +++ +++
Effect on carbohydrates Diabetogenic Anti-diabetogenic
Effect on fats Lipolysis Anti-lipolytic
Salt and water retention + -
Actions of GH independent of IGF 1 :
B : Bone growth.
E : Epiphyseal growth.
A : Adipose tissue : Lipolysis.
M : Muscle protein synthesis.
S : Salt and water retention.

Acromegaly 01:10:13

Causes :
Growth Hormone secreting adenoma (Accounts for 98% of acromegaly cases).
GH secreting ectopic tumor : Pancreatic islet cell tumor.
GHRH secreting hypothalamic tumor : Hypothalamic hamartoma.
GHRH producing ectopic tumor : Bronchial carcinoid.

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----- Active space -----

Salient features :
Generally macroadenomas.
Males > females.
Age > 40 years.
If +ve in < 20 yrs → Genetic cause :
1. MEN 1 syndrome.
2. Carney’s complex Acral enlargement
3. McCune Albright syndrome
20 % tumors associated with → ↑ PRL.
Clinical features :
Acral enlargement : Enlargement of peripheral parts.
All organs enlarge except brain.
Coarse facies :
• ↑ Thickening of lips, tongue, face. Frontal bossing
• Frontal bossing.
• Prominent supraorbital ridges.
Enlarged soft tissue growth.
Features of McCune Albright syndrome :
• Cafe-au lait spots.
• Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia → Asymmetric face.
• Precocious puberty.
• Tumors.
McCune Albright syndrome
Complications :
Structure/system Complication
Nerve Entrapment neuropathy.
Muscle Myopathies
Hypercalcemia (↑ 1α hydroxylase).
Metabolic Hypercalciuria
Diabetes (Uncontrolled, short duration).
Ophthalmic Angle closure glaucoma
Respiratory system OSAS, PAH.
M/C cause of death.
Asymmetrical LVH → HF with prEF.
↑ incidence of CAD.
Thyroid Goiter (IGF 1)
GIT Non-malignant colonic polyps
Renal Salt and water retention, renal stones (↑Ca2+)
Menstrual abnormality Oligomenorrhoea

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Work-up : ----- Active space -----

Screening test : IGF-1 levels.
Confirmatory test : Glucose induced GH suppression test → 75 g of oral glucose
→ GH levels checked after 1 hr
• <1 ng/mL : Normal.
• >1 ng/mL : Confirmatory.
• >40 ng/mL : Poor prognosis.
IOC : Gadolinium enhanced MRI → Macroadenoma shows heterogenous

Management :
Surgical management :
TOC : Transsphenoidal Surgery
Immediate post-op GH :
• Undetectable : Good prognosis.
• Detectable → ↑ chances of relapse → Medical therapy started and
imaging repeated after 12 weeks.
Medical management (2nd line) :
• Somatostatin Receptor Ligands (SSRL) :
a. Octreotide
b. Lanreotide
c. Pasireotide
• Bromocriptine/Cabergoline.
• Pegvisomant : GH receptor antagonist.

On relapse : 2nd Sx done, curated as much as possible.

If pt unfit for Sx : Gamma knife stereotactic RT.

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Acquired Hypopituitarism 00:00:18

Stalk effect :
Triad : Hypopituitarism + Central diabetes insipidus + Hyperprolactinemia.

Causes : Functional → Macroadenoma (GH secreting)

• Tumors :
Non functional → Rathke cleft cyst, craniopharyngioma.
• Trauma related/Surgery related.
• Infection : HIV, histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis.
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
• Infiltration : Sarcoidosis

Pituitary hormones :
Hormone Effects of decreased hormones
• Asthenia, weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite.
• Repeated episodes of hypoglycaemia/hypotension.
• Euvolemic hyponatremia.
Note : Hypovolemic hyponatremia seen in aldosterone insufficiency.
• Cold intolerance, constipation, bradycardia.
TSH Note : 20 % thyroid hormone synthesis independent of TSH. (Frank
hypothyroidism features → Usually not present).
GH Centripetal obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, endothelial dysfunction
PRL Involved only in lactating mothers.
Hypogonadism features : Muscle wasting, dispropotionate
• Male : Loss of libido.
• Female : Irregular cycles, hot flushes, secondary amennorhoea.
Note :
Eosinophils inversely ∝ Cortisol rhythm.
• Cushing syndrome : Eosionopenia.
• ACTH insufficiency : Hypereosinophilia.

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Aldosterone insufficiency features not seen with ACTH deficiency. ----- Active space -----
• Aldosterone (Mineralocorticoid) secretion → Controlled by RAAS axis.
• Aldosterone insufficiency features : Salt wasting, postural hypotension,
dehydration and hyperkalemia, hyponatremia (Hypovolemic).

Hormone measurement :
• FSH, LH, TSH, PRL : Direct measurement available.
• GH :
a. IGF -1
b. Growth hormone provoctive test : L-Dopa, glucagon (Preferred),
arginine, clonidine.
Note : Insulin tolerance test (Gold standard) : 0.1 U/kg iv → Induce hypoglycemia
and detect the level of GH, ACTH in response to it.

Pituitary Apoplexy : 00:10:06

Acute intrapituitary hemorrhage.

Etiology :
• Tumor (Adenoma).
• Necrosis (Sheehan syndrome).
• Normal gland (Risk factors : Diabetes mellitus, HTN,
sickle cell anemia).
Presentation :
• Headache ± Meningeal signs ± Ophthalmoplegia.
• Severe hypotension and severe hypoglycaemia.

Management :
Pulsatile methylprednisolone 500 mg, followed by decompression surgery.

