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NPM 1988203016






Presented to Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for Undergraduate Degree in Study Program of
English Education

NPM 1988203016




Tittle of Research Paper : The Influence of Using Duolingo Application Toward

Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery of The

Eleventh Grades In SMAN 1 Abung Kunang

Student Name : Dhita Mutiarani

NPM : 1988203016

Study Program : English Education

Kotabumi, 30 Oktober 2023


Head of Study Program Advisor,

Dewi Sri Kuning, M.Pd Asep Hardiyanto, M.Pd

NKTAM. 1151878 NKTAM.1189657


Board of Examiners,

Chief: Asep Hardiyanto, S.Pd, M.Pd. …………………………..

Main Examiner: …………………………..

Second Examiner: …………………………..

Dean Faculty of Head of Study Program of

Teacher Training and Education, English Education,

Dr. Badawi, S.H, M.Pd Dewi Sri Kuning, S.Pd, M.Pd

NKTM 560492 NKTM 1151878

Exam Pass Date: 2023



Here with, declare that:

Student’s Name : Dhita Mutiarani

Student’s Number : 1988203016
Faculty : Teacher Training and Education
Program Study : English Education
Paper Title : The Influence of Using Duo lingo Appllication
Toward Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery of
The Eleventh Grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang

This research paper is honesty my own writing and have done any
plagiarism or taken other people’s thinking or writing which contradict with the
code ethics in scientfical writing.
By having stated that declaration I am ready to take the concequences if
someday it is found that there is plagiarism or obstruction on the code ethics on
this scientifical writing or there is a claim that can proven by other people on the
authenticity of this research paper.

Kotabumi, October 2023

The Writer,

Dhita Mutiarani


“Be attached to goals, not people or things”

(Albert Einstein)

“Be useful for yourself, before being useful for others”

(Agung w.s)

“Start something from the smallest thing, then the smallest thing will become a
big thing”



This is research to
Allah S.W.T who has given me love, healthy, incredible physical strength
and patience.

My beloved parents
Mr. Saripudin and Mrs. Ipah Yuliawati

My beloved brothers
Rama Adya Ramadhan and Bima Arya Ramadhan

My beloved Grandparents
Mr. (Alm) Sahria and Mrs. Atika

My big family
Sahria’s Family and Ismail’s Family that I cannot mention one by one

My advisors
Asep Hardiyanto, S.Pd.,M.Pd.
Thanks for guiding, directing, support and motivation

My friends
Siska Gustina, Veronica Venida, Melly Andini, Ollen Selvia Reni
Thanks for always help me and support me

PBI 19
Rokhma Dwi Widiastuti, Yulianti, Yuin Latifah, Siti Syaadah and all students’of
PBI 19 that I cannot mention one by one


This research is about the influence of using duolingo application toward

students’ English vocabulary mastery of the eleventh grades in SMAN 1 Abung
Kunang. With a main problem is students’ are lack vocabulary and understanding
of vocabulary. The aim of this research is to investigate the influence of using
duolingo application toward students’ vocabulary mastery. This research used an
experimental method with a quasi experimental type. The population in this study
were eleventh grade students of SMAN 1 Abung Kunang with a total of 94
students. However, the sample used in this research was 63 students with class XI
Natural Sciences 1 as the control class and XI Natural Sciences 2 as the
experimental class. The experimental class was taught using the duolingo
application as media, while the control class did not use the duolingo application.
The instrument used in this research was 50 multiple choice test. Data collecting
technique in this reasearch used pre-test and post-test. The data obtained was then
tested using the t-test formula. Based on the results of t-test calculations with a
significance level of 5%, it shows that tcount = 5.42 is higher than ttable = 1.999.
The results of this research show that the use of the Duolingo application has an
positive influence on English vocabulary mastery in the eleventh grade of SMAN
1 Abung Kunang. So the conclusion in this research is that there is an influence
between using the duolingo application as a learning medium on students’
vocabulary mastery.



Penelitian ini tentang pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi duolingo terhadap

penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa kelas sebelas di SMAN 1 Abung
Kunang. Dengan masalah utama adalah siswa kekurangan kosakata dan
pemahaman kosakata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui
pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi duolingo terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan type quasi experiment.
Populasi dalam penelitian ini ialah siswa kelas sebelas SMAN 1 Abung Kunang
dengan total 94 siswa. Namun, sample yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah
63 siswa dengan kelas XI Ilmu pengetahuan alam 1 sebagai kelas kontrol dan XI
Ilmu pengetahuan alam 2 sebagai kelas experiment. Kelas experiment diajar
dengan menggunakan media aplikasi duolingo sedangkan kelas kontrol tidak
menggunakan aplikasi duolingo. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
ialah 50 soal test pilihan ganda. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini
ialah menggunakan pre-test dan post-test. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diuji
menggunakan rumus uji-t. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan uji-t dengan taraf
signifikansi 5%, menunjukkan bahwa thitung = 5.42 lebih tinggi dibandingkan
dengan ttable = 1.999. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan
aplikasi duolingo memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap penguasaan kosa kata
bahasa inggris pada kelas sebelas SMAN 1 Abung Kunang. Jadi kesimpulan
dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh antara penggunaan aplikasi
duolingo sebagai media pembelajaran terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa.



The research thanks to Allah SWT for all His blessings so that this

research proposal can be completed, this research paper is entitled "The Influence

of Using duolingo Application Toward Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery of

The Eleventh Grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang”

The researcher realizes that this research paper cannot be completed

without support, assistance and guidance from various parties. Therefore, on this

occasion the author would like to say thanks to Mr. Asep Hardiyanto S.Pd.,M.Pd

as the advisor who has provided guidance and advice during the preparation of

this research paper.

The researcher say the biggest thanks to Dr. Irawan Suprapto, M.Pd as

Rector of University Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Lampung. Dewi Sri Kuning,

M.Pd as the head of the English education study program, and all the lecturers

who have provided knowledge, motivation and support.

The researcher say the biggest thanks to Mrs. Ida Yustraliani, S.Pd as

English teacher in SMAN 1 Abung Barat and Mrs. Baiq Rahmawati Yendra, S.Pd

as English teacher in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang. Thank you for providing direction

and guidance while conducting research.

The researcher hopes that this research paper can be useful for readers and

can also be useful in the world of education.




TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................iv
LIST OF APPENDICES.....................................................................................vii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Problems.....................................................................1
1.2 Identification of the Problems...................................................................6
1.3 Limitation of the Problem.........................................................................7
1.4 Formulation of the Problem......................................................................7
1.5 Objectives of the Research........................................................................7
1.6 Usage of the Research...............................................................................7
CHAPTER II THEORY REVIEW......................................................................9
2.1 Theory Review..........................................................................................9
2.1.1 Concept of Vocabulary Mastery ......................................................9
2.1.2 Types of Vocabulary.......................................................................14
2.1.3 Vocabulary Classification ..............................................................15
2.1.4 Vocabulary Assessment..................................................................16
2.1.5 Duolingo Application.....................................................................18
2.1.6 Characteristics of the Duolingo Application..................................21
2.1.7 Teaching Vocabulary by Using the Duolingo Application............24


2.1.8 Previous Researchers......................................................................27

2.2 Frame of Thinking...................................................................................29
2.3 Hypothesis...............................................................................................30
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS..........................................................31
3.1 Research Method.....................................................................................31
3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling technique..........................................32
3.2.1 Population.......................................................................................32
3.2.2 Sample.............................................................................................33
3.2.3 Sampling Techniques......................................................................33
3.3 Research Instrument Vocabulary Mastery..............................................34
a. Conceptual Definition of Vocabulary Mastery....................................35
b. Operational Definition of Vocabulary Mastery...................................35
c. Specification Instrument of Vocabulary Mastery................................36
3.4 Try Out of Instrument..............................................................................39
3.5 Data Collecting Technique......................................................................40
3.6 Data Analysis..........................................................................................40
3.6.1 Normality Test................................................................................41
3.6.2 Homogenity Test.............................................................................42
3.6.3 Hypothesis.......................................................................................43
CHAPTER VI RESEARCH RESULT..............................................................46
4.1 Research Result.......................................................................................46
4.2 Discussion...............................................................................................64
CHAPTER V CLOSING.....................................................................................67
5.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................67
5.2 Suggestion...............................................................................................67




Table 1 Data Score of Vocabulary Mastery at The Eleventh Grades .....................3

