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Describing people 1 APPEARANCE What does he/she look like? Match the sentences and photos. She has curly ‘ksi! red hair She has long straight vei) haie. 1 She has big blue eyes loi! She has short blonde hair. He has a beard lind! and a moustache /ma'sta' He's bald ‘bos He's very tall and thin, He's medium height /hait/ and very slim. He's quite short and a bit overweight b @1.13 Listen and check. © Cover the phrases and look at the photos. Test yourself or a partner. D Using two adjectives together Adjectives go in this order: size — style + colour noun She has lang straight blonde hair. He has big brown eyes. thin or slim? fat or overweight? Thin and slim are both the opposite of fat, but slim = thin in an attractive way. Fat is not very polite. It is more polite to say someone is (a bit) overweight. handsome or beautiful? Handsome is used for men, beautifulis used for women and good-looking and attractive are used for both men and women, VOCABULARY BANK 2 PERSONALITY What's he / she like? a Match the adjectives to the definitions. clever /kleval friendly *frendli/ funny ani generous /dsenaras/ kind /kaind! lazy "lez shy (Jal talkative Ptoxkott Adjective Opposite 1 Aperson who is open and warm is friandll 2 Aperson who talks a lot is 3 A person who likes giving people things is 4 A person who is friendly and good to other people is 5 A person who doesn't want to work is, 6 Apperson who makes people laugh is 7 Apperson who is quick at learning and understanding things is 8 A person who can't talk easily to people he / she doesn't know is b Complete the Opposite column with an adjective from the list. extrovert /eksirovat) hard-working /haid ‘wakip quiet Pkwaist/- serious ’siarios! stupid /stjuspud unfriendly /an‘frendli unkind /an’kaind © @1.14 Listen and check. d_ Cover the adjectives and look at the defi adjective and its opposite. ions. Say the D What does she look like? What is she like? What does she look like? = Tell me about her appearance. (ls she tall / short? What colour hair does she have?) What is she like? = Tell me what kind of person she is. (is she friendly? Is she shy?) ACTIVATION In pairs, ask and answer questions about a member of your family or a good friend. ‘A What does your sister look ike? (B She's quite tall and she has short dark hat. A What's she ike? ) Ops Things you wear Match the words and photos. Clothes blouse ‘avs cardigan Pkardigon coat /kx dress jacket seks jeans siz leggings “ieamnz ylamas /pdsu:maz shire it Mi shorts ts skirt sks s0cks /soks suit sweater tights as top op tracksuit Prseks trousers "irauz Tshirt ight underwear /andawe cio! ynonym jumper) Footwear boots flip-flops Tip flops’ sandals /swendlz shoes (fusz trainers "treinaz Accessories bt /belt cap ‘keep gloves il scarf skarf tie fay Jewellery bracelet /breisiot earrings /iorin2 necklace /neklos ring ‘1 b @1.23 Listen and check. Cover the phrases and look at the photos. Test yourself or a partner. ACTIVATION Work with a partner. A say what someone in the class is wearing. B name the person. pao haat (he — VOCABULARY BANK zs wv . % 7 ‘D wear, carry, or dress? Use wear for clothes and jewellery / glasses, ete. She's wearing a hat. He's wearing sunglasses. Use carry for bags, cases, ete. I can't carry this case. She's carrying a bag. Use dress (with no object) to describe the kind of clothes people wear The Italians dress very well. Lucy always dresses in black a pair We often use a pair to talk about plural clothes, e.g. a pair of shoes, trainers, boots, jeans, trousers, etc. Holidays VOCABULARY BANK 1 PHRASES WITH GO 2 OTHER HOLIDAY PHRASES a Match the phrases and photos. a Complete the verb phrases. € book buy have hire hata’ rent spend stay sunbathe /sanbeid! take stay. ina hotel / ata ‘money (or time) ‘campsite / with friends an apartment photos a bicycle (r skis) souverits sunt a fight online on the beach (era hote) a good time b @2.7 Listen and check. D rent or hire? Rent and hire mean the same but we normally use rent for @ longer period of time, e.g. you rent a flat or an apartment, and hire for a short time, e.g. you hire skis, a bike, a boat, etc. With a car you can use hire or rent. ¢ Test yourself. Cover the verbs. Remember the phrases. 