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----- Active space ----- Sheehan syndrome vs Lymphocytic Hypophysitis : 00:15:15

Sheehan syndrome Lymphocytic hypophisitis

Post partum pituitary
Post partum inflammatory
ischemic necrosis.
Etiology mass : IgG4 containing
Lateral zone affected >
lymphoplasmacytic cells.
Central zone.
• Hypogonadism • Stalk effect
• ACTH failure. • mass effect.
• ADH (N) • ADH
Hormone • Prolactin, GH • Prolactin
profile • ACTH, TSH
• Can present immediately after • Pituitary enlargement.
delivery : Lactational failure. • Headache.
• 3-6 months post delivery : • Visual disturbance.
1. H/o post partum hemorrhage • Hypopituitarism.
with hypotension, shock and DIC → • Hyperprolactinemia.
Needing blood transfusions/fluid • Associated autoimmune
management. disease.
2. Menstrual irregularity, 2o • Diabetes insipidus.
amenorrhoea, breast atrophy,
decreased libido, genital and
axillary hair loss.
3. Diabetes insipidus.
4. At least 1 anterior pituitary
hormone deficiency.
5. Empty/severely damaged sella
Rx Complete hormone replacement. Responds to steroids.


Necrosed gland Inflammatory mass

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Empty sella : 00:17:12 ----- Active space -----

Primary Empty sella Secondary empty sella

Tear in the dura : CSF sweeps • Part of necrosis/tumor.
across to collect in the sella. • Sella empty.
Benign intracranial HTN
Seen in Sheehan syndrome
(Increased ICT)
Hypopituitarism Absent Present
Anti Diuretic Hormone 00:19:44

Stimuli for ADH release :

Osmotic stimuli (Major) Non osmotic stimuli (Minor)

Osmolality → ADH + Thirst Effective circulating
stimulation volume → ADH.
S. Osmolality = 2 x S. Na+ + (Blood glucose/18) + (BUN/2.8)

Note : ADH doesn’t cause hypernatremia as there is a compensatory in thirst.

Exceptions : Head injury & Intubated patients.
Action of ADH on vasopressin receptors :
Receptors Site & action
• Blood : Vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation.
v 1 receptors :
• Glycogenolysis.
(IP3 DAG pathway).
• Heart : Myocardial thickening.
V2 receptors : • Endothelium : vWF release.
(cAMP protein kinase A pathway). • Cortical collecting duct : Free H2o absorption.
v3 receptors :
• Pituitary : ACTH release.
(IP3 DAG pathway).
ADH binds to basolateral
Note :
AQP3, AQP4 are expressed on
(V2 receptor)
the basolateral membrane.

Activates cAMP protein kinase A


Aquaporin (AQP2) expression

on luminal membrane

Free H2O reabsorption

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----- Active space ----- Hyponatremia : 00:25:58

Disorder of H2O metabolism.

Psychogenic polydipsia : Intake of >15-20 L H2O/day.
Solute reabsorption at DCT, thick ascending limb
Causes :
(Furosemide < Thiazide diuretics).
Excess ADH release.
Severity of hyponatremia :
• Very severe : S. Na+ → <100 mEq/L → ICT symptoms.
• Severe : S. Na+ → 100-119 mEq/L → CNS symptoms other than
increase in ICT such as ataxia, confusion.
• Moderate : S. Na+ → 120-129 mEq/L → GI symptoms, lethargy.
• Mild : S. Na+ → 130-134 mEq/L → GI symptoms.
Pseudohyponatremia : Normal to osmolality with low Na+.
• Translocational causes : Glucose, mannitol, glycine, maltose (effective
• Paraproteinemia.
• Hypertriglyceridemia.

Approach to hyponatremia :
1. Rule out pseudohyponatremia (Normal to osmolality).
2. Evaluate true hyponatremia ( osmolality).
i. Rule out psychogenic polydipsia and diuretic overuse based on clinical history.
ii. Evaluate causes of excess ADH :
Excess ADH (Anti diuretic hormone)
Appropriate Inappropriate
Hypovolemic Hypervolemic Euvolemic
hyponatremia hyponatremia hyponatremia
Low ECF Volume. Low effective SIADH.
Hypovolemic : volume : Note : ADH is usually
(Volume lost via) : • CCF. released when
• GIT. • Cirrhosis. tonicity is and
• Kidney. Excess Volume seen → volume is low.
• 3 space loss. outside the cell.

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SIADH (Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH) : ----- Active space -----

Causes :
• Trauma.
• Drugs → Vincristine, NSAIDs, oxytocin, TCA, SSRI, 5 C’s : Chlorpromazine,
Cyclophosphamide, Carbamazepine, Clofibrate, Chlorpropamide.
• Paraneoplastic syndrome (Small cell Lung ca, duodenal tumor, thymus
• Acute intermittent porphyria.
• Necrotizing pneumonia.
• Meningoencephalitis.
Clinical criteria for diagnosis :
• Euvolemic.
• Low serum osmolality. Urine
• Urine osmolality.
• Urine Na > 20mEq/L.
Absence of thyroid illness (Hypothyroidism), pituitary problem, adrenal
problem (Hypocortisolism), liver/renal disease.

Cerebral Salt wasting syndrome vs SIADH :

Cerebral salt wasting syndrome SIADH
Hypovolemia Euvolemia
Loss of adrenergic tone →
Mainly d/t trauma, drug induced
Suppressed RAAS
Urine Na
Natriuresis : Present
S. Uric acid : S. Uric acid : (<2 mg/dl)
S. K+ : S. K+ : N or

Diabetes Insipidus : 00:42:23

Name changed to :
• AVP-d : Arginine Vasopressin deficiency (Central DI).
• AVP-r : Arginine Vasopressin resistance (Nephrogenic DI).

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----- Active space ----- Polyuria :

> 3L urine/24 hours (Or) >40 ml urine/kg/24 hours.
Water diuresis. Solute diuresis.
Causes :
• Diabetic Patients
Passing > 7 L urine/24 hrs.
• Mannitol therapy.
• Diuretic.
• Post obstruction : Relieve obstruction.
Urine osmolality : Urine osmolality :
<300 mOsmol/kg. > 600 mOsmol/kg.