Table 2 The Population of The Research...............................................................32
Table 3 Specification Instrument of Vocabulary Mastery Try Out Test...............36
Table 4 Specification Instrument of Vocabulary Mastery Try Out Advanced......37
Table 5 The Summary of Try Out Validity Test Instrument.................................47
Table 6 The Summary of Try Out ContinueValidity Test Instrument...................48
Table 7 The Summary of Reliability Test Instrument...........................................49
Table 8 The Summary of The Reliability Test Advanced Instrument...................50
Table 9 Result Analysis of Pre-Test......................................................................51
Table 10 Result Analysis of Post-Tesr...................................................................52
Table 11 The summary of Normality in Pre-test...................................................54
Table 12 The Summary of Homogeneity in Pre-test ............................................55
Table 13 Summary of Pre-Test Result...................................................................56
Table 14 The Summary of Hypothesis Test...........................................................57
Table 15 The Summary of Normality in Post Test................................................58
Table 16 The Summary of Homogeneity in Post Test...........................................59
Table 17 Summary of Post Test Result..................................................................60
Table 18 The Summary of Hypothesis test............................................................61


Figure 2. 1 Dashboard of duolingo application................................................................20

Figure 2. 2 Vocabulary.....................................................................................................22
Figure 2. 3 Pronounciation...............................................................................................22
Figure 2. 4 Listening........................................................................................................23
Figure 2. 5 Translation.....................................................................................................23
Figure 2. 6 Create an account...........................................................................................25
Figure 2. 7 Choose courses..............................................................................................25
Figure 2. 8 Dashboard duolingo application and basic exercise.......................................26
Figure 2. 9 Example questions of duolingo application....................................................27





1.1 Background of the Problems

Vocabulary is the main pillar or main element in learning a

language. English vocabulary is a collection of words needed by the students

in understanding a language. Vocabulary is an important part or a basic part

when learning English. In Indonesia, English is as a foreign language that

must be mastered by the students because it can make it easier to

communicate with foreigners. However, the fact is that without vocabulary

students will have difficulties in understanding when teachers and native

speakers are speaking English. Vocabulary is a basic skill that is equipped

with knowledge of a word and the meaning of the word. When students

understand a word and its meaning, it can enable them to master English

language skills such as reading, writing, listening and also speaking.

Basically, before learning these four skills, students must have a

sufficient vocabulary. Tarigan (2011) stated that the quality of a person's

language depends on the quality of the vocabulary he has, the richer the

vocabulary. The more likely it is to be proficient in the language. From this

statement, it can be explained that the role of vocabulary in language is very

important. If foreigners learn a new language or a second language without

mastering the vocabulary, it will be difficult for them to understand the


language. However, in the current era of digital technology development,

there are many ways to learn a language, especially English.

Vocabulary is sometimes perceived as something that is difficult

to understand and remember. Usually influenced by the factor of students

being lazy to learn English and also sometimes environmental factors that do

not provide opportunities for students to develop their English skills so that

this is a big factor in students' low English vocabulary. But if we look more

broadly, there are many ways we can learn English, especially with increasing

technological advances, there are lots of media that can be used to learn


Based on the high school curriculum, the ideal vocabulary that

students must have is a minimum of four thousand vocabulary words.

However, when the researcher made interview in class XI natural science 1

and XI natural science 2 on tuesday the 21 st of the 2nd month of 2023 at

SMAN 1 Abung Kunang, it was found that students still a low vocabulary.

Based on the interviews conducted in both classes, some students only had

around fifty vocabulary words. But the majority of students only have a

vocabulary of less than fifty words. This is caused by the lack of knowledge

of students related to vocabulary.

Furthermore, based on the facts in the field, students experience

difficulties in understanding writing vocabulary caused by a lack of students'

knowledge of vocabulary, such as students having difficulty distinguishing

the same words but have different meanings, so students are afraid when they

want to mention the word. This can also be caused by students' low interest in

learning English, which can lead to a feeling of laziness when studying.

When students are lazy to learn new language vocabulary, they will find it

difficult to understand what the word means so that it can affect memory and

mastery of student vocabulary.

In addition, there were some students who explained that

friendship was one of the factors that caused students difficulties in learning

vocabulary because students did not have friends who could help practice

their English speaking skills. Besides from the problems above. Some

students explained that during the teaching and learning process, the

explanation of the material provided by the teacher was carried out so fast.

Therefore, students feel less effective with brief material explanations, where

this condition can be one of the factors causing students' low vocabulary

mastery. In this case, the eleventh grades of SMAN 1 Abung Kunang score of

vocabulary mastery which can be seen from the following table:



No Interval Classes Frequency Percentages

score XI Natural XI Natural XI Social
Science 1 Science 2 Science

1 40-49 7 8 3 18 19%

2 50-59 6 8 3 17 18%

3 60-69 9 8 9 26 27%

4 70-79 5 5 12 22 23%

5 80-89 3 4 4 11 11%

Total 30 33 31 94 100%

Source: English Teacher of SMAN 1 Abung Kunang Academic Year 2022/2023

Based on the table above regarding student value data it can be seen

that the scores obtained by students are low. because students who were able

to achieve KKM scores were only 35% with a total of 33 students who passed

while students who scored below the KKM were 65% with a total of 61

students who did not pass. This shows that students have problems in

vocabulary mastery. Because the passing grade for English subjects at SMAN

1 Abung Kunang is 70%. Therefore, to determine the success or failure of the

teaching and learning process can be seen from the percentage of students

who achieve KKM.

Besides, learning media is also one of the causes of low student

vocabulary mastery. The learning media used in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang is

still in the form of books and sometimes using power point media. Some

students explained that the learning media used was still monotonous and

made students feel bored with their learning. So it can be concluded that the

learning media used are still less creative so this is one of the causes of low

student interest in learning English which can affect students' mastery of

English vocabulary.

In the era of digital technology that is increasingly sophisticated

and adequate, there are many learning media that can be used to support

learning at school and outside the school environment. As the era of

globalization of digital technology progresses, one can easily access

information via the internet. Warsita cited in (rahardian, 2017) stated that

educational technology cannot be solved by conventional media alone,

therefore, along with the development of the era, educational technology has

a significant impact as technology that provides new opportunities and

alternatives in the world of education. Technology can change the method a

person uses when working, studying, and so on. The existence of technology

such as smartphones can make it easier for students to learn and

communicate. The teacher are expected to be able to provide a model or

learning media that can be used in teaching and learning and provide positive

atmosphere in classroom.

There are many learning media in the form of applications that can

be used in learning English. In this research will investigate the effectiveness

of using the duolingo application as the learning media. This application can

help in influence student vocabulary, because the duolingo application was

created with a game-like learning system that requires students to answer

several questions in the application. The learning system in this application is

that students are asked to learn the basic level first which contains material to

understand basic phrases and use basic sentences. After students complete the

basic material, students can study the next material. In teaching vocabulary

this application is expected to be able to help students increase vocabulary

and can practice writing, listening, reading and speaking skills, and

vocabulary as well. At SMAN 1 Abung Kunang, the duolingo application has

never been used as an alternative media for learning English. When the

researcher asked students about the duolingo application, the majority of

students did not know and were not familiar with the duolingo application.

This application is expected to provide a new experience in learning English,

and as an alternative it can be one of learning media then can be used to teach


Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in

conducting research with the title "The Influence of Using Duolingo

Application Toward Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery of The Eleventh

Grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang”. The reason chose this title is because

this research has academic problems related to research urgency, the

academic problem is that there are problems with students’ vocabulary

mastery and problems with the learning media used. With the hope that the

duolingo application can help develop student vocabulary and also become an

alternative learning media for teachers and students.

1.2 Identification of the Problems


Based on the background of the problems above, the researcher

identified several problems, namely as follows:

1. Students’ are lack of vocabulary in the eleventh grades

2. Lack of knowledge and understanding of vocabulary

3. Friendship environment problems of the eleventh grades

4. Low interest in learning English

5. Problems in learning media

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems that have been described,

the research problem is limited to whether there is a significant Influence of

using Duolingo Application Toward Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery of

the Eleventh Grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang.

1.4 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem that have been described above,

the researcher formulates the problem as follows "is there any significant

Influence of using Duolingo Application toward students’ English vocabulary

Mastery of The Eleventh Grades in Sman 1 Abung Kunang".

1.5 Objectives of the Research


The purpose of this research is to investigate whether there is an

Influence of using Duolingo Application toward Students’ English vocabulary

Mastery of The Eleventh Grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang.

1.6 Usage of the Research

The hope of this research, hopefully this research can be useful for

everyone, especially useful in the world of education. Therefore the use of

research results is intended as follows:

1. For students

The usefulness of the research results for students is that users get insight

about the duolingo application in teach vocabulary and other English

language skills.

2. For teachers

The results of this study are expected to be an alternative learning media

that can be used to teach vocabulary and other English skills.



2.1 Theory Review

2.1.1 Concept of Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary is a collection of words which is an important part or a

basic part when someone wants to learn a language. English vocabulary is

one of the language components that must be mastered and understood by

students in learning English by having vocabulary, students can

understand the meaning of English both spokenly and writenly. Jack C.

Richards (2001, p.4) explained that one of the most obvious aspects of

language and one that linguists focus on first is vocabulary.

