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Addi$onal Scenarios:

1) A2er exchanging gree$ngs with Mr. Marshal, he men$ons a recent breakthrough in

renewable energy. You reply …

a) That's fascina$ng. What does it b) Renewable energy? Can you explain

mean for the industry? more?

c) b. I read about it. Quite d) d. I always thought fossil fuels were

revolu$onary! more efficient.

2) Mrs. Johnson joins the conversa$on. You remember she recently presented a paper
on AI's role in engineering. You men$on …

a) a. I was impressed by your paper on b) c. What's your take on integra$ng AI

AI. in current civil engineering projects?
c) b. Wasn't it you who presented on d) d. I heard AI was just a buzzword.
AI in civil engineering? What's its actual role in our field?

3) Mr. Marshal speaks of a collabora$ve project between his company and a tech firm.
Curious to learn more, you ask …

a) a. Which tech firm are you b) c. Are there any challenges in this
collabora$ng with? joint project?
c) b. How does the collabora$on d) d. Is it about integra$ng 3D prin$ng
benefit your company? in mechanical processes?

4) When discussing her role at her company, Mrs. Johnson uses a lot of technical jargon.
Seeking clarifica$on, you inquire…

a) a. Can you elaborate on that a bit? b) c. How does that play out in day-to-
day tasks?
c) b. I'm not familiar with that term, d) d. Sounds complex! What led you to
can you explain? specialize in that?

5) A2er exchanging gree$ngs with Mr. Marshal, he men$ons a recent breakthrough in

renewable energy. You reply …

a) a. That’s fascina$ng. What does it b) c. How does that play out in day-to-
mean for the industry? day tasks?
c) b. I'm not familiar with that term, d) d. Sounds complex! What led you to
can you explain? specialize in that?
6) Mr. Marshal men$ons a recent collabora$on between his firm and a start-up. You're
curious about the nature of the collabora$on. You ask …

a) a. So, how's the weather there b) c. What was the main goal of your
collabora$on with the start-up?
c) b. Start-ups are risky, aren’t they? d) d. I love start-ups. Have you tried
their coffee?

7) Mrs. Johnson briefly discusses a challenging project she undertook. To show empathy
and interest, you reply …

a) Beaer you than me! b) c. That must have been quite

challenging. How did you manage?
c) b. Sounds tedious. Why even d) d. I never take on tough projects.

8) You want to know if Mr. Marshal aaended a recent interna$onal conference on

sustainable engineering. You ask …

a. a. Did you enjoy your last vaca$on? b. Have you heard about the recent
conference on sustainable

c. Weren't you at that boring d. d. I guess conferences aren't for

conference last month? everyone, right?

9) Mrs. Johnson speaks about an innova$ve solu$on her team came up with. To delve
deeper, you inquire …

a) Can you explain the process your b) So, what's for lunch?
team used to develop that solu$on?

c) b. I doubt that would work in the d) d. I've heard beaer ideas.

real world.

10) Your boss men$ons a recently concluded project. To show interest and gather more
informa$on, you ask …

a) Can you explain the process your b) How’d that project turn out?
team used to develop that solu$on?

c) What were the key takeaways from d) Was it completed on schedule?

that project?
Addi$onal Preposi$on Ques$ons:

1) Our company has a partnership ____________ a leading tech firm.

2) She specializes ____________ thermodynamics.

3) He presented his findings ____________ the global symposium last year.

4) The research was conducted ____________ a renowned university.

5) They are launching their product ____________ Asian markets next month.

6) She excels ____________ project management and coordina$on.

7) The team is working $relessly ____________ the upcoming deadline.

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