Note : Urine osmolality → 300-600 mOsmol/kg (Can be both water

diuresis/solute diuresis).
Urine dipstick : Negative. Urine dipstick : Positive.
Nocturnal craving for cold H2o
Urine specific gravity : 1.010

Hypotonic polyuria :
Polyuria + Urine osmolality < 600 mOSM/L.
AVP-D : Central DI AVP-r : Nephrogenic DI
Etiology : Deficiency of AVP Etiology : Resistance to action of AVP.
Causes : Causes :
• Vasopressin deficiency. • Fibrosed receptor d/t chronic tubulo
• Genetic causes : AD > AR > XLR. interstitial disease : IgG4, Sjogren’s,
• Pregnancy. sarcoidosis.
• Drugs : Lithium, demeclocycline,
cisplatin, foscarnet.
• Hypercalcemia/hyperuricemia/
• Sickle cell anemia (Occlusion of vasa
• Pregnancy.

Note :
Wolfram syndrome/DiDMOAD syndrome (Autosomal recessive) :
Diabetes Insipidus, Diabetes Mellitus, Optic Atrophy, and Deafness.

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Plasma copeptin assay : ----- Active space -----

It has replaced water deprivation test.
Hypotonic polyuria

Unstimulated random plasma copeptin

> 21.4 pmol/L ≤ 21.4 pmol/L

diabetes insipidus Arginine stimulation test :
Measure stimulated copeptin levels.

≥ 3.8 pmol/L : < 3.8 pmol/L :

Psychogenic Central diabetes
polydipsia insipidus

Treatment :
Diabetes Insipidus Drug
Desmopression 10-20 mcg intranasally.
Central Diabetes Insipidus
Desmopressin 0.1-0.8 mg daily once.
Peripheral Diabetes Insipidus Thiazides : Best option.
Lithium induced Diabetes Insipidus Amiloride/Triamterene.

SIADH vs Diabetes Insipidus :

SIADH Diabetes Insipidus

Presentation Hyponatremia Polyuria
Plasma volume Euvolemic
Serum Hypotonic Hypertonic
Serum Na
Urine volume Voluminous
Urine osmolarity Relatively high Relatively low
Urine Na >30 mEq/L Normal or variable
Chronic : Fluid restriction +
Treatment Vaptans. Supportive DDAVP
Na < 120 : Hypertonic saline.

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----- Active space ----- ENDOCRINOLOGY REVISION 3

Adrenal cortex Hormones produced

Zona glomerulosa Aldosterone.
Zona fasciculata Cortisol.
Zona reticularis Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS), Androstenedione.

Primary Hyperaldosteronism (PHA) 00:01:02

Aldosterone secretion Primary hyperaldosteronism

from adrenal gland Renin (Hyporeninemic hyperaldosteronism).

Renal perfusion pressure/ 2˚ RAS

Aldosterone. 2˚ hyperaldosteronism.
Intra vascular volume activation

Causes of PHA :
Acquired causes Inherited causes
• Micronodular b/l adrenal hyperplasia Familial hyperaldosteronism (Autosomal
(M/C). Dominant) : Type 1 → GRA
• U/L adrenal adenoma (Conn’s syndrome). (Glucocorticoid Remediable Aldosteronism).

Presentation : Basolateral
• 20 to 60 years. Principal cell membrane
• Male = Female. ADH
• Triad :
1. Hypertension (HTN) with disproportionate K+/H+ 2Na+
target organ damage. ENaC AIP 2K+
2. Hypokalemia : Weakness. Na +

AIP : Aldosterone
3. Metabolic alkalosis. Induced Protein

PHA (Acquired/GRA).
Note : Hypokalemia + HTN + DDx Cushing syndrome.
Metabolic alkalosis Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess (AME).
Liddle syndrome.

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Management : Screening test ----- Active space -----

Plasma Aldosterone Concentration (PAC) : ≥ 10 ng/dl.
Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) : < 1 ng/ml/hr.
Confirmatory test
Saline infusion test : 2L of NS over 4hours.

PAC ≥ 10 ng/dl.
CT adrenal

U/L adenoma B/L hyperplasia

< 35 years > 35 years

U/l adrenalectomy Adrenal Venous Sampling (AVS)

from left & right renal vein
Compare Aldosterone/Cortisol ratio
of both sides

Ratio > 4 : 1 → Lateralization No lateralization

Surgery Medical Mx
(Adrenalectomy) Aldosterone antagonist :
• Eplerenone.
• Finerenone.
• Spironolactone.

Adrenal Cortical Insufficiency/Addison’s Disease 00:11:48

10 Adrenal insufficiency 20 Adrenal insufficiency

Cause Adrenal cortical cause. Pituitary cause/
(Autoimmune > TB) Abrupt steroid withdrawal (M/C).
ACTH (Hyper pigmentation).
Aldosterone Normal

Cortisol, DHEAS, Androstenedione

Salt craving, postural + -

Loss of axillary hair + +
Vitiligo + -
S. Potassium High. Normal.
S. Sodium Low.

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----- Active space -----

Primary adrenal insufficiency :
Acquired causes :
• Autoimmune (M/C) : Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome (APS)/
Polyglandular Autoimmune syndrome (PGA) → APS 1/2 :
Produce Anti 21-OH antibody.
• Tuberculosis.
• Waterhouse friderichsen syndrome.
Inherited causes :
• AAA syndrome : Alacrimia, Achalasia cardia, Addison’s disease → Aladin
4A syndrome : AAA syndrome + Autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
• X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy → Very long chain fatty acid.
Presentation :
• Cortisol insufficiency Weakness, weight loss, asthenia, fatigue.
Repeated hypoglycemia & hypotension.
Note : Cortisol insufficiency : Euvolemic hyponatremia.
Aldosterone insufficiency : Hypovolemic hyponatremia.
• Aldosterone insufficiency Salt wasting.
Postural hypotension.
• Sex steroid insufficiency → Dry skin.
• ACTH → Hyperpigmentation of skin.
• Eosinophilia.
• Normal or small or asymmetrical adrenal gland on CT scan.
• Non-adrenal calcification.
Note : Secondary addison’s : No symptoms of
aldosterone insufficiency & ACTH.
Investigations : Fasting cortisol

< 3 μg/dl 3-20 μg/dl > 20 μg/dl

10 Addison’s disease. Synacthen stimulation test. Addison’s disease

( Synthetic ACTH 250 μg IV/IM). is ruled out.