Vocabulary is very important in the aspect of learning English

because vocabulary is the first aspect that must be learned and mastered by

someone when learning English, understanding student vocabulary can

help in communicating besides vocabulary can help students develop four

English language skills. Nikolov cited in (Ambarwati and Mandasari,

2020, p. 51) explained that vocabulary is every element that contributes to

every level of communication and comprehension in the target language.

Thus, from the vocabulary that has the most influence on English learners,

it can be considered the foundation for being able to communicate orally

and in writing.

Webb and Nation (2017) stated that Vocabulary learning is very

important because the moment after they are born, they start separating

words talk around us and finally have capability to generate these words

independently. Kridalaksana (2001, p.89) explained that vocabulary is the

abudance of words a reader or writer of a language prosses. So it can be

concluded that by learning vocabulary it starts early and thus it affects a

person's ability to produce new words. Nunan cite in (gunarso, 2016, p.

15) explained that in learning a second language, vocabulary is an

important part. Because when students do not learn a new vocabulary,

students need to practice more words.

Yantis (2012, p.1) stated that learning English can be proven by

looking at the fact that English is always recommended from elementary

school to university, so English needs to be learned and mastered. The four

English skills that must be mastered are reading, speaking, writing and

listening. The four skills are interrelated because they are based on one

language component, namely vocabulary. So it can be concluded that

vocabulary is a basic thing that must be understood and mastered because

mastering vocabulary will make it easier to master other skills such as

reading, listening, writing and speaking. Rivers cited in (Aziz and Hoesny,

2022, p. 110) explained that the term vocabulary mastery describes a high

degree of proficiency in understanding complex language. So, adequate

vocabulary mastery can make it easier for someone to read books, articles,

or international journals in English.


Vocabulary as one of the elements of language that can help

someone in communicating, so that the process of developing English

learning can provide students with more effective understanding that

students are expected to be able to communicate and express ideas in

English, where English is a need and skill that must be possessed.

To achieve proficiency and understanding in learning English,

second language learners need to know how much vocabulary they already

have. At the beginning of each year, native speakers add a thousand words

to their vocabulary. Long and Richards (2001, p.9) explained that when

someone wants to vocabulary mastery for a long period of time, speakers

of a second language must know the large number of words they already


In general, vocabulary is a word that must be mastered and studied

in order to facilitate communication and in making a sentence. Thornbury

(2002, p. 2) cited in Husnur et al, (2020) explained that Vocabulary is a

collection of words that are known and owned by someone who are used

to compose a sentence. In the process of developing a new language,

vocabulary is an important part that must be mastered, understood and

remembered so that it can be used properly and correctly.

However, learning English vocabulary often makes it difficult for

students to understand and remember it. Learning English does not only

mean learning new vocabulary, but vocabulary that is already known must

also be learned repeatedly in order to increase student vocabulary, on the


development, experts create special vocabulary that can help expand their

vocabulary by providing good coverage for certain types of text, with the

hope that special vocabulary can enable someone to understand when

reading, speaking, etc. Long and Richards (2001, p. 17) explained that

special vocabulary is made with a range of interesting topics. So this can

affect students’ vocabulary Mastery.

Vocabulary mastery is very important when someone wants to

learn a foreign language, because they must first learn the vocabulary

likewise with English which is an international language where one must

master the English vocabulary. Putri (2013, p. 29) explained that

vocabulary mastery is a gradual process. To achieve a good vocabulary,

one must go through the process of learning the words of a language. Pora

(2003, p. 1) explained that vocabulary mastery is a person’s ability to

understand words of a language they have learned before. Vocabulary

mastery is how much vocabulary students have, where vocabulary must be

understood and learned. When learning a vocabulary as a foreign

language, students will get many words when learning it. Vocabulary

mastery is an important part that must be understood by students, with

students having adequate vocabulary it can make it easier for students to

communicate with teachers and foreign speakers. If students do not master

English vocabulary, students will experience difficulties in learning

English and communicating with others.

Thus it can be concluded that learning English vocabulary is the

main thing that must be understood because vocabulary is the basis before

learning other skills such as reading, listening and speaking. From several

expert theories regarding vocabulary above, it can be concluded that

vocabulary is a word term that must be understood both in terms of its

meaning and the way it is used by someone because this can affect

students' vocabulary mastery where students’ are expected to be able to

understand the meaning of the word so that this can help students

communicate in English language. Usually the weakness of students is in

students who do not produce words and do not have many words the

vocabulary that has been given. This can affect students' vocabulary

mastery. Putri (2013, p. 9) explained that lack of vocabulary knowledge

could be detrimental to language instruction and learning. Furthermore, it's

critical for language trainees to have a strong command of vocabulary.

English is a second language which is quite difficult to learn, but in this

era with increasingly advanced technology, the use of smartphones and

internet connections can make it easier to find all the information needed.

The important of using English makes all people realize that

English is an important thing to learn because English is an international

language that is used to communicate in various countries and with

vocabulary we can develop speaking, writing, reading and listening skills.

The more vocabulary mastery, the better the way to communicate with

other people using English.


2.1.2 Types of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is divided into two types, namely active vocabulary

and passive vocabulary. Behlol (2010, p. 40) explained that vocabularies

can be classified into passive and active vocabularies. Active vocabulary

is the first type of vocabulary that refers to one of the students that has

been taught and students are expected to be able to use it, while for the

second type, passive term vocabulary refers to words that students will

know when they see and hear these terms. yet may not be able to say the

words. Nemati (2010, p.31) explained that passive and active vocabulary.

These two sets of terms are typically defined in terms of language skills,

namely reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Individual ownership

words used in speaking and writing are included in active vocabulary.

Passive vocabulary, on the other hand, embodies what is understood when

it appears in reading material or when you hear something.

Roger (2010, p. 5) stated that Despite the fact that students acquire

both active and passive vocabulary information, after years of instruction,

the active vocabulary did not advance significantly, while the passive

vocabulary advanced significantly.

Based on some of the expert opinoins above, it can be cocluded

that the types of vocabulary are divided into active vocabulary and passive

vocabulary. Active vocabulary is vocabulary that is taught and understood

by them while passive vocabulary is vocabulary that is only heard but they

cannot pronounce it.


2.1.3 Vocabulary Classification

The classified words into nouns, verbs, and letters, a practice that

has become a custom in Arabic linguistics. The practice of categorizing

words into more than a dozen groups based on grammatical features has

expanded in western linguistics. Friz cite in (rutamanov et al, 2022)

explained that divided nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs into four

categories, but the principle of their classification is to occupy a syntactic

position. Rijkof (2002, p. 30) explained that word class include nouns,

verbs, adjectives and adverb. Grammar groups are parts of speech that

include verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and so on. Therefore, this study

only focuses on four groups of words, namely nouns, adverbs, verbs, and

adjectives. Because the four groups of words are groups that are often


1. Adjectives

Santi (2009, p. 14) explained that adjectives that have a function to

describe nouns. Example of adjective: beautiful, smart, great.

2. Adverbs

Adverbs is used to explain the verb, adjective and usually placed at

the end of the sentence. Santi cite in (Arianto, 2016, p. 12) example

adverbs of time: when, how long, etc. Example adverbs of manner: slowly,

quickly, sadly, etc. Example adverb of frequency: everyday, sometimes,

mothly, etc.

3. Nouns

Brown cite in (saqofi, 2016, p.7) explained that in grammar class,

students may be required to learn about nouns, which are also known as

people, places, objects or ideas. Example of noun: car, brother, shoes,

dress, etc.

4. Verbs

Verb is a word that describe to do something. Seaton (2007, p.779)

explained that verbs are a words that describe how to carry out an activity.

Example of verbs: study, buy, consist, kill, etc.

2.1.4 Vocabulary Assessment

Vocabulary assessment is a way of assessing vocabulary that is

used to find out how much vocabulary students have. Read (2010)

explained that There are three dimensions in vocabulary assessment,


1. Discreate-Embedded

The first dimension is the construct that forms part of the basic

research instrument used as an independent construct. In testing a

language, the term construct refers to vocabulary knowledge of various

types, vocabulary test scores are designed differently and separately from

other language components, vocabulary tests are classified as discrete

measures that are viewed from various aspects of vocabulary knowledge


such as learning new words learned in a book and the ability to have basic

word forms such as scientist, science.

In contrast, the embedded vocabulary measure is a vocabulary

measure that contributes to the assessment of the larger constructs and

presents the vocabulary test in a large enough context.

2. Selective-Comprehensive

The second dimension is Selective-Comprehensive, which is a

vocabulary size that refers to certain vocabulary items that are the focus of

the assessment. The vocabulary test is based on the test selected by the

participant based on knowledge of the meaning of the use of the word,

which forms the basis for assessing student vocabulary.

