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Test#3 Duplicity | Tests

Each question = 1 points | Total = 12 points

A. Read the text and complete the text with the best answer A, B, C or D (8 points)

Joel was a boy who cared too much about appearances. He usually 1) his hair
cut every 6 weeks. He constantly shopped for the trendiest clothes and checked out fashion websites,
2) that a modelling scout might be around to discover him. His mates often made fun of
him and claimed that he was 3) the vainest person they know. However, he was also the
kindest and most generous boy they knew, 4) they wouldn’t have hung out with him. 5)
he been stupid and mean, they would have made more fun of him and played cruel pranks on him. In the
end, Joel 6) so much about his looks because he became a professional dog trainer.
In addition to this, as he got older, he refused 7) that he had spent so many hours
as a teenager worrying about his appearance. “I just remember 8) out on the high
street to eye up the girls,” he would say with a grin on his face.

1 had was having had had had got

2 hopes hoping to hope hopeless

3 by a long way far furthest significant

4 by that time finally in the end otherwise

5 Had If Were Whilst

6 didn’t care didn’t need to care needn’t have cared cared

7 admit admitting to admit having admitted

8 to hang hanging hung being hung

B. Read the text and complete each gap with one word. (4 points)

7) I find the most annoying is when people honk their horn while driving. People are so
impatient sometimes and behave as if their time is more precious than anyone else’s. I was once waiting
for an elderly man cross the street. I guess he wasn’t crossing fast 8) because the
driver behind me leaned on his horn. I wish I could 9) blown a horn in that driver’s
face. He was so rude! In the end, I just shouted 10) him, “What, should I run over
an elderly man because you have to wait 10 extra seconds?” That made him stop.

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Kids&Us 2020

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