< 20 μg/dl > 20 μg/dl

10 Addison’s disease. Addison’s disease is ruled out.

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Addisonian crisis : ----- Active space -----

Acute abdominal pain + Hypotension + Shock.
Addisonian crisis.

3 to 4L of NS over 8-12 hrs.

100 mg I/V Hydrocortisone Stat.

50 mg I/V Hydrocortisone 6 hrs apart.

Total dose on 1st day : 300 mg.

Gradually taper the dose of I/v hydrocortisone

& Switch to oral hydrocortisone.

Cushing Syndrome 00:23:27

Cortisol (active) : 11 beta hydroxy steroid Cortisone (inactive) :

Has glucocorticoid + dehydrogenase type 2 (11 βHSD-2) Has only
mineralocorticoid activity. glucocorticoid activity.

Deficiency of 11 βHSD-2 Hypercortisolism

Inherited deficiency Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess.
Acquired deficiency In cushing syndrome.
In excessive licorice consumption.

Causes : Hypercortisolism

Endogenous Exogenous

ACTH dependent : 90% ACTH independent : 10% Steroid intake

ACTH secreting pituitary • Adrenal adenoma : M/C in ACTH

Micro-adenoma : independent.
Cushing disease (M/C overall). • Adrenal carcinoma (Toddlers).
• Mc Cune Albright syndrome (Infants).
Paraneoplastic syndrome (PNS) : • Macronodular adrenal hyperplasia.
• Small cell lung carcinoma. • Micronodular adrenal hyperplasia
• Carcinoid. (Primary Pigmented Nodular Adrenal
• Medullary thyroid carcinoma. Disease : PPNAD).

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Presentation of hypercortisolism :
Action Presentation
1 Protein Catabolism : Muscle : Myopathy.
Amino acid uptake in all Bone : Osteoporosis.
tissues except liver. Collagen : Violaceous purplish striae.
Platelet : Bruising.
2 Carbohydrate Alanine in blood : Substrate Gluconeogenesis.
for gluconeogenesis.
3 Fat Redistribution of body fat ± Buffalo hump, moon facies,
minimal lipolysis. centripetal obesity.
4 Mineralocorticoid Increased. Salt & water retention.
Metabolic alkalosis.
5 Sex steroid Increased. Acne, hirsutism.
6 CNS - Steroid psychosis.

Other presentation :
• Eosinopenia. • Deep vein thrombosis.
• Risk of infection. • Menstrual : Amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea.

Presentation with high discriminatory value :

1. Proximal myopathy. 4. Bruising.
2. Facial plethora. 5. Young onset short stature/Osteoporosis.
3. Cutaneous striae. 6. Disproportionate HTN/DM.
Note : Centripetal obesity (M/c symptom) has poor discriminatory value.
Diagnosis & Management :
1. Midnight serum cortisol > 1.8 μg/dl.
To diagnose endogenous hypercortisolism,
2. Midnight salivary cortisol > 5.5 mmol/l
2 out of 3 following criteria should be positive
3. ONDST (OR) LDDST (Specific test) > 1.8 μg/dl.

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Midnight serum cortisol ----- Active space -----

Midnight salivary cortisol
positive negative

8 AM plasma cortisol Cushing syndrome

is ruled out
> 1.8 μg/dl. Too low
Exogenous hypercortisolism
Endogenous hypercortisolism is suspected

Suspected cushing syndrome Suspected pseudocushing/Obesity/

Hyperestrogenism/PCOS/on Oral Contaceptive pills
Over Night Dexamethasone Suppression Test (ONDST)
1 mg oral dexamethasone at 11pm Low Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test
(LDDST) 0.5 mg Q6H for 2 days
Next day 8 AM plasma cortisol
> 1.8 μg/dl.
< 1.8 μg/dl. > 1.8 μg/dl. Endogenous hypercortisolism
Normal Endogenous hypercortisolism


< 1o pg/ml > 1o pg/ml

ACTH independent : ACTH dependent

Adrenal cause
1o - 100 pg/ml > 100 pg/ml
CT adrenal
U/L adenoma (M/c) Pituitary cause/PNS Paraneoplastic syndrome (PNS)
U/L adrenelectomy PET scan
MRI brain with gadolinium

≥ 6 mm mass < 6 mm/no mass

Pituitary adenoma Inferior petrosal sinus sampling

Trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy Petrosal/ peripheral ACTH ratio

>2 : significant Negative

Trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy PET scan

Drug used in Cushing syndrome : Ketoconazole.

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Pheochromocytoma 00:47:54

It is a neural crest cell tumor producing catecholamines or metabolites of

Hormones produced in adrenal medulla Metabolites
Adrenaline (80%) Metanephrine, Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA).
Noradrenaline (20%) Normetanephrine.
Dopamine Homovanillic acid (HVA).