Comprehensive measures usually contain vocabulary content from

all vocabulary contents such as spoken or written text. The vocabulary

components presented are usually in the form of calculating the proportion

of long words which tend to make students feel challenged both

contextually and linguistically. With such a formula, it creates an

embedded and comprehensive measure of vocabulary assessment. Scott et

al cited in (kamil J Michel, 2007, p.288) explained that the evaluation

tasks in archival vocabulary studies, the majority of researchers created

assessments that evaluated understanding of the particular words that had

been used. Instructed in a teaching strategy. The majority of studies' word

choices were all based solely on students' prior information, which was the

only shared construct. In other words, it was presumptive that the target

students were unfamiliar with the terms taught, or at least the majority of


3. Context-Independent-Context-Dependent

The third dimension of traditional contextualization is presenting a

word through a sentence, and not as an isolated element. Context

independent is a measurement of vocabulary where the expected response

does not refer to any context. Tests are assessed based on students' abilities

by involving the context provided at the time of the test.

On the other hand, context dependent is a vocabulary measure that

assesses the ability of participants to consider information contextually

accompanied by the expected responses.

2.1.5 Duolingo Application

In the era of globalization with increasingly advanced

technological developments, several technology experts in the world.

Compete in creating effective learning media. Clarck (2013, p.14) state

that globalization's impact on technology has an effect on how people

communicate and use the skills they need for daily life. Learning

technology created for students or someone who wants to learn a language

must have units that can support learning, such as design development,

management of learning media practices. As well as the purpose of

utilizing the use of media that can have a positive impact on students. for

students, especially in English lessons because basically students feel that


English is a difficult language to master. Costley cited in (Santoso and

Andriyadi, 2019, p.36) explained that as technology has risen to a high

priority in public schools, it must be used to educate students.

One of the learning media that can help students improve their

English skills is the Duolingo application. Duolingo is a learning app that

everyone can use because it is a free language learning app created by Luis

von Ahn. Besides being available in the web version, this application is

also available in Android, iOS, and Windows Phone versions. As of

November 2016, this app provides 66 different language courses available

in 23 languages. Not only English, there is also Indonesian for English

speakers but it is still in the development stage. Jaskova (2014) stated that

Duolingo is the newest free program in language learning. On the web at or via a mobile app, users can access the Duolingo language

learning platform for free. Around 300 million people have used it to learn

languages, and the number continues to grow. Husnur et al (2020)

explained that duolingo offers a learning model in an easier way so that

users are expected to be able to understand the learning provided.

Duolingo provides both written and voice learning, as well as

speaking practice for more experienced users. Krashen (2014) explained

that the duolingo application is a web-based program that guides students

through a series of tasks, mainly based on translation, most of the tasks in

this app consist of translation, dictation and pronunciation. Duolingo has

an ability tree where the user can complete a chapter and then head to

another tree branch. The user gains "experience points" (XP) after they

complete a chapter, enough points to level up the user. The completed

chapter will be gold, over time if the user rarely practices, the gold color

will disappear and the user must complete the chapter, when the user has

completed all the chapters in a course they can repeat the exercise. Each

chapter consists of sentences that must be translated, these sentences can

contain new or learned words, users can copy the meaning of these

sentences by holding the mouse pointer over each word. After users send

translations, they can immediately know whether they are right or wrong,

each correct translation will add points and vice versa, after the points are

full then the chapter is finished, users can review what they have learned.

White, K. (2017) stated that doulingo is an online learning program that

allows people to understand languages for free as they translate privately.

So i think duolingo is the right application to use as a learning medium

because a learner can directly translate. The following is the dashboard

view of the duo lingo application;

Figure 2. 1 Dashboard of duolingo application


The duolingo website also includes a tool called duolingo for

school which allows teachers to build virtual classrooms where they can

view curriculum content, track student progress, and assign assignments

for class work or homework. Stringer cited in (Husnur et al, 2020 )

explained that duolingo is seen as a language learning tool with an

emphasis on the play aspect.

2.1.6 Characteristics of the Duolingo Application

Duolingo as a free language learning app can offer more feature set

but requires an internet connection to use it. Halimi (2020, p. 23)

explained that the following are the features of the duolingo application,

such as:

a. Achievements are a feature of the duolingo application that is

issued when students or users complete lessons as best they can

even though there are difficulties in doing so.

b. Lingot is the little gem icon that the learner has completed with

the activity and successfully passed the level to get that "lingot".

The advantage that users get if they manage to get lingots is that

they can be replaced as an additional training bonus.

c. Crown Levels is a new feature in the duolingo app. Each skill will

get "Crown Tier". When someone has completed a skill, they will

get a crown, and will move on to the next skill.

d. Daily goals are the level of appreciation for someone who has

completed their daily target which aims to appreciate students for


achieving the daily target so that students feel happier using this


Halimi (2020, p. 27) stated that The duolingo app also offers

different types of exercises for students to learn such as:

a. Vocabulary, where users can see picture features and are usually

asked to choose the correct answer.

b. Pronunciation, where the user will be asked to repeat the exercise

and then say what they hear,

c. Listening where the user will hear an audio snippet of a word or

sentence and must type it correctly.

d. Translation where users will be asked to translate words or

sentences in the desired language such as English.

Figure 2. 2 Vocabulary Figure 2. 3 Pronounciation


Figure 2. 4 Listening Figure 2. 5 Translation

These four things have been provided in the duolingo application,

besides getting new vocabulary, on duolingo users can also practice

speaking with the correct pronunciation so that users can know the correct

and incorrect pronunciations, besides that users can also practice their

listening skills. Thus it can be concluded that the features in the Duolingo

application are quite interesting, especially if a student gains XP

sequentially which means that person can occupy the first position in the

daily ranking or even more. Usually the rankings given are in the form of

gold, silver and bronze, some of the features described above certainly

have different characteristics where the features provided can help teachers

increase enthusiasm for learning and motivate students so that students

feel happy and not bored with learning.


2.1.7 Teaching Vocabulary by Using the Duolingo Application

Teaching through the duolingo application can assist students in

developing their vocabulary knowledge of English words, students must

have a good ability to understand these vocabulary. In learning to use the

duolingo application, users can at least get two advantages from this

application. First, duolingo is made very attractive to make learning more

fun for its users, duolingo helps students become more motivated to learn.

The second is that duolingo can help children learn new words because the

various features make it easier for them to acquire new vocabulary and

understand the meaning of these words.

The duolingo application can be played individually in the

classroom or outside the classroom environment. There are several steps to

learn vocabulary using the duolingo application Suwandi (2020, p.20)

namely as follows:

a. First, the teacher guide the students to download the duolingo

application in the play store and app store and then install the

application. After that the teacher gives some directions to students to

create an account so they can enjoy free access to this application.


Figure 2. 6 Create an account

Create account with username or e-mail and enter password

b. After students create an account, the teacher gives instructions to

students to choose the courses program that has been provided. And

students can choose English courses. In addition, the teacher provides

an explanation of what things are in the duolingo application, such as

profiles, challenges, today's review, guidebooks, etc.

Figure 2. 7 Choose courses


c. After the student has successfully created an account. The teacher

explains that there are several stages that must be passed to be able to

proceed to the next level and that there are various types such as

vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, and translation. Then, the teacher

gives several examples of how to answer the practice questions in the

duolingo application.

Figure 2. 8 Dashboard duolingo application and basic exercise

d. After students understand the explanation given by the teacher.

Students can practice using the duolingo application starting from unit

one, namely the basics which consist of practicing understanding basic

phrases and using basic sentences. However, if students still cannot

understand the exercises in unit one. Students can see the guidebook

on the duolingo application. Around five to ten questions that students

will learn that can help develop vocabulary knowledge through the

duolingo application students can practice reading, writing, listening,


and practice pronunciation. When learning has been completed

properly students will be directed to the next level.

Figure 2. 9 Example questions of duolingo application

2.1.8 Previous Researchers

Based on Nursyamsiah's research, the application of the duolingo

media application can improve English vocabulary mastery of students at

SMP Negeri 3 Agrabinta Cianjur which is marked by an increase in

students' vocabulary mastery, both in terms of grammar, reading &

writing. Where before being given the action the average value of students

was 9.1% because only two students reached the KKM and 22 students did

not complete. However, after being given action in cycle I, the average

student score increased to 77% with the completeness of 17 students, and

an increase also occurred in cycle II, according to the test results of the

average student score. is one hundred. So based on this research it can be


concluded that the application of media based on the Duolingo application

is believed to be able to increase students' English vocabulary.

Based on research by Fatah (2019) at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Quraniyah explaining that using the duolingo application with a

significance level of 5% with a statistical calculation of 2.881 which

means higher than the TT of 1.672, thus the results of the study show that

using the duolingo application can have a positive impact on vocabulary

development as well as knowledge student.

Based on the results of Suwandi's (2020) research entitled "The

Effect of Application of Duolingo on Students' Vocabulary Mastery at Mts

Darul Ilmi Batang Quiz" stated that the application of duolingo had an

effect on students' vocabulary mastery with a significance level of 1.37,

thus Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected.

