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Cihan university-arbil

Health technology
Dep-community health
Sub-psychology and mental health

Prepared by :Ahmad qasim

Supervised by :rozhan ali

Questions and answers

How does Freud’s Theory explain the role of

Unconscious thoughts and desires in human behavior?

Answer > According to Freud, the mind is divided into three parts: the conscious mind (our
immediate awareness), the preconscious mind (thoughts and feelings that can be brought
into consciousness), and the unconscious mind (thoughts, feelings, and desires that are
hidden from conscious awareness).

Freud argued that unconscious thoughts and desires, particularly those related to early
childhood experiences and repressed memories, influence our behavior and emotions.
These unconscious elements can give rise to conflicts and manifest as psychological
symptoms. Freud believed that unresolved unconscious conflicts could lead to various
mental disorders and emotional issues .

2- How does Adler’s concept of the “Inferiority Complex” differ from Freud’s idea about the
unconscious mind?

Answer >Adler's Inferiority Complex:

•Adler's theory focuses on the feelings of inferiority that individuals may experience, lead-
ing to a sense of inadequacy and a desire to compensate for these feelings.
•The inferiority complex drives individuals to strive for superiority and success as a way to
overcome their feelings of inferiority.

•Freud's Unconscious Mind:

- Freud's concept of the unconscious mind involves hidden thoughts, desires, and memo-
ries that influence behavior without conscious awareness.

(Adler emphasized social and environmental factors in the development of personality,

contrasting with Freud's emphasis on unconscious sexual and aggressive drives)
3- How does Jung's theory address the idea of introversion and extraversion in personality?
Answer >
1. Introversion

- Introverted individuals are primarily focused on their inner thoughts, feelings, and expe-
2. Extraversion
- Extraverted individuals are primarily focused on the external world and external stimuli.

4- Can you explain the concept of “basic anxiety” in Horney’s theory, and how it relate to
personal development?

Answer >There are three common ways individuals may cope with basic anxiety, accord-
ing to Horney
1. Moving Toward People (Compliance)
- Some individuals cope with basic anxiety by seeking approval, love, and acceptance
from others.
2. Moving Against People (Aggression)
- Others cope with basic anxiety by adopting an aggressive and domineering attitude
3. Moving Away from People (Detachment)
- Some individuals cope by becoming emotionally detached and distant from others.

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