Phenyl ethanolamine
Nor-Adrenaline Adrenaline
N-methyltransferase (PNMT)

Adrenal pheochromocytoma (M/C) :

Produces adrenaline > Nor adrenaline.
Extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma :
• Also known as paraganglioma (25%).
• Produces only noradrenaline as PNMT is present only in adrenal gland.
• Types :
Sympathetic (Functional) : From organ of Zuckerkandl.
Parasympathetic (Non functional) : From carotid body > jugular bulb.
Association :
• 40 % : Hereditary (MEN-2, Von Hippel Lindau disease, NeuroFibromatosis-1).
• 40 % : Bilateral (MEN-2, Von Hippel Lindau disease).
• 50 % : Malignant → Surest sign of malignancy is metastasis.
Associated mutation : SDH-B mutation (Succinyl Dehydrogenase B).
Note : Pheochromocytoma in NF-1 is unilateral.
Presentation :
• M/c presentation : Panic attack.
• Triad : Severe episodic headache (M/c symptom) + tachycardia + profuse
• M/c sign : Episodic hypertension.

Disease of 6 Ps and 1 W :
• Pain (Abdominal pain d/t hypercalcemia). • Perspiration.
• Pallor (Suggestive of malignancy). • Postural hypotension.
• Panic attack. • Weight loss (DM).
• Palpitation.
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Investigations : ----- Active space -----

• Screening test:
24-hour urine fractionated metanephrine : 98% sensitivity & specificity ±
Plasma fractionated metanephrine : 100% sensitivity, but low specificity.
• IOC for adrenal pheochromocytoma : MRI abdomen.
IOC for extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma : Gallium DOTATATE PET Scan.
Treatment :
Surgery : Laparoscopic retroperitoneal adrenalectomy.
Days before surgery Drug
10 days Liberal I/V fluids.
7 to 10 days α-Blockers Phenoxybenzamine (m/c used).
(Any one drug given)
2 to 3 days β-Blockers Atenolol.

HTN crisis during surgery : Sodium nitroprusside/Nicardipine.

Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) 00:59:13

• Autosomal dominant.
• Male = Female
MEN 1 :
• Mutation of Menin gene on chr 11q (tumor suppressor gene).
• M/c method of mutation : Intron inversion.
Manifestations of MEN 1 :
3 Major manifestations :
1. Parathyroid manifestation (Primary hyperparathyroidism) : 100%.
Primary hyperparathyroidism in MEN 1 Primary hyperparathyroidism
< 20 years > 50-60 years.
Male = Female. Female >> Male.
Symptomatic : Painful bones, renal stones, abdominal Asymptomatic.
groans, psychotic moans, fatigue overtones.
Asymmetric hyperplasia of all 4 glands. Adenoma (M/C).

2. Entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors : 50-70%.

• M/c cause of death in MEN 1.
• Gastrinoma (M/c).
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----- Active space -----

3. Pituitary manifestation : 30-50%.
Aggressive macro prolactinoma → Presenting feature in 10-15%.
Minor manifestations :
• M/c skin manifestation : Angiofibroma. Others : Collagenoma, lipoma.
• M/c neurological tumor : Meningioma.
• M/c tumor : Adrenocortical tumor (30%).
• Pheochromocytoma in MEN 1 : < 1%.
• PNET(Primitive neuroectodermal tumour) : Thymic & foregut carcinoids.

MEN 2A :
Point mutation of RET proto oncogene mutation on 10q.
Divided into 4 types :
1. Classical MEN 2A.
2. MEN 2A with cutaneous lichen amyloidosis.
3. MEN 2A with Hirschsprung’s disease.
4. Familial Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (FMTC).
Classical MEN 2A :
3 manifestations :
• Medullary thyroid cancer (100%).
• Pheochromocytoma : Inherited, bilateral (50%).
• Parathyroid hyperplasia (25%).

MEN 2B :
• Medullary thyroid carcinoma.
• Pheochromocytoma.
3/4 M’s :
• Marfanoid habitus.
• Mucosal & intestinal ganglioneuromatosis.
• Myelinated corneal nerve fibres.
• Megacolon (rare).

MEN 4 :
Due to Cyclin Dependent Kinase 1B (CDKN1B) mutation.
• Parathyroid involvement.
• Pituitary involvement.
• Ovarian/testicular tumor.
• Renal/adrenal tumor.

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MEON 01:08:43 ----- Active space -----

MEON : Multiple Endocrine and Other Organ Neoplasia syndrome

Syndromes Inheritance/ Genes Endocrine Neoplasia
Mutation manifestation
Hyperparathyroidism Parafibromin Hyperparathyroidism Ossifying fibroma of the jaw.
– Jaw tumor (CDC 73). due to parathyroid
syndrome carcinoma.
Carney’s Complex PRKAR 1A. PPNAD AKA Lean Atrial myxoma.
Prolactinomas (rare).
Von Hippel Lindau VHL gene on Pheochromocytoma. • Renal cell cancer.
disease (VHL) Chr 3. • Cerebellar
NF 1 Neurofibrin Pheochromocytoma. Optic nerve sheath tumors.
on Chr 17.
Cowden syndrome PTEN. Autoimmune • Hamartomatous polyps of GIT.
Hypothyroidism. • CA breast.
Mc Cune Albright Post Zygotic Post Zygotic Adrenal Cushing. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia.
syndrome Gs α subunit mutation of Acromegaly.
defect GNAS gene. Prolactinoma (rare).

Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome (PGA) 01:13:34

Also called �utoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome (APS).

Features APS-1 APS-II
Age Childhood. Adult.
Skin, nail changes & Candidiasis Present. Absent.
Association APECED gene mutation. HLA-DR3 and DR4 associated.
Inheritance Autosomal recessive. Polygenic.
Gender association Male = Female. Female > Male.
Antibodies Anti 21-OH antibody -
(M/c cause for Addison’s).
Major manifestation Primary Hypoparathyroidism + Addison disease + Hashimoto
Graves > Hashimoto thyroiditis. thyroiditis> Graves.
Minor manifestations Addison disease. Type 1 DM.
Type 1 DM. Hypogonadism.

APECED : Autoimmune Poly Endocrinopathy with Candidiasis & Ectodermal Dystrophy.

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Hypercalcemia 00:01:12

Adjusted total Ca2+/Normal S. Ca2+ : 8.6-10.3 mg/dL.