Based on the description of the results of previous research on the

duolingo application above, it can be concluded that the duolingo

application can develop vocabulary knowledge so that students' English

vocabulary mastery can increase significantly. The duolingo application

also provides interesting features that make users more interested in

learning to use the duolingo application. The use of the Duolingo

application media can not only be used in schools but can be used

anywhere because the exercises provided do not make it difficult for

students to learn.

2.2 Frame of Thinking

Based on the explanation from the theoretical review, vocabulary is

one of the important elements in English. Vocabulary cannot be separated

from English, especially from the four skills, namely reading, writing,

listening and speaking, because vocabulary is the basic thing that must be

learned when someone learns a second language.

To support effective learning activities, relevant media are needed. The

media used must provide clear information to students. Duolingo is an

application-based technology that can be used to support students in learning

vocabulary. The duolingo application creates up-to-date learning in student

learning environments so that it can increase student learning motivation. The

use of duolingo can be practiced anytime and anywhere individually, the

duolingo application can be used to help give a good impact for students to

develop their foreign language. The Duolingo application is believed to be

able to build students' enthusiasm in learning English and make students not

feel bored because this application is like a game and this application provides

a level that must be achieved by students. Therefore, it is important for

students to know about technology that can facilitate learning in an effective

and interesting way. Based on the explanation above, the researcher expected

that using the duolingo application can help develop students' vocabulary

knowledge and understand and remember these words so that students'

vocabulary mastery can increase.


Based on the explanation above, according to the researcher, the

duolingo application is expected to help in developing students' vocabulary

and vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the researcher wants to conduct research

by utilizing the duolingo application to students English vocabulary mastery.

The framework of thinking in this study can be seen as follows:

Duolingo Application Vocabulary Mastery

2.3 Hypothesis

Based on the explanation of the frame of thinking above, the

researcher concluded that the hypothesis in this study was the influence of

using duolingo application media in toward studying English vocabulary

mastery. Thus the hypothesis in this study is;

HO: “There is no significant influence of using duolingo application toward

students’ English vocabulary Mastery of the eleventh grades in SMAN 1

Abung Kunang”.

Ha: “There is significant influence of using duolingo application toward

students’ English vocabulary Mastery of the eleventh grades in SMAN 1

Abung Kunang”


3.1 Research Method

Methodology in research includes quantitative research and qualitative

research. This research uses a quantitative approach because researcher will

test whether there is influence and offer solutions or innovations in learning

media that can be used to add insight to the world of education. This type of

research using experimental research and using a quasi experimental design

with pretest and postest. Based on Sugiyono (2022, p. 72) the method of

experimental research is used to find the effect of the treatment given in the

condition. In this research, there are two groups, namely the control class and

the experimental class. The control class is not given treatment, while the

experiment class is given treatment with the duolingo application. XI Natural

Science class 1 as the control class while XI Natural Science class 2 as the

experimental class. The design of the Quasi-Experimental using the

nonequivalent control group design is as follows:

Nonequivalent Control Group Design
O1 X O2
O3 O4

(Sugiyono 2022, p.79)


With the following information:

O1 = the pre-test for the experimental group

O2 = the posttest for experimental group

O3 = the pre-test for control group

O4 = the posttest for control group

When the research will be carried out, the researcher will provide an

understanding of vocabulary. After that, the researcher will give a pre-test to

find out the level of students' vocabulary mastery. In this study the

experimental class will be given treatment using the duolingo application,

while in the control class the researcher will not provide treatment using the

duolingo application.

3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling technique

3.2.1 Population
In this study, the population that will be used is the tenth grade students

of SMAN 1 Abung Kunang which includes three classes, namely as follows:



1. XI Natural Science 1 30

2. XI Natural Science 2 33

3. XI Social Science 31

Total of Students 94

Source: English Teacher at SMAN 1 Abung Kunang


Based on the data table above, in this study there are three classes

with a total of 94 students in eleventh grades at SMAN 1 Abung Kunang.

3.2.2 Sample

The sample is part of this research. Based on Sugiyono (2022, P.81)

Sample is part of the size and characteristics of the population. Respondents in

this study will use two classes, namely students in XI Natural Science Class 1

and XI Natural Science Class 2 at SMAN 1 Abung Kunang. With XI Natural

Science class 1 totaling 30 students’ as the control class will not be given

treatment using the duolingo application while XI Natural Science class 2

totaling 33 students’ as the experimental class will be given treatment using the

duolingo application.

3.2.3 Sampling Techniques

Sampling technique is a technique that will be used in sampling in

research. Sugiyono (2022, p.81) explained that the sampling technique in the

sampling technique is used in the research process which is useful for

determining samples in research. In this study, researcher used non-probability

sampling by choosing a purposive sampling technique. Sugiyono (2022, p.85)

explained that purposive sampling is a sampling technique that is carried out by

determining the sample based on certain considerations. So, the researcher

choose purposive sampling because of the consideration of the population

taken and the smaller sample size. The population of the two selected classes

both have low knowledge and understanding of vocabulary. The researcher

chose class XI natural science 1 as the control class and XI natural science 2 as

the experimental class for this study because the two classes were considered to

have the same characteristics in the two classes and the two classes had the

same low scores. Lack of vocabulary knowledge because students’ do not

understand and students' interest in learning English vocabulary is still low.

This is a consideration for researcher to choose a purposive sampling


3.3 Research Instrument Vocabulary Mastery

Research instruments are tools used in research to collect data to make

it easier for writers to make the results complete and systematic. The success of

the research is determined by the instrument used, because the data obtained to

answer research questions and test hypotheses is obtained through the

instrument. The instrument as a data collection tool must really be designed

and made in such a way as to produce empirical data as it is. Sugiyono (2022,

p.102) stated that a research instrument is a tool that will specifically measure a

research variable.

In this study, researchers only used two types of tests, namely a

multiple-choice test for vocabulary retention while a questionnaire for the

duolingo application research instrument, which follows the following:

1. Test

The test is the instrument that will be used in this study, the test that will

be used in the vocabulary research instrument is multiple choice. The use

of tests is expected to help produce appropriate data. There are 50 multiple

choice questions that will be used in collecting data through tests.


a. Conceptual Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery is an important part of learning a new

language. Vocabulary mastery is how much vocabulary students must

understand and learn, with students understanding vocabulary, this can

make it easier for students to communicate with teachers and native


b. Operational Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

Operationally vocabulary mastery is taking data by performing

various techniques. In this study data collection used tests, the tests used

were as many as 50 multiple choice test items, with aspects of noun,

adjectives, verbs, adverbs. Due to the provisions students choose the

correct answer from the questions that have been given. The types of test

with four options a, b, c, and d. One point score is given to every items

which is correctly answered and zero point is given to wrong answer.

S = N x100

S = the score of the test

R = the right answer

N = the total of the items

c. Specification Instrument of Vocabulary Mastery


Following are the specifications for students' vocabulary mastery

instruments, so a try out is carried out for the test.


Number Number of
No Aspect Variable Indicator
of Items Questions

1, 2, 5, 15,
Using 21, 22, 23,
1 Verb apropriate verb 11
Mastery 36, 37, 42,
in a sentence
3, 4, 6, 10,
Using 11, 12, 13,
2 Adjective apropriate verb 13
Mastery 20, 24, 26,
in a sentence
46, 48, 49.
7, 8, 14, 16,
Using 17, 19, 25,
3 Noun apropriate verb 14
Mastery 27, 31, 33,
in a sentence
35, 38, 40. 47

9, 18, 28, 29,

Using 30, 32, 34,
4 Adverb apropriate verb 12
Mastery 39, 41, 43,
in a sentence
44, 50.

Total 50



Number Number of
No Aspect Variable Indicator
of Items Questions

1, 2, 9, 11,
12, 14, 16,
Using 17, 20, 21,
1 Verb apropriate verb 20 24, 25, 26,
in a sentence 28, 29, 36,
37, 38, 39,

Using 3, 4, 6, 8, 10,
2 Adjective apropriate verb 10 13, 30, 33,
in a sentence 34, 35.

Using 5, 7, 15, 22,

3 Noun apropriate verb 5
Mastery 23.
in a sentence

Using 18, 19, 27,

4 Adverb apropriate verb 5
Mastery 31, 32.
in a sentence

Total 40

3.3.1 Validity Test

Validity is a measuring tool that will later be used to produce accurate

or valid data. Sugiyono (2022, p. 121) explains that a data will look valid or

accurate by using a measuring instrument where the instrument has been

measured with the right measuring instrument. To know the validity of

instrument on the aspect vocabulary mastery, the researcher will consultation


with the expert and the researcher choose Mrs. Elis Susanti, S.Pd., M.Pd and

Mr. Asep Hardiyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd as expert.

The validity of the instrument was calculated with formula point

biserial correlation. By using the following formula:

rpbis = =
Sₜ √ p

(Arikunto 2010, p. 79 )

rpbis : coefficient be serial point correlation

mp : mean, value from all subjects which answer correctly

mt : mean, total value (average value from the entire subject)

St : deviation standard

P : total subject was answer correctly that we look for the correlation

q : 1- p

This instrument can be said valid if the calculation of rpbis (rcount) is bigger

that rtable.