3 ADJECTIVES a Match the questions and answers. 1. What was the weather like? It was. 2. What was the hotel like? It was. 3 What was the town like? It was. 4. What were the people like? They were. comfortable, luxurious Elbasic, ditty, uncomfortable riendly, helpful luniriendly, unhelpful beautiful, lovely Elnoisy, crowded warm, sunny Elvery windy, foggy, cloudy b @2.8 Listen and check. D General postive and negative adjectives © rea, ovely, wonderful fantastic go abroad ‘sbraxd go away for the weekend go by bus (or car, plane, train) @ 0K not bad, al right 0 camping @ awh horible,terible go for a walk 0 on holiday Soauvarhighe ACTIVATION Talk to a partner. Which do you prefer? Why? ¥ go sightseeing "sass + going abroad or going on holiday in your country 90 skiing (or walking, cycling) + going by car, bus, plane, or tain 4g0 swimming (or sailing, surfing, fishing) + going to the beach or going to a city : + staying in @ hotel (or apartment) or going camping Bix essen and ene + sunbathing, going sightseeing, or going for walks * hot, sunny weather or cool, cloudy weather * going on holiday with friends or going with your family Opis © Cover the phrases and look at the photos. Test yourself or a partner. Prepositions 1 AT/IN/ ON a Complete the chart with at, in, or on. VOCABULARY BANK 2 VERBS + PREPOSITIONS a Complete the Prepositions column with a word from the list. buildings a shop, a museum closed spaces a park,, times of day the morning, the afternoon, the & acer evening 2 transport dates bike, abus, a train | 1st March apareente! | days Suesday, New Yeor's Day, Valentine's Day a surface the floor, a table, a shelf, the balcony, the roof, the wall 3 | places times Echool, home, work, | ‘lock, tniversity half past two, the airport, the | uarterto eight station, abus stop | right the weekend festival periods Christmas, Easter 4 b @2.10 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Look at the chart for a few minutes. Then test a partner. A Say a place or time word, 49. Madrid, Tuesday. B Close your books. Say the preposition (at, in, or on). Swap roles. Opis 2 3 18 Pla Time about (3) at fori) in(k2) of on(x2)_t003) with 1 | countries and cities | months Spain, Madrid | February, June Prepositions rooms seasons 1 | artived | Paris on Friday night. in the kitchen (the) winter ao | was very tired when | arrived |" the hotel. hate we ing | people who are late. ‘A What are you going to do at the weekend? B I don't know. It depends — the weather. {'m sorry, but | really don’t agree [il you. \ asked lil a chicken sandwich, but this is tuna! Please listen [ll what mm saying! Who's going to pay ll the meal? | need to speak (talk, write) I") Martin the meeting. | don’t spend much money li! food. Don't worry 1 the exam. It isn’t very hard. Do you believe |") ghosts? Youre not lster 3! What are you think ‘A What do you think "this painting? B | really lke it. think it's beautiful. Who does this bag belong |? DB artive in or arrive at? ‘We use arrive in + cities or countries and arrive at + buildings, stations, ete. b @: '3.7 Listen and check. ACTIVATION a Cover the Prepositions column. Say the sentences. b Ask and answer the que: ns with a partner. Use the correct prepositions. 1 Do you spend more _ clothes or technology? Why? 2 Ifyou're worried ___ something, who do you normally talk _? 5 6 Do you believe love at first sight? Why (not)? Do you belong any clubs or organizations? Which ones? How long are you prepared to wait friends when you've arranged to meet? Who do you think should pay ___the meal on a first date? Op.24 Housework, make or do? VOCABULARY BANK 1 HOUSEWORK a Match the verb phrases to the photos. + ety oS th foning shopping do the vacuuming (or hoovering) do the washing do the washing-up dust the furniture lay the table (opposite clear) load the dishwasher (opposite unload) make lunch (or dinner) make the bed pick up dirty clothes (from the floor) put away your clothes take out the rubbish tidy your room b @4.1 Listen and check. c Cover the phrases and look at the photos. Say the phrases. 