Adjusted total Ca2+ = Measured Ca2+ + 0.8 x (4 - S. Albumin).

Pathophysiology :
↑ S. Ca2+

Inhibition of CaSR (Calcium Sensing Receptor)

(In parathyroid & thick ascending limb of loop of Henle)

↓ Ca2+ reabsorption

↑ Ca2+ excretion

Renal stones formation

Causes :
a. PTH-related : Normal PTH = 50-100 pg/mL.
1. Primary hyperparathyroidism (M/C).
2. Tertiary hyperparathyroidism.
3. Li-induced hyperparathyroidism.
4. Familial hypercalcemia with hypocalciuria (FHH).
5. Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia.

Primary hyperparathyroidism :
Parathyroid adenoma Parathyroid hyperplasia
• 60-80 years • Young
• F>M • F=M
• ↑↑ PTH (500 pg/mL) • Associated with MEN-1, MEN-2A
• ↑ Ca2+
• ↓ PO4

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Tertiary hyperparathyroidism : ----- Active space -----

• Consequence of long-standing secondary PTH.
• ↑↑↑ PTH (> 1000 pg/mL). Note : Lithium can also cause
• ↑ S. Ca2+. • Primary hyperparathyroidism.
• ↑ S. PO4. • Nephrogenic DI.
• Seen in advanced CKD. • Chronic tubulointerstitial disease.
• Hypothyroidism
Familial hypercalcemia with hypocalciuria :
Loss of function mutation of CaSR → ↑ Ca2+ reabsorption → Hypercalcemia +

Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia :
• Aka Humoral Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (HHM).
• Seen in squamous cell carcinoma.
• Pathology : ↑ PTHrp leads to ↓ PTH (<50 pg/mL) and ↑↑ Ca2+.

b. Vitamin D related :
Active form of vitamin D : Calcitriol/1,25-dihydroxy D3.
Functions :
• ↑ Ca2+ absorption (Through calbindin in small intestine).
• Inhibits PTH.
2 forms of vitamin D :
• 1,25-dihydroxy D3 (t1/2 = 6-8 h).
• 25-hydroxy D3 (t1/2 = 2-3 weeks).
Work up :
• Both forms of Vitamin D ↑ : Hypervitaminosis D.
• 1,25-dihydroxy D3 ↑ + 25-hydroxy D3 normal :
a. Sarcoidosis.
b. Acromegaly.
c. Lymphomas.
c. Osteolytic hypercalcemia : d. Endocrine conditions :
• Multiple myeloma. • Pheochromocytoma.
• Ca breast. • Addisonian crisis.
e. Drugs : • Thyrotoxicosis.
• Thiazides. • Acromegaly.
• Lithium.

f. Milk alkali syndrome : Consumption of Ca2+ >4g/day.

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----- Active space -----

Presentation :
Clinical features :
• Painful bones : Seen in osteolytic hypercalcemia.
• Renal stones : Sometimes it is the only presentation.
• Abdominal groans (Pain) : Seen in sarcoidosis, Addisonian crisis.
• Psychotic moans.
• Fatigue overtones : Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia may present with only
O/E : Pseudo clubbing (Normal Lovibond angle).

Investigations :
1. ECG : Short QT interval.
2. X-ray : Shows bone changes.
• Sub-periosteal resorption.
• Rugger jersey sign.
• Diffuse bone resorption.
• Acral osteolysis.
• Osteitis fibrosa cystica.
• Salt & pepper skull. Short QT interval
3. Tc99 Sestamibi scan.

Tc99 Sestamibi scan Subperiosteal resorption

Hyperactive parathyroid glands

Management :
Acute management :
• Hydrate the patient (To prevent nephrogenic diabetes insipidus).
• Bisphosphonates.
• Calcitonin.

Definitive management :
Adenoma : Removal of adenoma.
Hyperplasia : Removal of 3 & 1/2 glands.

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Hypocalcemia 00:21:03 ----- Active space -----

Presentations :
1. Arrhythmia : Prolonged QT interval.
2. Pseudotumour cerebri :
• ↑ ICT with seizures, papilledema (or)
• Calcification.
3. Neuromuscular irritation :
• Circumoral tingling.
• Numbness, paresthesia. Prolonged QT interval
• Bronchospasm, laryngospasm (Fatal).
• Latent tetany.

Latent tetany Basal ganglia calcification

Work up :
↓ S. Ca2+

Rule out hypomagnesemia (Gitelman syndrome, PPI use)

↓S. PO4

↑ S. PO4 ↑ S. PO4 ↑ S. PO4

↑ PTH ↓↓↓ PTH Normal PTH

Secondary True hypoparathyroidism Rhabdomyolysis

hyperparathyroidism. Tumour lysis syndrome
E.g : CKD.

Genetic Acquired

Di George syndrome Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome-1 (APS-1)

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Secondary hyperparathyroidism :
It is a response to hypocalcemia.
Seen in CKD.
Causes for hypocalcemia :
• Inhibition of 1a hydroxylase.
• ↓ Calcitriol.
Biochemistry :
• ↓ S. Ca2+.
• ↑↑ PTH.
• ↑ S. PO4 (↓ Excretion).

Pseudohypoparathyroidism :
↑↑ PTH → Resistance to action → ↓ Ca2+, ↑ PO4.
Types :
1. Type 1 : 1a, 1b.
2. Type 2.
3. Pseudo-pseudo hypoparathyroidism.

GNAS gene mutation :

• Seen in Type 1a & pseudo-pseudo hypoparathyroidism.
• GNAS gene defect → GSa defect → Bone mineral changes.
• Bone mineral changes : Short 4th metacarpal (Albright hereditary
osteodystrophy), short stature.
• Other features : Round facies, mental retardation.

Biochemistry :
1. Type 1 : ↓ S. Ca2+, ↑ PO4, ↑ PTH (Complete resistance).
2. Type 2 :
• Partial resistance.
• ↑ cAMP in urine on administering PTH.
• No bone mineral changes.
3. Pseudo-pseudo hypoparathyroidism : Normal biochemistry.

