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NIM : 2210255P

A. Make a list of 10 collocations and 10 Phrasal Verbs in Healthcare World along with
their meanings in Bahasa Indonesia.
10 collocations in healthcare world
No Collocations Meanings
1. A dull ache Sakit tumpul
A nagging ache Sakit yang menganggu
A muscular ache Sakit otot
2. Serious Disease Penyakit serius
Heart Disease Penyakit jantung
Eye Disease Penyakit mata
3. Emergency room Ruang gawat darurat
Recovery room Ruang pemulihan
Delivery room Ruang bersalin
4. Medical ward Ruang perawatan umum
Surgical ward Ruang perawatan bedah
Pediatric ward Ruang perawatan bayi
5. A nasty cough Batuk yang parah
A persistent cough Batuk terus menerus
Dry cough Batuk kering
6 Fatal Illness Penyakit fatal
Acute Illness Penyakit akut
Major Illness Penyakit utama
7 Good Health Kesehatan yang baik
General Health Kesehatan yang umum
Bad Health Kesehatan yang buruk
8 Constant pain Sakit terus menerus
Unbearable pain Rasa sakit yang taktertahan
A sudden pain Rasa sakit yang tiba-tiba
9 Medical care Perawatan medis
Wound care Perawatan luka
Intensive care Perawatan intensif
10 Prescribe medicine Resep obat
Take medicine Minum obat
Give someone medicine Memberikan obat

10 Phrasal Verbs in Healthcare World

1. To get over. Meaning : to recover
Untuk mengatasi artinya : sembuh
2. to come round. Meaning : to regain consciousness.
Untuk datang. Artinya : memperoleh kembali kesadaran.
3. To come with something. meaning : to begin to fell a little ill
Untuk datang artinya : mulai jatuh sakit
4. To shake off. meaning : to get rid of (illness)
Untuk melepaskan artinya : menyingkirkan penyakit
5. To cut down. meaning : to reduce
Untuk mengurangi artinya : mengurangi
6. To pass out. meaning : to faint to lose consciousness
Pingsan artinya : kehilangan kesadaran
7. To come round. meaning : to regain consciousness
Untuk datang artinya : sadar kembali
8. To figth off. meaning : to defend against (illness or infection)
Untuk melawan Artinya bertahan melawan (penyakit / infeksi)
9. To clog up. meaning : to block
Menyumbat artinya : menghalangi
10. To keel over. meaning : to fall over, especially when you feel unwell
Untuk terjungkal artinya : jatuh, merasa tidak enak badan
B. Tentukan Kela Kata (Part of speech) dari kata yang dicetak tebal.
1. Yourself = Pronoun
2. Left = Verb
3. To = Preposition
4. Breakfast = Noun
5. Heavy = Adjective
6. It = Pronoun
7. Very = Adverb
8. Oh = Interjection
9. There = Adverb
10. But = Conjunction

C. Temukanlah kelas kata Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Pronoun, Conjunction,

Preposition dan Interjection pada paragraph di bawah ini.

Noun : pleasure, comedies, Los Angeles Repertory Theatre, downtown Los Angeles, glance,
warehouse, art house, land, set, designer, Luke Smith, materials, tires, cans, forest, papier-
mâché trees, cardboard rocks, swing, branch, ensemble, actors, start, Hermia, man, love.
Verb : had, seeing, performed, looks, walking, transformed, created, expect, made, hangs,
isused, plays, told, marry, is in love.
Adjective : beloved, beautiful, industrial, magical, distinct, recycled, used, wonderful, in
Adverb : Recently, beautifully, completely, expect.
Pronoun : I, you, you, it, you.
Conjunction : but, than.
Preposition : of, at, in, from, out of, throughout, with.
Interjection : -

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