2 MAKE OR DO? a Write make or do next to the photos. a mistake De eres ite % | housework ad spot iret R sein b @4.2 Listen and check. Cover the phrases and look at the photos. Say the phrases. ACTIVATION Test a partner. A say a noun from this page. B say the correct verb. Shopping 1 IN ASHOP OR STORE a Match the words and photos. basket 1 changing room (self-service) checkout customer receipt shelves [felv2/ (singular shetf shop assistant shopping bag the sales till trolley rol b @4.12 Listen and check. © Match the sentences. Can |help you? What size are you? Can | try on this shirt? This shirt doesn't fit me. That jacket really suits you! I'm going to take these trousers back. Yes, the changing rooms are over there, It's too big for me. You always look good in red, I'm just looking, thank you. I'm a medium. They're too short d_ @4.13 Listen and check. 2 ONLINE a Read the text about shopping online. Then complete the phrases with words from the list. account iSkavnt/ auction /o:kji basket "ba:skit! checkout fe! debit /debit/ delivery fdihva item faitom! next-day "nck payment /peimont/ website /websatt b @4.14 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Talk to a partner. Do you prefer buying things in ‘real’ shops or online? Why? ©p.2 VOCABULARY BANK All major chain stores and many other shops sell online, and a lot of people prefer 'goingtto thelr website than the actual shop. The first time you use a site, you usually have to “create an. ‘where you give your personal details. Then you choose what you want to buy, and *etick on each Everything you buy goes “in your usually at the top right of the page. When you are ready to pay you click on “proceed to *-You then have togive the ‘address where you want them to send your things. You can usually pay extra for” delivery — standard delivery is sometimes free. Then you choose how you want to pay for example ®with a credit or ‘card or with PayPal, and give your details, for example your credit card number and expiry date. Finally you confirm your payment and receive a reference number and a confirmation email. And then you wait! Many people also buy and sell things ontine at ®, sites like eBay. VOCABULARY BANK Describing a town or city 1 WHERE IS IT? HOW BIG IS IT? a Look at the map. Then read the description of York and(ircléithe correct words or phrases. York s2cxinssessah! anor OPK England, on the River Ouse / the coast. It’s about 25 miles east / west of Leeds.It'sa small / medium-sized / large city and thas apopulation of bout 200,000 It's famous forits cathedral, York Minster, and ts historic city centre. b @5.9 Listen and check. 2 WHAT'S IT LIKE? 3 WHAT IS THERE TO SEE? a Match the adjectives to sentences 1-6. a Put the words in the correct column. Opposite bridge fords) canal hainel/ gaetle "kal 5 boring “barn exci cathedral /kaizdral! church fff! city walls sui wale Baring department store (di'pa:tmont sto’ harbour "haba! hill /hil/ lake /eik! market mo:kit/ mosque /mosk) museum /mju'zitam ees eral palace ‘pelos’ cuins ‘rusinz! shopping centre (mall opin sents _ statue /ttfuz) synagogue /sinagog/ temple temp dangerous ‘deindsorov | town all tan ‘hs modern moxin Places where Others. = you can buy — ‘things polluted /palusti depart tdge 1 There are alot of bars and clubs with loud a 2 The airis very dirty 3. There are too many people. 4 The buildings were all built quite recently. 