Treatment :
Acute : 10 mL 10% calcium gluconate over 10 minutes.
Long term : Calcium supplementation.

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Thyroid Disorders 00:32:07 ----- Active space -----

Hormone synthesis :
Steps :
1. Sodium-Iodide symport (Basolateral membrane) : Tc99 & I123 use this channel.
2. Iodide-Chloride antiport (Pendrin) : On apical membrane.
3. Organification : I- → I2. Mediated by TPO/DUOX.
4. Iodination : Iodination of Tyrosine residues → MIT, DIT.
5. Coupling (TPO mediated) :
• MIT+ DIT → T3.
• DIT + DIT → T4.
6. Re-uptake into epithelial cells.
7. Proteolysis and release of hormones.

At peripheries : Deiodinase-2 inhibitors :

• Propyl thiouracil.
T4 Deiodinase-2 T3. • Amiodarone.
• Propranolol.
T4 Deiodinase-3 Reverse T3 (rT3). • Steroid.
Properties of thyroid hormone :
• T4 is secreted abundantly but is converted to T3.
• 80% of thyroid hormone in blood is T3.
• Bound to :
a. Thyroid binding globulin (TBG) (60-70%).
b. Albumin (20%).
c. Transthyretin (10%).

Sick euthyroid syndrome :

• Seen in sick patients (Fasting, systemic illness, ICU).
• T4 to T3 conversion is inhibited → T4 is converted into rT3.
• Aka Low T3 syndrome.
• Biochemistry :
a. T4 : Normal to ↑. c. rT3 : ↑↑.
b. T3 : ↓↓. d. TSH : Normal.
• As disease progresses, there is rapid clearance leading to :
a. T4 : ↓. c. rT3 : ↑.
b. T3 : ↓. d. TSH : ↓.

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----- Active space -----

Approach to hyperthyroxinemia :
↑ T3
↑ T4

↑ Free T3 (fT3) RTH Normal fT3, fT4

↑ Free T4 (fT4)
Thyrotoxicosis hyperthyroxinemia
(Symptomatic) (Asymptomatic)

Overworking gland Stored hormone D/t ↑ TBG :

release • Pregnancy.
Hyperthyroidism • OCPs.
Subacute thyroiditis • Chronic active hepatitis.
• Tamoxifen.

RTH (Resistance to �hyroid Hormone) :

• ↑ fT3 & fT4 but receptors are insensitive → Clinically euthyroid.
• ↑↑ TSH.
↑↑ TSH Normal TSH
(> 5 mIU/L) (0.5-5 mIU/L)
(<0.5 mIU/L)
1. Symptomatic : Pituitary
Primary hypothyroidism Hypopituitarism
↓↓ fT3 & fT4 (Autoimmune condition) (Inappropriate
2. Asymptomatic : Last
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. normal)
stage of sick euthyroid.
Normal fT3 & fT4 Subclinical hypothyroidism. - -
1. Toxic : TSH secreting
↑↑ fT3 & fT4 pituitary adenoma. - Thyrotoxicosis
2. Euthyroid : RTH.

Effects of thyroid hormone :

1. ↑ BMR.
2. ↑ CO, ↑ BP.
3. ↑ Responsiveness to catecholamines.
4. Catabolic action : ↑ Proteolysis seen as muscle wasting, osteopenia/
osteoporosis, hypercalcemia, stones formation.
5. Clearance of cholesterol.

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6. ↑ Gluconeogenesis and glucose utilization. ----- Active space -----

7. ↑ O2 consumption except brain and gonads.
8. Thermogenesis : Acts as an uncoupler.
9. Bone growth.
10. Myelination of CNS.
11. Conversion of b carotene to Vitamin A.
12. Stimulation of erythropoiesis.

Hypothyroidism 00:52:31

Types :
1. Primary.
2. Secondary : Acquired hypopituitarism.
3. Congenital : Pediatric population.
4. Consumptive : D/t hemangiomas.

Primary hypothyroidism :
Causes : Features :
• Surgical removal. • Heterogenous, irregular, firm
• Iodine deficiency. enlargement, painless (Nodules
• Li-induced. absent).
• IFN-a. • Incidence : F > M; 45-65 years.
• Amiodarone. • HLA : HLA-DR3/DR4.
• Autoimmune conditions :
a. Hashimoto’s.
b. APS-1 << APS-2.

Thyroid autoantibodies : Evaluation :

• TPO-Ab (90-100%). • ↓/N fT3.
• Thyroglobulin Ab (80-90%). • ↓/N fT4.
• TSH receptor Ab (10-20%). • ↑↑ TSH.
• Antibodies +ve → Hashimoto’s.
Histology :
• Oxyphil metaplasia.
• Follicular atrophy.
• Germinal centre formation.
• Lymphocytic infiltration.
Pre-malignant : MALTOMA (Marginal zone lymphoma) > Papillary thyroid cancer.
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----- Active space -----

Presentation :
1. Slowing of metabolic processes : 2. Accumulation of matrix GAGs :
• Fatigue. • Puffiness.
• Weight gain. • Macroglossia.
• Slowing of speech/hoarse voice. • Non-pitting edema/myxedema.
• Constipation. • Periorbital edema.
• Dryness of skin.
3. Others :
• ↓ HR.
• Poor concentration.
• Cold intolerance.
• Hair loss.
Note : False hypothyroidism seen in
• Menorrhagia/infertility.
Addison’s disease.
• Delayed deep tendon reflexes.

Treatment : Levothyroxine : 1.6-1.8 mg/kg/day.

Myxedema coma :
Presents with ↓ consciousness & seizures.
Findings : Trigger : Infections.
• Profound bradycardia.
• Pericardial effusion. Treatment : IV Levothyroxine + IV steroids.
• Hypothermia.
• Hypoventilation.
• Hypoglycemia.
• Hyponatremia.

