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October 11, 2023
In compliance with DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2013
this advisory is issued not for endorsement per DO 28, s. 2001, but only for the
infomation of Elementary and Secondary Schools
ovisit region2. deped.


oF pro-ec`rs RDELC/RDREB
In reference to Regional Memorandum no. 10, series. 2023 dated January 5,
2023, entitled Regional Search for Best School lmplernertter Of Projects RDBLC and
RDNBB in DepEd Region 02 (12-Poirit Ethieal Vahoes/ Beha:vioral Sk±1ish, and Ftetronal
Memorandum no. 60, s. 2023, with the f£€Ze Addenczttm to RM no. JO, s. 2023 dated
February 21, 2023, this Office through the Curriculum and Ifarning Management
Division (CLMD), is pleased to inform the public on the guidelines on the submission
of SDO entries, the schedule for the validation of entries and the schedule of the
awarding ceremonies. (For detailed instructions, please refer to the attached

Travelling expenses of the participants during the awarding shall be charged

against available school/SDO local funds subject to the usual government
accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

Immediate dissemination of this Advisory is desired.

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}ELEA SET BENJouND./¥GAsphD,crsoln
Director IV/Regional Director //
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AAddress: Regional Government Center, Carig Sui., Tuguegarao City, 3500

Telephone l\los.: (078) 304-3855; (078) 396-9728
A. Submlsalon Guidelines for the Regioml Search for Best Scbool
Implemeater of Projects RDEI,C and RDNEB

In accordance with Regional Memorandum Nos. 10 and 60, Series 2023, each
Schools Division Office (SDO) is required to submit one (1) entry from an elementary
school and one (1) entry from a secondary school.

1. Order of Subml88loa: Each school entry must follow the speciried order of
criteria outlined in Regional Memorandum No. 10, Series 2023, which
includes an Executive Summary, Monthly Significant Accomplishments,
Impact of the Initiated Activities, RDELC/RDNEB Comer, and Division
lmplementation. Additionally, a Nomination Form and a Nomination Write-
Up, as detailed in the same memorandum, should be included.
2. Monthly Accompllchment8: DLL/DLP (Daily Lesson Legs/Daily Lesson
Plans) for all leaming areas as one of the Means of Verification (MOV) for
Monthly Accomplishments are not required. Instead, each school should
attach one sample DLL/DLP for each month from |January 2023 to October
2023. These samples should cover various leaming areas and grade levels.
However, during the validation process, it is essential to ensure that all
DLLs/DLPs for all grade levels and leaning areas are readily available in the
school principal's office or in a designated office within the school.
Additionally, please note that the action plan/implementation plan to be
submitted must outline activities to be executed until December 2023.
3. Additional Move: Schools rna.y include other essential MOVs not mentioned
in Regional Memorandum mos. 10 and 60, series 2023, provided they are
within the scope of their action or implementation plan.
4. RDELC/RDREB Corner: Schools must submit photo documentation and a
simple video documentation for the RDELC/RDNEB comer. The video
documentation should be submitted via a Goo8le Drive link, which will be
shared with the Esp supervisors. Each SDO will receive its unique Google
Drive link for uploading their video documentation.
5. Dlvi8ion lmplementatlon: Esp supervisors from each SDO should prepare
their MOVs separately, in accordance with the aforementioned memoranda.
These documents should be distinct from the school entry.
6. Packaging Options: Schools and SDOs have the flexibility to package or
organize their MOVs in loose, soft-bound, or hard-bound formats. It is
recommended that photocopies of the original documents be submitted.
However, if the school/SDO has a duplicate copy of the original documents,
they may choose to submit those instead.
7. Endorsement: The SD0 entries must be endorsed by the Schools Division
8. Submission Deadline: The deadline for thbpitting entsspg::figs;|REEm 'bgivr`€
NOvember3, 2023.ri 'r-`` -
9. Submission Methods: Schools and SDOs may choose to submit their entries
in person to the office of the Curriculum and Leaning Management Division
(CLMD) or through a courier service such as LBC and JRS. However, it is
imperative to ensure that all documents are received at the Regional Ofrice no
la.ter than November 3, 2023.

Address: Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500

Telephone l`los.: (078) 304-3855; (078) 396-9728
Emall Address: reE!
8. Schedule of the Validation of SD0 entries
1. Validation for all submitted entries will take place on November 8-10,
2. During the validation process, all the documents to be validated should
be made available at the principal's ofrice or in a designated office within the

C. Schedule of the Awarding Ceremony

1. The awarding ceremonies for the Regional Search for Best School
Implementer of Projects RDELC and RDNEB is scheduled on November 29,
2023, at 1:00 in the afternoon, immediately following the Year-end Program
Implementation Review of various Programs and Projects under the purview
of the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). A separate
memorandum will be released to provide detailed information on the venue of
the event.
2. Attendees at the awarding ceremonies shall include the school principal
of the nominated SDO entries, their school values coordinator, Division Esp
supervisor and CID Chief of each SDO.
3. The attire of attendees should be appropriate and fitting for the

FTepared by: Approved:

.... _ `=



EPS, Esp & Concurrent Filipino Chief ES, CLMD ,,

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