3.3.2 Reliability Test

Instrument reliability is a measuring tool that will be used after testing

the validity. Sugiyono (2022, p. 121) explains that a reliability instrument can

produce the same data when measuring the same object even though at

different times. This validity test uses a formula from kuder richardson-20

called the KR-20 formula (Arikunto, 2010 p.175) as follows:

r ii = ( k −1
) ( s −∑s pq )



r ii = reliability of instrument

k = number of item in the instrument

st = total variant

p = proportion of subject that answer right item (proportion of

subject that have score 1)

q = proportion of subject that get score 0 (q=1-p)

After knowing the result of the calculation by using formula above,

rcalculate is interpreted to rtable to find out how far the reliability of the instrument

in vocabulary mastery test. If robserved > rtable its mean that the instrument is


3.4 Try Out of Instrument

Before being used for the pre-test and post-test, the instrument will be

tried out to measure the validity and reliability. Then this trial will be carried

out at SMAN 1 Abung Barat, on the grounds that the school has the same level

as where the research was conducted. In conducting this trial the researcher

will use students’ class XI natural science 2 of SMAN 1 Abung Barat. Then,

the trial implementation will be carried out after the proposal seminar. During

the implementation, the researcher will first explain the vocabulary and its

parts of speech, namely verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Then the data

from the try out results will be used to test the validity and reliability.

3.5 Data Collecting Technique

One important component in this research is data collection techniques.

Data collection techniques in research are important because they can provide

clear information about the data needed. Data collection techniques that will be

used in this study are multiple choice tests. There are 50 multiple choice

questions pre-test and post-test on the vocabulary test.

The pre-test has given to the experimental class and control class before

being given treatment, this aims to determine students' initial understanding of

vocabulary. After giving the pre-test the researcher give treatment to the

experimental class to use the duolingo application learning media in the

vocabulary learning process.

However, the control class has not given any treatment. The experimental

class is given treatment in three meetings. Therefore, the researcher use two

classes, namely XI natural science 1 and XI natural science 2. The two classes

were taught by the researcher in six meetings which included pre-test and post-

test. At the first meeting the researchers also explained about the duolingo

application in the experimental class.

3.6 Data Analysis

Data analysis techniques in quantitative research usually use statistical

tests. Data analysis is a way of processing data into information with the aim of

explaining it so that the data can be understood. Data analysis technique begins

with the normality test and homogeneity test, then after the results of the data

are normally distributed and homogeneous, then a varametric test is carried out

using the t-test. as follows:

3.6.1 Normality Test

The normality test is carried out because it is to find out whether the

data obtained is normally distributed or not. Normality test is usually done

before testing the hypothesis by using the Lilliefors formula or using Excel.

The steps are:

a. Verify the row using this formula:

Ɀ i = xi – x

With the following information:

Zi = Number of raw

Xi = Data/Values

x = Average

S = Standard Deviation

b. The opportunities each number with the formula:

F ( ZI ) = P(Z ≤ Zi)

c. Verify proportion using this formula:

S (Zi) = Number Z1, Z2, …… Zn that ≤ Zi

d. Calculate the absolute price use formula: F ( Zi ) ─ S (Zi )

e. Verify the largest absolute value, Lo then compare Lo with Ltable


f. The normal criteria if Lobserved ˂ Ltable so, the group has normal


The hypotesis to be proved for normality test is as follow:

Ho = the data comes from a population with normal distribution

Ha = the data does not comes from a population with normal distribution

3.6.2 Homogenity Test

The homogeneity test is used to find out whether the data obtained is

homogeneous or not. The researcher will carry out a homogeneity test to

ensure that the population sample used is homogeneous, namely by calculating

the largest and smallest variances first so that you can find out whether the data

is homogeneous or not. Homogeneity test is carried out using the F test

formula, as follows:

Fobserved = The highest variance

The lowest vatiances

The steps are follows as:

a) Looking for the highest and lowest variance values

b) After that, compare the value of F observed with Ftable , with the following


 df numerator = n-1 ( for the biggest variances)

 df denomirator = n-1 (for the lowest variance)

 Significant Level (a) =0,5 then look at Ftable with the criteria:

 If Fobserved ≥ Ftable then the data obtained is not homogeny


 If Fobserved < Ftable then the data obtained is homogeny

Ho = there is no differences vaiant of experiment class and control class


Ha = there is difference variant of experiment class with control class

(not homogeny)

Ho = α2 experiment = α2 control

Ha = α2 experiment = α2 ≠ control

3.6.3 Hypothesis
The t-test is a data analysis procedure used to determine the

significance of the difference between students' vocabulary mastery using the

Duolingo application through the experimental class and students' vocabulary

mastery without using the duolingo application, namely through the control

class. Testing the t-test used by Sugiyono (2017:12) which is as follows:

t = x 1−x 2

√ s21 s22
n1 n2

With the following information:

t : t-test

x 1 : Average of experiment class

x 2 : Average of control class


s1 : Variant of the experiment class

s2 : Variant of control class

n1 : Total number of students in experiment class

n2 : Total number of students in control class

Testing criteria as follows:

If tobserved ≤ tctable means Ho is accepted

If tobserved ¿ ttable means Ho is rejected

The testing of experiment and control class is at significant (α) = 0,05.

Hypothesis to be proved is :

Ho = There is no significant of using duolingo application toward students

English vocabulary mastery of the eleventh grades in SMAN 1 Abung


Ha = There is significant influence of using duolingo application toward

students’ English vocabulary mastery of the eleventh grades in SMAN

1Abung Kunang.

Meanwhile the statistical hypothesis to be proved is :

Ho : μ1= μ2

Ha : μ1 ≠ μ


4.1 Research Result

In this research, the researcher first conducted a try out to determine

the validity and reliability of the instruments used in this research. A trial was

carried out regarding vocabulary mastery which was attended by 34 class

students XI Natural Sciences 2 at SMAN 1 Abung Barat on July 21 st 2023.

After that, a try out advanced was carried out on August 25 th 2023. After

having analyzed the instrument, the researcher found that there are 51 valid

and reliable instrument items. However, only 50 questions are used and 1

question is stored in the question bank.

IV.1.1 The Validity of Instrument

Validity is an important part in determining the quality of the

instruments used in each test given. Validity is carried out to measure the

question items, before the multiple choice test instrument is given to students.

Researchers first tested the validity of the instrument using a validation sheet

which was first consulted with experts.

In this instrument the researcher used expert judgment opinion for the

validity of the instrument, namely Mrs. Elis Susanti S.Pd., M.Pd and Mr. Asep

Hardiyanto S.Pd., M.Pd. Based on expert opinions, there are several

suggestions for changing and adapting the test instrument to the media used

and paying attention to the punctuation on the instrument. The notes given by

the expert judgment are in the first instrument, the expert asked to adapt the

instrument to the duolingo application media. In the second instrument

guidance, the expert asked to complete the sentences in numbers 10, 14, 16,

18, 19, 20, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 46. And in the

third instrument guidance, the expert asked to change the sentences in

instruments number 14, 20, 27, and 29. Meanwhile in instrument number 25

the expert asked to pay attention to punctuation.

IV.1.1.1 Validity of Instrument

In the validity test, researchers used the point biserial correlation

formula to test the validity of the instruments used. Based on the initial try out

test, there were 50 multiple choice questions test. But after testing there were

only 26 valid questions. Therefore, the researchers conducted a try out

advanced with 40 multiple choice questions. When tested for validity, there

were only 25 valid questions. So if a combine the initial try out and the try out

advanced there are 51 valid questions. Details of the validity test can be seen

in appendices 9 and 10.

Item Item Item Not
No Aspect Indicators
Number Valid Valid
1, 2, 5, 15,
Using apropriate 21, 22, 23, 1, 15, 23,
1 Verb 2, 5, 21, 22 36, 37, 42,
verb in a
36, 37, 42,
sentence 45
3, 4, 6, 10,
Using apropriate 11, 12, 13, 3, 6, 10,
2 Adjective 4, 20, 24,
adjective in a 11, 12, 13,
20, 24, 26, 26, 49
sentence 46, 48
46, 48, 49.
3 Noun Using apropriate 7, 8, 14, 16, 14, 16, 17, 7, 8, 31,
noun in a 17, 19, 25, 19, 25, 27, 35, 40, 47
sentence 27, 31, 33, 33, 38,

35, 38, 40.