5 There's nothing to-do. 6 You have to be careful, especially at night. b Match these adjectives to their opposites in a. lean ‘kin’ empty Femptil exciting ik'sat historic /h'storik/ interesting /intrestin quiet "kwarat/ safe /seif b @5.11 Listen and check. © @510 Listen and check your answers to criarion Describe your nearest city in the same way as Yorkin 4. Choose three adjectives from 2 to describe it. d_ Cover the words and look at the Which of the places in 3 are there / aren't there in your city? sentences. Remember the adjectives and their opposites. Op4o Opposite verbs a Match the verbs and photos. Opposite arrive (early) isan break (your phone) buy (@ house) download (a song) find (your keys) forget (a name) lend (money to somebody) love (cooking) miss (a train) pass (an exam) pick up (somebody at the airport) 1 push (the door) send (an email) start (a race) teach (maths) turn on (the TV) win (@ match) b_ Find the opposite verbs in the list. Write them in the Opposite column. borrow (money from somebody) catch drop off fail finish get hate lose (x2) pull remember fepair sell tum off upload © @6.2 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Test a partner. A say a verb, B say the opposite. VOCABULARY BANK Verb forms VOCABULARY BANK 41 VERBS + INFINITIVE ~ 2 Complete the to + verb column with to + a verb from the list. be bring buy catch drive find getmarried go(x2) help pay 2 forget Don't forget | all the lights. 8 pretend He pretended ll ill, but he wasn’t really > 9 promise He's promised | me back when he gets a job. ‘11 start It was very cloudy and it started |. cs 7 14 would ike I'd like !”/ a new car next month, b @7.2 Listen and check. ’ ACTIVATION Cover the to + verb column. Say the sentences. ©pss 2 VERBS + GERUND (VERB + -ING) 2 Complete the gerund column with a verb from the list in the gerund. be cook do have make rain read talk tidy wakeup work gerund 1 enjoy | enjoy ll in bed. reading veal 2 finish Have you finished Il your room? 3 goon I want to go on until 'm70. 4 hate I hate I late when I'm meeting someone. 5 ike ike 1 breakfast in a café. ‘ 6 love Hove | early on a sunny morning, 7 mind | don't mind I the ironing, It's quite relaxing, 8 spend (time) ‘She spends hours |" on the phone. mt 9 start* Itstarted | at 5.30 in the morning. 10 stop Please stop || such a noise. | can't think 1 feel I don't feel ike I today. Let’s go out for lunch * start can be used with a gerund or inf b @766 Listen and check. ed F ACTIVATION Cover the gerund column. Say the sentences. DP opse ive, e.g, Itstarted raining, It started to rain. get VOCABULARY BANK Dat essinist inca iain Eek tinea hare nme igen enencandieea ieee Seine eect aber tence terion aah porn, geen wh a Match the phrases and pictures. get = become (+ adjective / past participle) get angry get divorced get fit get lost get married get nervous get ready get = become (+ comparative) get batter/ get worse get colder get = buy / obtain get a job get a newspaper get aticket get + preposition (phrasal verbs) get into (out of a car get on (off) a bus get on with (somebody) get up get (to) = arrive get home get to school get to work get = receive get an email (a text message) get a present get a prize b @8.11 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Cover the phrases and look at the pictures. Test yourself or a partner. Opes Confusing verbs VOCABULARY BANK a Match the verbs and photos. 2 wear carry jewellery abag clothes ababy amatch asalary amedal money aprize know meet somebody well somebody for the something first time at 11 o'clock 1 hope ‘hoor wait (vor that something fora bus, good will happen fora long time todo sth watch look at Ww a photo amatch aview look look like happy your mother about 25 years old a model miss lose the bus amatch aclass your glasses bring take your dictionary (to class) an umbrella (with you) sth back from holiday your children to school look for find your glasses your glasses ajob a job say tell sorry a joke hello alie something to sb somebody something lend borrow, money to sb money from sb hear ‘hi: listen to the doorbell the radio b_ @8.15 Listen and check. ‘D hope and expect hope = to want sth to happen, always for positive things, e.g. ! hope I'l pass ACTIVATION Work with a partner. ha eam Assay a verb, B say a possible ay ove expect = to think sth will happen, usually for a reason, e.g. | expect Il fail because | haven't worked very hard, A Wat.) (@ fora bus bring and take Please bring your dictionaries to class tomorrow = movement towards here Don't forget to take all your things when you leave = movement away from here Animals VOCABULARY BANK a Match the words and photos. Insects bee butterfly "bstfla fly Hi mosquito imo'skisa spider sp Farm animals bull chicken /sn gost (st Pig sheep Wild animals bat bird same ice deer ils (plural deer NOT deers) elephant lifnt siratfe kangaroo lion lao monkey ‘mouse ims! (plural mice) cabbit rc cat it snake fei tiger Sea animals ‘dolphin olf jellyfish sett shark ak whale we & bite and sting ‘Some insects sting (= inject venom into your skin), e.g. bees and wasps, and also some sea animals, e.g. jellyfish Other insects bite, e.g, mosquitoes and spiders, and also snakes and all animals with teeth b @9.2 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Cover the words and look at the photos. Test yourself or a partner. 77] Expressing movement VOCABULARY BANK @ Match the words and pictures. under the bridge nla along the street lo round (around) the lake /ravnd/ /a’ravnd) through the tunnel 0r 0 the shop int actoss the road ros aver the bridge /a0v0 up the steps paast the church ipa towards the lake ‘ood 1 down the steps (ln out of the shop a0! 9 PD across or through We use across to talk about movement from one side to the other 5 SLL of something which has ‘sides, ike a square, a street, ora river, e.g. He swam across the river. We use through to talk about movement from one side to the other but ‘in something’, e.. a forest, a tunnel, a crowd, eg, We walked through the crowds and reached the empty streets on the other side. b @10.3 Listen and check. D away and back ‘We use away to express movement to another place, e.g. Go away! | don’t want to speak to you. The man ran away when he saw the policeman. An ee We use back to express movement to the place where something or somebody was before, e.g. After dinner we went back to our hotel. Their dog ran away and never came back. Ey EN Ct ee AcTIVATION Cover the words and look at the pictures. Where did the woman and her dog go? (They went down the stops Opz7s Phrasal verbs VOCABULARY BANK a Match the sentences and pictures. ACTIVATION The match will be over at about §.30, My alarm goes off at six o'clock every morning, We set off for the airport at 6.30. I want to give up chocolate. Don’t throw away that letter! Turn down the music! I's very loud. Turn up the TV! can't hear. He looked up the words in a dictionary. Could you fill n this form? | want to find out about hotels in Madrid. It's bedtime ~ go and put on your pyjamas. Could you take of your boots, please? My sister's looking after Jimmy for me today. I'm really looking forward to the holidays. b @10.5 Listen and check. a Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Remember the phrasal verbs. b_ Look at these phrasal verbs from Files 1-10. Can you remember what they mean? check in for a fight) get up go away (for the weekend) go back (to work) G0 out ft night) sit down stand up wake up call back (ater) ‘drop off (somebody atthe airport) give back (something you've borrowed) pay back (money you've borrowed) pick up (something on the floor, somebody ‘rom the airport) put away (@.9, clothes in a cupboard) send back (something you don’t want) take back (something to a shop) take out (the rubbish) tryon (clothes) ‘turn off (the TV) turn on (the TV) write down (the words) go on (doing something) get on / off (a bus) get on with (@ person) look for (something you've lost) look round (a shop, city, museum) run out of (petra, printer ink) D Type 1 =no object The verb and the particle (on, up, ete) are never separated | get up at 730. Type 2 = + object The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) ‘can be separated Turn the TV on. OR Turn on the TV. Type 3 = + object The verb and the particle (on, up, etc) are never separated Look for your keys. NOT Look your keys for ps0 rd

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