Hyperthyroidism 01:02:42

Types :
1. Primary :
a. Diffuse enlargement : Graves disease (Autoimmune).
b. Nodular enlargement : Toxic multinodular goiter.
2. Secondary : TSH secreting pituitary adenoma.

Grave’s disease : Antibodies :

20-40 years. • TSH receptor Ab (80%).
F > M. • TPO Ab (50-80%).
Associated with smoking & HAART. • Thyroglobulin Ab (50-70%).

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Presentation : ----- Active space -----

1. ↑ fT3 & fT4 :
• Restlessness, anxiety, tremors. • Proximal myopathy.
• Tachycardia, palpitations. • ↓ Bone mineral density → Fractures.
• Arrhythmia : Atrial fibrillation. • Apathetic thyrotoxicosis.
• Hypokalemic periodic paralysis. • Diarrhoea.
2. TSH receptor Ab → ↑ GAG : Seen only in Grave’s disease.

Dermopathy : Pretibial myxedema Acropachy
Management :
First line : Carbimazole 5 mg TDS + Propranolol 40 mg QID.
Relapse (50%) → Definitive Rx : Radio-iodine ablation (or) Surgery.

Subacute/De quervain’s thyroiditis :

Aka viral/granulomatous thyroiditis.
Presentation : Fever + Sore throat + Painful thyroid.
Findings :
• ESR ↑↑.
• Low uptake.
Initially presents with toxicosis but it may proceed to hypothyroid state.
Treatment :
• Aspirin (TOC).
• Steroids.
Painless thyroiditis :
Aka Post-partum/silent thyroiditis.
ESR is normal.
Anti-TPO Ab present.
Associated with underlying autoimmune disorder : Type 1 DM (M/C).
No role for steroids.
Propranolol may be used.

Riedel’s thyroiditis :
Chronic thyroiditis.
IgG4 related disease.
Thyroid profile : Normal.
Dense, hard thyroid.

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Diabetes Mellitus 01:12:58

Classification :
Type Features
• Autoimmune destruction of pancreas (T & B cell mediated).
1 • ↓↓ Fasting C-peptide.
• Rx : Insulin.
Pathogenesis : Insulin resistance & ↑ lipolysis.
Complications :
• Macrovascular (M/C : Cardiac) : Unrelated to control of diabetes.
2 • Microvascular :
a. Ophthalmopathy.
b. Neuropathy.
c. Nephropathy.
1.5 KPD Type 2 DM behaving like type 1 DM.
• Type 1 DM behaving like type 2 DM.
1.5 LADA
• Antibodies positive.
3 Brain DM/Double DM/Alzheimer’s disease.
Pancreatic DM :
• Tropical chronic calcific pancreatitis.
3c • Hemochromatosis.
• IgG4 related disease.
• Cystic fibrosis.
Drug induced :
• L-asparagine.
• Growth hormone.
• Tacrolimus.
• Elderly patients.
4 • ↑ T regulatory cells.
• Minimal symptoms.
• Seen across generations.
MODY • Good prognosis.
• M/C : MODY 3 (HNF-1a mutation).
KPD : ketosis Prone DM.
LADA : Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults.
MODY : Maturity Onset Diabetes in Young.

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Work up : ----- Active space -----

1. Continuous blood glucose monitoring.
2. HbA1c.
3. Ophthalmic evaluation.
4. Nerve conduction studies.
5. Urine routine examination.
6. Treadmill test If +ve Angiography.

Treatment :
Insulin :
Indications : Types of insulin :
• HbA1c ≥ 9.5. 1. Ultra short acting : Lispro.
• Microvascular complications. 2. Short acting : Regular insulin.
• H/o macrovascular events. 3. Intermediate acting : NPH.
• Diabetic ketoacidosis. 4. Long acting : Glargine.
• Type 1 DM/Type 1.5 LADA. 5. Ultra long acting : Degludec.

Target : HbA1c = 7.

Initial regimen :
• Total insulin to be given = 40 U.
• 24U of regular insulin (8 U × 3 times/day) + 16U Glargine (daily)/Degludec
(alternate days).

Oral Hypoglycemic Agents (OHAs) :

1. Metformin :
• MOA : ↑ AMP kinase.
• Dose : 500 mg BD (Upto 1g TDS).
• C/I : GFR <40 mL/minute → ↑ Chances of lactic acidosis
• Advantages :
a. ↓ HbA1c by 1.5%.
b. No hypoglycemia.
c. Promotes weight loss.
d. Helps with insulin resistance.
e. CVS neutral.

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Add-on to metformin :
• For comorbidity control.
• Given in :
a. Atherosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD) : GLP-1 analogue/SGLT2
b. Heart failure with reduced EF : SGLT2 inhibitor.
c. CKD : SGLT2 inhibitor.

2. SGLT2 inhibitor :
• Drugs :
a. Dapagliflozin (10 mg).
b. Empagliflozin (25 mg).
• Advantages :
• ↑ Risk for :
a. Promotes diuresis & natriuresis.
a. Mycotic UTI.
b. No tachycardia.
b. Ketosis.
c. Inhibits RAAS.
d. Prevents proteinuria.

3. GLP-1 analogue & DPP-4 inhibitor :

GLP-1 analogue (Preferred) DPP-4 inhibitor
Liraglutide (S/c)
Drugs Gliptins (Oral)
Semaglutide (Oral)
CVS Benefit Neutral
Weight Weight loss Neutral

4. Sulfonylureas :
• Not used anymore d/t CVS mortality.
• Gliclazide may be tried.

Standard prescription :
• Start with : Metformin 500 mg BD (Can be increased upto 1g TDS).
• Add SGLT2 inhibitor/Liraglutide 0.6-1.8 mg s/c.

Medicine Revision • v1.0 • Marrow 6.5 • 2023

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