9, 18, 28,
Using apropriate 18, 29, 30,
4 Adverb 29, 30, 32,
adverb in a 34, 39, 41, 9, 28, 32,
34, 39, 41,
sentence 43, 44, 50
43, 44, 50.
Total 50 26 24


Item Item Item Not

No Aspect Indicators
Number Valid Valid
1, 2, 9, 11,
12, 14, 16, 1, 12, 14,
Using apropriate 17, 20, 21, 16, 17, 24, 2, 9, 11,
1 Verb 24, 25, 26, 25, 26, 29, 20, 21, 28,
verb in a
sentence 28, 29, 36, 36, 38, 39, 37.
37, 38, 39, 40.
Using apropriate 3, 4, 6, 8,
2 Adjective 4, 8, 10, 13,
adjective in a 10, 13, 30, 3, 6, 33.
30, 34, 35.
sentence 33, 34, 35.
Using apropriate 5, 7, 15, 22,
3 Noun 5, 7, 15, 23. 22
noun in a
Using apropriate 18, 19, 27, 18, 27, 31,
4 Adverb 19
adverb in a
31, 32. 32
Total 40 25 15

Based on the suggestions given, researchers only used 50 questions as

a research tool. However, based on the table there are 51 valid questions.

However, the researcher did not use 1 valid question and will save it as a

question bank, namely question number 24 on try out advanced.


IV.1.1.2 Reliability of Instrument

After getting the validity test results. For the next step, a reliability test

is carried out. In this research, researchers used the Kuder Richardson formula

(KR-20). A summary of the results is as follows:


Observation Result
robserved 0.75
rtabel 0.34

Description The instrument is reliable

The calculation reliability test used by KR- 20 formula as follow :

r ii = ( k −1
) ( s −∑s pq )

rii = ( 50−1
) ( 30.7−8.29
30.7 )

= ( 5049 ) ( 22.41
30.7 )

= 0.75

Observation Result

robserved 0.85
rtabel 0.34

Description The instrument is reliable

The calculation reliability test advanced used by KR- 20 formula as follow :

r ii = ( k −1
) ( s −∑s pq )

rii = ( 40−1
) ( 41.7−7.24
41.7 )
= ( 4039 ) ( 34.46
41.7 )

= 0.85

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the test criteria for the

reliability instrument are robserved > rtable with a significance level of 5% and df =

32 then the result of the first try out is 0.75 > 0.34. Meanwhile, the result of

try out advanced are 0.85 > 0.34. Thus, it can be concluded that the instrument

used is reliable. Details of the reliability test can be seen in appendices 11 and


IV.1.2 Description of The Research Data

After testing using the validity and reliability of the instrument. Then

the researcher began to conduct research on the actual sample. With a total

sample of 63 students taken from classes XI Natural Science One and XI

Natural Science Two at SMAN 1 Abung Kunang.

IV.1.2.1 Result of Pre-test


After analyzing the validity and reliability test data of the research

instrument, a pre-test will then be carried out. The pre-test was carried out to

determine students' abilities before receiving treatment and whether the two

classes used had the same abilities or not. The pre-test was carried out on

Thursday in class XI Natural Science One and then the pre-test was carried out

on Tuesday in class XI Natural Science Two. This test consisted of 50

multiple choice questions. The duration of the questions was 60 minutes and

was attended by 33 experimental class students and 30 control class students.

The result of pre-test experiment class and control class can be seen as follow:

Experiment Control
No Interval Score Interval score
Class Class
1 20 – 26 10 20 – 26 9
2 27 – 33 6 27 – 33 9
3 34 – 40 9 34 – 40 6
4 41 – 47 5 41 – 47 2
5 48 – 54 0 48 – 54 3
6 55 – 61 3 55 – 61 1
Total 33 Total 30
Average 34.36 Average 33.13
The lowest score 20 The lowest score 20
The highest score 58 The highest score 60

Based on the table above, you can see the pre-test results in the

experimental class with students getting the highest score of 58 and the lowest

score of 20 and an average score of 34.36. Meanwhile, students who got the

highest score in the control class were 60 while the lowest score was 20 with

an average score of 33.13. Details of the pre-test experiment and control class

can be seen in appendices 3.

IV.1.2.2 Result of Post-test

After all the treatments are given, the researcher will then give a post-

test to the students. The post-test was given to determine the difference

between using the Duolingo application method and conventional methods.

The post-test was held on Thursday in class XI Natural Science 1 and then the

post-test was held on Tuesday in class XI Natural Science 2. This test

consisted of 50 multiple choice questions. The duration of the questions was

60 minutes and was attended by 33 experimental class students and 30 control

class students.


Experiment Control
No Interval Score Interval score
Class Class
1 32 – 41 5 22 – 30 5
2 42 – 51 5 31 – 39 11
3 52 – 61 7 40 – 48 8
4 62 – 71 5 49 - 57 3
5 72 – 81 8 58 – 66 1
6 82 – 91 3 67 – 75 2
Total 33 Total 30
Average 60.24 Average 40.26
The lowest score 32 The lowest score 22
The highest score 88 The highest score 72

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the post-test results

in the experimental class show the highest score of 88 and the lowest score of

32. Meanwhile, the post-test average in the experimental class is 60.24.

Meanwhile, the highest score in the control class was 72 and the lowest score

was 22. Furthermore, the post-test average in the control class was 40.26.

Details of the post-test experiment and control class can be seen in appendices


IV.1.3 Data Analysis

The final phase in this research is testing the hypothesis. To find out

whether a hypothesis is accepted or rejected, hypothesis testing is carried out.

There are three processes used to test data, namely normality test,

homogeneity test, and hypothesis test. Before testing the hypothesis, the

researcher first pays attention to whether the data obtained is normally

distributed and homogeneous, before testing the hypothesis.

IV.1.3.1 Normality of Pre-test

The normality test is used to determine whether the data obtained is

normally distributed. Therefore, researchers used the Liliefors formula in this

research. With the following test criteria Lobserved ˂ Ltable which means the

resulting data is normally distributed. The hypothesis to be proved for

normality test is as follows:

H0 = The data comes from a population with normmal distribution

Ha = The data does not comes from a population with normal distribution

The following normality test results in the experimental class and

control class can be seen in the table below:



Number of
Class Lobserved Ltable

Experiment 33 0.103 0.154

Control 30 0.150 0.161

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that from the two pre-

test results in the experimental class with L observed 0.103 < Ltable 0.154.

Meanwhile, in the control class Lobserved 0.150 < Ltable 0.161. Then it can be

concluded that both classes have a normal distribution. The results of the pre-

test normality test can be seen in appendix 13 and 14.

IV.1.3.2 Homogeneity of Pre-test

The homogeneity test is used to see whether the sample used is

homogeneous or not. In this study, researchers used the F test formula to

determine whether the data was homogeneous or not. Researchers use the F

test formula because it is based on the results of two samples, namely the

experimental class and the control class. With the following hypothesis:

H0 = There is no differences variant experiment class and control class

Ha = There is difference varian of experiment class with control class



Number of
Class Fcount Ftable Description
and Control 63 Students Homogenous
1.091 1.842

Fobserved = the highest variance

the lowest variance
Fobserved = 115.49

Fobserved = 1.091

Based on the results of calculations using the F test, from the two

samples used, it was found that the pre-test results F count 1.091 < Ftable 1.84.

Thus, the data generated from the experimental class and control class are

homogeneous, therefore H0 is accepted. The homogeneity test results can be

seen in appendix 15.

IV.1.3.3 Result of Hyphotesis test of Pre test

After obtaining normality and homogeneity results, the researcher will

then test the data using hypothesis testing, namely the T test formula. This is

to find out whether there are differences between the two classes or not.

Following are the results of the two classes:



Uraian Experiment Class Control Class

( X Ipa 2 ) ( X Ipa 1 )
Number of Sample 33 30
Average 34.36 33.13
Standard Deviation 10.29 10.75
Variance 105.8 115.4

The calculation of t-test is as follows:

t = x 1−x 2

√ s21 s22
n1 n2

t = 34.36 ─ 33.13

√ 105.8 115.4

t = 1.23
√ 3.20+3.84
t = 1.23
√ 704
t = 1.23

= 0.46

Based on the calculation results above, between the experimental class

and the control class, the calculated result was t observed 0.46. The results of the t

hypothesis test can be seen in appendix 16.



Significant level ttable

5% t(0,05)(61) = 1.999 0.46

Based on the table above, the conclusion that tobserved 0.46 < ttable 1.999

with a significance level 5%. So it can be concluded that H o is accepted and Ha

is rejected. Thus, it can be said that there is no significant influence of using

duolingo application toward students’ English vocabulary mastery of the

eleven grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang.


Acceptance Area of H0


-1.999 +1.999

Regional Acceptance of H0 With Significant Level of 5%

From the graphic above, with a significant level (α) = 0.05% and df =

63-2 is 61and get a value ttable 1.999. So tobserved 0.46 > ttable 1.999. It can be

concluded that tobserved is in the accepted area by H0. Therefore, H0 is aceepted

and Ha is rejected. Then it can be said that there is no significant influence of


using duolingo application toward students’ English vocabulary mastery of

the eleventh grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang.

