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1st Scene

Nurse (April): Doc, the result is here.

Doctor (Aldrich): Thank you.

Count 12345

Doctor (Aldrich): Ms. Cruz the result is here…..

Patient (Missy): It is a good result, right Doc? I’m fine, I am very healthy Doc so please

Doctor (Aldrich): I am sad to say that you have a brain tumor (Count 123)

Doctor (Aldrich): Ms. Cruz, I understand this news is difficult to process and It's important to discuss this
with your family.

Patient (Missy): Thank you, Doc. I'll talk to my family right away

Doctor (Aldrich): But I will prescribe you some medicine at the moment and buy these medicine.

Patient (Missy): Yes Doc, I'll get the medicine as soon as possible.

Doctor (Aldrich): That's a good plan, Ms. Cruz. We'll be here to support you, take care.

Patient (Missy): Thank you, Doc. I will update you about my decision.


Ella: In this scene, we see the doctor providing information to the patient about the need for surgery.
The doctor also displays control in the situation to talk the situation with her family and obtaining the
prescribed medicine. Lastly, emotional expression by how the doctor tell the patient we are here to
support you

2nd Sccene
(Mogawas si Missy magkita sila ni Jestoni & Justin Lee)

Jestoni: Lily!

Missy: Ohh Jestoni! Justin Lee (Mag hi-five)

Justin Lee: Why are you here?

Missy: I just need to chec on something, you guys what are you doing here?

Jestoni: We are visiting our mother here.

Missy: ohhh sorry, send my regards to your mother!

Jestoni: Will do

Justin Lee & Jestoni: Bye

Missy: Bye

Ella: The 2nd scene shows the Social Interaction between acquaintances who unexpectedly cross paths
and exchange conversations.

3rd Scene
Missy: Let’s go

Lawrence: Yes maam


Missy: Mommy! (Crying)

Ella: Lily! ( Mag hug sila dayun ang papa nga si Justin kay mo hug pud sa duha) (Kadyot ra, then unhug

Missy: Dad, the doctor said I have a brain tumor….. and I need an emergency surgery.

Ella: Ohhh sweetheart you can do it, we are here for you, we will get through this together.

Justin: That is right Lily, you're not alone in this.

Missy: Thank you, Mom, Dad. Your support means everything to me.

Justin: We love you Lily


Aldrich: The last scene shows how the parents motivate there daughter that she is not alone and they
are togethere in this fight.

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