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Ej Sianne Bares

Written Work 1 in Science

____ __ _ _
____ Friction ____
_ _ _ _ _ __ _

Friction is a contact force that serves to slow down a

moving object or prevent motion altogether, it is always
parallel to the surfaces in contact and if the object is
moving, it is opposite the direction of motion. It may occur
between two solid objects and it may also occur between
solid and fluid or solid and air. For example, when you
want to move your closet and it is extremely hard to do so
and it is beacuse of the friction happening.

Friction happens/occurs because of the microscopic hills and

valleys a surface have, these hills and valleys can’t be seen
by our naked eyes, we can only see them through a
microscope and also because any surface of an object is
rough. Even the smooth surfaces have hills and valleys. When
two surfaces are in contact, the microscopic hills and valleys
of one surface sticks to the hill and valleys of the other
surface and that is what causes friction to happen.
Friction has some undesirable effects on us and some of
them are it causes the soles of our shoes to wear out
whenever were using them and in the industry, machine
parts always grind or collide against each other which
cause the machines to generate heat and resulting in
tremendous losses of energy and friction causes objects
to stop or slow down.

On the other hand, friction can also have beneficial

effects on us like, friction prevents us from falling or
slipping down when we try to walk because if friction
doesn’t exist whenever we try to stand and walk, we would
just slip and fall back down and it helps us keep the
position of an object steady and with friction, we are able
to grip and hold objects without dropping them.

Friction in our daily lives is very important as, friction

allows us to move around without slipping or sliding,
Without it, we would not be able to walk or even sit on a
chair without sliding off, it also allows us to stop moving
but applying a force that opposes our motion. For
example, when we are driving on a road and we see the
traffic lights go red, we are able to stop the car and let
other vehicles go first.

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