IV.1.3.4 Normality of Post test

In this research, researchers used the Liliefors formula. With the

following test criteria Lobserved ˂ Ltable which means that the resulting data is

normally distributed. The hypothesis to be proven for the normality test is as


H0 = The data comes from a population with normal distribution

Ha = The data does not comes from a population with normal distribution.


Number of
Class Lobserved Ltable

Experiment 33 0.077 0.154

Control 30 0.117 0.161

Based on the table above, from the results of the post-test in both

classes, namely, in the experiment class is L observed 0.077 < Ltable 0.154 and in

the control class is Lobserved 0.117 < Ltable 0.161. so it can be concluded that both

classes have normal distribution. The results of the post-test normality test can

be seen in appendix 17 and 18.


IV.1.3.5 Homogeneity of Post test

The homogeneity test is used to see whether the resulting data is

distributed homogeneously or not. The formula used in the post-test is no

different from the pre-test, namely using the F-test formula. The criteria for

the homogeneity test are as follows:

H0 = There is no differences variant experiment class and control class

Ha = There is difference varian of experiment class with control class


Number of
Class Fcount Ftable Description
and Control 63 Students 1.798 1.842 Homogenous

Fobserved = the highest variance

the lowest variance
Fobserved = 278.18

Fobserved = 1.798

Based on the results of calculations using the F test, the post-test

results obtained from the two samples used are F count 1.798 < Ftable 1.842. Thus

the data generated from the experimental class and control class is

homogeneous and H0 is accepted. The homogeneity test results can be seen in

appendix 19.

IV.1.3.6 Result of Hyphotesis test of Post test

After obtaining the normality and homogeneity test results in the post-

test. then the researcher then carried out a hypothesis test using the t-test

formula. The following are the results of the post-test in the experimental class

and control class.


Uraian Experiment Class Control Class

( XI Ipa 2 ) ( X Ipa 1 )
Number of Sample 33 30
Average 60.24 40.26
Standard Deviation 16.67 12.43
Variance 278.1 154.6

The calculation of t-test is as follows:

t = x 1−x 2

√ s21 s22
n1 n2

t = 60.24 ─ 40.26

√ 278.1 154.6

t = 19.98
√ 8.42+5.15
t = 19.98

√ 13.57
t = 19.98

= 5.42
Based on the calculation results above between the experimental class

and the control class, the result of tobserved is 5.42. Hypothesis test results can be

seen in appendix 20.


Significant level ttable tobserved

5% t(0,05)(61) = 1.999 5.42

Based on the table above, can be explained that tobserved 5.42 > ttable

1.999 with significance level 5%. So it can be concluded that H o is rejected

dan Ha is accepted. Thus it can be said that there is significant influence of

using duolingo application toward student’s English vocabulary mastery of

the eleven grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang.

Acceptance Area of H0


-1.999 +1.999


Regional Acceptance of H0 With Significant Level of 5%

From the graphic above, with a significant level (α) = 0.05% and df =

63-2 is 61 and get a value t table 1.999. So tobserved 5.42 > ttable 1.999. it can be

concluded that tobserved is outside the area that is not accepted by H 0. Therefore,

H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Then it can be said that there is significant

influence of using duolingo application toward student’s English vocabulary

mastery of the eleventh grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang.

IV.1.4 The Learning Process Using Duolingo Application

The first meeting in the experimental class was held on Tuesday

August 29th 2023. At the first meeting the researchers first conducted a pre-test

which was attended by 33 students with a total of 50 multiple choice


In the second meeting which was held on Tuesday September 5 th 2023.

At this second meeting, the researcher gave directions to students to download

the Duolingo application, then register an account, and choose an English

course. Next, the teacher provides an explanation of the various types of

exercises in the duolingo application, namely vocabulary, pronunciation,

listening, translation, etc. These exercises must be passed in order for students

to move on to the next level. After all students have finished downloading and

registering on the application.

Next, the researcher will start using the duolingo application and

provide material to students according to what is stated in the application.


Then the researcher gave several exercises to see the development of students'

mastery of English vocabulary, where in these exercises there were adjectives,

adverbs, nouns and verbs. However, still pay attention to the placement of

adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs.

At the third meeting which was held on Tuesday september 12 th 2023.

At the third meeting, the researcher instructed students to reopen the duolingo

application, then the researcher gave directions to students to look at some of

the vocabulary contained in the application. Then the researcher asked

students to work on and translate several exercises available on the Duolingo

application via a projector.

Next, the researcher provided an explanation of adjectives, adverbs,

nouns and verbs along with examples, then the researcher also explained some

material that was not in the duolingo application. Then students are asked to

make a sentence from words found in the Duolingo application and material

that is not in the duolingo application, paying attention to the placement of

adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs.

The fourth meeting was held on Tuesday September 26 th 2023. In this

fourth meeting the researcher provided material and directed students to learn

using the Duolingo application. After that, the researcher gave the students a

test instrument consisting of 50 multiple choice questions.

IV.2 Discussion

This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Abung Kunang on Tuesdays

and Thursdays starting from august 29 th 2023 to October 5th 2023. The results

of the influence of using the duolingo application toward students' English

vocabulary mastery, it was concluded that the use of the duolingo application

had an effect on students' English vocabulary mastery. It was found that the

average post test score in the experimental class using the Duolingo

application was 60.24, while the post test score in the control class not using

the Duolingo application was 40.26. So it can be seen that the average score in

the experimental class is higher than the average score in the control class.

Research results from tcount 5.42 higher than ttable 1.999. Thus it can be

concluded that there is influence of using duolingo application toward student’

English vocabuary mastery of the eleventh grade in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang.

Based on the research results in class XI Natural Science 2 SMAN 1

Abung Kunang, it can be concluded that the use of the Duolingo application

has an influence on vocabulary mastery and students' understanding and

knowledge of vocabulary. This can be seen from the average pre-test score,

which is 34.36, while the average post-test score is 60.24, so it can be

concluded that there is an influence on the use of the Duolingo application.

There are differences in conditions between the two classes, namely

the experimental class and the control class. In the experimental class,

researchers provide treatment. However, before being introduced to the

Duolingo application, the majority of class XI Natural Science 2 students were

less interested in learning English. because students find English difficult to


learn. However, after being introduced to the Duolingo application, students

became interested in learning English through this application because this

application was made like playing a game. The duolingo application can

create a enjoyable and active class situation, and students can think and share

ideas with other students, and making students interested in learning English.

In this case, the Duolingo application can also be a friend in training students'

English vocabulary, because the features provided are interesting and varied.

It is supported by Sri redjeki indah and Muhajir, R (2020, p.393) explained

that all students enjoy learning English with duolingo application because it is

fun, very interesting, simple, modern and easy to use.

Using the Duolingo application has an effective impact on students as

a learning medium compared to using conventional learning. The Duolingo

application media can be used as a learning medium by teachers. Nursyamsiah

cited in Abin rais and Andas huzniati Netty (2022, p. 424) explained that the

duolingo application is an effective learning medium for learning vocabulary.

Apart from being creative and varied, this application media also offers

interesting features which can later be used in the English learning process.

Irawan ari, dkk (2020, p. 13) explained that using the duolingo application

media as a learning medium can create teaching and learning activities

become more creative and varied.

Then, the difference conditions in the control class was when the

researcher provided conventional learning materials. Researchers saw that

students felt bored and passive when learning took place, researchers also saw

that students were not interested in the material provided. However, there were

several students who were interested in the material provided.

As well as the difference in scores in the experimental class, the post-

test score was proven to be higher than the pre-test score. and the post test

score for the experimental class was higher than the control class. Therefore, it

can be said that there has been progress with the use of the Duolingo

application in students' mastery of English vocabulary in the experimental


Based on the explanation and results of the research, it can be

concluded that the duolingo application media can influence English

vocabulary mastery. From the research that has been carried out, it is

concluded that There is significant influence of using duolingo application

toward students’ English vocabulary mastery of the eleventh grades in SMAN

1 Abung Kunang”. With alternative hyphotesis is accepted.




Based on the analysis and results of the discussion previously

explained, it can be concluded that there is positive influence of using

duolingo application toward studentss’ English vocabulary mastery of the

eleventh grades in SMAN 1 Abung Kunang. This can be seen in the average

post test score in the experimental class of 60.24 and in the control class of

40.26. With the result of t-test is t observed 5.42 < ttable 1.999. Thus, it can be

concluded that the process of learning English using the Duolingo application

media has an effect on students' vocabulary mastery, compared to learning

using conventional media.


Based on the results of the discussion previously explained, the

researcher provides several recommendations for the parties involved in this


1. Teacher

Teachers are expected to be able to provide English language training

related to vocabulary mastery. Those who don't only use conventional

learning media, but can also use the Duolingo application media as a

learning method. Exercises are given so that students can understand

English learning, especially in mastering students' vocabulary.

2. Students

Students are expected to be able to use the Duolingo application media

not only in the school environment, but can also be used outside the

school environment. So this can help students master and understand

English vocabulary.


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